Mktg 351 ch16 testbank

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1. What is integrated marketing communications? Explain its purpose. ANSWER: Integrated marketing communications refer to the coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts to ensure maximum informational and persuasive impact on customers. Coordinating multiple marketing tools to produce this synergistic effect requires a marketer to employ a broad perspective. A major goal of integrated marketing communications is to send a consistent message to customers.

1. 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션이란? 그것의 목적을 설명하라. 답변: 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션은 고객에게 최대한의 정보 및 설득력 있는 영향을 보장하기 위한 프로모션 및 기타 마케팅 노력의 조정을 말한다. 이러한 시너지 효과를 내기 위해 여러 마케팅 도구를 조정하려면 마케팅 담당자가 넓은 관점을 채택해야 한다. 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션의 주요 목표는 고객에게 일관된 메시지를 전달하는 것이다.

10. Discuss the major factors that affect the selection of promotion mix elements. ANSWER: Marketers vary the composition of promotion mixes for many reasons. Although a promotion mix can include all four elements, frequently, a marketer selects fewer than four. Many firms that market multiple product lines use several promotion mixes simultaneously. The size of an organization's promotional budget affects the number and relative intensity of promotional methods included in a promotion mix. If a company's promotional budget is extremely limited, the firm is likely to rely on personal selling because it is easier to measure a salesperson's contribution to sales than to measure the sales effectiveness of advertising. An organization's promotional objectives and policies also influence the types of promotion selected. If a company's objective is to create mass awareness of a new convenience good, such as a breakfast cereal, its promotion mix probably leans heavily toward advertising, sales promotion, and possibly public relations. Size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics of an organization's target market help dictate the methods to include in a product's promotion mix. If the size is limited, the promotion mix will probably emphasize personal selling, which can be very effective for reaching small numbers of people. Personal selling is more feasible if a company's customers are concentrated in a small area than if they are dispersed across a vast region. When the company's customers are numerous and dispersed, regional or national advertising may be more practical. Distribution of a target market's demographic characteristics, such as age, income, or education, may affect the types of promotional techniques a marketer selects, as well as the messages and images employed. Generally, promotion mixes for business products concentrate on personal selling, whereas advertising plays a major role in promoting consumer goods. Marketers of highly seasonal products often emphasize advertising—and sometimes sales promotion as well—because off-season sales generally will not support an extensive year-round sales force. A product's price also influences the composition of the promotion mix. High-priced products call for personal selling, because consumers associate greater risk with the purchase of such products and usually want information from a salesperson. For low-priced convenience items, marketers use advertising rather than personal selling. Another consideration in creating an effective promotion mix is the stage of the product life cycle. Intensity of market coverage is still another factor affecting the composition of the promotion mix. A product's use also affects the combination of promotional methods. Costs of promotional methods are major factors to analyze when developing a promotion mix. National advertising and sales promotion require large expenditures. Another consideration that marketers explore when formulating a promotion mix is availability of promotional techniques. Despite the tremendous number of media vehicles in the United States, a firm may find that no available advertising medium effectively reaches a certain target market. Another element that marketers consider when planning a promotion mix is whether to use a push policy or a pull policy. With a push policy, the producer promotes the product only to the next institution down the marketing channel. A firm that uses a pull policy promotes directly to consumers to develop strong consumer demand for its products. It does so primarily through advertising and sales promotion.

10. 프로모션 믹스 요소의 선택에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인을 논의한다. 답변: 마케팅 담당자들은 여러 가지 이유로 프로모션 혼합물의 구성을 다양화한다. 프로모션 믹스는 네 가지 요소를 모두 포함할 수 있지만, 종종 마케터는 네 개 미만의 요소를 선택한다. 여러 제품군을 판매하는 많은 회사들은 동시에 여러 프로모션 혼합물을 사용한다. 조직의 홍보 예산 규모는 프로모션 믹스에 포함된 홍보 방법의 수와 상대적 강도에 영향을 미친다. 기업의 홍보 예산이 극히 한정되어 있다면 광고의 판매 효과를 측정하는 것보다 영업사원의 매출 기여도를 측정하는 것이 더 쉽기 때문에 개인 판매에 의존할 가능성이 높다. 조직의 홍보 목표와 정책은 선택된 홍보 유형에도 영향을 미친다. 만약 회사의 목표가 아침식사 시리얼과 같은 새로운 편의용품에 대한 대중의 인식을 형성하는 것이라면, 그것의 프로모션 믹스는 아마도 광고, 판매 촉진, 그리고 어쩌면 홍보에 크게 기울어질 것이다. 조직의 목표 시장의 크기, 지리적 분포 및 인구학적 특성은 제품의 프로모션 믹스에 포함되는 방법을 지시하는 데 도움이 된다. 크기가 제한되면 프로모션 믹스는 아마도 개인 판매를 강조할 것이고, 이는 소수 인원에 도달하는 데 매우 효과적일 수 있다. 기업의 고객이 광대한 지역에 분산되어 있는 경우보다 작은 지역에 집중되어 있는 경우에 개인 판매가 더 실현 가능하다. 회사의 고객이 많고 분산되어 있을 때 지역 또는 국가 광고가 더 실용적일 수 있다. 연령, 소득 또는 교육과 같은 대상 시장의 인구통계학적 특성의 분포는 마케팅 담당자가 선택하는 홍보 기법의 유형과 고용된 메시지 및 이미지에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 일반적으로 비즈니스 제품의 프로모션 믹스는 개인 판매에 집중하는 반면 광고는 소비재를 홍보하는 데 큰 역할을 한다. 계절성이 높은 제품의 마케터들은 비수기 판매가 일반적으로 연중 판매 인력을 지원하지 않기 때문에 광고와 판매 촉진에 중점을 두는 경우가 많다. 제품의 가격은 프로모션 믹스의 구성에도 영향을 미친다. 고가의 제품들은 개인 판매를 요구한다. 왜냐하면 소비자들은 그러한 제품들의 구매와 더 큰 위험을 연관짓고 보통 영업사원의 정보를 원하기 때문이다. 저가 편의점의 경우, 마케팅 담당자들은 개인 판매보다는 광고를 이용한다. 효과적인 프로모션 믹스를 만들기 위한 또 다른 고려사항은 제품 수명 주기의 단계다. 시장 커버리지의 강도는 여전히 프로모션 믹스의 구성에 영향을 미치는 또 다른 요인이다. 제품의 사용은 홍보 방법의 조합에도 영향을 미친다. 판촉 방법의 비용은 판촉 믹스를 개발할 때 분석해야 할 주요 요인이다. 국가 광고 및 판매 촉진에는 많은 지출이 필요하다. 마케팅 담당자들이 프로모션 믹스를 형성할 때 탐구하는 또 다른 고려사항은 프로모션 기법의 가용성이다. 미국의 엄청난 수의 미디어 차량에도 불구하고, 어떤 회사도 이용 가능한 광고 매체가 특정 목표 시장에 효과적으로 도달하지 못한다는 것을 발견할 수 있다. 마케팅 담당자들이 프로모션 믹스를 계획할 때 고려하는 또 다른 요소는 푸시 정책을 사용할 것인가 아니면 당기기 정책을 사용할 것인가이다. 푸시 정책으로, 생산자는 마케팅 채널 아래 다음 기관에만 제품을 홍보한다. 당김 정책을 사용하는 회사는 자사 제품에 대한 강력한 소비자 수요를 개발하기 위해 소비자에게 직접 홍보한다. 그것은 주로 광고와 판매촉진을 통해 그렇게 한다.

11. Discuss the impact that social media has had on the strategy for promotion. ANSWER: Electronic word of mouth is particularly important to consumers staying abreast of trends. Hundreds of blogs play an essential role in propagating electronic word-of-mouth communications about everything from gossip to politics to consumer goods. They provide consumers with information on trends, reviews of products, and other information on what is new, exciting, and fashionable for consumers. These sites have become so influential in introducing consumers to new products and shaping their views about them that marketers are increasingly monitoring them to identify new trends; some firms have even attempted to influence users' votes on their favorite items. Marketers must increasingly court bloggers, who wield growing influence over consumer perception of companies, goods, and services. Social media has been used successfully for promotion through viral marketing. Viral marketing is a strategy to get consumers to share a marketer's message, often through e-mail or online video, in a way that spreads dramatically and quickly.

11. 소셜 미디어가 홍보 전략에 미친 영향에 대해 논의한다. 답변: 전자 입소문은 트렌드에 뒤지지 않는 소비자들에게 특히 중요하다. 수백 개의 블로그가 가십에서 정치, 소비재까지 모든 것에 대한 전자 입소문을 퍼뜨리는 데 필수적인 역할을 한다. 그들은 소비자들에게 트렌드에 대한 정보, 제품의 리뷰, 그리고 무엇이 소비자들에게 새롭고, 흥미롭고, 유행하는지에 대한 다른 정보를 제공한다. 이러한 사이트들은 소비자들에게 새로운 상품을 소개하고 그것에 대한 그들의 견해를 형성하는데 매우 영향력이 있어서 마케터들은 새로운 트렌드를 확인하기 위해 그들을 점점 더 감시하고 있다; 어떤 회사들은 심지어 그들이 좋아하는 품목에 대한 사용자들의 투표에 영향을 미치려고 시도하기도 했다. 마케터들은 점점 더 많은 법정 블로거들이 기업, 상품, 서비스에 대한 소비자 인식에 점점 더 많은 영향력을 행사해야 한다. 소셜미디어가 바이럴 마케팅을 통한 홍보에 성공적으로 활용되고 있다. 바이럴 마케팅은 소비자가 종종 이메일이나 온라인 비디오를 통해 마케팅 담당자의 메시지를 극적이고 빠르게 퍼지게 하는 전략이다.

12. Why is public relations an important form of communication about a company? Discuss negative public relations, and give an example. ANSWER: Public relations is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. Maintaining a positive relationship with one or more stakeholders can affect a firm's current sales and profits, as well as its long-term survival. Public relations uses a variety of tools, including annual reports, brochures, event sponsorship, and sponsorship of socially responsible programs aimed at protecting the environment or helping disadvantaged individuals. The goal of public relations is to create and enhance a positive image of the organization. Other tools arise from the use of publicity, which is a component of public relations. Publicity is nonpersonal communication in news-story form about an organization or its products, or both, transmitted through a mass medium at no charge. Unpleasant situations and negative events, such as product tampering or an environmental disaster, may generate unfavorable public relations for an organization. For instance, Abercrombie & Fitch faced a public relations nightmare after previous comments from its CEO surfaced indicating that the company did not make clothes for heavier, older, or uncool people. This caused a considerable backlash for consumers offended by the CEO's comments. To minimize the damaging effects of unfavorable coverage, effective marketers have policies and procedures in place to help manage any public relations problems. Public relations should not be viewed as a set of tools to be used only during crises. To get the most from public relations, an organization should have someone responsible for public relations either internally or externally and should have an ongoing public relations program.

12. 홍보라는 것이 왜 기업에 대한 중요한 의사소통의 형태인가? 부정적인 홍보에 대해 토론하고, 예를 들어보자. 답변: 공공 관계는 조직과 이해 관계자들 사이의 우호적인 관계를 형성하고 유지하기 위해 사용되는 광범위한 의사소통 노력이다. 하나 이상의 이해관계자와 긍정적인 관계를 유지하는 것은 기업의 현재 매출과 이익뿐만 아니라 장기적인 생존에도 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 홍보활동은 환경보호나 불우이웃을 돕기 위한 연차보고서, 브로슈어, 이벤트 후원, 사회적 책임 프로그램 후원 등 다양한 도구를 사용한다. 홍보의 목표는 조직에 대한 긍정적인 이미지를 창출하고 강화하는 것이다. 다른 도구들은 홍보의 구성요소인 홍보의 사용에서 생긴다. 홍보란 단체나 그 제품, 또는 둘 다 대중 매체를 통해 무료로 전송되는 뉴스 스토리 형태의 비개인적 의사소통이다. 제품 조작이나 환경 재해와 같은 불쾌한 상황과 부정적인 사건은 조직에 불리한 홍보를 유발할 수 있다. 예를 들어, Abercrombie & Fitch는 CEO의 이전 언급이 회사가 더 무겁거나, 더 나이가 많거나, 덜렁한 사람들을 위해 옷을 만들지 않았다는 것을 시사한 후 홍보 악몽에 직면했다. 이 때문에 CEO의 발언에 불쾌감을 느낀 소비자들에게 상당한 반발을 샀다. 불리한 보도의 피해를 최소화하기 위해 효과적인 마케팅 담당자들은 홍보 문제를 관리하는 데 도움이 되는 정책과 절차를 마련한다. 홍보를 위기 때에만 사용할 수 있는 도구 모음으로 봐서는 안 된다. 홍보에서 최대한 활용하기 위해, 조직은 내부 또는 외부적으로 홍보에 책임이 있는 사람을 보유해야 하며 지속적인 홍보 프로그램을 보유해야 한다.

13. Select three criticisms of promotion, and provide defenses to refute them. ANSWER: ​Even though promotional activities can help customers make informed purchasing decisions, social scientists, consumer groups, government agencies, and members of society in general have long criticized promotion. The student may pick any three of these six criticisms: One common criticism of promotion is that it is deceptive and unethical. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, much promotion was blatantly deceptive. Although no longer widespread, some deceptive promotion still occurs. Laws, government regulation, and industry self-regulation have helped decrease deceptive promotion. Promotion is also criticized for raising prices, but in fact it can lower them. The ultimate purpose of promotion is to stimulate demand. If it does, the business should be able to produce and market products in larger quantities and thus reduce per-unit production research and development, overhead, and marketing costs, which can result in lower prices. Some critics of promotion claim that it manipulates consumers by persuading them to buy products they do not need, hence creating "artificial" needs. In his theory of motivation, Abraham Maslow indicates that an individual tries to satisfy five levels of needs: physiological needs, such as hunger, thirst, and sex; safety needs; needs for love and affection; needs for self-esteem and respect from others; and self-actualization needs, or the need to realize one's potential. When needs are viewed in this context, it is difficult to demonstrate that promotion creates them. If there were no promotional activities, people would still have needs for food, water, sex, safety, love, affection, self-esteem, respect from others, and self-actualization. Another frequent criticism of promotion is that it leads to materialism. The purpose of promoting goods is to persuade people to buy them; thus, if promotion works, consumers will want to buy more and more things. Marketers assert that values are instilled in the home and that promotion does not change people into materialistic consumers. Every year, firms spend billions of dollars for promotion. The question is whether promotion helps customers enough to be worth the cost. Consumers do benefit because promotion informs them about product uses, features, advantages, prices, and locations where they can buy the products. Thus, consumers gain more knowledge about available products and can make more intelligent buying decisions. Promotion also informs consumers about services—for instance, health care, educational programs, and day care—as well as about important social, political, and health-related issues. Finally, some critics of promotion, including consumer groups and government officials, suggest that certain products should not be promoted at all. Primary targets are products associated with violence and other possibly unhealthy activities, such as handguns, alcohol, and tobacco. Those who defend such promotion assert that, as long as it is legal to sell a product, promoting that product should be allowed.

13. 승진에 대한 세 가지 비판을 선택하고, 이를 반박할 수 있는 방어를 제공하라. 답변: 비록 홍보 활동이 고객이 정보에 입각한 구매 결정을 내리는 데 도움을 줄 수 있지만, 사회 과학자, 소비자 단체, 정부 기관 및 사회 구성원들은 오랫동안 홍보를 비판해왔다. 학생은 다음 여섯 가지 비판 중 세 가지를 꼽을 수 있다. 승진에 대한 일반적인 비판 중 하나는 기만적이고 비윤리적이라는 것이다. 19세기와 20세기 초 동안 많은 승진은 노골적으로 기만적이었다. 비록 더 이상 널리 퍼지지는 않았지만, 어떤 기만적인 승진은 여전히 일어난다. 법률, 정부 규제, 산업 자율 규제는 기만적인 홍보를 줄이는 데 도움이 되었다. 프로모션도 가격을 올린다는 비판을 받지만, 사실 가격을 낮출 수 있다. 홍보의 궁극적인 목적은 수요를 자극하는 것이다. 만약 그렇다면, 기업은 제품을 대량으로 생산하고 마케팅할 수 있어야 하며, 따라서 단위 생산 연구 개발, 오버헤드, 마케팅 비용을 줄여야 하며, 이는 가격을 낮출 수 있다. 일부 홍보비평가들은 "필요하지 않은 제품을 사도록 설득해 소비자를 조종해 '인공적' 니즈를 만들어낸다"고 주장한다. 그의 동기 이론에서, 아브라함 매슬로는 개인이 배고픔, 갈증, 섹스와 같은 생리적 욕구, 안전 욕구, 사랑과 애정의 욕구, 다른 사람들로부터의 자존감과 존중의 필요, 그리고 자기실현적 욕구, 또는 자신의 잠재력을 실현할 필요 등 다섯 가지 욕구를 충족시키려고 노력한다고 말한다. 이러한 맥락에서 니즈를 볼 때, 승진이 니즈를 만든다는 것을 입증하는 것은 어렵다. 만약 홍보 활동이 없다면, 사람들은 여전히 음식, 물, 섹스, 안전, 사랑, 애정, 자존감, 타인으로부터의 존중, 그리고 자아실현에 대한 욕구를 가질 것이다. 승진에 대한 또 다른 빈번한 비판은 그것이 물질주의로 이어진다는 것이다. 상품을 홍보하는 목적은 물건을 사도록 사람들을 설득하는 것이다. 따라서, 만약 홍보가 효과가 있다면, 소비자들은 점점 더 많은 물건을 사고 싶어할 것이다. 마케터들은 가치관이 가정에 심어졌고 승진이 사람을 물질적 소비자로 변화시키지 않는다고 주장한다. 매년 기업들은 판촉을 위해 수십억 달러를 쓴다. 문제는 판촉이 고객들이 그 비용을 감당할 수 있을 정도로 충분히 도움이 되는가 하는 것이다. 소비자들은 프로모션이 그들에게 제품 사용, 특징, 장점, 가격, 그리고 그들이 제품을 살 수 있는 위치에 대해 알려주기 때문에 이익을 얻는다. 따라서 소비자들은 사용 가능한 제품에 대한 더 많은 지식을 얻고 더 현명한 구매 결정을 내릴 수 있다. 프로모션은 또한 소비자들에게 예를 들어 건강 관리, 교육 프로그램, 탁아 등과 같은 서비스와 사회, 정치 및 건강 관련 중요한 문제에 대해 알려준다. 마지막으로 소비자단체와 공무원 등 일부 홍보비평가들은 특정 상품을 아예 홍보하지 말아야 한다고 제안한다. 주요 대상은 폭력 및 권총, 술, 담배와 같은 다른 건강하지 않은 활동과 관련된 제품들이다. 그러한 홍보를 옹호하는 사람들은, 제품을 판매하는 것이 합법적인 한, 그 제품을 홍보하는 것이 허용되어야 한다고 주장한다.

14. ​Explain what product placement is and discuss its growing popularity within entertainment media. ANSWER: ​A growing technique for reaching consumers is the selective placement of products within the context of television programs viewed by the target market. Product placement is a form of advertising that strategically locates products or product promotions within entertainment media to reach the product's target markets. Apple is considered to be an expert at product placement. For instance, it partnered with Netflix to have several of its iPads and iPhones in the TV series House of Cards. Such product placement has become more important due to the increasing fragmentation of television viewers who have ever-expanding viewing options and technology that can screen advertisements (e.g., digital video recorders such as TiVo). Researchers have found that 60% to 80% percent of digital video recorder users skip over the commercials when they replay programming. In-program product placements have been successful in reaching consumers as they are being entertained. Reality programming in particular has been a natural fit for product placements, because of the close interchange between the participants and the product.​

14. 제품 배치가 무엇인지 설명하고 엔터테인먼트 매체 내에서 증가하는 인기를 논하라. 답변: 소비자에게 다가가는 기술의 증가는 대상 시장이 보는 텔레비전 프로그램의 맥락 안에서 제품을 선별적으로 배치하는 것이다. 제품 배치란 제품의 목표 시장에 도달하기 위해 엔터테인먼트 매체 내에 제품이나 제품 홍보를 전략적으로 위치시키는 광고의 한 형태다. 애플은 제품 배치 전문가로 꼽힌다. 예를 들어, 이 회사는 넷플릭스와 제휴하여 TV 시리즈인 하우스 오브 카드에 자사의 아이패드와 아이폰을 다수 보유하고 있다. 이러한 제품 배치의 중요성은 시청 옵션과 광고를 선별할 수 있는 기술(예: TiVo와 같은 디지털 비디오 레코더)을 지속적으로 확장해 온 텔레비전 시청자의 단편화 때문에 더욱 중요해졌다. 연구자들은 디지털 비디오 레코더 사용자의 60%에서 80%가 프로그램을 재생할 때 광고를 건너뛰는 것을 발견했다. 프로그램 내 제품 배치들은 소비자들에게 즐거움을 주는 데 성공해왔다. 특히 리얼리티 프로그래밍은 참가자와 제품 간의 상호작용이 밀접하기 때문에 제품 배치에 자연스럽게 적합했다.

2. ​Why is face-to-face communication more flexible in comparison with digital, web-based, or telephone communications when marketing a new or existing product? ANSWER: During face-to-face communication, such as personal selling sales promotions, verbal and nonverbal feedback can be immediate. Instant feedback lets communicators adjust messages quickly to improve the effectiveness of their communications. For example, when a salesperson realizes through feedback that a customer does not understand a sales presentation, the salesperson adapts the presentation to make it more meaningful to the customer. This is why face-to-face communication is the most adaptive and flexible, especially compared to digital, web-based, or telephone communications. In interpersonal communication, feedback occurs through talking, touching, smiling, nodding, eye movements, and other body movements and postures.

2. 신제품이나 기존 제품을 마케팅할 때 대면 통신이 디지털, 웹 기반 또는 전화 통신에 비해 더 유연한 이유는 무엇인가? 답변: 개인 판매 판매 프로모션과 같은 대면 커뮤니케이션 중에는 구두 및 비언어 피드백이 즉시 제공될 수 있다. 즉석 피드백은 의사소통자들이 그들의 의사소통의 효율성을 향상시키기 위해 메시지를 빠르게 조정할 수 있도록 한다. 예를 들어, 판매원이 피드백을 통해 고객이 판매 프리젠테이션을 이해하지 못한다는 것을 깨달았을 때, 판매원은 고객에게 더 의미 있게 설명하기 위해 프레젠테이션을 조정한다. 이것이 바로 대면 통신이 특히 디지털, 웹 기반 또는 전화 통신에 비해 가장 적응적이고 유연한 이유다. 대인관계 의사소통에서 피드백은 대화, 감동, 미소, 끄덕임, 눈 움직임, 그리고 다른 신체 움직임과 자세를 통해 일어난다.

3. ​Explain the communication process. ANSWER: Communication begins with a source. A source is a person, group, or organization with a meaning it attempts to share with an audience. A source could be an electronics salesperson wishing to communicate the attributes of 3D television to a buyer in the store or a TV manufacturer using television ads to inform thousands of consumers about its products. A receiver is the individual, group, or organization that decodes a coded message, and an audience is two or more receivers. To transmit meaning, a source must convert the meaning into a series of signs or symbols representing ideas or concepts. This is called the coding process, or encoding. When coding meaning into a message, the source must consider certain characteristics of the receiver or audience. To share a coded meaning with the receiver or audience, a source selects and uses a communications channel, the medium of transmission that carries the coded message from the source to the receiver or audience. Transmission media include printed words (newspapers and magazines), broadcast media (television and radio), and digital communication. In the decoding process, signs or symbols are converted into concepts and ideas. Seldom does a receiver decode exactly the same meaning the source intended. When the result of decoding differs from what was coded, noise exists. The receiver's response to a decoded message is feedback to the source. The source usually expects and normally receives feedback, although perhaps not immediately. During feedback, the receiver or audience provides the original source with a response to the message. Feedback is coded, sent through a communications channel, and decoded by the receiver, the source of the original communication. Thus, communication is a circular process.

3. 의사소통 과정을 설명하라. 답변: 통신은 출처에서 시작된다. 소스는 청중과 공유하려는 의미를 가진 사람, 그룹 또는 조직이다. 공급원은 매장 내 구매자나 TV 제조업체에게 3D 텔레비전의 속성을 전달하여 수천 명의 소비자들에게 제품에 대해 알리기를 원하는 전자 판매원일 수 있다. 수신자는 암호화된 메시지를 해독하는 개인, 그룹 또는 조직이며, 청중은 두 개 이상의 수신자다. 의미를 전달하기 위해서, 출처는 의미를 사상이나 개념을 나타내는 일련의 기호나 기호로 변환해야 한다. 이를 코딩 프로세스 또는 인코딩이라고 한다. 의미를 메시지로 코딩할 때, 소스는 수신자 또는 청중의 특정 특성을 고려해야 한다. 수신자 또는 청중과 코드화된 의미를 공유하기 위해, 소스는 코드화된 메시지를 발신자로부터 수신자 또는 청중으로 전달하는 전송 매체인 통신 채널을 선택하여 사용한다. 전송 매체로는 인쇄된 단어(신문과 잡지), 방송 매체(텔레비전 및 라디오), 디지털 통신 등이 있다. 해독 과정에서 기호나 기호는 개념과 아이디어로 전환된다. 수신기가 소스가 의도한 것과 정확히 같은 의미를 해독하는 경우는 드물다. 디코딩의 결과가 코딩된 결과와 다를 때, 노이즈가 존재한다. 해독된 메시지에 대한 수신자의 반응은 소스에 대한 피드백이다. 소스는 일반적으로 예상하며 일반적으로 피드백을 받지만 당장은 아닐 수 있다. 피드백 중에 수신자나 청중은 메시지에 대한 응답을 원본 출처에 제공한다. 피드백은 코딩되어 통신 채널을 통해 전송되며 원래의 통신 소스인 수신기에 의해 디코딩된다. 그러므로 의사소통은 순환 과정이다.

4. Identify the major objectives of promotion. ANSWER: ​The eight major promotional objectives are: (a) create awareness; (b) stimulate demand; (c) encourage product trial; (d) identify products; (e) retain loyal customers; (f) facilitate reseller support; (g) combat competitive promotional efforts; and (h) reduce sales fluctuations.

4. 승진의 주요 목표를 파악한다. 답변: (a) 인지도 창출, (b) 수요 촉진, (c) 제품 평가 권장, (d) 제품 식별, (e) 충성 고객 유지, (f) 리셀러 지원 촉진, (g) 경쟁적 홍보 노력과 싸우고, (h) 판매 변동 감소.

5. What are the differences in trying to stimulate primary demand versus selective demand? ANSWER: When an organization is the first to introduce an innovative product, it tries to stimulate primary demand—demand for a product category rather than for a specific brand of product—through pioneer promotion. Pioneer promotion informs potential customers about the product: what it is, what it does, how it can be used, and where it can be purchased. Because pioneer promotion is used in the introductory stage of the product life cycle, meaning there are no competing brands, it neither emphasizes brand names nor compares brands.To build selective demand, demand for a specific brand, a marketer employs promotional efforts that point out the strengths and benefits of a specific brand. Building selective demand also requires singling out attributes important to potential buyers. Selective demand can be stimulated by differentiating the product from competing brands in the minds of potential buyers. Selective demand can also be stimulated by increasing the number of product uses and promoting them through advertising campaigns, as well as through price discounts, free samples, coupons, consumer contests and games, and sweepstakes. In addition, selective demand can be stimulated by encouraging existing customers to use more of the product.

5. 1차 수요와 선택적 수요를 자극하려는 시도의 차이는 무엇인가? 답변: 조직이 혁신 제품을 처음 도입할 때, 선도적인 홍보를 통해 특정 브랜드의 제품보다는 제품 범주에 대한 수요인 1차 수요를 자극하려고 한다. Pioneer 프로모션은 잠재 고객에게 제품이 무엇인지, 무엇을 하는지, 어떻게 사용할 수 있는지, 어디에서 구입할 수 있는지 등을 알려준다. 선구자 프로모션은 제품 라이프사이클의 도입 단계에서 사용되기 때문에 경쟁 브랜드가 없다는 뜻에서 브랜드 이름을 강조하거나 브랜드를 비교하지 않는다. 특정 브랜드에 대한 수요인 선택적 수요를 구축하기 위해 마케팅 담당자는 특정 브랜드의 강점과 이점을 지적하는 홍보 노력을 기울인다. 선택적 수요를 구축하기 위해서는 잠재적인 구매자들에게 중요한 특성들을 구체화해야 한다. 선택적 수요는 잠재 구매자들의 마음에 있는 경쟁 브랜드와 제품을 차별화함으로써 자극될 수 있다. 선택적 수요는 또한 가격 할인, 무료 샘플, 쿠폰, 소비자 경연대회 및 게임, 스윕스테이크뿐만 아니라 광고 캠페인을 통해 제품 사용 횟수를 늘리고 홍보함으로써 자극될 수 있다. 또한 선택적 수요는 기존 고객들에게 제품을 더 많이 사용하도록 장려함으로써 자극될 수 있다.

6. In what ways can promotion be used to reduce sales fluctuations? ANSWER: Demand for many products varies from one month to another because of such factors as climate, holidays, and seasons. A business, however, cannot operate at peak efficiency when sales fluctuate rapidly. Changes in sales volume translate into changes in production, inventory levels, personnel needs, and financial resources. When promotional techniques reduce fluctuations by generating sales during slow periods, a firm can use its resources more efficiently. Promotional techniques are often designed to stimulate sales during sales slumps. During peak periods, a marketer may refrain from advertising to prevent stimulating sales to the point at which the firm cannot handle all of the demand. On occasion, a company advertises that customers can be better served by coming in on certain days.

6. 판매 변동을 줄이기 위해 프로모션을 어떤 방법으로 사용할 수 있는가? 답변: 많은 제품에 대한 수요는 기후, 휴일, 계절과 같은 요소 때문에 한 달마다 다르다. 그러나 기업은 매출이 급변할 때 최고 효율성으로 운영할 수 없다. 판매량 변화는 생산량, 재고 수준, 인력 수요, 재원의 변화로 이어진다. 프로모션 기법이 저조한 기간 동안 매출을 발생시킴으로써 변동을 줄일 때, 기업은 자원을 더 효율적으로 사용할 수 있다. 판촉 기법은 종종 판매 부진 동안 판매를 촉진하기 위해 고안된다. 성수기 동안, 마케팅 담당자는 회사가 모든 수요를 처리할 수 없을 정도로 판매 촉진을 방지하기 위해 광고를 자제할 수 있다. 때때로, 한 회사는 특정한 날에 방문함으로써 고객들을 더 잘 대접할 수 있다고 광고한다.

7. Identify and describe the four major promotion mix elements. ANSWER: The four possible elements of a promotion mix are advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion. Advertising is a paid nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media, including television, radio, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, video games, direct mail, outdoor displays, and signs on mass transit vehicles. Personal selling is a paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation. The term purchase products is interpreted broadly to encompass acceptance of ideas and issues. Personal selling is most extensively used in the business-to-business market. "Public relations" is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. Maintaining a positive relationship with one or more stakeholders can affect a firm's current sales and profits, as well as its long-term survival. Sales promotion is an activity or material that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespeople, or consumers.

7. 4대 프로모션 믹스 요소를 식별하여 기술한다. 답변: 프로모션 믹스의 네 가지 가능한 요소는 광고, 개인 판매, 홍보 및 세일즈 프로모션이다. 광고는 텔레비전, 라디오, 인터넷, 신문, 잡지, 비디오 게임, 다이렉트 메일, 야외 디스플레이, 대중 교통 차량의 표지판 등 대중 매체를 통해 대상 청중에게 전송되는 조직과 그 제품에 대한 유료 비개인적 커뮤니케이션이다. 개인 판매는 교환 상황에서 고객에게 알리고 제품을 구매하도록 설득하려는 유료 개인 커뮤니케이션이다. 구매 상품이라는 용어는 아이디어와 이슈의 수용을 포괄하는 것으로 폭넓게 해석된다. 개인 판매는 기업 대 기업 시장에서 가장 광범위하게 사용된다. "홍보 관계"는 조직과 이해관계자 사이의 우호적인 관계를 형성하고 유지하기 위해 사용되는 광범위한 의사소통 노력이다. 하나 이상의 이해관계자와 긍정적인 관계를 유지하는 것은 기업의 현재 매출과 이익뿐만 아니라 장기적인 생존에도 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 판매촉진은 리셀러, 판매원 또는 소비자에게 제품의 부가가치나 인센티브를 제공하는 직접적인 유인책 역할을 하는 활동이나 자료다.

8. How does sales promotion differ from promotion in general? ANSWER: ​Sales promotion is an activity or material that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespeople, or consumers. Examples include free samples, games, rebates, sweepstakes, contests, premiums, and coupons. Sales promotion should not be confused with promotion; sales promotion is just one part of the comprehensive area of promotion. Marketers spend more on sales promotion than on advertising, and sales promotion appears to be a faster-growing area than advertising.

8. 판매 프로모션과 일반적으로 프로모션은 어떻게 다른가? 답변: 판매 프로모션은 리셀러, 판매원 또는 소비자에게 제품의 부가가치 또는 인센티브를 제공하는 직접적인 유인책 역할을 하는 활동 또는 자료다. 그 예로는 무료 샘플, 게임, 리베이트, 경품 행사, 프리미엄, 쿠폰 등이 있다. 판매촉진은 프로모션과 혼동해서는 안 된다. 판매촉진은 프로모션의 종합적인 영역의 한 부분에 불과하다. 마케터들은 광고보다 판매촉진에 더 많은 돈을 쓰고, 판매촉진은 광고보다 더 빠르게 성장하는 분야로 보인다.

9. Compared to advertising, what are the major advantages and limitations of personal selling? ANSWER: ​Personal selling has both advantages and limitations when compared with advertising. Advertising is general communication aimed at a relatively large target audience, whereas personal selling involves more specific communication directed at one or several individuals. Reaching one person through personal selling costs considerably more than through advertising, but personal selling efforts often have greater impact on customers. Personal selling also provides immediate feedback, allowing marketers to adjust their messages to improve communication. Such interaction helps them determine and respond to customers' information needs.

9. 광고와 비교했을 때 개인 판매의 주요 장점과 한계는 무엇인가? 답변: 개인 판매는 광고와 비교할 때 장점과 한계를 모두 가진다. 광고는 상대적으로 많은 목표 대상 고객을 대상으로 하는 일반적인 커뮤니케이션인 반면, 개인 판매는 한 명 또는 여러 명의 개인들을 대상으로 하는 보다 구체적인 커뮤니케이션을 포함한다. 개인 판매 비용을 통해 한 사람에게 도달하는 것은 광고보다 상당히 더 많지만, 개인 판매 노력은 종종 고객에게 더 큰 영향을 미친다. 개인 판매는 또한 즉각적인 피드백을 제공하므로 마케팅 담당자들이 커뮤니케이션을 개선하기 위해 메시지를 조정할 수 있다. 이러한 상호 작용은 고객의 정보 요구를 결정하고 대응하는 데 도움이 된다.

120. Scenario 16.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ The manufacturers of Whizz, a new laundry detergent, are developing their promotional plan for the first year. They know they want to use an integrated communications strategy and are considering the use of advertising through TV and magazines, coupons, public relations, sales promotion, and viral marketing. They are not sure when to use each of these methods, however, and have asked for your advice. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.2. Since Whizz is a new product, which of the following promotional methods would you least recommend? a. Magazine ads b. Viral marketing c. Television commercials d. A price-reduction sales promotion e. Public relations ANSWER: d

A price-reduction sales promotion 새 세탁세제인 휘즈 제조사가 첫해 홍보 계획을 수립하고 있다. 이들은 통합 커뮤니케이션 전략을 사용하고 싶다는 것을 알고 있으며 TV와 잡지를 통한 광고, 쿠폰, 홍보, 판매촉진, 바이럴 마케팅 등을 고려하고 있다. 그러나 그들은 이 각각의 방법을 언제 사용해야 할지 확신하지 못하며 당신의 조언을 구했다.

74. Slow feedback, high absolute-dollar outlay, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are disadvantages of which promotion mix ingredient? a. Advertising b. Public relations c. Sales management d. Sales promotion e. Personal selling ANSWER: a


75. _______ offers the potential benefits of cost efficiency, repetition, and adding product value, while _____ is one of its disadvantages. a. Public relations; uncontrollability b. Advertising; slow feedback c. Personal selling; cost d. Sales promotion; slow feedback e. Advertising; media cost ANSWER: b

Advertising; slow feedback

66. Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts? a. Joy advertises that its dish soap has more suds than Dawn, Sunlight, and other leading dish soaps. b. Joe Boxer and Kmart collaborate to promote Joe Boxer's lines of clothing and housewares. c. The Pork Council advertises pork as the "other white meat" and a healthier alternative to beef. d. After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, DaimlerChrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks. e. Hyundai offers 10-year/100,000 mile warranties on its vehicles in order to give customers confidence in its brand name and automotive offerings. ANSWER: d

After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, DaimlerChrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks.

46. ____ links the purchase of an organization's products to support of philanthropic organizations favored by the target market. a. Promotion b. Cause-related marketing c. Charity-related promotion d. Selective demand promotion e. Charitable nonprofit marketing ANSWER: b

Cause-related marketing

27. OES Office Systems' use of fax machines to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is which component of the communication process? a. Communication channel b. Decoding process c. Encoding process d. Sharing of meaning e. Noise minimization ANSWER: a

Communication channel

102. The use of heavy advertising in the promotion mix is least likely to occur in which product life cycle stage? a. Introduction b. Decline c. Maturity d. Growth e. Plateau ANSWER: b


127. When encoding a message, the source should use signs or symbols that are new to the audience.


129. The receiver's response to the decoded message is called noise.


135. When a firm uses mass communication, feedback is rapid.


136. Feedback does not exist for mass communication.


138. Channel capacity is determined by the most efficient component of the communication process.


142. Promotion that focuses on creating awareness is only important when introducing a new product to the market.


143. A marketer uses pioneer promotion in the introductory stage of the product life cycle, when there are many competitive brands.


147. Promotion to encourage trial uses attempts to retain loyal customers.


150. A reseller advertising a manufacturer's products is viewed as strong manufacturer support.


152. Advertising is an inflexible promotional method.


154. The absolute dollar outlay for advertising is usually low.


157. Proxemic communication is communication through touching.


158. Tactile communication is communication through the movement of head, eyes, arms, hands, legs, or torso.


161. Public relations is nonpersonal communication in news story form about an organization, or its products, or both, transmitted through a mass medium at no charge.


162. Public relations is a set of tools to be used primarily during crises.


163. A news story about a product is an example of sales promotion.


165. Sales promotion activity occurs more during peak selling periods than in off-peak selling periods.


166. An organization's promotion mix is viewed as an unchanging part of the marketing mix.


167. If an organization is large and has a large promotional budget, it should utilize all four promotional methods.


171. The promotional method most commonly used for highly personal items is personal selling.


174. Advertising is one element of the promotion mix that is too expensive for small business firms.


176. When a push policy is used in promoting a particular product, the producer promotes the product directly to consumers.


177. Word-of-mouth communication is not especially important when people are choosing restaurants and automotive, medical, and personal services such as hair care.


180. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, promotion was about as accurate as it is today.


182. Deceptive promotional practices today are common because of a lack of regulation.


183. If promotion is successful at stimulating demand, it will tend to increase prices.


184. One truth about promotion is that it raises prices.


186. Promotion of products tends to keep their prices high.


217. Mass media is used more frequently today than in the past. ​


231. Business products usually require a heavy emphasis on advertising in the growth and maturity phases.​


234. More stringent laws have made it so that deceptive advertising can no longer occur.​


67. Which of the following industries is most likely to employ combative promotional efforts? a. Fast food b. Computer laptops c. Tax-preparation services d. Universities e. Automotive ANSWER: a

Fast food

99. If a firm's promotional budget were extremely limited, for which of the following reasons would it be more likely to rely on personal selling as its main promotional tool? a. People are more likely to believe a human being than a print ad. b. TV and radio ads are not feasible for smaller companies. c. It can achieve more sales through business customers than through individual consumers. d. It is easier to measure a salesperson's effects on sales than advertising's effects on sales. e. The firm is charging a higher price to cover the expensive salaries of its salespeople. ANSWER: d

It is easier to measure a salesperson's effects on sales than advertising's effects on sales.

32. Which is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process? a. Sarah drives through a tunnel, and her radio signals become very weak. b. Maria has been studying English for two years and does not understand the symbolism being used in a commercial. c. Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness. d. Because of poor printing, Claire cannot read an advertisement in her local newspaper. e. A mother fails to hear a new commercial for diapers because her new baby is crying. ANSWER: c

Kevin simply tunes out pop-up ads on the Internet so that they don't even enter his awareness.

78. Kinesic communication is an element in which type of promotional method? a. Advertising b. Public relations c. Personal selling d. Packaging e. Sales promotion ANSWER: c

Personal selling

54. Which of the following types of promotion informs potential customers about a product and what it is? a. Reminder b. Competitive c. Comparative d. Pioneer e. Repetitive ANSWER: d


53. When Blu-ray disc players were first introduced to the market, what would the logical choice for promotion have been? a. Selective demand b. Pioneer promotion c. Comparative promotion d. Primary demand promotion e. Retention promotion ANSWER: b

Pioneer promotion

84. ____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders. a. Stakeholder management b. Personal selling c. Integrated marketing communications d. Sales promotion e. Public relations ANSWER: e

Public relations

119. Scenario 16.1 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When introducing a new vehicle targeted to the under-30 population, Toyota used several different methods of communication. First, it did research in several large cities to find out who the opinion leaders were in that age group. By visiting the local nightlife, one or two people in each city were selected and given a new vehicle to drive for two weeks. They were told to share information about this new vehicle with their friends. After a few weeks, a television campaign was launched with commercials introducing the new vehicle. Toyota also placed ads in magazines that were targeted to the under-30 age group, and used drive-by billboards in the large cities near the nightclub areas. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.1. Which of the following is not an integrated communications tactic used by Toyota? a. Word-of-mouth communication b. Advertising c. Publicity d. Personal selling e. Sales promotion ANSWER: c

Publicity 30세 이하 인구를 대상으로 한 신차를 소개할 때 도요타는 여러 가지 다른 통신 방식을 사용했다. 먼저, 그것은 그 연령대의 의견 지도자들이 누구인지 알아내기 위해 몇몇 대도시에서 연구를 했다. 지역 야간 생활 현장을 방문하여 각 도시별로 1, 2명을 선발하여 2주 동안 주행할 수 있는 새 차량을 증정하였다. 그들은 이 새 차에 대한 정보를 그들의 친구들과 공유하라는 말을 들었다. 몇 주 후, 새로운 자동차를 소개하는 광고와 함께 텔레비전 캠페인이 시작되었다. 도요타는 또 30세 이하 연령층을 겨냥한 잡지에 광고를 내고 나이트클럽 인근 대도시에 자동차 전용 광고판을 사용했다.

69. Newspaper ads for Blue Haven Pools offer discounted prices during October and discounted cleaning supplies for hot tubs in March. These are examples of which of the following uses of promotion? a. Retaining loyal customers b. Promoting new product uses c. Making salespeople more effective d. Stimulating primary demand e. Reducing sales fluctuations ANSWER: e

Reducing sales fluctuations

90. Albott Laboratories offers ceramic coffee mugs to its physician customers when it promotes a new drug. This example illustrates Albott's use of which one of the following elements of the promotion mix? a. Packaging b. Personal selling c. Sales promotion d. Public relations e. Telemarketing ANSWER: c

Sales promotion

96. Latisha works for a promotional consultant who develops sweepstakes, games, coupons, and rebate plans for various marketers. Latisha is developing which of the following? a. Advertising techniques b. Sales promotion techniques c. Publicity examples d. Personal selling techniques e. Direct marketing techniques ANSWER: b

Sales promotion techniques

45. Companies tend to view promotion from many vantage points. Which of the following alternatives is most accurate? a. Promotion costs cause product costs to be higher. b. Promotion activities make up the bulk of marketing. c. The role of promotion is to stimulate product demand. d. Promotion should be directed toward numerous audiences. e. Most promotional efforts are performed through advertising. ANSWER: c

The role of promotion is to stimulate product demand.

98. Which of the following target market characteristics are most important to consider before determining the promotion mix ingredients? a. The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics b. The cultural diversity and population size c. The age, sex, religion, and race characteristics d. Existing product adoption categories e. Existing levels of price consciousness ANSWER: a

The size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics

124. Today, technology is allowing marketers to be more precise in targeting individual customers.


125. If integrated marketing communications works as intended, customers should receive clear and consistent messages.


126. Communication is a sharing of meaning.


128. Signs and symbols that can have more than one meaning should be avoided.


130. Interference on one's television set during a commercial is an example of noise.


131. When feedback occurs, the source becomes the receiver.


132. Rapid feedback enables communicators to quickly improve the effectiveness of their communication.


133. When an individual goes out and buys a product after having seen or read an advertisement for it, feedback is occurring.


134. A communications channel is the vehicle used to transmit the coded message from the source to the receiver.


137. The capacity of a communication channel is determined by the least efficient component of the communication process.


139. A television advertisement that transmits several types of audio messages and visual materials may be ineffective.


140. The role of promotion is to communicate.


141. Effective promotional programs require management efforts such as planning, organization, implementation, and control.


144. Demand for a product category rather than for a specific brand is called primary demand.


145. Pioneer promotion neither emphasizes brand names nor compares brands.


146. Selective demand is demand for a certain brand.


148. Promotion can assist salespeople in finding likely sales prospects.


149. A business usually cannot operate at peak efficiency when sales fluctuate significantly.


151. Advertising is a paid form of nonpersonal communication.


153. Several forms of promotion can be used to complement personal selling efforts.


155. Measuring the effect of advertising on sales is difficult.


156. Personal selling makes possible immediate feedback from consumers.


159. The phrase, purchase products, includes the acceptance of ideas and issues.


160. Public relations is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between the organizations and its stakeholders.


164. Coupons are a form of sales promotion.


168. If a company has very limited promotional resources, it is most likely to use mainly personal selling.


169. The geographic distribution of a firm's customers can affect the combination of promotional methods used.


170. The price of a product influences the promotion mix to be used by the producer.


172. A breakfast cereal maker most likely will not use personal selling to promote its product.


173. Marketers usually decrease expenditures in advertising for products in the decline stage.


175. When a push policy is used in promotion of a particular product, the producer promotes the product only to the next channel member.


178. Successful marketers that understand the significance of word-of-mouth communication seek out opinion leaders and try to encourage them to try their products in the hope they will spread favorable communication about them.


179. Product placement is a form of advertising that strategically locates products or product promotions within entertainment media to reach the product's target market(s).


181. A small percentage of promotion efforts are fraudulent.


185. Certain types of promotion facilitate price competition.


187. While promotion does not create needs, it does capitalize on them.


188. One positive aspect of promotion is that it informs consumers about product uses, features, benefits, prices, and locations where the products can be bought.


189. Because we are exposed to so much promotion in our daily lives, and the purpose of promoting goods is to persuade people to buy them, a common criticism is that promotion encourages materialism.


214. ​Buzz marketing is an attempt to incite publicity and public excitement surrounding a product through a creative event.


215. ​Pepsi sponsored the X Factor. In the X Factor, the judges were seen drinking from large sizes of Pepsi drinks, complete with the Pepsi logo. This is an example of product placement.


221. A slow Internet connection is noise that is present in the communication channel itself. ​


228. ​Personal selling tends to cost more than advertising.


107. Which of the following are personal informal exchanges of communication that customers share with one another about products, brands, and companies? a. Guerrilla communication b. Word-of-mouth communication c. Buzz marketing d. Viral marketing e. Conversational promotion ANSWER: b

Word-of-mouth communication

101. The Dyson Company, manufacturer of high-priced vacuum cleaners, has developed a promotional program with both push and pull policies. Dyson only sells its products through retailers who carry high-end household electronics items. For the push policy, Dyson will most likely use ____________; for the pull policy, Dyson will use ___________. a. personal selling done by the retailer; rebates to the customer b. a bonus to the retailer for every Dyson vacuum sold; personal selling done by the retailer's employees c. advertising and personal selling; rebates to the customer d. sales promotion; personal selling done by the retailer's employees e. direct marketing; discounts to the retailer ANSWER: b

a bonus to the retailer for every Dyson vacuum sold; personal selling done by the retailer's employees

73. Kyle is preparing the promotional plan for Jansport backpacks in early May. This promotion will be executed in the month of August and will be a paid form of nonpersonal communication. It will be communicated to a target audience through a mass medium. Kyle is using the ___ form of promotion. a. advertising b. public relations c. sales promotion d. personal selling e. social media ANSWER: a


76. One of the biggest problems associated with ____ as an element of promotion is the high absolute dollar outlay often required. a. personal selling b. advertising c. public relations d. sales promotion e. packaging ANSWER: b


106. The use of a pull policy may require heavy expenditures for a. advertising and sales promotion. b. public relations and distribution. c. personal selling and public relations. d. distribution and advertising. e. sales promotion and personal selling. ANSWER: a

advertising and sales promotion.

48. Threatt Production makes low-priced, convenience products that are widely available. It is most likely to focus its promotion efforts on a. public relations. b. personal selling. c. viral marketing. d. advertising. e. sales promotion. ANSWER: d


87. All of the following are examples of publicity-based public relations tools except a. press conferences. b. feature articles. c. news releases. d. annual reports. e. news stories. ANSWER: d

annual reports.

115. Some critics, including consumer groups and government officials, suggest that certain products should not be promoted because they a. cost too much. b. are illegal. c. are potentially harmful. d. do not last. e. are not competitive. ANSWER: c

are potentially harmful.

116. Scenario 16.1 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When introducing a new vehicle targeted to the under-30 population, Toyota used several different methods of communication. First, it did research in several large cities to find out who the opinion leaders were in that age group. By visiting the local nightlife, one or two people in each city were selected and given a new vehicle to drive for two weeks. They were told to share information about this new vehicle with their friends. After a few weeks, then a television campaign was launched with commercials introducing the new vehicle. Toyota also placed ads in magazines that were targeted to the under-30 age group, and used drive-by billboards in the large cities near the nightclub areas. Refer to Scenario 16.1. Toyota's act of giving the opinion leaders a new vehicle for two weeks is best described as an example of a. advertising. b. personal selling. c. sales promotion. d. buzz marketing. e. push marketing. ANSWER: d

buzz marketing. 30세 이하 인구를 대상으로 한 신차를 소개할 때 도요타는 여러 가지 다른 통신 방식을 사용했다. 먼저, 그것은 그 연령대의 의견 지도자들이 누구인지 알아내기 위해 몇몇 대도시에서 연구를 했다. 지역 야간 생활 현장을 방문하여 각 도시별로 1, 2명을 선발하여 2주 동안 주행할 수 있는 새 차량을 증정하였다. 그들은 이 새 차에 대한 정보를 그들의 친구들과 공유하라는 말을 들었다. 몇 주 후, 새로운 자동차를 소개하는 광고와 함께 텔레비전 캠페인이 시작되었다. 도요타는 또 30세 이하 연령층을 겨냥한 잡지에 광고를 내고 나이트클럽 인근 대도시에 자동차 전용 광고판을 사용했다.

113. Promotion tends to a. create needs. b. capitalize on existing needs. c. be overly focused on the self-actualization needs. d. overemphasize physiological and safety needs. e. avoid focusing on people's needs. ANSWER: b

capitalize on existing needs.

47. When Yoplait Yogurt gives a portion of its profits to breast cancer research, it is using a. promotion. b. integrated marketing communications. c. charity marketing. d. charitable promotion. e. cause-related marketing. ANSWER: e

cause-related marketing.

40. Although a radio announcer can read several hundred words a minute, a one-minute advertising message should not exceed 150 words because most announcers cannot articulate words into understandable messages at faster rates. This illustrates the ____ consideration in effective communication. a. transmission load b. feedback c. encoding d. noise e. channel capacity ANSWER: e

channel capacity

39. Each communication channel has a limit on the volume of information it can handle effectively. This limit is called a. transmission load. b. feedback. c. encoding. d. noise. e. channel capacity. ANSWER: e

channel capacity.

41. For many consumers, the pages near the back of magazines with dozens of very small black and white advertisements exceed their a. channel capacity. b. threshold of awareness. c. decoding abilities. d. transmission limitations. e. noise limit. ANSWER: a

channel capacity.

43. Claire Nevsky is in charge of advertising for her company and has produced a 30-second television spot to promote one of the company's new products. One of her assistants just out of college believes that the commercial has too much visual and audio information packed into such a small amount of time. The assistant is specifically concerned about limits in the receiver's a. noise. b. coding process. c. encoding. d. channel capacity. e. feedback. ANSWER: d

channel capacity.

25. Radio and television signals as well as ink on the paper of a magazine or newspaper are all considered a. communication noise. b. communication links. c. communication resources. d. communication channels. e. decoding sources. ANSWER: d

communication channels.

26. H&M, a clothing company, communicates to its target customers by advertising in magazines, offering clothing information on its website, creating a periodic online newsletter, and using Facebook and Twitter. These vehicles through which the coded message is transmitted from the source, H&M, to the receiver, the prospective customer, are called a. fields of reference. b. decoders. c. encoders. d. relay channels. e. communication channels. ANSWER: e

communication channels.

17. A sharing of meaning defines a. promotion. b. information. c. noise. d. interference. e. communication. ANSWER: e


50. Often when a company introduces a new product or line extension, its promotion will focus on ____ in order to initiate the product-adoption process. a. creating awareness b. stimulating demand c. retaining loyal customers d. combating competitive promotional efforts e. identifying prospects ANSWER: a

creating awareness

111. A commercial for a weight-loss program that explains that the customer pays only one dollar for every pound he or she wants to lose but specifies in fine print that the cost of meals is extra exemplifies ____ advertising. a. unfair b. illegal c. deceptive d. push e. pull ANSWER: c


52. Primary demand is defined as a. demand for a product category. b. demand for a new product. c. consumer awareness of a product category. d. stimulating demand for any products. e. demand for a particular brand. ANSWER: a

demand for a product category.

34. Communication can be viewed as a circular process because a. during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver. b. the message goes from encoding by the source to decoding by the receiver. c. during a personal selling situation, both verbal and nonverbal feedback can be very fast and immediate. d. channel capacity is determined by the least efficient component. e. the message goes from person to person. ANSWER: a

during feedback, the receiver can be viewed as the source of the message while the original source becomes the receiver.

23. As Emily prepares the script for a radio commercial for her boutique, she is engaging in the ____ stage of the communication process. a. encoding b. sourcing c. decoding d. sending e. receiving ANSWER: a


60. Promotional efforts designed to reduce the risk to consumers for using a product for the first time seek to a. stimulate demand. b. encourage product trial. c. create awareness. d. combat competitive promotional efforts. e. retain loyal customers. ANSWER: b

encourage product trial.

59. Retro64 distributes free downloadable versions of its computer games for a very short time. These efforts have a primary promotional objective of a. encouraging product trial. b. stimulating demand. c. identifying prospects. d. creating awareness. e. reducing sales fluctuations. ANSWER: a

encouraging product trial.

64. When Hamburger Helper introduced its Oven Varieties, it gave special offers to supermarkets to purchase the new product and supplemented these offers with consumer advertising. Hamburger Helper's primary objective is to a. facilitate reseller support. b. reduce sales fluctuations. c. combat competitive promotional efforts. d. encourage product trial. e. retain loyal customers. ANSWER: a

facilitate reseller support.

65. Cooperative advertising efforts between manufacturers and retailers demonstrate the promotional objective of a. stimulating demand. b. reducing sales fluctuations. c. combating competitive promotional efforts. d. facilitating reseller support. e. retaining loyal customers. ANSWER: d

facilitating reseller support.

33. The receiver's response to a message is ____ for the source. a. feedback b. the communications channel c. noise d. channel capacity e. decoding ANSWER: a


36. In one corner of its magazine advertisement for office copiers, Lexmark places a small box asking for the names and addresses of individuals or companies seeking more information. Lexmark has included this box to facilitate ____ for this communication. a. decoding b. feedback c. encoding d. perceptual attention e. noise reduction ANSWER: b


83. A common form of tactile communication in U.S. business activities is a. hugging. b. kissing. c. handshaking. d. eye contact. e. head nodding. ANSWER: c


109. The two main reasons for criticism of promotional activities are that promotion a. has some flaws, and it is deceptive. b. is deceptive, and it causes prices to rise. c. pervades our daily lives, and it creates needs in us. d. creates needs in us, and it encourages materialism. e. has some flaws, and it pervades our daily lives. ANSWER: e

has some flaws, and it pervades our daily lives.

61. A direct-response information form found in a magazine advertisement that allows customers to send for more information has a primary objective of a. encouraging product trial. b. retaining loyal customers. c. stimulating demand. d. creating awareness. e. identifying prospects. ANSWER: e

identifying prospects.

114. Promotion helps consumers because it a. costs billions of dollars each year, which stimulates the U.S. economy. b. always stresses wholesome values, which benefits society. c. persuades consumers to make the right choices. d. informs consumers and places them in a position to specify the products that they seek. e. tends to be informative and not persuasive. ANSWER: d

informs consumers and places them in a position to specify the products that they seek.

15. The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines a. communication. b. integrated marketing communications. c. tactile communication. d. kinesic communication. e. proxemic communication. ANSWER: b

integrated marketing communications.

16. If FedEx decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx would likely be striving to practice a. one-stop shopping. b. more expertise. c. pioneer promotional efforts. d. competitive promotional programming. e. integrated marketing communications. ANSWER: e

integrated marketing communications.

88. Public relations a. should be used mostly to counteract any competitive promotions or negative publicity. b. is an element of promotion that should be handled on a continuous basis. c. should be used solely to respond to emergencies that could significantly damage the company's reputation. d. is paid communication that helps enhance a company's image by highlighting its philanthropic efforts. e. is generally not given much weight because the information is generated by the company itself. ANSWER: b

is an element of promotion that should be handled on a continuous basis.

79. Head nodding, winking, hand gestures, and arm motions are all forms of ____ communication. a. kinesic b. spacing c. proxemic d. touching e. tactile ANSWER: a


38. Channel capacity is determined by the a. most efficient component of the communication process. b. least efficient component of the communication process. c. source. d. receiver. e. meanings of the message. ANSWER: b

least efficient component of the communication process.

112. If a marketer of a perfume ad develops a commercial involving a man being attracted to a woman who wears a particular perfume, it is attempting to influence one's need for a. love and affection. b. safety. c. self-esteem. d. self-actualization. e. respect from others. ANSWER: a

love and affection.

29. The Kia Soul automobile is currently positioned as a vehicle for young adults. Kia's message to the target market is that it is exciting, youthful, and trendy. However, Max and his friends who are 20-somethings just like the music and the hamster spokescharacters. They don't care about the car itself. The message that Kia originally encoded and the meaning Max and his friends ultimately decoded a. probably contain circular feedback. b. may be different because of noise. c. are usually exactly the same. d. rarely are similar because of feedback. e. are collectively termed the communications channel. ANSWER: b

may be different because of noise.

24. When encoding the message, the source should use signs that have a. new and exciting meanings. b. different meanings to different people. c. contemporary jargon. d. meanings that the target market will understand. e. broad interpretations. ANSWER: d

meanings that the target market will understand.

30. During a one-minute television ad for Nike, the National Weather Service interrupts to announce a flash flood warning for surrounding counties. Such an occurrence is an example of ____ in the communication process. a. encoding b. bad luck c. noise d. deflected transmission e. poor implementation ANSWER: c


31. Sonya is watching the six o'clock news as she prepares dinner. As commercial breaks come on, Sonya's dinner preparation would be considered __ in the communication process. a. field of experience. b. feedback. c. noise. d. decoding blocker. e. interference. ANSWER: c


42. Anything that reduces the accuracy and clarity of communication is called a. distraction. b. feedback. c. interference. d. discordance. e. noise. ANSWER: e


57. Selective demand is demand for a a. general type of product. b. particular brand. c. new product. d. competitor's product. e. service. ANSWER: b

particular brand.

100. Organizations that sell products to industrial markets or a few wholesalers tend to focus their promotion efforts on a. advertising. b. word-of-mouth communication. c. public relations. d. sales promotion. e. personal selling. ANSWER: e

personal selling.

35. Reba Vincent is employed as a consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. This illustrates a. personal selling. b. retailing. c. public relations. d. advertising. e. sales promotion. ANSWER: a

personal selling.

37. Sara is concerned about the effectiveness of Magnum, Inc.'s promotional messages, and is seeking an approach with immediate feedback. Sara is most likely to achieve this through a. television advertising. b. newspaper advertising. c. public relations. d. sales promotion. e. personal selling. ANSWER: e

personal selling.

77. Paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange situation is a. personal promotion. b. advertising. c. personal selling. d. public relations. e. individual promotion. ANSWER: c

personal selling.

97. Generally, promotion mixes for companies with extremely limited promotional budgets tend to concentrate on a. advertising. b. publicity. c. sales promotions. d. personal selling. e. distributor incentives. ANSWER: d

personal selling.

108. If promotion does not do its job of stimulating demand, then the a. price of the promoted product is likely to increase. b. price of the promoted product will remain reasonably stable. c. price of the promoted product will decrease. d. cost of promotion will decline. e. cost will remain about the same. ANSWER: a

price of the promoted product is likely to increase.

51. By promoting the fact that "orange juice is not just for breakfast anymore," the Florida Orange Growers Association attempted to stimulate a. primary demand. b. secondary demand. c. competition. d. comparison of orange juices. e. demand elasticity. ANSWER: a

primary demand.

103. If the push policy is used in promoting a product, the firm a. promotes directly to consumers. b. promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel. c. promotes the product to wholesalers only. d. promotes the product to retailers only. e. will be assured of having an effective promotional mix. ANSWER: b

promotes only to the next marketing institution down the marketing channel.

72. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations are called a. promotion mix ingredients. b. marketing mix components. c. characteristics of a product. d. advertising tools. e. nonpersonal communication. ANSWER: a

promotion mix ingredients.

110. Promotion can help keep prices lower because a. demand for the product does not increase. b. promotion of prices intensifies price competition. c. promotion of prices leads to nonprice competition. d. promotion tends to reduce consumers' price sensitivity. e. promotion tends to stabilize a product's price elasticity of demand. ANSWER: b

promotion of prices intensifies price competition.

44. Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of a. the vice president of sales. b. manipulation. c. promotion. d. information. e. sales promotion. ANSWER: c


49. To gain maximum benefit from promotional efforts, marketers must strive to a. become directly involved rather than indirectly involved. b. obtain information about the marketing environment through their MIS. c. realize the needs of their target market and try to meet them. d. properly plan, implement, coordinate, and control communications. e. use promotion during the growth stage of the product's life cycle. ANSWER: d

properly plan, implement, coordinate, and control communications.

81. Brandon walks around behind purchasing agent Shannon as she looks at the pamphlet describing Hyster's new conveyor system. Shannon stands up and walks to a table on the other side of her office. Brandon follows, but he does not understand the ____ communication Shannon is sending. a. tactile b. proxemic c. kinesic d. verbal e. promotional ANSWER: b


80. When a salesperson varies the physical distance between himself and a customer he is using a. kinesic communication. b. personal selling. c. tactile communication. d. comfort relations. e. proxemic communication. ANSWER: e

proxemic communication.

85. Communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, event sponsorships, and news stories is referred to as a. advertising. b. personal selling. c. sales promotion. d. publicity. e. public relations. ANSWER: e

public relations.

86. The Sharper Image likes to use nonpersonal communication in news story form such as press releases for its new and improved products. This is an example of a. sales promotion. b. direct marketing. c. personal selling. d. publicity. e. social media. ANSWER: d


105. When Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses were introduced, Hershey promoted directly to consumers and told them to ask for the product at their favorite stores. This is an example of a ____ policy. a. reseller promotional b. push c. customer promotional d. pull e. channel promotional ANSWER: d


117. Scenario 16.1 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When introducing a new vehicle targeted to the under-30 population, Toyota used several different methods of communication. First, it did research in several large cities to find out who the opinion leaders were in that age group. By visiting the local nightlife, one or two people in each city were selected and given a new vehicle to drive for two weeks. They were told to share information about this new vehicle with their friends. After a few weeks, then a television campaign was launched with commercials introducing the new vehicle. Toyota also placed ads in magazines that were targeted to the under-30 age group, and used drive-by billboards in the large cities near the nightclub areas. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.1. Suppose Toyota also offered the dealership salespeople a trip to Hawaii for anyone who could sell ten of the new vehicles within the first month they were available? This tactic would be an example of ____ marketing, while the TV commercials described above would be an example of ____ marketing. a. pull; push b. personal selling; push c. pull; sales promotion d. push; pull e. personal selling; sales promotion ANSWER: d

push; pull 30세 이하 인구를 대상으로 한 신차를 소개할 때 도요타는 여러 가지 다른 통신 방식을 사용했다. 먼저, 그것은 그 연령대의 의견 지도자들이 누구인지 알아내기 위해 몇몇 대도시에서 연구를 했다. 지역 야간 생활 현장을 방문하여 각 도시별로 1, 2명을 선발하여 2주 동안 주행할 수 있는 새 차량을 증정하였다. 그들은 이 새 차에 대한 정보를 그들의 친구들과 공유하라는 말을 들었다. 몇 주 후, 새로운 자동차를 소개하는 광고와 함께 텔레비전 캠페인이 시작되었다. 도요타는 또 30세 이하 연령층을 겨냥한 잡지에 광고를 내고 나이트클럽 인근 대도시에 자동차 전용 광고판을 사용했다.

28. During the decoding process, the a. intensity of the transmission becomes stronger. b. receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas. c. source attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas. d. source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols that represent ideas or concepts. e. receiver filters noise from the feedback. ANSWER: b

receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas.

20. Alton is reading a magazine ad for a new cologne. In the ad, he sees little more than a photo of a man riding horseback on a beach, and the name of the new cologne, Rugged. In this situation, Alton is a ___, one who ___. a. sender; encodes b. receiver; decodes c. source; encodes d. receptor; decodes e. channel member; decodes ANSWER: b

receiver; decodes

21. Sierra is driving to work on I-95 and notices a billboard for new salads at Wendy's. She reads the message and sees the pictures of the new salads. In this case, Sierra is the ____ and Wendy's is the ____ of this communication. a. receiver; source b. audience; promoter c. decoder; coder d. communicatee; communicator e. feedback; noise ANSWER: a

receiver; source

70. A spokesperson for Mott's apple juice encourages television audiences to use its juice in the winter by serving it hot with a cinnamon stick. In this instance, Mott's is using promotion to a. stimulate primary demand. b. offset competitors' promotional efforts. c. facilitate reseller support. d. retain loyal customers. e. reduce sales fluctuations. ANSWER: e

reduce sales fluctuations.

71. An advertisement from a ski lodge extolling the benefits of a summer getaway in the mountains uses promotion to a. combat competitive promotional efforts. b. stimulate demand. c. reduce sales fluctuations. d. encourage product trial. e. retain loyal customers. ANSWER: c

reduce sales fluctuations.

68. Factors such as climate, seasons, and holidays tend to lead to the promotional objective of a. combating competitive promotional offers. b. facilitating reseller support. c. encouraging product trial. d. retaining loyal customers. e. reducing sales fluctuations. ANSWER: e

reducing sales fluctuations.

63. Mister Sub offers customers a card that allows them to have a free sub for every seven that have been purchased and provides various discounts throughout the year. The primary promotional objective of programs such as this is a. encouraging product trial. b. retaining existing customers. c. stimulating demand. d. combating competitive promotional offers. e. reducing sales fluctuations. ANSWER: b

retaining existing customers.

62. The cost of ____ is usually substantially lower than the cost of ____. a. stimulating primary demand; stimulating selective demand b. identifying prospects; encouraging product trial c. retaining existing customers; acquiring new customers d. comparative advertising; pioneer promotion e. personal selling; public relations ANSWER: c

retaining existing customers; acquiring new customers

93. Hunt's decided to put a much larger share of its promotion budget into ____ because of the heavy reliance it will be placing on coupons in the second quarter. a. advertising b. sales promotion c. public relations d. telemarketing e. personal selling ANSWER: b

sales promotion

94. Subway is conducting a contest in which customers are asked to name a new sandwich. The winner gets a free sandwich each day for one year and an appearance in one of the company's TV commercials. This contest illustrates Subway's use of the ____ elements of the promotion mix. a. advertising b. personal selling c. sales promotion d. public relations e. telemarketing ANSWER: c

sales promotion

89. An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is a. advertising. b. personal selling. c. public relations. d. sales promotion. e. packaging. ANSWER: d

sales promotion.

91. When McDonald's uses the Monopoly game in which customers receive game pieces with each visit and try to assemble a set of properties to win prizes, McDonald's is utilizing a. sales promotion. b. advertising. c. guerrilla marketing. d. personal selling. e. public relations. ANSWER: a

sales promotion.

92. A marketer's use of _____________ tends to be irregular. a. advertising. b. sales promotion. c. public relations. d. personal selling. e. marketing. ANSWER: b

sales promotion.

95. A consumer contest is an example of a. personal selling. b. sales promotion. c. social media. d. indirect selling. e. public relations. ANSWER: b

sales promotion.

121. Scenario 16.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ The manufacturers of Whizz, a new laundry detergent, are developing their promotional plan for the first year. They know they want to use an integrated communications strategy and are considering the use of advertising through TV and magazines, coupons, public relations, sales promotion, and viral marketing. They are not sure when to use each of these methods, however, and have asked for your advice. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.2. If the manufacturers of Whizz were to partner with Whirlpool to place a bottle of Whizz in each new washer that is purchased during the first year, this would be an example of a. advertising. b. sales promotion. c. viral marketing. d. packaging. e. publicity-based public relations. ANSWER: b

sales promotion. 새 세탁세제인 휘즈 제조사가 첫해 홍보 계획을 수립하고 있다. 이들은 통합 커뮤니케이션 전략을 사용하고 싶다는 것을 알고 있으며 TV와 잡지를 통한 광고, 쿠폰, 홍보, 판매촉진, 바이럴 마케팅 등을 고려하고 있다. 그러나 그들은 이 각각의 방법을 언제 사용해야 할지 확신하지 못하며 당신의 조언을 구했다.

123. Scenario 16.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ The manufacturers of Whizz, a new laundry detergent, are developing their promotional plan for the first year. They know they want to use an integrated communications strategy and are considering the use of advertising through TV and magazines, coupons, public relations, sales promotion, and viral marketing. They are not sure when to use each of these methods, however, and have asked for your advice. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.2. The makers of Whizz have decided to go to several different colleges and have a contest for the dirtiest shirt. While at the colleges, they will set up several washing machines near the campus bookstore, demonstrating the power of Whizz to get these dirty shirts clean. Each contestant in the dirtiest shirt contest will receive a coupon for a free bottle of Whizz. The winner of the contest will receive a $50 gift card for the college bookstore. This method of promotion is an example of ____, and is used to stimulate ____ demand. a. viral advertising; primary b. sales promotion; selective c. sales promotion; primary d. product placement; selective e. product placement; primary ANSWER: b

sales promotion; selective 새 세탁세제인 휘즈 제조사가 첫해 홍보 계획을 수립하고 있다. 이들은 통합 커뮤니케이션 전략을 사용하고 싶다는 것을 알고 있으며 TV와 잡지를 통한 광고, 쿠폰, 홍보, 판매촉진, 바이럴 마케팅 등을 고려하고 있다. 그러나 그들은 이 각각의 방법을 언제 사용해야 할지 확신하지 못하며 당신의 조언을 구했다.

122. Scenario 16.2 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ The manufacturers of Whizz, a new laundry detergent, are developing their promotional plan for the first year. They know they want to use an integrated communications strategy and are considering the use of advertising through TV and magazines, coupons, public relations, sales promotion, and viral marketing. They are not sure when to use each of these methods however, and have asked for your advice. ​ Refer to Scenario 16.2. The makers of Whizz considered a new promotional method for their product. A small box of Whizz was placed in the mailbox of college students as they came on campus in the fall. Along with the Whizz, the students received a coupon for $1.00 off their next purchase. They could receive another coupon for $3.00 off if they went online and emailed five friends at another college, telling them about Whizz. The friends could then go to a website and print a coupon for $2.00 off their next purchase. The sample boxes given to the college students are an example of ____, while the emails to the five friends are an example of ____. a. sales promotion; advertising b. sales promotion; personal selling c. publicity; sales promotion d. viral marketing; sales promotion e. sales promotion; viral marketing ANSWER: e

sales promotion; viral marketing 새 세탁세제인 휘즈 제조사가 첫해 홍보 계획을 수립하고 있다. 이들은 통합 커뮤니케이션 전략을 사용하고 싶다는 것을 알고 있으며 TV와 잡지를 통한 광고, 쿠폰, 홍보, 판매촉진, 바이럴 마케팅 등을 고려하고 있다. 그러나 그들은 이 각각의 방법을 언제 사용해야 할지 확신하지 못하며 당신의 조언을 구했다.

56. When a marketer makes an effort in promotion to point out the strengths and benefits of a specific brand, it is an attempt to build ____ demand. a. primary b. secondary c. selective d. economic e. competitive ANSWER: c


58. When Sears promotes the benefits and strengths of its Kenmore brand appliances, it is attempting to build a. primary demand. b. pioneer promotion. c. prospects. d. brand awareness. e. selective demand. ANSWER: e

selective demand.

220. A new soft drink company took out a national advertisement announcing its new butterscotch-flavored soda. However, while people in one part of the country recognized they were talking about a soft drink, others believed it was an ice cream drink. Still others use the term to refer to something mixed with alcoholic drinks. Therefore, there was much confusion about the term and what it means. The mistake here lies with the ______________. ​ a. ​receiver b. ​marketing channel c. ​noise d. ​source e. ​audience ANSWER: d


18. A person, group, or organization that has a meaning it intends and attempts to share with a receiver or an audience is a a. communications channel. b. source. c. relay channel. d. decoder. e. sender. ANSWER: b


19. In the Gillette advertisement that claims, "Gillette, the best a man can get," Gillette is the communication a. receiver. b. transmitter. c. decoder. d. source. e. noise. ANSWER: d


82. As their meeting concludes, Jamal rises and thanks Gina for taking the time to come by and explain her firm's new line of industrial fasteners. A handshake, which is best described as a form of _____ communication, concludes the session. a. personal b. sales promotion c. tactile d. proxemic e. nonverbal communication ANSWER: c


22. The process of putting one's thoughts (meaning) into signs (symbols) is called a. decoding. b. noise. c. interference. d. transmission. e. the coding process. ANSWER: e

the coding process.

104. If a manufacturer decides to use a push policy to promote its products, it is most likely to focus its efforts on a. business customers. b. wholesalers. c. ultimate consumers. d. other producers. e. institutional users. ANSWER: b


199. _____________ is a paid, nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media. ​ a. ​Personal selling b. ​Sales promotion c. ​Merchandising d. ​Advertising e. ​Public relations ANSWER: d


190. ​Your company is planning to launch a new line of women's athletic apparel in the next six months. In order to create some enthusiasm in the market for your new products, you are working with an outside agency on the promotional ads that will run during some popular sporting events. Which of the following should be the primary objective for these promotional ads? ​ a. ​Encourage product trial b. ​Create awareness c. Reward current customers d. ​Identify prospects e. ​Retain loyal customers ANSWER: b

​Create awareness

206. ​Which of the following is not one of the benefits of using advertising as a promotion method? a. Cost efficiency b. ​Immediate customer feedback c. ​Repetition d. Adding to the product's value e. ​Enhancing the organization's image ANSWER: b

​Immediate customer feedback

193. Which of the following is a reason integrated marketing communication is increasingly being accepted? ​ a. ​More precisely targeted promotional tools, like the Internet, are available. b. ​Consumers want more communications from marketers. c. ​Upper management is demanding that marketers use it more. d. ​It is a way to meet regulatory requirements. e. ​It guarantees marketing success. ANSWER: a

​More precisely targeted promotional tools, like the Internet, are available.

194. __________ is anything that reduces an integrated marketing communication's clarity and accuracy. ​ a. ​Feedback b. ​Channel capacity c. ​Noise d. ​Communication channel e. ​Coding process ANSWER: c


191. You are working with a sales management consultant on ways to improve your company's sales performance. Your company sells high-end consumer products. You and the consultant agree your promotional activities need to include more direct interaction with your customers. Based on this information, which of the elements of promotion should you emphasize more? ​ a. ​Advertising b. ​Sales promotions c. ​Personal selling d. ​Public relations e. ​Discounting ANSWER: c

​Personal selling

192. You are the marketing manager for a company that makes and markets designer sunglasses. Recently, your boss suggested to you that the company should try to get its sunglasses worn by more actors and actresses in movies. He asked you to look into what it would take to make that happen. ​ Which of the following promotion activities is your boss referring to with this idea? ​ a. ​Advertising b. ​Personal selling c. ​Public relations d. ​Product sponsorship e. ​Product placement ANSWER: e

​Product placement

233. ​Southwest Airlines began offering sales on flights to South America and Europe. It started promoting these lower-cost flights heavily on television and in print. Not to be outdone, American Airlines started offering its own sales at prices even lower than Southwest Airlines. This refutes which of the following criticisms of promotion? a. ​Promotion loses money for businesses. b. ​Promotion facilitates price competition. c. ​Promotion is deceptive. d. ​Promotion increases prices. e. ​Promotion creates needs. ANSWER: d

​Promotion increases prices.

200. Which of the following is a key factor used to determine a product's promotion mix? ​ a. ​Push and pull channel policies b. ​Sales representatives' compensation c. ​Competitors' product prices d. ​Regulatory requirements e. ​Management bias and preferences ANSWER: a

​Push and pull channel policies

208. ​All of the following are reasons a company would likely emphasize advertising in its promotion mix except a. ​The company's promotion budget is extensive b. ​The size of the product's target market consists of millions of consumers c. ​The company's products are seasonal in nature d. ​The company's customers are dispersed across a vast region e. ​The company has chosen exclusive distribution for its products ANSWER: e

​The company has chosen exclusive distribution for its products

196. Which of the following is a major goal of integrated marketing communications? ​ a. ​To better coordinate the firm's supply chain. b. ​To achieve a specific return on investment. c. ​To dispute competitors' strengths. d. ​To control the firm's marketing environment. e. ​To send a consistent message to consumers. ANSWER: e

​To send a consistent message to consumers.

225. You work for a company that is marketing a new line of bathing suits. These bathing suits have a unique style that differs from other bathing suits, and you want to spread awareness among consumers and spark their interest. The bathing suit will be sold in stores nationwide. Probably the best promotion mix elements to use in your integrated marketing communications strategy are a. ​personal selling and sales promotion. b. ​advertising and personal selling. c. ​advertising and sales promotion. d. ​public relations and sales promotion. e. ​personal selling and public relations. ANSWER: c

​advertising and sales promotion.

212. Before the release of the newest iPhone by Apple Inc., an Apple juice brand used an actor dressed up like an apple to hold a sign encouraging those waiting in line to try its juice. The brand thought this would be a creative event that would spark an interest in Apple iPhone fans as they stood waiting in line with little else to do. This is an example of a. ​buzz marketing. b. ​viral marketing. c. ​electronic marketing. d. ​sales promotion. e. ​product placement. ANSWER: a

​buzz marketing.

213. Red Bull sponsored Red Bull Stratos, a space-diving project in which skydiver Felix Baumgartner sky dived from the Earth's stratosphere. The move fit well with Red Bull's affiliation with extreme sports. This would best be an example of ​ a. ​stunt marketing. b. television ​advertising. c. ​electronic word-of-mouth marketing. d. product placement. e. ​buzz marketing. ANSWER: e

​buzz marketing.

202. Research has found that advertising ___________economic growth. ​ a. ​reduces b. ​slows down c. ​is an obstacle to d. ​can also bring about e. ​is unrelated to ANSWER: d

​can also bring about

229. Fred owns a sporting goods company that has now expanded to 200 stores across the country. His main form of marketing is advertising in different magazines. In the areas of Vermont and New York, he advertises in skiing magazines. ​In California he advertises in surfing magazines. In Colorado and Utah, Fred advertises in magazines focused on hiking. On the other hand, Fred is also trying to get professional golfing associations to purchase some of his high-end golfing equipment. In this case, rather than advertising Fred meets with representatives from these organizations personally. Fred is most likely selecting promotion mix factors based on a. ​characteristics of the product. b. ​promotional resources, objectives, and policies. c. ​characteristics of the target market. d. ​costs and availability of promotional methods. e. ​push and pull channel policies. ANSWER: c

​characteristics of the target market.

223. Samsung has been relatively happy with sales of its Galaxy phone. However, when Apple came out with the newest iPhone, Samsung released advertisements marketing all of the features and benefits its Galaxy phone has to offer. Samsung's promotional objective is to​ a. ​combat competitive promotional efforts. b. ​identify prospects. c. ​stimulate demand. d. ​create awareness. e. ​retain loyal customers. ANSWER: a

​combat competitive promotional efforts.

232. Product placement in television shows is becoming increasingly important due to a. ​positive affiliations with highly popular celebrities b. ​consumers' greater ability to screen advertisements. c. ​consumers' tendency to watch television over movies. d. ​more stringent regulations that limit television advertising. e. ​consumers' positive opinions toward product placement. ANSWER: b

​consumers' greater ability to screen advertisements.

235. Your friend Angela is highly critical of marketing. She claims that promotion creates needs among people so that they are unsatisfied with what they got. Since you are so knowledgeable in marketing, you tell your friend Angela that promotion doesn't _______________, but it does ____________________. a. ​create needs; create materialism b. ​exploit needs; satisfy needs c. ​encourage dissatisfaction; provide satisfaction d. exploit needs;​ make them more important e. ​create needs; capitalize on them ANSWER: e

​create needs; capitalize on them

203. ​Coca-Cola has just released a new flavor of its soft drink. In order to have customers start adopting the new flavor, Coca-Cola should engage in promotions that focus on a. ​retaining loyal customers b. ​creating awareness c. ​stimulating demand d. ​identifying prospects e. ​combating competitive promotional efforts ANSWER: b

​creating awareness

197. In the ______________, signs or symbols are converted by the receiver into concepts and ideas. ​ a. ​message creation process b. ​value creation process c. ​decoding process d. ​marketing process e. ​selling process ANSWER: c

​decoding process

205. ​In order to have some of its cereals highlighted in a mailing sent out by Safeway, General Mills has agreed to pay a portion of their costs associated with the advertising mailer. General Mills' payment is designed to a. ​facilitate reseller support. b. ​encourage product trial. c. ​retain loyal customers. d. ​identify prospects. e. ​reduce sales fluctuations. ANSWER: a

​facilitate reseller support.

219. Sharon just managed a major event for the local zoo. She put an advertisement in the local newspaper. However, she was disappointed by how few people showed up. She couldn't understand because the paper is highly popular among locals. Sharon decided to survey its large pool of zoo members to ​try and see what went wrong. After looking at the responses, as well as copies of the newspaper that had the ad, she realized that on the same page as the zoo ad was an even larger advertisement advertising an upcoming concert. This ad was higher up on the page and dwarfed the zoo ad. She believes most people who read that page were distracted by the large colorful concert advertisement. In this case, the responses to Sharon's survey are _____________________, while the distraction caused by the larger, more colorful ad on the same page could be characterized as ______________. a. ​feedback; the coding process b. ​the receiver; the marketing channel c. ​feedback; noise d. ​the marketing channel; decoding e. ​encoding; noise ANSWER: c

​feedback; noise

195. Laws, government regulations, and industry self-regulation ______________ deceptive promotion. ​ a. ​have done nothing to decrease b. ​have caused an increase in c. ​have eliminated all d. ​have helped decrease e. ​have created new forms of ANSWER: d

​have helped decrease

216. ​John owns a small mechanics shop. He decides to invest in some local advertising. In one newspaper advertisement, he talks about how affordable his shop is compared to competitors. He also takes out a radio ad stressing that his shop's prices are much lower than competitors. However, when a new customer comes in to have some body work done on her car, she is shocked to see that the final bill is much higher than what it would have cost at her previous mechanic's. When she complains to John, he informs her that his shop provides the highest in quality services, which sometimes entails higher costs. John does not appear to have an effective a. ​marketing information system. b. ​integrated marketing communications strategy. c. ​system of advertising. d. ​channel of communication. e. ​marketing plan. ANSWER: b

​integrated marketing communications strategy.

218. If Domino's uses digital media along with more traditional newspaper ads to create a more synchronized and consistent message for customers, it is most likely engaging in ​ a. ​personal selling. b. ​communication feedback. c. ​the entire promotion mix. d. public communications management. e. ​integrated marketing communications. ANSWER: e

​integrated marketing communications.

55. ​Pioneer promotion is most likely to be used during the ____ stage of the product life cycle.​​ a. ​maturity b. ​decline c. ​growth d. ​introduction e. ​regression ANSWER: d


230. ​Which promotional method is most likely to be used in a push policy? a. ​personal selling b. ​public relations c. ​advertising d. ​publicity e. ​sales promotion ANSWER: a

​personal selling

207. ​The strategic location of products or product promotions within entertainment media content to reach the product's target market is known as product a. ​showcasing. b. ​display. c. ​placement. d. ​incorporation. e. ​endorsement. ANSWER: c


204. ​When first on the market, the manufacturers of Blu-ray Disc players likely tried to build _____ using _____. a. ​a competitive advantage; comparative promotion b. ​brand awareness; repetitive promotion c. ​customer demand; primary promotion d. ​primary demand; pioneer promotion e. ​initial demand; creative advertising ANSWER: d

​primary demand; pioneer promotion

118. Scenario 16.1 Use the following to answer the questions. ​ When introducing a new vehicle targeted to the under-30 population, Toyota used several different methods of communication. First, it did research in several large cities to find out who the opinion leaders were in that age group. By visiting the local nightlife, one or two people in each city were selected and given a new vehicle to drive for two weeks. They were told to share information about this new vehicle with their friends. After a few weeks, then a television campaign was launched with commercials introducing the new vehicle. Toyota also placed ads in magazines that were targeted to the under-30 age group, and used drive-by billboards in the large cities near the nightclub areas. ​ ​ Refer to Scenario 16.1. Suppose that Toyota has decided to contract with the producer of the next James Bond 007 movie to use one of its new vehicles in a chase scene. This would best be an example of​ a. ​sales promotion. b. ​word-of-mouth promotion. c. ​product placement. d. ​viral marketing. e. ​publicity. ANSWER: c

​product placement. 30세 이하 인구를 대상으로 한 신차를 소개할 때 도요타는 여러 가지 다른 통신 방식을 사용했다. 먼저, 그것은 그 연령대의 의견 지도자들이 누구인지 알아내기 위해 몇몇 대도시에서 연구를 했다. 지역 야간 생활 현장을 방문하여 각 도시별로 1, 2명을 선발하여 2주 동안 주행할 수 있는 새 차량을 증정하였다. 그들은 이 새 차에 대한 정보를 그들의 친구들과 공유하라는 말을 들었다. 몇 주 후, 새로운 자동차를 소개하는 광고와 함께 텔레비전 캠페인이 시작되었다. 도요타는 또 30세 이하 연령층을 겨냥한 잡지에 광고를 내고 나이트클럽 인근 대도시에 자동차 전용 광고판을 사용했다.

226. Marcia works at a toy manufacturer. Recently, the company has had to issue a massive recall because parts of the toy are found to be a choking hazard for small children. A national newspaper published an article that is highly critical of the firm. Marcia tries to handle the backlash from the recall and bad press, but her firm has no policies in place that provide her with guidance in this situation. She consults with Dale, a crisis communication expert at a local college. Dale suggests that Marcia's company develop crisis communication policies to deal with these negative _____________ issues in the future. ​ a. ​press release b. ​integrated marketing communication c. ​product placement d. ​public relations e. ​viral marketing ANSWER: d

​public relations

211. ​Research has shown that consumers visit websites, blogs, and online forums to receive electronic word-of-mouth communication about goods, services, and companies primarily because the sites a. ​reduce risk and save search effort. b. ​provide images of the products. c. ​contain advertising messages. d. ​rely on the general public as reviewers. e. ​allow for anonymous communication. ANSWER: a

​reduce risk and save search effort.

224. In New Mexico rainstorms often occur in the summer season (also known as "monsoon season"). Outside of summer, it is not uncommon to find umbrellas at reduced prices. Stores likely reduce these prices to​ a. ​encourage product trial. b. ​stimulate demand. c. ​give customers a good deal. d. ​reduce sales fluctuations. e. ​retain loyal customers. ANSWER: d

​reduce sales fluctuations.

222. Virtual realities are still relatively new, but more people are gaining a familiarity with this technology. Competitors are beginning to emerge. Oculus Rift decides it is time to start releasing promotion that markets the advantages of its virtual reality headset compared to competitors. Oculus Rift is attempting to build​ a. ​pioneer demand. b. ​selective demand. c. ​competitive demand. d. ​comparative demand. e. ​introductory demand. ANSWER: b

​selective demand.

209. ​A mattress company has started an advertising campaign designed to get customers to replace their old mattresses every eight years. This type of promotion is designed to a. ​encourage product trial. b. ​retain loyal customers. c. ​stimulate primary demand. d. ​build selective demand. e. ​facilitate reseller support. ANSWER: c

​stimulate primary demand.

198. The overall role of promotion is to ________________and to build and enhance relationships with current and potential customers. ​ a. ​stimulate product demand b. ​maximize shareholder wealth c. ​achieve a target return d. ​minimize the firm's variable costs e. ​protect market share ANSWER: a

​stimulate product demand

227. Michelle recently made a friend from another country who works as a buyer at a large business firm. They get together with a group of friends and have a fun time hanging out. Michelle works at a computer firm, and when she finds out her friend's firm is looking to purchase new computers, she schedules an appointment with her friend. When they get together, Michelle is surprised when her friend quickly kisses her on both cheeks as a form of greeting. She is not sure what to do in return. This type of _________________ is not common in the United States as a form of greeting among new friends or business associates. a. ​proxemic communication b. ​kinesic communication c. ​tactile communication d. ​integrated marketing communication e. ​interpersonal communication ANSWER: c

​tactile communication

210. ​Old Spice created a series of online videos on YouTube through its "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign in which the main character responded to viewer questions. These entertaining videos were shared by thousands of people, spreading the message created by Old Spice. This is an example of a. ​personal selling. b. ​sales promotion. c. ​viral marketing. d. ​advertising. e. ​public relations. ANSWER: c

​viral marketing.

201. Product placement is the strategic location of products ________________. ​ a. ​in television commercials b. ​in print advertisements c. ​within entertainment media content d. ​on billboards in busy intersections e. ​on store shelves ANSWER: c

​within entertainment media content

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