midterm 2

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A UN Development Program report on the 1990s stated that no fewer than __________ developing or "in transition" countries had experienced serious economic decline over the previous three decades.


In what decade did terrorism become a transnational phenomenon?


The Torrey Canyon disaster occurred in __________ and helped to call attention to __________.

1967 . . . the danger of oil tanker wrecks

The United Nation's Millennium Development Goals are to be/were achieved by


__________ is often connected with the concept of "economic liberalism."

Adam Smith

Who was the Secretary-General of the UN who outlined a more ambitious agenda for the UN in his An Agenda for Peace (1992)?

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

GATT, IBRD, and the IMF were the three institutions of what post-Second World War system?

Bretton Woods

The idea that war should be a means to an end is commonly associated with which writer?

Carl von Clausewitz

The population of India is expected to exceed that of __________ by 2050.


The Rio Earth Summit (1992) led to the establishment of which convention?

Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC)

__________ preceded the start of the Great Depression in 1929.

Increased tariffs

Some liberal internationalists believe that to build international society middle powers should embrace a __________ view of national priorities and interests.

Kantian or normative

The immediate predecessor organization to the UN was the

League of Nations.

Recent decisions by the UN Security Council have treated gross violations of human rights by sovereign states as threats to international peace and security. In 2011 this was the basis for foreign military intervention in which African country?


What was the name of the US-led and funded plan for reconstructing post-war Europe?

Marshall Plan

When did India and Pakistan cross the so-called nuclear threshold?

May 1998

Time-limited, quantifiable targets across eight areas, including poverty, health, gender, education, environment, and development are known as

Millennium Development Goals

__________ is the process by which states act together to solve common problems.


__________ are a type of participant in global politics that is neither acting in the name of government nor created and served by government.

Nongovernmental actors

The last Trust Territory to gain independence in 1994 was


According to the text, what was an adverse effect of the "Green Revolution"?

Peasants lost their land because their labor was no longer needed

A country-level reform of the UN programs was to strengthen the role of the

Resident Coordinator.

The UN declaration that asserts that there is a moral obligation for states to intervene in other states that violate human rights is part of

Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

States reconsidered who could be classified as a refugee following the

Second World War.

What 1960s book highlighted the damage inflicted upon avian species by industrial pesticides like DDT?

Silent Spring

What catchphrase informed the strategies of the IMF and World Bank and, importantly, through the Uruguay Round of trade discussions carried out under the auspices of GATT?

There Is No Alternative

What 1992 treaty envisaged the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and their removal by carbon sequestration?


Which organization shifted its focus from reconstruction to development in 1947?

World Bank

According to the text, nuclear globalization caused

a regionally differentiated world.

Local peculiarities have often affected the way a global product is sold and used in different places. For example, __________ has often been adjusted to local tastes to be more effective.


At what phase do NGOs play a role in foreign policymaking?

all of the above

Global governance:

all of the above

Human security refers to

all of the above

One limit upon the effectiveness of the ICJ is

all of the above

The process of development in the orthodox model has elements such as

all of the above

According to realists, trust is often difficult between states because of the problem of


A study by the Institute for Economics and Peace estimates that in 2014 militarized conflicts killed __________ people and cost __________ of the world's GDP.

around 180,000 . . . roughly 13.4%

In undemocratic or authoritarian states, citizens might not have as much to say about what their leaders decide to do in the international system,

but bureaucratic agencies and elites do have a voice.

According to the text, when the human population goes beyond the Earth's __________, disaster is inevitable.

carrying capacity

A stress on __________ production has led towards export-oriented, large-scale, intensively mechanized agriculture in the Global South.

cash crop

The North-South agenda has __________ in the years since the Rio Summit.

changed little

Analysts of international environmental cooperation have observed the importance of

changes in knowledge.

The European colonial powers divided the world's peoples into __________ societies

civilized, barbarian, and savage

A key principle of the climate change regime contained in the 1992 UNFCCC stated that all nations had to accept responsibility for the world's changing climate, despite the fact that some countries pollute more than others. This is called

common but differentiated responsibilities.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership was intended to

counter the attempt by China's government to create its now set of trade rules for the region

State A sends its military to support State B's political structure and fight State B's non-state enemies. This is an example of


"Diverse paths, locally driven" is a component of which approach of development?

critical alternative

In brief, the phases of the foreign policy process are

define, develop, act, and evaluate.

Modernization theory views development as synonymous with

economic growth.

The framers of the Kyoto Protocol faced a more difficult challenge then those who constructed the Montreal Protocol because the Kyoto Protocol affects

energy, transport, and agriculture

Liberal or Grotian theorists encourage collective security as a means of

enhancing cooperation.

According to the text, the factor that determines whether a person experiences chronic hunger is not the availability of food but the ability to

establish an entitlement to food.

A crisis situation might call for __________ involvement in the __________ phase of the foreign policymaking process.

fewer individual . . . formulation

During the Cold War the majority of Third World countries were in the capitalist camp because of

former colonial ties.

Most environmental conventions now aim at capacity building through arrangements for the transfer of

funds, technology, and expertise.

Many __________ believe that construction of a single integrated world economy is inevitable.


The globalization of commerce has

improved terrorists' mobility.

Hybrid warfare allows inferior militaries to

increase their conventional military capacity by assigning their forces different roles.

Which of the following is not one of the four aspects of globalization as outlined in the text?


Legally, a person who has fled their home due to conflict but has not crossed an international border was historically considered a(n)

internally displaced person

What term is used to describe an agreement or social institution with (more or less) agreed-upon principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that govern the activities and shape the expectations of actors in a specific environmental issue-area?

international environmental regime

Classical peacekeeping

is not effective if the warring parties do not want peace.

The thirty-five least developed nations emit __________ percentand account for __________ percent of the world'spopulation.

less than 1 . . . more than 10

The __________ became the dominant system after the Cold War.

liberal economic order

What international relations theory is most conducive to explaining effective environmental regimes?

liberal institutionalism

According to the text, while food production has increased,

little impact has been made on the number of people who go hungry.

The history of environmental cooperation demonstrates that __________ and/or __________ action is necessary.

local . . . regional

Cash crop production and industrialization in the developing world are threats to

local subsistence food production.

According to the text, globalization __________ undermine/s the global state order and state sovereignty.


The nonstate actors involved in conflict achieve a global presence using means that include(s) Correct!


The WTO covers services, intellectual property, and investment issues as well as

merchandise trade

Foreign policy actors will often pursue different goals simultaneously because foreign policy connects domestic politics and international relations. For example, leaders

might advocate human rights policy to satisfy domestic interest groups but maintain trade relations with an authoritarian state because of the need for natural resources.

Most firms involved in global trade and finance have kept a __________ board of directors.


At the basic level citizens want the state to protect the borders, provide internal security, and support and maintain a means of exchange or a marketplace. These are often called

national interests.

Amnesty International is an example of what type of organization?

nongovernmental organization

Oxfam, Save the Children, and Amnesty International are examples of

nonstate actors.

Realists and constructivists disagree on whether __________ influence(s) state behavior.


What term is used to describe the acquisition of nuclear weapons by states?


"Global sourcing" refers to

obtaining goods and services across geopolitical boundaries

The use of force to enforce humanitarian concerns in the face of state collapse is called

peace enforcement.

Amartya Sen, in Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, concludes that hunger is not due to there not being enough to eat; rather, it is because of

people not having enough to eat

Some scholars assert the end of the Cold War changed the international system, creating a world in which domestic and international affairs are intertwined, national borders are permeable, and states have rejected the use of force for resolving conflict. This condition is often called


Academi (formerly Xe, formerly Blackwater) is an example of a(n)

privatized military firm (PMF).

Mercantilism is most often associated with

protectionism and economic nationalism.

0 / 2 pts The __________, or mercantilist, tradition focuses on the ability of states to be economically independent, a condition often called "economic nationalism."


According to the textbook, the UN Secretary-General

provides administrative guidance.

The global human population has __________ since the 1800s.


Many governments have actively lured externally based business by lowering corporate tax rates, __________, and relaxing labor and environmental standards.

reducing restrictions on the repatriation of profits

Prior to the twentieth century, __________ as a legal category did not exist.


What phrase best describes free riding?

refusing to be bound by the collective arrangements while sharing the benefits

The term "global commons" refers to __________ all members of __________.

resources shared by . . . the international community

The central demand of the Third World-led New International Economic Order (NIEO) was

restructuring of the international order toward greater equity for developing countries.

Promotion of neoliberal economic policies has been accompanied by __________ inequality __________ states.

rising . . .within and among

According to the text, academic disagreements about definitions of terms like "war" and "security" matter because

scholars often make policy recommendations to politicians.

China, Sri Lanka, Poland, and Cuba __________ under HDI measures than under __________ modes of measurement.

score higher . . . orthodox

An aspect of globalization after the Cold War is the declining centrality of the state; this trend has created

space for groups with subnational or supranational agendas to act.

Which term best describes economic decision making in China?

state capitalism

The common realist model of international politics has a __________ perspective in which leaders are __________.

state-centric . . . rational actors

The methods and tools that national leaders use to achieve the national interests of a state are called


A(n) __________ is an authoritative international organization that operates above the nation-state

supranational global organization

More actors become subjects and agents of international law, which means a development of __________ is eventually possible.

supranational law

Smart credit cards and SDRs are examples of

supraterritorial money.

What factor has most improved terrorist capabilities?

technologies associated with globalization

What relationship does ungoverned territory have with terrorism?

terrorism always precedes ungoverned territory

The model used to explain why communities may over-exploit shared environmental resources even when they know that it may be against their long-term interests is known as

the "tragedy of the commons."

A critical alternative view of poverty places more emphasis on lack of access to all of the following EXCEPT

the Green Revolution.

What state pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, thereby undermining its legitimacy

the United States

One of the most immediate and persistent consequences of warfare is

the destruction of ecosystems.

Realist Hans Morgenthau believed the "pursuit of power" was

the essence of politics.

A state protecting the global commons or providing increased levels of prosperity are elements of

the national interest.

Emissions trading creates a market based upon

the right to buy and sell carbon emissions.

Counterinsurgency and counterterrorism are strategies used in

the war on terrorism.

The Kyoto Protocol was established for __________ to set binding targetsfor reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

thirty-seven industrialized countries and the European community

Why was the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, or "Doomsday Vault," constructed?

to store seeds in case of catastrophic environmental changes

Protectionism includes all of the following EXCEPT

unmitigated trade.

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