Module 4 Review Questions

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____________ occurs when the out-group is blamed for the in-group's frustration


the child uses the parent as a base from which to explore her world in which attachment style?


Maslow believed that people would have to satisfy needs that are lower in his hierarchy, such as _____________, before being driven to satisfy higher needs such as ____________

security, esteem

_______________ is an individual's belief in her capability to complete some task


your level of confidence in your own abilities is known as _________


making internal attributions for you successes and making external attributions for your failures is an example of ___________

self-serving bias

altruism is a form of prosocial behavior that is motivated by ________

selfless helping of others

as a field, social psychology focuses on __________ in predicting human behavior

situational factors

collective cultures are to ____________ as individualists cultures are to _______________

situational, dispositional

A __________ is a set of group expectations for appropriate thoughts and behaviors of its members

social norm

in the Stanford prison experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. This is an example of the power of _______ influencing behavior

social roles

_______________ is often referred to as the "building blocks of personality" because it is our innate traits that influence how we think, behavior, and react to the environment from the moment we are born


a ____________ is any outside agent that can cause damage to a developing embryo or fetus


how is lifespan development defined?

the study of how we grow and change from conception to death

what does the normative approach ask regarding lifespan?

what does typical development look like?

what is the main idea of drive theory

when our bodies are not experiencing homeostasis, we experience physiological needs. this creates psychological states in which we are motivated to do what is nevessary to regian homeostasis

under what conditions will informational social influence be more likely?

when the answer is unclear or when the group has expertise

what is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe?

when we are bored we look for excitement, when we are overexcited we wish for more peace

the person-situation debate in personality psychology involved a debate about

whether personality traits are actually consistent in different situations

self-regulation is also known as ____________

will power

what begins as a single-cell structure that is created when a sperm and egg merge at conception?


what is the order of prenatal development?

zygote, embryo, fetus

________ is credited with the first comprehensive theory of personality


according to the ____________ theory of emotion, emotional experiences arise from physiological arousal


what theory of emotion would suggest that polygraphs should be quite accurate at differentiating one emotion from another

James-Lange theory

according to the ____________ theory of emotion, a person first experiences physiological arousal and then, because different feelings are associated with different types/patterns of arousal, they experience an emotion


which of the following is a way that the Kinsey research on sex differed from the Maters and Johnson research?

Kinsey collected data with personal interviews; Masters and Johnson recorded measurements of physiological varibales

which theorist proposed that moral thinking proceeds through a series of stages?

Lawrence Kohlberg

____________ proposed the hierarchy of needs


which personality test employs a series of true/false questions?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

a personality assessment in which a person responds to ambiguous stimuli, revealing unconscious feelings, impulses, and desires _________

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

the __________ inkblot test employs a series of symmetrical inkblot cards that are presented to a client by a psychologist in an effort to reveal the person's unconscious desires, fears, and struggles


examples of a projective test?

Rorshach Inkblot Test, Thematic Apperception Test, Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank

according to the _______ theory of emotion, because the physiological arousal is similar for different emotions, we rely on the context of a situation to determine what emotion we are feeling and label it

Schachter-singer two factor

people who see development as continuous view development as ___________

a gradual process of cumulative quantitative changes

on his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Jose's behavior is reflective of ____________

a script

need for ____________ refers to maintaining positive relationships with others


___________ is a long-standing emotional tie we have to important people in our lives

an attachment

in order for the central route to persuasion to be effective, the audience must be _______ and ___________

analytical and motivated

according to the Eysenck's theory, people who score high on neuroticism tend to be _______


a parent who shows a high degree of control, expecting strict obedience from their child, while also showing a low amount of warmth has a ___________ parenting style


a child participating in the "Strange Situation" study who doesn't use their parent as a "secure base," doesn't care when their parent leaves, and does not show a positive reaction when their parent returns most likely has a _______________ attachment to their parent


according to social exchange theory, humans want to maximize the ___________ and minimize the __________ in relationships

benefits; costs

which statement summarizes the main idea of reciprocal determinism?

both our cognitive processes and the situational context influence our behavior

the frontal lobes become fully developed ______________

by 25 years old

if a person takes a personality inventory based on the Big Five Model and scores low on conscientiousness, this means they are

careless, disorganizaed, and impulsive

examples of cues used in peripheral route persuasion include what?

celebrity endorsement, positive emotions, attractive models

developmental psychologists study human growth and development across three domains. What are these domains?

cognitive, physical, psychosocial

when we seek out information that supports our stereotypes we are engage in ___________________

confirmation bias

cognitive dissonance causes discomfort because it disrupts our sense of ____________


the view that development is a cumulative process, gradually adding to the same type of skills is known as ____________

continuous development

the time during fetal growth when specific parts of organs develop is known as _____________

critical period

what is the order of stages in Kubler-Ross's five stage model of grief?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

the bystander effect likely occurs due to __________

diffusion of responsibility

if you deal with your unwanted, unpleasant feelings by transferring them onto a less threatening target, you are using the defense mechanism of __________


during the _________ stage of prenatal development, which lasts from weeks 3-8, the developing organism implants in the uterus and the organs begin to form


most students in our class, who are typically between ages of 18-21, would fall in the __________- category of development, a newly defined period of the lifespan that many developmental psychologists in the US are interested in studying today

emerging adulthood

A(n) ____________ is a subjective state of being that we often describe as our feelings. A(n) _____________ refers to a prolonged, less intense, affective state that does not occur in response to something we experience

emotion; mood

what does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment and culture

attitudes describe our ___________ of people, objects, and ideas


Jane believes that she got a bad grade on her psych paper because her professor doesn't like her. Jane most likely has an ___________ locus of control


Carl mows the yard of his elderly neighbor each week for $20. What type of motivation is this?


_____________ motivation arises from external factors or rewards


if you suggest that smiling can make someone feel happier, then you believe the

facial feedback hypothesis

prejudice is to __________ as discrimination is to _______________

feelings, behavior

what were results of the Kinsey study?

females enjoy sex as much as men, homosexual behavior is common, masturbation have no adverse consequences

using scissors to cut out paper shapes is an example of ________

fine motor skills

when it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms; this is likely motivated by _____________-

fitting in

according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial devleopment, what is the main task of the adolescent?

forming intimate relationships

if someone is uncomfortable identifying with the gender normally associated with their biological sex, then he could be classified as experiencing ___________

gender dysphoria

if group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then _________ has occurred


what are the seven universal emotions?

happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, and anger

individuals suffering from PTSD have been shown to have reduced volumes of the _____________


after moving to a new apartment building, research suggests that Sam will be most likely to become friends with ___________

his next door neighbor

what are types of prejudice?

homophobia, racism, sexism

according to Freud, the part of the mind that contains our most primitive biological drives and desires is the _____________-


the Thematic Apperception Test is a projective test ____________

in which people are presented with ambiguous images and asked to make up stories about them

social loafing occurs when

individual performance cannot be evaluated or the task is easy

according to the actor-observes bias, we have more information about _____________

influences on our own behavior

after age 65, most people are attempting to assess their lives and make sense of life and the meaning of their contributions. Accordign to Erickson's psychosocial theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

integrity vs. despair

the concept conservation refers to ______________

knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added

according to Freud, during which period are sexual feelings dormant as children focus on other pursuits, such as school, friendships, hobbies, and sports


personality is thought to be _____________

long term, stable and not easily changed

a polygraph works by ____________________-

measuring the physiological arousal displayed when a person answers a series of questions

in the Asch experiment, participants conformed due to _________ social influence


the idea that even if something is out of sight, it still exists is called ______________

object permanence

according to Freud, an adult who smokes, drinks, overeats, or bites her nails is fixated in the _______ stage of her psychosexual development


during the _______ phase of the sexual response cycle, individuals experience rhythmic contractions of the pelvis that are accompanied by uterine contractions in women and ejaculation in men


the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways are known as ____________


the Oedipus complex occurs in the ____________ stage of psychosexual development


an early science that tried to correlate personality with measurements of parts of a person's skull is known as _______


what trait do both men and women tend to look for in a romantic partner?

physical attractiveness

typically, bullying from boys is to _______________ as bullying from girls is to __________

physical harm, emotional harm

during the ______ stage of the sexual response cycle, men experience full erection and pre-cum typically gathers at the tip of the penis


the id operates on the __________ principle


according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children in the ___________ stage, use words and images to represent things, but they lack logical reasoning. they also tend to fail tests of conservation


the defense mechanism that involves trying to reduce your anxiety or discomfort by adopting beliefs that are actually the opposite of how you really feel is called __________

reaction formation

which of the following is the time immediately following an orgasm during which an individual is incapable of experiencing another orgasm?

refractory period

the ego defense mechanism in which a person who is confronted with anxiety returns to a more immature behavioral stage is called ___________


what is true with regards to sexual orientation?

research orientation suggests that there is likely an underlying biologicla component involved in many people's sexual orientation

according to the triangular theory of love, what type of love is defined by passion and intimacy but no commitment?

romantic love

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