Moral Dilemmas Exam 1 Study Guide

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What does Mill's quote about fools and pigs say? What does he mean by this?

"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." No reasonable person would give up their human life just to be happier as an animal, such as a pig or dog. If the pursuit of sensual pleasures (Epicureans) is the morally best thing to do, how are humans any different than pigs?

What is the golden rule? What issues come with this rule?

"Treat others how you would like to be treated." Ethics should not be based on people's desires. Reason alone should determine whether an action is right or wrong.

What is the difference between Rule Utilitariansim and Act Utilitarianism?

1. Act Utilitarianism or Traditional Utilitarianism is the first version of utilitarianism theory. This theory says: choose that action among those available to you which creates the most happiness. 2. Rule Utilitarianism states: follow that rule which, if generally followed would create the most happiness. Ex: The patients in need of organ transplants and the other patients that no one cares about. Would it be a happier world if doctors regularly killed innocent people and took their organs?

What are the problems associated w/ Divine Command Theory

1. Only god can decide what is right or wrong. One is not ever allowed to use their own intuition; otherwise, this would conflict with DCT. 2. The ability to choose one's own religion demonstrates one's own will and judgment, not just God's.

What is the difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism?

1. Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory that says that people always act in their best interest or are always motivated by the desire to satisfy their own self-interest. 2. Ethical egoism is a moral theory that says that everyone should look out for their own self-interest. Being selfish is good.

Give two Objections to Ethical Relativism - w/ Examples.

1. There is a wide array of judgments due to people disagreeing over factual matters, not ethical ones. Ex: People from any culture can all agree that murder is wrong. But murder may mean different things to different people/cultures. 2. Just because people disagree or aren't sure what the right answer means, doesn't mean there isn't a correct answer.

What is the difference between acting from duty and acting merely in accordance with duty?

Acting from duty is doing to right act because it is the right thing to do. Acting merely in accordance with duty is performing the right act, but for the wrong reason. *Consider the shopkeepers example*

What is an evaluative moral ethical statement? Give an example.

An evaluative statement of something and whether it is moral or immoral. Ex: "Mark Zuckerberg should not engage in business practices that are unfair to competitors."

What is an ethical nonmoral ethical statement? Give an example.

An evaluative statement that hands out a judgment on something. However, this judgment does not concern ethics or morality. Ex: "Mark Zuckerberg should not have paid $19 billion for WhatsApp. He paid too much."

What is Aristotle's idea of virtue?

Aristotle defined a virtue as a mean between two corresponding vices, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

What is autonomy? Who has autonomy? How does this relate to Kant's Moral Theory?

Autonomy is the ability to make one's own choices. Auto=self nomos=control. This is the capacity to act not just in accordance with one's desires, but with morality and reason.

What is a descriptive ethical statement? Give an example.

Gives an account of how the world is, without taking sides or handing out a judgment on what is good or bad. Ex. "Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook."

How did Mill and Bentham differ regarding pleasures?

Jeremy Bentham thought that all pleasures were equal. Mill on the other hand believed that pleasures could be ranked. To Mill, intellectual pleasures are more valuable than "lowly" sensual pleasures.

What is Kant's Moral Theory? What does this theory see as valuable and invaluable?

Kant's Moral Theory states: Act in such a way that you always treat humanity- yourself included, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.

What caused the split between Act and Rule Utilitarianism to occur? How does Rule Utilitarianism resolve the main issue with Act Utilitarianism?

Many agree that taking actions that guarantee the greatest happiness is morally just. However, the mechanism used to reason if one should take a certain action caused this split. Act utilitarians can justify any individual action if it produces the most happiness in that situation. Rule utilitarians believe that following general rules in a moral code is more important than the consequences in any one situation.

What is Mary Midgley's Sword Example?

Mary Midgley brings up a valid argument that many things are morally wrong across all cultures and societies. In the sword example, Midgley describes when samurai would use wayfarers as test dummies for their swords before heading into battle. Is the murder of innocent people justified in this circumstance just because it is normalized within this society? Are some actions just immoral no matter where they occur?

What is the difference between moral and intellectual virtues?

Moral virtues are learned through repitition, examples are things such as honesty, courage, and generosity. Intellectual virtues are learned from others, examples are things such as the ability to reason, understand well, and judge well.

What are perfect and imperfect duties?

Perfect duties are duties that are done for the sake of others. Examples include the duty not to murder, the duty not to lie, and the duty to keep promises. Imperfect duties are duties that are done for the self. Examples include the duty to avoid drunkness and not to commit suicide. *Imperfect duties may never be performed at the expense of a perfect duty*

What is the story of the Ring of Gyges? What was Plato's conclusion regarding the story?

The story of the Ring of Gyges was presented by Plato. A shepherd discovers a ring that can make him invisible. He eventually overthrows his king and marries the queen. If given this ring, would a moral person remain moral? Would you? Plato concludes that anyone will become immoral and do unjust things if they know they will get away with it.

Argue in favor of Ethical Relativism.

There are no objective truths in ethics. Judgment can and will differ from person to person and culture to culture.

What is Ethical Egoism?

This theory states that actions are morally right if they are in your best interest. Everyone ought to look out for their own best interest. Being selfish is good.

What is Ehtical Relativism?

This theory states that morality differs from culture to culture. It is relative to the norms of a particular culture. One action may be morally right in one and morally wrong in another. Ex: Testing One's Sword Scenario

What is Divine Command Theory?

This theory states that morality is based on the commands of God. If an action is morally good, it is equivalent to a command from God. "God approves = Good"

What is utilitarianism? What do utilitarians value? What do they not value?

Utilitarianism is a moral theory that values the consequences of one's actions to generate the most happiness for others. The motive and act itself do not matter, only the end result. The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the most important to utilitarians.

What are virtue ethics?

Virtue ethics states that the morally right thing to do is pursue a virtuous character. Virtue ethics tells us how we ought to be, not what we ought to do.

What is The Greatest Happiness Principle?

We should do what produces the greatest amount of happiness for the largest amount of people.

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