mqm220 ch 3

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​"severe income disparity and chronic fiscal​ imbalances" As economic growth has languished and​ sputtered, and as​ people's belief that anyone could grab hold of an opportunity and have a decent shot at prosperity has​ wavered, social discontent over growing income gaps has increased. The bottom line is that business leaders need to recognize how societal attitudes in the economic context also may create constraints as they make decisions and manage their businesses.

According to the World Economic​ Forum, two significant​ post-recession risks facing business leaders and policy makers over the next decade are​ ___________.

symbolic The symbolic view of management holds that much of an​ organization's success or failure is due to external forces outside​ managers' control.

According to the​ ___________________ view of​ management, performance is influenced by factors such as the​ economy, customers, governmental​ policies, competitors'​ actions, and industry conditions.

autocracy An autocracy is a government by​ one, and it would not be a characteristic of an innovative culture.

According to​ research, an innovative culture would most likely be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT​ ________. A. autocracy B. ​risk-taking C. ​playfulness/humor D. freedom E. idea time

risk-taking According to Swedish researcher Goran​ Ekvall, an innovative culture would be characterized by the​ following: challenge and​ involvement; freedom; trust and​ openness; idea​ time; playfulness/humor; conflict​ resolution; debates;​ risk-taking.

An innovative business culture most likely involves​ ________.

symbols and language Material symbols convey to employees who is important and the behaviors that are expected and appropriate. Many organizations and units within organizations use language as a way to identify and unite members of a culture. By learning this​ language, members attest to their acceptance of the culture and their willingness to help preserve it.

Employees learn organizational culture through​ ________.

the degree of change and complexity in an​ organization's environment Correct. If the components in an​ organization's environment change​ frequently, it's a dynamic environment. If change is​ minimal, it's a stable one. The other dimension of uncertainty describes the degree of environmental​ complexity, which looks at the number of components in an​ organization's environment and the extent of the knowledge that the organization has about those components.

Environmental uncertainty refers​ to_____________.

employee empowerment In spiritual​ organizations, managers trust employees to make thoughtful and conscientious decisions.

In spiritual​ organizations, managers give employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for making decisions within the scope of their jobs. Which cultural characteristic does this​ represent?

the​ organization's culture and is called internal constraint In​ reality, managers are neither​ all-powerful nor helpless. But their decisions and actions are​ constrained; external constraints come from the​ organization's environment and internal constraints come from the​ organization's culture.

Managers face constraints in their ability to control their​ organizations; one constraint is based on​ __________________.

Organizational culture Organizational culture is an internal​ constraint, not an external constraint that is part of the​ company's environment. External environmental components include the economic​ component; the demographic​ component; the​ political/legal component; the sociocultural​ component; the technological​ component; and the global component.

Of the following​ components, all of them might act as constraints to managers in the external environment EXCEPT for​ the_________ component. A. technological B. organizational cultural C. demographic D. ​political/legal E. sociocultural

strategic plans Although strategic plans are important to the successful operation of a company they do not comprise organizational culture. Organizational culture is described as the shared​ values, principles,​ traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act and that distinguish the organization from other organizations.

Organizational culture comprises all of the following factors EXCEPT​ __________.

strong customer service skills Although delivering​ consistent, high-quality customer service is crucial to a​ company, it is not the hallmark of workplace spirituality. Organizations with a spiritual culture recognize that people have a mind and a​ spirit, seek to find meaning and purpose in their​ work, and desire to connect with other human beings and be part of a community.

Organizations with a spiritual culture recognize that people have the following characteristics EXCEPT​ ________.

​Hispanic-Americans Hispanic-Americans continue to be the​ fastest-growing segment of the U.S.​ population; however, they do not constitute a demographic categorization used in describing​ post-World War II generations. The categorizations​ are: Baby​ Boomers, Gen​ Y, Millennials, and​ Post-Millennials.

The following are all demographic categorizations used in describing the​ post-World War II​ generations, EXCEPT​ ________.

Material artifacts and symbols Material artifacts and symbols include an​ organization's facilities, how employees​ dress, the kinds of automobiles provided to top​ executives, the availability of corporate​ aircraft, and the size of offices.

The layout of an​ organization's facilities, how employees​ dress, the kinds of automobiles provided to top​ executives, and office sizes are examples of which aspect of the​ organization's culture?

socialization Socialization is a process that helps new employees learn the​ organization's way of doing things.

The process through which employees learn about and adapt to the​ organization's culture is known as​ ___________.

Managers are directly responsible for an​ organization's success or failure. In the omnipotent​ view, someone has to be held accountable when organizations perform poorly regardless of the​ reasons, and that​ "someone" is the manager. Of​ course, when things go​ well, managers also get the creditlong dash—even if they had little to do with achieving the positive outcomes.

Which of the following most accurately describes the omnipotent view of management within the​ organization?

sociocultural Correct. This component is concerned with societal and cultural​ factors, such as​ values, attitudes,​ trends, conditions,​ lifestyles, beliefs,​ tastes, and patterns of behavior.

Before introducing a new product to the​ market, a food products company conducts market research to identify the​ lifestyles, patterns of​ behavior, and attitudes of consumers in the target market. This market research targets the​ ___________ component of the external environment.

external Constraints based on the​ company's environment are referred to as external​ constraints; those based on the​ company's culture are referred to as internal constraints.

Managers face constraints in their ability to control their​ organizations; the constraint based on the​ company's environment is referred to as​ a(n) __________________ constraint.

​Freedom, trust, and debates

Which of the following are most likely characteristics of an innovative business​ culture?

Population characteristics such as family​ composition, education​ level, and geographic location

Which of the following factors would likely be considered part of the demographic​ environment?

Socialization Correct. Organizations help employees adapt to the culture through socialization​, a process that helps new employees learn the​ organization's way of doing things.

Which of the following is primarily used by firms to help employees adapt to the organizational​ culture?

Strong cultures are associated with high organizational performance. Strong organizational cultures are associated with high​ performance, because if values are clear and widely​ accepted, employees know what​ they're supposed to do and​ what's expected of​ them, so they can act quickly to take care of problems.

Which statement about organizational culture is most likely​ true?

Geographic mobility and economic uncertainty create a lack of community.

Which statement best explains the importance of workplace spirituality in​ today's society?

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