Natural history of Vertebrates Test 1

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What are the two sister groups to chordates?

Hemichordates and echinoderms

In what group of animals is the notochord the primary support structure?

Jawless fishes

what class of tunicates retain larval traits and are swimming filter feeders


what is the function of the ampullae of lorenzini

they detect electrical stimuli of muscle contractions

why are neural crest cells unique to verts?

they migrate to new locations and are pluripotent

lampreys use ___ ventilation


T/F: cephalochordata is the group that is most closely related to verts


t/f: lamprey adults die after reproducing


t/f: placoderms are a dead end


t/f: tissues in vertebrates form the endoskeleton


in mammals, the pharyngeal slit/pouches become what?

tubes, tonsils, and glands

what 3 subphyla are in the chordate phyla

tunicata, cephalochordata, and vertebrata

What are the 3 subphyla of the Chordata phylum?

tunicata, cephalochordate, and vertebrata

what is convergent evolution?

two taxa independently evolve similar features not due to a common ancestor

External egg development is called ___


Internal egg development that results in live birth and young receive NO nourishment from mother is __


what protects enzymes from high urea concentrations


lampreys are ___ meaning they move into smaller streams when breeding


Vertebrates (are/are not) a monphyletic group


Holocephali have ____ jaws


In mammals, the pharyngeal slit/arches become what?

bone, ligaments, and cartilage

The nerve chord becomes what in humans?

brain and spinal cord

what vertebrate characters did conodonts have

calcium phosphate crystals, calcified cartilage, enamel, and dentine

What is the endostyle initially used for?

capturing/transporting food

what are the distinctive characteristics among chondrichthyes

cartilaginous skeleton, placoid scales, lipid liver, high urea concentrations, and ketone bodies

what class are lampreys in


lampreys have a ___ circulatory system and a __ chambered hert

closed 2

where are the earliest teeth found


what is a "species"

distinct populations, evolutionary cohesive and independent, and exists in nature

when was the first chondrichthyes diversification event

during the carboniferous, 359-299 mya

when was the second chondrichthyes diversification event

during the jurassic, 201-145 mya

when did the holocephalans and elasmobranchs diverge

during the silurian

The nerve chord forms from what?


the epidermis is derived from the ___ and the dermis is derived from ___

ectoderm mesoderm

hagfish have assumed ____

external fertilzation

True/False: "invertebrates" form a monophyletic group


t/f: elasmobranchi have gill covering


t/f: hagfish have a well developed eye that has a lens


t/f: lamprey teeth are supported by jays


t/f: lamprey teeth have dentine and enamel


t/f: the Ostracoderms are a clade


t/f:holocephali have spiracles in the adult


Jaws derived from what

first pair of visceral arches

what are the 2 extant taxa of the chondrichthyes

holocephali and elasmobranchii

elasmobranchii have pectoral fins that serve as ____ which provide lift when moving through water


what type of jaws do elasmobranchi have


elasmobranchi body fluids are slightly ____ to the environment


phylogenetic trees are ___


why do chondrichthyes have placcoid scales

improves swimming and prevents bacterial growth

what is a paraphyletic group

includes MRCA but not all descendants

what is a polyphyletic group

includes all descendants but not mcra

holocephali have ___ fertilization


what kind of fertilization do chondrichthyes have


there are remnants of the notochord where in humans?

intervertebral disks

hagfish body fluids are ___ with the sea water


why do chondrichthyes have a lipid liver and high urea conc.

it helps with buoyancy control and osmoregulation

why do elasmobranchii have a spiral valve

it increases surface area for digestion and absorption

what are the major gnathostome diagnostic characters

jaws, calcified teeth, 3 semicircular canals, stomach spleen and pancreas, and paired fins with pectoral and pelvic girdles

Tunicates have all 5 chordate characteristics, but only in ___


when did placoderms go extinct

late devonian

what percent of animals are vertebrates?

less than 5

What is the primary function of the post anal tail?


what is evolutionary reversal

loss of a feature

placoderms where primarily ___


hagfish are ___ and ___ (habitat)

marine benthic burrowing

the muscular system is derived from the ___


rectal galnds help excrete __


what characters do lampreys share with gnathostomes

neural arches, lateral line system, 2 semicircular canals, pineal organ, mineralization of tissues, and support rays in fins

do hagfish have scales or paired fins?


do hagfish have vertebrae?


what type of feeding do hagfish do

scavenge and worm eaters

most adult tunicates are ___

sessile and filter feeders

what is a homologus trait

similar in structure due to shared ancestry; may differ in size and function

what is the phylogenetic species concept

smallest diagnosable group of individuals forming a clade

the only taxa that exists in nature is ___ all others are historical entities


what is the morphological species concept

species are ID by their physical features

since chondrichthyes don't have bone marrow, where are the RBCs


Vertebrata is a (class, phylum, subphylum)


on phylogenetic trees, branches represent ___


why do some elasmobranchii have inter-uterine cannibalism

the babies that survive are strong and have high survival rates

Vertebrate diversity is dominated by which group of animals?

ray finned fishes

when did the ostracoderms live

550-250 mya (paleozoic)

how many species of extant sharks are there


hagfish have ___ barbels which are ___ and ___ receptors

6 chemo and touch

how many species of skates and rays are there


how many species of vertebrates are there?


how many species of echinoderms are there

7 thousand

how many species of hagfish are there


how many orders of placoderms were there


SC Holocephalii are the ___


the jawless fish form SC __


How many species of hemiderms are there


how long does it take for the lamprey eggs to hatch

2-3 weeks

what percent of the brain in elsmaobranchii is dedicated to vision and chemoreception


how many species of tunicates are there


how many species of freshwater chondrichthyes are there


how many filter feeder chondrichthyes are there


how many harts do hagfish have


how long is the lamprey larval period

3-17 years

when did the Acanthodii go extinct

300 mya

how many species of lancelets are there


how many gill openings do holocephali have


how many species of lamprey are there


when did Chimaeriforms diverge from elasmobranchs

400 mya

when are the first definite chondrichthyes fossils dated

419-359 mya

how many pairs of gills do elasmobranchii have


how many species of chimaeriforme(ratfish) are there


when did myxini (hagfish) diverge from other verts

530 mya

when did the conodonts live

540-230 mya

what COULD have been the first super predator?


what is a monophyletic group?

MRCA and all descendants united by one or more synapomorphy

what lamprey species entered the great lakes and caused collapse of lake trout industry

Peteromyzon marinus

chordata is a (class, phylum, subphylum)


What are the 5 shared derived characteristics of chordates?

notochord, pharyngeal slits, dorsal hollow nerve chord, endostyle/thyroid, and post anal tail

hagfish have a ____ circulatory system, and ___ BP

open low

what type of birth do holocephali have (ovaparious, vivaparious)


when did the sharks skates and rays diverge


what are the 2 extinct gnathostome classes

placoderms and acanthodians

The BSC says a species is a ___

population with the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable offspring and are reproductively isolated

most placoderms where ____ or ____ (diet)

predators or scavengers

The notochord is (ventral or dorsal) to the nerve chord


"live birth" from gestation in "uterus" (body cavity) that receives nourishment from yolk sac is___


do lampreys have a brain like other vertebrates (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain)


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