Monster Test Study guide

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Briefly summarize the testimony of Jose Delgado.

Delgado discovered Nesbitt's body. He also noticed that the cash register was open and money was missing, and there were 5 cartons of cigarettes missing.

What is Dorothy Moore's testimony and how trustworthy is it?

Dorothy Moore testified that James King brought her a lamp on the day of the robbery in order to give him an alibi for the day of the murder. She may not be trustworthy since she is King's cousin and wants to help him.

What is the significance of the following passage? "It's funny, but when I'm sitting in the courtroom, I don't feel like I'm involved in the case. It's like the lawyers and the judge and everybody are doing a job that involves me, but I don't have a role. It's only when I go back to the cells that I know I'm involved."

Even though Steve is the one on trial, he doesn't have a role in the court case. The judge and attorneys are in control of everything, yet Steve will be the one who goes to jail for the rest of his life if he is found guilty. Steve will face the consequences, yet he has no say in how the trial runs.

Briefly summarize the testimony of Sal Zinzi.

Zinzi says while in prison another inmate said he bought cigarettes from another inmate who claimed to have stolen them from a drugstore hold up during which a man was killed.

For what crime are James King and Steve Harmon on trial?

Felony Murder

How much do you think Lorelle Henry's testimony hurts James King's case?

it could hurt James King more than Steve because she is able to identify him as being one of the people in the store around the time of the robbery and murder.

What do you think Steve wants to tell Jerry when he imagines saying, "Think about all the tomorrows of your life?"

it could mean to think carefully about your tomorrows because the decisions you make today could impact your future.

Why does Steve "hate, hate, hate" this place?

He hates jail because it is a scary place and words cannot express how much he hates it.

Why does Steve decide to tell the story of his experience in the form of a movie script?

His experiences in jail does not seem real to him; he feels like he is in a movie. He writes the movie script to help him adjust to this new reality.

What does the judge say in his instructions to the jury that really haunts Steve?

If you believe that Mr. King was a participant in the robbery, whether he actually pulled the trigger or not, you must return a verdict of guilty of felony murder. If you believe that Mr. Harmon was a participant in the robbery, whether he actually pulled the trigger or not, you must return a verdict of guilty of felony murder.

Briefly describe the flashback involving Steve and his friend Tony. What can we infer about Steve's character from his actions in this scene?

In the flashback, Steve throws a rock that hits a young woman. When the tough guy with her angrily questions Steve and Tony. Steve tells Tony to run, and the tough guy punches Tony. We can infer that Steve does not take responsibility for his actions. Steve lets Tony get the punishment for something that he did.

James King says, "When Bobo shows, he shows correct but sometime he act like a spaceman or something." What does the simile James King uses to describe Bobo Evans reveal about his attitude towards Bobo?

James King doesn't think that Bobo is dependable. He wants Steve to join them in the robbery to make sure someone is there to make sure everything is clear in case Bobo doesn't show.

What does the flashback between Steve and Jerry reveal about the nature of the brothers' relationship?

Jerry looks up to his brother Steve because he says that Steve should be Batman and Jerry wants to be his sidekick (Robin).

Why isn't James King going to testify?

King will not testify because he stated to the police that he didn't know Bobo when he was first arrested. The prosecution can prove that King does know Bobo and they will show that he is a liar which would hurt his case.

Who is Lorelle Henry and what is her testimony?

Lorelle Henry was in the drugstore on the day of the robbery. She overheard James King and another man arguing in the store. Then Mr. Nesbitt came to break up the argument and one of the men asked Nesbitt about where the money is located. Then Mrs. Henry left the store because she was afraid there would be trouble.

Why do you think Miss O'Brien warns Steve not to write anything in his notebook that he doesn't want the prosecutor to see?

Miss O'Brien doesn't want Steve to write anything down that could show that he is guilty of the crime. The prosecution could use the notebook as evidence to prove that he committed the crime.

What do we learn about Steve and Mr. Harmon from the scene describing Mr. Harmon's visit with his son?

Mr. Harmon is upset because Steve is in jail. He had dreams that Steve would grow up to be a good man and go to college.

How does Mr. Sawicki serve as a character witness for Steve? How does Petrocelli try to discredit Mr. Sawicki in the eyes of the jury?

Mr. Sawicki testifies that Steve is a talented, bright, and compassionate young man. Also, he testifies that Steve is honest and a good guy. Petrocelli points out that Mr. Sawicki only sees Steve at school, and he doesn't know how Steve behaves at home or in his neighborhood.

What is George Nipping's testimony?

Nipping testified that King is left-handed. Since the gun shot was on the left side of the victim, the shooter probably used his right hand to shoot the gun. The defense is trying to show that King could not have shot the gun since King is left-handed.

Do you believe Osvaldo when he says, "I was in because I was scared of Bobo?"

No, because in an earlier scene he was picking on Steve and talking tough. Also, Osvaldo was in the Diablos gang and he had to beat someone up and cut someone in the face in order to join the gang. He doesn't seem like someone who would be afraid of anyone.

Why does O'Brien believe Steve has to testify?

O'Brien believes that the jury wants to hear Steve's side of the story. Also, Steve needs to distance himself from James King since there is more evidence linking King to the murder.

Why doesn't O'Brien ask Lorelle Henry any questions?

O'Brien doesn't ask Mrs. Henry any questions because her testimony does not put Steve at the scene of the crime. Her testimony is more harmful to James King.

What is O'Brien's strategy to defend Steve?

O'Brien is trying to separate Steve from King then the jury will think King is the only one guilty of the crime.

What is Kathy O'Brien's response to Steve when he tells her he is writing this "whole thing down as a movie?" What does this tell us about her attitude towards him?

O'Brien simply says, "Whatever," which shows she doesn't take his efforts seriously. She may also question his character. She wants him to be focused on the case and take it seriously.

Describe the significance of the turning cup.

O'Brien uses the cup to let Steve know when he is answering the questions correctly (in a way that makes him appear innocent). She can't tell Steve what to say when he testifies; however, she is using the cup to point him in the right direction.

Summarize Osvaldo's testimony.

Osvaldo said that he took part in the robbery because he was afraid of Bobo Evans. Osvaldo was supposed to stop or delay anyone who followed the main robbers (Bobo and James King). Steve was supposed to check out the store to make sure everything was clear before the robbery. Bobo Evans and James King were the ones who robbed the store. Everyone would get a share of the stolen money.

How does Petrocelli use the acquaintance/friend trick to make Steve look bad in the eyes of the jury?

Petrocelli asks if Steve knows each person accussed of the crime. Then at the end she points out that he knows everyone involved in the crime. She shows there is a definite connection between Steve and the robbers.

Why does Petrocelli show the jury the photographs of the crime scene?

Petrocelli showed the jury the photographs because she wanted to leave a bad image in the minds of the jury. She wanted the jury to have those bad images in their minds as they went home for the weekend.

What evidence does Petrocelli use to argue that Steve Harmon is guilty?

Petrocelli states that this case is not about the character of the witnesses such as Mr. Zinzi, Mr. Bolden, Osvaldo Cruz, or Bobo Evans. This case is about a murder committed against an innocent man. Petrocelli tries to show that the testimony of her witnesses is accurate. She shows that credible witnesses like the store clerk validate Zinzi's and Bolden's testimony as true. All men are equally guilty - Evans, Cruz, James King, and Steve Harmon. Steve Harmon was part of the plan. Even though he was just a lookout, he still played a role in the robbery which makes him responsible for the murder as well. Steve made a poor decision and it caused the murder of an innocent man. Even though he didn't pull the trigger, Steve is still responsible for Nesbitt's death.

What evidence does Petrocelli use to argue that James King is guilty?

Petrocelli states that this case is not about the character of the witnesses such as Mr. Zinzi, Mr. Bolden, Osvaldo Cruz, or Bobo Evans. This case is about a murder committed against an innocent man. Petrocelli tries to show that the testimony of her witnesses is accurate. She shows that credible witnesses like the store clerk validate Zinzi's and Bolden's testimony as true. Lorelle Henry validated Bobo Evan's testimony that King was in the store before the robbery. Lorelle Henry identified James King as one of the men arguing in the drugstore. All men are equally guilty - Evans, Cruz, James King, and Steve Harmon.

What precaution do the prison guards take and why?

Prison guards take shoelaces and belts from prisoners, so they will not injure or kill themselves in jail.

What is Sandra Petrocelli's responsibility as Prosecutor? What is her opening argument?

She represents the State or people of New York. Her argument is that she will prove that Steve and James King are guilty of murder.

What is Kathy O'Brien's responsibility as Defense Attorney? What is her opening argument?

She represents/defends Steve. Her argument is that there is reasonable doubt as to whether Steve was involved in the crime. She wants the jury to remember that Steve is innocent until proven guilty.

What causes Steve to cry at night?

Steve cries because he is in jail. He chooses to cry at night, so the other inmates won't hear him and they won't beat him up for crying.

Steve is deeply shaken by seeing his father cry? Why? Has there ever been a time in your life when the reaction of someone else troubled you greatly? If so, what were the circumstances of the situation? Why do you think it affected you so strongly?

Steve has never seen his father cry. He's afraid that his father sees him as a bad person just like the other witnesses.

Why is Steve about the throw up?

Steve is about to throw up because he is thinking of the bad images of the crime scene and smelling the strong disinfectant and realizing that all of the prisoners looked the same. The combinations of the thoughts and smells start his gag reflex.

Why do you think Steve is becoming more and more concerned about what Miss O'Brien thinks about him?

Steve is concerned about Miss O'Brien's opinion because she is the only hope for him getting out of jail and going home. He wants Miss O'Brien to see him as a good person who could not commit this crime.

Describe Steve's nightmare/fantasy sequence about Death Row. What does that scene reveal about his emotions and character?

Steve is extremely afraid of dying on death row, so he imagines what it would be like to be executed.

Why does Steve say James King can't scare him?

Steve is no longer afraid of James King because prison, guards, judge and other inmates scare him more than James King. King looks ridiculous in handcuffs and it makes Steve laugh.

What does the following passage reveal about Steve's character and about the setting? "I hope I didn't shout out in my sleep. That would look weak to everybody. It's not good to be weak in here."

Steve is scared, but he doesn't want anyone in prison to know that he is frightened because they may hurt him for his weakness.

What do you think Steve means when he says, "I need the movie more and more?"

Steve needs the movie because if he pretends that this is a movie then it doesn't seem as real and scary to him.

Briefly summarize Steve's testimony. How well do you think he does?

Steve testifies that he had nothing to do with the robbery. He never agreed to be a "lookout" and he doesn't remember going to the drugstore on the day of the robbery. The fact that he doesn't remember anything from that day seems suspicious. Also, he knows everyone accused of the crime which may influence the jury.

What is Steve's reaction to O'Brien's claim that the judge could sentence him to 25 years to life?

Steve wanted to cry with the other prisoner when he thinks about being in prison for 25 years.

What internal conflict is revealed in the following passage? "I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like I'm a good person because I believe I am. But being in here with these guys makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same, and even though I'm younger than they are, it's hard not to notice that we are all pretty young. I see what Miss O'Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury."

Steve wants to be a good person; however, he is surrounded by bad people in jail. It is hard for him to notice a difference between himself and the other prisoners.

Analyze the following Voice-over: "VO: Ain't no use putting the blanket over your head, man. You can't cut this out; this is reality."

Steve wants to hide, but he can't escape the reality that he is in prison. The other prisoners are trying to tell Steve that this is his new reality.

What do the two flashback scenes in which Steve learns of Nesbitt's murder suggest about his emotions at the time?

Steve was in shock when heard about Nesbitt's murder.

How have Steve's fears changed as he has gone through this experience?

Steve's fear started small, but now it is growing bigger and bigger the longer that he is in prison. Also, the thought of being in prison for 20 years really scares him. He sees the violence all around him and he doesn't want to have to live this way for 20 years.

According to Moody's testimony, what caused the death of Mr. Nesbitt?

The bullet entered his body and punctured his lung. His lungs filled with blood and he was unable to breath. Petrocelli states that "he literally drowned in his own blood."

What is the testimony of Detective Karyl?

The crime scene was shocking. The store owner was dead at the scene. They didn't find any fingerprints. They looked for missing items such as drugs.

What evidence does O'Brien use to argue that Steve Harmon is not guilty?

The prosecution claim that Steve was involved in the robbery, yet there is no evidence of his involvement. Lorelle Henry did not see Steve in the store. Bobo stated that Steve was supposed to give a signal if something was wrong. Since Steve gave no signal, then everything was clear. So the signal was really NO signal, so anyone coming out of the store could have been involved in the crime. What does the judge say in his instructions to the jury that really haunts Steve?After the robbery, Bobo and James King went to a chicken joint to eat, but Steve was not there. There was no testimony that Steve even received any money from the robbery. The only two witnesses who link Steve to the robbery are Bobo Evans and Osvaldo Cruz. The only reason they are testifying is to convince the jury that Steve and James were involved. The deal they made with the state for a lesser sentence depends on convincing the jury that other people were involved in the crime. The jury cannot trust the testimony of these men. Since Bobo Evans has no remorse for his crime, he was able to watch Mr. Nesbitt dying on the floor and then go eat dinner at a local chicken place. In the same way, Bobo Evans has no problem destroying the life of an innocent person like Steve Harmon. O'Brien compares Steve's character to the character of the other witnesses who committed crimes. Steve is more credible than the criminals who testified against him.

What is the significance of the following quote? "There are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and to kill, people who disregard the rights of others."

The prosecutor (Sandra Petrocelli) is calling Steve a monster because she is accusing him of stealing and killing. She is calling Steve a bad person for the crime that he is accused of committing.

In the flashback scene with Peaches and Johnny, what are the characters debating?

They are debating the best way to get money. They decide that stealing from immigrants is the best way to get money because they probably won't report it to the police since immigrants (especially illegal immigrants) don't want to draw attention to themselves.

What are two dangers Steve and other inmates face at night in the detention center?

They face physical abuse and sexual harassment in the detention center.

What is the significance of the following quote? "I'll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Monster."

This quote explains the title of the book. Also, it shows that the prosecutor doesn't see the main character as human. The prosecutor thinks that he is evil and cruel because of the crime that he committed.

Compare and contrast Mrs. Harmon's response to Steve and his situation to that of Mr. Harmon's response a few days earlier. What does this reveal about each of their characters?

When Mr. Harmon (father) visited, he seemed disappointed in Steve as if he believed that Steve was guilty. However, Mrs. Harmon (mother) tried to comfort Steve and she seems to believe that he is innocent no matter what anyone else claims.

What is the reaction of the kids visiting court when Steve turns and looks at them? How do you think Steve feels about their reaction?

When Steve looks at the kids, they turn away quickly. Steve may feel badly because even kids are afraid of him.

How does Asa Briggs try to make Lorelle Henry's testimony seem less damaging to King?

Asa Briggs questions how the police questioned Lorelle Henry. He tries to show that Mrs. Henry is not 100% sure that James King is the man she saw in the drugstore.

What details describe the setting?

At night, people are being beaten up and screaming. A man is hit in the face with a tray and begins to bleed. The main character is surrounded by strangers including using the restroom in front of strangers

O'Brien suggests to Steve that in the eyes of the jury he really isn't innocent until proven guilty. What does she mean by this?

When the jury looks at Steve and all they see is a young, black man on trial, so they assume that he is guilty. They see a criminal and they automatically believe that he committed the crime before hearing the evidence.

Describe Bobo Evans's physical appearance when he arrives at court. What does his physical appearance suggest about his character?

Bobo Evans is huge, ugly, and disheveled. He is also wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. His appearance makes him appear to be a criminal and unstable.

What evidence does Briggs use to argue that James King is not guilty?

Bobo Evans is the Prosecution's main witness who testified that James King was involved in the robbery/murder. Yet Bobo has admitted to being a criminal, so his testimony is not trustworthy. Bobo needed someone to blame for the murder, so he put it all on King. Briggs questions Miss Henry's testimony that she saw James King in the drug store on the day of robbery. He states that the police only gave her a few pictures to look at because they wanted her to identify King as the robber. Briggs states that Ms. Moore (King's cousin) who stated that she saw King on the day of the robbery is a more credible witness because she is not a criminal. Miss Moore admitted to seeing two people in the drugstore on the day of the robbery, and two people (Bobo Evans & Osvaldo Cruz) have admitted to the crime. They are trying to put the crime onto someone else in order to make a deal for a lesser sentence in jail. The prosecutor spoke of monsters at the beginning of the trial. The real monsters were the witnesses for the prosecution and not James King.

What does Bobo say that hurts Steve Harmon's case?

Bobo states that Steve was the lookout and he gave the signal that everything was okay before the robbery took place.

What does Bobo say (or not say) that might help Steve Harmon's case?

Bobo states that Steve was to give them the sign that everything was okay in the store. However, when the Petrocelli asks about the "sign," Bobo states that Steve just walked out of the store and that was the sign that everything was clear. Steve could have just been going to the store and not involved in the robbery - there is no concrete evidence.

What does Bobo say that hurts James King's case?

Bobo states that he and James King robbed the store. Also, he states that James King is the one who killed the store owner (Nesbitt).

What is Bobo's testimony?

Bobo testified that he and James King planned to rob the drugstore. Steve was supposed to be the lookout and make sure everything was clear in the store before Bobo and King robbed the store. As they robbed the store, Nesbitt tried to stop them with a gun. King and Nesbitt struggled and King killed Nesbitt with the gun.

How does Briggs try to discredit (make the jury doubt) the truth of Bolden's testimony?

Bolden received a deal from the state that would decrease his jail sentence. Briggs tries to show that Bolden is lying, so he can get out of jail quicker.

What is Bolden's testimony and how does it advance Petrocelli's case?

Bolden stated that "Bobo" Evans sold him cigarettes and that Bobo confessed to the robbery. This evidence will eventually lead to Steve and James King.

How do Briggs and O'Brien try to discredit Bobo?

Briggs (pages 185 - 188) - Briggs tries to discredit Bobo by mentioning all of his crimes (drugs, robbery). Also, he points to the fact that Bobo admits to this crime and he could be the murder instead of James King. O'Brien (pages 189 - 195) - O'Brien tries to show that all of Bobo's testimony is hearsay from King and the detectives. He never had direct contact with Steve Harmon, so he doesn't really know that Steve was involved in the robbery at all. Also, according to Bobo, Steve never received any money from the robbery.

How do Briggs and O'Brien try to discredit Osvaldo or show the jury that Osvaldo's character is questionable?

Briggs - Since Osvaldo was involved in the crime, he would say anything to get himself out of trouble even lie to get a lesser sentence. O'Brien - O'Brien asks Osvaldo about being a gang member of the Diablos. She questions him about his initiation into the gang i.e. beating up someone and cutting someone in the face.

What is Asa Briggs's responsibility as Defense Attorney? What is his opening argument?

Briggs defends James King. His argument is that there will not be sufficient evidence to convict King. Many of the witnesses are questionable because they are criminals.

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