MultiCultural Competence

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In the Tripartate Development of Personal Identity there are 3 levels. What are those levels?

Individual Group Universal

Privileged and marginalized counselors intervene with, and on behalf, of clients at the (5) levels.

intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, public policy, and international/global levels.

An etic view of a culture is.....

is the perspective of an outsider looking in. *For example, if an American anthropologist went to Africa to study a nomadic tribe, his/her resulting case study would be from an etic standpoint if he/she did not integrate themselves into the culture they were observing.

Native Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, and Latin/Hispanic Americans are more likely to....

more likely to experience oppression, poverty, and discrimination BUT •Underutilize mental health services •More likely to terminate prematurely

Privileged and marginalized counselors develop self-awareness, so that they may explore ....

their attitudes and beliefs, develop knowledge, skills, and action relative to their self-awareness and worldview.

What is Etic?

•the belief that human beings share overwhelming commonalities and that the manifestation and treatment of disorders are similar across all cultures and societies •CULTURALLY UNIVERSAL

Privileged and marginalized counselors are ....

aware, knowledgeable, skilled, and action-oriented in understanding clients' worldview.

Multicultural competence supersedes counseling competence BECAUSE

- If you dont have the MCC competence, your interventions wont be of any use to you or the client -YOU NEEEED BOTH

What is in the Individual level?

-Genetic endowment -Non shared experiences

Counselor Self-Awareness

1. Attitudes and beliefs: Privileged and marginalized counselors are aware of their social identities, social group statuses, power, privilege, oppression, strengths, limitations, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, and biases. 2. Knowledge: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess an understanding of their social identities, social group statuses, power, privilege, oppression, strengths, limitations, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, and biases. 3. Skills: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess skills that enrich their understanding of their social identities, social group statuses, power, privilege, oppression, limitations, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, and biases. 4. Action: Privileged and marginalized counselors take action to increase self-awareness of their social identities, social group statuses, power, privilege, oppression, strengths, limitations, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, and biases.

Client Worldview

1.Attitudes and beliefs: Privileged and marginalized counselors are aware of clients' worldview, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression. 2.Knowledge: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess knowledge of clients' worldview, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression. 3.Skills: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess skills that enrich their understanding of clients' worldview, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression. 4.Action: Privileged and marginalized counselors take action to increase self-awareness of clients' worldview, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression.

Counseling Relationship

1.Attitudes and beliefs: Privileged and marginalized counselors are aware of how client and counselor worldviews, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression influence the counseling relationship. 2.Knowledge: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess knowledge of how client and counselor worldviews, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression influence the counseling relationship. 3.Skills: Privileged and marginalized counselors possess skills to engage in discussions with clients about how client and counselor worldviews, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, power, privilege, and oppression influence the counseling relationship. 4.Action: Privileged and marginalized counselors take action to increase their understanding of how client and counselor worldviews, assumptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, biases, social identities, social group statuses, and experiences with power, privilege, and oppression influence the counseling relationship.

Psychological research focuses on Americans who are only _______ % of the world's population


What is in the Universal level?

Ability to use symbols Homosapiens Common life experiences Biological and physical similarities Self- awareness

What is Ethnocentric ?

The belief that one's culture is superior to other cultures

What is Emic?

the belief that cultural differences must be considered in the diagnosis and treatment of culturally diverse groups -Culturally specific

Cultural competence means understanding.......

the history of marginalized groups and oppression

An Emic view of culture is....

ultimately a perspective focus on the intrinsic cultural distinctions that are meaningful to the members of a given society, often considered to be an 'insider's' perspective. While this perspective stems from the concept of immersion in a specific culture, the emic participant isn't always a member of that culture or society. Studies done from an emic perspective often include more detailed and culturally rich information than studies done from an etic point of view. Because the observer places themselves within the culture of intended study

What is Cultural encapsulation?

unaware of cultures and operate in isolation from a broader cultural context

Counselors who are of color can experience this WITH WHITE CLIENTS

•Client may challenge counselor's competency •Counselor may feel need to prove competence •Counselor may transfer racial animosity toward client •Client may see counselor as SUPER human (more intelligent, more empathic) •Counselor may have to deal with client expressions of racism

Counselors who are of color can experience this WITH CLIENTS OF COLOR

•Counselor may over-identify with client •Counselor and client may experience clashes in cultural values •Counselor and client may experience clashes in communication styles •Counselor may receive and express racial animosity

Counselors don't just conduct individual counseling but also intervene in What 4 things?

•Individual - how can we serve the client? •Professional - What standards and ethics are(n't) in place? •Organizational - What policies are(n't) in place? •Societal - What are the overall attitudes and beliefs? •"That's not what I signed up for!" What happens if we DON'T do this?

Think about this..

•Maybe the problem is the system and not the individual •Behaviors that violate norms may not be unhealthy •Institutional policies may need to be challenged and changed •Prevention is better than remediation •We must learn beyond traditional skills`

Culture-bound and biased training system

•Reflects only one culture •How has "normality" been defined? •Etic application •Cultural encapsulation •Ethnocentric

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