Multiple Choice questions Research Methods
A binomial sign test is correctly used to assess the significance of a set of results What level of data and type of design are necessary to carry out this test? A- nominal level data using a repeated measures design B- nominal level data using an independent measures design C- ordinal level data using a repeated measures design D- ordinal level data using an independent measures design
What is an example of secondary data? A- Autobiography of a serial killer B-Observation notes on the behaviour of a serial killer C- Readings from the brain scan of a serial killer D-Recording of an interview with a serial killer
What was Milgram (1963) unable to control in his experiment into obedience? A how Mr Wallace interacted with the participant B the comments used as prods C the confederate acting as the experimenter D the increments in voltage
Which experimental design was used in the Loftus and Palmer study investigating the effects of leading questions on memory? A- independent measures B- laboratory experiment C- matched participants D- repeated measures
Which is an example of interval level data? A the mass, in grams, of the brain of an individual with schizophrenia B the number of nightmares experienced by an individual with schizophrenia C the number of times an individual with schizophrenia has been admitted to hospital D the rating of the severity of the delusions experienced by an individual with schizophrenia
Look at the following academic reference: Piliavin, I.M., Rodin, J.A. & Piliavin, J. (1969) Good Samaritanism: An underground phenomenon? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 13. What is the error in this Harvard style reference? A the date of the study should be at the end of the reference B the page numbers are missing C the surnames of the researchers should be listed in alphabetical order D the title should give the aim of the investigation
In which section of a practical report would you find the calculations performed for an inferential statistical test? A- Abstract B-Appendix C-Results D-Discussion
Which of these would produce interval level data? A- estimates of the number of sweets in a jar B- ratings of attractiveness of people with pupils of different sizes C- reaction time to respond to visual and auditory stimuli recorded using a stopwatch D- the number of people who hold the door open for the person behind them when entering a shop
What is meant by criterion validity? A- How well findings are matched by other research findings? B-How well findings generalise to real life situations C- How well findings measure what they intend to measure D-How well findings predict what happens beyond the research