Mr. Holtzman question bank

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1) This computer system captures, stores, analyzes, and displays data. It measures the position of an object on earth and stores it in a computer along with countless other specific measurements. Each type of information may be stored in a layer, and then layers may be combined to present the overall image. The statement above refers to which of the following? A)a GIS B)a local-global continuum C)U.S. Census tracting D)a GPS E)a spatial data pattern


101)In the Mediterranean area, the most important cash crops are A)olives and grapes B)citrus fruits and tree nuts C)tomatoes and lettuce D)cotton and sugarcane E)rubber and tobacco


12)Which of the following would be best illustrated by a large-scale map? A)the arrangement of streets in a village B)major road crossingss in a town C)connecting highways between towns in a region D)major highways that connect regions in a large country E)connections among major world cities


16)The art and science of mapmaking is called A)cartography B)topography C)physical geography D)spatial analysis E)territorial morphology


22)Which of the following best describes the phenomenon of demographic momentum? A)Despite a falling fertility rate, the population of a country with a large percentage of young people continues to grow. B)In countries where birth rates have declined, the proportion of elderly people naturally increases. C)The drop in infant mortality accounts for a large part of the decline in the overall death rate in recent years in many countries. D)The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a specific period is explained by demographic momentum. E)The average number of years that a child can expect to live increases as a country industrializes.


26)The gravity model describes an inverse relationship between the A)volume of migration and the distance between source and destination B)step migration and intervening opportunities C)flows and counterflows of migrations D)intervening obstacles and intervening opportunities E)environmental push and pull factors and cultural push and pull factors


35)Which of the following was predicted by Thomas Malthus in the late 18th century? A)Population growth in the future would be checked by famine, disease, and wars. B)Population growth in the future would have no checks to slow it down. C)Population growth in the future would be checked by industrial development. D)Population growth in the future would be supported by increasing food supplies. E)Population growth in Europe would be checked by increased colonization and immigration.


36)By the early 21st century, crude birth rates were highest in A)Asia, Latin America, and Africa B)Asia, Europe, and Africa C)Europe, North America, and Latin America D)North America, Africa, and Asia E)Latin America, North America, and Asia


39)Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding population policies in India? A)India's successful population policies have most likely prevented the country from becoming the most populous country in the world as early as 2030. B)Despite policy coordination problems, India's birth rate has dropped by more than half in the last 35 years. C)India's government has made few attempts to curtail population growth. D)Like China, India has had a problem coordinating a centralized population policy. E)India has followed China's lead in establishing a "one child policy" on the national level.


44)Ernst Ravenstein's demographic studies focused mainly on A)migration B)natural increases in population C)spatial interactions D)fertility rates E)population density


50)Globalization has encouraged the diffusion of A)popular culture B)ethnic religions C)linguistic fragmentation D)folk culture E)ethnocentrism


53)Toponymy is the study of A)place names B)extinct languages C)religious affiliations D)dialects E)linguistic fragmentation


57)In contrast to societies that are strongly influenced by popular culture, folk societies are A)more limited in their building materials by the resources available in the environment B)less likely to promote religious values C)less resistant to culture change D)more inclined to tolerate a variety of social customs and behaviors E)more likely to place a strain on natural resources


63)Cultural complexes are made up of many cultural A)traits B)regions C)systems D)hearths E)dialects


65)Acculturation is a process whereby A)the more dominant culture adopts most of the traits of the less dominant culture B)the dominant culture completely absorbs the less dominant one C)cultural traits are equally exchanged between two cultures D)the less dominant culture adopts some of the traits of the more influential one E)non-material and material culture spread to areas around them


66)The process by which one generation passes culture to the next is called A)cultural transmission B)assimilation C)cultural relativism D)syncretism E)cultural diffusion


7)Which of the following is NOT a physical site characteristic? A)the location of a smaller street in relation to a main street B)amount of rainfall C)type of soil D)elevation E)type of vegetation


71) The shaded area on the map above is an example of a(n) A)stateless nation B)exclave C)fragmented state D)unitary state E)microstate


79)States with the ability to carry out actions or policies within their borders independently from interference are said to have A)sovereignty B)nationalism C)traditional legitimacy D)integration E)a consensual political culture


82)Italy is split between north and south by the "Ancona Line," which illustrates a(n) A)economic devolutionary force B)economic centripetal force C)ethnic devolutionary force D)devolutionary spatial force E)centripetal spatial force


86)During the late 1930s, Germany invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland, areas with large numbers of German minorities. This type of expansionism is called A)irredentism B)territoriality C)economic imperialism D)devolution E)integration


95)Which of the following is NOT a supranational organization? A)the U.S. Republican Party B)the European Union C)the United Nations D)North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) E)Organization of American States


99)Which of the following may NOT be categorized as a primary activity? A)refining petroleum into gasoline B)agriculture C)fishing D)raising animals E)forestry


11)Which of the following modern trends is most directly correlated with the phenomenon of space-time compression? A)regionalization B)globalization C)democratization D)fragmentation E)acculturation


19)Linear, centralized, random, and grid patterns help us define the A)position of something on earth's surface B)arrangement of objects on earth's surface in relation to other objects C)distance between objects on a map and the distance between objects on earth's surface D)organization of earth's surface into distinct areas E)physical gap or distance between two objects


23)The pressure that people place on the land to produce enough food is measured by A)arithmetic (or crude) density B)physiological population density C)population concentrations D)the stationary population level E)the demographic equation


3)Which of the following is an example of the spatial analysis tradition in geography? A)natural vegetation on hillsides B)a checkerboard pattern created by agricultural use of land C)the sizes of major oceans D)the number of ships constructed in New England E)flight patterns of birds in migration


32)"Improving the status of women also enhances their decision-making capacity at all levels in all spheres of life, especially in the area of sexuality and reproduction. This, in turn, is essential for the long-term success of population programmes. Experience shows that population and development programmes are most effective when steps have simultaneously been taken to improve the status of wome." -- United Nations Population Information Network, Which of the following would the author of the statement above be most likely to support? A)Population rates should be controlled by the central government. B)Women should be able to control their own fertility. C)Population rates should be controlled by regional governments. D)Population increases should be encouraged, especially in less developed countries. E)Population control is not an international issue.


41)Which of the following was the most significant human migration to occur during the 19th and early 20th centuries? A)emigration from Asia to Europe B)emigration from Europe to the Americas C)emigration from Africa to Asia D)emigration from Latin America to North America E)emigration from Asia to North America


49)Mahayana, Theraveda, and Tantrayana are three branches of A)Islam B)Buddhism C)Sikhism D)Hinduism E)Daoism


51)A European who refers to China as the "Far East" is reflecting a form of A)cultural relativism B)ethnocentrism C)assimilation D)animism E)humanism


58)The type of culture that includes a wide range of artifacts is called A)popular culture B)material culture C)folk culture D)a culture region E)non-material culture


64)As Islam spread to Sub-Saharan Africa by the 9th century, its first converts were the elites, but most ordinary people retained their native relgions. This phenomenon illustrates the process of A)contagious diffusion B)hierarchical diffusion C)stimulation diffusion D)relocation diffusion E)migrant diffusion


69)Which of the following is NOT an ethnic religion? A)Hinduism B)Sikhism C)Shintoism D)Judaism E)Shamanism


75)A unitary political system is one that A)concentrates policymaking power in the hands of one individual B)concentrates policymaking power in one geographic place C)has only one branch of government - the executive D)does not allow direct elections of public officials E)has only one house in the legislature


80)A group of people bound together by a common identity is a(n) A)state B)nation C)regime D)institution E)political system


84)"Shatter belts" are geographical zones where tensions often explode based on A)economic boundaries B)cultural boundaries C)physical boundaries D)geometric boundaries E)functional boundaries


89)The median-line principle is often used to define a A)desert boundary B)water boundary C)frontier D)mountain boundary E)consequent boundary


9)The map above describes the countries and inhabitants of the world, as known to A)Europeans during the Middle Ages B)Ancient Greeks C)Muslim scholars in the Middle East D)German scholars during the 17th century E)Arab geographers during the 18th century


92)A functional boundary dispute arises when neighboring states cannot agree on A)natural resources that lie in border areas B)policies that apply in a border area C)the ownership of a region around mutual borders D)where the border actually is E)where citizens from one or both states may settle


96)The map above shows the origin and diffusion of A)commercial agriculture B)vegetative planting C)swidden agriculture D)plantation farming E)pastoral nomadism


97)In which of the following areas is livestock most likely to be sold in the domestic market? A)Argentina B)the Middle East C)the United States D)New Zealand E)Uruguay


10)Which of the following is a type of region categorization that emphasizes the relationship between core and peripheral areas? A)formal regions B)uniform regions C)functional regions D)perceptual regions E)vernacular regions


14)If it is 9 A.M. in New York City, what time would it be in Los Angeles (assuming both are on standard time)? A)noon B)10 A.M. C)6 A.M. D)1 P.M. E)7 A.M.


17)Which of the following is the most important function of a toponym? A)to define the mathematical relationship between the size of an area on a map and its actual size B)to define a location relative to other human and physical features on the landscape C)to distinguish a particular place from other places on the earth D)to identify similarities of physical or cultural features within a region E)to determine precise absolute locations on earth


21)The country represented by the population pyramid above is most likely characterized by A)adequate health care for the elderly B)readily available birth control C)high death rates for women in childbirth D)persistant warfare E)low rates of heart disease and cancer


28)Which of the following is LEAST likely to have a high population density? A)coastal areas of South America B)river valleys in Africa C)interior areas of Australia D)sea level altitudes of North America E)coastal areas of India


29)Which of the following is an accurate statement about the population of China? A)The population is spread out fairly evenly across the country B)Population is more concentrated in the southern part of the country C)The western part of the country is sparsely populated D)Population hugs the coastlines with almost no large inland cities E)Population is more concentrated in the northern part of the country


38)The "mortality revolution" occurred in Europe during the mid-19th century when A)birth rates dropped significantly B)pandemics lowered population levels dramatically C)death rates dropped significantly D)birth rates and death rates both rose significantly E)a stationary population level was achieved


46)The Indo-European language family has its distant origins in the area around the A)Baltic Sea B)Iberian Peninsula C)Black Sea D)Italian Peninsula E)Arabian Peninsula


5) The meridians shown on the map above calculate the A)distance north and south of the equator B)relative location of bodies of water to land masses C)distance east and west of the prime meridian D)arrangement of objects on earth's surface in relationship to one another E)organization of earth's surface into distinct areas that are viewed as different from other areas


54)Which of the following is a particular form of relocation diffusion in which the spread of culture traits is slow enough that they weaken in the area of origin by the time they reach other areas? A)contagious diffusion B)hierarchical diffusion C)migrant diffusion D)stimulus diffusion E)expansion diffusion


59)Which of the following is a dialect? A)Indo-European B)Romance C)southern United States D)Latin E)Dravidian


62)Which of the following schools of thought puts most emphasis on the importance of the physical environment in shaping cultures? A)possibilism B)cultural ecology C)environmental determinism D)environmental perception E)cultural determinism


67)Linguistic geographers use isoglosses to mark A)the creation of pidgins B)the extent to which a lingua franca is used in a particular area C)the limits for an area in which particular words are used D)the area in which an official language is used E)the area in which an extinct language is used


72)The practice of adjusting voting district boundaries in order to benefit the interest of one political party or group is called A)devolving B)territorializing C)gerrymandering D)minority-majority districting E)red lining


77)A countertrend to fragmentation in global interactions today is A)corporatism B)democratic consolidation C)globalization D)radicalism E)privatization


90)Thailand is an example of a state with a shape that is A)perforated B)compact C)prorupted D)elongated E)fragmented


94)People of French heritage who live in the province of Quebec have created devolutionary forces in A)Australia B)Spain C)Canada D)Switzerland E)Germany


15)Which of the following characteristics of a place is most important in determining its centrality or isolation? A)absolute location B)physical site characteristics C)toponym D)relative location E)pattern


18)The U.S. government agency most directly responsible for counting and collecting information about the country's inhabitants is the A)Office of Administration B)Office of Management and Budget C)Department of Health and Human Services D)Census Bureau E)Federal Reserve Board


2) The computer system identified in #1 would most likely be helpful in solving problems related to A)navigation of airplanes and ships B)identification of ethnic settlement patterns C)core-periphery relationships D)the viability of building houses on hillsides E)determination of precise absolute locations on earth


25)During the late 1800s, an important pull factor for immigrants to the United States was A)a potato famine in Ireland B)political unrest of Germany and Eastern Europe C)political persecution in Russia D)the Industrial Revolution in the United States E)forced migration of slaves from Africa


27)Refugees fleeing from the Balkans during the 1990s were mostly reacting to A)economic push factors B)economic pull factors C)cultural pull factors D)cultural push factors E)environmental push factors


30)The Chinese government's population policies since 1979 have resulted in A)an overall reduction in the country's population B)a disproportionately large number of young women in the population C)tighter restrictions for family sizes of ethnic minorities than for Han Chinese D)a rapidly aging population E)a strict one-child policy for all families


40)The demographic equation summarizes population change over time in an area by combining A)immigration and emigration rates B)spatial interactions and migrations C)distance decay and step migration D)natural change and net migration E)push and pull factors for migration


45)Canada's two largest language-based ethnic groups are A)English and Spanish B)Russian and Inuit C)English and German D)English and French E)French and German


47)Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape? A)a coral reef B)a stand of pine trees C)tropical jungle D)terraced fields of crops on a mountainside E)a glacier


52)Which of the following countries has the largest percentage of Roman Catholics? A)the United States B)Great Britain C)Indonesia D)Brazil E)India


60)Which of the following is NOT a place name in the United States that reflects geographical origins? A)New York B)New Jersey C)Germantown, Pennsylvania D)Pottstown E)New Hampshire


68)The branch of Christianity that has the largest number of adherents is A)Eastern Orthodoxy B)Protestantism C)Lutheranism D)Roman Catholicism E)the Baptist Church


73)Which of the folowing is the best example of a fragmented state? A)Chile B)China C)Germany D)Indonesia E)Nigeria


76)Which of the following types of political organizations most directly reflects the current trend toward integration? A)linkage institutions B)nongovernmental organizations C)national legislatures D)supranational organizations E)national judiciaries


8)Mathematical calculations using latitude and longitude allow us to determine the A)relative location of a particular place B)physical site characteristics of all places on earth C)toponym of a particular place D)absolute location of a particular place E)arrangement of objects on earth's surface


83)Washington D.C. is not a good example of a primate city because it is A)not a forward capital B)not a capital city C)close to the geographical center of the United States D)not disproportionately large in relation to some other U.S. cities E)not located in a core area of the U.S.


87)According to Halford Mackinder's heartland theory, which of the following countries would be most likely to dominate the globe? A)Japan B)the United States C)Britain D)the Soviet Union E)India


93)An example of a state with a federal system is (was) A)the United Kingdom B)France C)Confederate States of America D)the United States E)Germany


98)Two independent seed agriculture hearths that originated in the Western Hemisphere were A)western India and northern China B)North America and the Caribbean C)southern Mexico and North America D)southern Mexico and Peru E)Peru and Western Africa


100)Labor-intensive intertillage is most likely to take place in areas where farmers practice A)pastoral nomadism B)dairy farming C)grain farming D)livestock ranching E)shifting cultivation


13)If it is midnight at the prime meridian, then at the International Date Line it is A)midnight of the previous day B)midnight of the following day C)6 P.M. D)6 A.M. E)noon


20)The geographer who first calculated the earth's circumference with relative accuracy was A)Ptolemy B)Idrisi C)George Perkins Marsh D)Carl Sauer E)Eratosthenes


24)According to demographic transition theory at which stages in a country's development is population most likely to increase? A)Stages 1 and 2 B)Stages 3 and 4 C)Stages 2 and 4 D)Stages 1 and 4 E)Stages 2 and 3


31)Which of the following areas of the world generally have net out-migration? A)Asia and North America B)Africa and Europe C)Latin America and Oceania D)Europe and North America E)Africa and Asia


33)Population density is most often represented by A)population pyramids B)circle graphs C)contour maps D)toponyms E)dot maps


37)In recent years, death rates in developing countries have A)stayed about the same B)decreased slightly C)increased slightly D)increased significantly E)decreased significantly


4)All of the following are correct statements about time zones EXCEPT A)Time zones are geometrically subdivided by meridians each 15° of longitude apart. B)The local time in neighboring zones is exactly one hour different. C)The organization of the world into time zones require that somewhere on the globe the date has to change. D)Many areas have adopted daylight savings time during spring and summer months. E)The People's Republic of China has more time zones than the United States does because China is a larger country.


42)In recent years, a significant intraregional migration has occurred from Afghanistan to A)India B)the United States C)Australia D)Southeast Asia E)Pakistan


48)Which of the following was NOT one of the earliest ancient cultural hearths? A)Nile Valley B)Indus Valley C)Mesopotamia D)East Asia E)Mississippi Valley


55)A condition in which many languages are spoken, each by a relatively small number of people, is called A)syncretism B)linguistic relativism C)bilingualism D)diasporas E)linguistic fragmentation


56)The field that studies the relationship between the natural environment and culture is called A)environmental determinism B)cultural diffusion C)syncretism D)linguistic geography E)cultural ecology


6)A special type of map designed to reveal the details of local topography is called a A)Peters projection map B)Robinson projection map C)local-global continuum map D)reference map E)contour map


61)Which of the following has the highest percentage of first language speakers? A)Spanish B)English C)Hindi D)Arabic E)Mandarin Chinese


70)The statue above is an important symbol for adherents of A)Hinduism B)Eastern Orthodoxy C)Islam D)Confucianism E)Buddhism


74)All of the following are characteristics of most of the world's remaining dependencies EXCEPT: A)Most are remnants of empires. B)Most are located in relatively isolated areas. C)Most have small populations. D)Most are islands. E)Most are located in the southern hemisphere.


78)Which of the following is an example of a centrifugal force within a nation-state? A)ethnic homogeneity B)a strong national economy C)a strong sense of nationalism D)economic equality among regions E)a separatist movement that demands independence


81)The sovereign debt crisis in the European Union (EU) reflects a tension between A)communist and capitalist economies B)the Commission and the European Parliament C)those who favor open free markets and those who seek to protect national economic interests D)those who support enlargement of the EU and those who do not E)EU member-states and non-EU countries in Europe


85)Which of the following is NOT a land-locked state? A)Czech Republic B)Switzerland C)Afghanistan D)Kazakhstan E)South Africa


88)Which of the following is the best example of a multi-core state? A)France B)Japan C)Mexico D)Iceland E)Nigeria


91)Which of the following is the best example of a state with a good relative location? A)Belarus B)Mongolia C)Bolivia D)Laos E)Singapore


The areas identified on the map above are areas that have experienced significant A)in-migration B)population increases C)decreases in demographic momentum D)internal migration E)out-migration


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