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Common Lewis Base characteristics

(-) charge instead of positive if charged ability to donate electrons

if given a half life question with a percentage of decay.. solve with

(1/2)^X = 0.125 where x is the number of half lives


(jumping genes) short strands of DNA capable of moving from one location to another within a cell's genetic material

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

Weber's Law of Just Noticeable Difference

% difference!!!

Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

1. Learning Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust (Hope) Chronologically, this is the period of infancy through the first one or two years of life. The child, well - handled, nurtured, and loved, develops trust and security and a basic optimism. Badly handled, he becomes insecure and mistrustful. 2. Learning Autonomy Versus Shame (Will) The second psychosocial crisis, Erikson believes, occurs during early childhood, probably between about 18 months or 2 years and 3½ to 4 years of age. The "well - parented" child emerges from this stage sure of himself, elated with his new found control, and proud rather than ashamed. Autonomy is not, however, entirely synonymous with assured self - possession, initiative, and independence but, at least for children in the early part of this psychosocial crisis, includes stormy self - will, tantrums, stubbornness, and negativism. For example, one sees may 2 year olds resolutely folding their arms to prevent their mothers from holding their hands as they cross the street. Also, the sound of "NO" rings through the house or the grocery store. 3. Learning Initiative Versus Guilt (Purpose) Erikson believes that this third psychosocial crisis occurs during what he calls the "play age," or the later preschool years (from about 3½ to, in the United States culture, entry into formal school). During it, the healthily developing child learns: (1) to imagine, to broaden his skills through active play of all sorts, including fantasy (2) to cooperate with others (3) to lead as well as to follow. Immobilized by guilt, he is: (1) fearful (2) hangs on the fringes of groups (3) continues to depend unduly on adults and (4) is restricted both in the development of play skills and in imagination. 4. Industry Versus Inferiority (Competence) Erikson believes that the fourth psychosocial crisis is handled, for better or worse, during what he calls the "school age," presumably up to and possibly including some of junior high school. Here the child learns to master the more formal skills of life: (1) relating with peers according to rules (2) progressing from free play to play that may be elaborately structured by rules and may demand formal teamwork, such as baseball and (3) mastering social studies, reading, arithmetic. Homework is a necessity, and the need for self-discipline increases yearly. The child who, because of his successive and successful resolutions of earlier psychosocial crisis, is trusting, autonomous, and full of initiative will learn easily enough to be industrious. However, the mistrusting child will doubt the future. The shame - and guilt-filled child will experience defeat and inferiority. 5. Learning Identity Versus Identity Diffusion (Fidelity) During the fifth psychosocial crisis (adolescence, from about 13 or 14 to about 20) the child, now an adolescent, learns how to answer satisfactorily and happily the question of "Who am I?" But even the best - adjusted of adolescents experiences some role identity diffusion: most boys and probably most girls experiment with minor delinquency; rebellion flourishes; self - doubts flood the youngster, and so on. Erikson believes that during successful early adolescence, mature time perspective is developed; the young person acquires self-certainty as opposed to self-consciousness and self-doubt. He comes to experiment with different - usually constructive - roles rather than adopting a "negative identity" (such as delinquency). He actually anticipates achievement, and achieves, rather than being "paralyzed" by feelings of inferiority or by an inadequate time perspective. In later adolescence, clear sexual identity - manhood or womanhood - is established. The adolescent seeks leadership (someone to inspire him), and gradually develops a set of ideals (socially congruent and desirable, in the case of the successful adolescent). Erikson believes that, in our culture, adolescence affords a "psychosocial moratorium," particularly for middle - and upper-class American children. They do not yet have to "play for keeps," but can experiment, trying various roles, and thus hopefully find the one most suitable for them. 6. Learning Intimacy Versus Isolation (Love) The successful young adult, for the first time, can experience true intimacy - the sort of intimacy that makes possible good marriage or a genuine and enduring friendship. 7. Learning Generativity Versus Self-Absorption (Care) In adulthood, the psychosocial crisis demands generativity, both in the sense of marriage and parenthood, and in the sense of working productively and creatively. 8. Integrity Versus Despair (Wisdom) If the other seven psychosocial crisis have been successfully resolved, the mature adult develops the peak of adjustment; integrity. He trusts, he is independent and dares the new. He works hard, has found a well - defined role in life, and has developed a self-concept with which he is happy. He can be intimate without strain, guilt, regret, or lack of realism; and he is proud of what he creates - his children, his work, or his hobbies. If one or more of the earlier psychosocial crises have not been resolved, he may view himself and his life with disgust and despair.

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

1. sensorimotor (ages 0-2) 2. preoperational (ages 2-7) 3. concrete operational (ages 7-11) 4. formal operational (12 and up)

Million in scientific notation

1.0^7 or 10^6

Boltzmann's constant

1.38 x 10^-23 J/K

15,000 J is equal to ____ kJ


converting between eV and J

1.60 x 10^-19J / 1 eV

what is the bond angles of acetone

120 no lone pairs causes sp2 hybridization, trigonal planar geometry and a bond angle of 120

A single sports fan is capable of yelling at an intensity level of 80 dB from a given distance. If 10,000 similar fans were all yelling from the same distance, which of the following would be closest to the observed intensity level?

120 dB 10,000 fans would be capable of yelling at an intensity 10,000, or 10^4, times greater than the single fan alone. According to the decibel scale, this would correspond to an increase of 40 dB.

glucose is one of ____ stereoisomers

16 glucose is an aldohexose

mass percent of O in H2O

16/18 x 100% = 89%

in IR carbonyls appear around


a certain 9V battery is used as a power source to move a 2C chARGE. How much work is done by the battery

18J V = DU / q = W/q so work must be W= qV

which nuclei exhibit a magnetic momement and will therefor appear on 12C NMR

1H 11B 13C 15N 19F and so on and 2H 10B

if 1 mole of nitroglyceride produces 1.5 moles of N2 (g). Then how many L will N2 (g) occupy at STP.

1mol / 22.4L = 1.5 mol / x

electron configuration order

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 7s2 5f14 6d10 7p6 use the closest nobel gas in brackets as a placeholder ex: for sulfur...[Ne]3s23p4 as the condensed electronic configuration Ne=10, and 3s2=2 and 3p4=4 giving 16 for S

purines have __ rings

2 A and G

meiosis I results in

2 haploid cells with 23 chromosomes each consisting of 2 sister chromatids per chromosome

In order to convert phenols into hydroxyquinones, how many steps of oxidation or reduction are required? 1 oxidation step 2 oxidation steps 1 reduction step 2 reduction steps

2 oxidation steps phenols must first be converted to quinones through an oxidation step; then a second oxidation step is required to further oxidize to hydroquinones

how many primers are needed for PCR

2 primers are needed if only one primer is added, only one strand of DNA is linerarlly amplified


2 sets of chromosomes almost all human cells are diploid (female xx male xy)

What is the pH of a 0.10 M aqueous solution of acetylsalicylic acid?

2.3 acetylsalicylic acid is a weak acid with a pKa of 3.5. The pH of the solution must be less than the pKa be cause the compound is primarily in its acid form and a pH of 3.5 would mean that the concentration of the weak acid and conj base are equal (a buffer)


200^(1/4) 200^(1/2)(1/2) square root of 200 ~ 14 square root of 14 ~ 4

human range of hearing (frequencies)

20Hz to 20kHz anything greater than a frequency of 20kHz is ultrasound

at STP each mole of gas will occupy what volume

22.4L of volume

1:1:1:1 phenotypic ratio

25% FOR ALL FOUR options BbCc x bbcc

what is the maximum number of electrons allowed in a single atomic E level in terms of the principal quantum number n

2n^2 for any value of n, there will be a maximum of 2n^2 electrons (2 per orbital)

the product of angular frequency and period will always be ...

2pi since w = 2piF = 2pi / T

a certain carbon nucleus dissociates completely into alpa particles. How many are formed

3 a typical carbon nucleus contains 6 protons and 6 neutrons. An alpha particle contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Therefor one carbon nucleus dissociates into 6/2 = 3 alpha particles

In which direction does the Na+K+ ATPase transport ions across the cell membrane upon ATP hydrolysis?

3 Na+ is transported out of the cell; 2 K+ is transported into the cell. opp of the natural flow

steroid structure

3 cyclohexanes and 1 cyclopentane

conjugation, transformation, transduction

3 means for genetic recombination in bacteria

tertiary protein structure

3D folding pattern of a protein due to side chain interactions

A normal human cell contains

46 chromosomes

which of the following equations describes the maximum number of electrons that can fill a subshell? 2l + 2 4l +2 2l^2 2l^2 + 2

4l + 2 where l ranges from values from 0 to l-1, which n being the principal quantum number

pH of duodenum

5-6 relatively basic

how many distinct tripeptides can be formed from one valine molecule, one alanine molecule, and one leucine molecule

6 there are three choices for the first AA, leaving 2 choices for the second, and one for the third 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 distinct tripeptides VAL VLA ALV AVL LVA LAV

george millers magic number

7 +- 2

piagets stages of cognitive development concrete opperational

7 to 11 understand conversation and consider the perspectives of others may result in loss of egocentrism/ imagining what others think or feel

prokaryote ribosome subunits

70s with 50s and 30s subunit

standard atmospheric pressure

760 mmHg

eukaryote ribosome subunits

80s with 60s and 40s subunits

pKa of COO and NH2

9 and 2

which chemical shift corresponds to an aldehydic proton signal in the H NMR spectra

9.5ppm signal lies downfield because the carbonyl O is electron withdrawing and will deshield the proton

the largest value that sin can have is at an angle of...

90 torque is greatest when sin(theta) is greatest, and sin(theta) is greatest when sin(90)

flow rate of 9L in 10 min is

900 mL / min


= 1

Cross sectional area equation

A = (pi)r^2

Southern Blot

A DNA sample is electrophoresed on a gel and then transferred to a filter. The filter is then soaked in a denaturant and subsequently exposed to a labeled DNA probe that recognizes and anneals to its complementary strand. The resulting ds labeled piece of DNA is visualized when the filter is exposed to film. Used for DNA analysis and does not provide detailed info in regard to chromosome structure (so you would know if a gene is present but not if it was on the correct chromosome or not)

self-selection bias

A bias that occurs because people who feel strongly about a subject are more likely to respond to survey questions than people who feel indifferent about it.


A building block of DNA, consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.

Hawthorne effect

A change in a subject's behavior caused simply by the awareness of being studied


A chemical reaction that requires the input of energy in order to proceed.


A compound that changes color in the presence of an acid or a base function is acid base titrations


A condition in which neither of two alleles of a gene is dominant or recessive. spotted flowers


A dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles.

Huntington's disease

A human genetic disease caused by a dominant allele; characterized by uncontrollable body movements and degeneration of the nervous system; usually fatal 10 to 20 years after the onset of symptoms.

Reflected rays

A light ray travelling away from a mirror

beta oxidation

A metabolic sequence that breaks fatty acids down to two-carbon fragments that enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl CoA.

feedback inhibition

A method of metabolic control in which the end product of a metabolic pathway acts as an inhibitor of an enzyme within that pathway.

somatic mutation

A mutation that occurs in the body cells. Cannot be inherited.

G0 phase

A nondividing state occupied by cells that have left the cell cycle, sometimes reversibly.

adiabatic process

A process in which no heat is transferred to or from the system by its surroundings.

criterion validity

A property exhibited by a test that accurately measures performance of the test taker against a specific learning goal.


A protein hormone secreted by pancreatic endocrine cells that raises blood glucose levels; an antagonistic hormone to insulin.

conversion disorder

A rare somatoform disorder in which a person experiences very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no physiological basis can be found.


A school of psychology that focused on how our mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable us to adapt, survive, and flourish.


A series elastic component protein responsible for allowing the sarcomere to stretch and recoil

nuclear localization signal (NLS)

A short amino acid sequence that marks a protein for delivery to the nucleus.

peer group

A social group whose members have interests, social position, and age in common


A solution that minimizes changes in pH when extraneous acids or bases are added to the solution.

isoelectric focusing

A specialized method of separating proteins by their isoelectric point using electrophoresis; the gel is modified to possess a pH gradient uses a gel that has a pH gradient encouraging a variable change


A species that can either accept or donate a proton. ie sodium bicarbonate--neither acidic or basic


A sphingophospholipid containing a sphingosine backbone and a phosphate head group.

radioactive decay

A spontaneous process in which unstable nuclei lose energy by emitting radiation

amplitude and intensity

A squared = I

lewis acid and base

A strong Lewis acid will be electron poor, a situation fostered by being bonded to electron withdrawing groups. A strong Lewis base will be electron rich, surrounded by electron donating groups.


A structure in animal cells containing centrioles from which the spindle fibers develop.

cross-sectional study

A study in which a representative cross section of the population is tested or surveyed at one specific time.

noncompetitive inhibitor

A substance that reduces the activity of an enzyme by binding to a location remote from the active site, changing its conformation so that it no longer binds to the substrate.


A subtype of diastereomers that differ in absolute configuration at exactly one chiral carbon

closed system

A system in which no matter is allowed to enter or leave E is able to leave the system, a difference between an isolated system

isolated system

A system that can exchange neither energy nor matter with its surroundings.


A technique in which RNA is first converted to cDNA by the use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, then the cDNA is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. RT-PCR thus gives information on what transcripts are being expressed in a cell.

Increasing confidence level creates what confidence interval

A wider confidence interval

why are AA essential to brain function

AA are necessary for the production of proteins, which are essential for the function of any cell CAN PASS THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER

what type of AA will contribute the most to the pI of a protein?

AA that are charged--acidic or basic

if you have a chemical equation with H+ as a reactant what type of pH would lead to the greatest product production?


common tropic horomones

ACTH TSH LH in the anterior pituitary

in oxidative phosphorylation, what is the final step

ADP is phosphorylated to ATP

the E sources of the body listed from \very convenient to downright harmful

ATP Glucose Glycogen Fats + Ketone Bodies Muscle

The SOURCE of the phosphate groups added to rhodopsin are from

ATP (rhodopsin kinase actually adds them but they come from ATP)

ABC transporters

ATP-binding cassette transporters; use ATP energy to transport certain ions, sugars, and polypeptides across cell membranes.

Aldol Condensation Reaction

Aldehyde + Ketone --> ketone+aldehyde + ketone+ketone side product a dehydration and nucelophilic addition reaction

which are more reactive aldehydes or ketones ? why

Aldehydes; less steric hinderance

strong bases

All group 1 + OH- Ca(OH)2 Ba(OH)2 Sr(OH)2 **these are the lower group 2 elements, the OH- will fully dissociate into Ca2+ and 2OH-

what bet describes the final product of an aldol condensation reaction

Alpha, Beta-unsaturated carbonyl (the formed double bond is between the alpha and beta carbons) (alpha H is deprotonated first which then can attack another aldehyde r ketone to generate the aldol)

Glycine (Gly/G/ Nonpolar/aliphatic)

Amino Acid

Tryptophan, Trp, W, nonpolar, aromatic, hydrophobic

Amino Acid Aromatic R groups

Leucine (Leu/L/Nonpolar/Hydrophobic)

Amino Acid prefer interior on a globular protein, because of its hydrophobicity


An abnormal fear of open or public places

Gabriel Synthesis

An amino acid is generated from phthalimide (nucleophile) and diethyl bromomalonate, using two SN2 reactions, hydrolysis, and decarboxylation.

covalent compound

An element or chemical compound in which atoms are held together by covalent bonds

peptidyl transferase

An enzyme in the ribosome responsible for peptide bond formation during translation. this catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond


An error in meiosis or mitosis in which members of a pair of homologous chromosomes or a pair of sister chromatids fail to separate properly from each other.

near miss

An event in which property damage or injury is narrowly avoided.

Histidine (His/H/positice/basic/hydrophillic)

Animo Acid Histidine

Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle

Another term for the Krebs cycle. A tricarboxylic acid is an organic carboxylic acid whose chemical structure contains three carboxyl functional groups (-COOH). The best known example of a tricarboxylic acid is citric acid.

antisense genes

Antisense genes can only block a gene from being expressed by preventing the cell from translating the disease protein from mRNA - doesn't work for treating sickle cell For it to bind and shut down the sense mRNA strand, both RNAs must be transcribed at the same time so that they can bind to each other and form a dsRNA that cannot be translated. Must not be regulated in different ways, other wise the target gene + inserted DNA won't be switched on at same time, preventing two RNA products from binding Must be regulated in similar manners to the target genes

somatic cells

Any cells in the body other than reproductive cells


Arg, R

detection bias

Arises from educated professionals using their knowledge in an inconsistent way by searching for an outcome disproportionately in certain populations

amino acid 'D'

Aspartic Acid

Which will produce more error: randomizing groups that end up being unequal in gender, or assigning new randomization?

Assigning new randomization (don't do this) just processed if it's fair, even if there are 2x as many females in one group vs the other


B and T cells

Phylogenic Tree of Life

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryota we want phyogenic trees with the least events/mutations/transfers

delerium tremens

Begin 48-72 hours after cessation of drinking; characterized by hallucinations, disorientation, and clouding of the sensorium; hyperventilation leading to respiratory alkalosis, hypovolemia, hypomagnesia, and hypophosphatemia

substitution equation

C= 900 + 12m C= 500 + 15m 900 + 12m = 500 + 15m 400 = 3m 133 = m\

Capacitors in Parallel

C=C₁+C₂+C₃+... overall increase in eq resistance


Characterized by contractile proteins influence shape and folding.

what E conversion describes what takes place in a battery powered resistive circuit when current is flowing (electrical chemical and thermal)

Chemical E to Electric E to Thermal E

column chromatography

Chromatography in which the substances to be separated are introduced onto the top of a column packed with an adsorbent (as silica gel or alumina), pass through the column at different rates that depend on the affinity of each substance for the adsorbent and for the solvent or solvent mixture, and are usually collected in solution as they pass from the column at different times molecules that are LIKE the silica gel will have a longer Rf time and a higher affinity for the stationary phase

ambient stressors

Chronic environmental conditions that, although not urgent, are negatively valued and place adaptive demands on people. usually in the background of other peoples lives

The lymphatic system transports what

Chylomicrons to the circulatory system (collecting interstitial fluid returning it to the circulatory system to maintain the balance of body fluids) Chylomicrons are accepted from the SI

mnemonic for kreb cycle intermediates

Citrate = citrate Is = isocitrate Krebs = apha-ketoglutarate Special = succinyl-CoA Substrate = succinate Fumarate = for Making = malate Oxaloacetate = oxaloacetate


Coding segments of eukaryotic DNA.

transcription factors

Collection of proteins that mediate the binding of RNA polymerase and the initiation of transcription.

impact of competitive inhibitors on Km

Competitive inhibitors do increase the apparent Km of the enzyme, because a higher substrate concentration is required to reach ½ Vmax

Complexes of ETC

Complex I II III IV complex II is the only one that does not contribute to the proton gradient, while I III and IV all add 4 protons


Concepts or mental frameworks that organize and interpret information.

hyperaldosteronism will cause

*low blood potassium *decreased renin production as by negative feedback *high blood sodium *hypertension

reverse phase chromatography

- Exact opposite of Thin Layer (TLC) - stationary phase is non polar so polar molecules move up the plate quickly

crown ether molecules

Crown ether molecules are ether-type compounds. As such they don't significantly alter the polarity of an ether solvent, will be miscible with it, and contain no protic hydrogens to hydrogen bond with the solvent

culturally bound

Culture consists of shared beliefs and practices. Regulates communication tied to a single culture


- Transporter specific to liver and pancreas - found in liver for glucose storage - found in B-islet cells of pancrease as part of glucose sensor - has high Km

glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle

- electrons are transferred from NADH to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), forming glycerol 3-phosphate - these electrons can then be transferred to mitochondrial FAD, forming FADH2

malate-aspartate shuttle

- electrons are transferred from NADH to oxaloacetate, forming malate - malate can then cross the inner mitochondrial membrane and transfer electrons to the mitochondrial NAD+, forming NADH


- found in adipose tissue and muscle - stimulated by insulin - low Km

enthalpy (Delta H)

- measures the overall change in the heat of a system during a rxn - equal to thermodynamic heat exchange (Q) at constant pressure & volume

at pH 7 glutamic acid has a what charge


minimum value of the cos function

-1 (cos180 = -1) therefor a minimum value of 2cos(theta) - 1 is 2 x (-1) -1 = -3

azimuthal quantum number

-L -angular momentum -shape and number of subshells -range of L=0 to (n-1) l=0 is the s subshell l = 1 is the p; subshell l=2 is the d subshell l=3 is the f subshell

pKa =






the steps of fatty acid synthesis

1) activation (attachment to acyl protein carrier) 2) bond formation between malonyl-CoA and the growing fatty acid chain 3) reduction of the carboxyl group 4) dehydration 5) reduction of a double bond

Equation for energy of a photon


binding energy equation

E=mc^2 where m is the MASS DEFECT (mass of the unbound protons + neutrons) - (mass of formed nucleus)

double stranded DNA has equal or not equal amounts of paired nucleotides

EQUAL A = T and C = G

Efficiency equation

Efficiency= Useful energy output/total energy input -Measured in %

nonmetallic elements (nonmetals)

Elements in the upper right corner of the periodic table; nonmetals differ from metals in their physical and chemical properties.

conflict theory perspective

Emphasizes the coersion and exploitation that underlies relations between groups.Social behavior is in a state of conflict and tension. Status hierarchies facilitate: the preservation of structural power while being maintained by practices of discrimination.

restriction enzymes

Enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Erikson's stage of social development in which middle-aged people begin to devote themselves more to fulfilling one's potential and doing public service

white fibers

Fast-twitch muscle fibers. They are primarily anaerobic and fatigue more easily than red fibers. less myoglobin less mitochondria sprinter muscles

Archimmedes principal

Fbouy= density of water x Vwater x g

Standing wave harmonics

First harmonic= 1= Fundamental frequency Second harmonic= 2 Third Harmonic =3 Fundamental mode= (n=1)

Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

the common name for the aldehydes and carboxylic acids that contain only one carbon start with what prefix

Form- like formic acid or methanol (formaldehyde)

frequency equation

Frequency = c/wavelength c = 3.0 x 10^8

trimeric G proteins ; the three subunits

G alpha G beta G gamma (within G alpha is Gs Gi and Gq subtypes)

GPCR signaling exchanges the ____ bound to the alpha subunit for ___ to carry out signaling

GDP bound to the alpha subunit for a GTP

Insulin-independent transporters:

GLUT-1: RBCs, brain, cornea GLUT-2 (bidirectional): beta islet cells, liver, kidney, SI GLUT-3: brain GLUT-5 (fructose): spermatocytes, GI tract used in the brains of diabetic patients

Delta G

Gibbs free E change - with a spontaneous reaction

what. effect do high levels of progesterone and estrogen inhibit

GnRH secretion -- preventing FSH and LH secretion

error bars

Graphical representation of the variability of data

what compounds are always soluble in water

Group 1 metals and NH4+ are ALWAYS SOLUBLE IN WATER

electron donating groups

Groups that push (donate) electron density towards another functional group through sigma or pi bonds. methyl sub are EDG

acidic proton

H with partial positive charge low electron density around them

___ migrate to the cathode and ___ migrate towards to anode

H+ positive charged ions to cathode - charged ions to anode

acetic acid


7 strong acids

HCl--hydrochloric acid HBr-hydrobromic acid HI- hydroiodic acid HNO3- nitric acid H2SO4- sulfuric acid HClO3-chloric acid HClO4-perchloric acid

Perchloric Acid

HClO4 (Strong Acid)


Having an affinity for or an attraction to fat and oils (oil-loving). fat soluble vits, hormones, AA, hydrocarbon compounds

what are the irreversible enzymes in glycolysis

Hexokinase Glucokinase PFK-1 Pyruvate Kinase

electrical current equation in relation to charge and time

I = DQ/t charge transfered per unit time

Intensity equation

I = P/A

Affective attributes

I feel X tone of voice + - etc

for a single mirror or single lens, An image that is real must be____


Determine outliers with IQR

IQR= Q3-Q1 Values that are 1.5 x IQR below Q1 or above Q3 are outliers

Microtubule depolymerization

If polymerization slows down, the GTP cap will undergo hydrolysis to GDP causing what? resp for separating chromsoms during anaphase of mitosis or meiosis I or II


If the cofactor is an organic molecule.

innate immunity

Immunity that is present before exposure and effective from birth. Responds to a broad range of pathogens. inflammation eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils

When is heat transfer through radiation impossible

In a gas


In classical conditioning, the initial stage, when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response. In operant conditioning, the strengthening of a reinforced response.

What volume of a 0.120 M CaI2 solution would contain 0.078 mol of the solute?

In order to obtain the volume of solution necessary to provide a given amount of solute in moles, one needs to take the number of moles and divide by the solution concentration in molarity. M= mol/L mol / M = 0.078 / 0.120 = 0.65 L (or 650 mL)

Ehat will decrease the strength of an electric field

Increasing the distance between for example cathode abs anode Increasing the circuit resistance for a fixed current

informational social influence

Informational social influence describes when an individual's behavior conforms or changes because he or she wants to do the "right thing"

suicide inhibition

Irreversible enzyme inhibitor Enzyme binds inhibitor (substrate analog) forming an irreversible complex thru covalent bond during normal catalysis rxn.

Once a substance reaches its melting point...

It requires an additional amount of heat to actually induce the phase change

Increasing the density of an object will make it accelerate to the surface faster or slower in water

It will accelerate more slowly Fbouy -mg = Fnet Fbouy - mg = ma

calculating the KE of ejected electrons

K = hf - W

Photoelectric effect equation

KE = hf - W

what is the Keq of an electrolytic cell

Keq < 1

Keq for a spontaneous reaction

Keq > 1 and Delta G < 1

concentration of substrate is equal to 1/2 of Vmax


aldehyde oxidation to the respective carboxylic acid is acchomplished by what


ATP synthase

Large protein that uses energy from H+ ions to bind ADP and a phosphate group together to produce ATP used in oxidative phos. which is powered by ETC

diverging rays

Light rays that move apart or spread out from each other as they travel


Lithium aluminum hydride is a very strong reducing agent. It will reduce aldehydes, ketones, esters, and carboxylic acids to alcohols, and amides and nitriles to amines. It will also open epoxides.


Loss of power in a signal as it travels from the sending device to the receiving device opposite of amplification

what is required for RT-PCR

Lysis of cells, and removal of protein and lipid components Isolation and stabilization of RNA, and generation of cDNA

mechanical advantage and efficiency are both ratios, what is true regarding the quantities used in these ratios?

MA compares values of forces, efficiency compares values of work

Types of Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs)

Macrophages, B Cells, Dendritic cells (all have MHC II receptors)

What stage of protein synthesis does NOT require energy? A. Initiation B. Elongation C. Termination D. All stages of protein synthesis require energy

D--all of the stages require large amounts of energy

what is the relationships for Keq, Q, and DG in a spontanous forward reaction

DG <0 Keq > Q

relationship (equation) between standard emf and standard change in free E

DG = nF(Ered, anode - Ered,cathode) F is faradays constant

change in gibbs free energy equation

DG= DGrxn + RTlnQ

Delta G equation

DGrxn = -RTlnKeq

a virus that does splicing is likely a RNA or DNA virus


phosphodiester bonds are between


impact of competitive inhibitors on Vmax

DO NOT ALTER V max Competitive inhibitors do not alter an enzyme's Vmax, since the active site can be saturated by increasing the substrate concentration

aerotolerant anaerobes

DO NOT us O2 and produce ATP through fermentation

Which of the following might be protective against development of type II diabetes?

Decreased iron ingestion

reticular layer

Deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients dense connective tissue


Deliberate faking of a physical or psychological disorder motivated by gain.

peptide hormones

Drugs that cause the production of other hormones hormones that act as second messengers and are relatively large in size

what equation do you use to calculate the wavelength of the photon emitted

E = hc / wavelength so wavelength = hc/E

Protein secondary structure is characterized by the pattern of hydrogen bonds between:

backbone amide protons and carbonyl oxygens secondary structure is represented by repeated patterns of hydrogen bonds between the backbone amide protons and carbonyl oxygen atoms.

antibodies attack


in aqueous solution, pyrophosphate will likely do what

be degraded into inorganic phosphate

Why is a sigma bond stronger than a pi bond?

because s orbitals have more overlap than p orbitals the degree of overlap determines the bond strength by a proportional relationship

what happens when an aldehyde or ketone with alpha H's is treated with a strong base like LDA

becomes more nucelophilic generates a carbanion

James-Lange Theory

begin with physiological arousal, and this arousal causes the action/emotion

conflict theorists

believe men have historically had access to most of society's material resources and privileges. Therefore, it is in their interest to try to maintain their dominant position. calls attention to competition among social groups, including generational conflict.

spped of water that will flow through a hole/tube

bernoullis equation

Reproduction of bacteria

binary fission which involves the following steps: replication, in which the chromosome is duplicated while the cell grows; segregation and growth of a new cell wall, in which the chromosomes are pulled towards different sides of the cell and the cell envelope begins to grow towards the middle of the cell; and finally, the separation of two daughter cells.

function of ligases during S phase

binds together pieces of the lagging strand connect okazaki fragments on the lagging strand of the DNA being replicated

which property of a substance is best used to estimate relative vapor pressure

boiling point


bone forming cells involved in secretion of the bone matrix

estrogen inhibits ...

bone resorption this is the reason why post menoposal women experinece declines in bone density

pyruvate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase

both participate in aerobic cellular respiration

PKA is stimulated by what


increase in pH

can be due to fluid loss you loose some blood electrolytes salts and minerals including sodium and potassium

visible light spectrum frequencies

can be found by doing c / wavelength where the wavelength of the visible spectrum is 400-700nm

faculative anaerobes

can live with or without oxygen

quantum number l

cannot be any higher than n-1


carrying out a redox reaction with a voltmeter


cartilage cells that secrete chondrin


causing changes, or mutations, in DNA

discrimination results in a ...

change in behavior

what will reduce cognitive dissonance

changing the discordant opinion to resolve dissonance


channels through cell walls that connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells IN PLANTS

why are chemical synapses slower than electrical synapses

chemical synapses require the movement of agents through an intrercellular space

optically active

chiral center glyicne is the only NOT optically active AA--no chiral center

bacteria have what shaped chromosome and what other things inside of them

circular they can contain a plasmid(s); circular pieces of DNA that contain genes **some plasmids are called episomes and can insert themselves into the bacterial chromosome this can happen due to conjugation, transformation, or transduction


clusters of lipids associated with proteins that serve as transport vehicles for lipids in the lymph and blood

Aquaporins are located at which part of the renal structures

collecting duct

Rules for Thermochemical Equations

compare each individual thermochemical equation to the overall reaction if the species in the thermochemical equations are not in the overall reaction, ignore at first, but they will need to cancel out eventually if the products in thermochemical equations appear as reactants of the overall reaction, flip the equation if the species in the thermochemical equations apear as products in the overall reaction, flip the equation if you do flip a reaction, change the sign of delta H add or subtract the thermochemical equations so that you will get the over all reaction, you may need to multiply a thermochem eq by some number to get the correct balanced coeffieinct in the overall eq (do the same thing to Delta H)

reversible forms of inhibition

competetive non competetive uncompetetive


complementary DNA; results from the reverse transcription of processes mRNA

rate laws do not depend on the ...

concentration of products

emotional support

concern for others' well-being and support of their decisions in a job setting

Broca's aphasia

condition resulting from damage to Broca's area, causing the affected person to be unable to speak fluently, to mispronounce words, and to speak haltingly

role conflict

conflict among the roles connected to two or more statuses

karl marx is most associated with which theory

conflict theory

informational influence

conformity occurring when people accept evidence about reality provided by other people

isobaric process

constant pressure

coffee cup calorimeter

constant pressure calorimeter An isolated system

social constructivism

constructed beliefs



During inspiration the diaphragm

contracts--this flattens the muscle and allows for increased thoracic volume

pyruvate dehydrogenase

converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA in the krebs cycle the critical link between anaerobic and aerobic respiration

lactate dehydrogenase

converts pyruvate to lactate via an oxidation reduction reaction

what can produce a virtual image

convex lens concave lens plane mirror

Testosterone is a

cortical sex hormone


cortisol a steroid

Iodine deficiency may result in

cretinism -- aka hypothyroidism think about the Iodines being added to T3 and T4

Where does fatty acid synthesis occur?



Mediates platelet function vasoconstriction derived from arachidonic acid


Membrane carbohydrates that are covalently bonded to lipids.

Methylation & Deamination

Methylation: add a methyl group Deamination: amine to a carbonyl

during which phase of the cell cycle are DNA repair mechanisms LEAST active

Mitosis mismatch repair mechanisms are active during the S phase (proofreading) and the G2 phase (MSH2 and MLH1). Nucleotide and base excision repairs are most active during the G1 and G2 phases.


Modified fatty acids that are produced by a wide range of cells. paracrine or autocrine signaling (NOT ENDOCRINE) affect regions close to where they are produced

are Ksp or other solubility constants affected by concentration


Do circulating erythrocytes contain DNA?

NO--they lose their nuclei during maturation, so therefor they cannot affect endothelial cell growth

What is the best explanation for the fact that a solution of NaNO2(aq) is basic?

NO2- is hydrolyzed with the formation of OH- (aq) ions The NO2- reacts with water, forming OH- ions. Thus, A is the best answer.

what tissue is used in muscle

NOT connective tissue

difference between loudness and frequency

NOT the SAME thing!!! frequency is the pitch loudness is the intensity

When an odorous molecule binds to olfactory receptors, the cell transduces the information into an electrical signal that travels to the brain for processing. Which of the following accurately describes the state of the voltage-gated channels on this cell during the relative refractory period?

Na+ channels are de-inactivated and K+ channels are activated de inactivated meaning that it isnt inactive, but also not yet open either potassium continues to flow allowing the cell to finish the AP

an aldosterone deficiency would be related to a decrease in the serum levels of all of the following

Na+ ions Cl- ions HCO3- ions (NOT K+ ions)

what is the approximate pH of a 1.2 x 10^-5 M aqueous solution of NaOH

NaOH is a strong base... as such there will be 1.2 x 10^-5 M OH- in solution. (strong bases completely dissociate). Based on this info alone, the pOH must be between 4 and 5, and the pH must be between 9 and 10. Using the shortcut... pOH = 5 - 0.12 - 4.88 pH = 14 - pOH = 9.`2

equivalence point equation

NaVa=NbVb Na and Nb=acid and base normalities Va and Vb=volumes of acid and base solutions, respectively

What is the response of the immune system to downregumation if MHC molecules on somatic cells

Natural killer cells induce apoptosis of affected cells

air contains elemental ___ as its major component

Nitrogen (which is relatively inert and is neither an acid or a base)

will cancer detection display symptoms immediatley after exposure

No, this could take years

atomic mass

Number of protons and neutrons

what is the oxidation number of chlorine in NaClO?

O has typical -2 oxidation Na has typical +1 oxidation this means that Cl must have +1 in order to balance the charge

alpha anomer

OH group in the C1 is trans to the CH2OH *it will be axial and down*

Solubility rule exceptions OH-

OH- is a 1- that is generally insoluble ... EXCEPT it is soluble if with group 1 (NH4+), and it is slightly soluble with Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+


Occurs when an object causes a wave to change direction and bend around it

Potassium voltage gated ion channels

Once the potential difference across the cell membrane has become positive (+40mV), these open and the Na+ voltage gated ion channels shut, and K+ diffuses into the cell depolarizes the cell

pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC)

Oxidizes primary alcohols into aldehydes Oxidizes secondary alcohols into ketones - can also be done by stronger oxidizing agents

Obligate aerobes require


ideal gas law modified to include density

P = (rho)(R)(T) / M where R = 0.0821

power equation relating I and v

P = IV

relationship between power and Energy

P = W/t

power equation with work and time

P = Wt

boyles law


Power equation

P=W/t P = PE / t

Pressure equation

P=pgh p=rho=density g=acceleration to dravity h= height

Oxidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde


potential E of an elastic spring

PE elastic = 1/2kx^2 where k is the spring constant (an indicator of stiffness) where x is how far the spring is stretched or compressed the more a spring is compressed, the more E will be stored in it

Is active or passive immunity quicker?

Passive immunity is acquired immediately while active immunity may take weeks

Gauge pressure equation

Pgauge=density fluid x gravity x specific gravity

Hydrostatic pressure equation

Phydrostatic = ρgΔh Density of the fluid Z depth in the fluid

Crisis Stressors:

Physical or emotional trauma Increase body temp Exercise

Which cells are involved in the production of antibodies Plasma cells Memory cells Helper T cells Cytoxic cells

Plasma cells which are derived from b lymphocytes (memory B cells DO NOT produce antibodies)

Krebs Cycle Mnemonic

Please, Can I Keep Selling Seashells For Money Officer? Pyruvate (from glycolysis) Citrate Isocitrate Alpha-Ketoglutarate Succinyl-CoA Succinate Fumarate Malate Oxoalacetate


Potassium permanganate is a very strong oxidizing agent. It will oxidize primary alcohols and aldehydes to carboxylic acids, secondary alcohols to ketones, form diols from alkenes, and oxidatively cleave carbon-carbon multiple bonds.

extrinsic factors

Primarily environmental factors that contribute to aging and the appearance of aging.

pH > pKa deprotonated mnemonic

Prince Harry is Greater than Princess Katrina and She is Depressed

gel electrophoresis

Procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and applying an electrical voltage to the gel seperates based on size, where the smaller molecules migrate further down the gel


Process by which, in a fluid being heated, the warmer part of the mass will rise and the cooler portions will sink.


R=NR' double bond N

where does reduction occur in a electrolytic cell


where does reduction occur in a galvanic cell


in an overall electrochemical reaction, where does oxidation and reduction occur (like in a galvanic cell)


which of the following enzymes is NOT Involved in DNA replication? primase DNA ligase RNA polymerase I Telomerase

RNA polymerase I (this enzyme is located in the nucleolus and synthesizes rRNA )

Enhancers are transcriptional regulatory sequences that function by enhancing the activity of:

RNA polymerase at a single promoter site ; the specific transcription factors will bind to a specific DNA sequence, such as an ENHANCER< and to RNA polymerase at a single promoter sequence. They enable the RNA polymerase to transcribe the specific gene for that enhancer more efficiently

what is the main different when observing a compound structure of DNA and RNA

RNA will have an OH group on the sugar and DNA will not

RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction)

RT-PCR is a variation of PCR, or polymerase chain reaction. ... This means PCR is used for pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, that already contain DNA for amplification, while RT-PCR is used for those containing RNA that needs to be transcribed to DNA for amplification.

Changing what will change the focal length of a convex mirror

Radius of curvature of the mirror

REM sleep

Rapid eye movement sleep, a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because the muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active.

Ego (Freud)

Rational thought; controls & channels the id; reality principle

MMR system

Recognizes and Repairs nucleotide mismatches ie would recognize dTMP and dCMP or dGMP and dAMP because these nucleotide bases are mismatched

Venturi effect

Reduction in pressure of a fluid resulting from the speed increase as fluids are forced to flow faster through narrow spaces.

Venturi effect

Reduction in pressure of a fluid resulting from the speed increase as fluids are forced to flow faster through narrow spaces. Water will flow the fastest and have the lowest hydrostatic pressure wherever the pipe or tube is the narrowest


Referring to cells that use acetylcholine as their synaptic transmitter.

Coloumb's Law

Refers to attractive force between any two charged particles

Superego (Freud)

Represents the conscience, holds rules, values for socially acceptable behavior

which amino acids can be phosphorylated in eukaryotes

S , Serine Y, tyrosine T, threonine

chemo attaks rapidly dividing cells at what point

S stage prophase metaphase

Which of the following correctly indicates the response of CD8+ T cells when activated

Secretion of cytoxic chemicals Release into vitally infected cells to kill them

what amino acids contain OH (hydroxyl) groups in their side chains?

Ser Thr (alcohol is a Serious Threat)

incomplete dominance

Situation in which one allele is not completely dominant over another allele some red flowers some while

red fibers

Slow-twitch muscle fibers. They are primarily aerobic and contain many mitochondria and myoglobin. slow twitch marathon

Solomon Asch Experiment

Solomon Asch's conformity experiments looked at the likelihood of conformity in a group setting

Shwann cells

Specialized cells that myelinate the fibers of neurons found in the PNS.

Cytoxic (T) cells are involved with specific or non specific defense

Specific (cell mediated)

phases of fear conditioning paradignm

Standard fear conditioning paradigms highlight three phases: 1) Fear acquisition, 2) Extinction and 3) Extinction Retention

pluripotent stem cells

Stem cells that can become almost all types of tissues and cells in the body.

DNA replication enzyme functions

Strands are seperated by DNA helicase. Primase creates a primer for the initiation of replication, followed by DNA polymerase on the lagging strand, Okazaki fragments form and are joined by DNA ligase Telomerase adds telomeres once the chromosome has been processed

homologous structures

Structures in different species that are similar because of common ancestry.

subjective measures of motivation

Subjective measurement is how scientists measure what people say. It is very important that we listen to our patients and get feedback on their experience here. This can include using a survey to answer open ended questions, ranking an experience based on feelings, and more. ie participants' answers on the exit questionnaire


Substrate concentration at 1/2 Vmax

where are the sites of secretion for these enzymes Sucrase Carboxypeptidase Trypsin Lactase

Sucrase = brush border cells of duodenum Carboxypeptidase = pancreas Trypsin = pancreas lactase = duodenum

relationship between F and Celcius

T = 9/5T + 32

Tension of a chain in water

T = Fg -Fbouy

period equation related to wavekength and velocity

T = wavelength / velocity

Which lymphocytes are involved in cell mediated immunity

T lymphocytes or T cells (cytoxic, helper, memory, and suppressor)

T or F? Dendritic cells are a type of Antigen Presenting Cell


ionization energy

The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom

histone acetylation

The attachment of acetyl groups to certain amino acids of histone proteins.


The bending of a wave as it passes at an angle from one medium to another

Two factors that normally determine the level of BP are...

The cardiac output and the resistance to blood flow


The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas ocean water to the air water interface


The change of state from a gas to a liquid

net force

The combination of all forces acting on an object if net force=0 the combination of all the forces acting on the object are in equilibrium velocity does not change when the net force on an object is zero

Why can metals conduct electricity?

The delocalised electrons can move and carry charge. This happens in all states

schwann cells vs olgiodendrocytes

The difference between Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes lies on the type of nerve cell axons they insulate. Schwann cells insulate the axons of the nerve cells in the PNS whereas oligodendrocytes insulate the nerve cells in the CNS.

photoelectric effect

The emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal occurs when a photon of sufficiently high E strikes and atom with a sufficiently low work function (a photon with a higher E is more likely to produce the effect) --> more likely to produce a current in the metal

End product inhibition/Feedback inhibition

The end product of pathway acts as an inhibitor for an enzyme in the pathway, thus slowing it down.

ionic character

The greater the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms, the greater the percentage of ___ in the bond greatest diff in EN between the metal nd the nonmental


The heat content of a system at constant pressure

When visible light travels more slowly through an optically dense medium than through a vacuum, what is a possible explanation of the activity of the light?

The light is absorbed and re emitted by the atomic structure of the optically dense medium and thus slow down the light

isoelectric point (pI)

The pH at which an amino acid is predominantly in zwitterionic form


The process by which a single-celled zygote becomes a multicellular embryo. morula to blastula to gastrula


The rapid interconversion between different anomers of a sugar

Which of the following best describes why hyperventilation would lead to a decreased blood CO2 concentration?

The rate of CO2 exhalation exceeds the rate of CO2 production in the cells. the main source of CO2 in the human body is cellular production during the krebs cycle unusually low blood CO2 corresponds to a high blood pH and alkaline conditions


The reaction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid to produce an ester and water.

what does the retention factor in TLC depend on

The retention factor in a TLC procedure depends on the solvent system, temperature, and the adsorbent.

secondary circular reactions

The second of three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving people and objects. Infants respond to other people, to toys, and to any other object they can touch or move.

nuclear localization signal

The signal sequence for the nucleus that enables proteins to move through pores in the nuclear envelope.

nuclear localization signal

The signal sequence for the nucleus that enables proteins to move through pores in the nuclear envelope. generally proteins that are translocated into the nucleus contain a nuclear localization seq

affect heuristic

The tendency to consult one's emotions instead of estimating probabilities objectively. making judgment based on evoked emotions

EMF (electromotive force)

The total work done when a unit charge moves around a complete circuit Unit: J/C or Volt (V)

Passive immunity

The transfer of antibodies through for example breast milk Also when maternal antibodies are able to cross the placenta and enter fetal circulation Fast but short lived

General Strain Theory

The view that multiple sources of strain interact with an individual's emotional traits and responses to produce criminality.

work-energy theorem

The work done on an object equals the change in kinetic energy of the object

electric potential (V)

The work done per unit charge in bringing a positive test charge from infinity to that point in the field. potential is directly proportional to the amount of work done, which is equal to the amount of E gained by the partivle Energy is directly proportional to the square of the speed

when light is entirely reflected...

Theta incidince > Theta Critical

Critical angle equation

Theta(c) = sin^-1 ( n2 / n1 )

how do catalysts affect Delta G and spontaneity

They dont

vitamin B1

Thiamine-- a coenzyme in the metabolic process

Gram - bacteria

Thin layer of peptidoglycan. Contains outer membrane (lipo-polysaccharides, lipoproteins, phospholipids) with porin. pore porins aid in the diffusion of hydrophilic antibiotics

What percentage of standard atmospheric pressure is the pulse pressure of a healthy adult? When Pp= Ps - Pd ps= 120 pd= 75 A. 10% B. 6% C. 2% D. 1%

This is a General Chemistry question that falls under the content category "Importance of fluids for the circulation of blood, gas movement, and gas exchange." The answer to this question is B because the pulse pressure in a healthy adult is (120 − 75) mmHg = 45 mmHg, and so the percentage is 45 mmHg/760 mmHg = 6%.

Theronine (Thr/T/polar/uncharged/hydrophillic)

Threonine Amino Acid

energy stored in a fully charged capacitor

U = 1/2CV^2

potential Energy of a spring

U = 1/2kx^2

if V=IR, what can you substitute in for I if you are working with a charge

V = IR and I =Q/ Dt so Q = (V)(Dt)/R

Charles' Law

V1/T1=V2/T2 use K (C + 273)

Total Lung Capacity (TLC)


Volume of water displaced equation

Va = m object / density object

ileocecal valve

Valve at the junction of the small and large intestines

kinematic equation with acceleration

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ax

T cells fight of virus, bacteria, or fungi?


Vitamin A functions

Vision; maintenance of cornea, epithelial cells, mucous membranes, skin; bone and tooth growth; reproduction; immunity

with competitive inhibition...what happens to Vmax and Km

Vmax is unchanged Km is increased (decreasing affinity)

Kcat (equation)


relationship between intensity and Energy

W = (I)(A)(t)

power can be expressed as all of the following

Watts (W) J x s -1 ft x lb x s-1

glycogen phosphorylase

What enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step in glycogenolysis? yielding gluose 1-phosphate


What is the formula for calculating heat absorbed or released by a process?

entropic penalty

When hydrophobic aa is in a hydrophilic area, and vice versa -increases the amount of entropy in the area To decrease entropic penalty: put hydrophobic aa in hydrophobic area, hydrophilic aa in hydrophilic area

Ksp =

[prodA][prodB] do not include solids

UV spectroscopy

[spectroscopy] involves passing uv light through a chemical sample and plotting absorbance v wavelength can identify isolated conjugated alkenes


a 6 membered ring (5C 1O) that glucose can adopt not denoted by alpha or beta distinguishing

vector DNA

a DNA molecule used to insert a gene into a cell. Usually a form of a plasmic-- a circular piece of DNA

self-fufilling prophecies

a belief that leads to its own fufillment

empirical formula

a chemical formula showing the ratio of elements in a compound rather than the total number of atoms instead of C6H12O6 it would be CH6O

combustion reaction

a chemical reaction that occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen, releasing energy in the form of heat and light reaction of a hydrocarbon with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water


a common unit of power, equal to about 746 watts


a congenital form of hypothyroidism

Presbyopia can be corrected with

a converging lens to direct the image onto the retina

common ion effect

a decrease in the solubility of an ionic compound caused by the addition of a common ion

fungi is what

a eukaryote with a nucleus

independent samples t-test

a hypothesis test used to compare two means for a between-groups design, a situation in which each participant is assigned to only one condition

an ideal bureaucracy is

a hypothetical model of a bureaucracy that will make decisions in accordance with its mission

absolute poverty

a lack of resources that is life-threatening

ideal gases have

a mass, a volume BUT NO attractive forces between particles

half-reaction method

a method of balancing a redox equation by balancing the oxidation and reduction half-reactions separately before combining them into a balanced redox equation before starting make sure that the reaction is balanced with coefficients

Symbolic Interactionism

a micro-level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions


a mild anhydrous oxidant that can oxidize primary alcohols to aldehydes, and secondary alcohols to ketones NOT STRONG ENOUGH to oxidize alchols or aldehydes to carboxylic acids


a molecule that, by binding to a receptor site, stimulates a response

germ line cells mutation

a mutation occurring in gametes passed on to offspring will be inherited

what will a nonpolar/hydrophobic compound dissolve in?

a nonpolar / hydrophobic solution like DMS nonpolar solutions are often long hydrocarbon chains (they may also have N)

what are alpha-D-glucose and beta-D-glucose

a pair of two anomers (differ only in the absolute configuration of their anomeric carbon, or the carbon at the center of the hemiacetal group) the anomeric carbon will determine the configuration, whether the OH group is axial or equitorial in cyclic glucose

Gamma decay occurs when a nucleus emits:

a photon

treat an aldehyde with LiAl4 you produce...

a primary alcchol through REDUCTION

Isochoric process / isovolumetic

a process that takes place at a constant volume

Alzheimer's disease

a progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and, finally, physical functioning

what is the name of something that is upstream from the DNA sequene and that promotes transcription

a promotoer

oxidative phosphorylation requires....

a proton gradient in order to product ATP (creating electrical potential across the mitochondrial membrane)

self-serving bias

a readiness to perceive oneself favorably


a sense of aimlessness or despair that arises when we can no longer reasonably expect life to be predictable; too little social regulation; normlessness rapid changes in society low levels of income high heterogenity

the membrane of lysosomes is...

a single membrane

when a strong base is added to a strong acid in a buffer system, what change will occur in the pH

a slight increase in pH

paired samples t-test

a test for differences in the means of paired samples

Conflict Theory

a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

a theoretical perfect condition where the gene frequencies of an entire population are unchanging (ie 30% alleles = white flowers and 70% alleles = purple flower)

myogenic activity

ability of a muscle cell to contract without input from the nervous system; found in smooth and cardiac muscle types

short-term memory

activated memory that holds a few items briefly, such as the seven digits of a phone number while dialing, before the information is stored or forgotten


activates trypsinogen and procarboxypeptidases, initiating an activation cascade the activated trypsinogen can then activate chymotrypsinogen through a cascade

parallel play

activity in which children play side by side without interacting--4 year old when children do not have direct interaction and observe another child playing and adjust their play in response

overall reaction

add up the elementary steps and cancel out the intermediates

lactate dehydrogenase is associated with which pathway

aerobic glycolysis ie during strenuous exercise converts/ferments pyruvate to lactate

house money effect

after a prior gain, people become more open to assuming risk

Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP)

aka hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt Produces NADPH and serves as a source of ribose 5-phosphate for nucleotide synthesis Involves glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) (induced by insulin) Inhibited by NADPH and activated by NADP+ Pentoses can be made from glycolytic intermediates without going through G6PD reaction - accomplished by transketolase and transaldolase


aldehyde + alcohol

aldosterone has what affect on potassium concentrations

aldosterone increases H2O and Na+ reabsorption from the kidney while exchanging K+ ions for Na+ ions aldosterone is released when blood K+ is high, because this means that Na+ levels have fallen...and that aldosterone must increase blood sodium concentrations

mucous cells secrete

alkaline mucus

out of alkanes, alcohols, and ketones compare thir BP

alkane has consistiently the lowest ketone is slightly higher due to dipole alcohol is further elevated due to H bonding

when the incidinc angle > critical angle

all of the LIGHT IS REFLECTED BACK-- and will not pass into the new medium

inhibition of PFK-1 by ATP is an example of...

allosteric regulation feedback inhibition

the H's of phosphoric acid have pKa values that allow what type of buffering

allowfor moderate buffering capacity over a large pH range of 0-14

selective cleavage of proteins by digestive enzymes

allows for fragments of different lengths with known AA endpoints to be created

types of cognitive bias

anchoring bias availability bias bandwagon effect choice supportive bias conformation fundamental attribution error halo effect ingroup preference jerk factor ostrich effect recency effect zero risk bias

Viruses are distinct from most biological organisms in that they:

are pathogenic entities which have been described as not living gray area


are reducing sugars

somatosensory cortex

area at the front of the parietal lobes that registers and processes body touch and movement sensations

Pressure-Temperature Relationship

as temperature increases, the pressure increases, provided the volume does not change --> by a proportional amount

Given an electric dipole, the electric potential is zero ____. (where is the electrical potential zero)

at any point along the perpendicular bisector of the dipole axis, as well as at infinity

what do all isotopes have the SAME of

atomic number (protons) they all differ in the amount of neutrons

dispositional attribution

attributing behavior to the person's disposition and traits

A band

dark area; extends length of the thick filaments full length of thick filaments

if pH > pI then:


what pH should the indicator be for acid base titrations

desirable is when the pKa of a chosen indicator is within -+ 1 unit of the target pH

high EN groups will destabilize or stabilize carbocations?

destabilize Ie F is a highly EN atom that will destabilize

how is binding E determined

determined experimentall

galvanic cell

device in which chemical energy from a spontaneous redox reaction is changed to electrical energy that can be used to do work

cis-trans isomers are a subtype of what..

diastereomers a cis trans isomer pair is likely also a diastereomer pair

pancreatic lipase

digests fat in the digestive tract

what type of hormone is GH, prolactin, and endorphins (from the anterior pituitary)

direct hormones

diamagnetic substances

do not contain net unpaired spins and are slightly repelled by a magnet NO UNPAIRED ELECTRONS IN THE GROUND STATE (ex: helium, nobel gases, group with Zn)

Carbon-14 half life

does not depend on conditions external to the C14 nucleus


dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine derived from tyrosine , not derived from arachidonic acid

Nucleophilicity trends

down the periodic table due to greater size and polarizability

Anticholinergic effects

dry mouth constipation photophobia blurred vision Tachycardia blocking the parasympathetic nervous system

the small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

28S, 18S, and 5.8S rRNAs

each individual RNA TRANSCRIPTS that when combined, produce a ribosome the number indicates the size of the RNA transcript seperated by gel electrophoresis

Assuming a 95% yield for each coupling step, what would be the final yield for synthesizing a 10 amino-acid length peptide?

each time we add an AA to the chain we get a 95% pure yield for THAT STEP... if we run the cycle 9 times (since no coupling is needed for the first of the 10 AA), each cycle is independing from the preceding 0.95^9 gives about 60% final yield

the three germ layers present in the gastrula

ectoderm : outermost "Attractoderm" (makes up the things that attract us to others like skin, hair, nails, face, brain, nervous system) mesoderm: Movement "getting around": bones, muscle, circulatory system, kidneys, gonads endoderm: Innermost, Linings of internal organs, respiratory tract, accessory organs (gall bladder, pancreas)

why does cytosolic NADH yield potentially less ATP than mitochondrial NADH

electron transfer from cytosol to the matrix can take more than one pathway electrons from NADH can enter mitochonrion through one of two shuttle mechanisms (glycerol-3 phosphate shuttle or the malate asparatate shuttle)

paralell spins

electrons in different orbitals with the same ms value (both +1/2 or both -1/2)

Individuals who have the ability to delay gratification in pursuit of long-term rewards are most likely to be categorized as having which type of intelligence?

emotional Individuals who have the ability to delay gratification in pursuit of long-term rewards are most likely to be categorized as having which type of intelligence?

which cellular compartment facilitates membrane fusion


power is a rate of ____ over time

energy expenditure or work

E = hf H is planks constant (6.6 x 10^-34 Jxs)

energy of a photon

is the entropy larger for liquid water or water vapor

entropy is larger for water vapor (gas)

when in the human male reproductive system do the gametes become motile and capable of fertilization


meritocracy would support ....

equality of opportunity

at the proximal convoluted tubuke... what is reabsorbed

essentially all glucose, AA, and other important organic molecules via active transport

Triglycerides contain 3 ____ functional groups

ester is broken down by lipase through hydrolysis

lipid soluble vitamins A D E K and fat

excess fat increases the initial dose of vitamin required to achieve a particular effect

the absorption of UV light by organic molecules results in what processes

excitation of bound electrons

negative enthalpy

exothermic, favorable, spontaneous

A woman suffers a hemorrhage into her pituitary gland, destroying only the portion of the anterior pituitary responsible for producing luteinizing hormone. What will be the effect of this destruction on her menstrual cycle?

f the portion of the anterior pituitary that produces LH is destroyed, then LH levels will not surge during the menstrual cycle and ovulation would not occur (choice C is correct and choices B and D are wrong). In the absence of ovulation, the corpus luteum would not develop either, although if FSH is unaffected, the follicle would most likely develop and release estrogen. Regardless, the menstrual cycle would be affected (choice A is wrong). She will become anovulatory.


failure to address other stances that may be less extreme

why are fats easier to store as E than glycogen

fats and hydrophobic and therefor do not need to be stored in water like the polar, water soluble glycogen molecule does

beta oxidation converts...

fatty acids into acetyl CoA

what might decrease an individuals self efficacy

feeling that past failures wre due to other individulas

definitions of filtration secretion reabsorption

filtration: the movement of solutes from blood to filtrate at bomans capsule. The direction determined by starling forces in the kidney. secretion: the movement of solutes from blood to filtrate anywhere other than bowmans capsule reabsorbtion: the movement of solutes from filtrate to blood

which learning style is most frequency

fixed ratio

relationship of the equation between cross sectional area and velocity

flow rate = cross sectional area x velocity

for what type of molecule is binding E per nucleon the greatest

for intermediate sized atoms (with a molar mass that is similar to Fe)

selective forgetting

forgetting only things that are very traumatic

disruptive selection

form of natural selection in which a single curve splits into two; occurs when individuals at the upper and lower ends of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle


formation of new blood vessels

an acyl halide reacts with a primary alcohol

forms an ester think of reaction with acid chloride and a primary alcohol

coordinate covalent bond

forms when one atom donates a pair of electrons to be shared with an atom or ion that needs two electrons to become stable occurs with lewis acids and lewis bases

wavenumber is proportional to what

frequency 1/wavelength (wavenumber) is proportiona to frequency (c/wavelength)

Ribosome protein synthesis

from N terminal to C terminal

open reading frame

from start codon to stop codon

depression is associated with what brain regions

frontal lobe limbic system structures hypothalamus


functional unit of the kidney

Puranose vs furanose

furanose = pentose ring puranose = hexane ring

effect of radius on magnetic fields

further you are from a magnetic field, the strength of the magnetic field will decrease


gigantism ; result of excess growth hormone

electric field equation (using Volts and distance)

given in volts per meter DERIVED from the ED equation where V=ED

inner cell mass of blastocyst

gives rise to all 3 germ layers and all parts of the organism


glipizide, glyburide, glimepiride

Collagen consists of three helices with carbon backbones that are tightly wrapped around one another in a "triple helix." Which of these amino acids is most likely to be found in the highest concentration in collagen? A. Proline B. Glycine C. Threonine D. Cysteine

glycine the carbon backbones are very close together in the triple helix, thus steric hinderance is a potential problem, to reduce this we need small side chains; glycine has the smallest side chain as a H atom

PFK is the RLE of what


the more negative the RSE, the _____ the stabilization


second IE is always (less than/greater than) that of the first IE

greater than the removal of an additional electron woudl require more E

A group of police officers is brought together to discuss what changes, if any, are needed in MHA policies. After the discussion, the group submits a plan outlining policies that entail more severe punishments and more permissive escalation-of-force regulations. This plan most likely developed as a result of: group thing or group polarization?

group polarization the phenomenon in which a person comes to express a consensus view that is more extreme than the individual views of any one group member before the group discussion began

positive control group

group where an effect is expected not exposed to the ecxperomental tratment but is exposed to another treatment that is known to produce the expected effect

negative control group

group where there should not be an effect


has unpaired electrons

L-amino acids

have the -NH3+ group on the left

D-amino acids

have the -NH3+ group on the right

Alkali Earth Metals (Group 2)

have two valence electrons form divalent cations (ions with 2+ charge) --> losing 2 electrons and becoming a divalent cation is a stable configuration for all of the alkialine earth metals


having a single set of unpaired chromosomes germ cells --ova and spermatozoa

cyclic forms of monosaccharides

hemiacetals and hemiketals

methylation of histones

hides the transcribing DNA and reduces transcription levels

assimilated group

high dominant and low ethnic society immersion (rejects own country of origin)

socialization process

how cultural values and norms are passed down to children the process of internalizing the expected reactions to life situations


human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone decline during second trimester

binding of complementary nucleotides (2 complementary strands)


under normal physiological conditions, the primary function of the nephron is to create urine that is ... hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic to the blood

hypertonic to the blood the excretion of concentrated urine serves to limit water loses frm the body to help preserve blood volume

net torque

if net torque=0, that means no angular acceleration--a beam will be level (in rotational equilibrium) torque=Frsin(theta)

when an image is placed between the focal point and a concave mirror, the image is ...

image is virtual and is LARGER than the object

conjugating protein

in conjugate vaccines needed to boost immune response to polysaccharides! have lipid or carbohydrate tags added to them (indicating that they should be directed to the cell membrane-lipid tags, to to a specific organelle)

In prokaryotes, genes can exist as operons that are transcribed into a polycistronic mRNA, containing multiple genes in a single transcript. In eukaryotes, transcripts exist only as monocistronic mRNA containing a single gene. What fundamental genetic difference is responsible for this distinction?

in eukaryotes, each gene has its own transcription initiation site

where is the glomerular filtrate of the nephron most concentrated

in the medullary portion of the collecting duct

where is chromatin found

in the nucleus (this includes both heterochromatin and euchromatin)

What causes duplex DNA with a certain (A + T):(G + C) ratio to melt at a higher temperature than comparable length duplex DNA with a greater (A + T):(G + C) ratio?

increased Pi stacking strength C. G-C base pairs form stronger π-stacking interactions than A-T base pairs, thereby creating the most thermal stability. GC content leads to an increased melting temperature

what isa physiological indication of increased sympathetic arousal

increased electrical conductivity of the skin

after a breif period of intense exercise, the activity of muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase is greatly increased. This increase is most likely due to...

increased pyruvate concentrations

blocking of dopamine in the brain results in

increased secretion of prolactin

increasing plasma concentration of aldosterone is most likely to be followed by which of the following

increased sodium reabsorbtion in the distal tube

Large Ksp means

increased solubility

velocity ___ as cross sectional area decreases


atomic radius trend

increases down a group, decreases across a period

does complex ion formation increase or decrease solubility

increases solubility

Does H bonding Increase or decrease solubility

increases solubility (shielding a molecule from H bonding, decreases solubility)

Demethylation of DNA

increases transcription

ionization energy trend

increases up and to the right

ionization energy trend

increases up and to the right the first IE of li < first IE of BE < second IE of Be

Attenuation increases with ____ frequency


how does polarity affect solubility in aqueous solutions

increasing polarity is increasing solubility

benzene is intert in the presence of what

inert to the actions of an acid or bases

Hary Harlow monkey exp

infant monkeys perfered time clining to the cloth mother even when only the wire mother had food monkeys displayed abnormal behavior with the wire mother which could not be corrected later in life by pairing them with the cloth mother

leukocytes may contribute to


the frontal lobe

initiates motor activity, responsible for speech, conscious thought

where are signaling proteins made / reside

inside certain cells

tertiary protein structure

interaction between the R group of one amino acid forming intermolecular attractions with the R-group of another

dipole-dipole forces (ie between water and oil molecules at an oil-water interface be characterized)

interactions are those that occur between polar molecules that do not contain O-H, N-H, or F-H bonds. These attractive forces draw the negative end of one dipole closer to the positive end of another.

relationship between density and sound wave velocity

inverse relationship as density increases (warm to cold air) velocity will decrease

index of refraction and speed of light relationship

inverse relationship the smallest index of refraction (n) will have the fastest speed of light through its material

relationship between wavelength and energy

inversely related a wavelength of 560nm is higher E than a wavelength of 600nm because the 560nm has a shorter wavelength, greater frequency, higher E

3 primary functions of NADPH

involvement in biosynthesis of lipids and cholesterol (precursor to steroid hormones), production of bacterial bleach in the lysosomes of certain WBC, maintenence of a supply of reduced glutathione for protection against free radical damage

correctly list methanol, isobutyl alcohol, and propanol by decreasing BP

isobutyl alcohol > propanol > methanol with all else constant, BP increase with increasing size of the alkyl chain due to van der waals attraction s


isomers that differ in only one chiral center, opposed to enantiomers which differ in all chiral centers

increased atomic radius does what to electron affinity

it decreases electron affinity--> the smaller the radius, the more tightly they electrons are pulled in to the nucleus

functions of bile

it emulsifies bile for easier digestion and is produced in the pancreas and gallbladder and is amphiphatic (with both polar and nonpolar regions)

why is cytochrome c different from the other cytochromes in the ETC

it is highly water soluble -- all others are hydrophbic

what happens to the atomic mass during beta + and beta - decay

it is neglibible (no change occurs in atomic mass) in B+ decay neutrons are converted to protons, and in B - decay protons are converted to neutrons

what will happen to entropy with a solid or liquid is dissolved in a solvent

it will increase

will entropy increase or decrease as the molecular compexity increases due to increased movement of electrons (like KOH vs Ca(OH)2)

it will increase

will entropy increase or decrease when the solubility of a gas decreases and it escapes from a solvent

it will increase


julia pets her cat, BP decreases, brain releases oxytocin, realizes how much she loves her cat, experiences happiness as a result

Osteoclasts are

large polynucleated cells that break down bone matrix and are involved in bone reabsorption

observational learning

learning by observing others

associative learning

learning that certain events occur together. The events may be two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences (as in operant conditioning).


least reactive in acyl substitution because they are the most stable


less sensitive to outliers not influenced by those at the upper range of wealth

a RQ of approaching 0.7 is indicative of which macromolecule

lipids RQ gives an indication of the primary fuel that is being utlized

which of the following phase changes are exothermic liquid to gas liquid to solid gas to solid

liquid to solid and gas to solid reactions that proceed from solid to liquid to gas are endothermic--since gases have more heat E than solids (reactions that go from gas to liquid to solid release heat and are therefor more exothermic)

which of the following locations is expected to have the highest number of glucagon receptors kidney heart liver skeletal musc

liver glucagon is released by the pancreas as a response to low blood glucose levels. Its main purpose is to increase glycogenolysis and increase blood glucose. Most of glucagon action occurs in the liver

Bundle of His (AV bundle)

located next to the AV node; provides the transfer of the electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles

good nucleophiles have what characteristics

lone pairs or pi bonds negative charge polarized alkoxide (OR-) and hydroxide (OH-) anions = strong nucs alcohols (ROH) and carboxyllic acid (RCOOH) are weak nucs look for ELECTRON DONATING GROUPS... electron withdrawing groups will make it an ELECTROPHILE (ie you DONT want a carboxyllic acid etc)

when determining hybridization... how do you count.. lone pairs double bonds single bonds

lone pairs you count as 1 double bonds count as 1 sigma bonds count as 1 you count regions of electron density, not individual bonds and lone pairs

More complete fractionation of proteins using an SEC column could be achieved by using a:

longer column increasing column length enhances the resolution of the column leading to more complete fractioning by SEC

characteristic of the UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum

longer wavelengths lower energy


loss of electrons gaining H bonds

HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) repsonds to ...

low insulin levels cortisol and epinephrine to mobilize fatty acids from adipocytes NOT DIGESTION but MOBILIZATION of fatty acids

small Ksp means

low solubility

which amino acid has an additional amino group


protein levels relate most directly to ___ levels


mRNA vs tRNA vs rRNA

mRNA carriest the message from DNA in the nucleus via transcription of the gene; it travels into the cytoplasm to be translated tRNA bring in AA and recognizes the codon on the mRNA using its anticodon rRNA makes up the ribosome and is enzymatically active

electric field of a current carrying wire

magnetic field and current are directly proportional magnetic field and distance are inversely proportional

magnitude of electric force depends on:

magnitudes of charges square of distance between charges

addition sig fig

maintained by the smallest number of decimal places

multiplication sig fig

maintained to the smallest number of significant digits

which of lactose, sucrose, maltose, cellobiose is digestible by humans and made of only one type of monosaccharide lactose sucrose maltose cellobiose


are the enzymes used in the body stereospecific

many of the enzymes used in the body are stereospecific and only produce one enantiomer

allergic reactions occur due to an overactive immune response to a substance, which cells within the respiratory tract play the largest role in the generation of allergic reactions

mast cells


mature bone cells that eventually become surrounded by their matrix (role is maintenence)

mature mRNA consists of

mature mRNA consists of a 5'-cap (one base pair), the 5' UTR, exons, the 3' UTR, and a poly(A) tail 5' cap - 5' UTR - 3' UTR - poly A tail 5'UTR region of an mRNA that is directly upstream from the initiation codon. This region is important for the regulation of translation of a transcript

formal social sanctions

mechanisms of social control by which rules or laws prohibit deviant criminal behavior

Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs)

membrane receptors that attach phosphates to tyrosines

anterograde memory

memory for events that have occurred after brain damage

retrograde memory

memory for events that occurred before brain damage


method of separating serum proteins by electrical charge

exchange mobility

mobility in which, if we hold fixed the changing distribution of jobs, individuals trade jobs not one-to-one but in a way that ultimately balances out

Colchicine is a drug that prevents the formation of microtubules. Which of the following mitotic processes would NOT occur after exposure to this drug?

movement of the chromosomes toward opp poles of the cell during anaphase

wedge in a chair confirmation

must be up

index of refraction of air

n = 1

in most metabolic pathways, the enzymatic reactions that undergo regulatory control are typically....

near the beginning of pathways or at pathway branch points

a more stable protein will...

need more E to unfold the protein and therefor be observed to have a higher temp at which it denatures

Structure of diamond

network of carbon atoms that form 4 covalent bonds similar properties to that of Carbon (formed from graphite)

folate is important for

neurolation / induction of the ectoderm in order to differentiate into the nervous system

neuronal cells and G0

neuronal cells do not divide following initial differentiation and remain permanents in G0

charge of the molecule when pH = pI


in early mammalian development, from fertilized egg to morula, there is no change in ______ , but several replication result in ____________ cells

no change in cytoplasm amount several replications result in smaller and more numerous cells


no heat exchange

a correlation coefficient of 0 means

no relationship

what is true during uniform circular motion?

no work is done the displacement vector and force vector are always perpendicular ; no work is done potential E is constant for an object in uniform circular motion, whether it is the gravitational portential E fo a satillite orbiting the earth or the electrical potential E of an electron oribiting the nucleus of an ideal atom

will an increase in the substrate concentration at a constrant enzyme concentration lead to a proportional increase in the rate of the reaction?

no, this only occurs initially, and will then level off once the active sites are occupied

the creation of gamates through meiosis is what type of process

non cyclical happens once and terminates in gamete creation (either sperm cells or ova) (haploid to diploid)

Aneuploidy results from

nondisjunction during anaphase

Where do post-transcriptional modifications occur?


animal viruses

obligate intracellular parasites that require appropriate cells to replicate

Self-actualization (Maslow)

one of the ultimate psychological needs that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved; the motivation to fulfill one's potential

which compounds from this list has the ability to become oxidized ? Primary Alcohol Secondary Alcohol Tertiary Alcohol Ketone Carb acid

only primary and secondary alcohols can become form additional bonds to O while loosing them to H

when will an electron go from HOMO to LUMO

only when the electron is excited

Stage 1 of sleep cycle

onset of sleep; twilight; alpha waves

cardiac sphincter

opening from the esophagus to the stomach

acetylation of histones

opens chromatin, allowing transcription

optimal arousal theory

organisms are motivated to achieve and maintain an optimal level of arousal

obligate anaerobes

organisms that cannot live where molecular oxygen is present

centrioles function

organize DNA during cell division and organize microtubules

how to calculate H ion concentration from pH steps

pH = -log[H] [H]=10^-pH so if pH was 6 [H] = 10^-6

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

pH = pKa + log [A-]/[HA]

calculating pH from pKa

pH = pKa + log([base]/[acid]) henserson hasselbach FOR BUFFER QUESTIONS :)

cheif cells secrete


glycerophospholipids are a subset of what




molecules that contain strongly electron-withdrawing or electron-donating substituents are highly ____ and possess correspondingly high ______

polar dipole moments

in both column chromatography and TLC, what is the relative speed of a polar compound

polar compounds will travel slower while less polar compounds will travel the most rapidly

which solvent is preferred for a nuc-electrophile reaction

polar solvents like ... H2O CH3CH2OH CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3

In electrolytic cell, anode is


in electrolytic cell, cathode is


positive field lines point ... negative field lines point...

positive = outward negative = inward

referent power

power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty (personal) appeals to individuals through external factors such as appearing desirable or feeling inluded and not knowledge or logical evidence

AV valve function

prevent back flow into atria when ventricles contract

intramembranous ossification

process by which bone forms directly from mesenchymal tissue skull fusing

group assimilation

process whereby individuals are socialized to conform to the group's norms, demonstrating the characteristics that define the in-group

cognitive processes

processes that involve changes in an individual's thought, intelligence, and language

beta oxidation of fatty acids

produce acetyl CoA (precursor of acetoacetate) by breaking down fatty acids in mitochondrial matrix generates electron carriers

Granulosa cell tumor

produce excess estrogen

where is sperm produced and by what

produced by the sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules, not leydic cells

parietal lobe integrates

proprioceptions and temp with thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors

which of the following vraiables are negatively correlated with globalization

protectionism refers to a country rejecting trade with others and being isolative, which is inversely proportional to globalization


protein secreted by pancreas that binds lipase, bringing it in contact with lipid droplets in the small intestine/digestive tract

what type of solvent does sN1 prefer / run the fastest in

protiic solvents unlinke Sn2 which prefers aprotic

If pH< pI then:

protonated positively charged

where IS sodium actively transported out of the nephron

proximal and distal convoluted tubles, where the concentration of sodium outside the nephron is higher than inside, requiring E to transport them against the concentration gradient also the thick portion of the ascending LOH where there are many mitochondria (which make it think) to drive the active transport

equation for capacitance and voltage and charge

q = VC

heat of fusion


in the nephron, AA enter the vasa recta via the process of ....

reabsorption ALL essential substances (glucose, salts, AA, water) are REABSOBED FROM THE FILTRATE and returned to the blood in the vasa recta

synthesizing esters

reacting a carboxylic acid with an alcohol in the presence on an acid

for a convex lens , what image is formed when the object is placed at a distance greater than the focal point


converging species (concave mirros and convex lenses) will produce

real or virtual images

how to find the equilibrium constant for the BINIDING of two molecules, when you are given the disassociation constant

reciprocal if the disassociation constant is 5 then the equilibirum constant for binding is 1/5

Cialdini's 6 principles of persuasion

reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity

meiotic recombination

recombination from assortment or crossing over at meiosis

in a GALVANIC CELL, a more + reduction potential means that that element will be ____

reduced at the cathode


regulate gene expression

relative and absolute configuration

relative refers to retention of bonds not being broken and maintaining the positions of groups around the chiral carbon absolute configuration referes to the reactant and the product both maintaining the R or S designation



Behaviorists would assert that self-defeating behaviors are maintained by immediate reinforcement in the form of:

relief from anxiety.

size exclusion chromatography

relies on porous beads; larger molecules elute first because they are not trapped in small pores


removes double bonded oxygen. substitutes 2 H. a strong catalytic reduction mechanism that reduces molcules all the way to an alkane

projective personality assessment

require the participant to respond, and then their response is assessed for meaning

what process must the body undergo in order to remove individual glucose monomers and process glycogen down to the branch point itself

requires glycogen phosphorylase and alpha 1,4:alpha 1,4 transferase

mixed-methods study

research study that includes elements of both quantitative and qualitative research

Type III restriction enzymes

resemble type I enzymes in their ability to methylate and restrict (cut) DNA. - adenine methylation occurs on only one strand.

characteristics of peptide bonds

resonant, have planar molecular geometry, and partial double bond character

All of the following are functions of mammalian skin EXCEPT: respiration sensation protection from disease protection against internal E


alpha H of ketones are acidic due to..

ressonance stabilization the electrnegative carbonyl O

What is the function of the Na+K+ ATPase during a neuronal action potential?

restoration of the resting potential

Cytosine degradation

results in Uracil (this is why uracil is excluded from DNA but not from RNA) (this is a common mutation where cytosine goes to uracil in the presence of heat)

implicit memory

retention independent of conscious recollection

main function of the nucleolus

ribosomal RNA synthesis

Stage 3 of Sleep cycle

sections of delta waves, hard to wake up, wet bed & sleep walk in 3&4

what property of protein digesting enzymes allows for a sequence to be determined without fully degrading the protein ?


antioxidant activity

selenium, zinc, copper, manganese

cancerous stem cells exhibit

self renewal, may be able to resist chemo

kinesthetic sense

sense of the location of body parts in relation to the ground and each other

interoceptive awareness

sensitivity to stimuli arising from within the body, such as heart rate

according to snells law, if you go from a material with a low index of refraction to a higher one, the is angle of refraction smaller/equal to/greater than that of the incidince

smaller! closer to normal

which RNA molecules/proteins will bind to hnRNA to induce slicing ?

snRNA (small nuclear RNA) snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoprotiens) NOT shRNA

splicing as a posttranslational modification is done by...

snRNA and snRNPs in the splicesome; introns are removed in a lariat structure, and exons are ligated together

soap characteristics

soaps are salts of carboxylate anions with long hydrocarbon tails

agents of socialization

social institutions, including families and schools, that help to shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values


society in which an individuals mobility is determined by their acheived status, talent, and work

Social Reciprocity

society naturally punishes criminals indiscriminantly

What maintains the resting membrane potential?

sodium potassium pump and leak channels


sorting of endocytosed material

relationship between sound velocity and bulk modulus elasticity

sound velocity = (K/p)^2 where K is bulk modulus p is density


southern blot = DNA Northern blot = RNA Western blot = protein

which hybridization does Be in the atom BeH2 assume

sp Be has only 2 electrons in its valence shell. When it bonds to 2 H's it requires two hybridized orbitals, meaning that its hybridization must be sp. The presence of only single bonds DOES NOT mean that the hybridization must be sp3, this only is an assumption used for C. The two unhybridized p orbitals around Be are empty in BeH2, which takes on the linear geometry characteristic of sp hybridized orbitals

alkenes are ___ hybridized


wavength =

speed / frequency in

what is the sequence of the development of a mature sperm cell

spermatogonium -> 1 spermatocyte -> 2 spermatocyte -> spermatid -> spermatozoan

Where do B cells mature


In mammals, which of the following events occurs during mitosis but does NOT occur during meiosis I?

splitting of centromeres One of the key differences between mitosis and meiosis occurs during their respective anaphases. During anaphase of mitosis, sister chromatids are pulled apart at the centromeres, each becoming an independent chromosome in the two diploid daughter cells. During anaphase I of meiosis I, homologous pairs of chromosomes are separated into the two daughter cells.

negative delta G means


galvanic cells proceed ...


anal-motor stage

stage 2 of erik eriksons defined by the conflict between autonomy and shame and doubt

HNO3 (nitric acid)

strong acid

the Ka of a carboxylic acid is associated with what

stronger acidity...adding EWG like flouring atoms will provide inductive stabilization of the conjugate base by pulling electron density away from the negatively charged position you WANT en atoms nearby

social facilitation

stronger responses on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others


structural protein found in the skin and connective tissue --found in tendons cartilage and bv

How to determine Bond Energy

sum of broken bonds-formed bonds = Bond Energy

principal quantum number

symbolized by n, indicates the main energy level occupied by the electron

the majority of triglycerides stored in adipocytes origionate from

synthesis in the liver (where they are then transported as VLDL to adipose tissue for storage)

uracil is found in...

tRNA and ribosomes

Sn2 Cant do...


SN1 can do

tertiary steric congestion promotes SN1

Why is the alpha-anomer of D-glucose less likely to form than the beta-anomer?

the Beta-anomer undergoes less electron repulsion

hnRNA is synthesized from what

the DNA template/antisense strand

before absorbing a UV photon, electrons can be found in...

the HOMO only

acetyl CoA can be used in what metabolic process

the Krebs cycle (CAC)

activation energy

the PEAKS on the graphs of a potential energy diagram lowered by a catalyst

what will NOT affect the equilibrium position of a reaction

the addition or removal of a catalyst

work function

the amount of energy needed to dislodge an electron from the surface of a material

salt bridges (ionic interactions)

the attraction formed between a carboxylate ion on one amino acid's side chain with the protonated amine on a second amino acid's side chain the residues of a salt bridge must be ionized and are likely to involve ion dipole interactions


the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

the only structure in the LOH that can reabsorb proteins

the glomerulus

instrumental support

the help people receive that can be used to address the stressful demand directly, tangible housgiving, transportation etc


the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture

how much heat is produced from the complete combustion of 30 g of methane, if the enthalpy of reaction is -890kJ / mol

the molecular weight of methane (CH4) is 16g using dimensional analysis ... (30g) x (1mol/16g) x (890kJ/mol) 1.8 x 10^3kJ

Social identity theorists think that the greater the identification with the in-group:

the more likely in-group bias is to occur.

important property of bond energy

the more shared electron pairs that comprise a bond, the higher the E of that bond

what functional group will a phosphate add to

the most polar group ( so like a carboxyl group in AA) (or OH group if in the R group)

horizontal mobility

the movement of an individual from one social position to another of the same rank

interaction variable

the multiplicative product of two (or more) independent variables

pH dependence of a molecule is due to

the nature of the R group

Norepinephrine (NE)

the neurotransmitter used by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system at the post-ganglionic organ-level (synapse)

anomeric carbon

the new chiral center formed in ring closure; it was the carbon containing the carbonyl in the straight-chain form

coordination number

the number of ions of opposite charge that surround each ion in a crystal

centripetal force equation

the only centripetal force that matters is the one that is perpendicular to the tanget of the circle


the protein components of lipoproteins

blood flow in the ductus arteriosus is from

the pulmonary artery to the aorta

a reaction is found to stop just before all reactants are converted to products. What could be true about the reaction?

the reaction is reversible, and the forward rate of the reaction is equal to the reverse rate this is a situation in which the equilibrium is reached very far to the right, with high product concentration and low reactant concentration

cultural capital

the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations

bystander effect

the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present

fundamental attribution error

the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition

linguistic relativity hypothesis

the theory that thought processes and concepts are controlled by language Humans are better at distinguishing colors for which their language has a name

attribution theory

the theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition

self-perception theory

the theory that when we are unsure of our attitudes, we infer them much as would someone observing us - by looking at our behavior and the circumstances under which it occurs

the half life of a radioactive material is defined as ...

the time it takes for half of all the radioactive nuclei to decay into their daughter nuclei.

which statement correctly describes how enzymes affect chemical reactions? Stabilization of...

the transition state changes the activation energy of the reaction.

microtubules are used in

the transport of vesicles and the positioning of organelles wthin the cell do Phagosome transport to the lysosome Mitosis Meiosis

Theory of Mind (ToM)

the understanding that others have thoughts that are different from one's own

primary aging

the universal and irreversible physical changes that occur to all living creatures as they grow older

oxidative phosphorylation

the use of high E electrons from FADH2 and NADH in ATP (via electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane)


the use of strategies, such as flattery, by which people seek to gain another's favor

Raoult's Law

the vapor pressure of a solution is directly proportional to the mole fraction of solvent present ideal solution behavior is observed when solute-solute, solvent-solvent, and solute-solvent interactions are very similar ie: benzene and toluene are expected to behavior very similarly (both polar and relatively similar in size)

what characeristic of alcohols makes them have a higher BP than their analagous hydrocarbons

their posession of the polarized O-H hydrogen bond formations

what shift will occur in bicarbonate buffer during hyperventilation

their respiratory rate increases--this means more CO2 is blown off causes a shift to the left in the bicarbonate buffer equation blood becomes more alkaline

what property of light will change as it is transfered from one medium to another when it is fully transmitted

their wavelengths will change the f and period do not change because if one of them them changes the other would also need to change

cognitive appraisal theory of emotion

theory of emotion that theorizes that individuals decide on an appropriate emotion following an event why some individuals interpret stigma negatively while others do not

what is the entropy for an endothermic reaction with +H and spontaneous DG

there must be an increase in entropy and DS must be positive

when command potential and measured membrane potential are equal (both at zero)

there will be minimal current flow between the clamp amplifier and the axon, or cirucuit

PCR is regulated by what

thermal cycling --repeated heating and cooling cycles to allow the enzymes to act specifically and replace helicases (this requires the use of NON HUMAN DNA because human DNA would be denatured at these temperatures) instead use thermus aquaticul from YNP

how do magnetic fields effect gamma photons

they DO NOT AFFECT them!! Gamma photons are not charged, while alpha particles, proton beams, and beta particles are charged. ALL photons have no charge, they are unaffected by magnetic fields

what is true of sphingolipids

they all contain a sphingosine backbone

if N and O have a recombinanant frequency of 18% what can be said about them

they are 18 map units apart

what is true of both osmosis and diffusion

they both rely on the electrochemical gradient of only the compound of interest

what type of muscle do veins lack that allows more blood to be in the venous system than the arterial system

they have a relative lack of smooth muscle in their walls

which of the following clearly marks fungi as a eukaryote

they lack mitochondria (lacking membrane bound organelles)

Why are thioesters high energy?

they release a great deal of E when hydrolyzed, making them well suited ad RESPIRATION REACTION DRIVERS useful becuase they release more E than typical ester cleavage (THIOESTER FORMATION NOT HYDROLYSIS IS WHAT REQUIRES A GREAT DEAL OF E)

what is true of mixtures with higher vapor pressures than predicted by raoults law

they will have stronger solute-solute , solvent-solvent, and solute-solvent interactions these particles do not want to stay in solution and they will more readily evaporate --> this creates a higher vapor pressure than an ideal solution

H zone

thick filaments only, mysoin only no overlap

convex lens (converging lens)

thicker in the middle thinner on the edges, focuses light. can produce a real or virtual image. As the object gets closer to the lens, the object appears to get larger and further away

converging lens

thickest in middle, almond shaped can produce real or virtual images

I band

thin filaments only

diverging lens

thin in middle, fans out at top can only produce virtual images produces negative image distances due to the virtual image

what trimester are the lungs formed


what is the only way that aneuploidy is inheritable

through meiosis


to be the father of

role of lipases

to catalyze the reaction of the hydrolysis of triglycerides / fatty acids

which of the following is a reason for conjugating proteins

to direct their delivery to a particular organelle to direct their delivery to the cell membrane to add a cofactor needed for their activity

Why must a person either lean forward or slide their feet under the chair in order to stand up?

to maintain equilibrium adjusting the center of mass

at high altitudes, when bv are constricted, why may there be short periods of dialation

to maintain suffiencent oxygen

what is the function of SDS in SDS PAGE

to solubilize proteins to give them uniformily negative charges, making the seperation based purely on size

RNA polymerase I

transcribes rRNA in eukarotes nucleolus

bacterial genetic recombination ( transformation, conjugation, transduction)

transformation: bacteria suck up pieces of DNA from the surrounding environment conjugation: the sexual reproduction of bacteria transduction: occurs when a bacteriophage (virus that infects bacteria), accidentally packages bacterial DNA instead of bacteriophage DNA. They then introduce it into another bacteria.

which elements oxidation state is determined last

transition metals since they can have various oxidation states-- you must determine them after you determine all of the other oxidation states

glycoproteins often function as ...

transmembrane proteins to transport across the cell membrane

vas deferens (ductus deferens)

transports sperm from the epididymis

Ultrasound machines calculate distance based upon:

travel time of the reflected sound

chylomicrons contain

triglycerides cholesteryl ester fat soluble vitamins **these are all secreted into lacteals, once the chylomicron is absorbed**

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

trust vs mistrust autonomy vs shame and doubt initiative vs guilt industry vs inferiority identity vs role confusion intimacy vs isolation generativity vs stagnation integrity vs despair

Reliability and Validity

two factors that make up a good psychological test reliability = when you step on a bathroom scale every day and the weight is THE SAME... but wrong validity = how accurate the scale is reading in comparison to the true value

Covalent bonds are formed between

two nonmetals

automatic processing (encoding)

unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information, such as word meanings


unselfish regard for the welfare of others

Type II restriction enzymes

used most frequently in the laboratory - do not have inherent methylation activity in the same molecule as the nuclease activity

glucokinase activity

used to trap extra glucose in the liver cells as part of a storage mechanism and in the pancreas as a glucose sensor


uses regulation of aquaporin channels to increase the passive absorption of water

Continuity equation

v1A1=v2A2 V is inversely proportional to cross sectional area (as A increases V will decrease)

Validity vs. Reliability

validity- measure of adequacy in comparison to other sources reliability - measure of consistency/a measure of if the results could be replicated

tricuspid valve

valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle

atoms without their valence shells fully filled have what

very high EN

social-cognitive perspective

views behavior as influenced by the interaction between people's traits (including their thinking) and their social context. if a person is screaming at the checkout clerk in front of you and got a free item, another person might do the same with the same hoep

for a convex lens, what image is formed when the object is placed at a distance smaller than the focal point


L cerebral hemisphere controls

vocab skills

watts are equal to what in joules

watt = joules/second

combining E=hf and f=c/wavelength

wavelength = hc / Energy

amide formation

when an amine and a carboxyl group or an acyl derivative react


when one species benefits but the other one is not helped or harmed

when do shock waves have the greatest impact

when the shock waves are traveling excatly at the speed of osund once it passes the speed of sound, destructuve interference will occur with the waves traveking behind

a decrease in mass due to loss of fluid in capillaries, due to a decrease in arterial pressue

will cause an initial rapid decrease in mass over time, and then eventually level out once the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures reach a new equilibrium

an intermediate sized atom... (energy, stability, etc)

will have a low energy state that is MORE Stable than that of large or small atoms this requires a lot of E to undergo fission (requiring a HIGH NUCLEAR BINDING E )

a less + reduction potential is ...

will likely to oxidized and act as a reducing agent

if you have log(x) = 6... what is x

x = 10^6 1000

45-45-90 triangle

x, x, x√2

is the ETC coupled together


will a dipole placed in an electric field experience torque

yes it will experience torque until the dipole is at rest and oriented within the field so that the angle between the plane of the electric field and the dipole is 0 once this point is reached, the inversion of the electric field will have no impact on the dipole

thermal expansion equation

ΔL = change in length α = coefficient of linear expansion L = original length ΔT = change in temperature

angular frequency

ω = 2πf the magnitude of angular frequency will always be larger than that of the frequncy, and may or may not be larger than the period

Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL)

• Enzyme in the adipose cell that is responsible for the hydrolysis of triglyceride into FFAs and glycerol, which then leave the adipose cell and enter circulation • Inhibited by the hormone insulin NOT IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT


"salt-retaining hormone" which promotes the retention of Na+ by the kidneys. na+ retention promotes water retention, which promotes a higher blood volume and pressure primarily in the distal tubule and collecting duct released from the adrenal cortex in response to low bp

characteristics of good electrophiles

(+) charged polarized good leaving groups like halides (ie CH3OH and CH3Cl, CH3Cl is a stronger electrophile because it has a better LG and is more stabilized)

Mass defect: equation

(mass of each of the protons and each of the neutrons in the unbound state added together) - (mass of the formed nucleus)

phosphorous acid

(ous acid means one less O)


*A type of white blood cell that transforms into macrophages, extends pseudopods, and engulfs huge numbers of microbes over a long period of time *An agranular leukocyte that is able to migrate into tissues and transform into a macrophage. immune cells secreted from epithelium to produce and inflammatory response

charge of the molecule when pH < pI


Entropy (delta S)

+ with a spontaneous reaction

charge of the molecule when pH > pI


Simple distillation

- Liquids that boil below 150 C and have atleast 25C difference in boiling temperature. - Consists of a distilling flask (containing combined solution), distillation column ( thermometer, condenser, and receiving flask to collect the distillate.

IC50 value

- for an antagonist: concentration of ANTAGONIST drug required to reduce full agonist response to 50% of max response ** higher ANTAGONIST affinity = HIGHER concentration of agonist needed to get 50% response concentration of an inhibitor that reduces the activity of the corresponding process by 50%. Dose-response curves are usually used to determine the IC50 value for a given inhibitor.

Alternative Splicing of mRNA

-One gene can code for more than one protein -Exons can be spliced together into a variety of different mRNAs

protecting groups

-good=acetals and ketals -when need to prevent aldehyde or keton from reacting change into these ie methylsulfonyl chloride

SA node (sinoatrial node)

-pacemaker of the heart -sets the heartbeat rate -located in the right atrium -causes atria to contract

Vitamin D function

-promotes bone mineralization (makes calcium and phosphorus available to blood that bathes bones) -assists in immune function

Gravity Filtration

-used when the product of interest is in the filtrate -hot solvent is used to maintain solubility product remains in filtrate to be collected

according to kirkoffs loop rule, the total potential difference around any closed loop is equal to what


pyrimidines have __ rings

1 C U T

Palmitic acid has the chemical formula, C16H32O2. Which of the following best describes the appropriate product distribution after 4 rounds of beta-oxidation?

1 C8H16O2; 4 NADH; 4 acetyl-CoA; 4 FADH2 Recall that each round of beta-oxidation produces 1 acetyl-CoA, 1 NADH, 1 FADH2, decreasing the fatty acid chain length by two carbons. After 4 rounds of beta-oxidation, there will be 4 acetyl-CoA produced (choices C and D are wrong), 4 NADH, 4 FADH2 and a fatty acid that is reduced by 8 carbons, C8H16O2

conversion factor between MeV and amu

1 amu = 932 MeV

a paraschutist jumps from a plane. Beginning at the point when she reaches terminal velocity (constant velocity during free fall), which of the following is or are true 1) the jumper is in translational eq 2) the jumper is NOT being acted upon by any forces 3) there is an equal amount of work being done by gravity and air resistance

1 and 2 only at terminal velocity, the force of gravity and force of air resistance are equal in mag

conversion between atm and mmHg

1 atm = 760 mmHg

the electron transport chain carriers can carry how many electrons at a time

1 to 2

what three primary components may pyruvate be converted into

1) acetyl-coA for the CAC via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 2) lactate during fermentation via lactate dehydrogenase 3) OAA for gluconeogenesis via pyruvate carboxylase

which are ways to measure the activity of the Na+ K+ ATP pump

1) measuring the rate of ATP HYDROLYSIS 2) measuring the rate of ADP production 3) measuring the change in ion concentration within the liposome

true statements regarding the photoelectric effect

1) the kinetic E of the emitted electrons DO NOT depend on the light intensity 2) the intensity of the light beam DOES effect the photocurrent 3) a weak beam of light f that is greater than the threshold f yields more current than an intense beam of light f lower than the threshold f 4) for light of a given f, the KE of emited elextrons increases as the value of th work function decreass

Hemiacetals and Hemiketals usually keep reacting to form acetals and ketals. Why is it difficult to isolate hemiacetals and hemiketals. These molecules are unstable The hydroxyl group is rapidly protonated and lost as water under acidic conditions, leaving behind a reactive carbocation The molecules are extremely basic and react rapidly with one another.

1) they are unstable 2) the OH group is rapidly protonated and lost as water under acidic conditions, leaving behind a reactive carbocation

what compounds are almost always soluble in water

1+ and 1- ions (ions that are more attracted to H bonding, coulombic forces that are low in magnitude)

1 degrees Celcius is equal to what F


area of a triangle

1/2 base x height

doubling frewuency has what effect on period

1/2 the period

Capacitors in Series

1/C=1/C₁+1/C₂+... create a smaller overall capacitance

Resistors in parallel

1/R=1/R₁+1/R₂+1/R₃+... V=V₁=V₂=...

paralell Req for 4 16 ohm resistors in paralell

1/Req = 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16 1/Req = 4/16 Req = 4

if the Keq of the forward reaction is X, what is the Keq of the reverse reaction


thin lens equation

1/f = 1/di + 1/do

10 micrometers in nanometers

10 micrometers (um) 10000 nanometers (nm)

how many times are ATP stores turned over daily


how many J are in 1 kJ

1000 ie 1kJ = 1000 J

bent molecules have what bond angles


trigonal pyramidal molecules have what bond angles


tetrahedral molecular bond angle

109.5 contain 4 electron rich areas and 4 bonded atoms at this angle

above what concentration in the blood is glucose found in the urine


piagets stages of cognitive development formal opperational

12 and on thinking logically about abstract ideas and problem solving

piagets stages of cognitive development preoperational

2 to 7 children begin to do symbolic thinking and egocentrism make believe and have an imagination imagine what other people may think or feel

what compounds are almost always insoluble in water

2+ and 2-, 3- ions these ions have stronger coulombic forces, so they are harder to break ionic bonds since it is a stronger bond)

quaternary protein structure

2+ protein chains forming functional protein, forming via H bonds and vanderwalls forces disulfide bonds maintain this structure

what stage of piagets theory of cognitive development is observed in 6-7 year olds

2-7 represents preoperational stage of development--where children learn to operate symbolically and engage in a lot of symbolic play

Rydberg Constant (Rh)

2.18 x 10^-18 J

lb to kg conversion

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

what is the square root of 9 x 10^-6

3.0 x 10^-3 how: square root of 9 = 3 3.0 x 10^-6(1/2) multiply the exponent by 1/2 when you are squaring it so answer is 3.0 x 10^-3

visible light spectrum

400-700 nm

what procedure would be good to use in order to extract acetaldehyde from an aqueous solution 1x extraction with 100mL of ether 2x succesive extractions with 50 mL portions of ether 3x sucessive extractions with 33.3mL portions of ether 4x sucsessive extractions with 25mL portions of ether

4x sucsessive extractions with small amounts of ether is better than one extractions with large amounts of ether


A diagram that shows the occurrence of a genetic trait in several generations of a family.

Parkinson's disease

A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors. not as much familial

cardiac ishemia or MI

A elevated or depressed ST segment may signify?

binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size

Modeling Theory

A form of social learning theory that asserts that people learn how to act by observing others.


A functional group containing two carbonyls separated by an oxygen atom (RCOOCOR); often the condensation dimer of a carboxylic acid.

secondary oocyte

A haploid cell resulting from the first meiotic division of oogenesi (not that the cytoplasmic division in this case is unequal, producing one large cell with almost all of they cytoplasm - the secondary oocyte- and one smaller cell with virtually no cytoplasm - the first polar body.). The secondary oocyte (along with some follicular cells) is released from the ovary during ovulation.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

A laboratory technique for amplifying DNA in vitro by incubating with special primers, DNA polymerase molecules, and nucleotides.

UV spectroscopy

A method of determining the concentration of protein in an isolate by comparison against a protein standard; relies on the presence of aromatic amino acids Can also be used with nucleic acids and other compounds

Strecker synthesis

A method of synthesizing amino acids that uses condensation between an aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, followed by hydrolysis. ammonia will attack a carbonyl forming an imine. the imine will be attacked by cyanide to form an amine and a nitrile


A process for synthesizing ATP using the energy of an electrochemical gradient and the ATP synthase enzyme. nicotinamide (NADH) nucleotides are neither oxidized nor reduced during this step of cellular resp


A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class owner-occupied area.

Fractional distillation

A process of petroleum refining, by which a chemical mixture such as petroleum is separated into its components depending on the different boiling points of components.


A relationship between two organisms of different species where one benefits and the other is harmed

enolate ion

A resonance-stabilized anion resulting from the deprotonation of a carbon atom adjacent to a carbonyl functional group.

social desirability bias

A tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself.

Functionalist Theory of Stratification

A theory suggesting that inequality is necessary to maintain complex societies.

fluid pressure changes with depth are assumed to be linear. Which statement best explains why this does not hold true for atmosphereic pressure changes? at very high temps, air behaves less ideally the volume of a mass of air is not constant the majority of molecules in air are nonpolar air is not of uniform comp

ANSWER: the volume of mass of air is not constant -- hydrostatic pressure for liquids is linear because as depth changes, the density of a liquid remains constant. Gases however, have desities that change accordign to the forces applied to them. Gases are compressible, while liquids and solids are not

main E sources of metabolism and when and why they are used

ATP is simple, unstable, constantly between ADP and Pi and ATP Glucose is easy to use and immediatley released from the liver. Hard to store (as glycogen) which is water soluble and must be dissolved in water to be stored glycogen is the bodys way of storing extra glucose; must first be broken down fats like triglycerides, fatty acids, long carbon chains etc; you need to break the chains down two carbons at a time into acetyl CoA molecule (2 C long) from fat molecules in the liver. You must also transport fat to the liver from adipose more easily store hydrophobic



ketolysis generates what

Acetyl-CoA (the breakdown of ketone bodies to acetyl CoA for Energy) occuring in the BRAIN, MUSCLES, TISSUES but not in the liver

why does acidity trend oppositely of EN, electron affinity, and Ionization E

Acidity relates to the stability of the conjugate base, and larger atoms form more stable conjugate bases even when they are less electronegative than smaller atoms. acidity increases down the periodic table , and across

Relative Deprivation Theory

Actions of groups that are oppressed/deprived of rights that others in society enjoy. ex. Civil Rights Movements


Addition of a sugar to another compound

adhesion proteins

Adhesion proteins are membrane proteins that form junctions between adjacent cells.


Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.

Phenylalanine (Phe/P/Nonpolar, Hydrophobic, Aromatic)

Amino Acid Preferes interior on globular protein, because of hydrophobicity Aromatic R groups, making its action in the brain similar to that of tryptophan

Serine (Ser/ S/polar/uncharged/hydrophilic)

Amino Acid Serine

Arganine (Arg/R/basic/polar/MOST hydrophilic)

Amino Acid arg

Isoleucine (Ile/I/nonpolar/hydrophobic)

Amino Acid isoleucine

heat of fusion

Amount of energy required to change a substance from the SOLID phase to the LIQUID phase.

ionic bonds form between what types of electronegativities

An ionic bond is most likely to form between elements of very high and very low electronegativity. in theory this means an atom from the far left bonded to one from the far right

Newton's First Law

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

which of the following is closest to the pH of a solution containing 5mM H2SO4 1 2 3 4

Answer = 2 steps: 1)convert concentration of 5mM to 5 x 10^-3 M 2) since H2SO4 is strong, we assume that it will completely dissociate (ie that both protons will dissociate) 3) therefor the concentration of H ions is 2( 5.0 x 10^-3) = 5.0 x 10^-2 4) the equation for pH is pH = -log [H+] 5) so if [H+] = 10^-2M, then pH = 2

Wernicke's aphasia

Aphasia resulting from damage to the Wernicke's area of the frontal lobe. Affects written and spoken language. difficulty connecting meaning to language

he dancer is wearing a necklace which consists of a chain and a pendant of mass, m. When the dancer is spinning at a constant speed, the pendant pulls away from her body, and the chain makes an angle, θ, with the dancer's body. If the pendant is spinning at a constant speed, v, and the chain has a tension, T, what is the radius of the circle created by the pendant?

B. The question describes the pendant travelling in a circle making an angle, θ, with the dancer's body. A force diagram of the pendant is below. Notice that the component of tension directed into the center of the circle is T sin θ, not the full tension in the chain. It is just this component of tension that provides the centripetal force. Centripetal force is always equal to mv2 /r so in this case T sin θ = mv2 / r. Solving for the radius of the circle shows r = mv2 / T sin θ. The correct answer is choice B. mv^2 / Tsin(theta)

Mating behavior

Behavior surrounding propagation of a species through reproduction. Natural selection plays a role in this.


Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.

a certain sound level is increased by 20dB. By what factor does its inensity increase

Bf = Bi + 10log(If/Ii) Bf - Bi = 10log(If/Ii) 20dB = 10log(If/Ii) 2= log(If/Ii) 100= If/Ii this equation related sound level to intensity

the IR peaks to memorize for test day (these all show up in AA)

C-O 1750 (C=O) N-H sharp at 3300 O-H 3300

Which of the following will decrease the percentage ionization of 1.0 M acetic acid, CH3CO2H(aq)? A. Chlorinating the CH3 group B. Diluting the solution C. Adding concentrated HCl(aq) D. Adding a drop of basic indicator

C. Adding concentrated HCl(aq) The answer to this question is C because HCl is a strong acid that will increase the amount of H+ in solution and thus decrease the percentage of CH3CO2H that ionizes.

A 10 kg dancer raises her leg in the air in a développé. Her 2 kg leg is 1 m long and can be assumed to have uniform mass throughout its length. What angle, θ, between the working leg and the standing leg will create the most torque in the dancer's hip? A. 30° B. 45° C. 90° Correct Answer D. 135° Your Answer

C. Torque can be calculated using the equation τ = Fd sinθ, where F is the force creating torque, d is the distance from the force to the rotation point, and θ is the angle between F and d. In this case, the force is the weight of the leg which is (2 kg)(10 m/s2) = 20 N. Since the question states that the leg can be assumed to have uniform mass throughout its length, then the weight can all be considered to be acting in the middle of the leg. So the distance from the rotation point to the force is half the length of the leg, or 0.5 m. Using the values for force and distance, the torque equation becomes τ = (20 N)(0.5 m)sin θ = (10 N·m)sin θ. So the torque is greatest where sin θ is greatest. The angle between the two legs is the same as the angle between the force and the distance, so taking the sine of each of the answer choices shows the greatest torque is when the angle is 90°. While it might be tempting to select choice D since it is the largest angle, remember that the largest value sine can have is at an angle of 90°. The correct answer is choice C.

exceptions to the solubility rules Cl- Br- I- are insoluble with.... slightly soluble with... and insoluble with...

Cl- Br- I- are insoluble with Ag+ Pb2+ Hg2+ slightly soluble with weak acids F- insoluble with (2+ charges) Ca2+ SR2+ Ba2+

transcription factors....

Collection of proteins that mediate the binding of RNA polymerase and the initiation of transcription. They bind to DNA and recruit RNA polymerase to make RNA

If heat is transferred from a hot gas to a cold gas, what is the primary mode of heat transfer


pyloric sphincter

Controls passage of food from stomach to small intestine

2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase

Converts two conjugated couble bonds to one double bond at the 3,4 position to undergo isomerization by enoyl-CoA isomerase, allowing for the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. just think DIenol for POLYunsaturated (need multiple)

oxidation of primary alcohols to carb acids

CrO3 K2Cr2O7

oxidation of a 2ndary alcohol to a ketone

CrO3 Na2Cr2O7 C5H5NHClCrO3

Jones Reagent

CrO3, H2SO4 converts 1 alcohols to carb acids ( will not stop at aldehydes)

when cytosine is converted to uracil in the presence of heat, how is this error corrected

DNA repair enzymes recognize uracil and correct the error by excising the base and inserting cytosine

social capital

Democratic and civic habits of discussion, compromise, and respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations.

why is diatomic N unique (N2)

Diatomic N gas is relatively inert and can be used as the atmosphere in lab conditions to prevent unwanted side reactions

sexual dimorphism

Differences in physical characteristics between males and females of the same species.

energy of light equation

E = hv E = hf E= hc / wavelength where h = 6.62 x 10^-34 where c = 3 x 10^8

equation relating Gibbs free E and E degrees cell

E cell = DG = -nFEcell n is the number of moles transferred F is the faraday constant 96,485 C/mol e- to determine n, you must look at the half reactions occuring in the redox reaction

E cell equation

E cell = E cathode - E anode

Which of the following do NOT have proteins with a nuclear localization signal?

E coli Archaea (types of bacteria that do not have nuclei)

what will stabilize a carbocation?

EDG their donation of electrons will balance out the + charge and stabilize the carbocation

how does the speed of a charged particle in an E field affect the electrical force on the particle

Electrical force depends on the particle's charge and the strength of the electric field experienced by the particle, not on the particle's speed.

what is released in the formation of intermediate sized atoms through the breakage of large atomic mass nuclei or the formation from small atomic mass nuclei

Energy will be released because the intermediate atoms are the most stable Small --> Intermediate Fusion + E Large --> Intermediate Fission + E

rate law expression

Equation relating the rate of a reaction to the concentrations of the reactants and the specific rate of the constant. only consideres the rate determining step

Calculating E cell

Ered - Eoxi = E cell

oral-sensory stage

Erikson development stage, ages birth to 12-18 months, crisis=trust vs. mistrust, key event=feeding, positive resolution=child develops a belief that the environment can be counted on to meet his or her basic physiological and social needs

the stroop effect

Explains the decreased speed of naming the color of ink used to print words when the color of ink and the word itself are of different colors.

the force needed to compress or stretch a spring by a distance of X is a linear relationship defined by what equation

F = kx k is the spring constnat

the force of turning is calculated by

F turning = (m)(ac)

how much ATP does FADH and NADH produce respectively

FADH2 = 1.5 NADH = 2.5

centripetal force equation


Rank the following metals in order of increasing oxidation potential: Sr(s) Cs(s) Fe(s) Ca(s)

Fe < Ca < Sr < Cs

to stop a block from sliding down a ramp... must have equal and opp frictional forces that can therefor be set equal to one antother

Ff = mg sin theta Ff = uFn Ff = o.25 x Fn = 0.25mgcos theta (for this problem)

Newton's Second Law

Force equals mass times acceleration

directional selection

Form of natural selection in which the entire curve moves; occurs when individuals at one end of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end of the curve

formal charge equation

Formal charge= valence-Nnonbonding-.5Nbonding

GTP-binding proteins

GTP-binding proteins or G proteins are transmitting signals outside the cell which cause changes within the cell. They act as molecular switches which are on when binding GTP and off when binding GDP


Gas to liquid

Tollen's Test

Gives a "silver mirror" product for reducing sugars. Reducing sugars are hemiacetals in their ring form and either aldehydes or ketones in their straight-chain form. Acetals do not open easily because they contain blocking groups (in "formation of acetals" in book). Promotes enediol rearrangement of ketones and aldehydes.

Tollens' test typically involves exposure of a carbohydrate to a solution of CuO in ammonia (NH3). Glucose yields a positive Tollens' test, but sucrose does not. Which of the following best explains this fact?

Glucose contains a hemiacetal group, while sucrose does not; this classifies glucose as a reducing sugar. reducing sugars are sugars that can act as reducting agents and can undergo mutarotation

what is the main difference between the krebs cycle and glycolysis

Glycolysis is the first step involved in the process of respiration and occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. While Krebs Cycle is the second process of respiration which occurs in the mitochondria of the eukaryotes and cytosol of prokaryotes


Gold foil experiment most of the volume of the gold atom is empty space the alpha particles and the gold nuclei are both positively charged

Metal Elements

Good conductors of heat and electricity, hard, shiny, reflect light, malleable, ductile, typically have one to three valence electrons

what determines the migration of individual components of a sample in chromatography

H bonding

secondary protein structure

H-bonding between hydroxy and amino terminals --alpha helices and beta pleated sheets

charge of the ground state compared to the excited state

HAVE THE SAME OVERALL CHARGE, since there is no electron transfer but E is typically slightly higher in the excited state than in the ground state, due to vibrational processes prior to emission back to the ground state (photons have higher E in the excited state than the ground state)

formic acid (methanoic acid)


the7 strong acids

HCl hydrochloric acid HBr hydrobromic acid HI hydroiodic acid HCLO3 chloric acid HCLO4 perchloric acid HNO3 nitric acid H2SO4 sulfuric acid (only the first H to leave is considered "strong"; if you add H2SO4 to water all of it will imediatley become H+ and HSO4- and the second H will leave more slowly)

determine the pulse of an individual with a cardiac output of 7500mL per min and a stroke volume of 50mL

HR= CO/SV = (7500mL/min) / (50mL/beat) HR = 150 beats/min

during fatty acid mobilization, what occurs

HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) is activated to breakdown triglycerides in adipocytes (resulting in 3 FFA and a glycerol molecule) free fatty acids are released


Having a higher concentration of solute than another solution. ie higher concentration of NaCl than water when a cell is placed in an enviorment that contains a higher concentration of solutes than the interior of the cell (water moves from the cell into the surroundings)


Having sexual arousal to unusual stimuli

Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is the rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis. Which of the following conditions would negatively regulate PFK activity?

High citric acid levels (Krebs cycle)

Naming Esters

Highest priority: "oate" suffix Name of R group as prefix O-R Lower priority: "alkoxycarbonyl" prefix


His, H


Histone acetyltransferase add acetyl groups to Histone lysine, which removes the (+) charge and creates "open chromatin" - transcriptionally active loosely winds the DNA around the histone allowing for active gene expression and transcription activate/increase gene expression


Histone deacetylase. An enzyme that removes acetyl groups from a histone tail, allowing histones to wrap the DNA more tightly promoting repression of gene transcription.

quaternary/tertiary/secondary protein structures all involve

Hydrogen bonds

proteolytic cleavage

Hydrolysis of a protein by a proteolytic enzyme, eg. trypsin, chymotrypsin

Relationship between gauge pressure and hydrostatic abs atmospheric pressure

Hydrostatic pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric

which of the following will cause a blood pH of 8.8?

INCREASED RESPIRATORY RATE physiological pH is 7.4, therefor 8.2 is an increase in pH (alkalosis) bicarb system of the blood is given by H2O (aq) + CO2 (g) ↔ H2CO3 (aq) ↔ H+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq) decrease in products causes eq shift to the right

Arrange the following in increasing order of compactness. I. Nucleosome II. Heterochromatin III. Euchromatin IV. DNA helix

IV, III, II, I DNA helix < Euchromatin < Heterochromatin < Nucleosome

Psychic Apparatus

Id, ego, and superego; 3 components to Freud's structural model of the human psyche

innate immunity

Immunity that is present before exposure and effective from birth. Responds to a broad range of pathogens.

In a culture of mammalian skeletal muscle cells, the consumption of oxygen and glucose is measured. Which of the following would occur in response to inhibition of electron transport?

In the absence of electron transport, oxygen is not needed (it is the final electron acceptor in the transport chain) so the consumption of oxygen would decrease (choices A and B are wrong). Since the electron transport chain is not available to make energy (ATP) the cells will rely solely on anaerobic respiration - glycolysis. Further, since the energy demands of the cells have not changed, and since glycolysis makes fewer ATP than electron transport, the rate of glycolysis will have to increase to keep the level of ATP normal. Thus, glucose consumption would increase (choice D is correct and C is wrong). Oxygen consumption will decrease, and glucose consumption will increase

Decreasing the speed of a pressure will always do what to pressure


Aldosterone function

Increases resorption of sodium from DCT, leading to increased water retention and plasma volume

The term "ideal gas" refers to a gas for which certain assumptions have been made. Which of the following is such an assumption?

Individual molecular volume and intermolecular forces are normal

cognitive dissonance

Inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior and values or opinions

when is insulin released

Insulin is released when serum glucose levels are high, or when humans are in a recently fed state; lipolysis would be low in this situation,

relationships of Keq, spontaneity

Keq>1, proceeds spontaneously to the Right, G<0, exergonic Keq=1, reactants and products are in equilibrium Keq<1, G>0, Endergonic, Non-spontaneous to the left

units for the rate order of a second order reaction

L/ (mol x s) rate = k[A]2 M/s = k(mol/L)2 mol/(L•s) = k(mol2/L2) k = (mol/(L•s))/(mol2/L2) k = L/(mol•s)

what are the respective Ka and pKa values for a strong acid

Large Ka small pKa If Ka is large (pKa is small) this means the acid is mostly dissociated, so the acid is strong. Acids with a pKa less than around -2 are strong acids. If Ka is small (pKa is large), little dissociation has occurred, so the acid is weak

inclined planes produce what type of mechanical advantage

MA that are greater than 1 inclined planes allow us to lift an objet using less fore than would be required if we had to lift it straight up

what configuration are mammalian amino acids in

Mammalian amino acids, except the achiral glycine, all have an L configuration, which corresponds to an S stereocenter at the alpha carbon for eighteen out of the remaining nineteen amino acids (cysteine with S in the side chain, has an R configuration

mean, median, mode

Mean is the average Median is the middle number Mode is the number that occurs the most.

drive reduction theorists

Mid-twentieth-century behaviorist theorists who proposed that motivation stems from a combination of drive and reinforcement, in which stimuli become reinforcing because they are associated with reduction of a state of biological deficit

Standard deviation

Most common measure of distribution Most closely linked to the mean of the distribution Can be used to calc P values (probablility that an observed difference be two populations is due to chance)

calculation to find unknown concentration or volume in titrations

N1V1 = N2V2 if monoprotic, can use M1V1 = M2V2, if polyprotic must use Normality


NAD+ as oxidize form NADH as reduced form

what would happen to NADH if the Krebs cycle was inhibited

NADH levels will rise, as NADH is not being reduced to NAD+ as you would expect if the ETC was properly funcitonng

products of the phosphate pentose pathway

NADPH glycolytic intermediates Ribose-5-phosphate (NOT NADH)

which of the primary methods of amino acid synthesis result in an optically active solution strecker only gabriel only both neither

NEITHER these all result in racemic mixtures of enantiomers

using the nerst equation... for most cells, the extracellular calcium concentration is around 10000 times higher than the intracellular calcium concentration. What is the membrane potential established by this electrochemical gradient ?

NERT equatio relates intra and extra cellular concentration of an ion to the potential created by that gradient. at physiological temp it can be simplified to E = 61.5/z(log[ion]outside x log [ion]inside) for calcium z = +2 (ca2+) and the ratio of [ion outside] to [ion inside] = 10^4... plugging in we get E = 61.5/+2log10^4 = 61.5/+2 x 4 = 123 mV

ammonium cation

NH4+ composed of four polar covalent bonds, one of which is a coordinate covalent bond (one between a lewis acid and base)

do epimers have equal but opposite optical activity


does Frequency change when changing mediums / materials


what should equilibrium expressions NOT INCLUDE

NO solids and liquids ONLY gas and aqueous

are triglycerides likely to act as coenzymes in metabolic reactions?

NO triglycerides are large in size, neutral in charge, and ubiquitous--making them unlikely to act as coenzymes

according to selyes GAS, is the human stress response specific to the type fo stressor ?

NO, it is not specific

Do MHC cells have a direct role in all types of rejection


do epimers and diastereomers have equal and opposite optical activity?

NO, their optical rotations have nothing to do with their pair because they are not enantiomers

is work done in an isochoric process

NO-- if the gas is neither is compressed or expanded...then work is performed

stabilizing selection

Natural selection that favors intermediate variants by acting against extreme phenotypes

The compound below is sold under the name Proton-Sponge®. Is this compound likely to be a good nucleophile?

No this nuc has steric hinderance which makes it not a good of a nuc

does the sodium potassium pump directly cause action potentials along neurons?

No; action potentials result in an increased permeability of the plasma membrane to sodium

sig fig rules

Non-zero digits are always significant. Any zeros between two significant digits are significant. A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant. ie 14,320,010 and 3.618000 have the same number of sig fig


Noncoding segments of nucleic acid that lie between coding sequences.

if an unconscious person is rushed into the ER with no medical history which blood type should they receive

O- Universal donors with no surface antigens no ABO or Rh incompatibility

objective measures of motivation

Objective measurements are impartial, usually quantifiable outcomes recorded with some kind of diagnostic instrument. Examples in medicine include blood work to determine cholesterol levels, sphygmomanometer for blood pressure, and wearable devices that measure step count. direct measures


Organic molecules that help protect the body from harmful chemicals called free radicals

final electron acceptor of ETC

Oxygen O2 + 4e- + 4H+ --> 2H2O

in which regions of a ECG correcspond to the movement of sodium ions into a cardiac neuron


citrate levels will most affect which enzyme

PFK 1 this makes sense becuase PFK 1 is the RLE of glycolysis, whose end product is citrate if citrate is high negative feedback on PFK 1 will inhibit the production of more citrate, and if citrate levels are low it will stimulate PFK 1 to produce more

when the O2 supply is dramatically reduced forcing the cardiac myocytes to switch to anaerobic metabolism, which of the following enzymes would be activated by increased cellular levels of AMP succinate dehydrogenase PFK1 isocitrate dehyxrogenase pyruvate dehydrogenase

PFK1 PFK1 catalyzes the RL step of glycolysis and is the only listed enzyme that functions under anaerobic conditions , all of the others are involved in O2 requiring processes


PPi an inorganic phosphate containing molecule

Ideal Gas Law

PV=nRT R must be used as 0.0821 P must be in atm NOT mmHG


Peptidase secreted by glands in the duodenum that removes the N-terminal amino acid from a peptide.

Behaviorist Theory

Personality is constructed by a series of learning experiences that occur through interactions between the individual and their environment. related to classical conditioning

partial pressure of a gas equation

Pgas = Xgas Ptotal where Xgas is the mole fraction of a gas (the number of moles of that gas present divided by the total number of moles of gas in the mixture (Xgas = ngas/ntotal).)

A student finishes an experiment involving several bacteria which are highly pathologic in humans. She wishes to dispose of the agar plates and micropipette tips she used. Which of the following procedures should she carry out?

Place all materials in an open metal container and autoclave the container.

Asparagine, Asn, N

Polar neutral


Process of soap formation; as related to decomposition, the conversion of fatty tissues of the body into a soapy waxy substance called adipocere or grave wax. essentially hydrolysis of an ester bond

endochondral ossification

Process of transforming cartilage into bone- hyaline cartilage template forms, osteoblasts migrate in and produce spongy bone (primary ossification center), other osteoblasts produce compact bone beneath the periosteum, osteoclasts break down spongy bone, creates medullary cavity

what enzyme will reverse the general catalytic effects of PKA

Protein phosphatase 1 phosphatases remove a phosphate from the substrate, reversing the catalytic function


Protein structure that forms at the centromere region and attaches chromosomes to the spindle fiber.

equation for heat in to and out of the system (heat capacity)

Q = mcDT


R(C=O)NR NR connected to the carbonyl



biochemical activities of the liver

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism such as glycogenolysis, glycogenesis, and gluconeogenesis Deamination of amino acid and conversion of the resulting ammonia to urea Lipid metabolism, including cholesterol and lipoprotein synthesis DOES NOT PRODUCE LIPASE (it emulsifies lipases) and IT DOES NOT PRODUCE BILE (the pancreas does)

post-transcriptional control

Regulation of gene expression that occurs after transcription of the gene has begun; examples include RNA splicing and RNA interference.


Requires the flow of a fluid to cause heat transfer

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Research study conducted by a branch of the U.S. government, lasting for roughly 50 years (ending in the 1970s), in which a sample of African American men diagnosed with syphilis were deliberately left untreated, without their knowledge, to learn about the lifetime course of the disease.

interphase (g0)

Resting phase is also known as Gap 0 (G0). During this period, the cell just goes about its business; in fact, many fully-differentiated cells in the body remain in G0 for long periods of time. growth and DNA replication.

"right- shifted" hemoglobin curve

Right shift-amount of Oxygen released to the tissues is increased (in the muscle) Left Shift - Lungs

Role strain vs role conflict

Role strain - when you can't carry out all obligations of a status, tensions within one status. Causes individual to be pulled many directions by one status Role conflict- one role interferes with another; conflict/tension between two or more different statuses,

Where do post-translational modifications occur?

Rough ER

solubility rule exceptions S2-

S2- is soluble with Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+

Solubility exceptions SO4 2-

SO4 2- is generally soluble.. EXCEPT with Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Pb 2+, Ag2+, Hg2+ --> this makes it insoluble

enzymes do what to the transition state

STABILIZE THE TRANSITION STATE by lowering the activation Energy

Foraging behavior

Set of behaviors through which animals obtain food. A social behavior. Animals optimize this to maximize the energy available through food and to minimize the energy expenditure involved in obtaining it.

The equilibrium BaCrO4(s) Ba2+(aq) + CrO42-(aq) exists in a saturated aqueous solution of BaCrO4. Dissolution of Na2CrO4 in a saturated aqueous BaCrO4 solution would: A. have no effect on the position of this equilibrium. B. shift this equilibrium left. C. shift this equilibrium right. D. shift this equilibrium first right and then left.

Shift the equilibrium Left dissolution of Na2CrO4 would introduce the common ion, CrO42-, which would reduce the solubility of BaCrO4 due to the common ion effect.


Short chain of monomer liquids that is often thick, sticky, and gel-like and that is not long enough to be considered a polymer. If size exclusion chromatography (SEC) were used to separate a mixture of ethylene glycol oligomers, as shown below, with fractions further purified by gas chromatography (GC), what might be expected? ***Oligomers with short retention times on the SEC column will have long GC retention times

Analagous Structures

Similar function but different structure - does not show common ancestry - Ex: butterfly wing and bat wing)

glucose oxidation in diabetic patients

Similarly glucose oxidation rates are low in diabetic patients due to limited entry of glucose into body cells

relationship between pKb and pOH

Similarly, the strength of a base is determined by using pKb. pOH measures the hydroxide ion concentration of a solution (how basic it is). While pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration (how acidic a solution is). pH = 14 - pOH

the difference in single crossover events vs double crossover events

Single-crossover events affect only the ends of chromosome arms, while double-crossover events can affect segments in the middle of chromosome arms.

Stanley Miligram Experiment

Stanley Milgram's shock experiments analyzed obedience and the power of authority figures

Renin-aldosterone-angiotensin system

System that is activated when there is a drop in renal blood flow that increases blood volume, blood flow to the kidney, vasoconstriction, and blood pressure

the mass of a spring undergoing period motion

T = 2n (square root of m/k) m is the mass k is the spring constant

what can alter the emf of an electrochemical cell

Temperature of the solutions in the half - cells NOT altered by the mass of the electrodes, the length of the wire connecting the half cells, or the overall size of the battery

Why is the C-N bond of an amide planar?

The C-N bond of an amide is planar because it has partial double bond character due to resonance. Double bonds exist in a planar conformation and restrict movement.

polarization of light

The aligning of vibrations in a transverse wave, usually by filtering out waves of other directions

While the blood is buffered primarily through the equilibrium between carbon dioxide and carbonic acid, coupled with hemoglobin, the blood may also be buffered through other plasma proteins. Which of the following is true?

The amino acid residues that make up the protein may act as Brønsted acids or bases, reducing shifts in pH.

specific heat

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree celcius

What fraction of a 15O sample decays in 10 min? 15O (with a half-life T1/2 = 2 min) 1/8 B. 9/16 C. 3/4 D. 31/32

The answer to this question is D because the half-life of 15O is 2 minutes; thus, 10 minutes = 5 half-lives. Therefore, only (1/2)5 = 1/32 of the sample will be left after 10 minutes, while 31/32 of the sample will decay.

1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D production

The decrease in serum phosphate levels would lead to increased 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D production, since vitamin D functions to increase serum calcium and phosphate levels when they are low

state dependency memory

The enhanced ability to retrieve information when you are in the same physical and emotional state you were in when you encoded the information

ecological validity

The extent to which a study is realistic or representative of real life.

oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain)

The final major process of aerobic respiration is oxidative phosphorylation, through which the majority of aerobically-derived ATP is synthesized. This process begins by passing electrons through a series of chemical reactions, known as the electron transport chain (ETC), to a final electron acceptor, oxygen. This is the only time in eukaryotic aerobic respiration where oxygen is directly required. In the ETC, the energy released from the series of electron transfers is used to pump H+ across the membrane.

primary circular reactions

The first of three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving the infant's own body. The infant senses motion, sucking, noise, and other stimuli and tries to understand them.

latency phase erik eriksons

The fourth stage of psychosexual development is known as the latent period. In this stage, the libido's energy is suppressed and children focus more on other activities such as school, friends, and hobbies. Freud believed this stage was important for developing social skills and self-confidence.


The hollow ball of cells marking the end stage of cleavage during early embryonic development a layer of outer cells, with a fluid filled inner cavity

constructive interference

The interference that occurs when two waves combine to make a wave with a larger amplitude

destructive interference

The interference that occurs when two waves combine to make a wave with a smaller amplitude

how to determine the weakest base

The less electronegative an atom (the later it appears in the periodic table), the more basic it likely is. If electron density can be delocalized by resonance, the molecule is a weaker base as it is less interested in losing electrons and accepting a proton.

What is the pH of a buffer solution that is 0.2 M in HCO3- and 2 M in H2CO3? (Note: The first pKa of carbonic acid is 6.37.)

The pH of the solution can be calculated using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation: pH = pKa + log([base]/[acid]). Plugging in the values provided in the question gives pH = 6.37 + log(0.2/2) = 5.37.

relationship between pH and pKa

The pKa is the pH value at which a chemical species will accept or donate a proton. The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater the ability to donate a proton in aqueous solution. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation relates pKa and pH.

obligate parasties

The parasite that is dependent entirely on its host is called an obligate parasite whereas the parasite that does not rely entirely on a host is referred to as a facultative parasite Rickettsia and Chlamydia are examples of obligate parasites that require eukaryotic host cells to survive.

Surgical severing of the corpus callosum is a potential treatment for severe epilepsy. A post-surgical epileptic is in the car, on the way home from the hospital. Which of the following would be expected when the person is looking straight ahead?

The person will be able to verbalize the names of streets he sees on the right side of the road but not the names of streets on the left side of the road

what determines alpha or beta distinguishing of cyclic acetals or hemiacetals ?

The prefixes "α" and "β" are employed to define the stereochemistry of the C-OR bond at the anomeric carbon atom.

genetic mapping

The process of determining the location and chemical sequence of specific genes on specific chromosomes.

oxidative phosphorylation

The production of ATP using energy derived from the redox reactions of an electron transport chain; the third major stage of cellular respiration.

Active immunity

The production of antibodies during an immune response (may be conferred on an individual by vaccination)

The 10 kg dancer leaps into the air with an initial velocity of 5 m/s at angle of 45° from the floor. How far will she travel in the air horizontally before she lands on the ground again?

The question is asking for the range R of the projectile (in this case, a dancer). Use v0x as the initial velocity in the x-direction and v0y as the initial velocity in the y-direction. So range = (v0x)(time in the air), or in this case, R = (5 m/s)(cos 45°)(total time). To find the time in the air, consider the time it takes to get to the top of the projectile parabola. The time to the top of the parabola can be calculated since the velocity in the y-direction at the top of the parabola is zero. So 0 = v0y - g(time to top) and time to the top = v0y / g = (5 m/s)(sin 45°)/(10 m/s2) = √2/4 s. Since the time in the air is twice the time to the top, the time in the air = 2(√2/4 s) = √2/2 s. Plug this into the original equation for range, so range = (5 m/s)(cos 45°)(√2/2 s) = 5(√2/2)(√2/2) = 5(2/4) = 2.5 m. The correct answer is choice B. Anwser = 2.5m

signal sequence

The sequence within a protein that directs the protein to a particular organelle.

What is the concentration of Ca2+(aq) in a saturated solution of CaCO3? (Note: The solubility product constant Ksp for CaCO3 is 4.9 × 10-9.)

The solubility product constant expression for CaCO3 is Ksp = [Ca2+][CO32-]. Since equal quantities of Ca2+(aq) and CO32-(aq) are produced when CaCO3 dissolves, this expression reduces to 4.9 × 10-9 = x2, or 49 × 10-10 = x2. This can be solved directly by taking the square root of each side.

theory of operant conditioning

The theory that both positive and negative reinforcement increase behavior while punishment and extinction decrease behavior.

Schater-Singer theory of emotion

The theory that emotional experience results from the interpretation of bodily responses in the context of situational cues.

cognitive attribution model

The theory that our emotional experience results from cognitive analysis of the context around us, so that physiological changes may accentuate emotions, but not specify which emotion we experience

inclusive fitness

The total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring and by providing aid that enables other close relatives to increase the production of their offspring. the behavior of an animal to ensure the propagation of its genes

stratification theories

Theories that emphasize that social forces, particularly those related to a person's social stratum or social category, limit individual choices and affect a person's ability to function in late adulthood because past stratification continues to limit life in various ways.

Where are most self reactive T cells eliminated

Thymus (where T cells are educated and eliminated by the improper binding to MCH antigen complexes—positive selection)


Trans golgi --> lysosomes Plasma membrane --> endosomes (receptor mediated endocytosis, LDL receptor activity)


Two different molecules that have the same chemical formula structural isomers have same chemical formula but are just attached differently

First order kinetics

Type of kinetics when a constant percentage of substrate is metabolized per unit time

W of a stetching spring

W = 1/2 kx^2

Work equation with for change in KE

W = DKE W= 1/2m(vf^2-vi^2)

change in potential E in an electric field

W = DU = qDV any potential E that is lost is converted to KE

work calculation

W = Fd x Cos(theta) W = pv W = KE f - KE i area under the curve is proportional the the amount of work done

work function equation

W = h f(T) f(T) = threshold frequency W: min energy required to eject e-

Homotropic Regulation of Binding

Where a regulatory molecule is also the enzyme's substrate. ie in the hemoglobin dissasociation curve O2 is a homotropic allosteric modulator of hemoglobin

On a histogram with two different colors on each bar...

You shoukd analyze them as two seperate distributions

effective nuclear charge (Zeff)

Zeff = Z - S where Z is atomic number (just protons) S is the number of shielding or non-valence inner electrons essentially the number of protons that are not cancelled out (electrostatically) by inner electrons each valence electron experiences the pull of all non canceled out Zeff protons INCREASES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT INCREASES GOING UP THE PERIODIC TABLE

electron configuration of a cation think of electron configuration of Zn vs Zn2+

Zn would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10 however, to make the cation of Zn2+ we need 2 less electrons, the electrons lost would need to come from the 4s2 NOT the 3s10, even though the 3d10 is listed last YOU REMOVE ELECTRONS FROM THE HIGHEST E SUBSHELL, and in this case the 4s2 is higher energy than the 3d10 because of the 4 vs 3 the new configuration would be 1s22s22p63s23p64s03d10


a 5 membered ring (4 C, 1 O) also not denoted by alpha or beta distinguishing

what is assumed due to elevated billirubin

a blockage of bile flow, increased production of bilirubin from massive hemoglobin release, or an inability of the liver to produce bile

Structural Functionalism

a conceptual framework positing that each element of society serves a particular function to keep the entire system in equilibrium almost all social actions have both manifest functions and latent functions, both of which are connected to overall social stability

attributional bias

a congnitive bias that refers to the systematic errors made when people evaluate or try to find reasons for their own and others behavior makes people prone to perceptual errors leading to biased interpretations of their social world


a coping mechanism in which the person analyzes a situation from an emotionally detached viewpoint


a dissociative disorder characterized by persistent or recurrent feelings of detachment from one's mental processes or body

fatty acyl CoA

a fatty acid bonded to coenzyme A through a thioester bond

when you react a aldehyde with a primary alcohol via nucleophic addition reaction, what is the product

a hemiacetal the carbonyl O will become a OH group, and the O of the alcohol adds as an ester

exclusive fitness

a measure of an organisms success in a population, based on number of offspring, success in supporting offspring, and the ability of offspring to then support others

bulk modulus elasticity

a measure of relative stiffness, or how compressible a fluid (gas or liquid) is not compressible = high bulk modulus very compressible = low bulk modulus


a measure of the equivilents of something in solution (ie H ions, electrons, OH-ions ) NOT always the same as molarity ie youmay have 1 M H3PO4 but that is 3N in relation to H + ions

schitzotypal personality disorder

a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, thought disorder, paranoid ideation, derealization, transient psychosis, and often unconventional beliefs.

normative influence

a phenomenon that occurs when another person's behavior provides information about what is appropriate

lateral geniculate nucleus

a place in the thalamus that receives impulses from the optic nerve visual relay center

cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

a popular integrative therapy that combines cognitive therapy (changing self-defeating thinking) with behavior therapy (changing behavior)

Gestalt Psychology

a psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts

dielectric constant

a quantity measuring the ability of a substance to store electrical energy in an electric field

double-displacement reaction

a reaction in which a gas, a solid precipitate, or a molecular compound forms from the apparent exchange of atoms or ions between two compounds

neutralization reaction

a reaction in which an acid and a base react in an aqueous solution to produce a salt and water

single-displacement reaction

a reaction in which one element or radical takes the place of another element or radical in a compound

parietal cortex

a region of the brain that is especially important for working memory


a school of psychology based on the general principles of behaviorism but broader and more flexible in concept. It stresses experimental research and laboratory analyses in the study of overt behavior and in various subjective phenomena that cannot be directly observed and measured, such as fantasies, love, stress, empathy, trust, and personality; psychologists belonging to this school believe that behavior can be modified by rewards or punishments

second order kinetics

a second order kinetic step determines that the RDS must only involve TWO reactant molecules !!!

reference group

a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions

electrolytic solution

a solution containing solutes capable of conducting electricity ex: an ionic compound that is composed of one cation with +3 charge and three anions with -1 charge they have electrolytes with high dissociation constants (that will readily dissociate)

linear regression

a statistical method used to fit a linear model to a given data set


a steroid hormone precursor that interacts with both the heads and tails of phospholipids precursor for vitamin D

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

a structured approach to treatment that attempts to reduce psychological disorders through systematic procedures based on cognitive and behavioral principles ie. accompanying a patient to the mall and challenging her belief that she will become trapped with no escape

nucleus accumbens

a subcortical structure that participates in reward and addiction

normative pressure

a subtype of conformity pressure in which the individual knows that the others are incorrect, but still feels pressure to not dissent from the rest of the group

aldonic acid

a sugar produced by oxidation of an aldose aldehyde group to a carboxylic acid group

social stratification

a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy


a system in which promotion is based on individual ability or achievement

confirmation bias

a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence

Western blot

a test that detects HIV antibodies and confirms the results of earlier EIA tests (protein expression) Western blots are performed on cell lysates, or solutions of soluble proteins. They give information on which proteins are expressed by a cell.

signal detection theory

a theory predicting how and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus (signal) amid background stimulation (noise). Assumes there is no single absolute threshold and that detection depends partly on a person's experience, expectations, motivation, and alertness.

third order kinetics

a third order kinetic step determines that the RDS must involve THREE reactant molecules !!!

p53 gene

a tumor-suppressor gene that codes for a specific transcription factor that promotes the synthesis of proteins that inhibit the cell cycle mutations in p53 more often cause cancer than in any other protein

reconstructive bias

a type of bias related to memory: we may not remember as accurately when under high amounts of stress

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events

gamma radiation

a type of nuclear radiation made of high-energy waves

shRNA (short hairpin RNA)

a useful biotechnology tool used in RNA interference targets mRNA to be degraded in the cytoplasm; not utilized in the splicing of the hnRNA (heterogenous nuclear RNA)

mediating variable

a variable that helps explain the relationship between two other variables

lytic cycle

a viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are made within a host cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses

lytic cycle

a viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are made within a host cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses a virus in the lytic phase will infect, and kill or lyse the bacteria

lysogenic cycle

a viral reproductive cycle in which the viral DNA is added to the host cell's DNA and is copied along with the host cell's DNA

lysogenic cycle

a viral reproductive cycle in which the viral DNA is added to the host cell's DNA and is copied along with the host cell's DNA a virus in this phase does not kill the bacteria

PET scan (positron emission tomography)

a visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task

if you have an acidic pH, what kind of buffer willl you have?

a weak acid buffer -- and its corresponding salt

Upon ovulation, the oocyte is released into the?

abdominal cavity before being drawn into the fallopian tube w help from cilia

effectiv agengy

ability to be in control with ones life

cognitive theorists

abnormal behavior comes from irrational beliefs and illogical patterns of thought

modern synthesis model

accounts for mutation and recombination as mechanisms of variation and considers differential reproduction to be the mechanism of reproductive success

fatty acids enter the catabolic pathway in the form of

acetyl-CoA fat molecules stored in adipose tsissue can be hydrolyzed by lipases to fatty acids and glycerol

the breakdown of polypeptides via hydrolysis is favored under what conditions mild heat acidic enviorment anhydrous enviorment nonpolar solvent

acidic enviorment acid will protonate the carbonyl O, which increases the electrophilicity of the carbonyl C, this allows H2O to serve as the nuc, attacking the bond and hydrolyzing the molecule

nucleophilic acyl substitutions are favored by

acidic solutions and basic solutions basic solutions make the nuc more nucleophilic and in acidic solutions the electrophile becomes more electrophilic

percent yield formula

actual yield/theoretical yield x 100 make sure you are in g and g or mol and mol make sure to check the limiting reagant for the theoretical and then multiply that value by the molar mass of the product

which of the following will most likely increase the electric fiend between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor

adding an extra battery to the sysem the electrical field between 2 plates of a parallel plate capacitor is related to the potential difference between the plates of the capacitor and the distance between the plates as shown in the V=ED equation

what will affect the equilibrium position of a reaction

adding or removing heat increasing or decreasing the concentrations of reactants increasing or decreasing the volumes of the reactants


addition of carboxylic acid groups, usually to serve as calcium-binding sites

A genotypically female infant is born with ambiguous genitalia. Soon after birth, she suffers from hyponatremia, or low blood concentrations of sodium. Which endocrine organ is most likely to be affected? a. Hypothalamus b. Pituitary c. Kidneys d. Adrenal cortex

adrenal cortex this shows that she was exposed to androgens during the fetal period she is also losing sodium causing hyponatremia--indicating the presence of 2 defects. First excess androgens and second lacking aldosterone. This hormone is required for the uptake of sodium in the kidneys. Both hormones are synthesized in the adrenal cortex

Glucose transporter proteins in the liver do not require the presence of insulin to facilitate the uptake of glucose. However, insulin does stimulate the first step in the glycolytic pathway within the liver. Therefore, in liver cells, insulin most likely:

aids glucose uptake by decreasing the cellular concentration of glucose

what happens to the mass of H2O per unit volume contained in the air as you increase in altitude and therefor decrease in temp?

air will have significantly less mass of H2O per unit volume at 300m above sea level for example

Which parts of the sarcomere shorten during contraction?

all bands and zones o the sarcomere shorten during contraction except A band H band, I zone and entire length of the sarcomere all shorten

Stage 4 of Sleep cycle

all delta waves deep sleep, growth


all electrons are paired

affective processes

all feelings and responses, positive or negative, related to emotion-laden behavior, knowledge, or beliefs

Darwin's Theory of Evolution

all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

what could form the genome of a virus 1x stranded RNA 2x stranded DNA 1x stranded DNA

all three of them! the nucelic acid in ciruses can be DNA or RNA and either single or double stranded IN BOTH CASES

function of the Phosphate Pentose Pathway

allows our body to digest 5 carbon sugars, as well as produces the reducing agent NADPH to be used within our cells more active in adipose tissue than in muscle

mutarotation of D-glucose

alpha to beta

Power calculation

also P = IR P = FV P = V^2 / R

the blood pressure in the aorta is ________ than the pressure in the superior vena cava

always higher

what functional group forms during peptide bond formation

amide group

Valine (Val/V/nonpolar/Hydrophobic)

amino acid high melting point capable of strong dipole dipole interactions

a RQ of 0.8-0.9 indicates what metabolism

amino acid metabolism

how does the primary structure of proteins form

amino terminus of one amino acid attacks the carboxy-terminus of another

surface active properties

amphilic molecules important example of an amphiphilic compound triacylglyceride derivatives with two nonpolar fatty acid "tail" regions and a hydrophilic phosphate-containing "head." The predominant structural component of the cell membrane is the lipid bilayer, which is composed of two layers of amphipathic phospholipids that spontaneously arrange so that the hydrophobic "tail" regions are isolated from the surrounding aqueous (i.e., polar) environment, causing the more hydrophilic "head" regions to associate with the intracellular (cytosolic) and extracellular faces of the resulting bilayer


amphiphatic molecules (containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions) that reduce the surface tension of a liquid pulmonary surfacant reduces surface t3ension in the alveoli, allowing them to remain inflated when the lung is compressed during respiration

a D sugar has ...

an R conformation at the last stereocenter in the molecule

an L sugar has...

an S conformation at the last stereocenter in the molecule

any Ka above 10^-7 is a what

an acid

polyprotic acid

an acid that can donate more than one proton per molecule

organic acids

an acid with a carbon-atom backbone; often contains the carboxyl group. H atoms must be directly connected to C atoms

a cross between an affected male and an unaffected female carrier will produce

an affected female 25% of the time

Korsakoff's syndrome

an alcohol related disorder marked by extreme confusion, memory impairment, and other neurological symptoms thiamine deficiency

tertiary alkyl halide

an alkyl halide in which the halogen is bonded to a tertiary carbon

what product is produced when an acetic anhydride is reacted with ammonia NH3

an amide and a carboxylic acid --> the carboxylic acid which IS AN ACID...will then be able to react with the base ammonia for form the ammonium carboxylate

peptidyl transferase connects the carboxylate group of one AA to the amino group of an incoming AA. What type of linkage is created in this peptide bonds?


free radical

an atom or molecule or ion that has at least one unpaired electron atomic oxygen (O) has 2 unpaired electrons

electrolytic cell

an electrochemical cell used to cause a chemical change through the application of electrical energy

Disproportiation reaction

an element in one oxidation state is simultaneously oxidized and reduced ie O could be a part of 2 different compounds in the same chemical reaction, so it could have 2 diff oxidation states

mass percent composition

an element's percentage of the total mass of a compound containing the element


an enzyme found in saliva and sweat and tears that destroys the cell walls of certain bacteria degrades peptidoglycan to prevent infection from gram + bacteria lacking lysozyme leads to increased risk of infection

cytochrome c oxireductase

an enzyme responsible for the electron transfer in the ETC... its inhibition would slow or stop the ETC, therefor reducing ATP production


an enzyme that cleaves amylose anywhere along the chain to yeild short polysaccharides, maltose, and glucose


an enzyme that cleaves polysaccharide chains and yields maltose at the nonreducing end

restriction endonucleases

an enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sites, producing small fragments used in genetic engineering. can be used in gene therapy, southern blotting, and DNA repair

net ionic equation

an equation for a reaction in solution showing only those particles that are directly involved in the chemical change do not include spectators

-Delta H represents what

an exothermic reaction (the forward reaction will produce heat)

looking-glass self

an image of yourself based on what you believe others think of you

what may occur in the absence of apolipoproteins

an inability to secrete lipid transport lipoproteins an inability to endocytose lipoproteins a decreased ability to remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels

what may explain increased urine production in response to increased heart rate and breathing rates

an increase in blood pressure caused by excitement or anxiety

glycolytic flux

an increase in glycolysis

increased synthetic actiyt of the parathyroid glands would lead to

an increase in the rate of bone resorption to increase blood calcium levels three mechanisms: increased calcium reabsorption in the kidneys (decreased excretion) increased bone resorption increased absorption of calcium from the gut (via activation of vitamin D)


an individual with the appropriate number of chromosomes for their species


an interaction of light with matter that causes light to change its energy, direction of motion, or both

case study

an observation technique in which one person is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles

arachidonic acid

an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid with 20 carbons and four double bonds; precursors for ecasinoid signaling molecules--> prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes

escape learning

an organism acquires a response that decreases or ends some aversive stimulation

if all else is constant, what is the most reactive anhydride carb acid ester amides

anhydride > esters > carb acids > amides

hierarchy of reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives

anhydrides > carb acids and esters > amides

In a galvanic cell the anode is _____ and the cathode is _____

anode = negative cathode = positive

electrons from from ___ to ____ in all types of cells

anode to cathode

which peptide would be most likely to achieve the same experimental result when starting with FLGFTY (options A. FLGFAY B. FLGFQY C. FLGFGY D. FLGFE)

answer is D because threonine would be best mimicked by glutamic acid in terms of size and charge



Vitamin E function

antioxidant that protects erythrocytes and membranes from damage (E for Erythrocytes)


any factor that can cause a birth defect

secondary reinforcer

any reinforcer that becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer, such as praise, tokens, or gold stars do not provide basic needs


apoenzyme + cofactor

what reagant will convert a cyclic acetal to a carbonyl and a dialcohol

aqueous acid an acetal can be converted to a carbonyl and a dialcohol by treatment with aqueous acid. This is the final step when using alcohols as protecting groups; called deprotection

electrons; magnetic field

are - charged, and will feel a force in the opposite direction of the electric field vector

vitamin deficiencies

are measured in the blood... so would not appear in chyme for example becuase they are not measured in the gut

Boiling Chips and vacuum distillation

are used to provide nucleation sites that give the liquid a place to start forming bubbles to prevent superheating; lower the BP of the substances to be distilled

pH of carboxylic acid functional groups

around 2

pH of ring structure

around 6

pH of amino group NH3+

around 9

which vascular structure creates the most resistance to blood flow aorta arterioles capillaries veins

arterioles -- highly muscular and have the ability to contract and dilate in order to regulate BP

Bernoulli's Principle

as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases

(D) amino acid

aspartic acid

chaperone proteins

assist in folding other proteins

negrostriatal system

associated w movement, loss of the neurons in this area = parkinson's

unreliable witness effect

associated with eyewitnesses in court cases being unable to accurately and reliably recall the events they witnessed

dissonance theory

assumes that inconsistency among attitudes propels people in the direction of attitude change

when will gases deviate from ideal behavior

at high pressures and lower volumes and temperatures (both of these force molecules together) the closer that particles are to one another, the more they will participate in intermolecular forces, which violates the definition of an ideal gas

Why can some atoms violate the octet rule by being surrounded by more than 8 electrons?

atoms may exceed the octec because they have d orbitals in which extra electrons may reside all atoms in the third period or greater have d orbitals which can hold an additional 10 electrons

acetylation promotes transcription by...

attaching acetyl groups to lysine residues on histones, making them less positively-charged and causing a looser wrapping pattern that allows transcription factors to access the genome more easily.

situational attribution

attributing behavior to the environment


base + sugar NO PHOSPHATE adenosine tri phosphate is a nucleotide but adenosine is a nucleoside

protein digestion

begins in the stomach where pepsin (secreted as pepsinogen) hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds continues in the SI as trypsin (secreted as trypsinogen) ,chymotrypsin (secreted as chymotrypsingogen), carboxypeptidases A and B (secreted as procarboxypeptidases A and B), aminopeptidase, and dipeptidases hydrolyze specific parts of the peptide protein digestion DOES NOT OCCUR in the mouth or LI

Exchange-rational choice theory

believes that decisions are made by rational beings who have weighed all aspects of the problem, and who the proceed to make the rational choice

what kind of branches does cellulose use

beta 1,4 linkages

beta decay

beta plus or beta minus

intermolecular bonds

between different molecules will exhibit higher melting points and will be more water soluble

informational support

between friends, advice and guidance in solving personal problems

companionship support

between friends, reliance on each other as companions in social activities

intramolecular bonds

between regions of the same molecule

components of bile

bile salts, phospholipids, cholesterol, bilirubin, water, and ions Bile salts are HYDROPHILIC, they emulsify fats

piagets stages of cognitive development sensorimotor

birth to 2 children manipulate his or her environment to meet physical needs learns to coordinate sensory input with motor actions

chylomicrons vs VLDL

both contain apolipoprotiens and primarily transport triglycerides difference is in tissue of origin: *chylomicrons transport dietary triglycerides and origionate in the SI *VLDL transport newly synthesized triglycerides and origionate in the liver

kinesin and dynein

both use ATP to move things along microtubules both are INTRACELLULAR transport proteins kinesin: normally carries substances away from the cell center dynein: normally carry substances toward the cell center

glycogen and amylopectin uses what linkages?

both use alpha 1,4 and alpha 1,6 glyosidic linkages to demonstrate branching

alpha 1,6 glycosidic linkage affect on solubility

branches increase solubility in water

topoisomerases function:

break and rejoin double helix to release tension and prevent nots during the replication and transcription of DNA

alcohol dehydrogenase

breaks down ethanol as a product of fermentation in yeast

how do tumor supressor genes result in cancer

by the loss of function mutations

which of the following is most likely to be found bound to a protein in the body sodium potassium chloride calcium

calcium ions that are not readily accessible in the cytoplasm or extracellular space are likely to be bound to a binding protein (this is true for both caclium and magnesium)


calcium-dependent glycoproteins that hold similar cells together

quantum number ml

can only be an integer value between + and - l

a RQ of 1.0 indicates what metabolism

carbohydrate metabolism

when fatty acid beta oxidation predominates in the liver, mitochondrial pyruvate is most likely to be...

carboxyated to OAA for entry into gluconeogenesis

which types of muscle (cardiac, smooth, skeletal) has myogenic activity

cardiac and skeletal

cytochrome C

carries electrons from CoQH2-cytochrome c oxireductase (complec IV) as a part of the ETC this takes place in the inner mitochondrial matrix

functions of the liver

carry out metabolic processes (glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, fat storage and gluconeogenesis) , detoxification, detoxification or activation of medication, synthesis of bile

Apoenzymes are

catalytically inactive enzymes most enzymes require the presence of a nonprotein molecule to behave catalytically. An apoenzyme is an enzyme that is devoid of this molecule


catalyzes the formation of cholesteryl esters for transport with HDL (adds a fatty acid to cholesterol to produce cholesteryl esters, to then dissolve in the core of HDL, allowing HDL to transport cholesterol from the periphery to the liver)

reflexive motor response

caused by interactions of PNS and the spinal cord brain not involved

Topipotent cells

cells that have the capacity to self-renew by dividing and to develop into the three primary germ cell layers of the early embryo and into extra-embryonic tissues such as the placenta.

out of dynenin, flagella, actin, and centrioles, which is NOT involved in cell migration?

centrioles --composed of microtubules (involved in MITOSIS) not cell migration

sequence of information travel from CNS to periphery

cerebral cortex to spinal cord to efferent neurons to skeletal musc cells

relationship between charge current and time

charge = current x time in sec

complex ion

charged species consisting of metal ion surrounded by ligands complex ion formation increases solubility

mitochondrial DNA is...

circular and self-replicating they evolved from anaerobic prokaryotes that engulfed a aerobic prokaryote to establish a symbiotic relationship this makes it liklely that mitochondrial DNA is similar to BACTERIAL DNA (circular)

the cyroprotective role of glucose

circulating blood distributes the glucose throughout the body tissues

If you become violently ill after eating at a new restaurant, and feel nauseated whenever you pass that restaurant in the future, this feeling of nausea is an example of:

classical conditioning

Type I restriction enzyme

cleave at sites remote from the recognition site; they require both ATP and S-adenosyl-L-methionine to function


cleaves double bond in half, it only oxidizes the carbon to an aldehyde under reducing conditions. if ozidizing make same product as KMNO4 results in a multiple carbon carbon bond being replaced by a double bond to oxygen (carbonyl)

belief perseverance

clinging to one's initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited

do clockwise loops do positive or negative work

clockwise loops tend to do positive work

ways that enzymes alter the rate of chemical reactions

co localizing substrates altering the local pH altering substrate shape (NOT altering substrate primary structure)

is stereotyping cognitive or behavioral



compounds that prevent ATP synthesis without effecting the ETC and thus decreasing the efficiency of the ETC/oxidative phosphorylation pathway ADP builds up ATP synthesis decreases body sense lack of energy production - increases O2 production and NADH oxidation energy from the electrons is released as heat - fever that rises from toxic levels of salicylates (asprin) glycogen stores are activated

double approach-avoidance conflict

conflict in which the person must decide between two goals, with each goal possessing both positive and negative aspects


constant temperature

transcriptional control

control of gene expression by the use of transcription factors, and other proteins, that regulate either the initiation of transcription or the rate at which it occurs


converts glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate

Which region of the kidney has the lowest solute concentration?

cortex where the PCT And DCT are found solute concentration will increase as you descend into the medulla

a quick way to determine the orbital hybridization around the central atom

count up the number of bonds and lone pairs (ie ammonia has 3 bonds and one lone pair around the central N atom, for 4 total regions of electron density--thus needing four orbitals to hybridize: s p p and p (making ammonia an sp3 hybrid)

disulfide bonds are what type of bond


grignard reactions

create new C-C bonds grignard reagants are extremely good nucleophiles that react with electrophiles to form new C-C bonds DO NOT form Carboxyllic acids

Those species that are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction will typically prefer sexual reproduction because it:

creates more variation in the next generation.

properties of B lactams

cyclic amides cyclic forms of the LEAST reactive type of carb acid derivative more reactive than their straight chain counterparts molecules with high levels of ring strain

a molecule must meet what requirements to be aromatic

cyclic molecule planar molecule conjugated molecule contain 4n + 2pi electrons

the growth of cell cultures through mitosis occurs in what type of process

cyclical process

corretly list hexanol, phenol and cyclohexanol by increasing acidity of the hydroxyl hydrogen

cyclohexanol < hexanol < phenol phenols have the most acidic hydroxyl H's than other alcohols becuase of ressonance stabilization of the conj base, making the most acidic H's the ring of the cyclohexanol is slightly electron donating making it have the least acidic Hydroxyl H

sulfhydryl bonds form with what amino acid


Cytoplasmic components

cytosol, organelles like mitochondria and inclusions

Which of the following types of orbitals of the central atom are involved in bonding in octahedral compounds?

d2sp3 octahedral compounds have six σ bonds and no lone pairs. According to valence bond theory, the central atom requires the hybridization of six atomic orbitals, d2sp3.

what could caused increased myoglobin present in the urine

damage to skeletal muscle or the kidney Myoglobin is the substance that holds oxygen in the muscles and organs. The physician's observation is consistent with an injury to muscle or organs, but not bone.

stratum corneum and stratum lucidum contain

dead keratinocytes

what reaction types are included in the gabriel synthesis

decarboxylation nuc substitution hydrolysis (2)

adding a strong acid to a solution of weak acid will _______ the amount of ionization of the latter.


bond lengths ____ as bond order (1x bond, 2x bond, etc) increases

decrease the bond lengths will also decrease wither larger differences in EN (more EN atoms have shorter atomic radii)

a decrease in heart rate will...

decrease oxygen use by the oxygen starved cardiac tissue

hardening of lung tissue causes it to be much more stiff, this makes what finding true and detectable by spirometry decreased TLC decreased IRV increased RV

decreased IRV--this is the only one of the first two that can actually be measured with spirometry, although both are true. The last one is wrong

Due to kidney disease, a person is losing albumin into the urine. What effect is this likely to have within the capillaries?

decreased oncotic pressure allows displaced water at the arterial end of a capillary bed by hydrostatic pressure to be reabsorbed at the venule end

hemoglobins affinity for O2 ___ as blood pH decreases


Ionic Radius Trend

decreases across a period and increases down a group

How does leptin work?

decreases appetite by inhibiting the production of orexin, which is also associated with alertness, ie causing drowsieness

senile dementia

decreases in mental abilities experienced by some people in old age

increasing Velocity does what to pressure

decreases pressure

pulmonary surfactant increases or decreases surface tension

decreases surface tension -- decreasing the pressure difference required to inflate the airway

which phase change has the largest decrease in entropy

deposition gas to solid gas has the highest entropy and solids have the lowest

melting point ____ upon solute addition


acids ending in -ic

derivatives of anions ending in -ate

acids ending in -ous

derivatives of anions ending in -ite

Hill's criteria

describe the components of an observed relationship that increase the likelihood of causality in the relationship

will the O of a hydroxyl group shied or deshield the hydroxyl H

deshield --> shifting it downfield to the LEFT ie carb acids have some of the most downfield absorbances in H NMR

Following puberty, the testes begin producing large amounts of testosterone. After production, the testosterone:

diffuses into the circulatory system and is transported around the body while bound to a plasma protein--does also contribute to the formation of secondary sex characteristics circulating and traveling throughout the body

primary oocyte

diploid cell in prophase 1 of meiosis that can be hormonally triggered to develop into an ovum from the time of birth until shortly after ovulation

general paresis

disease that leads to paralysis, insanity, and eventually death; discovery of this disease helped establish a connection between biological diseases and mental disorders

dissociative disorder

disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings

what type of intermolecular force provides an explanation fro why noble gases can liquify

dispersion forces nobe gases are entirely uncharged and do not have polar covalent, ionic, or dipole moments/bonds. They ONLY experience london dispersion forces

reducing agents reduce what types of bonds

disulfide bonds

Oxygen as a free radical (Atomic Oxygen)

does not exist on earths surface in any significant amount Oxygen has a relatively large effective nuclear charge (the net positive charge experienced by valence electrons) ...this contributes to its high electronegativity

After infection of a cell, a viral particle must transport itself to the nucleus in order to produce viral proteins. What is the likely genomic content of the virus? A. Double-stranded DNA B. Double-stranded RNA C. Positive-sense RNA D. Negative-sense RNA

double stranded DNA a virus that req transport to the nuc in order to produce viral proteins likely requires the use of nuclear RNA polymerase in order to create mRNA that can be translated to protein only DNA ciruses need to be transported t the nucleus t produce viral proteins

what is the result of doubling the area of a capacitors plates, as well as halving the distance between them.

doubling the area will double the capacitance halving the distance will double the capacitance so overall it will quadruple the capacitance

NMR: deshielding

downfield shift to the left due to removal of electron density H bonds deshield

to determine oxidation states of a compound

draw out the connectivity of the compound choose the most EN atom, know that it will have a - oxidation number--double check w periodic table to see assign + whatever you need to balance out the - pull from the EN atoms

key diff mitosis and meiosis

during metaphase of mitosis, centromeres are present directly on the metaphase plate; during metaphase of meiosis there are no chromosomes on the metaphase plate

when are sister chromatids separated in mitosis and meiosis

during mitosis and meiosis II, sister chromatids are separated

why does the muscle stiffen after death because ATP

during normal muscle contraction, ATP is required to break the bonds between the actin filament and the myosin head. After death, no new ATP is generated, so the myosin head cannot be released from the actin filament, resulting in stiffening of muscles

Efficiency equation

efficiency is sometimes given to you in the problem , if you have multiple efficiencies that are a part of the kinetic chain, multiply them together used to generate the E that is needed in the system "how much E do the lower extremities produce in the pitch" Energy / efficiency

Hund's Rule

electrons occupy orbitals of the same energy in a way that makes the number of electrons with the same spin direction as large as possible

beta + decay

emission of a beta (+) particle (a anti-electron or positron); happens when a proton is split into a positron and a neutron; Zdaughter = Zparent - 1; Adaughter = Aparent

When an electron moves from a lower to a higher energy level, the electron

emits a photon of light

distinct emotions

emotions that are isolated to different parts of the brain

trait perspective

emphasizes the description and measurement of specific personality differences among individuals

primer annealing step

enables the primers to attach to specific location on the single stranded template DNA by hydrogen bonding primers serve as the starting point for DNA synthesis

hormones are found in the body in low concentrations but with strong effects, what type fo receptors are hormones most likely to act on

enzyme linked receptors and GPCR (for a ligand present in low quantities to have a strong action we would expect it to initiate a second messenger cascade system) This will amplify signals because enzymes can catalyze a reaction more than once while they are active, adn often activate other enzymes

which process will begin earliest in a prolonged fast

enzyme phosphorylation and dephosphorylation

the work done by a pulley in either directions is...

equal and opposite The absolute value of the work done is mgΔh where Δh is positively defined, and because none of these values changes in magnitude when the mass goes up or down, these actions involve the same amount of work.

enantiomers have

equal and opposite specific rotations , but may be present in different percentages in the overall mixture

Faraday's Constant

equivalent to the amount of charge contained in one mole of e¯ = 96,487 C/mol e¯

which conversion between carboxyllic acid derivatives is NOT possible by a nucleophilic reaction?

ester to anhydride nuc attack of an ester cannot result in the corresponding anhydride because anhydrides are more reactive than esters wha

availability heuristic

estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory; if instances come readily to mind (perhaps because of their vividness), we presume such events are common

negative entropy

exchange of energy and resources between systems that promote growth and transformation decreased disorder

going from more entropy to less entropy (like gas to liquid to solid) is endothermic or exothermic


Robbers Cave Experiment

experiment which showed that even arbitrary group distinctions (camp teams) can cause a bitter rivalry and discrimination, thus demonstrating in-group/out-group biases

face validity

extent to which respondents can tell what the items are measuring

internal validity

extent to which we can draw cause-and-effect inferences from a study

external validity

extent to which we can generalize findings to real-world settings

Radius of curvature vs focal length

f = R/2

finding wavelength from frequency

f = c/wavelength

frequency equation related to velocity and wavelength

f = v/wavelength

From one point in space, Point S, to another, Point T, electric potential increases continuously from 100 V to 200 V. Which of the following must be true of the electric field near these points?

field lines point from T to S field lines point from a high voltage to a low voltage (200V --> 100V)

velocity calculation around a circle when given frequency

first calculate the period T from 1/f then use the period in this eq V = 2(pi)(r) / T

Lipid nomenclature

first number indicates the number of carbons, and the second number indicates the number of double bonds, the number after Delta indicate the positions of the double bonds


fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes norms that are highly necessary to the welfare of society and that have consequences if they are violated


gain of electrons loss of H bonds

which particle is expected to have the least mass alpha particle beta particle positron gamma particle

gamma particle is a photon of electromagnetic energy which has NO MASS


gas to solid

G cells secrete


cell differentiation is mediated primarity by

gene expression levels and DNS methylation

ethical concern of gene frequencing

gene sequencing can impact relative, so privacy concerns must be raised

which of the following does sound travel the fastest in vacuum air water glass

glass sound = mechanical disturbance transmitted by the oscillation of particles paralell to the direction of the sound waves propogation speed of propogation is fasted in SOLID materials, the LIQUIDS, then slowest in GASES

Cortisone is a


After an overnight fast, which of the following enzymes would be expected to have little if any physiological activity? Malate dehydrogenase Glucokinase a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Phosphofructokinase-1

glucokinase during an overnight fast the liver is producing glycose and glucokinase activity is insignificant

chronic hyperglycemia directly leads to the presence of which of these molecules in the urine

glucose and ketone bodies if cells cannot uptake glucose, it will remain in the blood and eventually be excreted in the urine when it builds up the the point that it cannot be reabsorbed by the nephron. In a state of extended hyperglycemia, the body relies on fat metabolism to generate E, which produces ketone bodies that are also excreted in the urine

how much hyperglycemia promote cellular dehydration?

glucose molecules raise osmotic pressure of the extracellular space

(E) amino acid

glutamic acid

amino acid 'E'

glutamic acid

which amino acid does NOT have an L-enantiomer

glycine The R group is an H which doesnt allow glycine to have L or D enantiomers

after a fast, what are the two main ways that the liver can contribute glucose into the blood stream

glycogenolysis (an early intermediate to fasting) and gluconeogenesis (intermediate late to fasting)

cancer cells have a high rate of what metabolic process


What is the gram equivalent weight of phosphoric acid?

gram eq weight is the weight in grams that releases 1 acid or base eq from a compound. Becuase H3PO4 contains 3 protons, we find the gram equivalent weight by dividing the mass of one mole of the species by 3. The molar mass of phosphoric acid is 98 g /mol, so the gram eq weight is 32.7g

which of the following is a conservative force air resistance friction gravity convection

gravity is a conservative force becuase it is pathway independent and it does not dissipate mechanical E. Air res and friction are nonconservative forces that do dissipate E thermally. Convection is not a force, but a method of heat transfer

at the venous end of a capillary bed, the osmostic pressure is ____ than hydrostatic pressure

greater than as a result, fluid will move out of the capillaries at the arterial end and back in at the venous end because the osmotic pressure exceeds the hydrostatic pressure

galvanic cells always have cell potentials that are ______ zero


If pH > pKa if pH < pKa

group becomes deprotonated group becomes protonated

majority group

group in society that controls most of the wealth and power, though not always the largest group in numbers


group of genes operating together


guanosine monophosphate a purine

which psychoactive drug has the lowest risk of dependence


latent heat

heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at a constant temperature and pressure is required to actually cause something to melt after bp etc

correct pairings of hexokinase/glucokinase, phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase/pyruvate carboxylase in glycolysis with their respective gluconeogenic enzymes

hexokinase/glucokinase---> glucose 6 phosphatase phosphofructokinase---> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate pyruvate kinase----->pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)

what will and will not lead to denaturation

high salt concentration adn detergents can denature a protein, as can high temps moving a protein to a hypotonic environment (a lower solute concentration-should not lead to denaturation)

a nucleus with a larger Zeff will have a (higher/lower) EN

higher they trend together

what amino acid has a side chain that can be ionized in cells histidine leucine proline threonine



histone deacetylases remove acetyl groups from histones removes acetyl groups, tightens the DNA around histones, to prevent transcription from occurring -- silence gene expression

The primary function of working memory is to

hold and manipulate information stored in short-term memory.

how do hormonal controls of glycogen metabolism differ from allosteric controls

hormonal control is systemic and covalent --these controls are coordinated to regulate the metabolic activity of the entire organism, while allosteric controls can be local or systemic the modification of the enzymes of glycogen metabolism by insulin and glucagon is either through phosphorylation or dephosphorylation, both of which modify covalent bonds

Parietal cells secrete

hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor

an alpha helix is most likely to be held together by

hydrogen bonds

cholesterol esterase

hydrolyzes cholesterol esters (digests) in the digestive tract

what will polar compounds dissolve in

hydrophillic/ polar solutions like ethanol and water

C and Hydrocarbons make a molecule ...


is benzene hydrophobic or hydrophilic

hydrophobic with essentially non-acidic protons

the transmembrane domain

hydrophobic region of a transmembrane protein that anchors it in the membrane only nonpolar AA

statin drugs that inhibit HMG-CoA reductase are likely prescribed for...

hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) this makes sense because the job of HMG-CoA is to produce cholesterol, so if the drug inhibited it it would work to lower cholesterol

which part of the brain is associated with thirst


what is the expected pKa of a buffer solution

ideally the buffer would be within +-1pKa unit of the pH


if given a molar amount, multiply by the number of things of interest (like H + ions or OH- ions)

what is the product of ammonia NH3 with an aldehyde

imine (ie the C=O is replaced with a C=N)


in Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's difficulty taking another's point of view

conditioned stimulus

in classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response THE BELL

in vivo

in life

plane polarized light travels...

in one direction, if light can pass through a polarizer going one direction, it cannot travel in another direction through another polarizer

where does aldosterone work to increase sodium reabsorption

in the DCT and collecting duct reabsorbs salt and therefor water, increasing blood volume and pressure without a change in blood osmolarity

where are secretory proteins made

in the RER

During the production of insulin, the translated polypeptide is cleaved into the mature form and secreted from the cell. The cleavage most likely takes place in which of the following locations?

in the endomembrane system secreted proteins such as insulin are cleaved into mature form within endomembrane system

where do we logically perceive in the brain

in the frontal lobes

where are AA, fat soluble vitamins, and cholesterol all secreted

in the small intestine

specific rotation + example (a scientist takes a 0.5g solution of an unknown pure dextrorotary organic molecule and places it in a test tube with a diameter of 1 cm. He observed that the plane polarized light is rotated 12 degres under these condition. What is the specific rotation)

in this example we know that *Alpha obs = +12 degrees (+ since it is dextrorotary or clockwise) *c = 0.5 g/mL l = 1cm = 0.1dm ALWAYS USE LENGTH IN dm [a] = a obs / c x l = +12 / (0.5)(0.1dm) = + 240 degrees

Inbreeding can reduce the fitness of a population in the short term because it causes an increase in the:

incidence in expression of deliterious traits Deleterious genes are generally rare because they tend to be eliminated through natural selection.

Demographic measures

income, sexual orientation, education

both conjugation and transduction ____ bacterial genetic variability


what will cause a right shift of bicarbonate buffer

increase BPG increase CO2 blowoff increased pH decreased [H+]

in an adiabatic compression process, the internal E of the gas is increased or decreased, and is the work done of the gas positive or negative

increase because the work done on the gas is positive


increase electrophilicity by the addition of electron withdrawing groups makes the carbon of the electrophile more electron deficient

positive entropy

increase in disorder

adding salt to water will cause the boing point of the water to

increase the BP decreases the VP requires a greater average kinetic E of the liquid to produce a vapor pressure equal to the external pressure (the definition of BP)

adding heat to a close biological system will do what

increase the internal E of the system increase the average of the vibrational, rotational, and translational Energies increase the enthalpy of the system IT WILL NOT cause the system to do work to maintain a FIXED internal E

what will be a result of insulin

increased glycogen synthesis increases esterification of fatty acids (analogous to the formation of glycogen from glucose) decreased gluconeogenesis

lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

increased in mammals with reduced metabolism and access to O2 occurs when anaerobic metabolic mechanics dominate and lactic acid is produced via fermentation LDH is the enzyme that processes lactic acid

which metabolic change would be expected when the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane to protons is increased

increased oxygen utilization this will proton motive force to be dissipated

As methanol is converted to methanal, and then methanoic acid, the oxidation number of the carbon increases decreases increases, then decreases decreases, then increases

increases methanol is a 1ary alcohol methanal (aka formaldehyde) is the simples aldehyde methanoic acid is a carb acid

Making which of the following changes to a circuit element will increase the capacitance of the capacitor described in the passage?

increasing the area of the capacitor plates C is proportional to the plate area and inversely proportional to the separation distance of the plates

differential association theoretic perspective

individuals engage in criminal choices because they are exposed to it, while individuals who dont commit crimes have not been exposed to this type of behavior

normative social influence

influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval Normative social influence describes when someone changes her or his behavior (conforms) because she or he has a desire for the approval of others and wants to avoid rejection

top-down processing

information processing guided by higher-level mental processes, as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations

uncompetitive inhibition

inhibitor binds only to enzyme-substrate complex locks substrate in enzyme preventing its release (increasing affinity b/w enzyme and substrate so it lowers Km) Lower Km and vmax

function of endothelial cells

initiate vasoconstriction/dilation; allows white blood cells to pass into tissues; initiate blood clots to repair vessels

the actin-myosin cross bridge cycle

initiation: acetylcholine is released by efferent neurons into the synapse acetylcholine binds to receptors on the sarcolemma (cell membrane of myocyte) causes depolarization to trigger an AP AP spreads down T tubules into sarcoplasmic reticulum release of Ca2+ from SR the dissociation of Pi and ADP causes the powerstroke (NOT ATP HYDROLYSIS) --in the power stroke actin slides over mysoin ATP hydrolysis causes myosin head to recock (resting state) ATP binds and causes myosin to detach

Id (Freud)

innate biological instinct and urges; self serving, irrational, and totally unconscious


inner lining of the uterus estrogen is known to cause its growth during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle and these levels will stay high during the luteal phase

Defects in which of the following proteins would most likely lead to loss of structural integrity in skin epithelial cells?

intermediate filaments -- ie keratin which is responsible for the structural integrity of the skin

repression is the same as an ______ relationship


real image

inverted image, formed on opposite side from the object creates a positive image distance

a salt bridge in a galvanic cell contains

ionic compounds ex: NaCl, MgSO3, NH4NO3 slat bridges contain inert electrolytes (which are ionic conpounds) that will completely dissociate in solution

what type of bond is described by three dimensional arrays of charged particles

ionic compounds are described as three dimensional arrays of charged particles they associate charges particles with large differences in EN -- form in crystalline solids and are measured with formula weights

coupling constant J

is a measure of the degree of splitting that is caused by other atoms in the molecule

routine or high resolution karyotyping

is capable of detecting a missing chromosome

high Rf value

is given to the solute that moves the furthest along the silica plate (a non-polar molecule will have a high Rf on a polar silica plate)

the highest priority functional group

is not named as a substituent, it is named as the root


is released to inhibit both insulin and glucagon

formula weight (FW)

is the sum of the atomic weight (AW) of atoms in the chemical formula of a substance

cytoplasmically inherited disorders

is the transmission of genes that occur outside the nucleus. It is found in most eukaryotes and is commonly known to occur in cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts or from cellular parasites like viruses or bacteria.

how is HSV described

it adds genetic info to the genetic info of the cell it contains a tail sheath and tail fibers

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

it is impossible to know exactly both the velocity and the position of a particle at the same time

how does the acidity of the alpha H on a carb acid relate to the hydroxyl H

it is less acidic than the hydroxyl H , and relatively acidic as organic compounds go

Ignoring attenuation, how does the intensity of a sound change as the distance from the source doubles?

it is one quarter as intense SA= 4pir^2

an object is placed at the center of curvature of a concave mirror. Which of the following is true about the image it is real and inverted it is cirtual and inverted it is real and upright it is virtual and upright

it is real and inverted solve using the sign convention. If the object is at the center of curvature, its distance is 2f. plug this in to the optics equation 1/f = 1/o + 1/i ---> 1/i = 1/f - 1/o = 1/f - 1/2f = 1/2f

what is the best way to introduce an antisense gene into all cells

it must be incorporated into the cell in which it will perform its job so that its product is available to hybridize with the sense mRNA that needs to be blocked. the best way to deliver the antisense gene into all the cells of the individual would be to infect an embryo with a virus that carries the antisense gene.

what is noticeable about the melting point of a compound with the presence of impurities

it will be broad and include a larger range of numbers a pure compound has a narrow melting point range

heating water will increase or decrease the solubility of oxygen or any other gas

it will decrease it

what affect does increasing CO2 in the bicarbonate buffer system have on the H+ ion concentration

it will decrease the H+ ion concentration

on a silica plate, a more polar substance will have a larger or a smaller Rf compared to a nonpolar substance

it will have a smaller Rf, because it will not travel as far as a nonpolar substance on the polar silica gel

how will altering the CONCENTRATION of O2 affect the disassociation constant for hemoglobin

it wont :) Adding [O2] will temporarily disturb the system's equilibrium, but the system will return to equilibrium according to Le Châtelier's principle until Q = K′. K′ will remain constant with the addition of [O2] which makes Item III false

If researchers failed to take into account the effect of air resistance on the pitch, how would it impact their measurements of the efficiency of energy transfer from the arm to the baseball?

it would be lower than the actual efficiency, as there was a higher initial release of the ball decreased V leads to decreased E transfer

what affect would an agonist ligand have on GPCR signaling

it would increase GPCR signaling

a prior causal relation increases or decreases the implications of a study

it would increase/strengthen the implications of the study

characteristic of oxidizing agents

itself is reduced often EN like F, trying to fill their valence shell

the most prevalent extracellular proteins are

keratin elastin collagen

HMG-CoA reductase

key enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis

Lactone to lactam

lactone: cyclic ester with a CO(C=O)C unit in the ring Has O in the ring, and a =O attached next to it. alpha (2C but triangle ring cause O), Beta (3C), gamma, delta lactam: Has N in ring instead of O, but still has =O attached to it Beta (3C), gamma, delta, epsilon

moving an object further from a concave mirror makes the image


increasing carbon dioxide production

leads to a decreasing pH of the blood results from increased carbonic acid in bloodstream and bicarbonate levels

kinesthetic learning

learning by performing a task or handling items

electrolytic cells always have cell potential that are _____ zero


Air is bubbled through distilled water. The solution will have a pH:

less than 7, because CO2 undergoes hydrolysis CO2 undergoes a hydrolysis reaction in liquid water to produce carbonic acid, a weak acid that produces a solution whose pH is less than the pH of water

Insecure Attatchment style (anxious style)

less trusting worried about being left prone to jealousy


liberates a free glucose residue

how does bond strength and type affect boiling point

london dispersion forces < dipole dipole < H boding < ionic the stronger the bond the greater the BP

long wavelengths have what type of energy

long wavelengths are wider, they have lower energy and lower frequencies

what is likely to be found in a patient with liver failure

low concentrations of clotting factors in the blood , low concentration of urea, high concentration of ammonia , low concentrations of albumin the patient would not be able to convert ammonia to urea through the urea cycle, and would have high concentrations of ammonia and low concentrations of urea in the blood. due to decreased synthetic activity, both ALBUMIN and CLOTTING FACTOR concentrations would be low

what kind of DH are associated with antioxidant activity

lower DH values , which are more favorable

what type of DH value is most favorable

lower DH values are more favorable

higher infant mortality and higher fertility rate is associated with

lower quality of life indicators

what will cause a compound to move most quickly through gas liquid chromatography? Therefor showing up first on the chromatography

lowest intermolecular weight and weakest intermolecular forces of attraction

during which stage of the menstruel cycle does progesterone concentration peak

luteal -- supporting the endometrium for potentiak implantation

what does LH do

luteinizing hormone causes the ovaries to release an egg during ovulation.

positively charged amino acids

lysine (K), arginine (R), histidine (H) will move towards a cathode

Native PAGE

maintains the protein's shape, but results are difficult to compare because the mass-to-charge ratio differs for each protein

trypsin and chymotrypsin

major protein digesting endopeptidases of the small intestine

what is the affect of many + charges on SDS-PAGE

may cause measurments to be less accurate the - charge of the protein will not be as great as anticipated -- meaning the mass of the protein is actually greater

central tendency

mean, median, mode

preferentially processed

means that it is highly likley that competetive inhibition may occur

gram equivalent weight

measure of the mass of a substance that can donate one equivalent of the species of interest (ex with H2SO4--> add up all parts to find molar mass, then for respect to protons, divide by 2 because there are 2 protons)

how do solute particles affect the melting point of ice

melting point is depressed because solute particles enhance lattice formation solute particles will interfere with the lattice formation


membrane proteins; they transmit signals between the ECM and cytoskeleton

context effects

memory is aided by being in the physical location where encoding took place

which phase of mitosis is likely to be first interrupted if a cell has no microtubules

metaphase-- the chromosomes become attached to the microtubules in this phase and are then pulled apart in anaphase

do microfilaments contain tubulin? what about centrioles, cilia, flagella

microfilaments DO NOT -- these are made of actin the rest do

mitotic spindle is composed of

microtubules (made of tubulin)

aldosterone is a


Where does B-oxidation occur?

mitochondrial matrix

Where does the citric acid cycle occur?

mitochondrial matrix (only succinate dehydrogenase of the CAC is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane)

mitosis results in... meiosis results in...

mitosis --> diploid daughter cells meiosis--> haploid cells to produce

is mitosis or meiosis responsible for cell culture growth

mitosis, maintains the genetic integrity between parent and daughter cells within a cell culture (meiosis does not maintain genetic integrity, as one of its functions i genetic recombination in order to create genetic diversity in offspring)

Bradford Protein Assay Method

mixes a protein in solution w/ Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye -in protonated form (acidic) this dye has brown-green color -dye gives up protons to ionizable groups in protein becoming basic & acquiring blue color in process -increased protein concentrations correspond to larger concentration of blue dye in solution - very accurate only when 1 type of protein is present

the gas eluent in gas chromatography and the liquid eluent in paper chromatography are examples of which component of these systems

mobile phase -- where the solutes dissolve and move

Bohr Model

model of the atom in which electrons move rapidly around the nucleus in paths called orbits

ways in which an enzyme decreases the activation energy for biological reactions

modifying the local charge enviorment forming transient covalent bonds acting as electron donors or receptors they are NOT altered by the process of catalysis and will not break intramolecular bonds


molecular weight 16 g/mol

are covalent compounds measured in formula weights or molecular weights

molecular weights

Aliphatic molecules

molecules with chains of carbon atoms do not form aromatic rings

Serotonin affects

mood, hunger, sleep, arousal

Large Ksp means

more soluble

How many RNA transcripts can be created for a particular gene at the same time by a riboenzyme?

more than 1

tranisition metals can often form....

more than one ion--> leading to the formation of hydration complexes with water this decreases its ability to dissolve in water unlike other ions that do not form hydration complexes

does bacteria have introns

most bacteria lack introns

what is true of enzyme kinetics

most enzymes operating in the human body work best at 37 C an enzyme sub complex can either form a product or dissociate back into the enzyme and substrate maximal activity of human enzymes occurs at pH 7.4

Motor and sensory neurons

motor neurons are associated with muscles and sensory are associated with electrical signals to the CNS


movement of a motile cell or organism, or part of one, in a direction corresponding to a gradient of increasing or decreasing concentration of a particular substance.

intragenerational mobility

movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy within the course of a personal career changes in social class that occur within one lifetime (NOT across generations)

dash in a chair confirmation

must be down

reduction potential of O in the ETC

must be greater than any other acceptor in the chain (O2 is the final electron acceptor so its red potential must be more + than any other acceptor in the chain)

index of refraction equation

n = c / v c: speed of light in a vacuum v: speed of light in the medium

Snell's Law

n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2

how many M is 2 nM

nanomolar to molar 2.0 x 10^-9

Vitamin K function

needed for proper function of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X and proteins C and S (K is for Koagulation)

difference between nerves and tracts

nerves may carry more than one type of info (sensory or motor; in the PNS), tracts only carry one type of info tracts are collections of neurons, but in the CNS not the PNS

hyperventilation causes what in relation to CO2, O2 and pH

net exhalation of CO2 increase in blood pH increased O2 increase hemoglobin O2 affinity


neutralize free radicals

Phenylalanine and tryptophan are ___ tyrosine is ___

nonpolar polar

electrolytic cells are what type of reaction

nonspontaneous electricity must run through them


norms that are not strictly enforced

single stranded DNA has equal or not equal amounts of paired nucleotides

not equal A = T but C does not = G for example

is delivering shocks unethical

not necessarily.. you do not always need to avoid things that may be uncomfortable for participants as long as there is informed consent

a goosecoid protein would contain

nuclear localization (because it is a transcription factor, and transcription occurs in the nucleus), and DNA binding motifs Since it is a transcription factor, Goosecoid binds DNA and must therefore have DNA binding motifs

free radicals from ionizing radiation are highly unstable and have carcinogenic effects. These effects are most likely result from damage to:

nucleic acids cancer is generally a product of mutations in DNA that disrupt the processes of regulated cell growth and division. Nucleic acids target DNA

Binding of two nucleotides

nucleotides are linked to one another by phosphodiester bonds between the sugar base of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of the adjacent nucleotide in a way that the 5' end bears a phosphate, and the 3' end a hydroxyl group

Where does transcription occur?


Ploidy number

number of sets of chromosomes in a cell haploid or diploid

law of similarity

objects that are similar tend to be grouped together

specific rotation equation

observed rotation / [solution] x tube length (dm)

source monitoring error

occurs when a memory derived from one source is misattributed to another source

Attrition bias

occurs when participants drop out of a long-term experiment or study

Refraction of light

occurs when wave of light passes from one medium to another and the light wave is bent or refracted.

Formation of Ketals

often if you react with a diol, it is a hemiketal etc and the product should be a ketal

where do the sugar phosphate backbones form in the double helix

on the exterior

conjugation (sex) pili

one of the sex factors is F (fertility factor) F+ cells are males and F- cells are females Female (-) bacteria can take up this sex factor via conjugation or transformation to become a male (+) the sex factor can also integrate into the bacterial chromosome (Hfr-high frequency of recombination) bacteria with the fertility factor integrated into the chromosome during conjugation the bacteria will try to transfer its entire chromosome, but sometimes the bridge breaks before the entire transfer


one's sense of competence and effectiveness

calculating initial number of moles of a compound in a sample when titrating

only need the moles/volume of the compound used to reach endpoint do not need initial volume or Ka

amino acid properties

only non-optically active is glycine most have hydrophillic R groups all neutral AA are zwitterions-- a molecule with both positive and negative regions of charge typically do not have acidic R groups

E cell is dependent on

only the identity of the electrodes NOT the amount that is present

fluid intelligence

our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood peaks in early adulthood

crystallized intelligence

our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age peaks in middle adulthood

serial position effect

our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list

disulfide bonds are formed by___ and break by a ___

oxidation reducing agnet these bonds maintain the quartenary structure of proteins

in the PPP The reaction of glucose-6-phosphate to form ribulose-5-phosphate is a(n):

oxidation of G6P (The conversion of NADP+ to NADPH is a reduction reaction, as NADp+ gains electrons, something has to loose electrons, and that is G6P)

in the rust reaction, iron is 4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g) --> 2Fe2O3 (s)

oxidized it will have a less + reduction potential than the other metals, more likely to donate electrons to oxygen

which component of the ETC is never oxidized, only reduced


Power equation

p=w/t (power=work/time)

The gastric juices in the stomach have a pH of approximately 2. What is the hydroxide ion concentration in this solution?

pH + pOH = 14 2 + pOH = 14 pOH = 12 so [OH-] = 10^-12

AA typically will deprotonate at what pH

pH 8

pH to H concentration

pH = -log [H+]

In lysine, the pKa of the side chain is about 10.5. Assuming that the pKa of the carboxyl and amino groups are 2 and 9 respectively, the pI of lysine is closest to: A) 5.5 B) 6.2 C) 7.4 D) 9.8

pI = (10.5 + 9) / 2 D typically would do carboxylic acid pKa + amide pKa / 2 but in this case since the R group is stated we use that instead of the carboxyl group

relationship between pKa and pKb

pKa + pKb = 14

henderson hasselback for bases

pOH = pKb + log [HA]/[A-]


pairing of two receptor-hormone complexes favored in a solvent that is opposite (ie a nonpolar molecule would want a polar solvent)

what is the only fatty acid that humans can synthesize?

palmitic acid (fully saturated with 16 C that is synthesized from 8 molecules of Acetyl CoA) written 16:0 for 16 C not 2x bonds

glucagon and insulin

pancreatic hormones

Treatment of schizophrenia often causes severe side effects similar to symptoms found in what other disease?

parkinsons -- decreased dopamine

diluting segment of loop of henle

part of the ascending LOH where salt is actively reabsorbed in the outer medulla there the filtrte becomes hypotonic compared to the blood

The initial filtration step in the glomerulus of the mammalian kidney occurs primarily by:

passive flow due to pressure differences

subjective assessments

patients project their own subjective feelings, perceptions, and thoughts onto the assessment stimuli, yielding results that are open for inaccuracy.

Exchange-rational theory

patterns of behavior in societies reflect the choices made by individuals as they try to maximize their benefits and minimize their costs

Asch Experiment

peer pressure: length of lines; responses varied with responses of group line experiment (if the confederates said an obvi short line was longer so would everyone else)

ADH is a

peptide hormone

ADH/ vasopressin

peptide hormone released by post pitu in response to high blood osmolarity and low blood volume increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water, increasing water reabsorption resulting in an increased blood volume (and pressure) with decreased blood osmolarity

oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone

peptide hormones produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary (peptide or amino acid derivative hormones)

Surround suppression

perceiving tactile information while ignoring stimuli immediately surrounding it.


period of the cell cycle between cell divisions when the cells are not dividing and instead functioning normally

glucagon is released in...

periods of starvation

function of the ascending LOH

permeable to salt BUT NOT to water ; salt is reabsorbed BOTH PASSIVELY AND ACTIVELY diluting segment is in the OUTER MEDULLA since this is where salt is actively reabsorbed

function of distal convoluted tubule

permeable to water but NOT SALT -- as filtrate moves into the more osmotically concentrated renal medulla, water is reabsorbed from the filtrate vasa recta and the nephron flow in OPP directions, creating COUNTERCURRENT MULTIPLIER SYSTEM allows for MAX reabsorbtion of water here

the dynamic properties of molecules in the cell membrane are most rapid in ...

phospholipids moving within the plane of the membrane the movement of individual molecules in the cell membrane are affected by both size and polarity (ie lipids which are smaller than proteins in the plasma membrane will move much more quickly) they will also move the fastest in the plane of the cll membrane becuase the polar head group does not need to pass through the hydrophobic tail region in the same way as if it were passing between the membrane layers

Sn2 menchanisms want what type of solvent

polar aprotic solvents

polar aprotic solvents

polar solvents that can't form hydrogen bonds acetone DMSO

Kohlberg's stages of moral development

preconventional, conventional, postconventional

conformity pressure

pressure on group members to go along with everyone else

the magnification of a miltilense system is the

product of both of the magifications


product of reaction of amines and acid derivatives

ways in which prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA differ

prokaryotic DNA lacks nucleosomes Eukaryotic DNA has telomeres Prokaryotic DNA is replicated by a different DNA polymerase

blocking NE reuptake results in what

promotes the synthesis results in increase HR

state functions

properties that are determined by the state of the system, regardless of how that condition was achieved (pressure, density, temp, volume, enthalpy, internal E, Gibbs free E, entropy) (Heat is NOT. A state function)

RNA and DNA both require

purines --so a B12 deficiency would affect both DNA and RNA replication, since B12 aids in the synthesis of purine nucleotides

When a bond is created between two nucleotide triphosphates in DNA synthesis, the small molecule released from this reaction is: Pyrophosphate Inorganic phosphate ATP Organic phosphate

pyrophosphate when DNA is synthesized, it forms phosphodiester bonds, releasing pyrophosphate PPi

the enzymes used in gluconeogenesis in order to bypass the irreversible steps of glycolysis

pyruvate carboxylase fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase glucose-6-phosphatase pyruvate carboxylase fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase glucose 6 phosphatatse

from what orbital would electromagnetic radiation have the shortest wavelength

radiation that ejects and electron from an sp orbital short wavlengths are the most energetic--want most s character

Vasopressin (ADH)

raises blood pressure and makes kidneys conserve water

social cognitive theory

referring to the use of cognitive processes in relation to understanding the social world WHEN PEOPLE LEARN BY WATCHING OTHERS

social cognitive theory

referring to the use of cognitive processes in relation to understanding the social world based on changing behavior or attitudes based on observation

life course approach to illness

refers to a holistic perspective that calls attention to developmental processes and other experiences across a persons life earlier life exposures can influence later disease risk

AV node (atrioventricular node)

region of the heart between the right atrium and right ventricle from which electrical impulses spread to the ventricles during a heartbeat


relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes

debranching enzyme

removes oligosaccharides from a branch in glycogen or starch

Alcohols generally require acid catalysis in order to undergo substitution by nucleophiles. The acid catalyst enhances the reaction by:

replace the hydroxyl group and that hydroxide ion is one of the worst leaving groups in substitution reactions. Under acidic conditions, the hydroxyl group is protonated such that the leaving group is now water, a superior leaving group, rather than hydroxide ion.

what is a degree of unsaturation?

represented as rings and pi bonds (unsaturated fats have rings and double bonds and kinks that allow them to roll off of each other, opposed to saturated fats that all stick together since they have no double bonds)

the DCT

responsive to aldosterone and ADH with variable permeability allows for reabsorption of the right amount of water depending on the bodys needs

what tissue is most dependent on insulin

resting skeletal muscle

the catalytic production of DHAP and G3P from F16BP is what type of reaction

retro aldol reaction hallmark is the breaking of a carbon carbon bond to form 2 aldehydes, 2 ketones, or one of each


rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members

the energies of the principle quantum numbers are as follows (s p d f)

s > p > d > f

Starch is hydrolyzed into maltose by

salivary amylase (secreted by salivary glands) and pancreatic amylase (secreted by pancreas)

GCPR's and enzyme linked receptors both use what

second messenger systems (while ion channels do not)

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

dorsal root ganglion...sensory or motor

sensory clipping it would result in loss of sensation

Conjugation in bacteria

sexual reproduction of bacteria ; two cells connect through a conjugation bridge *DNA is transfered from a donor male (+) to a recipient female (-) via a conjugation bridge *the bridge transferring the DNA is formed from a "sex pili" that is found on the donor male

which RNA molecule or proteins is NOT found in the splicesome during intron excision snRNA hnRNA shRNA snRNP's

shRNA (NOT produced in the nucleus for use in the splicesome)

shorter wavelengths have what type of energy

shorter wavelengths are closer together, they have higher energy and higher frequencies

prinsoner's dilemma

shows why two completely rational individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interest to do so

when does siRNA exert its effects

siRNA is only able to bind to other RNA strands, NOT DNA or protein...so it must interfere with gene expression after transcription has already occurred


silica plates are very polar phenylalanine has a higher Rf than tyrosine because tyrosine is more polar than phenylalanine molecules with an affinity for polar phases will have a lower Rf--more polar molecules have a greater affinity for the stationary phase on a TLC

ethanoic acid

simplest carb acid


simplest ketone

if Acetyl-CoA is high, what will happen...

since acetyl-CoA is produced during beta oxidation it will inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase and shift the CAC to run in the reverse direction, this producing OAA for gluconeogenesis acetyl coA stimulates pyruvate carboxylase directly


single reactant forms an unequal mixture of stereoisomers

what is reabsorbed and what is secreted in the Proximal convoluted tubule

site of bulk reabsorbtion of... GLUCOSE AA SOLUBLE VITAMINS SALT WATER site of secretion of ... H IONS K+ IONS AMMONIA UREA DUMP the HUNK


site of sperm maturation and storage sperm gain motility

The Thomas theorem states that

situations defined as real are real in their consequences

which type of muscle (skeletal, smooth, cardiac) is always multinucleated

skeletal cardiac may contain one or two centrally located nuclei, and smooth always has one

troponin functions in both ___ and ____ muscle

skeletal and cardiac

if the binding E is greatest for intermediate sized atoms (therefor giving them the most stability), what does that look like for small and large atoms

small and large atoms are comparatively less stable

Stage 2 of sleep cycle

small bursts of activities spindles, nonrem sleep

what types of molecules will be filtered out of the glomerulus to bowmans capsule

small molecules (like monosaccharides) things like proteins, platelets, and erythrocytes will not

moving an object closer to a concave mirror makes the image


an object is placed in front of a concave mirror between the focal point and the mirror. If the object is then moved closer to the mirror, the image would be:

smaller and closer to the mirror (an object that is placed at the focal point creates no image) Conceptually, an object placed directly at the focal point would produce no image (i.e., an image infinitely far away). Therefore it makes sense that moving away from the focal point would produce an image closer to the mirror. This would eliminate choices A and B. Also, when an object is placed between the focal point and the mirror, the image is virtual and larger than the object. As the object moves closer to the mirror, the image would get smaller and eventually become the same size as the object when the object is touching the mirror. The answer is therefore choice D.


solid mass of cells seen in early development

Which phases of solvent and solute can form a solution?

solid solvent, gaseous solvent solid solvent, solid solute gaseous solvent, gaseous solute they just need to create a homogenous mixture in order to create a solution


solid to gas


solubility product constant Ksp=[A+]^m[B-]^n do not include concentration of pure solid/liquids if you are not explicitly given concentrations, look at the product and see how many ions it seperates out into and use those

humoral immunity

specific immunity produced by B cells that produce antibodies that circulate in body fluids Antibodies are secreted by B-cells into the blood and are classified as humoral immunity (hyper-acute rejection)

humoral immunity (B CELLS)

specific immunity produced by B cells that promote antibody/immune response ---> antibodies can then recognize polysaccharide, phospholipid, and nucleic acid antigens to help the body fight extracellular bacteria and pathogen etc

quantum numbers

specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in orbitals

mass percent composition of Ag in the product of the reaction between 0.44moles of AgNO3 and 0.2 moles of MgCl2

steps 1) the original moles are irrelevant to answer this question 2) find the products: AgCl and Mg(NO3)2 3) since we are wondering about Ag, we know that there will always be 107.9g of Ag per mole of product and 35.5 g of Cl per mole of product 4) total mass of AgCl is 143.3g/mol 5) mass percent composition of Ag=107.9/143.3 = 75%


stimulates milk production

ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

stimulates secretion of hormones by adrenal cortex Exogenous corticosteroids would provide negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and thus inhibit both CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone, hypothalamus) and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone, anterior pituitary).


stimulates thirst and makes blood thicker to preserve water supply during bleeding angiotension II causes the secretion of aldosterone which serves to increase the reabsorption of sodium, and promote the excretion of K+ and H+ ions

which skin layer contains stem cells that proliferate to form keratinocytes

stratum basale

Vygotsky's social learning theory

stresses the role of people and interactions in language aquisition, involving motor neurons

what is needed for an amide to undergo nuc acyl sub

strong acid or base the reactivity of carb acid derivatives is anhydride > ester > carb acid > amide without strong acid or base the amides will not even react

dissociation of strong acids in water

strong acids will fully dissociate; HCl becomes H+ and Cl- entirely

LDA is a

strong base

Strong bases are

strong electrolytes group IA and IIA

a higher Ka

stronger acid lower pKa --> lower pH

electron withdrawing groups

strongly electronegative and pull electron density away from rest of the molecule, and stabilize negative charge.

mesolimbic pathway

subcortical part of the brain involved in cognition and emotion sense of pleasure

informative pressure

subtype of conformity pressure. It occurs when an individual conforms his or her behavior to match that of the rest of a group out of the belief that the group is better informed and knows more than the individual.

disulfide bonds are

sulfhydryl groups on their side chains come close because of protein folding and the sulfurs bond together

cystine participates in...

sulfur chemistry and disulfide bonding look out for thiols

trace the circulatory pathway

superior vena cava left atrium left ventricle pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary veins right atria right ventricle aorta


suppresses secretion of glucagon and insulin its release is stimulated by high blood glucose or AA levels ALWAYS INHIBITORY

CT imaging

takes a series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles and combined by computer

Type IV restriction enzyme

target modified DNA (e.g. methylated, hydroxymethylated).


targets a protein for degradation by a proteasome

ketose sugars may have the ability to act as reducing sugars, which is explained by which process

tautomerization--the rearrangement of bonds to undergo keto-enol shifts (forms an aldose to then act as a reducing sugar)

talk therapy

technique in which a person describes his or her problems and concerns to a skilled listener in order to better understand the emotions and issues that are creating the problems

Functional MRI (fMRI)

technique that uses magnetic fields to visualize brain activity using changes in blood oxygen level asseses the OPERATION of brain regions not just their STRUCTURE

What is the last point in the meiotic cycle in which the cell has a diploid number of chromosomes?

telophase I this is when cytokenesis occurs

what will affect reaction rate

temp change in the partial pressure of the gas adding reactants (if not in zero order reaction) type of solvent removing the product of an irriversibel reaction will not affect reaction rate

group polarization

tendency of group members to move to an extreme position after discussing an issue as a group

Automation bias

tendency to excessively depend on automated systems, which can lead to erroneous automated information overriding correct decisions

primacy effect

tendency to remember words at the beginning of a list especially well

recency effect

tendency to remember words at the end of a list especially well

role strain

tension among the roles connected to a single status

Sn1 works fastest with


hormones derived from cholesterol

testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, aldosterone

Humanistic Perspective

the "third force" in psychology that focuses on those aspects of personality that make people uniquely human, such as subjective feelings and freedom of choice

the effect of - charges on an acid when looking at the dissociation of acid in water

the - charge on the acid will cause dissociation to occur to the least extent ie : HPO42− + H2O → H3O+ + PO43− (HPO4 2- will dissociate rarely)

what are the hybridizations of the C and N atoms in CN- sp3 and sp3 sp3 and sp sp and sp3 sp and sp

the C and N atoms are connected by a 3x bond in CN- ( :C triple bond N: - ) a triple bonded atom is sp hybridized; one s orbital hybridizes with one p orbital to form two sp hybridized orbitals. The two remaining unhybridized p orbitals take park in the formation of two pi bonds **sp and sp***

why do we need a larger mass of electrodes in lead-acid batteries as compared to other batteries to produce a certain current

the E density of lead-acid electrode is lower than that of other batteries

binding energy

the E needed to break things/ a single atom that is/are bound apart

Why is overcharging a Ni-Cd battery not detrimental?

the Ni-Cd battery will stop accepting electrons from an outside source when its electrodes are rearranged

beta anomer

the OH group of the C1 cis to the CH2OH group *it will be equatorial and up*

a massless spring is initially compressed by a displacement of 2 cm. It is now compressed by 4cm. How has the PE of the system now changed

the PE has quadrupled

viral infection leads to an increase in what cellular pathways ?

the Pentose Phosphate pathway and the Aerobic respiration pathway

adaptive immunity

the ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and mount an attack on them

how will the solubility of an acid compound and a hydrocarbon differ

the acidic compound will be charged once deprotonated (acidic) (ie a carboxylic acid group once deprotonated will be more soluble than an aldehyde will be)

what does the acidity of carboxylic acids depend on

the acidity of carb acids is increased by the presence of highly electronegative functional group the Electron withdrawing effect increases the stability of the carboxylate anion, favoring proton dissociation--this effect increases as the number of EN groups of the chain increases


the act of filling in memory gaps a symptom of korsakoffs syndrome


the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one's perception, memory, or response


the addition of multiple adenine nucleotides to the 3' end of a newly synthesized mRNA molecule


the addition of multiple adenine nucleotides to the 3' end of a newly synthesized mRNA molecule addition of a poly A tail, stabilization upon mRNA

what does the rate of a fischer esterification depend on

the amount of steric hinderance around the carbonyl C the alcohol must have room to approach the carb acid substrate. crowding of the carbonyl carbon will decrease the reactiity

what happens when an area of lung is filled with mucus

the areas will NOT participate in gas exchange and no concentration gradient will exist --neither O2 or CO2 will be able to diffuse

interoceptive awareness involves sensitivity to increase in the activity of the

the autonomic nervous system

Adding concentrated strong base to a solution containing an enzyme often reduces enzyme activity to zero. In addition to causing protein denaturation which of the following is another plausible reason of the loss of enzyme activity? Enzyme activity, once lost, cannot be recovered The base can cleave peptide residues Adding a base catalyzes protein polymerization Adding a base tends to deprotonate amino acids on the surface of proteins

the base can cleave peptide residues

Gambler's Fallacy

the belief that the odds of a chance event increase if the event hasn't occurred recently


the blastula of mammals has three distinct structures 1) inner cell mass 2) trophoblast 3) blastocoel

the brain E stores during a fast

the brain is almost exclusively dependent on glucose for E, but when in a prolonged fast, ketone bodies can be used for up to 2/3 of the brains E requirements

which organ is most sensitive to oxygen deprivation

the brain, which uses aerobic metabolism of glucose exclusively


the breakdown of glycogen to glucose

why triglycerides used in the human body for E storage

the carbon atoms of the fatty acid chains are highly reduced and therefor yield more E upon oxidation (2x as much as polysaccharides)

minority influence

the case where a minority of group members influences the behavior or beliefs of the majority

what may result due to an impaired ETC

the cells in the ETC will have to rely more heavily on glycolysis --> leading to higher levels of lactic acid fermentation

the relationship between the codon and anticodon

the codon and anticodon are antiparalell to one another ... ie Valine GUU GUC GUA and GUG is expected to have an anticodon that ENDS in AC due to the antiparalell relationship between the GU in the codon

episodic memory

the collection of past personal experiences that occurred at a particular time and place


the comparison between two quantities or things

in vaccum distillation, what compound is left in the round bottom flask as compared to that which is left in the receivign flask

the compound we are interested in is in the reveicing flask, and that one that we do not care about is left in the round bottom flask

social gradient of health

the consistent finding that inequality and health are related, with those at the top of the social system being healthier and living longer than those at the bottom

in [Cu(NH3)4]2+ ..... the subscript 4 indicates what

the coordination number of Cu2+ the number 4 reflects only the number of ammonia molecules that bind to the central Cu2+ cation


the desire, in middle age, to use one's accumulated wisdom to guide future generations


the development of the gastrula **generation of 3 distinct cell layers **blastula invaginates (pinches inward) until blastocoel disappears **inner space where it invaginated is called the archenteron **opening of the archenteron is the blastopore

boiling point elevation

the difference in temperature between the boiling point of a solution and the boiling point of the pure solvent

resting membrane potential depends on...

the differential distribution of ions across the axon membrane, active transport, and selective permeability

resting membrane potential depends on what

the differential distribution of ions across the membrane active transport processes selective permeability of the phospholipid bilayer

retroactive interference

the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information

proactive interference

the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

radius of curvature

the distance between the center of curvature and the mirror's surface

nuclear binding energy

the energy released when a nucleus is formed from nucleons

first ionization energy

the energy required to remove the first electron from an atom increases / trends with EN across the periods to the R

creatine phosphokinase

the enzyme used to catalyze the reversible reaction between creatine and creatine phosphate. Catalysts increase the reaction rate by lowering the activation energy (stabilizing the transition state) of the reaction

Temporality (Hill's Criteria)

the exposure (independent variable) must occur before the outcome (dependent variable) Ie testing if smoking causes cancer, did they smoke before hey girl disgnosed or start after?

content validity

the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest

construct validity

the extent to which variables measure what they are supposed to measure

Bernoulli's Principle

the faster a fluid moves, the less pressure the fluid exerts

a reaction with a low activation energy will have what type of rate

the fastest rate

in glucose degredation under aerobic conditions, oxygen acts as what

the final electron acceptor

blastocoel of blastocyst

the fluid filled cavity

Fischer esterification

the formation of an ester from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol in acidic conditions the carbonyl C is open to attack by the nucleophilic alcohol


the formation of glycogen from glucose

How many grams of hydrogen gas are required to completely react with 32 g of oxygen to form hydrogen peroxide?

the formation of hydrogen peroxide is as follows H2(g) + O2 (g) --> H2O2(g) 32g O2 x (1 mol/ 32g) x (1 H2/ 1 O2) x (2g / mol) = 2g H2

if the reaction were exothermic, what effect would decreasing the temp have on the equilibrium

the forward reaction rate rate increases while the reverse reaction rate will decrease an exothermic reaction produces heat...when you decrease the temp product formation is favored which results in an increase in the forward reaction rate along with a decrease in the reverse reaction rate

natural (resonant) frequencies

the frequency at which an object vibrates most easily and with the largest amplitude

where does the phosphoryl transfer of kinases come from?

the gamma phosphate of ATP (ie gamma32P-ATP)

culture lag

the gap of time between the introduction of material culture and nonmaterial culture's acceptance of it

increased blood pressure will affect what component of the loop of henle

the glomerular filtrate rate (in addition, increasing blood pressure should increase flow of fluid through the kidney system and decrease, rather than increase, water reabsorption)

procedural memory

the gradual acquisition of skills as a result of practice, or "knowing how" to do things

when the pKa of a functional group is smaller than enviormental pH....

the group will exist in its charged or deprotonated form

using half life and C14 to determine age of a fossil

the half life represents the amount of time that it takes for half of the atoms in a sample of that isotope to decay Carbons Half Life= 5,730 years if we know the half life, and we know the origional and final grams of C14 in the sample, we can go through half lifes until we reach the answer ex: normal adult living skeleton contains about 8g C14, and the fossil has 1g C14 after 5730 years, 8g C14 becomes 4g after another 5730 years, 4g C14 becomes 2g after another 5730 years, 2g C14 becomes 1g this is the g in the prehistoric sample, meaning that the fossil is 5730(3) years old

Why do halogens combine so readily with alkali metals?

the halogens have much higher electron affinities than do the alkaline earth metals alkali earth metals are more likey to be electron donors and the halogens will accept these electrons to become nobel gases

why may host antibodies be innefective in the stomach

the harsh pH of the stomach

how does binding E relate to stability

the higher the binding E, the more stable

how do you assign priority for a chiral center

the highest molecular weight is assigned #1...explaining why H is usually #4 ON A DASH

learned helplessness

the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events

how does the ideal temperature change for a reaction with and without an enzyme catalyst

the ideal temp is generally lower with a catalyst than without (the rate of reactions will increase with temperature becuase of the increased kinetic E of the reactants, but reaches a peak temp because the enzyme denatures with the disruption of H bonds at very high temps--in the absence of an enzyme, this temperature is generally much hotter)

equilibrium constant is only dependent on

the identity of the electrolyte solution and the temp

sensory memory

the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system (happens before long term working memory)

when will reflection occur (in relation to incidence and critical angle)

the incidince angle must be greater than the critical angle

reciprocal determinism

the interacting influences of behavior, internal cognition, and environment

hydrogen bonding

the intermolecular force in which a hydrogen atom that is bonded to a highly electronegative atom is attracted to an unshared pair of electrons of an electronegative atom in a nearby molecule

Mate choice

the intersexual selection of a mate based on attraction and traits


the isotope of oxygen known as heavy oxygen

how can a operon, with is an inducible system, permit transcription

the lac operon for example is an inducible system, in which an inducer binds to the repressor and thus permits transcription

relative poverty

the lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more

what would be the result when there is limited displacement in vibration of the stapes in the ear

the limited displacement during vibration is another way of stating that the amplitude of the vibration is decrased because amplitude is related to intensity, and intensity is realted to sound level, the perceived sound level or volume is decreased as well

how does the length of hydrocarbon chain impact combustion

the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the greater the E yield will be in a combustion reaction


the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

the sense/coding strand is identical to what

the mRNA transcript, except that all thymine nucleotides will be replaced with uracil

glycosidic bond

the mechanism of combining monosaccharides with each other...formed when the anomeric C of one sugar reacts with a hydroxyl group of another sugar a dehydration reaction where a H2O molecule is lost

where to find the " approximate pKa" on the titration curve

the midpoint of the flat regions on a titration curve

first and second equivalent points on a titration curve

the midpoints between steep increases in slope

the conversion of pyruvate into glucose requires enzymes in... the mitochondrial matrix the interstitial fluid the cytosol the mitochondria and the cytosol

the mitochondria and the cytosol conversion of pyruvate to glucose first requires conversion to OOA, catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase in the mitochondria. OAA is then decarbozylated and phosphorlyated by cytosolic forms of PEPCK. Then the reamainder of gluconeogenesis occurs in the mitochondria


the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives

How can the value of a natural logarithm be converted to the value of a common logarithm?

the natural log is divided by a constant the relationship between the natural log of a number and the common log of the number is logx = lnx/2.303 therefor the natural log of the number must be divided by the constant 2.303 to obtain the common log of the same number

dependency ratio

the number of people who are too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people in the working force

atomic number

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

mechanical advantage formula

the number of times a machine increases a force exerted on it

wht determines the length of an elements atomic radius

the number of valence electrons -- increasing valence electrons pull closer to the nucleus the number of electron shells

trophoblast of blastocyst

the outer layer of cells that gives rise to the chorion and placenta (which are extra organismal structures)

Hess's Law

the overall enthalpy change in a reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for the individual steps in the process multiply, flip, etc to make the final equation true

which pathway is involved with mediating oxidative stress

the pentose phosphate pathway * and thereof the enzyme G6P dehydrogenase

percentage ionization

the percentage of a solute that ionizes when it dissolves in a solvent

external locus of control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond your personal control determine your fate.

psychoanalytic perspective

the perspective that suggests that abnormal behavior stems from childhood conflicts over opposing wishes regarding sex and aggression

titration curve graphs

the plateaus indicate regions where protons are removed from functional groups on the molecule through use of -OH addition the plateus occur at a pH equal to the pKa of the functional group removed

as size decreases across the periodic table.... (remember radius is the greatest at the lower left)

the positive charge becomes more effective at attracting electrons in a chemical bond (higher EN) and the E required to remove an electron (IE) increases


the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell (too many or too few copies of a given chromosome) results from nondisjunction in anaphase during cell division

Weber's Law

the principle that, to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage (rather than a constant amount)

RNA polymerization

the process by which nucleotides are strung together to form a single stranded RNA strand, not the joining of two complementary strands

integrative reminiscence

the process by which older people may take stock of their lives and come to terms with previously unresolved conflicts


the process by which the morula (solid mass of cells) develops into the blastula (with a fluid filled inner cavity)


the process of becoming viewed as somehow socially unacceptable or disgraced

role exit

the process of disengagement from a role that is central to one's self-identity in order to establish a new role and identity

shaping behavior

the process of guiding learning in graduated steps using reinforcement or lack of reinforcement

observational modeling

the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior

e- capture decay

the process of when certain unstable radionucleotides are capable of capturing an inner electron that combines with a proton to form a neutron atomic number is one less than the origional, but mass number remains the same essentually reverse of B- decay


the process that is empolyed in order to compensate for the fact that glycolysis is not completely reversible since you cannot go from pyruvate back to glucose when glucose is low (important for RBC's)

paralell processing

the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain's natural mode of information processing for many functions


the product of the addition of two alcohols to an aldehyde or ketone


the product of the reaction between an alcohol and the carbonyl group of a ketone

increasing the temperature can alter the Keq of a reaction. Why might increasing temp indefinitely be unfavorable for changing reaction conditions?

the products or reactants can decompose at high temperatures

behaviorist perspective

the psychological perspective primarily concerned with observable behavior that can be objectively recorded and with the relationships of observable behavior to environmental stimuli

Biological Perspective

the psychological perspective that emphasizes the influence of biology on behavior


the rate at and the extent to which a nutrient is absorbed and used

How will the rate of a catalyzed reaction be affected if the solid catalyst is finely ground before it is added to the reaction mixture?

the rate will be faster because a greater surface area of catalyst will be exposed grinding a heterogeneous catalyst increases the amount of catalyst available to the reaction and therefore increases its rate.

if the heat of formation of the products is greater than that of the reactants...

the reaction is endothermic

when the signs of enthalpy and entropy are the same...

the reaction is temp dependent and we need the temp to determine if the reaction is spontaneous or not

transesterification reaction

the reaction of an ester with an alcohol to form a different ester


the rearrangement of bonds in a compound, usually by moving a hydrogen and forming a double bond can occur between an aldehyde to form a 1 alcohol

Avoidance Learning (Negative Reinforcement)

the removal of an unpleasant consequence following a desired behavior

is the ribosome a protein ? is it an enzyme?

the ribosome is an ENZYME BUT NOT A PROTEIN this is why we can call it a ribozyme

elements in the same group/column have what

the same number of valence electrons which ditates its chemical properties

false alarm

the signal was absent, but the participant reported sensing it

aldosterone up-regulates ...

the sodium potassium pumps along the lining of the nephron (3 Na+ out of the nephron lining and toward the blood for every 3 K+ it pumps in towards the nephron and away from the blood)

Henry's Law (Solubility of gases in liquids)

the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas on the surface of the liquid

higher vapor pressure of a solution results from

the solute and solvent being different from one another and therefor readily evaporating ie they will have different properties , like a hydrophobic and hydrophilic pair

life course perspective

the study of the family trajectories of individuals and groups as they progress through their lives, in social and historical context

a Km of 5.0 x 10^-6 represents ...

the substrate concentration where the enzyme is working at one half of its Vmax if this concentration increases (to 5.0 x 10 ^-4 for instance, the enzyme is at or near its Vmax)

Kirchhoff junction rule

the sum of all current directed into the point is equal to all of those going out of that point

social loafing

the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable

reduction potential

the tendency of a substance to gain electrons

reduction potential

the tendency of a substance to gain electrons (having a more + reduction potential means that it is more likely to be reduced, having a less + reduction potential means it is more likely to be oxidized)

framing bias

the tendency of decision makers to be influenced by the way a situation or problem is presented to them

hindsight bias

the tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it

actor-observer bias

the tendency to blame our actions on the situation and blame the actions of others on their personalities Max attends a party and does not make eye contact with, or approach, his acquaintance, Sam. Max's self judgement will be high in "not feeling well" and low in socially awkward. Sams judgement of Max will be high in "socially awkward" and low in not feeling well

in-group bias

the tendency to favor one's own group

negativity bias

the tendency to focus or remember the negative aspects of experiences

Cannon-Bard Theory

the theory that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers (1) physiological responses and (2) the subjective experience of emotion

gender schema theory

the theory that children learn from their cultures a concept of what it means to be male and female and that they adjust their behavior accordingly

interference theory

the theory that people forget not because memories are lost from storage but because other information gets in the way of what they want to remember

spreading activation theory

the theory that the presentation of a stimulus triggers activation of closely related nodes (if you are given a group of items-all food-you might be likely to add other foods to the list that were not actually there)

social learning theory

the theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished

if you have an open open pipe and you close it off at one end, how will the second harmonic differ between the pipe that is open open vs open closed

the wavelength for the second harmonic (first overtone) of open open is equal to: wavelength = 2L/n = 2L/2 = L in contrast for the pipe open at one end and closed at the other, the wavelength is equAL TO: wavelength = 4L/n = 4L/3 when he covers the one end, the wavelength will increase, therefor decreasing the frequency causing a lower pitch

why will O2 (or other diatomic molecules ) not show up on IR spec

they are homonuclear and diatomic; no net change in the dipole moment during vibration or rotation

characteristics of all electrons carriers in the ETC

they are mobile--traveling inside the inner mitochondrial membrane and passing electrons from one to another and pumping protons across inner mitochondrial mem they are all also hydrphobic, allowing them to enter the hydrophobic interior of the membrane

does entropy and enthalpy increase or decrease with increasing temp

they increase available microstates increases from solid to liquid to gas

how do glucocorticoids relate to weight gain when observing the stress response

they increase glucose levels, causing insulin secretion and leading to weight gain

when ethnic groups emigrate to a more industrialized culture

they typically have larger families but shorter lifespans before they emigrate

what do bacteriophages WANT to do?

they want to inject their DNA into a bacteria and then use the bacteria to produce more bacteriophages (making viral proteins, assembling the baby bacteriophages with the bacteriophage DNA inside) proteins could be reverse transcriptase, structural proteins, protein coats

where is sodium NOT actively transported out of the nephron

thin portion of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle -- diffusing down their concentration gradients

Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome

three-stage process which describes the body's reaction to stress: 1) alarm reaction, 2) resistance, 3) exahaustion

which biomolecules drain into the liver before arriving at the right side of the heart

threonine (AA) Fructose (monosaccharide) pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) all fat soluble vitamins will not

Harlow's Monkeys

through scientific experiment, these monkeys displayed the bond attachment associated with Social development showing the need for physical contact as the monkeys clung to the softer artificial "mother" when scared, feeding and when combined with other factors such as warmth, rocking and feeding became even more appealing.

Conflict Theory examples

trade union forms to promote workers rights at the cost of company owners

RNA polymerase II

transcribes mRNA (hnRNA and snRNA) by binding to the TATA Box within the promoter region of the gene 25 base pairs upstream from the first transcribed base

RNA polymerase III

transcribes tRNA and the 5s rRNA

viruses are directly involved in which process in bacteria

transduction a form of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria in which bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) transmit genomic material

which ways can a bacterium acquire genetic material from the enviorment to express phenotypic characteristic

transformation or transduction

a membrane receptor is most likely to be an...

transmembrane protein with catalytic activity membrane receptors need both an extrace,uar and an intracellular domain (making them transmembrane). The enzymatic activity comes from thair ability to initiate a second messenger cascade, although some may function strictly as channels

during saponification...

triglycerides undergo ester hydrolysis

When trypsin converts chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin, some molecules of chymotrypsin bind to a repressor, which is turn binds to an operator region and prevents further transcription of trypsin. This is most similar to which of the following operons? trp operon during lack of tryptophan trp operon during abundance of tryptophan lac operons during lack of lactose lac operon during abundance of lactose

trp operon during an abundance of tryptophan (this is an example of repression due to the abundance of a corepressor/ a repressible system that is currently blocking transcription)

pancreatic secretions

trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase increase the interstitial pH of the SI

trp operon

tryptophan binds to the repressor protein and enables it to repress gene transcription.


two monosaccharides held together by glycosidic bonds within a polysaccharide contain 5-6 carbon rings , but so do nucleotides

Which of the following types of proteins would be most efficiently fractionated by an SEC column?

two proteins with substantialy differed Molecular weights if SEC separates on the basis of differences in molecular weight, the techniques resolution should increase if the pair of proteins differ in their MW to a greater extent

cell-mediated immunity (T CELLS)

type of immunity produced by T cells that attack infected or abnormal body cells MCH I and phagocytes

cell-mediated immunity

type of immunity produced by T cells that attack infected or abnormal body cells (acute rejection of transplanted organs)


type of nucleotide used during DNA sequencing to terminate synthesis in the absence of dideoxynucleotide, the DNA polymerase will repicate the entire template causing a dark band on gel electrophoresis

what are repressible systems (trp operon) turned off by

under normal conditions represible systems are transcribed; they can be TURNED OFF by a corepressor coupling with the repressor aned the binding of this complex to the operator site

what are inducible systems (lac operon) turned on by

under normal conditions they are bonded to a REPRESSOR; they are TURNED ON by an INDUCER pulling the repressor from the operator site

pappilary layer

uneven junction of the dermis and epidermis. Capillaries are abundant here to nourish not only the dermis but the stratum germinativum. predominately loose connective tissue

stem cells

unspecialized cells that are able to renew themselves for long periods of time by cell division

upregulated vs downredulated dopamine

upregulated = schizophrenia downregulated = dopamine

for a single mirror or a single lenz, an image that is virtual must be ___


intergenerational mobility

upward or downward movement in social class by family members from one generation to the next (between two or more generations)


uradine 5'-triphosphate derived from nitrogenous base uracil and is a pyrimidine uracil is found in RNA this all makes it a ribose and a pyrimidine base

An object made of silicon (specific heat = 698 J/kg°C) absorbs 3500 J of heat while increasing its temperature from 43°C to 53°C. What is the approximate mass of the object?

use Q = mcDT rearrange for m m = Q/cDT m= 3500 / (698)(10C) m = 5000

at 25C the Delta G deg for a certain reaction A --><--B + 2C is 0. If the concentration of A B and C in the cell at 25C are all 10mM, how does the Delta G compare to the measurement taken with 1M concentrations

use the equation Delta G = DeltaG deg + RTlnQ where Q is the reaction quotient [B][C]^2 / [A] for this specific reaction. Plugging in the variables gives us Delta G = 0 + Rtln ([ 10 x 10^-3][10 x 10^-3]^2) / [10 x 10^-3] = RTln10^-4 = -4RTln10 (this tells us that because both R and T are +, and natural log values are greater than 0, then Delta G must be - and coreespond to a negative Delta G)


used as the nucleophile in the gabriel synthesis

ion exchange chromatography

uses a charged column and a variably saline eluent

Jones Oxidation

uses chromium trioxide dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid and acetone (stronger oxidizing agent) to oxidize primary alcohols to carboxylic acids or secondary alcohols to ketones

Fluorescent in situ hybridization

uses fluorescent DNA probes to bind to chromosomes and could detect a translocation by detecting a gene on an unexpected chromosome

Weak intermolecular forces

van der Waals force - weak attractive force between molecules from dipole-dipole/induced dipole inetrations

moderating variable

variable that changes the nature of the relationship between two other variables decreasing of increasing the strength of an association

when the object is situation at longer than the focal length, lenses form what type of images

virtual and reduced (lenses have a - focal length since they are diverging)

diverging species...(convex mirrors and convex lenses) will always produce

virtual images

R cerebral hemisphere controls

visuospatial skills, music perception, and emotion processing

what depolarizes the cell after depolarization

voltage gated potassium channels

Most stable chair conformation

want the largest subs to be equitorial and trans to give the least amount of steric strain

to form a geminal diol, what could attack a carbonyl carbon

water this represents a hydration reaction to form a geminal diol (a compound with 2 OH groups on the same C)

a cell placed in a hypotonic enviorment causes what movemnt

water moves from high concentration of water from the enviorment into the cell

how does vacuum distillation work

we can lower boiling point by reducing Patm, which can be accomplished through the introduction of a vacuum.

What is the normality of a 0.015 M solution of phosphoric acid?

we need to consider the protons since this is an acid H3PO4 so in this case we multiply 0.015N x 3 H+ ions = 0.045N

Low Ka

weak acid (will react with a base)


weak acid or base that can react with strong acids or bases to help prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH ex: citric acid is a weak triprotic acid that acts as a buffer over a range of pH

dissociation of weak acids in water

weak acids will only partially dissociate ; H2CO3 becomes H+ and HCO3- in only a very small amount

Good leaving groups are (list H2O HO- Br- and H- in order of decreasing LG ability)

weak bases H2O > Br-> HO- > H-

what causes the spontaneous formation of anhydrides (specifically cyclic anhydrides)

when a dicarboxyic acid is exposed to heat


when comparing two solutions, the solution with the lesser concentration of solutes (like NaCl) with a higher concentration of water when a cell is placed in an enviorment with low solute concentration, water travels from environment into the cell

when is vaccum distillation usefull

when components have very high BP and would otherwise be difficult to distill (nucleation sites must be provided by boiling chips or scratching the side of the flask)

virtual image

when image and object are on the same side as the lense creates a negative image distance

kinship of affinity

when individuals are related by choice, rather than through blood ie when a father and stepmother merge children from previous marriages

diffraction of light waves

when light passes through a narrow opening , the light waves spread out; as the slit narrows,the light waves aprad out even more

looking-glass self

when people shape their self concepts based on their understanding of how others perceive them an individual will internalize bias/stigma that is directed towards them

when is work done on a gas

when the gas changes volumes (will be visible on a P vs V graph)

at what point are two populations descended from the same ancesteral stock considered to be seperate species

when they can no longer produce viable, fertile offspring

how can electrons GAIN energy

when they jump to a higher E level ie going from n=2 to n=6

which of the following directly provides the E needed to form ATP in the mitochondrian electron transfer in the electron transport chain an electrochemial proton gradient oxidtion of acetyl CoA B oxidation of fatty acids

while all of the answeres contibute to E production, it is the electrochemical gradient / proton motive force that directly drives the phosphorylation of ATP by the F1 portion of ATP synthase

When a patient is on the operating table for heart surgery, surgeons need to clamp major nearby blood vessels before cutting them because, according to Bernoulli's equation, a volume of pressurized blood opened to the atmosphere:

will convert its pressure to kinetic energy, rapidly exiting the body and causing shock.

when is UV spectroscopy best used

with conjugated systems of double bonds (ie aromatic systems such as with the aromtic AA)

in vitro

within a glass, observable within a test tube

when you treat a 2ndary alcohol with a strong oxidizing agent...

you get a ketone

emission of a photon occurs when

you go from a high energy state to a low energy state

what is the pH of a 0.010M solution of sodium hydroxide at 25C

you know that NaOH is a strong base and will therefor completely dissociate therefor the Hydroxide ion concentration is 1.0 x 10^-2 M the negative log of the OH concentration gives a pOH of 2 since pOH + pH = 14 then 2 + pH = 14 so pH = 12

Type 1 error (alpha)

you sAw a difference that did not really exist (convicting an innocent man)

Type 2 error (beta)

you were Blind to a difference that did exist (FN: setting a guilty man free)

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