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composer of "Columba aspexit" is:

Hildegard of Bingen.

drone (instrumental drone):

a single two-note chord running continuously

Which was not a function of secular music in medieval court life?

accompaniment for devotional and worship services

In a recitative, the rhythm:

follows the words.

passacaglia bears a close relation to the:

ground bass

Baroque composition that treats one melody imitatively is called a:


fugue subject is the:

main theme or melody.

Drama set to music is:


What did the Florentines develop, and when?

opera, around 1600

Gregorian chant is so named because Pope Gregory I:

organized the chants.

Another term for Gregorian chant is:


Which is true of the estampie?

It was popular music for dancing.

preexisting melodies on which much of Lutheran church music is based are:


preexisting melodies on which much of Lutheran church music is based are:


operatic equivalent to dramatic dialogue is a(n):


Who composed "La dousa votz"?

Bernart de Ventadorn

In Germany, Troubadours were known as Minnesingers.


musical term for "voices alone" is:

a cappella.

arioso is:

a short aria-like fragment

Brandenburg Concerto

with longer pieces, Baroque composers tended to break them up into blocks of music that contrast w/one another in obvious ways, but are still homogeneous in themselves, Ex: Brandenburg concerto, where the orchestral & solo sections contrast clearly enough

purpose of Pope Marcellus was to:

worship God.

Known as the ____, Antonio Vivaldi taught music at an orphanage for girls and wrote much of his music for this institution.

"Red Priest"


A medieval secular musician (58)

composer of Pope Marcellus is:

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

Which was the most widespread of Renaissance instrumental genres?

dance music

How many Brandenburg Concertos did Bach write?


singers in The Coronation of Poppea are:

two females: a mezzo soprano and a soprano.

Baroque period spans the years

1600 to 1750

medieval mode is

one of a system of scales

Vivaldi, and Bach,

two of the greatest composers of all time.

troubadour's composed love songs in praise of noble ladies.


section of a fugue in which all subject entries first occur is the:


Who were the medieval poet-musicians of southern France?


Handel composed most of his operas and oratorios in:


Opera seria is a style of Baroque opera that originated in:


Renaissance Era

1400-1600, is a time of artistic geniuses: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael

absolutism (and age of science) (116)

1600-1750 (baroque period) or AGE OF ABSOLUTISM. This was the time of belief in the divine right of kings, the idea that the right of kings to rule was absolute because they were chosen by God. Absolutism & science were 2 of the most vital currents that defined early 18th centuries


2 new types of music evolved in this period, secular madrigals, and STYLIZED DANCES. STYLIZED DANCES, were instrumental music named after the dance steps that inspired them such as galliard and jig but were meant for listening rather than dancing. EX: KEMPS'S JIG

ritornello form

A Baroque musical form based on recurrences of a ritornello (133) Ritornello: The orchestral material at the beginning of a concerto grosso, etc., which always returns later in the piece (133)


A Renaissance court dance in triple meter (91) 2 new types of music evolved in this period, secular madrigals, and stylized dances. Stylized Dances, were instrumental music named after the dance steps that inspired them such as GALLIARD and jig but were meant for listening rather than dancing.

fugue - fugue subject

A composition written systematically in imitative polyphony, usually with a single main theme, the fugue subject (108, 142)

variation form

A form in which a single melodic unit is repeated with harmonic, rhythmic, dynamic, or timbral changes (105, 137)

dance suite (sarabande, minuet, gavotte, bourree', gigue)

A piece consisting of a series of dances (108, 147)


A self-contained section of a larger piece, such as a symphony or concerto grosso (133)


An improvised passage for the soloist in a concerto, or sometimes in other works. Concerto cadenzas usually come near the ends of movements (140, 205).

Which is not true of an oratorio?

An oratorio is performed as part of a religious service.


An ornate style of singing, with many notes for each syllable of the text (155)

basso ostinato

An ostinato in the bass (99, 137) Ostinato: A motive, phrase, or theme repeated over and over again (99, 112, 137, 338)

composer of the Violin Concerto in G is:

Antonio Vivaldi

Vivaldi's Violin Concerto

Antonio Vivaldi was known as "The Red Priest" due to his wearing bright red vestments during church services.

Red Priest"

AntonioVivaldi was known as "The Red Priest" due to his wearing bright red vestments during church services. (Google in Vivaldi's name to see his popular portrait in brilliant vestments and a spectacular white wig)! Unfortunately, our book reprints an unflattering drawing of Vivaldi in profile, featuring his prominent nose

ARIA & recitative (important forms of singing in opera)

Aria: A vocal number for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio (102, 157) Recitative (reh-sih-ta-téev): A half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata, oratorio, etc., following speech accents and speech rhythms closely. Secco recitative is accompanied only by continuo; accompanied recitative is accompanied by orchestra (98, 151, 152, 156)

technique of declaiming words musically in a heightened theatrical manner is called:


sixteenth century motet is a vocal composition similar in musical style to the:


pavane and galliard were:

TYPES of Renaissance dance music.


two most important types of singing in both opera and oratorio, are aria and recitative. Arias, are highly dramatic songs in which the soloist dwells on thoughts and emotions, with lengthy elaborate runs and high notes. Arias, are the reason the greatest "coloratura" singers become rich and famous and the reason audience members pay one hundred dollars for the best seats in the house. Recitative, on the other hand, is a technique of declaiming lengthy dialogue with simple accompaniment. In recitative, there is little repetition of lines, and the singing follows the rhythm of the words


two of the greatest composers of all time. Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the greatest geniuses in music history. But during his lifetime he never traveled far from his home in Germany and wasn't widely know in the rest of Europe. Bach was the first great Lutheran musician, and made his living as a church organist, teacher, and composer. Bach composed thousands of musical works in all the mediums of the Baroque, and created masterpieces in every genre. His Six Brandenburg Concerti, his keyboard work the "Well Tempered Klavier" and many others are highlights of this historic period.

compositional problem of large-scale pieces that was confronting the Renaissance composer was how to write music that would somehow ___________, a large scale sacred composition.

unify the Mass

ideal sound of the High Renaissance is _____________.

voices alone

performing forces in Pope Marcellus consist of

voices alone.

figured bass line

was an intricate system of shorthand composers used to show the keyboard players the chords intended to fill in the harmony of the piece. The purpose of this system is very much like a "lead-sheet" used by contemporary pop musicians. Lead sheets give the melody, the lyrics, and guitar chord symbols over the measure. No written-out piano part is included). WAS one of the important techniques of the Baroque era is the . This was the lowest line of the music played by the cellos, organ, or other low-pitched instruments, and included numbers which indicated the chords to be played by the keyboard or guitars, Figured bass was essentially an ingenius form of musical "shorthand" which saver the composers many hours of labor.

music of the Renaissance

was composed to be perfomed as part of the Roman Catholic church service, known as a "Mass." The Mass is a series of Latin prayers, Kyrie, Credo, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. that serve a different dramatic function in the ceremony. For centuries composers have set these prayers to music.


Aria: A vocal number for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio (102, 157) Recitative: A half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata, oratorio, etc., following speech accents and speech rhythms closely. Secco recitative is accompanied only by continuo; accompanied recitative is accompanied by orchestra (98, 151, 152, 156) The main forms of both opera and oratorio are recitative and aria with the chorus playing a larger roll in oratorio. However, unlike opera, oratorio texts are drawn from biblical sources, are not performed in costume or acted out, and there is no stage scenery. In contrast, operas, are exactly like "sung" plays with acting, costumes, and scenery.


Aristocratic poet-musicians of the Middle Ages (64) The secular music (anything not religious in nature) of the Middle Ages was very different from Gregorian Chants. These love songs were composed by Troubadours as they were called in France, TROUVERES' in the north countries, and Minnesingers in Germany. (Minne means love-singers). Songs about love are still the biggest sellers for modern-day record companies).


Aristocratic poet-musicians of the Middle Ages (64) but TROUBADOUR songs are more "foot-tapping" melodies and were accompanied by drums or instruments. music of the Roman Catholic church called "Gregorian Chant" and popular music created by musicians such as the "Troubadour

Suite for Unaccompanied Cello. (BACH)

Bach composed many pieces for small combinations of string instruments including the Suite for Unaccompanied Cello. One of the Cello Suites was performed in the movie, Master and Commander, and in the film you can see Russell Crowe do a good job of "faking" playing the violin.

Brandenburg Concerti (BACH)

Bach composed the six Brandenburg Concerti in hopes that the Margrave of Brandenburg would purchase the pieces bearing his name. Instead, the "cheapskate" Brandenburg kept the pieces for his orchestra to perform, and didn't send Bach one penny!

Well Tempered Klavier (BACH)

Bach composed thousands of musical works in all the mediums of the Baroque, and created masterpieces in every genre. His Six Brandenburg Concerti, his keyboard work the "Well Tempered Klavier" and many others are highlights of this historic period.


Choral music for voices alone, without instruments (81) & (87)

During the early Middle Ages, the institution(s) that preserved written records of its culture, including music, was (were) the:

Christian Church.


Concerto, solo concerto: A large composition for orchestra and solo instrument (133)

basso continuo (99)

Continuo (basso continuo): (1) A set of chords continuously underlying the melody in a piece of Baroque music; (2) the instrument(s) playing the continuo, usually cello plus harpsichord or organ (99, 129)

aria is:

Correct an extended piece for a solo singer having more musical elaboration and a steadier pulse than recitative.

Henry Purcell

England has produced many great literary figures but for some reason has not cultivated many great composers. HENRY PURCELL is one of the few outstanding composers Britain has produced, and and his masterpiece, Dido and Aneas, was written for a British girls school

Dido and Aneas: opera by Purcell

England has produced many great literary figures but for some reason has not cultivated many great composers. Henry Purcell is one of the few outstanding composers Britain has produced, and and his masterpiece, DIDO AND ANEAS, was written for a British girls school

Thomas Weelkes wrote madrigals in:


Estampie (stamp your foot dance music)

Estampie (ess-tom-pée): An instrumental dance of the Middle Ages (66)

During the Renaissance, composers often created music for orchestras of thirty instruments or more.


Palestrina is most remembered for his cheerful madrigals.


Troubadour songs were always sung without instrumental accompaniment.


Troubadour songs were most often used as accompaniment for religious worship.


Pope Gregory composed over one hundred chant melodies.

FALSE Pope Gregory collected plainchants but was not a musician.

Opera began in:


composer of Julius Caesar is:

George Frideric Handel.

composer of Messiah is:

George Frideric Handel.


German for hymn; also used for a four-part harmonization of a Lutheran hymn, such as Bach composed in his Cantata No. 4 and other works (165)

Italian baroque composers:

Giovanni Gabrielli, Claudio Monteverdi, Girolamo Frescobaldi, and the Englishman, Henry Purcell.

ground bass (99, 137)

Ground bass: An ostinato in the bass (99, 137) Ostinato: A motive, phrase, or theme repeated over and over again

Julius Caesar - (The Opera )

Handel traveled to England and met with great success and public acclaim. He settled in Britain and became rich and famous composing the accepted style of opera, Opera Seria. (Opera based on libretto's taken from Ancient Greek and Roman stories). Julius Caesar is one of his most successful operas and is described in your textbook.

Who is the composer of Dido and Aeneas?

Henry Purcell

castrato SINGER

Immediately tied up with Italian Opera Seria was the CASTRATO SINGER. (PL: CASTRATI). THE STARRING MALE ROLES IN OPERA. AT IT'S EST THE CASTRATO VOICE was a prized virtuosos instrument, more powerful and brillant than a woman's soprano.


In the late Baroque, dance music such as the minuet and bouree', that had once been written for actual courtly dancing, now became stylized; in other words, meant for listening rather than dancing.


In the late Baroque, dance music such as the minuet and bouree', that had once been written for actual courtly dancing, now became stylized; in other words, meant for listening rather than dancing.

Lutheran church composers

J. S. Bach was the first great Lutheran church composer and his works for that church service are analyzed in this chapter. Bach composed hundreds of chorales for use in Lutheran church services.

Who are the two most important composers of the late Baroque period?

Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel

five sections of the polyphonic Mass are:

Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei.


LATE BAROQUE COMPOSERS, During the Baroque period, the composer was treated as a craftsman only one with special skills and could make a living creating music for the church, the court, and the opera.


LATE BAROQUE COMPOSERS, During the Baroque period, the composer was treated as a craftsman only one with special skills and could make a living creating music for the church, the court, and the opera.

Vivaldi, , BACH, Handel.

LATE BAROQUE COMPOSERS, During the Baroque period, the composer was treated as a craftsman only one with special skills and could make a living creating music for the church, the court, and the opera.

Louis XIV

LATE BAROQUE: Louis XIV and the Palace at Versailles, the design of theaters and art, and the status of musicians in 18th century society. The fashion of the day for aristocrats, was for both men and women to wear powered wigs. Although, Louis lived off the taxation of the poor, he did promote music, theater and art causing many lasting masterpieces to be created, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for that act.


Lead sheets give the melody, the lyrics, and guitar chord symbols over the measure. No written-out piano part is included).


Long semidramatic piece on a religious subject for soloists, chorus, and orchestra (160) Oratorio, the form which Handel made famous in the Messiah, is a dramatic form similar to opera, in which the story is told in singing, accompanied by orchestra. The main forms of both opera and oratorio are recitative and aria with the chorus playing a larger roll in oratorio. However, unlike opera, oratorio texts are drawn from biblical sources, are not performed in costume or acted out, and there is no stage scenery. In contrast, operas, are exactly like "sung" plays with acting, costumes, and scenery. When the old style of opera lost favor with the public, to avoid bankrupcy, Handel turned to a form of religious music called Oratorio. His oratorio, Messiah, is one of the greatest works in musical history, and is performed numerous times around the world every Christmas season. His Oratorio, the Messiah, was such a "hit" in England that at the first performance the King stood up in tribute during the Hallelujah Chorus. (He either stood in tribute to the composer, or because he was tired of sitting after one solid hour of singing)!

melody type

Melody: The aspect of music having to do with the succession of pitches; also applied ("a melody") to any particular succession of pitches (25)

Handel's most famous oratorio, which is frequently performed today, is:


type of music most likely to be written down in the Middle Ages was:

religious music.

Latin prayers, Kyrie, Credo, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei

Much of the best music of the Renaissance was composed to be perfomed as part of the Roman Catholic church service, known as a "Mass." The Mass is a series of Latin prayers, Kyrie, Credo, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. that serve a different dramatic function in the ceremony. For centuries composers have set these prayers to music.


Much of the best music of the Renaissance was composed to be perfomed as part of the Roman Catholic church service, known as a "Mass." The Mass is a series of Latin prayers, Kyrie, Credo, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. that serve a different dramatic function in the ceremony. For centuries composers have set these prayers to music.


Musicians kept up the practice of writing the bass line with a series of numbers which represented the desired chords. This numbering system was called the "figured bass" and when performed by three or four instruments was described as the continuo part.


Musicians kept up the practice of writing the bass line with a series of numbers which represented the desired chords. This numbering system was called the "figured bass" and when performed by three or four instruments was described as the continuo part. Continuo (basso continuo): (1) A set of chords continuously underlying the melody in a piece of Baroque music; (2) the instrument(s) playing the continuo, usually cello plus harpsichord or organ (99, 129)

most important genre in Baroque secular vocal music is:


plot of Monteverdi's Coronation of Poppea involves:

Nero; his mistress, Poppea; his wife, Ottavia; and his adviser, Seneca.

Ventadorn (Bernart De)

One of the few secular musicians whose names were recorded for later history, was Bernart De Ventadorn. Listen to the recording of his song "La Dousa Votz" or "I Heard the Sweet Voice." Read the complete lyrics in your chapter...these guys were real Romantics!

opera seria

Opera seria: A term for the serious, heroic opera of the Baroque period in Italy (155, 210) Handel traveled to England and met with great success and public acclaim. He settled in Britain and became rich and famous composing the accepted style of opera, Opera Seria. (Opera based on libretto's taken from Ancient Greek and Roman stories). Julius Caesar is one of his most successful operas and is described in your textbook. Opera seria is the traditional style of opera started in the 1600's by composers such as Monteverdi. These operas are based on historically- inaccurate versions of old Greek and Roman stories and myths such as Julius Caesar, and Orpheus and the Underworld. (The new style in the late 18th century was called Opera Buffa).

opera (baroque period)

Opera: Drama presented in music, with the characters singing instead of speaking (100, 154) The most important new form of music in this era was opera, a drama in which the story is told entirely in singing, accompanied by orchestra.


Oratorio, the form which Handel made famous in the Messiah, is a dramatic form similar to opera, in which the story is told in singing, accompanied by orchestra. The main forms of both opera and oratorio are recitative and aria with the chorus playing a larger roll in oratorio. However, unlike opera, oratorio texts are drawn from biblical sources, are not performed in costume or acted out, and there is no stage scenery. In contrast, operas, are exactly like "sung" plays with acting, costumes, and scenery. His oratorio, Messiah, is one of the greatest works in musical history, and is performed numerous times around the world every Christmas season. When the old style of opera lost favor with the public, to avoid bankrupcy, Handel turned to a form of religious music called Oratorio. His oratorio, Messiah, is one of the greatest works in musical history, and is performed numerous times around the world every Christmas season. His Oratorio, the Messiah, was such a "hit" in England that at the first performance the King stood up in tribute during the Hallelujah Chorus. (He either stood in tribute to the composer, or because he was tired of sitting after one solid hour of singing)!


Ornament, ornamentation: Addition of fast notes and vocal effects (such as trills) to a melody, making it more florid and expressive. Ornamentation is typically improvised in the music of all cultures, and in Western music is often written out (123)


PLAINCHANT , plainsong: Unaccompanied, monophonic music, without fixed rhythm or meter, such as Gregorian chant (59) music of the Roman Catholic church called "Gregorian Chant" and popular music created by musicians such as the "Troubadours." Medieval life in Europe, was dominated by the church and was the only institution to promote the musical notation of music.Music known as "plainchant" was a fixture in religious traditions such as the Mass, and the Devine Offices. Plainchant, or Gregorian Chant, as it is now called was named after Pope Gregory who standardized the unaccompanied melodies used in the church service. Chants were not sung by the congregation, but were performed by the clergy or trained choir. These melodies were sung in Latin, and unaccompanied by musical instruments.


Poet-composers of the Middle Ages in Germany (64) The secular music (anything not religious in nature) of the Middle Ages was very different from Gregorian Chants. These love songs were composed by Troubadours as they were called in France, Trouveres' in the north countries, and MINNESINGERS in Germany. (Minne means love-singers). Songs about love are still the biggest sellers for modern-day record companies).

Pope Marcellus MASS (87-88)


RECUTATIVE & aria (important forms of singing in opera)

Recitative: A half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata, oratorio, etc., following speech accents and speech rhythms closely. Secco recitative is accompanied only by continuo; accompanied recitative is accompanied by orchestra (98, 151, 152, 156) Aria: A vocal number for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio (102, 157)


Recitative: A half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata, oratorio, etc., following speech accents and speech rhythms closely. Secco recitative is accompanied only by continuo; accompanied recitative is accompanied by orchestra (98, 151, 152, 156) Aria: A vocal number for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio (102, 157) The main forms of both opera and oratorio are recitative and aria with the chorus playing a larger roll in oratorio. However, unlike opera, oratorio texts are drawn from biblical sources, are not performed in costume or acted out, and there is no stage scenery. In contrast, operas, are exactly like "sung" plays with acting, costumes, and scenery.

It is customary for audiences to ____ during a performance of the Hallelujah Chorus.


Gregorian chants are monophonic melodies in latin, sung without accompaniment.


Palestrina was the greatest composer of music for the Catholic Church in the late Renaissance.


example of the Renaissance technique of Word Painting might be a singer performing a fast descending run on the words "hill descended."


texture type in Baroque

Texture: The blend of the various sounds and melodic lines occurring simultaneously in a piece of music (29)

collection of forty-eight preludes and fugues by Bach is called:

The Well-Tempered Clavier.


The complete book of words for an opera, oratorio, cantata, etc. (155) Handel was born and received musical training in Germany, in much the same manner as J.S. Bach. But while still in his 20's, Handel traveled to England and met with great success and public acclaim. He settled in Britain and became rich and famous composing the accepted style of opera, Opera Seria. (Opera based on libretto's taken from Ancient Greek and Roman stories). Julius Caesar is one of his most successful operas and is described in your textbook.

Gregorian Chant or Plainchant

The type of chant used in the early Roman Catholic Church (59) Gregorian Chant is free-flowing without a feeling of a beat music of the Roman Catholic church called "GREGORIAN CHANT" and popular music created by musicians such as the "Troubadours." Medieval life in Europe, was dominated by the church and was the only institution to promote the musical notation of music.Music known as "plainchant" was a fixture in religious traditions such as the Mass, and the Devine Offices. Plainchant, or Gregorian Chant, as it is now called was named after Pope Gregory who standardized the unaccompanied melodies used in the church service. Chants were not sung by the congregation, but were performed by the clergy or trained choir. These melodies were sung in Latin, and unaccompanied by musical instruments.

concerto grosso

The main early Baroque type of concerto, for a group of solo instruments and a small orchestra (133) Bach and Vivaldi excelled at an instrumental form called the Concerto Grosso. Although contemporary musicians would never name a piece of music "Grosso" because it is too close to our word "gross." But in the original Italian, a Concerto Grosso was simply a work for the small Baroque orchestra in which the melody would bounce back-and-forth between a small group and the full or "grosso" group. The procedure used for a Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto, was for the orchestra to play the main melody and the small group or soloist to perform flashier or more elaborate material, with a return to the more stable opening theme. This form became known as Ritornello form. In Italian, the term Ritornello means "return," and the main theme returns often to give unity to the form. Concerto Grossi (plural for Grosso) were in three sections known as movements similar to the three acts of a play.


The main secular vocal genre of the Renaissance (p. 89) 2 new types of music evolved in this period, secular MADRIGALS, and stylized dances. Stylized Dances, were instrumental music named after the dance steps that inspired them such as galliard and jig but were meant for listening rather than dancing. MADRIGALS in Italy and later in England, were harmonized love songs and featured a technique know as "word painting." Word painting was a popular compositional effect in which the composer tried to set the "literal" meaning of the words to music. For example, if a word in the text mentioned heaven, the melody would climb higher and higher, the word hell, and the voices would descent to a low range. (Get it? Heaven up in the clouds and hell down underground).

Monteverdi (Claudio)

The most important new form of music in this era was opera, a drama in which the story is told entirely in singing, accompanied by orchestra. MONTEVERDI iis considered the "father" of opera and his masterpiece The Coronation of Poppea

Coronation of Poppea (monteverdi)

The most important new form of music in this era was opera, a drama in which the story is told entirely in singing, accompanied by orchestra. Monteverdi is considered the "father" of opera and his masterpiece CORONATION OF POPPEA

passacaglia (baroque era)

The passacaglia, was a new invention of the Baroque era. In this form, a bass line or harmonic progression, repeats over-and-over while a series of variations are performed over the top. (This procedure is still common in popular music and jazz today even though contemporary musicians don't refer to it as a passacaglia).


The procedure used for a Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto, was for the orchestra to play the main melody and the small group or soloist to perform flashier or more elaborate material, with a return to the more stable opening theme. This form became known as Ritornello form. In Italian, the term Ritornello means "return," and the main theme returns often to give unity to the form. Concerto Grossi (plural for Grosso) were in three sections known as movements similar to the three acts of a play.


The procedure used for a Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto, was for the orchestra to play the main melody and the small group or soloist to perform flashier or more elaborate material, with a return to the more stable opening theme. This form became known as Ritornello form. In Italian, the term Ritornello means "return," and the main theme returns often to give unity to the form. Concerto Grossi (plural for Grosso) were in three sections known as movements similar to the three acts of a play.


The procedure used for a Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto, was for the orchestra to play the main melody and the small group or soloist to perform flashier or more elaborate material, with a return to the more stable opening theme. This form became known as Ritornello form. In Italian, the term Ritornello means "return," and the main theme returns often to give unity to the form. Concerto Grossi (plural for Grosso) were in three sections known as movements similar to the three acts of a play.

POPE Marcellus Mass (Be sure to have a good definition and description in mind for Pope Marcellus Mass)

The superstar of the Renaissance Era, is an Italian with a great musical sounding name, Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina. Palestrina was the name of the village in Italy were he grew up and today he would simply be know as "Gio from Palestrina!" His musical setting of the mass for POPE Marcellus is a masterpiece and is still performed today.

Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina

The superstar of the Renaissance Era, is an Italian with a great musical sounding name, Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina. Palestrina was the name of the village in Italy were he grew up and today he would simply be know as "Gio from Palestrina!" His musical setting of the mass for Pope Marcellus is a masterpiece and is still performed today.


The superstar of the Renaissance Era, is an Italian with a great musical sounding name, Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina. Palestrina was the name of the village in Italy were he grew up and today he would simply be know as "Gio from Palestrina!" His musical setting of the mass for Pope Marcellus is a masterpiece and is still performed today.

Which was not a subject reflected in the poems of the troubadours and trouvères?

religious praise

Palace at Versailles

Versailles attracted thousands of free-loaders who made up the "entourage" of the richest person in France, Louis XIV. Not too many years later when the French Revolution of 1789 took place, the French nobility literally "ran for their lives" to escape the new instrument of "humane" execution; the guillotine!

Messiah Chorus

When the old style of opera lost favor with the public, to avoid bankrupcy, Handel turned to a form of religious music called Oratorio. His oratorio, Messiah, is one of the greatest works in musical history, and is performed numerous times around the world every Christmas season. His Oratorio, the Messiah, was such a "hit" in England that at the first performance the King stood up in tribute during the Hallelujah Chorus. (He either stood in tribute to the composer, or because he was tired of sitting after one solid hour of singing)!


Will Kemp, elizabethan action, immortalized for having created comic roles in Shakespeares. Mr. Kemp specialized in poplar dance: Jig, thus "KEMP'S JIG" NOT SIMPLE: in phrase A, the cadence (a stopping place) comes in the fourth bar, whereas in phrase be, a cadence comes in the 5th though the motion does not stop. 2 new types of music evolved in this period, secular madrigals, and STYLIZED DANCE. Stylized Dances, were instrumental music named after the dance steps that inspired them such as galliard & JIG but were meant for listening rather than dancing.


Word painting: Musical illustration of the meaning of a word or a short verbal phrase (85) Madrigals in Italy and later in England, were harmonized love songs and featured a technique know as "WORD PAINTING." WORD PAINTING was a popular compositional effect in which the composer tried to set the "literal" meaning of the words to music. For example, if a word in the text mentioned heaven, the melody would climb higher and higher, the word hell, and the voices would descent to a low range. (Get it? Heaven up in the clouds and hell down underground).

Baroque composer was considered by contemporaries to be: Selected Answer:

a craftsperson, creating a product on demand.

Henry Purcell's greatest opera, Dido and Aeneas, was composed for:

a girl's school in London

original meaning of baroque was

an irregularly shaped pearl

opening melody of Brandenburg Concerto No. 5:

becomes more and more complicated as it goes along.

performing forces in the Hallelujah Chorus consist of a:

chorus and festive Baroque orchestra.

singing style characterized by fast runs and scales, a large pitch range, cadenzas, and virtuosic displays of all sorts is:


term concerto comes from the Latin word concertare, which indicates in the concerto grosso a:

contest between soloists and orchestra


core of orchestra: violin family. Louis XIV "The Twenty-Four Violins of the King": 6 violins, 12 violas & 6 cellos. (today be a strong orchestra: violins, violas, cellos and 1 or 2 bass viols.

two methods of illustrating or enhancing words through the music in Renaissance vocal music is called:

declamation, word painting


derived from a term meaning "re-birth" and for the first time in over a thousand years, society began to rediscover the great works in art and literature created during the golden age of Greece.

As in many cultures the use of music in Aztec religious festivals is an important element and is expressed in their:

drum-songs with dancing

Hildegard of Bingen (Abbess)

everything about the German Nun, Hildegard von Bingen. This multi-talented woman, was the first female musical and artistic genius recorded in history. She not only composed tuneful chants honoring the Virgin Mary and Saints, but was a talented artist whose paintings still survive. The single existing painting of Hildegard, portrays her receiving the "fire" of the Holy Spirit. She had mystical visions and the faithful from all over Europe flocked to visit her hoping for miracles. Art work: Medieval illumination of Hildegard. Listen to your recording of Hildegard's song, "Columba Aspexit" a plainchant-like melody in Latin honoring Saint Maximinus. Several of Hildegard's songs were recorded in a modern best-selling album titled "Hildegard von Bingen: Canticles of Ecstasy." In this album, her songs are arranged with pop-rock synth and drum machine backgrounds! Available at Amazon and from online distributers. Abbess Hildegard of Bingen, Germany, was one of the most remarkable figures of the Middle Ages. Most famous for her book relating her religious visions, she also wrote on natural history and medicine; she gained such renown that does and emperors sought her counsel.

Middle Ages, or medieval era, covers the time period of the:

fifth century to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

Instruments heard in the first movement of Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 are:

flute, violin, harpsichord, and string orchestra.

toccatas (109)

free formed prices meant to capture the spirit of Girolamo Frescobaldi's own improvisation. Means "touched" in Italian, as in touching of the keys. Frescobaldi composed organ works in several distinct genres: toccatas, canzonas

Hildegard's music is a product of:

her own poetry and her own plainchants.

Composers used ________________ as an expressive resource and as a contrast to the use of imitative polyphony.


In the simpler plainchant paraphrases, the early Renaissance composer emphasized the sensuous effect through the use of ______________.


Two vocal techniques used in writing for vocal genres of the Renaissance were:

imitative counterpoint and homophony

most significant difference between the Italian madrigal and the English madrigal is that Italian madrigals are ____ and English madrigals are ____.

in Italian; in English

Which type of musician does not fit with the others?



late Baroque era gives rise to great composers such as Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel.

text of an opera is called the:


"Stylized" dances were intended for:


important new vocal genre, based on a one-stanza poem, developed in Italy after around 1530 and was called the ______________.



most important form of vocal music in the Baroque was Opera, and this chapter introduces the greatest choral music composer of the Baroque era, George Frideric Handel.

Handel (George Frideric)

most important form of vocal music in the Baroque was Opera, and this chapter introduces the greatest choral music composer of the Baroque era, George Frideric Handel. Handel was born and received musical training in Germany, in much the same manner as J.S. Bach. But while still in his 20's, Handel traveled to England and met with great success and public acclaim. He settled in Britain and became rich and famous composing the accepted style of opera, Opera Seria. (Opera based on libretto's taken from Ancient Greek and Roman stories). Julius Caesar is one of his most successful operas and is described in your textbook. Handel's most famous instrumental suite is called Water Music; music written to be performed on Royal Barges as the King of England floated down the Thames river. (Kind of like a primitive iPOD

Handel knew how to follow the tastes of the public in his compositional style. This is shown in his switch from writing ____ to writing ____.

operas; oratorios

pavane and the galliard were usually:

paired dances

The ______________, a secular vocal piece, was extremely popular in Elizabethan England during the late Renaissance.


single-line melodies of the early Christian Church are known as:


Renaissance composers, in embellishing chants with extra notes, setting them in graceful rhythms, and smoothing out passages, emphasized the ______________ aspect of the chant.


Castrati generally sang ____ parts.

soprano or alto solo

Which instrument family formed the core of the Baroque orchestra?


While the roots of the pavane and galliard were in dance, in instrumental music various dances could be just listened to, otherwise known as:

stylized dances

outstanding element of a fugue is:

systematized imitative polyphony.


term applied to the music and art from the year 1600 to 1750. At first, this term was meant as an insult because it comes from a Portuguese word meaning "IRREGULAR PEARL," that is, a useless pearl with imperfections and streaks. Today, we no longer think of the term Baroque as an insult and apply it to the artistic styles of this 150 year period. The birthplace of the baroque was Italy

In the opera The Coronation of Poppea, the central character Poppea is:

the mistress of the Roman Emperor Nero

At the end of his career, Bach:

was regarded as old-fashioned by other composers.

What is the device used by Renaissance composers to depict in music the words or ideas of a text?

word painting

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