Mobile App Development

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in Kotlin "Int" value range is:

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

In Kotlin "Short" value range is:

-32768 to 32767

All source code files are found in the ___ folder.


_____________ is a directory of various XML files. It includes resources such as strings and colors' definitions


In Kotlin Byte value range is:

0 - 255

Study the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var myList = mutableListOf<Int>() myList.add(0,1000) println(myList[0]) } What is the output of this code?


Which of the following is the correct output for this code: var x= arrayOf(10, 20, 30) println(x[1])


The Kotlin plugin is bundled with Android Studio version ___ and later.


Study the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var myArrayList=ArrayList<Int>() myArrayList.add(2) myArrayList.add(4) myArrayList.add(6) println(myArrayList[1]) } What is the output of this code?


Consider the following code: var x=arrayOf(5,10,15,20,25,30) fun main(args :Array<String>){ for(index in 0..x.size){ println(x[index]) } } What is the output?

5 10 15 20 25 30 Then a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

In Kotlin, "Long" value range is:

64 bit signed

Each application runs in its own process and contains a unique instance of the Android Runtime on Android devices starting with Android version ____ .


In and if statement, which of the following tests to see if the item on the left is equal to the item on the right?


Match the following items main components of an Android Application with its corresponding definition:

Activities: Used for the Android Application's user interface Services: Code that can run that does not have a user interface. This code runs in the background. Content Providers: manages and shares data (such as an Android Database) Broadcast Receivers: Used to trap messages from intents Views: Used to draw objects on the screen. Its the parent class of the activity class Intents: Used to send messages Notifications: Used to alert the user of an event without the current activity losing focus

Includes everything required to build an Android application. Includes the class android.widget

Android Libraries

Based on the Java Virtual Machine. Written for Android devices which run in an environment with limited resources.

Android Runtime (ART)

The IDE used for developing Android Apps is called

Android Studio

_________________ provides essential information about the application for the Android application.


Every Android application must have a(n) ____________ in its root directory.

AndroidManifest.xml file

When you create an Android application using Android Studio, which item(s) are included in the Android project's folders / files?

Application Source Code build configurations application resources

When the ________ statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is immediately terminated and will then resume its work starting with the statement after the loop


Match the following words with its appropriate definition 1) Class 2) Constructors 3) Object 4) Inheritance 5) Abstract Class 6) Interface 7) Generic Class 8) Enum 9) Instance Variables 10) Class Variables 11) Public Variables 12) Private Variables 13) Protected Variables

Class - blueprint from which objects are created Constructors - Executed to create objects from the class definition Object - Single instance of a class Inheritance - Allows the developer to reuse properties and methods from an existing class Abstract Class - at least one members of a class is defined but has no implementation details Interface - No members of the class has an implementation Generic Class - A class that allows a function to handle data types specified when calling the class Enum - A data type that enables a variable to be a set of constants that the developer has defined Instance Variables - variables in which each instance of a class has it's own copy of the variable Class Variables - variables in which all instances of a class contains the same value Public Variables - variables that are accessible from all classes that access the selected class Private Variables - variables accessible only within their own class Protected Variables - a variable that is accessible only from the current class and any subclass of that class

Study the following code: enum class Colors{ Red, Blue, White, Green } fun main(args: Array<String>){ var color=Colors.White println(color) } What is the output?


The ___________ statement lets control go directly to the test condition and after that, continues the looping process


In Kotlin, which of the following are true about characters:

Data type is Char Always enclosed in single quotes

fun main(args: Array<String>){ var totSales = 5000 var yearsEmployed = 5 if ((totSales >= 6000) && (yearsEmployed >= 5)){ println("Receives bonus.") } else{ println("Does not receive bonus.") } }

Does not receive bonus.

____________ folder contains graphical resources that can be drawn. These can be bitmap or XML files.


Study the following code: class Animal{ var Name: String? = null var Breed: String? = null var Age: Int? = null constructor(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int{ this.Name=Name this.Breed=Breed this.Age=Age } } fun main(args: Array<String>){ var a1=Animal("Emily","American Shorthair",10) println(a1.Name) } What is the output of this code?


What is the output of the following code: fun main(args: Array<String) { var temp: Int = 70 var message: String?=null if (temp >= 90) message="It is really hot!" else if (temp>=80) message="It is warm outside." else if (temp>=70) message="It is just right." else if (temp>=60) message="It is cool outside." else message="It is cold outside!" println(message) }

Error message as this code contains a syntax error.

Android Studio is built for Kotlin development; therefore, you can create a "New Kotlin Project"


Eclipse is the official IDE for Android application development


In Kotlin, a function requires a return statement


In Kotlin, a function requires at least 1 item in the parameter list.


Study the following code: open class Animal{ var Name: String? = null var Breed: String? = null open var Age: Int? = null constructor(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int):this(){ this.Name=Name this.Breed=Breed this.Age=Age } constructor(Name: String):this(){ this.Name=Name } } class Dog():Animal(){ override var Age: Int? = null } fun main(args: <String>){ var d1=Dog("Ruffy","Cocker Spaniel",10) println(d1.Breed) } Due to inheritance, Age in Dog is the same Age in Animal


The Android Platform Architecture is based on Microsoft Windows.


When creating a new Android application you do not need to create a unique name for the package before publishing it to the google play store.


Match the processes with their importance as far as the Android OS is concerned in descending order (1 = most important)

Foreground process - 1 Background Process - 4 Visible Process - 2 Empty Process - 5 Services Process - 3

____________ are files used to automate and administer the build process

Gradle scripts

The _______________ exposes hardware capabilities of devices to the high level Kotlin API framework.

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

The _____ significantly reduces the time it takes to update your application with changes. It was added with API Level ____

Instant Run 21

What is the output of the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>) { var temp: Int = 70 var message: String?=null if (temp >= 90) message="It is really hot!" else if (temp>=80) message="It is warm outside." else if (temp>=70) message="It is just right." else if (temp>=60) message="It is cool outside." else message="It is cold outside!" println(message) } *The text in this question is larger and the Array<String> has the required carrot*

It is just right.

Study the following code: class Animal{ var Name: String? = null var Breed: String? = null var Age: Int? = null constructor(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int):this(){ this.Name=Name this.Breed=Breed this.Age=Age }constructor(Name: String):this(){this.Name=Name}}class Dog():Animal()fun main(args: <String>){ var d1=Dog("Ruffy","Cocker Spaniel",10) println(d1.Breed)}What is the output of the above code?

It will err off since the parent class does not allow for inheritance by default. The parent class must be open. For example: open class Animal{ }

Used to create the Android View system

Java API Framework

_____________ contains the application source code files which are divided by package names

Java directory

The programming language we will be using for Android app development is called


________________ contains XML files that define the structure of the user interface for an Android app.


The operating system for iOS development is


________________ contains different drawable files that can display various icon shapes


Used to build the central Android system components as well as services

Native C/C++ Libraries

Study the following code: package com.example.myapplication open class Animal{ var Name: String? = null var Breed: String? = null var Age: Int? = null constructor(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int){ this.Name=Name this.Breed=Breed this.Age=Age } } class Dog(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int):Animal(Name, Breed, Age) fun main(args: Array<String>){ var d1=Dog("Ruffy","Cocker Spaniel",10) println(d1.Breed) } What is the output of the above code?

Nothing is wrong. It will compile fine and produce the expected results

fun main(args: Array<String>){ var totSales = 5000 var yearsEmployed = 5 if ((totSales >= 6000) || (yearsEmployed >= 5)){ println("Receives bonus.") } else{ println("Does not receive bonus.") } }

Receives bonus.

Study the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var result=sum(2,40) println("Result = $result") } fun sum(num1:Int, num2:Int) :Int{ var total=num1+num2 return total } What is the output of the above code?

Result = 42

The ___________ statement is used to exit a method and then return the result of an operation to the function that called it.


The language for iOS development is called:


Study the following code: class Animal{ var Name: String? = null var Breed: String? = null var Age: Int? = null constructor(Name: String, Breed: String, Age: Int):this(){ this.Name=Name this.Breed=Breed this.Age=Age } } class Cat():Animal() fun main(args: <String>){ var c1=Cat("Emily","American Shorthair",10) println(c1.Breed) } What is the output of the above code?

Syntax error message

Study the following code: class Test<T>{ var item:T?=null } fun main(args: Array<String>){ var example =Test(Int) example.item = 1 println(example.item) } What is the output of this code?

Syntax error message. The syntax var example =Test(Int) is not correct.

Study the following code: class Test<T>{ var item:T?=null } fun main(args: <String>){ var example =Test(Int) example.item = "this is a test" println(example.item) } What is the output of this code?

Syntax error message. The syntax var example =Test(Int) is not correct.

________________ includes apps that are already installed such as email.

System apps

Match the following user interface items with the correct description:

Textview: A widget that can hold user entered text. Radio Button: Widgets in which you can select only a single item. Checkboxes: Widgets in which you can select multiple items. RadioGroup: A widget that can contain multiple radio buttons.

Consider the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var count=7 do{ println(count) } while (count><=6) } What would the output be?

There would be no output

What is the output of the following code? fun main(args: Array<String>){ var item = 30 if (item > 40) println("This statement is executed") println("This is the next statement") }

This is the next statement

What is the output of the following code? fun main(args: Array<String>){ var item = 50 if (item > 40) println("This statement is executed") println("This is the next statement") }

This statement is executed This is the next statement

All views in a window are organized in one tree.


Any method / function / block of code written outside the main function will be considered a definition and will be called from the main function to do its work.


In Kotlin, the return type Unit in a function corresponds to the return type of void in java.


Study the following code: class Cats{ val numberOfCats = 0 } The numberOfCats is an immutable variable which can't be changed after it is set.


The Android SDK platform is a set of libraries and APIs that are necessary in order to develop Android applications.


The Android Studio IDE includes both the Android SDK tools and the Android build tools


The When statement is similar in concept to the java switch statement. It can have a number of execution paths.


The Android App package name should include:

Two to three words separated by dots.

Study the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var myList = listOf(1, "This is a test") myList[0] =1000 println(myList[0]) } What is the output of this code?

Unresolved reference error message

_______________ is a folder that includes three main XML files that contain definitions for strings, colors and styles


The ____________ class is the building block for creating the user interfaces for an Android application.


GUI components are known as


The IDE for iOS Development is called


Study the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ println("What size shoes do you want?") println("Enter 1 for small, 2 for medium or 3 for large shoes.") var shoeSize=readline()!!.toInt() var sizeToOrder:String?=null when(shoeSize){ 1-> sizeToOrder="small" 2-> sizeToOrder="medium" 3-> sizeToOrder="large" else->println("You did not enter a correct shoe size.") } println("Shoe size requested is $sizeToOrder") } If the user enters 4 at the user prompt, what will the output be for shoe size?

You did not enter a correct shoe size.

If I wanted to create a new class called Cat that will contain all properties and methods of the Animal class which was previously defined, I could write the following code:

class Cat():Animal()

Consider the following code: fun main(args: Array<String>){ var count=1 while (count<5) { println("count= $count") count++ } } What is the output of the above code?

count= 1 count= 2 count= 3 count= 4

In Kotlin, Double value range is:

double-precision 64 bit floating point

Which of the following will correctly create an application that will display "Hello World"?

fun main(args: Array<String>){ printIn("Hello World") }

Which of the following is the correct code to print out Hello, Android ATC and then have the cursor go to the next line.

fun main(args: Array<String>){ println("Hello, Android ATC") }

To create an iOS app you have to go to the _______ template page to start your app


Kotlin code depends on what you write in the ______. This is the "starting point" of the application. It calls out to other functions / classes / libraries.

main function

The callbacks executed when the app is "active" are:

onResume onPause

The callbacks executed when the application is "visible" is / are:

onStart onResume onPause onStop

In Kotlin "Float" value range is:

single-precision 32 bit floating point

The package name:

uniquely identifies the app on the device should be unique on the Google Play store Once you publish the app with this package name that name should never be changed. If you were to change the package name, existing users of your application will not see the app as an update

In Kotlin, which is the correct way to define the variable X as an immutable variable called X and assign it the value of 1?

val X=1

Which of the following will successfully create a hashmap called myHashMap whose key is a string and its value is an integer?

val myHashMap = HashMap<String, Integer>()

Which of the following will compile clean (not produce an error).

var price:Float = 5.2f

Which of the following are implicitly defined integer variables?

var x=9 var y=9

Which of the following statements will correctly allow the user to enter an integer

var z = Integer.valueOf(readLine()) var z=readLine()!!.toInt()

What is the output of the following code? var x:Byte =10 var y:Byte=15 fun main(args: Array<String>){ var z=x+y println("z = $z") }

z = 25

Which of the following will add the variables x and y together and then assign the results to z? z=x+y

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