module 5
seldom; buhawi
- Occurrence of tornadoes in Asian countries is ____ - There are reported occurrences of _____ in the Philippines
El Nino; warming of sea surface temperature; dry spells, droughts, and stronger typhoons
- Pacific Trade Winds fail to replenish following the summer monsoons of Asia - this warmer air leads to an oscillation between the cooler and warmer waters, leading to warmer ocean temperatures than normal - caused by the ___________________ in the Pacific affecting air and sea currents. This phenomenon result in reduced rainfall leading to _____________________
La Nina; continental Asia and China; Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia; African; cold ocean temperatures; equatorial Pacific
- Strong Trade Winds carry warmer water westwards across the Pacific leading to colder than average temperatures in the east and warmer than average temperatures in the west. - In the western Pacific, the formation of cyclones shifts westwards which increases the potential for landfall in those areas most vulnerable to their effects, and especially into ______________ - leads to greater rainfall in the west, especially in _______________ and further westwards toward the southern countries in the _______ continent - characterized by unusually _____________ in the _________
storm surge
- a rise of seawater above normal sea level on the coast, generated by weather elements such as cyclonic wind and atmospheric pressure - sea level is raised and driven towards the coast
Tornado; visible condensation funnel
- a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground - comes in many sizes but are typically in the form of a ___________ - can have a wide range of colors depending on the environment - are found most frequently in the United States particularly during the spring and summer months
flash flooding of rivers
- characterized by very little time between the rain falling and this from occurring - associated with increased occurrence of drowning, mainly from the entrapment of people - common where ___ are narrow and steep, so water flow more quickly
flash flooding in valleys
- commonly accompanied by heavy debris - aside from damages to infrastructure, debris carried by fast currents of water result in both fatal and non-fatal injuries - in contrast, gradual inundation is more predictable and hence, less likely to cause drowning and injury
water induced landslide
- massive outward and downward movement of slope-forming materials - movement of rocks and soil masses that may range in size up to entire mountainsides, with movements varying in velocity - occurs when a section of a hill slope is too weak to support its own weight - generally triggered by other natural hazards such as prolonged, heavy rains or other sources of water which increase the water content of the slope materials - susceptibility of hill slope may result from denudation of mountain sides, removal of the trees or ground cover that holds the soil - susceptibility also due to alteration of ground surface (e.g. grading for roads or building constructions)
El Nino and La Nina; ocean; atmosphere; climate patterns; ocean temperatures; warm and dry; cold and wet
- result from interaction between the surface of the ____ and the ______ in the tropical Pacific - changes in the ocean impact the atmosphere and ______ around the globe. - in turn, changes in the atmosphere impact the ___________ - the system oscillates between ________ to neutral then to _______ conditions with an average of every 3-4 years
El Nino Southern Oscillation
Ondoy, Pepeng, Santi
From September to October 2009, three typhoons caused serious damage due to floods and landslides in the central to northern part of Luzon
2015-2016; 18 months; July 2016
In _____, El Nino lasted for ____ in the Philippines and officially ended in _______. The following were the damages caused by this extended dry spell: - USD 325 million worth of total damage and production losses in crops - 1.48 million metric tons of crops lost, including rice, corn, cassava and high value crops such as banana and rubber - 413 456 affected farming household need support to recommence farming activities in the next cropping season - 16 of the country's 18 regions were affected between February 2015 and July 2016. Impact was strongest in Mindanao where 27 provinces were affected
May 2016;
In _____, La Nina Watch was activated by the Government. Preparations done by the government: - The agriculture sector advised to prepare despite projected low probability of occurrence - Preparations were done for severe flooding and landslides which can occur even under weak La Nina conditions
October 2; Ana Solis; first quarter of 2021
Last ______, PAGASA's Chief Monitoring and Prediction Section, ______, announced that La Nina has started and may last until the ______
low-lying areas
____________ are more prone to riverine floods and gradual inundation
are considered one of the most widespread climactic hazards that poses multiple risks to humans
lakes, oceans, or reservoirs; heavy and prolonged rainfall
causes of floods: could also be due to the temporary rise of ________ and/or other enclosed bodies of water, inundating border lands due to ___________ associated with tropical cyclones, monsoon rains, inter-tropical convergence zones or active low pressure areas
cutting of trees; urbanization; hydrological regime
causes of floods: ecologists attribute flooding to human activities like unregulated _______ and ________ of large areas - changed the ______ of some areas so that water flows into streams more rapidly
100 years; more intense flood disasters
causes of floods: it is predicted that over the next _______, low-lying coastal sites and zones that currently experience high rainfall, will experience _____________
storm surges; tsunami
causes of floods: it may also be caused by ________ and _____ in coastal areas
mortality; mountainous areas; river valley areas
causes of floods: significant increases in ______ from flood events are seen in _______ and in narrow __________
temporary rise; overflowing; inundating; floodplains
causes of floods: usually caused by a ____ or the _____ of a river, stream, or other water course, ______ adjacent lands or _______
coastal areas in north eastern Mindanao
Bicol, Quezon, Metro Manila, Bulacan
coastal areas in southern Luzon
Samar, Leyte, Iloilo, Palawan, Cebu, Negros, Bohol
coastal areas in the central Visayas
central Visayas, southern Luzon, north eastern Mindanao
coastal areas most vulnerable to high storm surges
La Nina
cold and wet season
36289 km; sea-level rise; Pacific Ocean; 26; low-lying; long stretches; concave; 20; 9; southern; eastern
conditions that make the Philippines prone to storm surge: 1. has _____________ of coastlines (highly susceptible to weather hazards) 2. included in the region's most vulnerable to __________ 3. lies in the part of the __________ which actively generates and average of ___ tropical cyclones per year 4. ___________ islands, ________ of coastal areas, _______ and gently sloping coastlines contribute to the enhancement of storm surge impacts 5. An average of __ typhoons enter PAR annually, __ make landfall passing through the ____ part of Luzon island and ______ part of the Visayan islands
depth is shallow; slope of the seabed is gradual; friction
factors that affect the occurrence of storm surges 1. where the _______ and ________, the natural flow of the water is delayed by the effect of _____ on the seabed
shape of the coastline; slope of the seabed
factors that affect the occurrence of storm surges 3. depending upon the _________ and the __________, storm surge can sweep across large portions of coastal areas
excess water; large volume of water
factors that affect the occurrence of storm surges: 2. as more water moves from the sea to the coast, _____ piles up on the shoreline. this piling up of water result to a _______ which might eventually flow into the hinterland some distance from the coast
flood from storm surge
factors that affect the occurrence of storm surges: 4. ___________ is a major cause of casualties and damages in coastal regions
greatest risk of this is in low-lying areas and in areas near bodies of water and/or located downstream from a dam
flash floods
it can also occur in built-up urban areas where hard surfaces (roads and concrete) do not let the water drain away into the ground
flash floods
occurs when rainfall is so intense that the ground cannot drain it away
Guinsaugon landslide; Milenyo; Ondoy
some serious calamities that occurred during La Nina years - (2006) - Typhoon Xangsene (2006) - Typhoon Ketsana (2009)
several dams in Metro Manila
storm rainfall of August 5 to 6, 2012 caused water to overflow at ____________ and surroundings, causing flood
Metro Manila, CALABARZON, Cagayan Valley
the following areas are considered as flood disaster hot spots in the Philippines (Luzon Island)
the human impact of floods is concentrated disproportionately in __________ countries
the inundation of land areas which are not normally covered by water
this area is considered as a flood disaster hot spot in the Philippines (Mindanao Island)
El Nino
warm and dry season