MK Ch. 10

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There are value trade-offs in marketing research. IN the long-run, researchers should choose the method that will provide them with the information they need _____________

At the lowest cost

Simon omitted some key data in a report for a client to make the report look "better." Omitting this information was ________.


Scanner Data

Used in quantitative research obtained from scanner readings of Universal Product Code (UPC) labels at checkout counters.

Data Mining

Uses a variety of statistical analysis tools to uncover previously unknown patterns in the data or relationships among variables

Marketing Research consists of:

1. Defining the objectives and research needs 2. Designing the research 3. Collecting data 4. Analyzing data and developing insights (interpreting) 5. Developing and implementing an action plan

Whether secondary or primary, any data collected would need to meet all of the following criteria:

1. Relevant 2. Appropriate 3. Timely

Before a research project begins, managers would consider all of the following issues:

1. Will the effort reveal any new insights that will help reduce risk? 2. What is the scope of the project? 3. Is upper management willing to listen to the results of the research and make changes if necessary?


A form of research that has questions designed to gather information from respondents to attain researcher objectives.

Experimental Research

A type of *quantitative research that *systematically manipulates one or more variables to determine which variables have a causal effect on other variables.


Allows respondents to answer in their own words

For a report of research results to be effective, it should:

Be free of errors Be precise Include recommendations that can be implemented

Online Marketing Surveys

Beneficial because researchers can develop a database quickly with many responses - Higher response rate - Also inexpensive

Facial characteristics, iris scans, and fingerprints are all types of _______.

Biometric data

It is important to establish in advance exactly what information is required to answer specific research questions and how that information should be obtained to determine which of the following?

Budget Time

One disadvantage of primary versus secondary research is that primary research is typically ______.


Thompson Manufacturing develops and sells kitchen appliances. They use marketing research as a link to its environment. This allows the firm to be ______________ oriented.


Instead of using survey information, Martha decides she would rather use ________ to find hidden information within her customer-relationship management database to find links between spending habits and which types of entertainment should be marketed by the Coffee Collective.

Data Mining

Primary Data

Data collected to address specific research needs; data not previously available that must be collected Usually done by focus groups, interviews, and surveys

A company is reviewing its daily sales transactions to look for buying patterns among its customers. The company is engaged in _______.

Data mining

Once the results of the marketing research study are prepared as a report, this report must be presented to the appropriate _________.

Decision makers (upper management)

When Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream wants to identify its next new ice cream flavor, the first step in the company's marketing research process would be to ________.

Define the objective

If Martha wants to determine whether or not she should offer open mic night at the Coffee Collective as part of the coffee experience, this would be an example of ____________.

Defining the research objectives

Identifying the type of data needed and the type of research required to collect that data is part of the ________ stage of the marketing research process.


Pharmaceutical companies must carefully design studies to assess which dose of a particular medicine or ingredient actually causes the desired outcome, such as pain relief. For these research studies, pharmaceutical companies use _________.


Talking to small groups of women in an unstructured manner about what women want from soup, led Campbell's to develop its Select Harvest soup line. Which research technique did Campbell's use in this example?

Focus group


Group of customers who represent the customers of interest in marketing research; may be selected based on some characteristics distance to the group and hopefully is drawn randomly

Structured Questions

Include specific answers to choose from; are close ended

External Secondary Data

Information bits that have already been collected from other sources and usually are readily available, sometimes for a fee, but often free to the user.

Panel Data

Information collected from a group of consumers, organized into panels, over time. - Data collected from panelists often include their records of what they have purchased (i.e., secondary data) as well as their responses to survey questions that the client gives to the panel firm to ask the panelists (i.e., primary data)

Data Warehouses

Large computer files storing data

One of the biggest disadvantages of using secondary data is that it _______.

May not be relevant to the project

Pizza hut hired a market research company to analyze its sales data and identify the most profitable customer groups. Pizza Hut uses this information to adjust its product offering to create ______________ for these customers.

More value

The ability to read consumers' minds by measuring involuntary brainwaves when viewing products, ads or brand images is the premise behind _______.


Toymaker Fisher-Price has set up labs where it uses video cameras to record children playing with toys. Which research technique is Fisher-Price using?


Unstructured Questions

Often open-ended, allowing participants to answer in their own words

Data gathered from trade journals, the Census Bureau and specialized research firms is _____ data.

Outside Secondary: cheap and easily accessible

Which of the following would allow Gabby the most flexibility in asking probing questions about why customers would want an open mic night?

Personal interviews

Last Phase of Marketing Research Process

Presenting results to decision makers

Invoices, customer lists, and financial reports are all types of _______ data.



Raw numbers that have limited value to marketers on their own

GE Appliances has determined it costs $150 per interview to conduct in-depth interviews, whereas a survey will cost $2 per questionnaire. The company should choose the appropriate method based on _____________?

Research objectives

Verizon wants to evaluate its position in the cell phone service market. The purpose of the marketing research is to determine its current relative market share. Based on this objective, Verizon will want to collect ________________.

Sales data

Customers' weekly consumption habits can be obtained during checkout through the use of _______.

Scanner data

Data purchased from a consumer research company, such as J.D. Power and Associates, is considered to be _______ data.


Marketing research projects often begin with an examination of _________ data.


Mario is thinking of opening a restaurant and wants a list of other restaurants in his targeted neighborhood. Mario could easily find this data through ________.

Secondary data sources

Which of the following is a conclusive research technique?


In practicing ethics, marketing researchers must ensure they produce information which is factual and _______.



When data is interpreted, which is meaningful to marketing managers who organize, analyze, and interpret that data

Questions that should be considered by managers before beginning a marketing research project:

Will the top management be committed to this project? Will the research be useful?

Researchers asses the value of a project by comparing the ____ of answering some of the questions and the ______ associated with conducting the research

benefits; costs

Internal Secondary Data

facts and figures that have already been collected about the Coffee Collective prior to the research at hand, would include information relating to budgets, previous marketing activities, sales, and customer communications.

Data on customer information, and purchase histories is considered to be_______.

internal secondary data

The marketing research process doesn't have to be ______, which means that the researchers can go back and forth from one step to another as the need arises


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