MSIS exam

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Explain the difference between primary and secondary storage

In this case, primary storage typically refers to random access memory (RAM), while secondary storage refers to the computer's internal hard drive.

Describe some of the ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.

Asynchronous: Email, Text, AIM, IM, Letters, Snap, Insta, Blog, Wiki, Voicemail (Reviewable, Forward, At my convenience) Synchronous: Video Chat, Phone Calls & VoIP, F2F

Describe the major categories of hardware, and provide an example of each

Central Processing Unit (CPU)- The actual hardware that interprets and executes the program (software) instructions and coordinates how all the other hardware devices work together. 2. Primary Storage- The computer's main memory, which consists of the random access memory (RAM), the cache memory, and the read-only memory (ROM) that is directly accessible to the central processing unit (CPU). 3. Secondary Storage- Equipment designed to store large volumes of data for long-term storage (e.g., diskette, hard drive, memory card, CD). 4. Input Devices- Equipment used to capture information and commands (e.g., keyboard, scanner). 5. Output Devices- Equipment used to see, hear, or otherwise accept the results of information processing requests (e.g., monitor, printer). 6. Communication Devices- Equipment used to send information and receive it from one location to another (e.g., modem).

Describe the differences among data, information, and knowledge

Data = the differences among data, information, and knowledge Information = the differences among data, information, and knowledge Knowledge = the differences among data, information, and knowledge

Explain some of the ethical issues in the use of information technology.

Facebook (elections, privacy, monopoly), Amazon/Youtube fake news (reviews, ratings, etc), Google (monopoly?) Technological dependence, information vandalism, violations of copyright and plagiarism information ethics = Govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and processing of information itself (with or without the aid of computer technologies).

Describe and differentiate the higher level categories of information systems

Operational Support System = "day to day", simple; OLTP - On Line Transaction Processing - records transactions. As business process happens, gets recorded to database. Essentially recording data. Managerial Support System = Hiring/Cutting staff, Hours, Salary, Menus/Specials, Advertisting/Marketing; OLAP - Online Analytical Processing - "What if" analysis of the OLTP. Strategic Support System = big picture, Opening/Closing restaurants, Managerial changes. Peoples tastes, Calories, Strategies to get people in ($1 coffee); ESS- Exectuve Support System (Dashboard) "slice & dice" - Drilldown to particular information

Describe Porter's Five Forces Model, and explain each of the five forces.

Porter's Five Forces Model = A model for analyzing the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates, to assess the potential for profitability in an industry. buyer power = The ability of buyers to affect the price they must pay for an item supplier power = measures the suppliers' ability to influence the prices they charge for supplies (including materials, labor, and services). threat of substitute products or services = high when there are many alternatives to a product or service and low when there are few alternatives from which to choose. threat of new entrants = high when it is easy for new competitors to enter a market and low when there are significant entry barriers to joining a market. rivalry among existing competitors = high when competition is fierce in a market and low when competitors are more complacent.

Compare Porter's three generic strategies.

Porter's three generic strategies = Generic business strategies that are neither organization nor industry specific and can be applied to any business, product, or service. Broad Cost Leadership = Broad range of products at a low price Broad Differentiation = broad range of differentiated products at a high price Focused Strategy = target niche or unique market with either cost leadership or differentiation

Identify the different categories of computer software, and explain their potential business uses.

Two categories of software: Operating System: interacts with hardware + lets you do things. Examples: Windows, DOS, Mac O/S, Linux, Unix Applications: Browsers (chrome, firefox, IE, Safari), Microsoft Office, Quicktime, iTunes) Open source: Giving the source as well as the program, no one owns it, anyone can edit/modify, supporting open source is much harder, fire fox is open source.

Describe Web 1.0 along with ebusiness and its associated advantages.

Web 1.0 (or Business 1.0) = Refers to the World Wide Web during its first few years of operation between 1991 and 2003. ebusiness = Includes ecommerce along with all activities related to internal and external business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with partners, and exchanging real-time information. Expanding global reach, opening new markets, reducing costs, improving operations, improving effectiveness.

Explain Web 2.0, and identify its key characteristics.

Web 2.0 (or Business 2.0) = The next generation of Internet use—a more mature, distinctive communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration inside and outside the organization, content sharing through open sourcing, and user-contributed content. (it gets better the more you use it)

Describe the information age.

Where infinite quantities of facts are available to anyone who can use a computer.

Describe artificial intelligence, and identify three examples of how it is being used in information systems.

artificial intelligence (AI) = Simulates human thinking and behavior such as the ability to reason and learn. expert system = Computerized advisory programs that imitate the reasoning processes of experts in solving difficult problems. neural network = A category of AI that attempts to emulate the way the human brain works genetic algorithm = An artificial intelligence system that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem. intelligent agent = A special-purpose knowledge-based information system that accomplishes specific tasks on behalf of its users. virtual reality = A computer-simulated environment that can be a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world.

Describe and differentiate authentication and authorization.

authentication = A method for confirming users' identities; proving who you are. authorization = The process of providing a user with permission including access levels and abilities such as file access, hours of access, and amount of allocated storage space; What I can do

Describe three Business 2.0 tools for collaborating.

blog, or web log = An online journal that allows users to post their own comments, graphics, and video. wiki = A type of collaborative web page that allows users to add, remove, and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required. mashup = A website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service.

Compare the categories of ebusiness models.

business-to-business (B2B) = Applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over the Internet. business-to-consumer (B2C) = Applies to any business that sells its products or services directly to consumers online. consumer-to-business (C2B) = Applies to any consumer who sells a product or service to a business on the Internet. consumer-to-consumer (C2C) = Applies to customers offering goods and services to each other on the Internet.

Compare the disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the internet and WWW caused business disruption.

disruptive technology = A new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs of existing customers. sustaining technology = Produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a faster car or larger hard drive. Average person can own a computer, business computers can be connected to a larger network, browser software made finding web pages easy, the speed and convienience of emails, easy to make web pages.

Describe the purpose and basic operation of public key encryption.

encryption = Scrambles information into an alternative form that requires a key or password to decrypt. public key encryption (PKE) = Uses two keys: a public key that everyone can have and a private key for only the recipient.

Describe the relationships and differences between hackers and viruses.

hackers = Experts in technology who use their knowledge to break into computers and computer networks, either for profit or motivated by the challenge. virus = Software written with malicious intent to cause annoyance or damage.

Explain Moore's Law, and its effect on the price/performance of computers

that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year/18 months since the integrated circuit was invented. Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. Speed will increase as price goes down.

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Technology and its Effects on Modern America

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