Naturalistic Observations

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Content analysis

Includes the specification of categories and use of more than one rater. Same as systematic coding or observational data

Observational Research

Making observations of behavior and recording those observations in an objective manner.

the goal of the research of behavioral scientists is to

learn about the relationships between and among conceptual variables

What is the oldest method of conducting research?

Observational research

Which of the following are most likely to be used in naturalistic research?


Acknowledge Observer and Unacknowledged observer

Observing the behavior of interest without actively participating

observation and case studies efficacy:

Provide a detailed look at ongoing behavior Often are not subjective because they represent qualitative data especially when they are collected through recordings by a single scientist.

Individual Sampling:

Randomly selecting one person to be studied and only observing that person for a certain period.

Advantage of Systematic observation:

Reliability and validity increases by having more than one trained researcher making the ratings. Reduce amount of data that might be collected if you attempted to record everything you saw through observation.

Advantage of Acknowledge Observer and Unacknowledged observer

Researcher is more objective because they're not developing a close relationship with the people being observed. Gives the observer more time to do their job (what they came to do) Don't have the burden of acting like a participant, and maintaining their cover, which takes effort.

Disadvantage: of Unacknowledged participant:

Researcher may have difficulty remaining objective. May create negative bias in the data if the observer dislikes the people/person they are observing. May change the situation Ethical dilemma The activities of the observer may influence the process being observed.

Systematic observation:

Specifying ahead of time what observation is going to be made on which people and in which times and places.

A scientist wants to study the behaviors of factory workers under stressful working conditions. She takes a job in a factory where no one knows her true identity. Which research approach is being used?

Unacknowledged participant

Which of the following research approaches is most likely to allow the researcher to develop close friendships with the people being studied?

Unacknowledged participant

Four types of possible observational research designs:

Unacknowledged participant: Acknowledged participant: Acknowledge Observer Unacknowledged observer

Acknowledged participant:

Used when the researcher feels that it is unethical or impossible to hide his or her identity as a scientist.

How are conclusions drawn from naturalistic observations?

When they have been systematically collected and coded.

Event frequencies:

number of times something occurs that indicates social comparison

Research that is conducted in situations that are similar to the everyday life experiences of the participants is said to have

ecological validity.

Records in past behavioral research

trash in landfills, patterns of graffiti, wear and tear on floors in museums, litter and dirt on the pages of library books

Disadvantage of Acknowledge Observer


Pros of Naturalistic Approach:

A large amount of information can be collected very quickly. Can provide basic knowledge about the phenomena of interest Can provide ideas for future research.

Archival Research

Analysis of any type of existing records of public behavior.

Behavioral categories in systematic observations

Based on theoretical predictions of what would occur Define exactly what behaviors are to be coded Determined when these behaviors were occurring Determined how to code them in the computer.

Joe decides to study how insects behave in their everyday life. He watches some ladybugs in his backyard, and codes whether they are either living alone, living in groups, or living in pairs. Joe's observational system is based on the use of which of the following?

Behavioral categories.

Advantage of Unacknowledged participant:

Can get close and intimate to the people being observed and really get good information out of them/ getting to know them.

Relying upon detailed descriptions of a single individual is known as the __________ method.

Case study

How are archival records coded?

Content analysis

Case Studies

Descriptive records of one or more individual's experiences and behavior. Unusual, unexpected or unexplained behaviors become the focus on the research.

Limitations of Naturalistic Research:

Does not tell us WHY behavior occurs Does not tell us what would have happened to the same people in different situations

Advantage of Acknowledge participants

Ethically appropriate

Sampling strategies:

Event sampling:, Individual Sampling: , and Time sampling

Ecological validity:

Extent to which research is conducted in situations that are similar to everyday life experiences of the participants.

Time sampling

Focusing on a single subject for a certain amount of time before moving on to the next subject.

Event sampling:

Focusing on specific behaviors that are theoretically related to social comparison.

Advantage of naturalistic research:

High Ecological validity: Reactivity is minimized and construct validity increases

One of the advantages of naturalistic research is :

High ecological validity and external validity

Ethical dilemma of Unacknowledged participant:

May never tell the participants that they were being observed for a study, or they may find out on their own later. Greater problem when it is conducted in a setting where people might be later identified, with potential negative consequences.

Disadvantage of Acknowledged Participants

Reactivity May be biased by friendships created

Cons of observation and case studies

The observer choose which participant to study, which behaviors to record or ignore and how to interpret those behaviors ---- thus they are more likely to to see observations that confirm --- rather than disconfirm -- his or her expectations.

One of the advantages of archival research is that the researcher can

use existing data that has been collected by others.

How to solve this problem of observation and case studies

Systematic observation:

Disadvantage: of case studies

Cannot tell us if the same thing will happen to other individuals in similar situations Cannot tell us why these specific reactions to these events occurred. We cannot know what these individuals would be like had they not had the experience.

Ways to code observations

Event frequencies: and event duration

Naturalistic Research:

Measures the behavior of people and animals as they occur in everyday life. Study of everyday behavior through observations and archival data.

Examples of some archival research materials

Newspaper articles, speeches and letters of public figures, television and radio broadcasts, internet websites, or existing surveys.

True or False? Case studies provide only a weak support for drawing scientific conclusions.

True. May be useful for providing for future, more controlled research.

When is it necessary to use Acknowledge Participant?

When the behavior the researcher wants to observe is difficult to gain access to. Ex: In order to observe behavior in a courtroom, corporate boardroom or classroom, the researcher needs permission

Unacknowledged participant:

When the observer takes a role in the study without letting the people being observed know about it (actors) (advantage of concealment)

Disadvantage of Unacknowledge Observer

ethical problems if it violates the confidentiality of the data

Event duration:

he amount of time something occurs.

Case studies are frequently based on a descriptive record of

one or two individuals who have abnormal experiences.

Harold decides that he is interested in learning what school children do while they are playing at recess, and decides to collect the data by watching the children from the window of the school rather than going out on the playground where the children can see him. Harold's decision was probably made to reduce which of the following?


Content analysis refers to

the systematic coding of data, such as in archival research.

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