Midterm 2 Crim 270

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What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

Emotional intelligence → ability to monitor and label emotions within oneself and others → use emotion to guide behavior and decision-making Ex: George was sad, an hour later he felt guilty. What happened in between? George accompanied a neighbor to a medical appointment to help out the neighbor. George lacked the energy to call his mother, and missed calling her on her birthday. How obvious is EI?

Larger Cavum Septum Pellucidum is associated with:

Higher psychopathy scores Increased proactive aggression Diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorder

Raine et. all (2011)

Sex differences in antisocial behavior Now equate genders on brain volume → what happens to gender difference in crime? % reduction in sex difference after brain volume correction

Female-male crime differences

Why do females commit less crime than men? B/c they lack biological maleness → have less testosterone Kids who were aggressive at age 11 had low heart rate Men in general have lower resting heart rates than women → within women, those with resting heart rates are more aggressive Males have lower heart rates, which predisposes to crime Heart rate explains 25% of the sex difference in crime

Background to Lying

average person tells lies most days- detecting deception by professions is often hard- eye contact, hesitations, number of words spoken

DSM-5 Pedophilic Disorder

disorder in which "adults or adolescents 16 + have intense and recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about prepubescent children that they have either acted on or which cause them distress or interpersonal difficulty" → characterized by impulse control problems

omega-3 and CU traits

low levels associated with aggression- high trans-fatty acids intake inhibits omega-3 production

Distress/Suffering to Self or Others

powerful criterion Stems from medical model Extension to "suffering to others" from bipolar, schizophrenia, alcoholism Crime Criminals create suffering in others but also suffer themselves → b/c of downward social mobility, life stressors, homelessness, disrupted marital relations, social isolation, victimization Criticism → distressed people are not necessarily ill Seeking out Treatment Powerful criterion Medical model Extension of distress/suffering criterion Crime → criminals don't seek treatment Criticisms Economic, family, social, perceptual factors determine who will adopt the "sick role" Some ill people do not adopt sick role (eg. schizotypals, paranoid schizophrenics)

Sleep Deprivation and Aggression

quality/quantity in juveniles/adults Sleep less in prison (7.1 hrs) than on outside (8.5 hrs) Increased aggression + impulsivity in forensic psychiatric patients Increased aggression in Swiss male prisoners Child externalizing correlated 0.36 with sleep problems Direction of Effect Sleepiness before/after experiment at 15 yrs associated with crime at age 24 yrs Sleep deprivation increases aggression in animals, increased anger in humans

Progranulin gene

reduced activation of prefrontal areas Comings (1994) found significant positive correlation to the presence of Gts genes (Tourette's Syndrome) in pedophilia Gts gene → thought to be responsible for altering normal brain serotonin/dopamine metabolism in the frontal lobe/hypothalamus Concluded that pedophilia was related to candidate genes related to dopamine transmission/serotonin (5-HT) receptor dysfunction

functional imaging and lying

se of Functional Imaging in Courts Companies being set up to market lie detection 3 attempts to have fMRI data admitted (2010-2012) Frye and Daubert standards Not accepted as reliable in the scientific community Large differences between lab and real world Unknown real-life error rate High false positive rate Polygraph in Courts Inadmissible in 5 states Federal Government screens 70 thousand pa

Mind body connections

"We feel sorry b/c we cry, angry b/c we strike, afraid b/c we tremble" → James argues that emotional experiences arise directly from perception of bodily change Physical feelings give rise to emotion Psychopaths lack emotion → perhaps b/c they are inaccurate in their perception of their own bodily states Somatic Marker Hypothesis and Psychopathy Patients with ventromedial lesions Don't give SCR's (skin conductance responses ) to socially disturbing pictures Perform poorly on decision-making (gambling) task Don't give anticipatory SCR's before making risky decision Make bad life decisions Exhibit psychopathic-like behavior Unresolved question → do psychopaths have deficits in accurate perception of somatic (bodily) sensations?

prostetution mortality rates

1,969 prostitutes from Colorado Springs Mortality rate = 391/100 thousand Age & race matched control: 1.9 35% prostitute homicides due to serial killers → make up 32% of female victims by serial killers Causes of Prostitution Pathways to prostitution → 1,142 female jail detainees, 34.1% had engaged in prostitution 3 risk factors → sex abuse, running away, drug use

Kip Kinkle

15 year old who killed his parents and then went to school to try to kill as many students as he could Had dyslexia → spent hours on schoolwork with his parents Saw therapist 9 times with mother → concerned about fascination with guns, knives, and explosives and anti-social acting out Therapy focused on anger management → medicated with Prozac for depression, improved, then stopped taking meds Father bought him a semi-automatic gun during therapy Disrupted English class "******** this voice inside my head!" → had command hallucinations "shoot him" "go to school and kill all" Defense highlighted poorer blood flow in orbitofrontal cortex as well as lesions in that part of his brain Experts testified to learning disability, paranoid schizophrenia, depression, reduced prefrontal functioning, family history of schizophrenia Kip Kinkle Clues from Film Clip He felt inadequate → made him more likely to feel as if he had been wronged He could have felt alienated Frustration-aggression hypothesis Learning disability → cognitive impairment

Brennan et al (1999)

4,169 males born in Copenhagen → controlled for SES, mom's age & education, unwanted pregnancy, obstetric factors # of cigarettes smoked assessed in 3rd trimester → assessed criminal arrest history at age 34yrs The more cigarettes the mom has smoked, the more likely the offspring will engage in violent crime 25 studies → odds ratio - 2x as likely for child to engage in violent crime

Sexual Sadists

4.8% males, 2.1% females gain sexual pleasure from inflicting pain (sample of 2,000) Base rate in sex offenders: 10-50% Penile plethysmography → increased arousal to pictures of physical injury Harenski et al (2012) 15 violent sex offenders → 8 sadists and 7 non-sadists Showed two pictures, one violent and one non-violent Sadists had a greater amygdala activation to pain stimuli → men have greater amygdala response to sexual stimuli


55 thousand arrested → primary income is 1 million in US Experiences of prostitutes (N = 130) Childhood → 57% report sexual abuse in childhood, 49% report physical assault Adulthood 82% physically assaulted 83% threatened with weapon 68% raped during work 84% current/past homeless 68% PTSD (59%) 88% want to leave Pattern replicated in 5 other countries

Sleep, Amygdala Reactivity, and Prefrontal Connectivity

60% increase in amygdala activation to negative emotion stimuli with sleep deprivation Reduced prefrontal-amygdala connectivity with sleep deprivation Sleep deprivation increases limbic response to rewards

schizophrenia: DSM-IV

A: Characteristic symptoms: 2+ in 1 month period Delusions Hallucinations Disorganized speech (derailment/incoherence) Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior Negative symptoms (flat affect, alogia, avolition) B: Social/Occupational Dysfunction Work, interpersonal relations, self-care Markedly below level prior to illness C: Duration → continuous signs for 6 months Active phase (A) required for 1 month Prodromal + active + residual phase


Age 3 Temperament and Age 28 Psychopathy At age 3, measures of fearlessness and stimulation seeking → longitudinal study At age 28, those high on psychopathy had much more fearlessness (d = 0.40) and stimulation seeking (d = 0.32) than the control group with low psychopathy at age 28 → median effect sizes

autism spectrum disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-V) Deficits in social communication/interaction Restricted/ repetitive behavior/activities Present in early developmental period Impairment in social/occupational functioning Background Symptoms usually recognized by age 2yrs 1/68 (CDC) → rate doubled in 8 years 5x more common in boys → symptoms more severe in male than female ASDs Autism Spectrum and Aggression Base Rate of Aggression N = 1584, aged 2-17 years, all ASD 53% aggressive currently demonstrating physical aggression (ie. intentionally hits, bites others) Presence in Institutions (Broadmoor, UK) 1305 mentally-ill offenders 2.4% definitely ASD, 2.4% more uncertain ASD Only 10% had a previous diagnosis Asperger's detained in Broadmoor 11.3yrs longer than other mentally ill offenders ASD boys, but not girls, are more reactively aggressive on lab task Reason for Autism - Aggression Link: Zero Empathy Lack of empathy → lacking awareness of... How they come across How to interact How to anticipate people's feelings/reactions Two forms of empathy Affective Empathy "I would feel worried for a small child being chased by a big dog" "I feel cheerful seeing children running around having fun" Cognitive Empathy "When someone is angry with me, I can understand their point of view" "I can tell if someone is interested in what I'm saying"

Autism vs. Asperger's

Autism → low on both cognitive and affective Asperger's → low on cognitive, normal on affective General empathy deficits in both autism spectrum and conduct disorder It's CD boys with callous-unemotional traits who have affective empathy deficits

Serial Killers

Basic characteristics Serial Killers Source of empirical data is weak Definition: "the killing of three or more people over a period of more than 30 days, with a significant cooling-off period between the killings Repetitive Typically 1-on-1 murders Killer-victim relationship is usually unknown Motivated by a driving force Gender: 85.8% male, 14.2% female SES: varied Ethnicity : 81.5% white, 14.6% black, 3.6% Hispanic, 0.3% Other (Asian, American Indian) General Homicide: White 46.5%, Black 51%, American Indian 1.1%, Asian 1.4% Serial Killers

Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT)

Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT) → uses a method of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CB) to prevent pedophilic offending → includes behavioral, psychological, and sexological intervention strategies Longitudinal pilot treatment program using BEDIT → suggests that CBT method may help enhance sexual impulse control, reduce cognitive and emotional impairments, and reduce risk factors for offending in pedophilic individuals Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Increases serotonin receptor functionality of prefrontal regions that are integral in cognitive control Fosters top-down regulation of emotions/behaviors by increasing control of prefrontal networks over subcortical limbic structures like the amygdala Establishes better cognitive control and regulation over one's emotions, negative thinking, and behaviors As neural abnormalities abnormalities associated with pedophilia include functional deficits in prefrontal cortex/amygdala, CBT may be effective way to modify/manage sexual urges Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT) 3 year pilot study Pedophiles showed a significant reduction in... Feelings of emotional loneliness Attitudes that support offending behavior Preoccupations with sexual arousal, thoughts, and behaviors Pedophiles showed a significant increase in... Ability to practice empathy towards victims Practicing sexual self-regulation Managing sexual thoughts and behaviors Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT) Offenders with a "lifetime" history of pedophilic actions (criminal record and self-reported past actions) benefited most from the program 20% of treated individuals reported still having problems with sexual arousal/self-admitted committing some sexula behavior towards children after treatment → BUT severity of committed actions reduced Official recidivism rate for treated pedophiles was 0%

Somatic Aphasia in Psychopaths

Bodily Sensation Measure "How much did you experience the following body feelings when preparing and giving your speech? 1 = not at all, 2 = a little, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = very often Graph Psychopathic group who have low bodily sensations are a bit higher on heart rate → those who have high bodily sensation are a bit lower on heart rate Supports hypothesis that disconnect with bodily state could contribute to psychopath's lack of emotion

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder: DSM-V Definition Pervasive instability of relationships, self-image, affect & marked impulsivity → begins in early adulthood, multiple contexts A: 5 or more of... Frantic effort to avoid real/imagined abandonment unstable/intense interpersonal relationships Identify disturbance (unstable self-image) Impulsivity in 2 areas (spending/sex/drugs/binges/driving) Recurrent suicidal behavior/gestures/threat/mutilation Affective instability (dysphoria, irritability, anxiety) Chronic feelings of emptiness Inappropriate, intense anger (temper/anger displays/fights) Transient, stress-related paranoia or dissociation Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Violence Basics on BPD Base rate = 5.9% One of the most prevalent personality disorders Predominantly diagnoses in females (75% - DSM-IV) Familial risk for ASPD, mood, & substance disorder (DSM -IV) BPD and Violence 25-50% base-rate in criminals BPD associated with aggression ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) symptoms predict to BPD BPD mediates abuse-violent relationship in delinquent girls Relates more to reactive than proactive aggression in adults and adolescents

Lying in the Psychopathic Brain

Brain Activation When Psychopaths Lie Fullam et al (2011) Tell truth or lie about everyday acts Undergraduates → self report psychopathy scores Deception associated with ventromedial activation Higher psychopathy, low right OFC activation (r = - 0.72) Glenn et al, 2011 Tell truth or lie about everyday facts Deception produces widespread prefrontal activation Temporary employees: PCL-R High psychopathy, reduced ventromedial PFC (r = -0.56) Easier for psychopaths to lie? How effective would fMRI be with offenders? REDUCED VENTRAL PREFRONTAL ACTIVATION

Eileen Wuornos

Caught b/c she got into a car accident in victim's car with Tyria Moore Career criminal father raped 7yr old → prison suicide Parents separated prior to birth → mother abandoned her twice in 1st 2 years → raised by alcoholic grandparents Physical-emotional abuse "you don't deserve to live" Sex with brother at early age "Ciagarette pig" at age 11-12 years → fire setting Pregnant at 14, gave birth → poor school performance → 20 yrs of alcohol and prostitution, very likely raped APD and BPD and psychopathy Bisexual, intense 4yr relationship with Moore and other men 6 of 7 killings suggested to coincide with fear of abandonment → was on death row

Raskin and Hare (1978)

Claim 75% accurate on criminals 3 field studies: real life, independently scored, and truth known 84% of guilty judged to lie 53% of innocent judged truthful Lab Studies 85.4% of guilty judged to lie 76.9% of innocent judged truthful Faking the Polygraph Test Suppress response to relevant Q → mental calming Augment response to control Q → bite tongue, press toes on tac Gudjonsson (1988) Physical measures more effective than other counter-measures Several physical measures together are more effective

DSM Definition of "mental disorder"

Clinically significant behavioral or psychology syndrome Associated with distress or disability or increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or important loss of freedom Must not be response to specific events such as death A manifestation of a behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunction in the person Conflicts between individual and society not disorder unless a symptom of dysfunction in the person Biological Dysfunction Psychophysiology Brain imaging Neurological Neuropsychology Neuroendocrinology Neurochemistry Genetics

Birth Complications Raine et al (1994)

Combination of birth complications and aggression renders a three-fold increase in violence 18 years later → demonstrates a biosocial interaction 4,269 live male births in Copenhagen, Denmark Birth complications age 0 Forceps extraction Breech delivery Umbilical Cord Prolapse Pre-eclampsia Long birth duration Stormy labor Pale at birth Early bleeding Maternal rejection at age 1 → had social workers go in and assess the mothers → assessed by three factors 1) not wanting the baby 2) attempting abortion 3) breakage of mother-infant bonding process Violence outcome at age 18 years

Parental bonding and Psychopathy

Concurrent design (at the same point in time) 330 male and female community participants, aged 28 Parental Bonding Instrument aged 28 (retrospective bonding) → ie. warmth scale and overprotection scale Hare's self-report psychopathy scale age 28 Longitudinal Design Warmth scale → "was affectionate to me" Overprotection scale → "was overprotective of me" Longitudinal Design 6 participants separated from both parents before age 3 Parental Bonding Instrument aged 28 (retrospective bonding) Hare's self-report psychopathy scale age 28 individuals who lack parents have higher psychopaths scores

Why is Mental Illness Associated with Violence and Crime?

Crime Victimization in Severely Mentally Ill (Teplin et al, 2005) 936 randomly selected patients with serious mental illness 32,449 from community (national survey) ¼ of mentally ill are victims of violent crime in the past year Violence victimization is 11x higher for them than for general population Personal theft is 60x higher Prevalence higher in 25-49yr than 50+ Schizotypy, Aggression, and Victimization in Children? Prefrontal Impairment Prefrontal impairment could potentially be a common denominator in both schizotypy/schizophrenia and antisocial behavior Executive functional impairments Low IQ Early motor deficits Memory impairments Poor response inhibition Prenatal nutrition Birth complications More minor physical anomalies Reduced P300 amplitudes Skin conductance orienting deficits

Deviation from Social Norm

Crime is not socially acceptable → when behavior no longer viewed as deviant, ceases to be viewed as a disorder Criticism → some disorders don't differ to social norm → eg. unusual bravery, some pathological behaviors socially accepted

Clinical Disorder

Deviation from statistical norm Deviation from ideal mental health Deviation from social norm Distress/suffering to self or others Seeking out treatment Impairment in functioning/efficiency Listing in DSM-V DSM definition of "mental disorder" Biological dysfunction Vary in completeness, face validity, and practical utility

Typologies of rape

Displaced aggression Following upset/anger, weak sex arousal, stranger, sadistic Humiliation-degradation Married with job Select independent/assertive women Early neglect Vindictive 2. Compensatory Inadequate, withdrawn/inept → want to prove themselves High sex arousal, sexual fantasy world Stable worker, weak antisocial history Non-sadistic sexual 3. Sexual-Aggressive Aggression stimulates sex arousal Enjoy resistance/struggle Early ASB Multiple marriage/divorce dominance/control theme, sadism, pervasive anger 4. Impulsive Unplanned No strong sexual/aggressive features Callous Criminal history Opportunistic

Causes of Psychopathy (8)

Evolution Genetics Maternal bonding Family environment Stimulation-seeking & low arousal Classical conditioning and lack of anticipatory fear Neurodevelopment - CSP Hormones → lower cortisol in prison psychopath → increased testosterone to cortisol ratio in psychopaths

Birth Complications to Low IQ to Externalizing Behavior

Externalizing Behavior problems → antisocial behavior, delinquency, aggression, hyperactivity Positive relationship between birth complications and externalizing behavior Birth complications also associated with low IQ at age 11 → associated with increased antisocial behavior IQ mediates (explains) relationship between birth complications and externalizing behavior RAINE STUDY

Retribution and Incapacitation

Eye for an Eye" → criminals ought to suffer in a way that ensures that the level of punishment "fits" the level of the crime Sentences are rendered/proportionate to the perceived moral blameworthiness of the offender for the crime Retributive sentencing often leads to length incapacitory prison sentences to both punish offenders and protect the general punishment

raape theories

Feminist Theory Rape is mechanism for men to have social control/dominance Societal-level of analysis → challenges psychopathology approach → argues that the urge to rape is a part of being a man in society Social history → sexual and physical abuse during childhood can predispose a man to become a rapists Sociobiology → favored strategy, men have stronger sex drive Rape Defense Strategies Screaming, fighting, fleeing → reduces rape likelihood Pleading, crying, reasoning → greater odds of rape completion Immobility ("freezing") → associated with rape completion Match attack strategy → eg. scream if verbally threatened, if hit you should hit back Effective Seual Assault Resistance Studied first year female undergraduates 17-24 yrs old: RCT Sexual Assault Resistance Education (SARE) N = 451 Controls → just got a brochure, N = 442 Improve assessment of assault risk More quickly recognize potential danger Practice resisting verbal coercion Self-defense training Common sex assault situation Prior history rape vs. raped 1 year later after completing study

Reasons for Prostitution

Forced? Only 20% are forcefully "recruited" Abuse and Neglect Early sexual abuse → odds ratio is 2.54 Early neglect → odds ratio is 2.6 Early physical abuse No association with teenage pregnancy Personality 32 street-walkers vs. controls Street-walkers had more impulsive stimulation seeking Motivation → 81% for money, 19% fun/boredom Sexual Precocity First consensual sex for street-walkers was earlier than controls → 14.4 yrs prostitutes vs. 16.7 controls Early sex mediates abuse/neglect-prostitution relationship Low social class? → wide SES

Biological Research on Pedophilia

Growing academic dialogue concerning how knowledge of biological contributions to antisocial behavior/mental disorders may influence law and perceptions of punishment Likely that these growing areas of neuroscience/genetic research on pedophilia may also produce implications for sex offenders in US justice system Biological Research on Pedophilia Especially interesting given... Existing fears/concerns surrounding child sex offending The US justice system's historical focus on punitive strategies/punishments for pedophilic/child sex offenders Lack of current treatments Implications of neuroscientific/genetic research on pedophilia for objectives of punishment in US → first 3 are main goals for US justice system Retribution Incapacitation Rehabilitation Deterrence Restoration

Typologies of Serial Killers

Holmes & Deburger (1988) & Holmes & Holmes (2010) Visionary → inner voice telling them to kill (eg. Sutcliffe) Mission oriented → eg. prostitutes, homosexuals (eg. Kaczynski - "the unabomber" - would send bombs to universities and airlines - escaped the death penalty b/c psychiatrists diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia) Hedonistic → lust, thrill-seeking, comfort, psychopathic → the majority (eg. Bianchi) Power/control → complete control (eg. Dahmer, Nilsen - would kill men and keep the bodies after to sleep with them or eat with them, would sometimes eat the victims' bodies) Why do some serial killers eat victim's body? Maybe affectionate cannibalism → criminals want to hold on to their victims' bodies b/c they love them so much Causes of Serial Killing No empirical studies 1+2: schizophrenia-spectrum 3+4: psychopathy as a model

dose-response relationship

IQ decreased with increasing number of malnutrition signs Early malnutrition at age 3 associated with increased externalizing behavior at age 8, 11, and 17 Dose-response relationship between malnutrition and externalizing behavior Gender and ethnicity to not moderate the effects Social adversity neither mediates nor moderates the effects Malnutrition associated with low IQ at 3 and 11 yrs Controlling for age 3 and 11 IQ abolishes the effect of malnutrition on externalizing behavior

REtributive sentiments and biological research

Increasing genetics/neuroscience research presented as evidence in US courts Research sometimes used to argue that offender's neural/genetic abnormalities contributed to/caused the offender's criminal behavior Thus, control over and responsibility for his behavior may have been compromised Neuroimaging evidence → offender's brain structurally/functionally abnormal Genetic predisposition → family history of behavior could also be factors Aim of argument → moral blameworthiness reduced b/c of biological abnormalities and punishment should be mitigated Although almost all defenses built on this rationale have been unsuccessful in reducing retributive punishments, certain cases have been recently successful → specifically in capital punishment cases

David Krueger: Features of Psychopathy (serial killer/child rapist) (9)

Lack of remorse/guilt Callous/lack of empathy Conning/manipulative Deception Need for stimulation Glib Revokes conditional release Grandiose Shallow affect/sexuality

Leach et al 2004

Leach et al (2004) → three 11yr olds told not to peak at toy Undergraduates → detected lies at chance level (51%) Customs officers → detected lies at chance level (49%) Police officers → detected lies significantly below chance level (44%) Emphasize importance of truth-telling and promise to tell truth Undergraduates → above chance (61%) Customs officers → above chance (57%) Police officers → above chance (59%) Claim some relationship between child's age and accuracy Arousal ratings not related to lying Undergraduates cannot detect 3 yr old liars

ow Rehabilitative Sentiments might be Influenced by Biological Research

Literature is optimistic about how neuroscientific/genetic research could help create more effective treatment for GENERAL offenders to better prevent reoffending However, for pedophilic offenders, unlikely that retributive sentences would ever be completely eradicated → but neuroscience/genetic research on pedophilia may help to foster support for rehabilitative punishments Rehabilitation → aims at targeting underlying reason for behaviors through treatment Rehabilitation treatments targeting biological abnormalities (which may underlie specific behaviors) associated with pedophilia may help prevent offending Important b/c existing retributive policies have been shown to be largely ineffective Little empirical support for current treatment options for pedophilic offenders Promising Rehabilitative Treatment Options A real-time functional magnetic imaging (rt-fMRI) brain computer interface (BCI) neurofeedback system Pharmacological therapy → including the use of SSRI's and other meds that act on 5-HT receptors Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (BEDIT)

Pharmacological therapy: SSRIs

Literature on genetic research on pedophilia has reported abnormalities associated with serotonin and dopamine production and function/functional frontal neural deficits Existing literature on neural/genetic abnormalities associated with pedophilia has led to research on using SSrIs or other meds acting on 5-HT receptors as a pharmacological therapy to hinder/regulate pedophilic sexual urges/behaviors SSRIs have been often used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders-although more research needs to be conducted, the use of SSRIs as a pharmacological therapy to inhibit/regulate sexual compulsions of pedophilic offenders (along with other therapies) may one day be used as part of an overall effective therapy strategy

Parkinson's Disease and Deception

Loss of dopamine-producing cells in substantia nigra Widespread reductions in brain functioning Executive dysfunction as a common cognitive deficit Personality traits → industrious, serious, inflexible → even "more honest" Lying in Parkinson's: Abe et al (2008) 32 Parkinson's, 20 matched controls Reduced ability to lie Impaired lying associated with reduced prefrontal functioning

Question of balance of psychopathy

Low on punishment sensitivity → not enough brakes (ie. self control) → reduced amygdala volume High on reward sensitivity → too much acceleration (ie. stimulation seeking) → heightened striatum activity The relationship between large cavum septum pellucidum and antisocial behavior, callous-unemotional traits and psychopathy in adolescents

Minor Physical Anomalies

Low seated ears → during fetal development, low ears rise up → but if disruption in development, ears remain low → could reflect disruption in brain development Furrowed tongue Single palmar crease Curved 5th finger Third toe longer than second Fine hair Abnormal head size Big gap between 1st and 2nd toe

Prefrontal White matter in Liars/Malingerers

Malingerers → exaggerate or fake illness for to get out of work or duties Prefrontal White Matter Liars had larger prefrontal white matter connections than normal AND antisocial controls Adult values of white matter at 10-12 years Children become adept liers at 1o years Neurodevelopmental increase in prefrontal white matter as a potential predisposition to deceitful personality

Malnourished children and delinquency

Malnourished children had higher aggression and hyperactivity at age 8 Malnourished children had higher aggression, hyperactivity, and delinquency at age 11 Malnourished children had higher conduct disorder and motor excess at age 17 The more indicators of malnutrition a person had at age 3, the higher their problem score in both hyperactivity and conduct disorder → sharpest increase in conduct disorder

What is a moderator?

Maltreated kids have more antisocial behavior than non-maltreated kids but ONLY for kids who have low social support For kids who have high social support, neither maltreated nor non-maltreated kids have high antisocial behavior Relationship between maltreatment and antisocial behavior depends on whether you have high or low social support The Dunedin Longitudinal Study Birth cohort followed into adulthood Measured repeatedly through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood in respect to antisocial behavior, DNA, and history of maltreatment Does the relationship between maltreatment and antisocial behavior in adulthood depend on genetic background? → researchers were interested in MAOA gene

Mass-Spree Killers

Mass Killings in the context of Deaths Leading cause of death for young (10-24 yrs) persons (CDC 2010) Unintentional injury (12, 341) Homicide (4,678) Suicide (4600) Mass killings → 0.13% of all homicides (FBI, 2011) School shootings (7) Mass and Spree Murder: Definitions and Characteristics Mass Murderer → kills 3+ individuals in 1 location → no cooling off period (all within minutes or a few hours) Spree Murderer → kills 3+ individuals in 2+ locations → no cooling off period (days/weeks) Characteristics → mass and spree White males, broad age-range Sense of being wronged → frustrated/depressed Morbid fascination with guns (semi-automatics) Unconcerned with their life (23% suicide) Some contemplation of the act Average age is 29 Average victims per incident is 4.9 Major increase → 1950s (4 killings) to 1977 (269 killings) Characteristics of Mass Murderers: Adult and Adolescent 30 adult (38 yrs), 34 adolescent (17yrs) → all male, 75% caucasian

What is a mediator?

Mediator → explanatory factor (third variable) Relationship between abuse/neglect and antisocial behavior can be mediated by disproportionate allocation of anger to the child Mechanism 1. Based on past experience, may be more attentive to anger cues 2. Past experience with family members or peers is frequently aggressive 3. Some children generate fewer responses than others 4. Some children insensitive to punishment 5. Some children poorly self-regulated Behavioral response is determined by biologically determined capabilities, data base, and social cues Hostile attribution bias → when kids take a negative experience that was an accident and automatically feel that the kid did it on purpose → influences how they respond to the situation

Impairment in Functioning/Efficiency

Medical model Impaired social, occupational, behavioral, educational, cognitive functioning Often invoked in definitions of disorder → powerful Criminals Intellectual, educational, and learning deficits Neuropsychological, behavioral, and brain deficits Social skills, interpersonal, and occupational deficits

cues for lying

More tense Pupil dilation Fewer details and hand, arm, blinks, and finger movements Longer response time Higher voice pitch Voice change → dry mouth, quickening breath Speech less expressive/involved, more passive What to do to detect deception → 1) ask for elaboration 2) repeat what they said earlier

Homicide Mortality and Seafood Consumption

N = 26 countries, r = - 0.63 Relatively strong negative correlation between seafood consumption and homicides Neurite Outgrowth Enhanced by DHA Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) Zinc (acne, white spots under fingernails) Low in assaultive mails Low sinz/high preschool behavior problems ADHD kids with conduct problems Iron → ⅓ of delinquents are iron deficient → 30% of low SES mothers are iron deficient Amino Acids Tryptophan → reduction reduces OFC functioning and increases aggression Supplementation reduces irritability, increases prosocial behavior Mechanisms Neurotransmitter functioning Amygdala rich in zinc-containing neurons Smoking impairs zinc transport to fetus

Amygdala Volumes in Chinese Murderers

Nanjing Brain Hospital 32 normal controls, 18 schizophrenics, 17 murderers, 21 schizophrenic murderers Psychopathy checklist MRI amygdala volumes → reduced amygdala volumes in murderers and somewhat in schizophrenic murderers

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Neurobiological Consequences of FAS Brian size smaller at autopsy 8% MRI volume reduction Cortical and cerebellar atrophy Brain malformations due to neural mitigation errors Poorer executive functions Reduced corpus callosum and shape distortion Independence from Psychosocial Confounds Cadoret et al (1995) Adoption study Adopted-away offspring of biological mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy Increased conduct disorder and adult antisocial behaviors Rules out confound that mothers who drink are poor caregivers during child's development BUT → it could be genetic, not the direct effect of alcohol Jamillah Falls (Memphis, TN) Had a baby on July 5, 2014 Baby tested positive for heroin & marijuana → b/c mom was taking it Jamilla was convicted for assault of her fetus → 6 months in prison Parental responsibility or...help, not handcuffs??

Brain Abnormalities in Murderers Indicated by PET

Neurodevelopmental perspective on Serial/Mass Killers 239 killers (58 mass killers, 48 serial killers) Based on their background histories, 28% have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 21% have a history of head injury Of those with ASD or Head injury, 55% had psychosocial stressors

Effects of Nicotine on Fetus

Nicotine reduces uterine blood flow Increases testosterone in male fetuses Babies have reduced head circumference Anoxia particularly impacts hippocampus Serotonin uptake sites decreased in hippocampus and brainstem in human newborns Reductions in attention, memory, processing, speed Exposed adolescents → reduced OF and MFG thickness Reduced cortical thickness with Prenatal smoking exposure Ventral prefrontal cortex activity is deficient in offspring of mothers who smoke


Population estimates of relationship between risk factors and outcomes Try to rule out alternative explanations for why there might be a relationship between risk factor and outcome Epidemiological Data Abuse/Neglect Group Identified through juvenile court and adult criminal court records between 1967 and 1971 11 years or younger at time of abuse/neglect Control Group Selected from same classroom as victim Selected to live within a 5 block radius of victim Matched for age, sex, and race No abuse/neglect record Is abuse/neglect group at higher risk for arrest than control group? If a difference, difference must be due to abuse/neglect differences Table 1: Nonviolent Offenses Overall, higher percentage of abuse/neglect group were arrested as juveniles for traffic offenses than control group Odds ratio → odds of being arrested are 1.8x greater in the abuse/neglect group than the control group Same pattern for adult arrests Table 1: Violent Offenses Overall, higher percentage (5%) of abuse/neglect group were arrested as juveniles for violent offenses than control group Odds ratio → odds of being arrested are 1.97x greater in the abuse/neglect group than the control group Same pattern for adult arrests Greatest differences are among females and African-Americans


Prenatal Nutrition and Adult Antisocial Behavior Prenatal exposure to wartime famine linked to development of antisocial personality disorder in early adulthood Protein Deficiency Neugebauer et al (1999) October 1944 - May 1945: German food blockade of Netherlands 100,543 18 year old male conscripts assessed for APD in psychiatric examination Exposure in 1st/2nd trimester increases risk for APD 2.5x compared to non-famine regions Omega-3 and Antisocial Behavior N=3,581 in Chicago, Minneapolis, Birmingham → no fish, higher hostility Boys with behavior problems → lower blood omega-3 Cocaine addicts → low omega-3, high aggression Reduced blood omega-3 in kids with callous-unemotional traits High trans-fatty acids intake inhibits omega-3 production → associated with aggression (N = 945)

Definitions and Prevalence of Abuse and Neglect

Prevalence Rates of abuse and Neglect Rates per 1000 children in US population broken down by age group Children under age 1 are at highest risk of victimization of abuse and neglect Older children have rates that are only half of this amount Proportion of infants with alcohol or drug abuse risk factors has increased over the years (from 2012-2016) → 3.1% - 4.8% Definitions & Prevalence Physical abuse → harm by a caregiver or someone who has responsibility for the child resulting in non-accidental physical injury 18.2% of victims in 2016 were physically abused Sexual abuse → involvement of a child in sexual activity that she or he does not fully comprehend, cannot consent to, or... 8% of victims in 2016 were sexually abused Psychological abuse → pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or sense of self worth (eg. "you're so stupid, you should've never been born" 6% of victims in 2016 were psychologically abused Neglect → failure by a caregiver to meet a child's basic physical needs with respect to clothing, food, hygiene, and safety → also supervisory neglect (not providing adequate supervision) and medical neglect (not ensuring that child has adequate medical care) 74.8% of victims in 2016 were neglected → most common form of maltreatment

Ling et al (2016)

Psychopaths and controls → no IQ differences Psychopaths have lower EI (r = -0.28) EI mediates the blunted ANS - psychopathy relationship- less skin conductance and heart rate lower

Teplin et al (2002)

Rate of Psychiatric Disorder in Juvenile Detention Teplin et al (2002) 1829 arrested juveniles in Chicago Conduct disorder is excluded 61% of boys and 70% of girls (10-18 yrs) have psychiatric disorder Rates 3-2x higher than general population

Cigarette Smoking

Secondhand Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy Controlled for parental arrests, alcoholism, mental illness After adjusting for confounds, exposure rendered the child 2x as likely to exhibit externalizing behavior at age 6 2nd hand smoking linked to conduct disorder/externalizing behavior

Changing Face of Mass Killers

Secular Trends (Capellan & Gomez) Period 1 → before 1999, 88 attacks Period 2 → after 1999, 206 attacks Age Period 1 → 31 Period 2 → 36 Sex (% male) → no difference between periods Ethnicity → significant fall in number of white mass killers → significant rise in number of black killers Outcome → number of people arrested has dropped over two periods → but more than 3x number of killers are being killed → more are also committing suicide No change in geography → predominantly East and West coast Columbine Shootings in 1999 → 13 killed At this point in time, response of police was to contain the situation and wait for swat team to come After Columbine, first responders are now trained to listen to the gunfire, then move into the sound of the gunfire and incapacitate the killer → ignore people who are wounded → job is to take out the killer

Four heritability studies report familial transmission

Significantly higher rates of pedophilia in first-generation relatives of pedophiles Alanko et al (2013) found prevalence of pedophilia was much greater for identical twins (compared to fraternal) → 15% heritability rate Shim et al (2014) → identical twin case report suggesting genetic (rather than environmental) influence are more important to causes of pedophila Langstrom et al (2015) → longitudinal study estimates heritability rate of pedophilia at 46%

causes of rape

Social information-processing deficits → some rapists have faulty cognitions/beliefs about women and the world they live in "Deniers" (28%) N = 32 (version differs to victim/police) Women are seductresses Mean "yes" when say "no" Most relax and enjoy it Good girls aren't raped (69%) → just world hypothesis "Admitters" (41%) N = 47 (version corroborates victim/police) "Nice guy" self-image Blame alcohol/drugs Blame emotional problems (40%) Upset prior to rape (80% vs. 20% deniers)

Quasi-Experimental Design: Twins are Discordant

Some family & neighborhood conditions Same genotype Different experiences makes their behavior different Issue with this design is that abuse and neglect tend to co-occur in families → will typically occur for both twins Possible Mechanisms Animal Data In Rhesus macaques, naturally occurring abuse happens in some macaque families In some cases mother engage in very abusive behavior → eg. dragging, crushing, throwing, biting, hitting, stepping, or sitting on Four infant groups Control infants born to control mothers Control infants born to abusive mothers Abused infants raised by control mothers Abused infants raised by abusive mothers Black bars represent number of individuals engaging in abusive behavior with offspring → abused infants raised by abusive mothers are similarly abusive with their own infants

Psychopathy and Rewards: Striatum

Striatum → caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens, and globus pallidus → reward center of the brain 9.6% volume increase in striatum in psychopaths Ventral striatum → psychopathic traits: reward hypersensitivity Hyperactivated striatum when anticipating reward Reduced Amygdala Volumes in Chinese Murderers Psychopathy-Amygdala Correlations in Each Group No significant correlation in schizophrenia between psychopathy and amygdala volume BUT, controls, homicide, and schiz-homicide groups show correlation between psychopathy and amygdala volume

Structural imaging Research on Pedophilia

Structural Imaging Research on Pedophilia CT/MRI Studies - pre 2007 MRI study on 15 pedophilic sex offenders → showed reduced volume of right and possibly left amygdala, and enlarged right temporal horns 2007 MRI study of 18 pedophilic individuals found reduced grey matter volume of 11 brain areas → most of which have been previously associated with impulsive/compulsive disorders Authors concluded that results provided evidence for a relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and pedophilia Conclusion → despite limited amount of research, observed and replicated studies on reduced amygdala volume suggest impairments to emotional processing of sexual arousal in pedophilic individuals

Cleckley: "The Mask of Sanity"

Studied 16 case studies of psychopaths Key point → psychopaths wear a mask that makes them look sane → but underneath the mask is a deep-seated pathology Terminology "Moral insanity" Pritchard (1837) "Sociopathy" DSM (1952) → older term for psychopathy "Psychopathy" ("Psychopathic inferiority" Koch 1888) Relationship to APD and "sociopathy" Base-rate in society → 1-2% Demographics (in prison population) Gender → 9-10% in females, 20-25% in males Ethnicity → no difference based on race → base-rate in whites is same as base-rate in blacks Age → as you get older, some aspects of psychopathic behavior goes down while other remain stable Psychopaths don't know they are psychopaths → don't have insight into themselves, believe they're the good guys

Mediators of Maltreatment

Study shows that kids who are abused make more hostile attributions than kids who are not abused Kids who are abused and kids who are neglected both generate more aggressive solutions than control group when trying to solve a problem Experiment Kids with histories of abuse are more attentive to anger cues → causes them to react more to anger cues → adaptive behavior Study had 50 boys divided into two groups → 1 group with physical abuse history and another w/o abuse history Session 1: EEG electrodes attached to boys P3B amplitude → measure of perceptual processing → if activated when looking at anger cues, it means greater perceptual processing of that cue Emotion oddball text → children are shown images of different emotional faces → supposed to press a button when they see an angry face while electrodes are attached to them End there is a parent-child emotion task Session 2: EMG electrodes attached to boys Measures facial movement → wants to measure children's expression of negative affect Kid is told to play a game with another kid in the lab, they hear a recording of another kid saying hello (only virtual kid) → flip a coin to see which kid goes first → child is shown a bunch of prizes, and if the two kids have enough prizes by the end of the game, child can pick a prize from a basket Game is rigged so opponent always plays first → kid can see how partner is doing in terms of points → by the end of the game, everyone has enough points to get their prize, but during the game, the partner is doing really poorly → but kid is told that the game is really easy Kid has response pad with buttons → if kid presses the red button, it makes a horn sound → if kid presses green button, it makes an applause sound → kid gives partner feedback during the game EMG measures kids expression as well as how much negative feedback he's giving partner during the game Find that maltreated and nonmaltreated kids don't differ in terms of behavioral feedback, but the maltreated kids are showing much more negative affect (ie. angry facial expressions) During recovery trial, maltreated kids look angrier and are still giving negative feedback even though the partner is doing better than before Graph Maltreated kids allocate more attention to anger than non-maltreated kids → more electrical activity when they see angry faces than when the non-maltreated kids see angry faces → anger cues are more salient to maltreated kids, partly explains why they show more negative affect

The Raine Study

The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (N = 2,900) Food Frequency Questionnaire to 1,860 adolescents aged 14 yrs Externalizing behavior (CBC) associated with "western diet" → reduced fresh fruit, leafy green veg, fresh tomato → increased confectionary, red meat Controlled for SES, maternal education, family functioning, single parent, physical activity, gender, BMI

functional research on pedophilia

To date, several PET/fMRI case reports/studies on sexual arousal in pedophilia Takeaway → two main areas where functional abnormalities observed vs. controls across studies Abnormal/reduced activation in frontal areas Significant abnormal activation of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and DLPFC Frontal abnormalities underlie deficits associated with the processing, decision-making, and behavioral control concerning sexually arousing stimuli that amy contribute to pedophilic behavior Abnormal activation of the amygdalae in pedophiles Several authors suggest results might be evidence of compromised emotional evaluation/processing in pedophiles Other areas of abnormal activation compared to controls Temporal areas Anterior cingulate cortex Fusiform gyrus Cerebellum Substantia nigra Hypothalamus Based on these replicated findings → these two brain regions are potentially those to target for future treatment approaches


Twinkie Defense: White and Milk Quolla Indians of Peru → low blood sugar linked to aggression Violent Offenders → increased insulin section, low blood sugar Low glucose predicts violence 8 yrs later Low glucose in ADHD kids with conduct problems Candy → 17,415 10 yr olds → candy every day triples rates of violence at 34 yrs Mechanism Refined carbs, rapid gut absorption → reactive hypoglycemia

Deviation from Ideal Mental Health

W.H.O → a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being → not merely the absence of disease or deformity Crime → criminals are not self-actualizers- not understanding of individual needs

Quasi-Experimental Data: Twin Data

Why are some children more likely to be maltreated than others? Shared environment → family poverty Non-shared environment → different peers, schools, activities, etc Variation in children's experience with abuse and neglect might be due to non-shared environment → eg. one twin's soccer coach is a child molester but the other twin doesn't even play soccer Genetics → genetically-based traits that elicit abusive behavior Conclusion: of the variation in kids experiences with maltreatment, most of it was explained by shared environmental factors → 5% accounted for genetic factors (non-significant) → shows that genetics explains very little variation in kids experiences with maltreatment

Prefrontal Structural Abnormalities in Liars

ang et al (2005) 23 normal controls → 0% DSM-IV APD 16 antisocial controls → 50% DSM-IV APD 12 liars → 66% DSM-IV APD Liars Pathological lying (PCL-R) or Conning - manipulative (PCL-R) or Deceitfulness (DSM IV APD) or Told lies for sickness benefits (SRC)


ase Rates Sexual fantasies with children: 3-9% in males Pedophilia: 0.5-1% in males Stigma → 49% would incarcerate non-criminal pedophile (vs. 9% sexual sadists) → 27% of population would say that pedophiles are better off dead while only 6% would say sexual sadists are better off dead Genes → heritability of 46% for "child molestation" Environment → childhood sex interaction with children associated with adult interest in child sex, 44% belief it's a choice Brain mechanisms Reduced amygdala volume in pedophiles vs. healthy controls Replicated in pedophiles vs. offender controls How do we interpret amygdala abnormality? Amygdala structural connectivity and sexual interest → heterosexual women and homosexual men → left amygdala more connected with other structures

What doesn't work for intervention

cared Straight Deterrence theory in NJ (late 1970s) → 16 out of 17 were trouble-free after 3 months Replicated in 30 jurisdictions and 6 countries at cost of $1 "Get tough" + offenders contribute Petrosino et al (2003) → 9 randomized control trials → significant odds ratio of 1.7 shows that treatment increases delinquency DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education): LA 1983 26 million school children targeted in US ( 59 countries) Police officers give classroom lessons → DARE website says it's been proved so successful that it's now being implemented in nearly 80% of our nation's school districts and in 54+ countries around the world But fails to reduce either drug abuse or delinquency → effect size in doing this is 0.01 Schools continue, cop-kid relationships Boot Camps (and other "get tough" programs) Physical training, military drill, harsh Popular, deterrence, harsh sanctions, "get tough" Meta-analysis of 44 samples → had no effect Randomized trial with 5 year follow up → had no effect Corporal Punishment N = 2000 → increased behavior problems from corporal punishment Meta-analysis of 88 studies on spanking → compliance but increased delinquency (d = 0.42) + crime ( d = 0.42) Psychotherapy (supportive/insight) → no effects Features of programs that don't work Aggregating high-risk youth (contagion effect) Limited duration Fail to address risk factors Limited to scare tactics/toughness Adults lecturing, poorly supervised, person is not accountable for outcome

Schizotypal Personality and Criminal Behavior

chizotypal Personality Disorder: DSM-V Definition Pervasive social/interpersonal deficits, acute discomfort/reduced capacity for close relationships, cognitive-perceptual distortions, eccentric behavior → all begins early adulthood A: 5 or more of... Ideas of reference Odd beliefs/magical thinking → influence behavior Unusual perceptual experiences Odd thinking and speech Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation Inappropriate or constricted affect Odd/eccentric/peculiar behavior or appearance Lacks close friends/confidants (other than family) Excessive social anxiety → doesn't diminish → paranoid B: Not occurring exclusively during Schizophrenia, Mood, Psychotic Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, medical conditions Cognitive-Perceptual Ideas of Reference Sometimes feel that things they see on TV or read in the newspaper have a special meaning to them When they see people talking to each other, they often wonder if they're talking about them Odd Beliefs/Magical Thinking May have experiences with astrology, seeing the future, UFOs, ESP, or a sixth sense Sometimes sure that other people can tell what they're thinking Unusual Perceptual Experiences When they look at someone, or themself, they may see the face change right before their eyes They may often hear a voice speaking their thought aloud Suspiciousness Are certain they're being talked about behind their back Feel like they have to be on guard even with friends Interpersonal Inappropriate/Constricted Affect → people sometimes find them aloof and distant → rarely laugh and smile Lacks Close Friends → little importance attached to having close friends → prefer to keep to themselves Excessive Social Anxiety Feel very uncomfortable in social situations involving unfamiliar people Get anxious when meeting people for the first time Suspiciousness → certain they are being talked about behind their back → have to be on guard even with friends Disorganized Odd Speech People sometimes find it hard to understand what they're saying Some people find them a bit vague and elusive during a conversation They often ramble on too much when speaking Odd/Eccentric Behavior/Appearance Some people think they're a very bizarre person People sometimes stare at them b/c of their odd appearance They are an odd, unusual person

Heavy Metals Environmental Toxins: Metals

ead Boys with high lead levels more delinquent/aggressive Same link in 6 other countries Prenatal lead levels linked to adult crime/violence 5 micrograms of lead lead to 40% increase in arrests Secular Trend in Lead and Crime Increase in lead is consistent with increase in crime → Same curves in Britain, Canada, France, Australia, Finland, Italy, West, Germany, New Zealand Lead: Crime Correlations at City Levels Lead explains 90% of the variation in assaults in cities 1% increase in air lead results in 0.46% increase in assault 22 years later Cadmium James Huberty → killed 21 people in 1984 Higher cadmium in hair of violent offenders Higher hair cadmium explains 13% of aggression and delinquency in schoolchildren Smokers have five-fold cadmium levels → but iron block cadmium Manganese Higher manganese in hair of violent offenders Children with higher manganese in hair of violent offenders 15 studies report higher aggression, hostility, emotion disturbances in manganese workers

psychological treatments

ehavioral Parent Training Theory → behavior modification/social learning theory Home environment → focuses on training the parents Parent engages in role-playing and modeling Parent observes child to identify the behavior problem + frequency Use of reinforcements to shape behavior → rewards = praise, differential attention, point system → punish = time-out, mild punishment, planned ignoring Reduce negative parenting methods Contracts and consistent rules → increased parental monitoring Meta-analysis of 79 outcome studies d=0.30 → small effect but still significant Individual training better than group training Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) Environmental forces are home, school, and peers → targets at-risk 12-17 year olds Home Home-based (overcomes service delivery barriers) 4-6 families per clinician → small load for clinician that allows for 45-60 hours of treatment over 4 months → MA-level clinician with supervision Intensive CBT, family therapy, management techniques Focus on social skills and better impulse control Peers → reward prosocial and disincentives for antisocial peers → eg. privileges, transportation vs. sanctions School → facilitate communication with teachers Tackles abuse, neglect, substance use 14 follow-ups → 50% recidivism vs. 81% 11 RCTS (randomized control trials): 42-54% reduction in re-arrest rates for serious juvenile offenders

Dundedin Longitudinal Study

eople were grouped based on high activity variants of MAOA or low activity variants of MAOA Found that variant alters relationship between maltreatment and antisocial behavior → looked at conduct disorder specifically Low activity variant w/ severe maltreatment → highest risk for conduct disorder than if you weren't maltreated If high activity variant → no increased risk for conduct disorder Low activity variant is where antisocial behavior is concentrated → finding has been consistently replicated Pattern is only true for males, not for females Summary Strong epidemiological evidence that maltreatment is a risk factor for antisocial behavior... But difficult to do good quasi-experimental studies to make stronger causal inferences Maltreatment is associated with hypervigilance to threat and increased attention to anger, which is associated with children's negative affect and aggressive responding Some children are more susceptible to the adverse effects of maltreatment than others and genetic differences among children may explains some of this variability


erms Forcible rape vs. statutory rape Marital rape: 24% of rapes Clearance → 44.5% in 2002 Penn Female Undergraduates (Survey April 2015) Definition of penetration → putting penis, finger, or object inside vagina/anus → mouth or tongue makes contact with genitals 27% response rate for survey → out of those, current rate of rape for 1 year was 6%, out of all years was 12% CDC 2010 Survey (16,500 adults) 18.3% women and 1.4% men raped at some time 51.1% females raped by intimate partner 80% females experience 1st rape before age 25 Perpetrators → adolescent males commit 20-30% of all rapes, 30-50% of child molestations

quasi-experimental data

experimental Data Parents providing the child's rearing environment are also providing the child's genotype Not clear what's explaining the child's antisocial behavior → is it experience/environment or genetics? Quasi-Experimental Design: Adoptive Families When children are adopted they aren't sharing genetic material with their adopted parents Relationship between adoptive environment and child outcomes cannot infer genetic risk factors or explain antisocial behavior Issue with this design is that there is already bias b/c adoptive families are very heavily screened to ensure that they won't be maltreated Very hard to find adoptive families where abuse and neglect are present

polygraph testing

he Polygraph Control Question Technique About 10 questions Some deal with past emotional behavior (control question) Before 24 yrs, did you ever try to hurt someone for revenge? Some questions relevant to crime (relevant question) Assumption that innocent person responds equally to both Issues with Polygraph Many examiners former police officers → not trained in measurement procedures Often "eyeball" chart without measuring Most comparisons reveal no or small difference- measures factors and heart rate


homicide in General Homicidal fantasies 73% males, 66% females have homicidal fantasy 18% in last month → 30% of males frequently fantasize Events that trigger fantasy → personal threat (64%) and public humiliation (54%) Relationship (in all fantasies) → stranger (48%), friend (47%), step-parents (44%) What differentiates murderers from other violent offenders? Lober et al (2005) → N = 1500, 26yrs, all male

Specific gene associations

pedophilia and genetic deficiencies thought to be responsible for dopaminergic neuron/receptor (D1/D2) dysfunction in the brain's frontal areas Similar genetic deficiencies seen in impulse disorders → may explain the sexual impulses/interpersonal struggles associated with pedophilia

fMRI Bci

relax-time functional magnetic imagine allows to target affected frontal and subcortical brain areas sexual arousal- augment cognitive motor intentionality Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) → shown to be functionally abnormal in pedophiles → associated with obsessive-compulsive behaviors/sexual arousal in both normal adults and pedophiles rt-fMRI BCI neurofeedback may be able to train pedophilic individuals to reduce activation of the ACC → reduces sexual arousal when presented with erotic sexually arousing stimuli involving children

Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Revised (Hare, 2003)

rrogant/deceitful Glib (ie. slick/smooth-talking) Grandiose Pathological lying Conning/manipulative Deficient affect Lacks remorse/guilt Shallow affect Callous/lacks empathy Fails to accept responsibility Impulsive/unstable Need for stimulation → hyperactive Parasitic lifestyle → use people up until you don't need them anymore Lacks realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity Irresponsibility Antisocial Poor behavioral controls Early behavior problems Juvenile delinquency Revokes conditional release Criminal versatility

Richard Kuklinski "Ice Man"

stone cold psycho claimed to kill over 200 people. Lesson: Amygdala Hijack and being self aware. TT- 195

Victim-homicide overlap

up to 50% of homicide victims are offenders -= 26% homicides victim-precipated what accounts for the overlaap 1) victims - no criminals background 2) victim offenders (means significant different)

"Double-edged Sword" Evidence

vidence could be viewed as either a mitigator to punishment or as an aggravator to punishment Mitigator → based on view that offender is less morally responsible b/c his "brain made him do it" Aggravator → based on view that offender is more dangerous and likely to reoffend b/c his brain is permanently "broken" Accordingly, a judge or jury could potentially "choose" to either reduce/intensify the sentence of an offender based on perceptions of presented evidence on biological abnormalities Possible that research on neural/genetic abnormalities associated with pedophilia may influence incapacitory/retributive sentencing of pedophilic offenders Aggravator → neural/genetic abnormalities associated with pedophilia further aggravate current attitudes toward sex offenders → proved as additional evidence of dangerousness and immutability Heritability of behaviors insinuates inevitable recidivism Mitigator → neural/genetic research could be viewed as evidence that pedophilic sex offenders act due to their biological differences/abnormalities Could make judges or juries believe that pedophilic sex offenders are less morally blameworthy → despite being legally responsible for their crimes

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