National Government Test 1

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A __ is likely to believe that helping the needy should be a matter of individual choice

establish a national bank

A central question in the McCulloch case was other or not congress had the power to


A citizen's group gathers enough signatures on a petition to force a popular vote on a statewide lottery proposal.

necessary and proper

A constitutional clause that allows for a broad interpretation of implied powers is known as the

necessary and proper

A constitutional clause that allows for a broad interpretation of implied powers is known as the ___

Take a hands off attitude toward the economy

A government pursuing laissez-faire policies would

special district

A government unit created to perform particular functions, such as fire protection and water purification and distribution is known as


A politician who appeals to and often deceives the masses by manipulating their emotions and prejudices is an


According to the text, it is difficult for a country with a market economy to remain ___ in its internal politics

state capitals to Washington DC

According to the text, one could see the rise of coercive federalism as simply shifting the pluralist struggle from


According to the text, only libertarians and ___

allowed inequality and supported racism

According to the text, political liberals feared stronger states' rights bc it

during times of social strife

According to the text, politicians openly call for more order

the national government it created was too strong

Antifederalists attacked the proposed Constitution on the grounds that

interest group

Any organization of individuals formed on the basis of common interest to influence public policy is called an

Two treaties of Government

John Locke's views on government are expressed in

the supremacy clause and the no religious test clause

Article VI of the constitution contains provisions establishing

majoritarian model of democracy

Cohesive political parties with well defined programs contribute to the

majoritarian model of democracy

Cohesive political parties with well-defined programs contribute to the

an application submitted by prospective recipients

Competitive grants are aware based on


Established procedures and organizations that translates public opinion into government policy, like elections, are known as institutional


Freedom of religion or freedom of speech are _________ principles.

tended to support expansion of national authority

From the 1930 to the mid 1990, the supreme court

the collective right of revolution and self government

Historian Jack Rakove argues in the Dec of Independence, Thomas Jeff was arguing

the right of municipal governments to enact their own legislation in certain..

Home rule is

citizens govern themselves, without electing reps

In a system of participatory democracy


In response to the national mandates and restraints that have become so dominant..

John Locke

In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jeff. statement that "all men are created equal" is similar to

affirmation action programs

One example of government focus on equality of outcome is

participatory democracy

Portland's incorporation of neighborhood associations into its municipal government

farmers trying to prevent foreclosure on their property

Shay's rebellion consisted of

enumerated powers

State rights supporters believe that congress should restrict its activities to

business-related legislation

Studies of the congressional agenda of the United States demonstrate that it is characterized by an emphasis on

keep issues off the agenda

Studies on decision making concerning public policy issues suggest that much of the elite's power comes from the ability go the elites to

Correctd. ​the preference of the wealthy will most often prevail.

in America, when the wealthy and the rest of the population have differing policy goals


including the bill of rights ___ amendments have been added to the const

withdraw from the 1998 treaty

The desire to avoid potential foreign prosecutions of its soldiers

follow the general contours

The principle of responsiveness requires that legislators

how government decisions are made.

The procedural view of democracy is most concerned with

Russia and China

Two nations with deep ties to the principle of communism that have moved to the direction of


the __ view of democracy is likely to see anti-gay marriage laws an undemocratic

increased national power

Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the early supreme court generally

checks and balances

Under separation of powers, the US system keeps power among branches by enabling..

lacks a general police power

Under the US Const, the national government

could be ended after twenty years

Under the constitution the slave trade

interest groups

What Madison called factions, are today called

national government

When Roger B Taney became chief justice in 1836...

Congress temporarily claimed extra constitutional powers ti need the nation emergency.

Which of the following statements regarding the New Deal is incorrect?

John Locke

Which political philosopher inspired the phrase "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness"

Procedural democratic theory

_____ addresses the questions "Who should participate in decision making? and How many votes are needed to reach a decision?"

​Conservative, liberal

_________ theorists have a narrower view of the scope of social and economic rights that should be guaranteed by a ​democratic government than _________ theorists.


twenty-four states allow for _____ which is a policy question that the state legislature places on the ballot and allows citizens to vote on it.

order over freedom and freedom over equality

using a two-dimensional model of political ideology, conservatives are more likely to support

unanimous vote of the confederation congress

to amend the articles of confederation required

two thirds vote in both the house and senate

to date, all constitutional amendments have been proposed by

a loose association of independent states

A confederation can be best described as

social equality

After the constitution was amended to permit the federal government to levy a progressive income tax,

social rights and economic rights

Agreement among substantive theorists breaks down when the discussion moves from civil rights to

One individual

An autocracy is a political system ruled by

choose freedom over equality

Compared to citizens in other nations, US are more likely to choose

tyranny of the majority

Federalist No. 10 and Federalist No. 51 each argue...


In a globalized world we are sometimes closely tied through trade of former enemies.

homeland security

Numerous recent preemptions have focused on

protect states' rights

One chief goal of the drafters of the articles of confederation was to protect

it permits policies that violate standards of substantive democracy.

One of the weaknesses of the procedural model of democracy is that

religious conflict between Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam.

One primary challenge to democratization in Iraq after the overthrow of dictator Saddam Hussein is the

might infringe on personal liberty

One ratified, the Const was quickly amended with the Bill of Rights to assuage concerns that this new government

the adoption of the dec of ind

One result of the second continental congress was

the Massachusetts militia

Shay's Rebellion was ultimately defeated by

established patterns of authority and tradition

Social order is usually defined as


The Bill of Rights consists of the first __ amendments


The every student succeeds act (essa) is an example of..


The national government has come to rely increasingly on its ...

equality of opportunity

When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another

​a slight decline

According to the text, in the past few years, there has been ________ in the number of democracies around the world.

chemical weapons

Although globalization can threaten national security, this can create desirable outcomes ...Syria's

when different generations with different experiences enter the electorate.

Although public opinion does not fluctuate erratically, change can occur​

interests groups

Although they are instruments of majoritarian democracy, initiatives are sponsored by

national convention

Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by two-thirds votes in both House and Senate or by a

state equality rule

Among the most undemocratic features of the US Const is

minority rights.

An important problem with the procedural view of democracy is that it can clash with​


The constitution did not give congress the authority to establish the internal revenue service...

whatever the majority wants

According to procedural theory, the government should do

there would be one house, and all states would have equal rep in it

According to the New Jersey plan, how was rep..

legislative branch

Article 1 of the const refers to the

enumerated powers

Article 1, Section 8 of the const articulates the principle of ___

leave citizens free to further their individual pursuits

As derived from John Locke's philosophy, the doctrine of ... holds that government


Before it could take effect, the Constitution had to be ratified by __ states.

limit immigration

In 2014, voters in Switzerland approved an initiative to​

direct democracy

Deciding on the legality of weed through ballot propositions is an example of

Sweden and Germany

Democratic governments that have in the decades since World War 2

process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authorial form of government to a democratic one

Democratization is the

collected phone data on domestic phone conversations

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden showed that

freedom and equality

During the 1990's, Congress prohibited price businesses from discrimination

laws banning same sex-marriages

Government can promote social equality through policies other than income redistribution

revise the Articles of Confederation

Originally, the Constitutional Convention's purpose was to

common people

The Greek word "demo" which is the root of the term democracy, means


The Greek word "kratos" means


The __ view of democracy is likely to see anti-gay marriage laws as undemocratic.

the number of citizens involved in governing.

The ancient Greeks classified governments as autocracies, oligarchies, or democracies based on

two or more governments share power and authority over the same land and people

The basic premise of federalism is that

signing the declaration was treason and punishable by hanging and drawing and quartering

The fifty five signatures of the Dec of Ind were courageous in their actions bc

representation of slaves

The first three-fifths compromise resolved the issue of

there are limits to the national government's ability to regulate behavior based on the commerce clause

The general conclusion of the supreme court in United States v Lopez was that

a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states in one chamber and population based representation in the other

The great compromise provided for

checks and balances

The power of the president to veto laws is an example of

the constitution established a government of limited powers; because it was not given the power

The main argument of the need for a bill of rights was that

favors people who need help the least

The main disadvantage of the pluralist model is that it

a call for larger meeting of the states, with a broader mission

The main positive result of the Annapolis Convention was

social contact theory

The notion that government authority springs from the consent of the governed..

condemned the king's support of the slave trade

The original draft of the dec of ind

the candidate with the next-greases number of votes would become vice president

The original procedure for selecting the vice president, under the electoral college was

the Virginia Plan

The plan presented at the const convention generally favored by large states was


The power of congress to enact laws by which the national government assumes complete or partial responsibility for a state government function is

Marbury v Madison

The supreme court first declared that the courts have the power to overturn the gov acts that conflict with the const. is

could not accept high degree of tolerance and freedom allowed to all groups in society

The text suggests that the United States struggled to promote democracy in countries that

cooperative federalism

The use of highways construction funds has been an effective means to promote

cannot be simply define as a "yes or no" question

Whether a political system is "democratic" is chiefly defines by which of the following?

eighth amendment

Which amendment was repealed by congress after the prohibition that it...

The declaration of independence

Which document proclaimed, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..."

the articles of confederation

Which document proclaimed, "each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence...."

the pluralist model

Which model of government foes the const best fit?

power to declare war

Which of the following is not a power granted to the president

all previously unelected officials, such as those in programs that deal with transportation and social services, are now elected

Which of the following is not a reason that states have improved their ability to govern capably over the last few decades.

one person, one vote

Which of the following is not one of the political principles replied by the founders

Karl Marx

Which of the following philosophers is usually associated with socialism?

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