Midterm- Questions: quiz 1: 5,8,10 quiz 3: 7,10,12 quiz 4: 10

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Psychosocial strategies have been shown to be effective in achieving which of the following?

-Reducing pain -Improving positive outlook -Increasing adherence/reducing recovery time

What are some influences of sport sociaculture?

-Sport injury risk -How athletes respond to and recover from injury -How athletes determine when to return to participation

What are some challenges an AT may face when preserving primacy of a patient?

Strong emotional ties to the athletes and team, outside factors, understaffed, desire to please coaches, concerns over job security and concerns over personal reputation

What are the interventions of overconformity?

Education, communication, goal setting with appreciation for time urgency, and decrease media glorification of playing through injury

What are some psychosocial strategies to stress?

Education, goal setting, relaxation techniques, imagery, thought stopping, cognitive relaxation (walk in the park, sitting on the beach) and somatic relaxation (deep breathing, PMR)

Intentionally pretending to have or exaggerating physical psychological symptoms is called:


What is the process of the U-shaped cognitive appraisal model?

Initial injury (Phase 1).... Beginning rehabilitation.... Middle of rehabilitation (Phase 2)... End of rehabilitation.... Return to play (Phase 3)

What are some personal factors that influence the rehabilitation and recovery process?

Injury (history, severity, type), individual differences (psychological-personality, motivation, mood state), demographic (gender, age, ethnicity, prior sport experience), and physical

Which type of pain signals actual or potential tissue damage?

Injury pain

Which injury grading includes the amount of deformity, disability, and lack of strength to complete daily living activities?

Injury severity

Suspicions of malingering are most often reported in athletes who have symptoms associated with which of the following pathologies?

-Low-back pain -Head injury

In a recent study, athletic trainers reported that the top-three selected psychosocial strategies are important when working with injured athletes are using short-term goals, creating variety in rehabilitation exercises, and which of the following?

Keeping the athlete involved with the team

What are some situational factor sub-categories in addition to environmental factors that influence response to injury?

Sport (type, level, scholarship status) and social (coach, teammate, family influences)

What are the factors affecting sensible risk in playing through sport injury?

Sport played, body part injured, developmental level of the athlete and time in season

Ability to elicit information from others and listen intently to responses is the definition of which of the following terms?

Attending skills

What are some type of psychosocial strategies athletic trainers and athletes can use?

Goal setting, self talk, relaxation, non pharmacological pain management, motivation and patient education

Educating the athlete about the pain that he/she will likely experience will have which of the following effects?

-Athlete may interpret "painful" sensations as temporary discomforts -Athlete may interpret pain as a necessary evil moving them toward recovery

Catastrophic injury that results in permanent loss of physical function can have a significant impact on which of the following?

-Athletic identity -Self-concept -General lifestlye

Which members of the athlete's support network potentially have strong influence on whether athletes decide to play through pain and injury?

-Coaches -Parents -Athletic trainers

Howdy officials affect injury risk in sport?

-Consistency and stringency of rules enforcement -Knowledge of game rules -Tolerance of physical play

Which of the following are internal sources of noise?

-Fatigue -Poor attitude toward sender -Poor attitude toward information

Which of the following are common psychological problems associated with injury?

-Fear and anxiety -Identity issues -Depression

What post-injury periods are typically associated with the greatest emotional disturbance?

-Immediately post-injury -Just before return to play

What are some issues with youth sport?

-Increased specialization at young age -Increased practice and competition demands at young age -Overuse injuries are growing concern -Long-term health consequences of these injuries not fully understood

Which of the following is a stable personality trait composed of three components: perceived control over the situation. viewing the situation as a challenge as opposed to a threat, and commitment to changing the situation?


What is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in response to stress?

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Which of the following terms describes a preceding event or condition, or a preexisting factor?


The degree to which a person self-identifies as an athlete is referred to as:

Athletic identity

The degree to which an individual identifies with the athlete role is called what?

Athletic identity

Denial, anger, sadness, and acceptance/reorganization are the four stages proposed in which of the following models?

Hardy and Crace

What factors affect injury risk?

Physical, environmental, psychological and sociocultural

T or F: Stress is a big player in injury risk and rehabilitation success


T or F: Verbal communication can be complicated by multiple meanings and cultural uses of terms


T or F: When mixed messages are present, people are more likely to believe nonverbal communication


Athletes' emotions post-injury often form what pattern over time?

U-shaped pattern (emotions start negative, then become positive, then return to negative)

What are underconformity, normal, and overconformity behaviors?

U: Malingering, over-report pain to medical staff and unable to identify normal pain of physical activity N: Understand "good" v. "bad" pain, report pain appropriately, adherent to advice from medical practitioners O: Throw out concern for long-term health consequences, hide or not report injury to medical staff, disregard or ignore medical advice to rest for healing

Overconformity describes athletes who:

Unconditionally accept the norms of sport without reservation

Environmental risk factors for injury include:

Weather conditions

Author of Integrated Model of Response to Sport Injury (1998)

Wiese-Bjornstal et al

Are both males and females willing to play through pain? What are some differences?

Yes; Men are concerned with threat to masculinity if they do not play through pain while females are concerned with inconsistencies of being "athletic" and being a woman

Individual evaluates whether he or she has adequate coping resources is called what?

Secondary appraisal

Which factors include level of competition, time in season, playing status, scholarship status, and sport type?

Situational sport

Social and cultural climates, contexts, and structures that surround sport is termed what?


Research has shown that athletes with high stress or high anxiety are more likely to be (blank) as compared with their lower stress and anxiety counterparts


Life-Event Survey for Collegiate Athletes (LESCA; Petrie, 1992):

is a measure of when a stressful event occurred and the positive-negative rating of the event

Indications of secondary gain include all of the following EXCEPT:

repeated attempts to return to sport too soon

The socially defined criteria for consideration as an athlete in competitive sport is referred to as:

the sport ethic

What are locker room slogans?

"No pain, no game" "Learn to love pain" "Pain is temporary, glory lasts forever" "Go hard or go home"

Author of Cognitive Appraisal Model (1994)


T or F: Injury is only physical

False; Physical and mental

Author of Progressive reactions of injured athletes based on severity of injury and length of rehabilitation (2004)

Hedgpeth & Gieck

Which of the following create challenges for the athletic trainer in maintaining ethical practice in the sport culture?

-Media outlets that glorify incidents where athletes endure pain and injury -Athletes who want to play regardless of the cost -Coaches who prioritize winning over all else -Athletic trainers' strong relationships with the athletes with whom they work

What are some physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavior examples of stress?

-P: Increased HR, increased BP, decreased healing, impaired sleep -C: Increased worries, attention and focus difficulties, intrusive thoughts -E: Frustration, depressed mood, anxiousness -B: Poor choices, sleeping difficulties and rehabilitation nonadherence adherence

According to Brewer's cognitive appraisal model, which of the following influence an athlete's emotional response to injury?

-Personal factors -Situational factors -Injury characteristics

Stress influences which of the following athlete responses?

-Physiological responses -Behavioral responses -Cognitive responses -Emotional responses

Which of the following is a positive declaration of truth often used in rehabilitation and healing to improve mind-set and to motivate the athlete?

-Positive affirmation -Power words -Positive self-talk

Based on the stress-injury model (Andersen & Williams, 1988), an athlete's history of stressors includes which of the following?

-Previous injuries -Daily hassles -Overall life stress -Quantitative stress...?

What does the Stress-Injury Model assess? (Andersen & Williams, 1998)

-Psychosocial antecedents influence how an individual interprets stress -Cognitive appraisal influences stress response -Stress response influences injury risk

What should athletic trainers do as part of their role related to injury prevention?

-They should implement psychosocial strategies aimed at reducing stress -They should implement psychosocial strategies aimed at increasing coping resources

Which of the following factors have contributed to an increased injury risk in youth sport?

-Young athletes are more frequently involved in year-round sport activity -Young athletes are specializing in a single sport more frequently

Author of Biopsychosocial (2002)

Brewer, Andersen & Van Raalte

"An assessment of what is at stake" is the definition of what term related to cognitive appraisal models?

Brewer, Andersen and Van Raalte (2002)

Shock, preoccupation, and reorganization are the three stages proposed in which of the following models?

Brown and Stoudemire

Which of the following terms describes psychological, emotional, and physical withdrawal from an activity that was previously enjoyable?


Interpretation of a situation is known as:

Cognitive appraisal

Which of the following models is the predominant theory in post-injury emotional response in athletes?

Cognitive appraisal

Which types of models focus on developing an understanding of how the individual's perception of the injury shapes the emotional response and subsequent behaviors?

Cognitive appraisal models

Based on the stress-injury model (Andersen & Williams, 1988), what are the three major categories of antecedents that influence an athlete's response to stress?

Coping resources, history of stressors and personality

Mechanisms that promote the ability to manage a stressor or situation are known as:

Coping skills

Which naturally occurring stress hormone in the human body is associated with the fight-or-flight response?


Parissa Safai (2003) states that sports medicine personnel are responsible for creating which type of culture in sport?

Culture of precaution

Which of the following lists the correct order of stages in the Kubler-Ross grief response model?

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

What are the interventions of underconformity?

Education ("good v. "bad" pain), identify possible sources of secondary gain, and assure athlete's motives for participation are intrinsic

The AT notices that an athlete seems willing to return to sport participation following injury even though her pain is sufficient to suggest that doing so would exacerbate her injury. What should the athletic trainer provide in this situation to prevent further injury?

Education and goal setting

undercomformity to the sport ethic is evident in which of the following athlete behaviors?

Faking injury to avoid strenuous workouts

T or F: The more information that is delivered in one dose, the more confident the athlete will be about what he/she is doing


Are males or females more likely to openly discuss their injuries?


What are the influential factors to the cognitive appraisal model?

History of injury, time in season and current stress level

When are the periods of the greatest emotional disturbance of the U-shaped pattern?

Immediately after injury and just before return to play

Which term describes the transitory, fluctuating state of mind of an athlete?

Mood state

Which document emphasizes the need for athletic trainers to keep the well-being of patients as their top priority?

NATA Code of Ethics

What is the term for internal and external barriers that prevent effective delivery or receipt of communicated messages?


Pain that causes vasoconstriction and muscle spasm, which, in turn, causes more pain, which, in turn, exacerbates, is referred to as the (blank) cycle


What is the term for vocal characteristics associated with communication?


What are the type of factors that influence injury and recovery from injury?

Personal, situational and environmental

What are the psychosocial antecedents to stressors?

Personality, History of stressors (life stress, daily hassles, previous injuries), and coping resources

Somatic relaxation includes which of the following?

Physiological techniques

Athletes may risk additional injury and play through pain because of which of the following factors?

Pressure from external sources

"An assessment of what is at stake" is the definition of what term related to cognitive appraisal models?

Primary appraisal

Individual assesses the stressor as a threat or challenge is called what?

Primary appraisal

Initial assessment of a situation to evaluate it as a threat or challenge is known as:

Primary appraisal

Communication expressed through the space between people as they interact is called:


Antecedents and Responses to Stressors model

Psychological antecedents... stressful situation... cognitive appraisal of situation... stress response... injury risk

Integration of psychology and sociology within injury and healing process is called:

Psychosocial approach

Education suggestions for use during initial injury evaluation include all of the following EXCEPT:

Recommending surgical versus nonsurgical management

What are the 2 tools that assess conformity to sport ethic?

Rehabilitation Over-Adherence Questionnaire and Risk Behavior Conformity in Sport Injury

When using education as an intervention for dealing with overconformity behaviors, what issue should be the main focus?

The degree of risk present in playing with pain and injury

Which of the following is NOT an important reason for athletic trainers to be trained listeners?

To provide feedback on life issues that impact the athlete

A short term of situational worry is referred to as:

Trait or state anxiety

T or F: Immediately post-injury, it is advisable for athlete trainers to control nonverbal messages (i.e., keep a "poker face" If the injury is severe).


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