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Tibialis anticus

- most anterior muscle of the leg - extending from the distal end of the femur to the proximal ends of the tarsals, the muscle is a flexor of the foot and extensor of the leg.

Transversus abdominis

By making a longitudinal superficial incision from the external oblique, a deep muscle may be exposed. This muscle has a fiber running across the abdomen.


Dorsal to the mylohyoid ⁃ originating from the anterior angle of the mandible and inserted into the posterior born and thyroid processes of the hyoid apparatus

Tibialis posticus

a narrow thick muscle between the gastrocnemius and tibio-fibula and proximal half of the tibiale (astralagus)


a pair of broad v-shaped muscles posterior to coccygeo-sacralis; found between the ilia and pelvic girdle


a pair of narrow v-shaped muscles posterior to the longissimus dorsi


a slender strip of muscle running obliquely across the ventral side of the thigh extending from the antero-ventral part of the pelvic girdle to the proximal end of the tibio-fibula; acts as the flexor of the leg, adductor and protractor of the thigh

Gracilis minor

a thin central muscle posterior to the gracilis major


rotator that turns a part upward


short muscle along the middorsal line medial to dorsalis scapulae


anterior to the gastrocnemius; a small muscle.; Extends from the distal end of the femur to the lower end of the tibio-fibula and proximal end of the tarsals, the muscle is a flexor of the feet and the extensor of the leg.


attached to the distal end of the femur; The largest and most posterior muscle of the leg.


bends a part

Dorsalis Scapulae

beneath the depressor mandibulae and best exposed by making an incision on the fascia of the depressor mandibulae along the median dorsal line


best exposed by separating the gracilis major from the adductor magnus. Posterior to the femur, the muscle has two heads; it originates from the ischium and is inserted to the proximal end of the tibio-fibula. It adducts the thigh and flexed the leg.

Latissimus Dorsi

board muscles posterior to and partly covered by the pressor mandibulae

Triceps brachii

broad muscle on the postero-lateral portion of the upperarm may be seen dorsally or ventrally.


broad muscle posterior to the eye and on the same level of the tympanum


connective tissue membrane lining the outer surface of the muscle; dense-fibrous connective tissue of which forms the tendon


denote more than one point of origin

Cutaneous pectoris

dermal muscle which is very prominent in toads lies posterior to the sternoradialis

inscriptiones tendinae

divides oblique partitions from linea alba into muscle segments


encircles an aperture or closes it

depressor mandibulae

flat fan-shaped muscles posterior to the temporalis


flat tendons


free middle part

Visceral or Smooth

fusiform and they surround the walls of visceral organs, ducts of glands appear unstriated and involuntary

Gracilis major

large posterior ventral muscle taking origin from the posterior edge of the ischium and is inserted at the proximal end of the tibio-fibula; a dermal muscle


large transverse muscle on the ventral surface of the mouth floor, this muscle is divided into left and right portions by a mid-ventral connective partition, the median raphe.

Triceps femoris

largest muscle that occupies the anterolateral border of the thigh.


lateral to the longissimus dorsi, it is separated from the external oblique by a connective tissue, the lateral or horizontal skeletogenous septum.

Anterior pectoralis

lies immediately posterior to the sternoradialis and the most anterior of the chest muscles


lowers a part


mall muscle anterior to the vastus externus and medial to rectus femoris anticus; acts as the rotator of the femur


median pair of thick muscle is partly covered by the posterior border of mylohyoid


more than one insertion


narrow muscle found in front of the mylohyoid that originates from the anterior edge of the lower jaw and inserted into the anterior angle of the mandible

Adductor longus

narrow, flat muscle beneath the sartorius which can be exposed best by cutting through the belly of the sartorius


narrows an opening

Cardiac (heart) muscle

net-like striated and involuntary

Scapulohumeralis (Deltoid)

passes obliquely ventral to the lateral part of the sternoradialis

Adductor magnus

posterior to the adductor longus; a thick triangular muscle.

Middle pectoralis

posterior to the anterior pectoralis, this muscle takes origin from the mesostermum and xiphisternum - inserted into the ventral portion of the proximal end of the humerus and adducts and rotates the arm.


posterior to the biceps femoris is a large muscle that extends from the dorsal part of the ischium to the back of the head of the tibio-fibula

Longissimus Dorsi

posterior to the latissimus dorsi, these muscles are attached to the anterior third of the urostyle and skull

Biceps femoris or Iliofiburalis

posterior to the triceps and partly covered by the externus, this slender muscle is attached from the dorsal slide of illium to tidio-fibula; flexes the leg and extends the thighs.

Posterior pectoralis

posterior-lateral to the middle pectoralis, it extends to almost the entire portion of the median surface of the trunk - inserted into the deltoid ridge; serves as adductor and rotator of the arm


proximal and fixed or least movable point of attachment in a muscle


pulls a part away to the median axis


pulls a part towards the median axis


pushes a part away from the base


pushes a part towards the base


raises a part


rotator that turns a part downward

Flexor Tarsi Anterior

short muscle distal to the extensor cruris; attached to the anterior surface of the center and distal half of the tibio-fibula, this muscle is inserted into the proximal end of the tibiale and foot fascia. It acts as flexor of the foot.

Exterior cruri

short slender muscle; Lies on the proximal half of the tibio-fibula. Originating from the distal end of the femur, the muscle is inserted into the anterior surface of the proximal half of the tibio-fibula and is extended to the foot.


short thin muscle between the vastus externus and the proximal end of the semimembranosus, this muscle originates from the posterior edge of the urostyle and is inserted into the proximal end of the femur


straightens a part


study of the structures and functions of muscles.

Skeletal or Striated

surround the skeleton and give form and shape to the body, with filamentous cells that appear striated, and can be controlled by the will (voluntary)


the distal and more movable points

Vastus externus

the dorsal head

Rectus femoris anticus

the middle head

rectus abdominis

this longitudinal muscle extends to each side of the linea alba which is a strip of connective tissue partition on the midventral line

External oblique

this superficial muscle running obliquely from the abdomen originates from the dorsal fascia and ilium.


turns a part about the axis

Vastus internus



widens an opening

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