Middle Adulthood Test

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What is atherosclerosis?

A disease when plaque builds up in your arteries

Describe the experience of caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer disease

For family members who are caring for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, it can be emotionally and physically draining causing premature aging of the immune system and an increase in stress.

What is the invisible epidemic of late adulthood? Explain.

The invisible epidemic of late adulthood is substance abuse which often goes undetected in older adults. The consequences of alcohol abuse are often attributed to other conditions. There is also late-onset alcoholism which is often related to loneliness, loss of a spouse, or a disabling condition.

Compare and contrast the different theories of aging. Free Radical Theory

The metabolization of energy by cells creates free radicals. These free-radicals ricochet around the cell causing damage to cell structure and DNA. (this can look like/develop into cancer,arthritis). -Over eating can be linked to an increase in free-radicals -Calorie restriction can be linked to decrease in free-radicals.

What were the main 'take-aways' of the nun study video?

The primary 'take-aways' of the nun study video are if you keep both your mind and body active throughout life - even into late adulthood (simple exercises, knitting, puzzles, walking, etc.) then you will avoid the most detrimental diseases. The video showed that many of the nuns' brains after death had showed Alzheimer's disease, but they did not present with any of the symptoms while they were alive.

When does intelligence peak?

There is no specific time when intelligence peaks...it mostly depends on how you measure it.

Compare and contrast different theories of aging Mitochondrial Theory

This is aging due to the decay of the mitochondria. Free-radicals damage the mitochondria which can impair function, and create more free-radicals. This eventually leads to an inefficient mitochondria which can no longer meet cellular energy needs. -CVD, dementia, parkinsons, and decline liver function are all related to this.

Compare and contrast different theories of aging Hormonal Stress Theory Allostatic Load

This is aging of hormonal systems. Lower resistance to stress, increase likelihood of disease. -ALLOSTATIC LOAD: wearing down of body systems due to constant activity. Hormones are stimulated by stress, and remain elevated longer as we age. (this is also linked to risk for CVD, dance, diabetes, and hypertension.

What is activity theory?

This theory states that more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

Explain sensory development during late adulthood Vision

Visual acuity, color vision, and depth perception decline. Several diseases of the eye may also energy in aging adults (cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration).

Explain change in the different types of memory during late adulthood.

When it comes to memory, younger adults have better episodic memory than older adults and it takes them a bit longer to retrieve semantic memories. Their ability to retrieve very specific information like the name of their grandchild usually declines. We see the "tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon" more-so in older adults. Adults in late adulthood also have a decline in working memory, meaning they have an increase in distractibility - they have a harder time preventing irrelevant information from entering their working memory. Although a lot of decline in memory is seen during this stage of life, older adults still seem to have their implicit memory intact - their perceptual speed may be slower, but they are still able to do implicit tasks. (Examples of implicit memory would be riding a bike, typing, driving a car, making a bowl of cereal, etc.)

Compare and contrast love and marriage during young and middle adulthood

The fire of romantic love are strong in early adulthood -Physical attraction, romance, and passion are more important in new relationships of early adult hood Affectionate, companionate love increases during middle adulthood -Security, loyalty, and mature emotional interest is more important as relationships mature in middle adult hood

Middle adulthood is characterized by a balance of gains and losses. What does this mean? Give specific examples.

"A balance of gains and losses" is pretty self explanatory - it means that although someone may be facing losses, there are other aspects in their life that make up for those losses. Physical and biological processes decrease with age, but wealth, wisdom, and knowledge may continue to increase. An example could be a CEO who is middle-aged is starting to have issues with his heart (maybe he was really unhealthy in years past), but because of his stable occupation and assumed wealth, he is able to get the best medical help possible.

What does 'use it or lose it' mean?

'Use it or lose it' refers to cognitive function - if adults participate in intellectually engaging activities then they may be able to work against cognitive decline. Reducing cognitive activities predicts cognitive decline. Activities like reading daily have been linked to longevity in older adults.

What is the best method for preventing chronic disease? Do health behaviors in young adulthood affect health in middle adulthood? Provide evidence for your answer

- Development of cholesterol-lowering and hypertension-lowering drugs have significantly increased health and life expectancy -Exercise and weight control: Physical fitness in young adulthood negatively associated with risk of hypertension, diabetes, and hyperbolic syndrome in middle adulthood. Increased fitness over a seven year period also related to better cardiovascular health outcomes -Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

What are the leading causes of death during late adulthood? How do these differ from the leading causes during middle adulthood?

- In middle age, many deaths are caused by a single, readily identifiable condition, whereas in old age, death is more likely to result from the combined effects of several chronic conditions. - 60% of U.S. adults 65-74 years old (late adulthood) die of cancer or cardiovascular disease. However, more die from cancer, followed by cardiovascular disease. - For individuals 45 -64 years of age in the U.S., chronic diseases are the main causes of death. More individuals die of cancer, followed by cardiovascular disease. (same as late adulthood)

What demographic factors affect life expectancy in the US. Explain.

- Women begin to outnumber men starting I mid-30s - Social factors: health attitudes, habits, lifestyle, and occupation; associated with men's increased likelihood of dying from leading cause of death - Biological factors: women have more resistance to infections and degenerative diseases, estrogen and the extra X chromosome are protective

What demographic factors affect life expectancy in the US. Explain

- Women begin to outnumber men starting in mid-30s - Social factors: health attitudes, habits, lifestyle, and occupation; associated with men's increased likelihood of dying from leading cause of death - Biological factors: women have more resistance to infections and degenerative diseases, estrogen and the extra X chromosome are protective

Explain Midlife What is it characterized by?

-55 to 65 years old Characterized by: loss of parent, last child moving out, becoming a grandparent, preparing for retirement, experiencing health problems. - Losses begin to dominate gains

What are some of the studies involving fluid and crystallized intelligence?

-A cross-sectional study indicates that fluid intelligence peaks in early adulthood and then begins to decline and crystallized intelligence continues to grow until late adulthood. -A longitudinal study in Seattle indicates that middle age is a time of peak performance for both crystallized and some forms of fluid intelligence, however, processing speed and number were the only abilities that appeared to decrease beginning at early adulthood

Causes of death throughout lifespan Childhood

-Accidents -Illness

Explain accidents and their association with death in late adulthood

-Accidents are the 6th leading cause of deaths in older adult. -Falls are the leading cause of death of 65 years and older. -Most of these patients die because of the after infections such as pneumonia because their bodies and immune systems can no longer handle that.

Describe health in late adulthood

-Become more susceptible to diseases -Although physical impairment is present, they can still engage in everyday activities. -There is a strong link between low income and health problems.

Describe health in late adulthood.

-Become more susceptible to diseases -Although physical impairment is present, they can still engage in everyday activities. -There is a strong link between low income and health problems.

Causes of death throughout lifespan Infancy

-During birthing process -few days after birth -Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Forms of mourning

-Funerals (in the US, trend toward private funerals and public memorials); -Cultural practices - Examples: Amish = calm acceptance of death, high level of support provided to family for at lease a year, Judaism = graduated time periods, certain practices required by spouse and immediate family

Explain chronic diseases related to cardiovascular system, including metabolic syndrome

-Hypertension begins to appear in the 40s and 50s; rises sharply in women at menopause, remains higher than men throughout the rest of life -Increased accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) on artery walls --> atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries by a build up of plaque - leads to stroke, heart attacks, and peripheral vascular disease) Metabolic Syndrome: characterized by hypertension (blood pressure), obesity, and insulin resistance. Often leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes

Causes of death throughout lifespan Prenatal

-Miscarriage -Stillborn

Causes of death throughout lifespan Adolescence

-Motor Vehicle Accident -Suicide -Homicide

What are centenarians? Are there more men or female centenarians? Why?

-This is a person who lives to, or beyond the age 0f 100. -There are more women centenarians then men, although then men who are centenarians, are considered more healthy then the woman.

What is the Hispanic epidemiological paradox? What factors might account for the Hispanic epidemiological paradox?

-This is the paradox that US hispanics outlive non-hispanic whites, despite lower income and or education levels. -Factors that may account for this are the "sick" US hispanics have a higher rate of returning to their home counter when sick. Another factor is the ones who are here are the healthy ones and are expected to live longer which is what increases there life expectancy over the white non-hispanics.

Compare and contrast the young old and oldest old

-Young old: 65 to 84 years -Oldest old in considered 85 years and older -Losses in cognitive potential and ability to learn. -Increase in chronic stress -Prevalence of physical and mental disabilities -High levels of frailty, Increased loneliness -Difficulty of dying with dignity -This is mostly widowed females who may be living alone or institution -This being said, it may be better to characterize by function rather then chronological age.

Kubler-Ross Stages of Death

1. Denial and Isolation 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

How are personality traits associated with mortality?

A longitudinal study of more then 1,200 individuals across 7 decades revealed that the big 5 personality factor of conscientiousness predicted higher morality risk from childhood though adulthood

Explain and give examples of the midlife crisis. Are midlife crises common? When they occur, what triggers them?

A midlife crisis is a drastic life change. Mostly occur in the 40s. It is a decade of reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adult years. Not common, and are triggered by life events such as job loss, financial problems, or illness.

Explain rectangularization of the age distribution

Age distribution was in form of a pyramid; more young, less elderly. Now it's in form of a rectangle because amount of old and young are the same. -People having less children, living longer. It was created by health advances that promote longevity, low fertility rates, and the aging of the baby-boom cohort

Explain Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer disease: form of dementia progressive, irreversible brain disorder gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language - eventually, physical function causes include: -deficiency in acetylcholine (which plays an important role in memory) -brain shrinks and deteriorates due to amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles -oxidative stress risk factors - age and genetics treatment: cholinesterase inhibitors which increase levels of acetylcholine, improve memory and other cognitive functions, slows progression but does not treat the cause

Explain Active euthanasia

Assisted suicide

Compare and contrast different theories of aging Evolution Theory of Aging

Benefits conferred by evolutionary selection decrease with age

Explain and give examples of Chronic Disorders and the gender differences between the disorders

Chronic disorders are slow, onset and long duration and are rare in early adulthood, increases in middle adulthood and common in late adulthood. Examples: Arthritis and Hypertension (high blood pressure). Gender diff: Males=fatal disorders (cornorary heart, cancer, stroke) Females=nonfatal (arthritis, varicose veins or twisted veins)

How does cognitive functioning change during late adulthood?

Cognitive functioning changes during late adulthood in that there is a decline in speed of processing. Speed of processing is basically how quickly a person is able to carry out simple or automatic cognitive tasks. This is due to the decline in brain and CNS functioning. Even though this decline in speed of processing is seen during this stage of life, there is considerable individual variation and accumulated knowledge may compensate. Also, it was found that after six months of aerobic exercise, speed of processing had increased.

Why are there more centenarians in Okinawa, Japan than the US?

Contributing factors are the Diet- they are heavy on grains, fish, and veggies. Light on meat, eggs, and dairy. They also have low-stress lifestyles, a caring community, and activity.

What are telomeres? How do they play a role in aging?

DNA sequences at tips of chromosomes, these are what divide and become shorter each division. These telomeres become shorter at each division. They play a role in aging in which humans who have longer telomeres age better. (It is said that centenarians have longer telomeres)

What is the mature way of thinking of death?

Death is final and irreversible, represents the end of life, all living things will die

Explain Dementia

Dementia: neurological disorder primary symptoms are deterioration of mental functioning - lose ability to care for themselves, may become unable to recognize familiar surroundings/people

What is Empty nest syndrome and refilling of the nest?

Empty nest syndrome: is a decrease in marital satisfaction after children leave the home, because parents derive considerable satisfaction from their children. Refilling of empty nest is a common occurrence which is when parents and kids move back in, results in a loss of privacy

Explain associations between exercise, calorie restriction, and longevity/health.

Exercising regularly is said to: -Increase longevity -Prevent chronic diseases -Improve the treatment of diseases -Improve cellular function (longer telomere length) -Improve immune functioning -Reduce decline in motor skills -Reduces likelihood of mental health issues -Improves brain and cognitive functioning Calorie restriction is said to: -Reduce free-radicals and oxidative stress

Explain expertise and how experts differ from novices.

Expertise is defined as having extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain. Experts differ from novices in that they 1. rely on accumulated experience to solve problems, 2. process information related to expertise automatically and more efficiently, 3. have better strategies and shortcuts to solving problems in domain of expertise, and 4. are more creative and flexible in problem solving within their domain of expertise.

Explain the controversy over vitamins and aging

For many years, healthy diet and activity were what was prescribed for aging, there sis now research that supports vitamin supplements that are antioxidants. Some of these are Vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene. These are supposed to help slowing the gaining process and improve health. These antioxidants are supposed to counter act some of the free radicals which are produced by the bodies own metabolism

Concepts toward death: Adulthood

Increase in consciousness may stem from awareness of aging

Compare and contrast the concepts of lifespan and life expectancy. Where does the US rank compared to other countries

Life Span: the maximum number of years an individual can live Life Expectancy: Number of years the average person in a certain year will live -This is currently about 78. -The U.S. Ranks 5th in the world after Monaco(90). -The lowest rate is in 4 African countires (remember this also factors in infant deaths).

What is life review?

Life review is looking back at life experiences - evaluating, interpreting, and reinterpreting. There is potential for revision or expanded understanding which can lead to a new meaning to life

Concepts towards death: Pre-School

Little/no idea of what death means, dead can be brought back to life by magic or food/treatment

Explain brain development in late adulthood (i.e., loss and gain).

Loss: the brain decreases in weight and volume from age 20 to age 90 due to the decrease in dendrites and damage to myelin sheath. There is also the shrinking of the prefrontal cortex which is linked to decrease in working memory and cognitive activities in older adults. Lastly, there is the reduction of some neurotransmitters. Gain: the activities that older adults engage in might actually influence brain development - neurogenesis and dendritic growth are likely to occur.

Explain and apply grandparenting and related concepts

Many people become grandparents for the first time in middle adulthood. Meaning of being a grandparent: biological role and continuity, emotional self-fulfillment, remote role.

Explain the concept of middle adulthood. How and why has it changed since the 1800s

Middle adulthood is a time where most adults have the desire to contribute something to the next generation. It is a period where individuals see a gradual and slow change physically and cognitively. Middle adulthood has changed since the 1800s because the life expectancy has gone up quite a bit - I assume because of modern medicine. In the 1900s, the life expectancy was only 47 years old and today its around 78 years old.

Concepts towards death: Adolescence

More realistic perceptions, around 9 years of age children view death as universal and irreversible

Concepts towards death: School aged

More realistic perceptions, around 9 years of age children view death as universal and irreversible

Explain sensory development during late adulthood Hearing

Most older adults either don't recognize this or or deny that they have a hearing problem. Those who are much older in their 70's and older are more likely to experience a major decline in hearing loss

Explain sensory development during late adulthood Smell and Taste

Most older adults loose some of their smell or taste and sometimes both. these losses often begin around 60. 80 years or older is when they begin to see the majority have a significant reduction

Concepts towards death: Infancy

Not even a rudimentary concept of death but can experiences loss and anxiety

Explain sensory development during late adulthood Touch and Pain

One study showed that again individuals could detect less in their lower extremities than in upper. For most older adults though, a decline in touch and sensitivity in not a problem. Older adults may also be less sensitive to pain which can help in their pain, but can also mask an injury

Explain osteoporosis and arthritis, including risk factors and treatment.

Osteoperosis: extensive loss of bone tissue Risk Factors: 80% of cases occur in females, 2/3 of all women over the age of 60, most common in non-Latina, White, thin and small-framed women, caused by a deficiency in calcium, Vitamin D, estrogen, and lack of exercise Treatment: eat foods rich in calcium and get more exercise Arthritis: inflammation of the joints accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems (can affect hips, knees, ankles, fingers, and vertebrae) Risk Factors: common in older adults Treatment: No known cure Symptom reduction: drugs such as aspirin, range-of-motion exercises, weight reduction, replacement of crippled joint with prosthesis

Explain Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease: form of dementia -chronic and progressive -characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement and partial face paralysis -due to the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain Treatment: during early stages drugs can be administered that enhance the effect of dopamine; in later stages L-dopa is given to convert into dopamine by the brain

Explain passive euthanasia

Person is allowed to die by withholding treatment

Explain examples of physical changes in Middle Adulthood Is it characterized by Uniformity or variability and why?

Physical changes: Presbyopia (vision and hearing decline) occurs, meaning lens of eyes is slower to adapt. Ability to hear high pitched sounds declines in men. Bone loss begins at age 40 which may result in osteoperosis. Women begin to experience menopause (the male equivilant of which is called climacteric)

What did Rodin and Langer (1977) find in their study of older adults in a nursing home?

Rodin & Langer created two groups of older adults in a nursing home and with Group 1, they encouraged the adults to make more day-to-day choices, while with Group 2, they told how much the staff wanted to help and presented no opportunity for them to have more control over their lives. After 18 months, adults from Group 1 had become more alert and active, happier, had better improvement in health, and only half as many had died as in Group 2.

Characterize sexuality during late adulthood

Sexual performance changes occurs more often in the male. Orgasm become less frequent in males with age(occurring in every second or third attempt, rather then the first). In all of the studies it was reported that sexual relations continued to happen at least 2 to 3 times a month

Compare and contrast sibling relationships and friendships (textbook only) during middle adulthood.

Sibling relationships may be extremely close, apathetic or highly rivalrous. Majority are close, especially if they were close in childhood. Rare for closeness to develop for the in adulthood.Friendships continue to be important in middle adulthood as they were in early adulthood. It takes time to develop intimate friendships, so friendships that have endured over the adult years are often deeper than those that have just been formed in meddle adulthood

Explain the seventh stage of Erikson's psycho social theory. Give examples of adults on each side of the conflict

Stage: Genertivity VS. Stagnation -Generativity versus stagnation is the seventh stage of Erikson's theory. This stage takes place during middle adulthood between the ages of approximately 40 and 65. During this time, adults strive to create or nurture things that will outlast them; often by having children or contributing to positive changes that benefits other people. Stagnation refers to the failure to find a way to contribute. these individuals may feel diconneceted or uninvolved with their community and with society as a whole. -A generativist adult would be happy with the legacy they have left for the next generation, A stagnate adult would feel as if life is passing them by

Explain stress (including gender differences) during middle adulthood.

Stress: middle aged adults experience more "overload" stressors that involve juggling too many activities at once. Men=fight or flight: they become aggressive, socially withdraw, or drink alcohol. Women=tend and befriend: they see social alliances with others, especially female friends

Explain wisdom. How does wisdom differ from general expertise?

Wisdom is expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life and permits excellent judgement about important matters. Individuals with wisdom are more likely to consider welfare of others than to focus on own happiness.

Causes of death throughout lifespan Adulthood

Younger adults: accidents older adults: chronic diseases

What is fluid intelligence?

ability to reason abstractly and includes working memory, processing speed, visual-spatial reasoning (example: intelligence that is always changing)

What is crystallized intelligence?

accumulated information and verbal skill and includes vocabulary and semantic knowledge about the world (example: using previous knowledge in a new class)

Grieving Dimensions

pining, seperation anxiety, despair and sadness

Compare and contrast the different theories of aging. Cellular Clock Theory

this is where cells can divide a max of 75-80 times. As we age the cells are less compatible of dividing. Telomeres-DNA sequences at tips of chromosomes, these are what divide and become shorter each division. These telomeres become shorter at each division. (healthy centenarians have longer telomeres).

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