MKT 230 EXAM 1

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If a family spends $2,000 a month on goods and services, how much of that $2,000 goes for marketing activities?


By the turn of the twentieth century, the population of the United States had shifted to three large racial and ethnic groups. These groups are

African-Americans, Hispanics, and Caucasians

All companies have a responsibility to _____ so they can provide a return on investment to their owners and investors, create jobs for the community, and contribute goods and services to the economy.


Marketers primarily focus their environmental analysis on __________________ competitors.


Which of the following employees is most responsible for setting the ethical tone for the entire marketing organization?


Which of the following firms would be most likely to have a monopoly for its competitive environment?

Charter Cable TV

Which category of income are marketers most interested in?


Consumers buying products online have dramatically affected the ____________ variable of the marketing mix.


In Europe, companies can voluntarily apply for a designation to indicate that their product is less harmful to the environment than competing products. This label is known as the


Of all the federal regulatory units, the _____________________ most heavily influences marketing activities.


Discretionary income is associated with all of the following except


Which of the following is not at the generic competitor level for Ford's Expedition sport utility vehicle?

Ford's Escape SUV

A physical product you can touch is a(a)


Which of the following is essentially an uncontrollable factor in developing a marketing mix?

Government regulations

The Church of the Latter Day Saints has used advertising for many years, airing a commercial TV spot that shows parents actively playing games with their children. The Church is using marketing to promote its


Who drafted the Consumer Bill of Rights?


A change in the minimum drinking age in any given state illustrates a change in the _____________ for Miller Brewing.


What type of competitive structure exists when a firm produces a product that has no close substitutes?


When Campbell's introduced a line of low-sodium soups in response to customer demand, it was following which one of the following philosophies?

Marketing concept

Scott, a buyer for a medium-sized company, is assessing the value of competing software products for use in his firm. Which of the following would not be a customer benefit considered in his determination of this product's value?

Monetary price

As a firm fulfills its basic economic responsibilities, it must simultaneously


McDonald's supports and funds Ronald McDonald houses for the families of terminally-ill children to stay in to be near their loved ones. McDonald's action demonstrates the fulfillment of _______ responsibility.


The element of the marketing mix used to increase awareness of a product or company is


Assuming that inflation is low, high buying power characterizes the ____________ stage of the business cycle.


Which of the following actions is illegal?

Paying political officials not to enforce a particular law

What are some of the common price-related ethical issues?

Predatory pricing and price fixing

Although marketing theory supports the contrary, it is more probable that marketing budgets will be cut during periods of economic


Consumer confidence and willingness to spend begins to increase during periods of ________________________ , and marketers must remain very flexible to make the necessary adjustments.


From the 1920s to the 1050s, demand for manufactured goods decreased, leading to the ___________ orientation.


Any constituent who has a claim in some aspect of a company's products, operations, markets, industry, or outcomes is known as a(n)


Based on the work by the Boston Consulting Group, products with a dominant share of the market and good prospects for growth are


Which of the following is not a purpose of the marketing plan?

Serve as a contract with the customer

A commercial for the drink SunnyD explains how nutritious it is in comparison to other, more "sugary" drinks. While children under 12 are the most likely consumers of SunnyD, the commercial is aimed at mothers. These mothers represent SunnyD's


Which of the following best characterizes the forces of the marketing environment?

The forces change dramatically and quickly, and a change in one force is likely to affect the other forces.

If a marketing researcher is interested in observing group interaction during an informal, unstructured, and open-ended data collection process, he or she should use

a focus-group interview

According to the text, a market is defined as

a group of individuals and/or organizations that have needs for products in a product class and have the ability, willingness, and authority to purchase those products

In marketing research, a sample is best described as

a limited number of units chosen to represent the characteristics of a total population

After determining that consumers had concerns about fat and carbohydrates, Sardino's Pizza began offering a low-fat, low-carb pizza product. The creation of this new product was the result of

a market opportunity

Micromarketing is

a market segmentation approach in which firms focus precise marketing efforts on very small geographic markets.

When Disney World wants to have at least 90 percent of its customers indicating they had a memorable and satisfying experience at the park hotels, this is an example of

a marketing objective

The marketing concept is best defined as

a philosophy stating that an organization should try to satisfy customers' needs through a coordinated set of activities that allows the organization to achieve its goals.

High Gliding Air Academy is developing its marketing mix for the coming year. Its managers know that they must first select ______ which may be the most important decision they make in the planning process.

a target market

A strategic window is

a temporary period of optimum fit between the key requirements of a market and the particular capabilities of a firm competing in that market.

Often, the Delphi technique is used in conjunction with an expert forecasting survey. The major objective is to

allow experts to work separately to reach a consensus as to their forecasts

A marketing ethics issue likely exists when

an individual or organization must choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong

Decreasing sales, increasing expenses, or decreasing profits

are examples of symptoms that point to larger problems.

Marketing knowledge and skills

are valuable personal and professional assets.

There is some concern that marketing research has been used incorrectly by some firms. The major problem comes from __________ because the researcher wants to obtain favorable results.

bias and distortion

The manager at a local recreational vehicle store, Off-Road Rage, believes the next two years will be difficult because of an economic recession. Using this forecast, he determines the effect on the industry's market potential and then estimates how his company's potential sales will look based on this outlook. This manager is using a ______________ approach to estimating sales potential.


Variables such as geographic location, type of organization, customer size, and type of product usage are used to segment __________________ markets.


The ability to purchase a product is a function of

buying power

The practice of linking a firm's product marketing to a particular social cause on an ongoing or short-term basis is known as

cause-related marketing

Codes of conduct are also frequently known as

codes of ethics

The maximum percentage of market potential that an individual firm can expect to obtain for a specific product is the

company sale potential

Tiffany's markets its exclusive jewelry and gifts to high-income individuals interested in high-quality products and a well-known brand name. It uses the same marketing mix to reach this market. Tiffany's uses a(n) _________ strategy.

concentrated targeting

Gucci Group, a marketer of high-fashion products, achieved a company turnaround by ensuring that its brand had the same image and proper display around the world. It also lowered prices on some items, like handbags, to be more competitive. This illustrates a company working to develop a marketing mix that is both ___________ and ___________ .

consistent; flexible

The reputation and well-known brand name of Rolex watches represents a ___________ for Rolex.

core competency

A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and rituals shared by members of an organization is called

corporate culture

The Classic Hotel Group has begun to offer entire floors of rooms in its hotels that are smoke-free, adults-only, and pet-friendly. The Classic Hotel Group is responding to changes in

cultural values

When managers at Go Pro are developing their strategic plan, they use a market orientation as a guide to ensure that ________ is an integral part of the process.

customer satisfaction

Primary data are best described as the

data that are observed, recorded, or collected directly from subjects

The Kingtel Corporation is expanding operations into countries outside the United States. To improve local managers' responsiveness to local conditions, Kingtel's senior management has decided to delegate decision-making authority further down the chain of command. Kingtel is


Segmentation variables are usually grouped into four categories:

demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioristic

A survey question that requires a yes or no answer is called a

dichotomous question

Proctor & Gamble markets Cheer detergent to young singles and couples and Tide detergent to families. Procter & Gamble is using a(n) __________ targeting strategy for laundry detergents.


At times, large retailers such as Walmart may be accused of coercion in dealing with intermediaries because of the amount of power and control these large companies have over many of their suppliers. This is most potentially a _____________ related ethical issue.


The purpose of market segmentation is to

divide a total market to enable a marketer to develop a more precise marketing mix

In managing customer relationships, the three primary ways profits can be obtained are by

enhancing the profitability of existing customers, extending the duration of relationships with customers, and obtaining new customers.

A marketing plan document usually begins with a(n)

executive summary

A competitive advantage exists when a

firm matches a core competency to opportunities it has discovered in the marketplace

Systems such as PRIZM and Acorn provide companies with lifestyle and demographic information about neighborhoods throughout the United States. This information is used to aid

geodemographic segmentation

Compared to a mail survey, telephone surveys have

higher response rates, but higher costs

Costco believes that most of its sales are to small businesses rather than consumers -- and that women are more likely to be making the purchasing decisions. This is an example of a(n) ___________ that Costco could test through marketing research.


If Little Caesars wants to determine the impact of different coupon offers on pizza unit sales, it needs to conduct

hypothesis development

To formulate a marketing strategy, one must

identify and analyze a target market and develop a marketing mix to satisfy individuals in that market

Companies that incorporate ethics and social responsibility into their strategic plans are likely to experience

improved marketing performance

The real value of marketing research to the organization can best be measured by

improvements in the ability to make decisions

A person's buying power is a function of

income, wealth, and credit

Starbucks provides training and support to its employees, including health care benefits. Through these ___________ efforts Starbucks is better able to deliver quality products and service3 to its customers.

internal marketing

Time Warner Cable uses its sales reports broken down by geographic regions as part of its marketing research to determine which markets are most rapidly adopting high-speed Internet connections. In this example, Time Warner Cable is using

internal secondary data

A target market

is a specific group of customers on whom an organization focuses its marketing efforts.

Family life cycle is most typically based on

marital status and age of children

When the right combination of circumstances occurs at the right time to allow an organization to take action toward a target market, the firm is faced with a

market opportunity

General Electric calculates that the total number of light bulbs sold to consumers in the next year by all light bulb producers is 1 billion, given anticipated marketing efforts by the firms involved. This figure represents the industry's

market potential

The percentage of a market which actually buys a specific product from a specific company is referred to as that product's

market share

The Sara Lee Company is attempting to forecast sales for a new ice cream cake. To come up with an accurate forecast, Sara Lee places the product in Atlanta supermarkets for a period of four months. In this instance, Sara Lee is using which forecasting method?

market test

CyberCycle Inc., is preparing a written document specifying the activities to be performed to implement and control its marketing activities. This document is called the

marketing plan

A study that is valid and reliable

measures what it is supposed to measure and produces almost identical results in repeated trials

If a company segments its market on the basis of their reasons for purchasing a particular product, the primary segmentation variable in use is


For demographic purposes, a mail survey sent out by the American Cancer Society asks each respondent to identify their race by choosing among a list of possibilities. This common type of question is called a(n) ____________ question.

multiple choice

The Better Business Bureau is probably best known

nongovernmental regulatory group

Cameras, counting machines, and scanners are used most often in


Three primary methods of collecting information for environmental scanning are

observation, secondary sources, and marketing research.

The four major competitive structures are

oligopolies, monopolies, monopolistic competition, and pure competition

An item on the University Book Store's survey asks respondents to tell the store, in their own words, what they like least about textbook shopping. This item would be an example of a(n) __________ question.


An expected level of performance against which actual performance can be compared is a

performance standard.

All the elements, individuals, or units of interest to researchers for a specific study are called the


Procompetitive laws are those designed to

preserve competition

Which sampling design gives every member of the population an equal chance of appearing in the sample?


While Silk Soymilk engages in environmental scanning and analysis, the company is more likely to change its products and marketing strategies to adapt to environmental forces rather than trying to influence these forces. Silk Soymilk has a(n) _______ approach to marketing environmental forces.


Socially responsible business practices have provided all of the following benefits except

reducing marketing costs

Marketing ethics

refers to principles and standards that define acceptable conduct in marketing

Age, rate of product use, location, and gender are all examples of common

segmentation variables

The objective of sampling in marketing research is to

select representative units from a total population

The three basic forms that a product can take are

services, ideas, and goods.

Honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate and since they pollinate about a third of all foods we eat, it is an important concern. That's why Haagen-Dazs launched a microsite to increase the awareness of the issue. In addition, it launched a "Twitcause" campaign on Twitter, raising $7,000 in 2 days. This example illistrates the positive consequences of

social responsibility

The FTC can issue a cease-and-desist order, which is an injunction to

stop doing whatever caused the complaint.

Kraft purchased the Duracell Battery Company and now operates this division as a separate profit center within the firm. In this example, Duracell is a(n) _____________ unit of Kraft.

strategic business

StarKist Tuna has frequently extolled its dolphin-safe methods of catching tuna. This is an example of

sustainability marketing

Corporate executives often prefer marketing research findings to be put into a report

that is clear, short, and simply expressed.

Rob Donaldson runs a successful wholesale business that sells equipment to restaurants throughout the Midwest. He is considering purchasing his own fleet of trucks to deliver the equipment instead of relying on a shipper as he is currently doing. This most closely represents a decision about

the best way to distribute his products.

Consumerism is

the efforts of independent individuals, groups, and organizations to protect the rights of consumers.

Relying on executive judgment for forecasting may be adequate when

the executive has considerable experience and product demand is relatively stable

The primary value that a marketer expects to receive from a customer in an exchange relationship is

the price charged for the product.

Marketing research is best defined as

the systematic design, collection, interpretation, and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems or take advantage of market opportunities.

Dell segments its business markets into small business, corporate, government agencies, K-12 schools, and higher education institutions. The primary segmentation variable used in this example is

type of organization

To find a target market, a firm can use one of these targeting strategies.

undifferentiated strategy, the concentrated strategy, and the differentiated strategy

Walmart sells numerous products, including packaged food, produce, automotive maintenance services, eyeglasses, clothing, and toys. Walmart advertises itself as a store where "we save people money so they can live better," focusing on its low prices as the customer's most important need. Walmart's advertising appears to use a(n) _____________ strategy to a market that is ____________ .

undifferentiated; homogeneous

In response to organizational pressure to perform, Barry used a deceptive sales tactic to obtain a major sales contract. He was surprised that he wasn't punished for his behavior and even received a substantial bonus for securing the contract. Given the same opportunity in the future, Barry will most likely

use similar sales tactic again

The equation a buyer applies to assess a product's value is

value = customer benefits - customer costs.

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