MUSIC 201 Final - All Non-ID Questions

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The Canterbury Tales includes

A. legends about a saint. B. ribald tales. C. an exemplum. D. animal fables.

The creation story of Genesis _____.

A. says God existed before anything else B. says God's creation is all good C. places humans as the highest creation

Florentine Renaissance art reflects a concern with - and the technical ability to handle

A. space and volume. B. models from ancient Rome. C. human realism.

Paradise Lost

A. touches on the whole range of human emotion B. invites comparison with Homer and Virgil C. is Classical in inspiration D. emphasizes human guilt

The establishment of the printing press served to

A. undermine the dominance of universities B. undermine the position of Latin as the only scholarly language C. increase literacy and inspire new literary forms

The Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings constitute the _____.

Bible of the Hebrews

"The common people called them plague-boils. From these two parts of the body, the deadly swellings began in a short time to appear and to reach indifferently every part of the body. Then, the appearance of the disease began to change into black or livid blotches which showed up in many on the arms or thighs and in every other part of the body."The passage above was written by


Chiaroscuro was a major trait of the style of


"The lady at the Court as well as being able to recognize the rank of the person with whom she is talking should possess a knowledge of many subjects..."The author of the above quote is


The Italian composer who popularized cori spezzati at St. Marks in Venice was

Giovanni Gabrieli

In the play Everyman, what saves Everyman at the final judgment?

Good Deeds

The last great development of Gothic art was known as the

International style

The single artwork that best summarizes the Renaissance ideals of learning and intellectual inquiry is

Raphael's School of Athens

The first artist to study and portray his own personality and feelings in a lifelong series of self portraits was


The collection of writings called______ was one in which Polykleitos devised a mathematical formula for representing the perfect male body.

The Canon

Of the following, who was not a leader in the Reformation movement?

Thomas More

The word "Gothic" originally meant _____.

rude and barbarous

Which of the following is characteristic of Florentine Renaissance painting?

A. Close observation of real people. B. Concern for precise perspective. C. Concern for psychological states of mind. D. Use of geometry in composition.

Of the following, who was a seventeenth-century English poet?

A. John Milton B. John Donne C. Richard Crashaw

In Botticelli's Birth of Venus, Venus represents

A. Platonic idealism. B. Christian mysticism. C. the Classical ideal of the female figure

In addition to being one of the most carefully mathematical paintings ever created, da Vinci's Last Supper is notable for

A. being a brilliant fresco. B. all the lines converging behind Christ's head. C. capturing a psychological moment. D. combining biblical and Classical themes.

Artemisia Gentileschi's painting of Judith and Holofernes is notable for

A. being realistically violent B. being highly sensuous C. using dramatic foreshortening D. using chiaroscuro

The author of The Canterbury Tales

A. had a deep knowledge of Latin literature. B. was an important civil servant. C. made a translation of the Romance of the Rose. D. served as a customs agent in London.

The Aeneid was designed to

A. honor Rome B. honor Augustus C. be the Roman national epic

The mosaics at Ravenna ____.

A. illustrate the beliefs of the worshippers B. emphasize the promise of salvation C. teach illiterate believers D. are often symbolic

Augustine's Confessions is an important work because it ______.

A. is the beginning of self-reflective biography in the West B. balances immense learning with immense self-scrutiny C. is concerned with the most profound philosophical questions

The music of Josquin des Prez is known for

A. overlapping voices B. having music express the meaning of the words C. having a homogeneous structure D. being a bridge between the music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Michelangelo's David was a(n)

A. symbol of civic pride in Florence. B. idealized figure. C. example of the pagan tone of Florence.

Rich evidence about the daily life of Ancient Rome is provided by _______.

A. the ruins of Pompeii B. the writings of Suetonius C. the letters of Cicero the Elder

The main theme of the Iliad is _____.

Achilles' anger and its consequences

The artistic virtuoso _________ is known for designing fountains, churches, and palaces, as well as some of the most dynamic sculptures of his day.


A major difference between Machiavelli and Erasmus was their opinion regarding

Christianity and Classicism

The earliest Greek copy of the New Testament is called the _____.

Codex Sinaiticus

The Roman Emperor _________________ established a capital for the Eastern Roman Empire at Byzantium.


Who was the first composer to make a career exclusively from composing instrumental music?


Which of the following sculptures best reflects the central characteristics of Classical Greek art?


The work of a famous Greek sculptor that combines realistic action with an idealized geometry (i.e., two intersecting arcs) is _____.

Discobolus by Myron

Of the orders of column capitals in classical architecture, the simplest is ______.


A work produced by a great Greek sculptor in which the artist meant to illustrate the precise mathematical formula for the ideal male form is titled ______.


The painter Domenikos Theotokopoulos was better known as

El Greco

For which Greek dramatist was the chorus used mainly to punctuate the action by dividing it into separate episodes?


The division of the Catholic Church into two hostile camps during the late Medieval period is known as the

Great Schism

The Roman variety of chant made obligatory through the Carolingian empire was known as _____.

Gregorian chant

Of the following, who was NOT an Elizabethan composer?

Guillaume DuFay

Of the following, who was not a sixteenth-century composer?

Guillaume de Machaut

The first example of five movements of the Ordinary of the Mass set polyphonically by a single composer was written by

Guillaume de Machaut

Pico della Mirandola was one of the first Christian scholars to take an interest in the _________ culture


"The Period of the Patriarchs," "The Period of the Conquest," and "The United Monarchy" are part of the history of the_______.


"... you cannot step twice into the same stream..." The originator of the philosophy stated above was _____.


"This world... was created by no god or man; it was, it is, and it always will be an undying fire which kindles and extinguishes itself in a regular pattern." The author of the passage quoted above was ____.


The earliest significant prose writer in Western civilization was _____.


We know about the Persian wars from an account written by _____.


The 12th-century mystic, musician, and nun whose visionary works include Scivias and a song sequence called Symphonia was _____.

Hildegard von Bingen

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Mannerism?

Idealized proportions

Petrarch regarded his most important works as the ones he wrote in


The medieval French musician who wrote music as part of the Notre Dame school was _____.


"For there is such a difference between how men live and how they ought to that he who abandons what is done from what ought to be done learns his destruction rather than his preservation."The quoted passage above was written by


The exaggerated style that developed out of High Renaissance art is called


One of the most powerful families of the Florentine Renaissance was the _________ family


The artist who worked both on St. Peter's basilica and the Medici Chapel was


The sculptor of the Madonna of the Stairs is


"That with no middle flight intends to soarAbove the Aonian mount, while it yet pursuesThings unattempted yet in prose or rhyme."The passage above was written by


The first real genius in the history of operatic composition was


The Coronation of Poppea was

Monteverdi's last opera

The principal composers of the early Renaissance were mostly from

Northern Europe

"Thou shalt have the power to degenerate into the lower forms of life, which are brutish. Thou shalt have the power, out of thy soul's judgment, to be reborn into the higher forms, which are divine."The passage above comes from

Oration on the Dignity of Man

Which of the following was NOT a 17th-century Baroque musical form?


Baroque musicians felt that one of the most appropriate Greek myths on which to base an opera was

Orpheus and Euridice

A leader of Greece during the Golden Age, connected with the great achievements of Athens at this time, was ______.


In the School of Athens, the two central figures are

Plato and Aristotle

"For I go about doing nothing but persuading you all, young and old, not to care for your bodies for money more than for the excellence of your souls, saying that virtue does not come from money, but that it is from virtue that money comes and every other good of man, both private and public." The passage quoted above comes from

Plato's Apology

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, who says, "This above all, to thine own self be true"?


Who of the following was NOT an Italian Baroque artist of the Counter-Reformation?


The life of a Benedictine monk can be summarized in the motto

Pray and work

Roman Civilization is divided into two main periods:__________

Republican Rome and Imperial Rome

When the political power of the Medici declined, the artistic center of the Renaissance shifted from Florence to


Which of the following was the most versatile and varied Baroque painter?


The Gothic style of architecture was begun at _______ by Abbot Suger.

Saint Denis

"Be praised, my Lord, for Brother Fire,Who lights up the night.He is beautiful and carefree, robust, and fierce." The passage quotes above was written by _____.

Saint Francis of Assisi

The five movements of the Mass Ordinary are the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, ____, and Agnus Dei.


In the apple boughs the coolness Murmurs, and the grey leaves flicker Where sleep wanders.In this garden all the hot noon I await thy fluttering footfall Through the twilight" The author of the passage quoted above is


"The play's the thing / Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king."The quoted passage above was written by


Castiglione's work extended a profound influence on the dramas of English Renaissance playwrights, including


"He smashes through the steel and skull and bones,and bursting both his eyeballs from his head,he tumbles him down lifeless at his feet..." The passage quoted above comes from ______.

Song of Roland

The medieval epic poem that celebrates a battle between the Frankish army and a Muslim force at the Spanish border is _____.

Song of Roland

The most prosperous and successful of the great Athenian dramatists was


"This was the nature of my sickness. I was in torment, reproaching myself more bitterly than ever as I twisted and turned in my chain. I hoped that my chain might be broken once and for all, because it was only a small thing that held me now. All the same it held me." The passage quoted above was written by

St. Augustine

Louis XIV was also known as the

Sun King

Which of the following is not a painting by Botticelli?

The Battle of San Romano

Which of the following is NOT in the Vatican?

The Medici Chapel

Which of the following happened first?

The Reformation

The Limbourg brothers painted the

Très riches heures du Duc de Berry.

Placid, domestic interiors filled with diffuse light are characteristic of


"I tell about war and the hero who first from Troy's frontier,Displaced by destiny, came to the Lavinian shores." The passage quoted above comes from ____.

Virgil's Aeneid

Which of the following is not true of the Dipylon Amphora?

Was used for storing wine

"Kyrie eleison" is _____.

a Greek phrase meaning "Lord, have mercy"

Donatello's David is significant because it was

a and b

Dürer was one of the first to produce multiple copies of his art through

a and c

"Contraposto" is a term used to indicate _____.

a chiastic stance in Greek statuary

Carmina Burana is ____.

a collection of medieval student poems

Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas was first performed at

a girl's school in Chelsea

Donatello's Saint Mary Magdalene represents

a meditation on faith and the ravages of life

Ars nova is a term that originally described

a new system of rhythmic notation

Duccio was

a painter

The trouvère was _____.

a performer of secular music

Memento mori is _____.

a reminder of death

In medieval architecture, the "tympanum" is another name for _____.

a space over a door

In the medieval period, organum was _____.

a type of polyphonic musical work

Greek vases from 1000 BC to 700 BC typically feature _____.

abstract geometric designs

Organum is _____.

adding newly-composed polyphonic voices to plainchant

A puzzling expression found on the faces of figures from the Greek Archaic period is called _____.

an "archaic smile"

The semi-circular part of a Gothic cathedral behind the altar is called the _____.


In 1517, Martin Luther publicly

attacked the Roman Catholic Church

Christine de Pisan was

b and c

Separate, eight-sided buildings near cathedrals or churches in the Byzantine era were commonly used for _____.


St. Francis of Assisi was a "mendicant," which means he_______.

begged for his support and traveled much

The playing out of a biblical scene in the liturgy of the medieval church led directly to the _____.

beginning of Western drama

In the early medieval period, ivory carvings were often used for_____.

book covers

Machiavelli believed that the Church

c and d

Early Christians were often buried in underground cemeteries called _____.


The feeling of emotional cleansing experienced by the audience in ancient Greek dramas was called ___________.


Songs, performed by jongleurs, that told of great and heroic deeds were known as _____.

chansons des gestes

The term "Michelangeloesque" refers to the quality of

combining muscularity, grace, and powerful emotion

Hildegard's monophonic Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is an example of _____.

composed plainchant

The Metaphysical Poets were concerned with

describing emotional experience with unusual imagery

In the Hagia Sophia, the light entering the church symbolically represents _____.

divine wisdom

The greatest English artistic achievements in the Renaissance were in the field of


When Oedipus declares, "None there is among you as sick as I," it is an example of the technique of _____.

dramatic irony

Which of the following is NOT one of Charlemagne's reforms?

dress codes for Frankish aristocrats

In the Iliad, the gods ____.

enforce the rules, but tend not to intervene

"Hubris" is _____.

excessive ambition

Romanesque architecture saw a marked increase in the use of ____.

exterior sculptures

Thomas Aquinas trod a middle path between _____.

fideism and rationalism

The Laocoön Group is an example of ________.

freestanding Hellenistic art

One of the great Roman buildings to survive the Barbarian invasions in the Pantheon. It features_____.

granite columns with Corinthian capitals, a grand portico, and a dome

The ordinary "common folk" who attended Elizabethan performances of Shakespeare's plays were called


Thales of Miletus beleived that the world _____.

had its origins in water

Unlike visual artists, Renaissance musicians in Florence

had no Classical models to imitate

Michelangelo resisted painting the Sistine Chapel because

he considered himself primarily a sculptor, not a painter

Julius Caesar's Commentaries are primarily about

his military campaigns

The City of God was written to demonstrate that

history had a direction willed by God.

Velàzquez is known mostly for his

intimate scenes of life in the Spanish court

A lettering style developed by Florentine scribes of the Medici is known as


One of the reasons Florence was a center of the Renaissance was

its importance as a center for trade and banking

The sections in Song of Roland are known as _____.


Renaissance humanists placed great emphasis on the idea that

learning improves and ennobles people

A common theme in sacred Gothic architecture is _____.


One of the principal ideals of Abbot Suger was the symbolism of _____.


The prescribed form of worship in the Christian church is known as the _____.


A meander is a

maze-like pattern found of Greek vases

A plainchant setting that has many notes for each syllable is best described as _____.


Music that consists of only a single melodic line is called ____.


The musical term for a single unaccompanied melodic line is _______.


The practice of chromatically altering certain pitches in musical performance during the Renaissance is known as

musica ficta

Because of the dampness of the local climate, Venetian artists favored

oil paint

Praxiteles was

one of the first to introduce sensuality into the female sculpted figure

The late Renaissance attempt to revive and recreate Greek tragedy resulted in the development of


Pythagoras was a _____.

philosopher and mathematician

The setting of Boccaccio's Decameron is

plague-ridden Italy

Copernicus questioned the assumption that

reality is as it appears

Thomas Aquinas tried to reconcile

reason and revelation

Which of the following is NOT a central characteristic of art in Classical Greece?

rigid, stylized stances

Both Boccaccio and Chaucer

satirized the Church

Castiglione's "courtier" conducts himself with the quality of


The Apollo of Veii is an example of _____.


Euripides was known for his plays about _____.

strong female characters pushed to their limits

John Milton, Jr., got into political trouble for

supporting the Puritan cause

Pico della Mirandola tried to

synthesize all human knowledge to yield basic truths

Medieval philosophical thought is known for primarily being

synthetic and hierarchical

As a philosopher, Aristotle was the great ______.


The decorative scheme of a gothic cathedral was an attempt to

tell an integrated story about salvation

Decameron is the Greek word for _______ days


In a polyphonic work, the voice that retains the pitches of the original chant fragment is known as the _____.


The statue of Moses by Michelangelo conveys a feeling of


One of the reasons hymns were popular in Protestant church services was because of their emphasis on

the "Word"

The Italian term Trecento is often used to refer to

the 14th century

The King James Version of 1611 is an English translation of

the Bible

One enormously influential seventeenth-century literary effort, created by a committee, was

the English translation of the Bible

Botticelli's Adoration of the Magi is noted for its portrayal of

the Medici family at the Nativity

The most important center of Roman music in the High Renaissance was

the Sistine Chapel

The significance of Cimabue's Crucifixion lies in

the attempt to show the weight and strain of the figure

The trivium and the quadrivium were _____.

the basic areas of study in the medieval period

One of the effects of the Black Death on Europe was

the death of between 1/3 and 2/3 of the entire population

The most significant architectural feature of the Hagia Sophia is _____.

the dome on pendentives

Josquin des Prez is known for his development of

the four-voice motet

Bernard of Clairveaux was upset at _____.

the overly fantastic nature of Romanesque sculpture

The horarium is ____.

the series of religious observances throughout the day

The sculpture known as Kritios Boy is renowned for representing _____.

the turning point from the Archaic to the Classical period

The Stoics believed that _____.

the world is governed by Reason

Socrates sought to find great men he thought were wiser than him in order to learn from them. Instead, he discovered that______.

they didn't know that they didn't know

The chivalric code of the medieval period ________.

was largely ceremonial

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