Module 6 - MBA 703 (Sadhya)

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Versions and timestamps

1 of 3 functions supported by a document management system The document management system will keep multiple versions of documents. The most recent version of a document is easy to identify and will be considered the default.


1 of 3 functions supported by a document management system When a process changes, those who implement the process need to be made aware of the changes. The document management system will notify the appropriate people when a change to a document has been approved.

Approvals and workflows.

1 of 3 functions supported by a document management system When a process needs to be changed, the system will manage both access to the documents for editing and the routing of the document for approval.

Advantages of a Global Firm

1. Ability to locate expertise and labor around the world (more choices, less $$). 2. Ability to operate 24 hours a day (different time zones) 3. Larger market for their product (worldwide customer base)

business process diagramming tools

1. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), 2. Data Flow Diagram (DFD), 3. Unified Modeling Language (UML).

People who manage information systems

1. Chief Information Officer (CIO) 2. Functional Manager 3. ERP Management 4. Project Managers 5. Information Security Officer

3 main components of an ERP

1. Computer program: a computer program, which means that it has been developed with specific logic and rules behind it. It is customized and installed to work specifically for an individual organization 2. Centralized database: data is stored in a single, central database. Centralization is key to the success of an ERP 3. Used to run an entire company: used to manage an entire organization's operations. Companies can purchase modules that represent different functions within the organization such as finance, manufacturing, and sales.

3 best know intellectual property protections

1. Copyright 2. Patent 3. Trademark

design phase of a project (6 stps)

1. Design the hardware environment 2. Design the software 3. Design how the new system will interface with the users 4. Design hardware interfaces 5. Design database tables 6. Design system security results in the components of the new system being identified, including how they relate to one another

BPM key benefits

1. Empowering employees: employees will be able to implement it on their own authority 2. Built-in reporting: measurement in the programming allow the organization to can stay current on key metrics regarding their processes 3. Enforcing best practices: 4. Enforcing consistency

Technologies that brought about Globalization 3.0

1. Graphical user interface for the personal computer popularized in the late 1980s. 2. Build-out of the Internet infrastructure during the dot com boom during the late-1990s 3. Introduction of software to automate and integrate business processes These 3 technologies created a platform for global collaboration. Also contributers = open source platforms and mobile technologies

Challenges in a global firm

1. Infrastructure differences (varying levels of quality and bandwidth, internet speed) 2. Labor laws and regulations 3. Legal restrictions (what can be sold, advertisement) 4.Language, customs, and preferences (culture differences, preferences) 5.International Shipping

Technology adoption user types

1. Innovators 2. Early adopters 3. Early majority 4. Late majority 5. Laggards

Drawbacks to a code of ethics

1. No legal authority. Breaking a code of ethics is not a crime in itself. Multiple violations can lead to expulsion from the group. 2. there is always a chance that important issues will arise that are not specifically addressed in the code. A good code of ethics, however, is written in a broad enough fashion that it can address the ethical issues of potential changes to technology while the organization behind the code makes revisions 3. may not entirely reflect the ethics or morals of every member of the group

How to do perform BPR

1. Organize around outcomes, not tasks - one person performs all the tasks inc. speed and customer responsiveness 2. Have those who use the outcomes of the process perform the process 3. Merge information processing work into the real work that produces the information - those that create the info, process the info 4. Treat geographically dispersed resources as though they were centralized 5. Link parallel activities instead of integrating their results - process in parallel 6. Put the decision points where the work is performed and build controls into the process - people who do the work should have decision making authority 7. Capture information at the source

Analysis phase of a project (5 steps)

1. Seek out and identify the details 2. Specify requirements 3. Decide which requirements are most important 4. Create a dialog showing how the user interacts with the existing system 5. Ask users to critique the list of requirements that have been developed involves both the systems analyst and the users

Refined definition of the digital divide (on top of economic, usability and empowerment divides)

1. Social mobility. Lack of computer education works to the disadvantage of children with lower socioeconomic status. 2. Democracy. Greater use of the Internet can lead to healthier democracies especially in participation in elections. 3. Economic growth. Greater use of the Internet in developing countries could provide a shortcut to economic advancement. Using the latest technology could give companies in these countries a competitive advantage.

4 factor considered for Fair Use (copyright)

1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 2. The nature of the copyrighted work; 3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; 4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.

Things a process can be

1. a strategy for achieving competitive advantage 2. achieves its goal in a unique way can set a company apart 3. eliminates costs can allow a company to lower its prices (or retain more profit).

How long does a patent last?

20 years

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

A nonprofit organization that seeks to increase the understanding of civil liberties and other legal issues in cyberspace, or what it called the electronic frontier.

digital divide

A worldwide gap giving advantage to those with access to technology The prevention of certain categories of people — those from low-income households, senior citizens, single-parent children, the undereducated, minorities, and residents of rural areas — from receiving adequate access to the wide variety of resources offered by computer technology. More work needs to be done to address the second and third stages of the digital divide for a more holistic solution

Emerging roles in IS

Data analysts Business intelligence specialists social media experts mobile technology specialists cloud computing/virtual machine experts.

Critique of ERP

ERP systems commoditize business processes, driving all businesses to use the same processes and thereby lose their uniqueness. The good news is that ERP systems also have the capability to be configured with custom processes BUT organizations have to maintain the changes themselves.

3 Stages of Digital Divide

Economic divide, usability divide, empowerment divide

The European 2020 Strategy

Five major areas are being targeted to reduce the digital divide a) research and development, b) climate/energy, c) education, d) social inclusion, and e) poverty reduction

ISO 9000

International Standards Organization: defines quality standards that organizations can implement to show that they are managing business processes in an effective way. ISO 9000 - focused on quality management

Certification examples

Microsoft (software certifications), Cisco (networking), SANS (security).

Usability Divide

One dimension of the digital divide concerned with educational barriers to technology access, such as the ability to operate a computer Included in this group are those with low literacy and seniors. we know how to help users, but we are not doing it because there is little profit in doing so.

Economic Divide

One dimension of the digital divide concerned with financial barriers to technology access, such as the ability to purchase a computer and internet access for all intents and purposes, the economic divide is a moot point and we should not focus our resources on solving it (due to Moore's Law)

Empowerment Divide

One dimension of the digital divide concerned with understanding how to use technology to achieve specific goals Many people will limit what they can do online by accepting the basic, default settings of their computer and not work to understand how they can truly be empowered. the most difficult to solve.

How are people involved in information systems?

People are involved in information systems in just about every way. People imagine information systems, people develop information systems, people support information systems, and, perhaps most importantly, people use information systems.

First Sale Doctrine (copyright)

Provides that an individual who knowingly purchases a copy of a copyrighted work from the copyright holder receives the right to sell, display or otherwise dispose of that particular copy; does not have the right to make copies

best-known ERP vendors

SAP, Microsoft, and Oracle.

Globalization 3.0 (2000-present)

The convergence of the personal computer, fiber optic Internet connections, and software has created a "flat world platform" that allows small groups and even individuals to go global. The world has shrunk from size "small" to size "tiny."

Database Administrator (DBA)

The person who designs and manages the databases for an organization.


This is the least restrictive license. It lets others distribute and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they give the author credit for the original work


This license is the same as CC-BY but adds the restriction that no one can make money with this work. NC stands for "non-commercial."


This license is the same as CC-BY-NC but also adds the ND restriction, which means that no derivative works may be made from the original


This license restricts the distribution of the work via the "share-alike" clause. This means that others can freely distribute and build upon the work, but they must give credit to the original author and they must share using the same Creative Commons license.

Obtaining Copyright Protection

a copyright is obtained by the simple act of creating the original work. for a work that will be used commercially, it is advisable to register for a copyright with the US Copyright Office. A registered copyright is needed in order to bring legal action against someone who has used a work without permission

diagramming tool for documentation of business process

a formalized visual language that provides systems analysts with the ability to describe the business processes unambiguously, to visualize the business processes for systematic understanding, and to communicate the business process for business process management

Fair Use (copyright)

a limitation on copyright law that allows for the use of protected works without prior authorization in specific cases.

Creative Commons

a nonprofit organization that provides legal tools for artists and authors. The tools offered make it simple to license artistic or literary work for others to use or distribute in a manner consistent with the author's intentions.


a series of tasks that are completed in order to accomplish a goal

business process (IS)

a set of business activities performed by human actors and/or the information system to accomplish a specific outcome The better their processes, the more effective the business


a set of moral principles" or "the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.

systems integrator

a specific type of systems analyst that understands how to get different software packages to work with each other.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

a top-down approach to understanding a system. The top-down approach is consistent with the system concept that views a system in a holistic manner and concerns an understanding of a system by examining the components and their interactions within the system. The data stores used in the process and generated data flows in the process are also defined

Prior to analyzing the problem, an analyst must......

a) clearly identify the problem, b) gain approval for the project, c) identify the stakeholders, d) develop a plan to monitor the project.

Early majority (users)

adopt an innovation after a varying degree of time. This time of adoption is significantly longer than the innovators and early adopters. has above average social status, has contact with early adopters, and seldom holds positions of opinion leadership in a system

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

an extension of the traditional flowchart method by adding more diagramming elements for descriptions of business process. The objective is to support business process documentation by providing intuitive notations for business rules. is short of the ability of system decomposition for large information systems

Business process management (BPM)

an intentional effort to plan, document, implement, and distribute an organization's business processes with the support of information technology.

Creative commons relationship to public domain

are not the same. When something is in the public domain, it has absolutely no restrictions on its use or distribution. Works whose copyrights have expired are in the public domain

Computer trainer

conducts classes to teach people specific computer skills. need to be able to communicate technical concepts clearly and demonstrate patience with learners.


creates protection for someone who invents a new product or process. A holder has the right to "exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted Once a patent is granted, it is up to the owner of the patent to enforce it

Acceptable User Policy (AUP)

defines what users are allowed and not allowed to do with organization-owned IT assets. violations of these policies have various consequences.

Computer engineers

design the computing devices that are used every day 1. Hardware Engineer 2. Software Engineer 3. Systems Engineer 4. Network Engineer

Hardware Engineer

designs hardware and test components such as microprocessors, memory devices, routers, and networks. 1. Create something new 2. reengineer existing components to work faster with less power 3. write code to create a program implemented directly on a computer chip

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

extended copyright law to take into consideration digital technologies. Two of the best-known provisions are the anti-circumvention provision and the "safe harbor" provision.

Open source software has ...

few or no copyright restrictions.

Software engineer

focus on a specific area of software such as operating systems, networks, applications, or database 3 primary skills - computer science, engineering, mathematics

How long copyright protection lasts

for the life of the original author plus seventy years. In the case of a copyrighted work owned by a publisher or another third party, the protection lasts for ninety five years from the original creation date.

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

fully understanding the goals of a process and then dramatically redesigning it from the ground up to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity and quality.

Creators of Information Systems

generally technical and have a background in programming, analysis, information security, or database design. 1. Systems Analysts 2. Programmer/Developer 3. Computer Engineer

Globalization 1.0 (1492-1800)

globalization was centered around countries. It was about how much horsepower, wind power, and steam power a country had and how creatively it was deployed. The world shrank from size "large" to size "medium."

network based organizational structure

groups of employees can work somewhat independently to accomplish a project. People with the right skills are brought together for a project and then released to work on other projects when that project is over.

Information Security Officer

in charge of setting information security policies for an organization and then overseeing the implementation of those policies

Globalization 2.0 (1800-2000)

interrupted only by the two World Wars. In this era, the dynamic force driving change was multinational companies. The world shrank from size "medium" to size "small."

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

is a general-purpose modeling tool in the field of software engineering for constructing all types of computerized systems. includes a set of various types of diagrams with different subjects of modeling and diversified graphics styles. can provide detailed specifications for software engineering in many perspectives for construction of information systems, but could be too complicated for documenting business processes from the perspective of business process management.

Unlike copyright, a patent ....

is not automatically granted when someone has an interesting idea and writes it down

One of the major advantages of creating a code of ethics.....

is that it clarifies the acceptable standards of behavior for a professional group. having these items detailed provides clarity and consistency.

Information Systems Operations and Administration - daily operations

keep the systems running and up-to-date so that the rest of the organization can make the most effective use of these resources. 1. Computer Operator 2. Database administrator 3. Help Desk/Support Analyst 4. Trainer

"safe harbor" provision (DMCA)

limits the liability of online service providers when someone using their services commits copyright infringement. The provision does require the online service provider to take action when they are notified of the violation (a "takedown" notice)

anti-circumvention provision (DMCA)

makes it illegal to create technology to circumvent technology that has been put in place to protect a copyrighted work. includes not just the creation of the technology but also the publishing of information that describes how to do it

ERP Management

one or more individuals to manage the ERP system is completely ensure it is up to date, work to implement any changes to the ERP that are needed, and consult with various user departments on needed reports or data extracts

code of ethics

outlines a set of acceptable behaviors for a professional or social group. Generally, it is agreed to by all members of the group. The document details different actions that are considered appropriate and inappropriate


outsourcing to countries to which your country is physically connected Can have had greater advantage than outsources

Computer Operator

person who oversees the mainframe computers and data centers in organizations. duties include: 1. keeping the operating systems up to date, 2. ensuring available memory and disk storage, 3. providing for redundancy (think electricity, connectivity to the Internet, and database backups), 4. overseeing the physical environment of the computer.

Intellectual property

property (as an idea, invention, or process) that derives from the work of the mind or intellect. laws are written to protect the tangible results of an idea.

automation cannot be used to ...

provide a competitive advantage. It can make a business more efficient. However, simply automating a bad process does not make it better.

Functional Manager

report to the CIO and manage the employees specific to their function.

Project Managers

responsible for keeping projects on time and on budget. This person works with the stakeholders of the project to keep the team organized and communicates the status of the project to management does not have authority over the project team; coordinates schedules and resources in order to maximize the project outcomes. Must be a good communicator and an extremely organized person. and have good people skills.

workflow software

software that allows people to work together more easily, and allows different software and databases to integrate with each other more easily. Examples include payment processing systems and shipping calculators.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

software with a centralized database that can be used to run an entire company Main components: 1. Computer Program 2. Centralized database 3. used to run an entire company reinforces business processes; Best practices can be built into the ERP - a major selling point for ERP

document management system

stores and tracks documents and supports the following functions: 1. Versions and timestamps. The document management system will keep multiple versions of documents. The most recent version of a document is easy to identify and will be considered the default. 2. Approvals and workflows. When a process needs to be changed, the system will manage both access to the documents for editing and the routing of the document for approval. 3. Communication. When a process changes, those who implement the process need to be made aware of the changes. The document management system will notify the appropriate people when a change to a document has been approved.

systems analyst

straddles the divide between identifying business needs and imagining a new or redesigned system to fulfill those needs required to have a good understanding of the business itself, the purpose of the business, the business processes involved, and the ability to document them well. Needs to speak the language of the programmers and database designers generally is not the one who does the actual development of the information system. The design document provides the detail needed to create the system and is handed off to a developer to actually write the software and to the database administrator to build the database and tables that will be in the database It is vital to clearly understand the purpose of the business of interest, realizing that all businesses are unique.

Systems Engineer

takes the components designed by other engineers and makes them all work together, focusing on the integration of hardware and software. has experience with many different types of hardware and software and knows how to integrate them to create new functionality

Innovators (Users)

the first individuals to adopt a new technology. Willing to take risks, are the youngest in age, have the highest social class, have great financial liquidity, are very social, and have the closest contact with scientific sources and interaction with other in this group.

Help Desk/Support Analyst

the first line of support for computer users in the company. Need good communication skills and sincere desire to help others a junior level employee who is able to answer basic issues that users need assistance with. Work with senior level support analysts or have a computer knowledgebase at their disposal to help them investigate the problem at hand

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

the head of the information- systems function. This person aligns the plans and operations of the information systems with the strategic goals of the organization. Does not necessarily require a lot of technical expertise. While helpful, it is more important for this person to have good management skills and understand the business.


the integration of goods, services, and culture among the nations of the world.

Laggards (users)

the last to adopt an innovation. show no opinion leadership, typically have an aversion to change agents and tend to be advanced in age; typically tend to be focused on "traditions," are likely to have the lowest social status and the lowest financial liquidity, be oldest of all other adopters, and be in contact with only family and close friends


the protection given to songs, computer programs, books, and other creative works. Any work that has an "author" can be copyrighted. the author of a work controls what can be done with the work, including: • Who can make copies of the work. • Who can make derivative works from the original work. • Who can perform the work publicly. • Who can display the work publicly. • Who can distribute the work. a work is not owned by an individual but is instead owned by a publisher with whom the original author has an agreement

Processes that can benefit form BPM

those that include employees from multiple departments, those that require decision-making that cannot be easily automated, and processes that change based on circumstances.

Early adopters (users)

those who adopt innovation soon after a technology has been introduced and proven. These individuals have the highest degree of opinion leadership among the other adopter categories, which means that these adopters can influence the opinions of the largest majority. younger in age, having a higher social status, possessing more financial liquidity, having advanced education, and being more socially aware than later adopters. BUT are more discrete in adoption choices than innovators, and realize judicious choice of adoption will help them maintain a central communication position

Network Engineer

understands the networking requirements of an organization and then designs a communications system to meet those needs, using the networking hardware and software, sometimes referred to as a network operating system. Design both LAN and WAN

Late Majority (users)

will adopt an innovation after the average member of the society. approach an innovation with a high degree of skepticism, have below average social status, very little financial liquidity, are in contact with others in the late majority and the early majority, and show very little opinion leadership.

Programmer (systems development)

writing computer code in a programming language, generally attempt to fulfill the design specifications given to them by a systems analyst/designer. needs to be able to understand complex processes and also the intricacies of one or more programming languages.

What do ISO 9000 auditors look for?

• Tell me what you do (describe the business process). • Show me where it says that (reference the process documentation). • Prove that this is what happened (exhibit evidence in documented records).

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