Module 5!!

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the megafauna provided...

vast supplies of meat

ornamentation independent of tools also appears in

amber and stone pendants and small figurines representing for example, the head of an elk

in most cases we have to balance data and interpretation to come to

an informed judgement, recognizing that our judgement will likely change with new data

during upper paleolithic, peoples from asia also populated

australia, new guinea, and some islands of western melanesia, clearly demonstrating the ability of these peoples to navigate on the sea to use its resources

vertical zonation means that a wide range of plants and animals were

available in relatively close proximity - different environments were close by - and the Archaic peoples took advantage of these varied conditions to hunt and collect a broad range of resources

when people started to use more diverse resources in their environments, the use of local resources allowed upper paleolithic groups in the old world to

beecome more sedentary than their predecessors -began to trade w neighboring groups to get resources not available in their local territories

another reason for adopting the blade toolmaking way have

been that it made for easy repair of tools

the corridor between Laurentide and Cordilleran would not have likely supported

big game and permitted humans to hunt enough for sustenance

the preagricultural developments in SE Asia probably were responses to changes in

climate and environment, including a warming trend, more moisture, and a higher sea level

tools found with mammoth kills are known as the

clovis complex, which includes clovis projectile point as well as stone scrapers and knives and bone tools

agriculture and sedentarism did not necessarily

develop together

On the Pacific coast, some Paleo-Indian people

developed food-getting strategies more dependent on fish

many spear shafts and similar objects were decorated with

figures of animals

pressure flaking would usually be used in the

final stages of retouching a tool

the warming waterways began to be filled with

fish and many other aquatic resources

special purpose camps were created year round as

groups went out from the base camp to hunt and collect particular resources, like stone for making tools

Kent Flannery and the wheat harvest experiment concluded that

harvest would necessitate a degree of dedentism

Moas had

low reproductive rates, became extinct shortly after humans colonized, increases in adult mortality

burins have been found in

middle and lower paleolithic sites but are present in great number and variety only in the upper paleoltihic

new world includes

north and south america

neolithic means

of the new stone age

the Olsen-Chubbuck site, a kill site excavated in Colorado shows the

organization that may have been involved in hunting bison

in SW france some groups were seen to have...

paved parts of the shelter floors with stones -tentlike shelters were built in some caves to keep out of the cold -some open air sites have also been found

which of the following describes the upper paleolihic in North Africa?

people hunted grassland animals, moved regularly, and traded for stone

as time went on, all over the old world, were

smaller and smaller blade tools were produced

burial patterns began to suggest more

social differences between people

upper paleolithic had an environment different from today, the earth was gripped by

the last ice age -glaciers covering Europe as far south as Berlin and Warsaw and North America as far south as Chicago

since homo sapiens fossils have been found in north and south america, migrations of humans to the new world had to have take place after the emergence of

H sapiens

An 8,400 year old skeleton was found in Washington State. the cranial features resemble those of Ainu and Polynesians, but the individual's DNA is similar to existing Native Americans

"Kenniwick Man"

the hunters of bison used a projectile point called the

Folsom point, which was much smaller than the Clovis point

some adaptions to the changing environment can be seen in the cultural remains of the settlers in Northern Europe who archaeologists call

Maglemosians -peat bogs - where their remains have been found

what contains the most carefully reported pre-Clovis occupation in North America

Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Western Pennsylvania

Archaeological remains of early New World hunters called Paleo-Indians have been found in

US, Mexico, Canada

significant changes in the archaeological record, reflecting important changes in cultural and social life, art, many new inventions, and increase in population is all seen in

Upper Palelitihic -europe, near east, and asia -40,000 years ago -neolithic period

once humans colonized the americas, they established a way of life very similar to that of

Upper Paleolithic cousins in the Old World, a life generally based on big game hunting, as time went on, life became more sedentary, with increasing interaction among local groups

a decline in stature often indicates

a poorer diet

woodlands and greasslands expanded providing

a range of new plants to exploit -ground stone woodworking tools such as axes and adezes first appeared as did nut-processing tools such as mortars and pestles

Cactus Hill in VA, gault and friedkin in TX and shriver in Missouri all contain

a stratum of blades and other stone tools below a Paleo-Indian stratum containing Clovis tools

which of the following describes the settlement at Dolni Vestonice?

a wall built with mammoth bones surrounded four animal-skin huts and an open, central hearth

the hafting required inventing...

a way to trim the blade's back edge so that it would be blunt rather than sharp -in this way the blades would not split the handles into which they might be inserted; the blunting would also prevent the users of an unhafted blade from cutting themselves

The Olsen-Chubbuck site, a kill site excavated in Colorado, shows that the organization that may have been involved in hunting bison. in dry gulch dated to 6,500 BCE were the remains of 200 bison. at the bottom were complete skeletons, and at the top were completely butchered animals. this find clearly suggests that paleo-indian hunters deliberately stampeded the animals into a natural trap

an arroyo

the hill away from the first settlement had a hut with

an oven, 2,300 small fired fragments of animal figurines -hollow bones- possibly instruments -burial find of a woman with a disfigured face: ivory plaque near it, so most likely important

the subjects of paintings were mostly


upper paleolithic is also characterized by a variety of new developments like

art, bow and arrow, spear thrower, and tiny replaceable blades that were put into handles

the indirect percussion method of the upper paleolithic would yield as much

as much as 25 yards of working edge

the paintings were on bare walls with no

backdrops or environmental trappings

in the Rio Grande Valley, the folsom toolmakers characteristically established a

base camp on low dune ridges overlooking both a large pond and broad open gazin gareas

the earliest discovered traces of art are

beads and carvings, then paintings

which of the following tools are characteristic of the upper paleolitihic?

blades, bruins, and microliths

which material were used in the manufacture of needles, awls, and harpoons during the Upper Paleolithic?

bone, antler, and ivory

the pattern of broad-spectrum food collecting seems also to have been characteristic of the areas

both south and north of the Sahara -one area showing increased sedentarism is the Dakhelh Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt

Maglemosians tool kit included

bow and arrow -some were ornamented with finely engraved designs

hunting strategies shifted toward a

broader range of game species, particularly deer, antelope, bison, and small mammals

remains of microband camps are often found in

camp or rock shelters -from which a variety of environments could be exploited by moving either upslope or downslope from the campsite

most of the upper paleolithic remains that have been excavated were found in

caves and rock shelters

burins are

chisel-like stone tools used for carving; bone and antler needles, awls, and projectile points could be produced with them

in Moravia the mammoths may have

come to lick deposits of calcite and other sources of magnesium and calcium, particularly during the late spring and early summer when resources were short and mortality was high

the settlement found in dolni vestonice description

consisted of 4 tentlike huts - made from animal skins, great open hearth in the center, mammoth bones on the outside, surrounded most likely by a wall -100 mammoths bones -each hut housed a group of related families: 20-25 people, each hut was around 27ft by 45ft and had 5 hearths distributed inside it, one for each family -settlement population was probably around 100-125 people

in some areas of the world, people began to live in permanent villages before they

cultivated and domesticated plants and animals, whereas people in other places planted crops without settling down permanently

food production is

cultivation and domestication of plants and animals, near east 8000 BCE

Upper Paleolithic refers to

cultural developments in all areas of the Old World during the neolithic period

sickles were used in

cutting grain

the cold, treeless plains, tundras, and grasslands eventually gave way to

dense mixed forests, mostly birch, oak, and pine, and the Pleistocene megafauna became extinct

evidence shows that homo erectus must have had language to

develop the broadly shared Acheulean tool tradition

innovation most lasting importance in both New and Old Worlds was the

development of domesticated plants and animals

one of the innovations of the Archaic peoples was the

development of ground stone woodworking tools -axes, adzes, and tools for grinding seeds and nuts became more and more common in the tool kit

if we think of language as a system of shared symbols(whether vocal or written), then the emergence of symbolic art in the Upper Paleolithic may be taken as

direct archaeological evidence of language

warmer adapted plants had advantages as food resources for humans over cold-adapted ones because

edible seeds, fruits, and nuts were common -more plentiful and accessible

siberian mammoths were the largest ___________ to live

elephants -some were taller than 14 ft

game included what towards the end of the upper paleolithic

elk, wild ox, deer, and wild pig

pressure flaking works by...

employing pressure with a bone, wood, or antler tool at the edge of the tool to remove small flakes

the symbolic significance of the cave paintings in SW France is more

explicitly revealed, by the results of patricia rice and ann patersons statistical study

Epipaleolithihic was marked by

exploitation of local, relatively permanent resources that led to an increased about of settled way of life

broad-spectrum collecting may have involved

exploitation of new sources of food, but that does not mean that people were eating better

tundra zone location

extending in Europe to the Alps and in North America to the Ozarks, Appalachians, and well into the Great Plains

the last ice age was characterized by the appearance of which kinds of animals?

extremely large game animals

preagricultural switch to broad-spectrum collecting was

fairly common

T/F the cave paintings of the upper paleolithic are inconsistent with the idea that "the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of upper paleolithic people" the art of the cultural period that followed the upper paleolithic did not reflect how people got their food once getting food no longer depended on hunting large game


T/F the upper paleolithic was not known as a period of great advancement in toolmaking


theres evidence that people subsisted on a variety of resources including

fish, mollusks, and water life, wild deer, sheep, and goats, wild grains, nuts, and legumes

as climate became warmer and drier, the _____ changed

flora and fauna of North America chnaged

areas opened up for human occupation as the

glaciers retreated and temperatures rose

venus could symbolize

goddess or fertility symbol

tools suggest that the Natufians

harvested wild grain intensively

during the preagricultural period,

height apparently declined by as much as two inches in many parts of the Old World -decline may have been a result of decreasing nutrition but also be that natural selection for greater height was relaxed because leverage for throwing projectiles such as spears was not so favored after the decline of big game hunting

in which region is there evidence of a switch to broad-spectrum collecting the establishment of permanent villages

highland mesoamerica

unlike Natufians there is no evidence of social differences among the Archaic peoples of

highland mesoamerica

in the New World, there were centers of cultivation and domestication in

highlands of Mesoamerica and central Andes around Peru and Eastern Woodlands of North America

large timbers appear to have been split for

houses; trees were hollowed out for canoes; and small pieces of wood were made into paddles

cave paintings from the upper paleolithic are thought to reflect which of the following

how people got their food

the study of tools should reveal not only how the implements were made but also

how they were used

Meadowcroft site shows clear signs of

human occupation, a small fragment of human bone, a spearpoint, and chipped knives and scrapers

in North and South america the neolithic period began when

humans first entered the New World

mark cohen argued that

hunter gatherers were filling up the world and they had to seek new possibly less desirable sources of food

tools made by upper paleolithic peoples suggest that they were much more effective

hunters and fishers than their predecessors

Alexander Marshack believed that

hunters may have used a system of notation, engraved on bone and stone, to mark the phases of the moon

upper paleolithic cultures relied heavily on


altitude became an important factor in the

hunting and collecting regime, as different altitudes have different plant and animal resources

natufians appear to have concentrated on

hunting gazelle which they would take by surrounding whole herds

the upper paleolithic peoples in south asia combined

hunting, fishing, and gathering with seasonal movements to exploit seasonally abundant resources

in addition to an increased reliance on hunting, which of the following developed during the Upper Paleolithic of the Old World?

increased sedentism and trade

in South Asia, the upper paleolithic saw an

increasingly sedentary lifestyle developing along the banks of freshwater steams

T/F during the upper paleolithic period in Europe, the availability of vast supplies of meat from the magafauna, giant game animals, and other diverse resources allowed them to become more sedentary and trade with neighboring groups


T/F the symbolic aspects of culture blossomed during the upper paleolithic and set the stage for the complex cultural life we follow today


indirect percussion used

a hammer-struck punch, common in upper paleolithic -after shaping a core into a pyramidal or cylindrical form, toolmakers put a punch of antler, wood, or other hard material into position and struck it w a hammer -since fore was direct, toolmakers were able to strike off consistently shaped blades, more than twice as long as they are wide

the cutting edge of a tool might consist of

a line of razorlike microliths set into a piece of wood -the tool would not be usable if just one of the cutting edge's microliths broke off or was chipped -but if the user carried a small prepared core of flint from which an identical-sized microlith could be struck off, the tool could be repaired easily by replacing the lost could be replacing the lost or broken microlith

if the more advanced Mousterian technique was used,

a lump of equal size would yield 2 yards of working edge

natufian foraging based on

a more intense use of stationary resources such as wild grain, but the archaeological evidence suggests increasing social complexity

people turned away from reliance on big game hunting to the

intensive collecting of wild plants, mollusks, fish, and small game to make up for the extinction of large game animals they had once relied on

some archeologists think that the blade technique was adopted because...

it made for more economical use of flint

the emergence of language may have been a

key aspect of the upper paleolithic cultural fluorresence

Europeans post upper paleolithic had finds such as

kitchen middens that centuries of post upper paleolithic seafood eaters had discarded, and the remains of fishing equipment, canones, and boats indicate that these people depended much more heavily on fishing than had their ancestors in upper paleolithic times

many of the European post-upper paleolithic sites are along

lakes, rivers, and oceanfronts -these sites probably were not inhabited year-round -there is evidence that at least some groups moved seasonally from one settlement to another, between coast and inland areas

some people suggest that FOXP2 was directly associated with

language and because Neandertals and modern humans share the same gene, Neandertals must have had language

clovis projectile point is

large and leaf-shaped, flaked on both sides -it has a broad groove in the middle, presumably so that the point could be attached to a wooden spear shaft

upper paleolithic peoples hunted

large animals on the grasslands that covered the region during that period

a mammoth was found with 8 clovis points, indicating that clovis people hunted

large game

upper paleolithic is also noted for the production of

large numbers of bone, antler, and ivory tools; needles, awls, and harpoons made of bone appear for the first time

in africa, the cultural period comparable to the upper paleolithic is known as the

later stone age

In eastern and southern Africa, a way of life known as the

later stone age developed that persisted in some areas until very recently -people lived in small, mobile groups, hunting large animals, and collecting a wide variety of plant foods -interaction was common among these bands

the increased utilization of stationary food sources such as wild grain may explain some of why people in Near East began to

lead more sedentary lives during the Epipaleolithic

lifestyles during the upper paleolithic were similar to ________

lifestyles before -people were mainly hunters, gatherers, and fishers who lived in mobile bands -made their camps out in the open in skin-covered huts and in caves and rock shelters -produced smaller and smaller stone tools

on the Atlantic coast individual groups apparently moved seasonally along

major river valleys, establishing summer base camps in the piedmont and winter camps near the coast

clovis points have often been found in association with which of the following

mammoth bones

pleistocene megafauna included

mammoth, mastodon, rhinoceros, giant ground sloth, and others like a horse

High plains which was east of the rockies had what animals

mammoths, bison, wild camels, and wild horses

the faunal remains in inland sites indicate that

many different sources of food were exploited from the same base camps

which of the following offers the most direct evidence that post upper paleolithic Europeans were more dependent on fishing than their ancestors?

middens and remains of canoes

blades were found in

middle paleolithic assemblages, not widely used until upper paleolithic

an archaeological site called monte verde in chile demonstrates that

modern humans got to southern South America by at least 12,500 years ago

the main purpose of the blade toolmaking technique may not have been to make

more economical use of flint but rather to allow easy replacement of damaged blades

what was found at the site of Monte Verde in Chile?

more than 700 stone tools, evidence of hide-covered huts, a child's footprint, and a hearth

which of the following features was characteristic of both Maglemosian people in Europe and Archaic people in the New World

reliance on forest products and sedentary settlements

Eynan is a stratified site containing the

remains of three villages in sequence, one atop another -each village consisted of 50 circular pit houses

pit houses had the advantage of

retaining heat longer than houses built above the ground -villages appear to have had stone-paved walks w circular stone pavements ringed with what seem to be permanent hearths, and the dead were interred in village cementaries

melting of the glacial ice caused the oceans to

rise and as the seas moved inland, the waters inundated some of the riches fodder-producing costal plains, creating islands, inlets, and bays

Valleys tend to have

scrubby, grassland vegetation, wheras foothills and mountains have thorn forests of cactuses and succulents

microband camps were also inhabited

seasonally probably by a single family, when groups were not assembled into macroband camps

Archiac peoples of North America, began to have a more ______ lifestyle


what was the first step in creating a stone tool using an indirect percussion technique

shaping a core into a pyramidal or cylindrical shape

during the upper paleolithic and probably for the first time, spears were

shot from a spear thrower rather than thrown with the arm

Jacques Bordaz suggested that the evolution of toolmaking techniques which continually increased the amount of usable edge that could be gotten out of a lump of flit, was

significant because people could then spend more time in regions where flint was unavailable

the tooth enamel of natufian shows

signs of nutritional deficiency and their stature declined over time

in North America the Upper Paleolithic peoples lived in

small communities located within easy access to water and other resources, and they moved regularly, probably to follow the animal herds -trade took place between local groups, particularly for high quality stone used in making tools

atlatls were found in upper paleolithic

spear throwers

to deal with the new, more forested environment, the Maglemosians made

stone axes and adzes to chop down trees and form them into various objects

LeRoy McDermott has argued that Venus figurines are not

symbolic representations at all but rather accurate self-portraits made by pregnant women

what did Andre Leroi Gourham of the Musee in Paris calculate

that a 2-pound lump of flint yielded 16 inches of working edge and produced only two hand axes

Which of the following supports the costal migration model for the arrival of humans in the New World?

the discovery of stone tools in ancient coastlines that are now under the Bering sea

which of the following may have an important element in the flourishing of Upper Paleolithic culture?

the emergence of language

which of the following may be evidence of the existence of human language during the Upper Paleolithic?

the emergence of symbolic art

Richard Klein sees the rapid emergence of art and ritual in the upper paleolithic as evidence of

the emergence of the modern human brain


the floor of a fireplace

art is related to

the importance of hunting in the economy of upper paleolithic people

there is little evidence of ritual behavior beyond the presence of

what may have been a ceremonial dance floor in a macroband campsite in valley of oxaca

what foods became prominent at the end of the Upper Paleolithic in northern areas that had been tundra and grasslands?

wild plants, mollusks, fish, and small game

tools are found with many other kids of animal remains like

wolf, turtle, rabbit, horse, fox, deer, and camel -bison hunters obviously depended on other animals as well

during the last ice age, which areas would have had environments similar to modern-day Siberia?

North America and Europe

according to comparative linguists Joseph Greenburg and Merritt Ruhlen there were 3 waves of migration into the new world

-first arrivals spoke a language that diverged over time into most of the languages found in the New World: the Amerind family of languages - speaks of this occupied all south and central america as well as most of north america -na Dene family - today is Navajo and Apache in the SW United States in various Athapaskan languages of northern California, costal Oregon, NW Canada, and Alaska -ancestors of the Inuit(Eskimo) and Aleut - Inuit-Aleut family

two new techniques of toolmaking appeared

-indirect percussion -pressure flaking

two forms of archaic settlement appear to have been more

-residential base camp: inhabited seasonally by several, related families -special-purpose camp: short-term habitation near a particular resource or perhaps used by a group of hunters for a short period of time

east Asia species examples during last ice age

-wolly rhioceros -giant deer

Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld identified three locations of paintings in the caves of western europe:

1)obviously inhabited rock shelters and cave entrances - art as decoration or "art for arts" sake 2)galleries immediately off the inhabited areas of caves 3)in the inner reaches of caves, whose difficulty of access has been interpreted by some as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there

by what point had people successfully domesticated certain species of plants?

14,000 years ago in the Old World and 10,000 years ago in the New World

most of the worlds major food plants and animals were domesticated well before

2000 BCE -also developed by that time were techniques of plowing, fertilizing, fallowing, and irrigation

natufian sites on the avg were _ times larger than those of their predecessors


the monte verde site contains more than

700 stone tools, the remains of hide-covered huts, and child's footprint next to a hearth

in North America, giant ground sloths were how tall

8-10ft -weighed several thousand pounds

the traditional assumption is that the Native Americans came to North America from Siberia on foot on land that is now under water in the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska

Beringia land Bridge

in Old World there were independent centers of domestication in

China, Southeast Asia(now Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and New Guinea), and Africa in 6000 BCE

what was found in the fifth hut outside the settlement of Dolni Vestonice?

a bake oven and broken animal figurines

entire settlement plan was found in

Dolni Vestonice, now Czech Republic

there is evidence that modern humans were in southern South America at least 12,500 years ago

Monte Verde, Chile

________ were the earlieset Epipaleolithic people known to have stored surplus crops


areas known best archaeologically for the developments leading to food production and settled life

Near East and Mesoamerica

domestication of plants and animals became more important in the ________ period


bone harpoons and pottery are found in areas of

Nile Valley through the central and southern Sahara westward to what is nos Mali

the most surprising physical evidence for early people in the Americas comes from the

Paisley Caves in southern Oregon -human coprolites(dried feces) have been found

Archaeological remains of early New World hunters have been found in the United States, Mexico, and Canada


environmentally during the Upper Paleolithic period, both Europe and North America resembled contemporary

Siberia and northern Canada -everywhere else in the world conditions were not as extreme but still different from conditions today

neolithic revolution

The switch from nomadic lifestyles to a settled agricultural lifestyle is this revolution -termed by V Gordon Childe

what evidence indicates that the Natufians harvested wild grains

natufian sickles have a sheen consistent with that produced by striking grass stems with flint

which of the following describes the differences between the worlds climate during the last ice age and today

north Africa was wetter, and south Asia was drier

Archaic was marked by

not an increase in settled lifestyle

one way of suggesting what a particular tool was used in the past is to

observe the manner in which similar tools are used by members of recent or contemporary societies, preferably societies with subsistence activities and environments similar to those of the ancient toolmakers -ethnographic analogy

when the tundras and grasslands disappeared, hunters could no longer

obtain large quantities of meat simply by remaining close to migratory herds of animals

microliths were

often hafted or fitted into handles, one blade at a time or several blades together, to serve as spears, adzes, knives, and sickles

art in the upper paleolithic included

painting on cave walls and stone slabs, carving tools, decorative objects, and personal ornaments out of bone, antler, shell, and stone -people began to obtain materials from distant sources

Paleo-Indian people in woodland regions depended more heavily on

plant food and smaller game -some areas may have depended on

in the Natufians homes, what was beneath the floors?

plastered storage pits for wild grain and other resources

large game animals collectively were known as

pleistocene megafauna -huge compared to descendants

upper paleolithic is characterized by what tools

preponderance of blades; there were also burins, bone and antler tools, and microliths

S A Semenov did what

re-created prehistoric stone tools and used them in a variety of ways to find out which uses left which kinds of wear marks -ex: by cutting into meat with his re-created stone knives, he produced a polish on the edges that was like the polish on blades from a prehistoric site in Siberia -this finding led Semenov to infer that the Siberian blades were probably also used to cut meat

the largest social unit, the macroband camp was probably composed of

related family groups and leadership in these groups was probably informal

which of the following statements about the Later Stone Age in Africa is true?

ways of life that developed during this period have persisted until recent times

problem with ethnographic analogy is

we cannot be sure that the original use of a tool was the same as the present use

what is the significance of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Western Pennsylvania

there is clear evidence of pre Clovis occupation

what is the problem with using ethnographic analogy to determine what a tool was used for?

there is no way to be sure that contemporary tool use reflects that of the ancient past

controversies around venus figurines provide insight into a basic problem in archaeology:

there is often little to no evidence that allows us to accept or reject a particular interpretation

which of the following was a result of changing ocean currents during the last ice age?

there were extreme temperature contrasts

which of the following is a characteristic of the lifestyle of Paleo-Indians living in the Illinois River valley?

they lived in permanent villages of 100 to 150 people

what do upper paleolithic tools suggest about their makers?

they were better hunters and fishers than those who came before them

which of the following describes the patterning of early preagricultural settlements as seen in the archaeological record

they were clustered around regions rick in natural resources

by analyzing the polish found on prehistoric blades from a site in Siberia, SA Semenov established that _________

they were used to cut meat

another way to suggest what a particular kind of tool was used for is

to compare the visible and microscopic wear marks on the prehistoric tools made and experimentally used by contemporary researchers

similarities in biological traits include

tooth forms, blood types, and on possible linguistic relationships, anthropologists agree that Native Americans originally came from Asia

the canoes presumably were built for

travel and perhaps for fishing on the lakes and rivers that abounded in the postglacial environment

T/F the tools made by upper paleolithic peoples suggest that they were much more effective hunters and fishers than their predcessors - spears were shot from a spear thrower rather than thrown with the arm; the bow and arrow was used for fishing and perhaps for hunting reindeer, were invented at this time


Richard Klein believed that 50,000 years ago, some key mutation occurred that

unlocked our big brain's potential for abstract and symbolic thought

pressure flaking also appeared during the

upper paleolithic

what does the arrival of people in Australia during the Upper Paleolithic indicate?

upper paleolithic people from Asia were skilled at sea travel

what do the animal bones found at Dolni Vestonice suggest about Upper Paleolithic behaviors?

upper paleolithic people scavenged and hunted

Olga Soffer suggests that

upper paleolithic peoples may have located their settlements near places where many mammoths died naturally in order to make use of the bones for building

cave art reached a peak toward the end of

upper paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing

In Near East, there seems to have been a shift from mobile big game hunting to the

utilization of a broad spectrum of natural resources at the end of the Upper Paleolithic

in east and southeast asia, ocean resources became

vital to costal-dwelling peoples, whereas those inland lived primarily in caves, hunting and collecting broadly in the local environment -many sites appear to have been occupied for long periods of time, showing sedentism

in Africa too, the preagricultural period was marked by a

warmer, wetter environment

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