Middle Ages Quiz

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As the first crusade began, Pope urban II promised the people that ? A. the sins of anyone killed on the crusade would instantly be forgiving B. those who fought would be well paid C. those who fought would be given a tittle D. no one who participated int he crusade would be killed


Europe became a feudal society with castles because? A. Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions B. Overpopulation required a more efficient agricultural system C. Skilled craftsman created the desire for towns D. The pope mandated a feudal system


Spains two strongest kingdoms , Castile and Aragon, were united when . A. Isabella married Ferdinand B. The Jews were expelled C. Prince Aragon died D. The mongols invaded Spain


The Black Death was brought to Europe in 1347 by ? A. Merchant ships traveling from the Black Sea to Sicily B. Soldiers returning home from the Crusades C. Flea-infested rats that swam across the Mediterranean D. Chronic malnourishment caused by the Great Famine


The Inquisition was A. The court created by the Catholic Church to find and try heretics B. A ruthless group of nuns who enjoyed torture and execution C. Remarkable effective in its hunt for heretics because no one expected it D An organization whose hidden purpose was to increase the political power of the Catholic church


Which of the following was a result of the Crusades? A. The breakdown of feudalism B. The rise of the byzantine Empire C. The expulsion of the muslims from the holy land D. improved rations with the jews


Who inspired the French to victory in the 1400s A. Joan of Arc B. Eleanor of Aquitaine C. Hildegard of Bingen D. Marie Antoinette


After the fall of Rome, This political and economic system was implemented A. fiefs B. Feudalism C. Serfdom D. Slavery


Guilds could do all of the following except ? A. Set standards of quality for manufactured goods B. Administer justice on behalf of the city government C. Determine the prices at which members had to sell their goods. D. Regulate the entry of new workers into their group


Land granted by a lord to a vassal is called a? A. Fief B. Manor C. Plot D. Acre


Lay investiture was a practice by which A. craftsmen joined the church B. Secular rulers both chose nominees to church offices and gave them the symbols of their office. C. merchants invested in Chineses porcelain for the purpose of making a profit D. Guilds detained the maximum and minimum prices that could be charged for certain goods of services


Lords relied on knights to ? A. Trade good at market B. Protect the land C. Run the manors


The Magna Carta was a document that ? A. Established peace between the Normans and The French B. Eventually was used to strengthen the idea that a monarchs power was limited , not absolute C. Conceded power over the courts to the Roman Catholic Church D. Established the idea that the Popes authority was superior to the kings authority


The church considered heretics to be thise who ? A. lead lives of luxury B. Refuse to pay church taxes. C. Disagree with church teachings D. live in solitude


The phenomenon characterized by colder temperatures and a long period of torrential rains during the early fourteenth century is known as? A. The great Famine B. The little Ice Age C. The black Death D. The great schism


The popes influence in the Middle Ages resulted from A. The economic influence of the Papal States. B. The fact that nearly everyone in Europe was Christian C. The powerful army loyal to the pope D. The pope was also king


The serf was? A. free peasant who owned the land B. Not allowed to leave the manor on which he was born C. A freed slave D. A tenant farmer


To a sieve his political ends, Pope innocent III often used an interdict which ? A. allowed the pope to choose a kings successor B. Prohibited priests from giving the sacraments of the church to a particular group of people C. Forbade certain groups from having children D. Declared a holy war against the enemies of the church.


What conflict led to the Hundred Years war? A. whether or not churches should be taxed B. fights over land holdings and who was the rightful heir to the French throng . C. Invasion by Muslim Armies D. Invasions by the Danes


What event marks the beginning of the Middle Ages? A. The invasion of the first Germanic Tribe B. The fall of the roman Empire C. The invention of the printing press D. The formation of the nation state


Which countries engaged in the Hundred Years War? A. Germany and Italy B. England and France C. France and Germany D. England and Germany


One who served the lords, was called a? A. Monarch B. Emperor C. Vassal D. Fief


Removing him from the fellowship of the church A. Usury B. heresy c. Excommunication D. Bartering


The chief aim of ___________ was to harmonize Christian teaching with the works of Greek philosophers A. Saint Francis of Assisi B. The chanson de geste C. Scholasticism D. Theology


The civil war between nobles in England who sought to control the Monarchy after the Hundred Years war is known as the ? A. War of the Magnolias B. War of the Franks C. War of the Roses D. War of the England


The code of honor that knights were expected to follow is called? A. Magna Carta B. knight code C. Chivalry D. Feudalism


The great Schism began in 1378 when ? A. King Phillip tried to capture Boniface VIII and bring him to trials B. France declared war on Italy C. A group of French cardinals who opposed the election of an Italian pope elected a. second pope D. The popes decided to live in Avignon rather than Rome


The majority of people that lived in the Middle Ages under the feudal system were A. Soldiers who fought invaders B. Nobles that owned land C. Peasants that worked as farmers D. Merchants that lived in the cities.


The merchants and tradesmen of Medieval towns became known as the A. Vassals B. Upper class C. Bourgeoisie D. Serfs


The self-contained farming community controlled by a lord and farmed by serfs was called a ? A. Demesne B. Fief C. Manor D. Vassal


What are Relics A. something made by a human B. A collection of artifacts C. Remains of saints worshipped and believed to be supernatural D. Penance offered by the people for sins


What are two beliefs that the Eastern and Western Churches were divided over? A. Who was the founder of the church & who sent the Holy Spirit B. Who could say mass and what language mass was to be said in C. Who sent the Holy Spirit and whether communion was literal or representative D. Who would be the pope and which country would be most influential


What is the concordat of worms ? A. The end of the conflict between France and England B. the end of the crusades C. Agreement that ended the power struggle between the pope & holy roman emperor D Agreement between the eastern and western Church


Which of the following was not a result of the Black Death ? A. Normal life broke down B. People began to lose faith in the church C. The revolution began D. The economy suffered


Which of the following was not a result of the hundred years war A. Feudalism B. Nationalism developed in England and France C. the monarchy declined in France D. England became involved in a civil war


Why did the food supply increase in Europe during the Middle Ages? A. life expectancy decreased B. There were more laborers to farm C. The three field crop rotation system was developed D. Summers became milder


How did Queen Isabella and the Inquisition affect Religion in Spain A. Isabella converted to islam when she realized the majority of her B. Isabella brought about an age of tolerating in Spain after the Muslim Empire was pushed back C. Christians were kicked out of Spain and those who stayed were under religious persecution D. Non- Christians were kicked out of Spain or forced to convert to Catholicism


The language used in the Roman Catholic Church and the universities was A. English B. Greek C. Hebrew D. Latin


The time period between ancient and modern times is known as A. The dark Ages B. The Middle Ages C. The Medieval Times D. All of the above


The time period in which more than one pope claimed supremacy is called the ? A. Babylonian Captivity B. Golden Bull C. War of the Roses D. Great Schism


Trading without the use of money? A. Usury B. Heresy C. Excommunication D. Bartering


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