Murphy, English Grammar in Use

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A: I wonder why David was in such a bad mood yesterday. B: He may not have been feeling well. Unit 29

A: I wonder why David was in such a bad mood yesterday. B: He may ____ well. (= perhaps he wasn't feeling well)

A: I wonder why Kate didn't answer the phone. B: She might have been asleep. Unit 29

A:I wonder why Kate didn't answer the phone. B: She might ____ asleep. (= perhaps she was asleep)

AMY: I promise I won't be late. → Amy promised that she wouldn't be late. Unit 36

AMY: I promise I won't be late. → Amy promised that she ____ late.

Alex is getting married next month. Unit 19

Alex ____ (get) married next month.

Amy has sent lots of emails this morning. how much, how many, how many times for completed actions Unit 10

Amy ____ (send) lots of emails this morning. Amy teď ráno odeslala hodně e-mailů.

Amy is writing emails. She's been writing emails all morning. how long for something that is still happening Unit 10

Amy is writing emails. She ____ (write) emails all morning.

Anna looks completely different now. You won't recognize her. what we know or believe about the future Unit 22

Anna looks completely different now. You ____ (not recognize) her.

At first I didn't like my job, but I'm starting to enjoy it now. change that started to happen Unit 1

At first I didn't like my job, but I ___ (start) to enjoy it now.

Buses are so expensive these days, you might as well get a taxi. Unit 30

Buses are so expensive these days, you ____ get a taxi. Autobusy jsou dnes tak drahé, bude nejlepší, když si vezmeš taxi.

It's the first time he has driven a car. Unit 8

Dan is having a driving lesson. It's the first lesson. It's the first time he ____ (drive) a car.

Did you go out last night or were you too tired? Unit 5

Did you go out last night or ____ (be) you too tired?

Don't phone between 7 and 8. We'll be eating. Unit 24

Don't phone between 7 and 8. We ____ (eat).

Don't worry if I'm late tonight. Unit 25

Don't worry ____ I'm late tonight. Nedělej si starosti, pokud dnes večer budu mít zpoždění.

Every day the population of the world increases by about 200,000 people. things that happen repeatedly Unit 3

Every day the population of the world ____ (increase) by about 200,000 people.

Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They've been going there for years. repeated actions Unit 9

Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They ___ (go) there for years.

Everything is fine right now. Things couldn't be better. Unit 27

Everything is fine right now. Things ____ better. Všechno je momentálně ok. Nemohlo by to být lepší.

Everything was OK. You needn't have worried. Unit 32

Everything was OK. You ____ (not worry). (= you worried, but it was not necessary) Vše bylo OK. Nemusel sis dělat starosti.

How long have they had their car? have = NOT present perfect continuous Unit 11

How long ____ (have / they) their car? Jak dlouho mají auto?

I've drunk four cups of coffee today. + this evening, this year not finished at the time of speaking Unit 8

I ___ (drink) four cups of coffee today.

I'll probably be home late tonight. + I'm sure / I think / I don't think / I wonder Unit 22

I ____ (be home / probably) late tonight.

I get up at 8 o'clock every morning. how often Unit 2

I ____ (get up) at 8 o'clock every morning.

I have a headache. NOT I'm having a headache. possession, relationships, illnesses, appointments Unit 17

I ____ (have) a headache. Bolí mě hlava.

I've always lived in the country. present perfect simple Unit 11

I ____ (live / always) in the country. (= pořád zde žiju)

I've painted my room. completed action, result Unit 10

I ____ (paint) my room. (= completed action, result) Vymaloval jsem svůj pokoj.

I promise I won't be late. + I suggest / I apologise / I advise / I insist / I agree / I refuse Unit 2

I ____ (promise) I won't be late.

I'm reading a really good book at the moment. I'm in the middle of doing it. Unit 1

I ____ (read) a really good book at the moment.

I haven't seen Tom since Monday. Unit 11

I ____ (see) Tom since Monday. Neviděl jsem Toma od pondělí.

I used to think Mark was unfriendly, but now I realise he's a very nice person. for things that were true, but are not true any more Unit 18

I ____ (think) Mark was unfriendly, but now I realise he's a very nice person. Myslel jsem si (= už si to nemyslím), že Mark je nepřívětivý, ale teď si uvědomuju, že je to velmi milá osoba.

I was walking along the road when I saw Dan. So I stopped, and we talked for a while. Unit 6

I ____ (walk) along the road when I ____ (see) Dan. So I ____ (stop), and we ____ (talk) for a while.

I can't find my bag. Have you seen it? do you know where it is now? Unit 7

I can't find my bag. you / see / it?

I can't understand why he's being so selfish. He isn't usually like that. behaviour Unit 4

I can't understand why he ____ (be) so selfish. He isn't usually like that.

I didn't know where Max was, but I managed to find him in the end. Unit 26

I didn't know where Max was, but I m___ to find him in the end.

I didn't need to go out, so I stayed at home. Unit 32

I didn't need to go out, so I stayed at home. OR I needn't have gone out, so I stayed at home. ?

I don't think I'll go out tonight. I'm too tired. I think I will Unit 21

I don't think I ____ (go out) tonight. I'm too tired.

I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. Unit 20

I feel terrible. I think I ____ (be) sick.

I have to meet Amy in ten minutes. I'd better go now or I'll be late. a specific situation Unit 35

I have to meet Amy in ten minutes. I____ go now or I'll be late. Za deset minut mám schůzku s Amy. Raději už půjdu, nebo přijdu pozdě.

I hope Kate passes the exam. hope + present Unit 22

I hope Kate ____ (pass) the exam. Doufám, že Kate složí zkoušku.

I insisted that he should apologise. + demand / recommend / suggest / propose Unit 34

I insisted that he s__ apologise.

I looked for Max everywhere, but I couldn't find him. Unit 26

I looked for Max everywhere, but I ____ find him. Hledal jsem Maxe všude, ale nemohl jsem ho najít.

I think the government should do more to improve schools. Unit 33

I think the government ____ do more to improve schools. Myslím, že vláda by měla dělat víc pro zlepšení škol.

I usually feel tired in the morning. Unit 4

I usually ____ (feel) tired in the morning.

I was surprised that he should say such a thing. + strange/odd/funny/typical/natural/interesting/surprising Unit 34

I was surprised that he s__ say such a thing.

I'll call you again later when I arrive. + while / before / after / as soon as / until Unit 25

I'll call you again later when I ____ (arrive).

I'm a little hungry. I think I'll have something to eat. I think I will Unit 21

I'm a little hungry. I think I ____ (have) something to eat.

I'm so tired, I could sleep for a week. Unit 27

I'm so tired, I ____ sleep for a week. Jsem tak unavená. Mohla bych spát týden.

I've got no money. What shall I do? what do you suggest? Unit 21

I've got no money. What ____ (I / do)? (= what do you suggest?)

I've lived here all my life. NOT for all ... Unit 12

I've lived here for all my life. OR I've lived here all my life. ?

I've tried to give her advice, but she won't listen. somebody refuses to do something Unit 21

I've tried to give her advice, but she ____ (not listen). Pokoušel jsem jí poradit, ale neposlouchá mě.

It's two years since I last saw Joe. OR It's been two years since I last saw Joe. Unit 12

It ____ (be) two years since I last saw Joe.

It was raining when I got up. Unit 6

It ____ (rain) when I ____ (get up).

It's a shame you didn't see the film. You would have liked it. Unit 36

It's a shame you didn't see the film. You ____ it. Škoda, že jste film neviděli. Líbil by se ti.

It's essential that everyone should be here on time. + It's important/vital/necessary Unit 34

It's essential that everyone s__ be here on time.

It's good to see you again. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Unit 8

It's good to see you again. We ____ (not see) each other for a long time.

It's late. It's time we went home. Unit 35

It's late. It's time we ____ (go) home.

Jane will be late for the meeting. She's always late. Unit 23

Jane ____ (be) late for the meeting. She's always late.

Jane has to travel a lot for her work. obligation Unit 31

Jane ____ travel a lot for her work. Jane musí kvůli práci hodně cestovat.

Kate was watching TV when we arrived. Unit 6

Kate ____ (watch) TV when we arrived.

Lisa had long hair when she was a child. NOT Lisa had got. Unit 17

Lisa had long hair when she was a child. OR Lisa had got long hair when she was a child. ?

Louise must get very bored in her job. Unit 28

Louise ____ get very bored in her job. Louise se v práci musí velmi nudit.

Mark is a really nice person. You must / have to meet him. own opinion Unit 31

Mark is a really nice person. You ____ meet him.

Max walked into a wall. He can't/couldn't have been looking where he was going. Unit 28

Max walked into a wall. He ____ looking where he was going. Nemohl se dívat, kam šel. (= Jinak není možné, aby se to stalo.)

My grandfather could speak five languages. general ability Unit 26

My grandfather ____ (can) speak five languages. Můj dědeček uměl mluvit pěti jazyky.

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. she is considering it Unit 4

Nicky ____ (think) of giving up her job.

Ow! I've burnt myself. How did you do that? I picked up a hot dish. new information Unit 13

Ow! I ____ (burn) myself. (= new information) How did you do that? I picked up a hot dish.

Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She won't be at home at 9 o'clock - she'll have gone to work. Unit 24

Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She won't be at home at 9 o'clock - she ____ (go) to work.

Shall I leave now? - No, I should wait a bit. (= I advise you to wait) Unit 34

Shall I leave now? - No, ____ wait a bit. (= I advise you to wait)

She might not know. Unit 29

She might ____ know. (= perhaps she doesn't know)

Take an umbrella with you. It might/may rain later. Unit 30

Take an umbrella with you. It ____ rain later. (= perhaps it will rain.)

The bus isn't always on time. We might/may have to wait a few minutes. Unit 30

The bus isn't always on time. We ____ to wait a few minutes. (= perhaps we will have to wait)

The company I work for isn't doing so well this year. + today / this week Unit 1

The company I work for ____ (not do) so well this year.

The fire spread quickly, but everybody was able to escape. specific situation Unit 26

The fire spread quickly, but everybody ____ to escape. Oheň se rychle rozšířil, ale všichni byli schopni utéct.

The situation was bad, but it could have been worse. Unit 27

The situation was bad, but it ____ worse. Situace byla špatná, ale mohlo to být horší.

There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn't be hard to find a place to stay. Unit 33

There are plenty of hotels in the town. It ____ be hard to find a place to stay. Ve městě je spousta hotelů. Nemělo by být těžké najít ubytování.

They can't repair my computer, so I'll have to buy a new one. Unit 31

They can't repair my computer, so I ____ to buy a new one. Nejsou schopni opravit můj počítač, takže budu muset koupit nový.

This cheese smells horrible. I'm not going to eat it. I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it Unit 20

This cheese smells horrible. I ____ (not eat) it.

Tom has lost his key. he doesn't have his key now Unit 13

Tom ____ (lose) his key. (= he doesn't have his key now) Tom ztratil klíče.

Tom lost his key. we don't know whether he has the key now or not Unit 13

Tom ____ (lose) his key. (= we don't know whether he has the key now or not) Tom ztratil klíče.

We've been painting my bedroom. activity Unit 10

We ___ (paint) my bedroom. (= activity) Malovali jsme ložnici.

We'd been playing tennis for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily. Unit 16

We ___ (play) tennis for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily.

We're going to be late. The meeting starts in five minutes and it takes 15 minutes to get there. Unit 23

We ____ (be) late. The meeting starts in five minutes and it takes 15 minutes to get there.

We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to drive instead. I intended to do it, but didn't do it Unit 20

We ____ (travel) by train, but then we decided to drive instead.

We might/may have to change our plans. Unit 31

We ____ to change our plans. Možná budeme muset změnit své plány.

We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake. + hear / smell / taste / feel / remember / understand Unit 26

We had a lovely room in the hotel. We ____ (can) see the lake.

We had a really good holiday. It couldn't have been better. Unit 27

We had a really good holiday. It ____ better. Měli jsme opravdu dobrou dovolenou. Nemohlo to být lepší.

We have no jobs at present, but if the situation should change, we will contact you. Unit 34

We have no jobs at present, but if the situation ____ change, we will contact you.

We have plenty of time. You needn't hurry. Unit 32

We have plenty of time. You n____ hurry. Nemusíš spěchat.

We used to live very near the motorway. - Did you? It must have been very noisy. Unit 28

We used to live very near the motorway. - Did you? It ____ very noisy. Muselo to být velmi hlučné.

We're enjoying our holiday. We're having a great time. for things we do or experience Unit 17

We're enjoying our holiday. We ____ (have) a great time.

What do you suggest we (should) do? Unit 34

What do you suggest ____? Co navrhuješ, abychom udělali?

What time did you finish work? + when Unit 14

What time ____ (finish / you) work? Kdy jsi skončila v práci?

What time does the film start tonight? Unit 19

What time ____ (start / the film ) start tonight?

When I've phoned Kate, we can go out. Unit 25

When I ____ (phone) Kate, we can go out.

When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home. Unit 15

When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul ____ (go / already / home).

Where have you been? I've been looking for you for the last half hour. + how long, since Unit 9

Where have you been? I ___ (look for) you for the last half hour.

You're always looking at your phone. Don't you have anything else to do? too often Unit 3

You (always / look) at your phone. Don't you have anything else to do?

You don't look very well. You'd better not go out tonight. Unit 35

You don't look very well. You____ go out tonight. Nevypadáš moc dobře. Raději dnes večer nikam nechoď.

You went to bed very late last night. You should have gone to bed earlier. Unit 33

You went to bed very late last night. You ____ to bed earlier. Šla jsi včera večer do postele velmi pozdě. Měla jsi jít do postele dříve.

Shall I open the window? do you want me to open it? Unit 21

____ (I / open the window)? (= do you want me to open it?)

Will you please turn the music down? It's too loud. please do it Unit 21

____ (you / please / turn the music down)? It's too loud. Ztlumíš prosím hudbu? Je to moc nahlas.

When I go out, I'll get some bread. for sure Unit 25

____ I go out, I'll get some bread. Až půjdu ven, koupím chleba.

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