Music 1010 Final

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The music the Medieval monks sang was called

gregorian chant

The main keyboard instruments of the baroque period were the organ and the


The position of the composer during the baroque period was that of

high-class servant with few personal rights

Lute songs are mostly ______ in texture


An ____________ is a play, set to music, sung to orchestral accompaniment, with scenery, costumes, and action


Bach created masterpieces in every baroque form except


In their use of aria, duet, and recitative, Bach's cantatas closely resembled the ____________ of the time


A large-scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative biblical text, is called a(n)


Bach was recognized as the most eminent ____________ of his day.


In addition to being a composer and opera impresario, Handel was a virtuoso


_______ is a term applied to medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines


An ____________ is an orchestral composition performed before the curtain rises on a dramatic work.


Congregational singing of chorales was an important way for people to

participate directly in the service.

Handel spent the major portion of his life in


The Renaissance in music occurred between

1400 and 1600

Baroque style flourished in music during the period


Vivaldi wrote approximately ____________ concerti grossi and solo concertos.


The phrase Middle Ages refers to the period of European history spanning


The form of the chant Alleluia: Vidimus stellam is


Among other causes, secular music became more important than sacred music in the fourteenth century because A. the literature of the time stressed earthly sensuality. B. rival popes claimed authority at the same time, thereby weakening the authority of the church. C. the feudal system had gone into decline. D. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct

Which of the following composers is not an important madrigalist? A. Thomas Morley B. Thomas Weelkes C. Luca Marenzio D. Josquin Desprez

All of these composers were important madrigalists

Which of the following statements is not true? A. A large court during the baroque might employ more than eighty performers, including the finest opera singers of the day. B. Audiences in the baroque period were most anxious to hear old familiar favorites, and did not care for new music. C. In Italy, music schools were often connected with orphanages. D. Church musicians in the baroque period earned lower pay and had less status than court musicians.

Audiences in the baroque period were most anxious to hear old familiar favorites, and did not care for new music.

Which of the following is not a part of the mass ordinary? A. Ave Maria B. Gloria C. Kyrie D. Credo

Ave Maria

Which of the following statements is not true? A. So many members of the Bach family were musicians that the name Bach became synonymous with town musician. B. Even though Bach was a deeply religious and pious Lutheran, he composed what is probably the most monumental setting of the Roman Catholic Mass. C. Bach was recognized as the most eminent composer of his day. D. Bach spent the last twenty-seven years of his life in one of the most important church posts in Germany, that of director of music at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig.

Bach was recognized as the most eminent composer of his day

Many prominent Renaissance composers, who held important posts all over Europe, came from what was then


The first large body of secular songs that survives in decipherable notation was composed by

French nobles called troubadours and trouveres

An outstanding composer of the ars nova was

Guillaume de Machaut

The earliest extant liturgical morality play, Ordo virtutum (Play of the Virtues), was composed by

Hildegard of Bingen

Which of the following statements is not true? A. Voice categories in opera are divided more finely than in other musical genres. B. Operas may contain spoken dialogue, but most are sung entirely. C. Opera soloists must create a wide variety of characters, and so need acting skills as well as vocal artistry. D. In opera, the terms ensemble and chorus are synonymous.

In opera, the terms ensemble and chorus are synonymous

Where did Handel's Messiah receive its premiere?


Which of the following statements is not true of the medieval estampie? A. It is one of the earliest surviving pieces of instrumental music. B. It was intended for religious services. C. The manuscript contains only a single melodic line. D. The manuscript does not indicate which instrument should play the melody.

It was intended for religious services

Bach's personal musical style was drawn from

Italian concertos

Josquin Desprez spent much of his life in


Oratorios first appeared in


The Renaissance madrigal began around 1520 in


The leading music center in sixteenth-century Europe was


George Frideric Handel was born in 1685, the same year as

Johann Sebastian Bach

Some of Vivaldi's instrumental concertos were arranged by

Johann Sebastian Bach

The two giants of baroque composition were George Frideric Handel and

Johann Sebastian Bach.

. Which of the following statements is not true? A. Josquin's compositions strongly influenced other composers, and were praised enthusiastically by music lovers. B. Josquin spent most of his life in the province of Hainaut, today a part of Belgium. C. Josquin's compositions include masses, motets, and secular vocal pieces. D. Josquin's Ave Maria . . . Virgo serena uses polyphonic imitation, a technique typical of the period.

Josquin spent most of his life in the province of Hainaut, today a part of Belgium

A characteristic often found in baroque melodies is

a short opening phrase followed by a longer phrase with an unbroken flow of rapid notes

Which of the following statements is not true? A. The focus of the Handelian oratorio is usually the chorus. B. Most of Handel's oratorios are without plot or characters since they were primarily intended for church use. C. Messiah, set to a text compiled by Charles Jennings from the Old and New Testaments, is meditative rather than dramatic like Handel's other oratorios. D. Handel's oratorios are usually based on the Old Testament.

Most of Handel's oratorios are without plot or characters since they were primarily intended for church use

Beatriz de Dia was

One of a number of women troubadours

Which of the following statements is not true? A. Oratorios first appeared in England. B. Oratorio differs from opera in that it has no acting, scenery, or costumes. C. An oratorio is a large-scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative text. D. The first oratorios were based on stories from the Bible.

Oratorios first appeared in England

The cent of polyphonic music in Europe after 1150 was


An outstanding composer of the school of Notre Dame was


All of the following were major baroque composers except A. Pierluigi da Palestrina. B. Claudio Monteverdi. C. Antonio Vivaldi. D. Arcangelo Corelli.

Pierluigi da Palestrina

Palestrina's career centered in


Which of the following statements is not true? A. Bach's church music uses operatic forms such as the aria and recitative. B. The bulk of Bach's output is instrumental music. C. Bach created masterpieces in every baroque form except opera. D. Bach's music is unique for its combination of rich harmony and polyphonic texture.

The bulk of Bach's output is instrumental music.

What we know about instruments in church comes mainly from

The pictures and literary descriptions of the day

Which of the following about Vivaldi's La Primavera (Spring) from The Four Seasons is true? A. It was little known during his life. B. Louis XV, king of France, detested the piece and banned it from performance. C. The piece is an example of program music. D. Was written with a famous Venetian librettist.

The piece is an example of program music

Which of the following statements is not true? A. Lutheran chorales were tunes that had often been adapted from folk songs and Catholic hymns. B. In a sense, the cantata was a sermon in music that reinforced the minister's sermon. C. When chorale melodies were harmonized for church choirs, the tune was assigned to the tenors. D. The cantata of Bach's day might last 25 minutes and contain several different movements, including choruses, recitatives, arias, and duets.

When chorale melodies were harmonized for church choirs, the tune was assigned to the tenors

Cantus firmus is the term used for

a chant that is used as the basis for polyphony

Which of the following describes a difference between English and Italian madrigals? A. More complex melodies B. More complex harmonies C. The use of German folk songs D. A lighter and more humorous tone

a lighter and more humorous tone

Sections of an oratorio are usually connected together by means of

a narrator's recitatives

The ars nova or new art differed from older music in that

a new system of notation permitted composers to specify almost any rhythmic patter n

Modern historians use the term baroque to indicate

a particular style in the arts, involving action and movement.

The word movement in music normally refers to

a piece that sounds fairly complete and independent but is part of a larger composition

Oratorio differs from opera in that it has no

acting, scenery, or costumes

The first steps in a revolution that eventually transformed western music began sometime between 700-900 with the

addition of a second melodic line to gregorian chant

Castrati A. received the highest fees of any musicians. B. combined the lung power of a man with the vocal range of a woman. C. were male singers who had been castrated before puberty. D. All answers are correct.

all answers are correct

Renaissance music sounds fuller than medieval music because A. composers considered the harmonic effect of chords rather than superimposing one melody above another. B. the bass register is used for the first time. C. the typical choral piece has four, five, or six voice parts of nearly equal melodic interest. D. All answers are correct.

all answers are correct

Secular music in the fourteenth century A. became more important than sacred music. B. was not based on Gregorian chant. C. included drinking songs and pieces in which bird calls, dog barks, and hunting shouts were imitated. D. All answers are correct.

all answers are correct

The Lutheran chorale tunes A. had been adapted from Catholic hymns. B. were composed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. C. had been adapted from folk songs. D. All answers are correct.

all answers are correct

Which of the following is not a part of the Renaissance mass? A. Agnus Dei B. Gloria C. Sanctus D. Alleluia


Bach achieves unity of mood in his compositions by using

an insistent rhythmic drive

Handel's Messiah is an example of

an oratorio

Leonin and Perotin are notable because they

are the first important composers known by name, indicated definite time values and a clearly defined meter in their music, were the leaders of the school of notre dame

A song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment is called a/an


The baroque style was well suited to the


The most characteristic feature of baroque music is its use of

basso continuo

A famous French woman troubadour was

beatriz de dia

The use of organs in church

bothered the clergy because they distracted the listeners from worship

In the recording of the medieval estampie, the melody is played on a rebec, a

bowed string instrument

A sung piece, or choral work with or without vocal soloists, usually with orchestral accompaniment, is the


The ____________ is a Lutheran congregational hymn tune


The ____________ is a short instrumental composition based on a hymn tune to remind the congregation of the hymn's melody.

chorale prelude

The ____________ in an oratorio is especially important and serves either to comment on or to participate in the drama.


Josquin Desprez was a comtemporary of

christopher columbus

In the baroque period, the ordinary citizen's opportunities for hearing music usually came from the


The principal means of musical expression in the Lutheran service was the

church cantata

The ____________ is the person who beats time, indicates expression, cues in musicians, and controls the balance among instruments and voices.


In many fugues, the subject in one voice is constantly accompanied in another voice by a different melodic idea called a(n)


The Renaissance may be described as an age of

curiosity and individualism, exploration and adventure, the rebirth of human creativity

An estampie is a medieval


The Renaissance madrigal is a

dance like song for several solo voices

Much of the instrumental music composed during the Renaissance was intended for


One function of secular music in the late Middle Ages was to provide accompaniment for


An attempt was made to purify catholic church music as a result of the

deliberations of the council of trent

Presenting the subject of a fugue in shortened time values is called


A(n) ____________ is a musical number for two solo voices with orchestral accompaniment


The first large body of secular songs that survives in decipherable notation was composed

during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

Baroque melodies give the impression of

dynamic expansion

The church frowned on instruments because of their

earlier role in pagan rites

A new system of music notation that allowed composers to specify almost any rythmical pattern had evolved by the

early fourteenth century

Baroque melodies often are

elaborate and ornamental

A(n) ____________ is an operatic number involving three or more leading singers.


Transitional sections of a fugue that offer either new material or fragments of the subject or countersubject are called


The concerto grosso most often has three movements whose tempo markings are

fast, slow, fast

A bass part together with numbers that specify the chords to be played above it is called

figured bass

The word baroque has at various times meant all of the following except A. elaborately ornamented. B. flamboyant. C. bizarre. D. naturalistic.


The intellectual movement called humanism

focused on human life and it's accomplishments

In Bach's day, the Lutheran church service lasted about ____________ hour(s)


Which of the following statements is not true of Renaissance music? A. The texture of Renaissance music is chiefly polyphonic. B. Instrumental music became more important than vocal music during the Renaissance. C. The Renaissance period is sometimes called "the golden age" of a cappella choral music. D. Renaissance composers often used word painting, a musical representation of specific poetic images.

instrumental music became more important than vocal music during the renaissance

We know from paintings and literary descriptions of the Middle Ages that

instruments were used

The word Alleluia

is a latinized form of the hebrew word halleluja- Praise ye the Lord

Gregorian chant

is monophonic in texture

A major difference between a cantata and an oratorio is that an oratorio

is not intended for religious services

Gregorian chant

is set to sacred latin texts., retained some elements of the jewish synagogue of the first centuries after christ, was the official music of the roman catholic church for more than 1,000 years

Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass sounds fuller than Josquin's Ave Maria because

it is set for six voices instead of four

Gregorian chant not true?

it is usually polyphonic in texture

Gregorian chant is seldom heard today because

it is very difficult to sing and those who know how are dying out, the second vatican council of 1962-65 decreed the use of the vernacular in church services, it is too old- fashioned for modern services

The term ars nova refers to

italian and french music of the fourteenth century

Handel is associated with the __________ period.

late baroque

The longest period of Johann Sebastian Bach's professional life was spent as director of music at St. Thomas's Church in


The earliest known composers to write music with measured rythym were

leonin and perotin

The text, or book, of a musical dramatic work is called the


The church modes are

like the major and minor scales in that they consist of seven different tones

Guillaume de Machaut's compositions consist mainly of

love songs with instrumental accompaniment

A versatile plucked string instrument with a body shaped like half a pear, popular during the Renaissance


The ____ was the most popular instrument in the Renaissance home


Besides the madrigal, the _____ was another type of secular music that enjoyed popularity during the Renaissance

lute song

Which of the following statements is not true? A. Medieval music theorists favored the use of triads, the basic consonant chords of music. B. Medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines is called organum. C. Paris was the intellectual and artistic capitol of Europe during the late medieval period. D. Perotin was the first known composer to write music with more than two voices.

medieval music theorists favored the use of triads, the basic consonant chords of music

Gregorian chant consists of

melody sung without accompaniment

A virtual monopoly on learning during the Middle Ages was held by

monks in monasteries

The first steps toward the development of polyphony were taken sometime between 700 and 900, when A. musicians composed new music to accompany dancing. B. the French nobles began to sing hunting songs together. C. monks in monastery choirs began to add a second melodic line to Gregorian chant. D. All answers are correct.

monks in monastery choirs began to add a second melodic line to gregorian chant

As a young student in Paris, Henri de Malines sang

monophonic songs in various languages

The two main forms of sacred Renaissance music are the mass and the


Which of the following statements regarding the Renaissance is not true? A. Secular vocal music was written for groups of solo voices and for solo voice with instrumental accompaniment. B. Secular music contained more rapid changes of mood than sacred music. C. A wealth of dance music published during the sixteenth century has survived. D. Much of the instrumental music composed during the Renaissance was intended for church use.

much of the instrumental music composed during the renaissance was intended for church use

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's

music includes 104 masses and some 450 other sacred works

The earliest surviving chant manuscripts date from about the _____ century


A baroque musical composition usually expresses ____________ within the same movement.

one basic mood

The wandering minstrels, or jongleurs, of the Middle Ages

performed music and acrobatics in castles, taverns, and town squares, lived on the lowest level of society, played instrumental dances on harps, fiddles, and lutes

In medieval times, most polyphonic music was created by

placing new melodic lines against known chants

Guillaume de Machaut was a _____ as well as a musician


The texture of Renaissance music is chiefly


The Renaissance motet is a

polyphonic choral work set to a sacred latin text other than the ordinary of the mass

Very often an independent fugue is introduced by a short piece called a(n)


In the Middle Ages, most important musicians were


The madrigal anthology The Triumphes of Oriana was written in honor of

queen elizabeth I

The medieval jongleurs, important sources of information in a time when there were no newspapers, were

ranked on a high social level

During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to

read musical notation, play a musical instrument, be skilled in dance

____________ refers to a vocal line that imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech.


Trouvere songs of the Middle Ages did not deal with was


Pope Gregory the Great

reorganized the catholic church liturgy during his reign from 592 to 604

The compelling drive and energy in baroque music are usually provided by

repeated rhythmic patterns

The notation of troubadour and trouvere melodies does not indicate


Gregorian chant melodies tend to move

step wise within a narrow range of pitches

The first oratorios were based on

stories from the Bible

A type of polyphonic composition based on one main theme is a


The main theme of a fugue is called the


One of the major characteristics of ars nova music is its use of


While at Leipzig, Bach

taught organ and composition, gave recitals, and was often asked to judge the construction of organs

In the baroque era, dynamics consisted mainly of sudden alterations between loud and soft called

terraced dynamics

Handel's oratorios are usually based on

the New Testament.

The church modes were

the basic scales of western music during the middle ages

Which of the following statements is not true of the Renaissance? A. Education was considered a status symbol by aristocrats and the upper middle class. B. The Catholic church was even more powerful in the Renaissance than during the Middle Ages. C. Every educated person was expected to be trained in music. D. Musical activity gradually shifted from the church to the court.

the catholic church was even more powerful in the renaissance than during the middle ages

During the Middle Ages, what institution was the center of musical life

the church

The movement in which the Catholic church sought to correct abuses and malpractices within its structure is known as

the counter-reformation

The French secular songs of the Middle Ages were often concerned with

the crusades, dancing, and love

Hildegard of Bingen was

the first woman composer to leave a large number of works that have survived, abbess of the convent at rupertsberg, a visionary and mystic active in religious and diplomatic affairs

Which of the following statements is not true of humanism? A. The Madonna was treated as a beautiful young woman. B. The humanists were basically atheistic in their beliefs. C. The humanists were captivated by the pagan cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. D. The humanists focused on human life and its accomplishments.

the humanists were basically atheistic in their beliefs

The lute song was widely cultivated in England from

the late 1590s to the 1620s

The highlight of the day for monks and nuns was

the mass

Which of the following statements is not true of secular music in the Middle Ages? A. Knights were able to gain great reputations as musical poets. B. The medieval jongleurs, important sources of information in a time when there were no newspapers, were accordingly ranked on a high social level. C. Some 1,650 troubadour and trouvère melodies have been preserved. D. While the notation does not indicate rhythm, it is likely that many of the secular songs of the Middle Ages had a regular meter with a clearly defined beat.

the medieval jongleurs, important sources of information in a time when there were no newspapers, were accordingly ranked on a high social level

Renaissance melodies are usually easy to sing because

the melody often moves along a scale with few large leaps

The two types of services at which monks and nuns sang were

the office and the mass

The development of the English madrigal can be traced to 1588 and considered a result of

the publication in London of a volume of translated italian madrigals

Terraced dynamics refers to

the sudden alternation from one dynamic level to another

A concerto grosso most often has ____________ movement(s).


A Vivaldi concerto usually has ____________ movements.

three: fast, slow, fast

The large group of players in a concerto grosso is known as the


A Capella refers to

unaccompanied choral music

The baroque principle of ____________ may be temporarily suspended in vocal music when drastic changes of emotion in a text inspires corresponding changes in the music.

unity of mood

During the late Middle Ages, the church believed that music during religious services should be

used only as a discreet accompaniment

The Council of Trent attacked the church music of the Renaissance because it

used secular tunes, noisy instruments, and theatrical singing

Bernard of Clairvaux ordered his monks to sing

vigorously with manliness

The orchestra evolved during the baroque period into a performing group based on instruments of the ____________ family


Vivaldi was famous and influential as a virtuoso


Most medieval music was


Church authorities in the Middle Ages______________ their religious services

wanted music only as a discreet accompaniment to

Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who

was credited by medieval legend with having created it

Church officials expected monks to sing

with proper pronunciation and tone quality

Thomas Weelkes's as vesta was descending is notable for its

word painting

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