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When performing high-velocity movements, the medicine ball weight should be no more than what percent of body weight?


Initially, how many sets of SAQ drills are recommended for older adults?

1 - 2 sets

What most correctly identifies the purpose of a resume?

A resume allows a job candidate to present their job skills to a potential employer

What is the peripheral heart action system?

A variation of circuit training that alternates upper and lower body exercises throughout the circuit

What phase of the OPT model does the adaptation "muscular strength and hypertrophy" fall into?

Muscular development

Which is a primary adaptation of the Strength Endurance training phase?

Muscular endurance

When ADP is converted to ATP, what is this process called?


Active and dynamic stretching utilize which physiological action?

Reciprocal inhibition

Which type of lipid is considered to reduce inflammation and is heart healthy?

Omega-3 fatty acids

How many pages are most appropriate for a resume?

One to two pages

SAQ training among seniors may help prevent which of the following?


If someone went out for a 5 mile jog with their friend, which energy system would provide most of the ATP?

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Which type of assessment measures overall strength, stability, muscular endurance, and agility?

Performance assessment

A CPT may seek further proprioceptive development in which phase?

Phase 1

In which phase is suspended body weight training the most desirable?

Phase 2

What phase does hypertrophy fall under?

Phase 3

During which phase of OPT should the exerciser be most concerned with increasing speed (rep tempo) ?

Phase 5, power

Receptors involved with this sense are specifically responsible for determining foot-position while standing on an unstable surface


What is it called when a ligament is overstretched or torn?


What is the primary function of the local muscles of the core?

Stabilize vertebral segments

Which of the following workout stages can include steady-state exercise?

Stage 2

In which training stage would you utilize work intervals performed just about VT1, and recovery just below VT1

Stage 2 training

Balance is best described as?

The ability to maintain control of the body while in a static position

Core stability is:

The ability to resist external resistance in the lumbar spine while the extremities are actively moving

Which of the following would be the recommended source of hydrations after 45 min of exercise with minimal perspiration?


What weekly progression rate in exercise volume is the max recommended for cardio?

10% per week

What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for beginners?

15 - 60 seconds

Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve stabilization and muscular endurance adaptations?

2 sets, 20 reps, at 50% 1RM

What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for fat?


You are training a youth client. What is the best choice for a number of SAQ drills per workout?

4 - 8 drills

A client is performing a push-up exercise with a 4-3-2-1 tempo. For how many seconds is the eccentric muscle action performed?

4 seconds

Which of the following tests is designed to test reaction capabilities, acceleration, and maximal sprinting?

40-yard dash

What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for carb intake?

45 - 65%

What duration does NASM typically recommend the cardio portion of the warm up?

5 - 10 min

What percentage of ALA converts to EPA?


You are working with an advanced client on SAQ drills, what is the best number of drills per workout?

6 - 10 drills

Approx what percent of the body is water?


What percentage of Americans older than 20 are overweight or obese?


What is the recommendation of minutes per week for cardio training, if it's vigirous?

75 minutes per week

How many B vitamins are there?


What is acidosis in muscles?

A decrease in pH, which can cause fatigue

Which of the following reflects the characteristics of moderate-intensity exercise?

Ability to talk comfortably during exercise without breathlessness in the average untrained individual

What is the primary function of the large intestine?

Absorption of food and passage of waste into the rectum

Which of the following is a ketone body?

Acetoacetic acid

Davis's law describes what type of changes within the cumulative injury cycle?

Adhesions may begin to form structural changes in the soft tissue

What statement best defines the concept of relative flexibility?

Altered movement patterns

Which term best describes when someone has mixed feelings about exercise and can see both the pros and cons of participating?


Which muscles are underactive with pes planus syndrome?

Anterior and posterior tibialis, glute max and medius

Overactive hip flexors may lead to which of the following posture compensations?

Anterior pelvis tilt and increased low-back arch

What is the most appropriate way to conclude a sales presentation with a potential client?

Asking for the sale and scheduling the first session

When is comes to barriers to exercise, what is correct?

Barriers to exercise are often cited by people who are sedentary or infrequently active

Which skinfold sites are measured if using the Durnin-Womersley protocol?

Biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac

Which of the following has been used specifically as part of a protocol to improve balance?

Biomechanical ankle platform system

For someone training in the muscular development phase, which of the following changes would be optimal?

Body fat loss

Which of the following is not a tracked component on an athlete's macrocycle annual training plan?

Cardio training

A client performs a heavy squat exercise followed by a set of squat jumps, what type of resistance training system is being used?

Complex training

Stored energy from an efficiently functions stretch-shortening cycle is released during which muscle action?


Which type of muscle contraction/action produces force through muscle fiber shortening?

Concentric action

When a person is ambivalent about changing, what stage of change are the in?


If pyruvate is being created via glycolysis faster than oxygen can be delivered to the muscle, what will happen to the pyruvate?

Converted to lactate

Which of the following is a component of agility training?


Which of the following factors is not present when a client is making a transition to the power phase of the OPT model?


Which of these is considered the most advanced plyometric exercises?

Depth jumps

According to the "iceberg effect" which of the following training adaptations are considered "surface level"?


Which of the following is considered a superficial muscle of the core?

Erector spinae

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movement?

Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movements?

Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

Which of the following is an example of a clients intrinsic motivation for exercise?

Exercising because it's fun

What surrounds the skeletal muscle and connects them to other surrounding muscles?


Which of the following are the correct five kinetic chain checkpoints when using kettlebells?

Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head

What type of client is ideally suited for stage 2 training around VT1?

Fitness enthusiasts regularly engaging in physical activity or those seeking further improvements in cardio endurance or weight loss

Which of the following is a limiting factor for how long anaerobic glycolysis can proceed?

Free hydrogen ions

What are the common physical characteristics of those with emphysema?

Frequently underweight and may exhibit hypertrophied neck muscles

Scoliosis refers to deviations of the spine in which plane?

Frontal plane

Which muscles are typically overactive when the feet turn out?

Gastrocnemius and soleus

Which substance provides nearly all the energy for activity at and above VT2?


Which muscles are underactive with knee valgus during the overhead squat?

Glut max and medius

What muscle is underactive in the overhead squat causing low back arching?

Glute max

If someone were performing repeated sprints with each sprint lasting 30-90 seconds, which energy system would contribute the most ATP?


What parameter of Muscular Development Training would be most associated with this style of training?

Growth and volume

What parameter of muscular development training would be most associated with this style of training?

Growth and volume

In a SWOT analysis, which of the following would be an example of strength?

Having the NASM-CPT credential

During the cable rotation exercise, which position of the hip will help to decrease stress to the low back?

Hip extension

During the cable rotation, which position of the hip will help to decrease stress to the low-back

Hip extension

Catecholamines are responsible for which of the following actions?

Increased lipolysis

What population is the VT2 Talk Test appropriate for?

Individuals with performance goals

Which type of support is the most common provided by a fitness professional?

Informational support

Which part of a food label would help someone review the ingredients?

Ingredients list

What component of breathing improves blood flow back to the heart?

Inspiration with a decrease in intrathoracic pressure

Which of the following force couples is accurately linked to the movement created by their combined action?

Internal and external obliques functioning functioning to create trunk rotation

Which of the following force couples is accurately linked to the movement created by their combined action?

Internal and external obliques functioning to create trunk rotation

Which of the following would be appropriate progression for a core training program to optimize function?

Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency

What type of exercise accommodates effort where the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance is felt, despite constant speed?


Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite movement speed remaining constant?


What type of muscle contraction occurs between landing and jumping during plyometric training?


What type of muscle contraction occurs between the landing and jumping during plyometric training?


When performing a floor bridge exercise, why should you not raise the hips too far off the floor?

It may place excessive stress on the lumbar spine through hyperextension

Calcium is often associated with bone health, but why's it also important to muscular function?

It stimulates actin and myosin activity

Which of the following exercises provides the most challenge for the antirotational stabilizing muscles?

Kettlebell RDL

Training the eccentric phase of plyometric movements with a new client will help them improve which of the following?

Landing mechanics

Which of the following is not considered a closed chain exercise?

Lat pulldowns

Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?

Lateral subsystem

Extension of the shoulder is common in many pulling movements. Which of the following muscles is involved?


Identify a movement limitation for an individual who walks or runs on a treadmill if he or she presents with an anterior pelvic tilt?

Limitations to hip extension may require hyperextension in the low-back, placing increases stress on the low back

Using battle ropes is considered which sort of exercise?

Low-impact exercise

The B vitamins have a primary role in what?

Macro metabolism

Which of the following statements pertaining to HIIT is incorrect?

Measuring intensity by one's "effort" is an accurate measurement

What are the 2 physiological responses that can occur from myofascial rolling?

Mechanical and neurophysical response

Which muscle functions in a feed-forward mechanism in anticipation of limb movements?


Repeat squat jumps are a progression for which of the following exercises?

Multiplanar jump with stabilization

Which statement about lowering blood pressure is true?

Planned exercise alone is typically not enough for controlling hypertension

What three joints comprise triple extension?

Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension

What is atherosclerosis?

Plaque is formed in the arteries leading to reduced blood flow

Kettlebell exercises have proven extremely beneficial in the development in which plane or of which chain?

Posterior chain

Which of these is a major curvature of the spine?

Posterior lumbar curve

Individuals in this stage of change may sporadically engage in physical activity but without any form, structure, or consistency


What is a key mechanism involved in internal feedback?


Which of the macronutrients has the highest TEF?


Horizontal adduction is most common during what type of movement?


Which of the following is an appropriate assessment for a senior client who is sedentary?

Pushing test

What is defined as the ability to react and change body position with maximal force production, in all planes of motion, and from all body positions?


This is a conversational technique that helps the listener express the supposed meaning of what was just heard


The role of micronutrients in the body

Regulate various metabolic processes , including energy metabolism

What term refers to the ability of a test to produce consistent and repeatable results?


Carb intake prior to intense or long-duration exercise serves which of the following funcitons?

Replenishes glycogen stores and provides adequate fuel for performance

During the standing cable chest press, the resistance should be positioned to do what?

Resist shoulder horizontal adduction

Which component contributes the most to total energy expenditure?

Resting metabolism

What is the concentric motion of the shoulder blades during the standing cable row exercise?


What is the most effective way to learn more about a large health club company before an interview with a hiring manager?

Reviewing the company website and social media to learn about all of the programs and services offered.

What are the three movement performed during the ball combo II exercise?

Row, shoulder abduction, and shoulder press

If someone repeatedly lifts heavy weights, that person will produce high levels of maximal strength. What is this an example of?

SAID principle

Susan's quads have been identified as overactive, what type of flexibility training should be used first to help improve this imbalance?

SMR and static stretching of quads

Susan's quads have been identified as overactive, what type of flexibility training should be used first to help improve this muscle imbalance?

SMR and static stretching of quads

What are the three movements performed in the ball combo I exercise?

Scaption, shoulder abduction, and cobra

Which phase of training would be most appropriate for a beginner who has had previous experience within the last few months?

Strength Endurance Training

What phase of the OPT model aims to enhance stabilization endurance and simultaneously increase prime-mover strength?

Strength endurance

Speed is the product of what two variables?

Stride rate and length

The standard Jackson Pollock 3-site protocol for women, measures what 3 sites?

Suprailliac, thigh, and triceps

The hamstring complex compensating for weakened hip extensors, which cannot produce force effectively, is an example of what key term?

Synergistic dominance

What is a kilcalorie (kcal)?

The amount of energy needed to raise 1kg of water by 1degree Celsius, same as 1 food cal.

What is an example of an individual in the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

The person has suffered from an ACL sprain

A client with osteoporosis has been cleared to exercise. Which form of training can have the most impact on increasing their bone density?


If the concentric phase of a plyometric exercise doesn't use all the stored elastic energy from the eccentric phase, what happens?

The unused energy is dissipated as heat

Which governmental agency regulates dietary supplements in Australia?

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Which organization must approve supplement prior to being sold?

They do not require approval

What are the three categories within the lipid family?

Triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols

Which exercise is a total-body power-focused movement?

Two-arm push press

Which disease is associated with normal aging and it's attributable to a lower production of estrogen and progesterone, both of which are involved with regulating the rate at which bone is lost?

Type 1 - primary osteoporosis

Training power for 2 days then strength for 2 days is what kind of periodization?

Undulating periodization

Antirotational exercises are often this sort of movement by nature?


What term defines the degree to which a test specifically measures what it is intended to measure?


Which term defines the degree to which a test specifically measures what it's intended to?


Which sense provides info to the CNS about where the body is in space?

Visual system

Where is it most common to take an individuals circumference measurement to assess health risk?


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