NBE Arts Study Guide 1

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those appropriate and helpful acts of counseling that come after the funeral

Aftercare (Post-Funeral Follow-Up)

increase in social support

Aftercare programs have evolved because of the:

Funeral Rite

All inclusive both funerals and memorial services

In regards to soiled clothing, the family should be given ___?

All of the above

Age ranges which should be considered for Public Relations outreach include:

All of these

The period of embalming history from 650-1861 is known as the:

All of these Period of the Anatomist Medieval Era The Middle Ages

The mobility of modern families has led to the increased popularity of ____________________.

All of these (memorial park cemeteries, cremation lot exchange programs)

Benefits of funeral rites include ___?

All the above


All the above

If a child is brought to visitation, they should NOT

All the above fit the statement

in the Islam faith, the name of God


Physicians are considered ____ to Funeral Directors.


On a funeral contract, the funeral director must include mandatory FTC disclosures if the contract is: A. Also a Credit Report B. Also a Statement of Goods and Services C. Expressed D. Irrevocable

Also a Statement of Goods and Services

an, an elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered or at which religious rites are performed; in the Christian faith, a table on which the Eucharist or Holy Communion is offered


an unfinished wood box or other non-metal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is made of fiberboard, pressed-wood, composition materials (with or without an outside covering) or like materials.

Alternative Container

A family arranges for the cremation of their mother. They choose a fiberboard, cloth covered receptacle to house the body that does not have a fixed interior. This receptacle would be considered a/an: A. Alternative Cremation Container B. Cremation Casket C. Urn D. Vault

Alternative Cremation Container

A person committing ___suicide probably feel their life is sacrificial?


Federal Trade Commission

An agency of federal government created in 1914 to promote free and fair competition by prevention if trade restraints, price fixing, false advertising, and other unfair methods of competition


An endorsee is the person who receives an indorsed instrument.


An express warranty is created when the seller does or says something that induces the customer to buy the product.

What is another name for a written contract

An expressed contract

usually appears on the back of an instrument.

An indorsement


An indorsement transfers ownership of a negotiable instrument.

to be paid when the maker gets married.

An instrument is not negotiable if it is


An instrument stating on its face, "Pay to Robert Stevens or bearer" is


An oral warranty made by the seller before or at the time of a sale that is contrary to the terms stated in the written warranty is not binding

Unfinished wood box

An unornamented casket made of wood which does not have a fixed interior lining.

Legislative act governing the donation of part or all of a decedent's body for the purpose of medical research: A. Anatomical gift Act B. Cadaver Donation Act C. Organ Donor Act D. Tissue Gift Act

Anatomical Gift Act

All of the following are types of final disposition, except: -Interment -Cremation -Burial at Sea -Anatomical donation -Entombment

Anatomical donation

The period of time when the Egyptians were embalming bodies was


The placing of various organs in canopic jars and embalming by class distinction was specifically associated with which of the following early civilizations?

Ancient Egyptians

According to Kübler-Ross theory, which phase usually comes just before bargaining?


Preparation of the body (Greeks)

Anointed with oils and,perfumes and spices(no embalming practices) Decedent dressed in white burial robe Mourners were black Laid out in state insuring death occured and corpse had not suffered any violence 1-7 days depending upon status in life ritualistic wailing by female mourners

A syndrome characterized by the presence of grief in advance of an expected death or loss is ___?

Anticipatory Grief

The Development of a phobia is a symptom of



Any individual,partnership,corporation,association,government or governmental subdivision or agency or other entity

Cash advance items

Any item of service or merchandise described to a purchaser as a "cash advance," "accommodation," "cash disbursement," or similar term. A cash advance item is also any item obtained from a third party and paid for by the funeral provider on the purchaser's behalf. Cash advance items may include, but are not limited to: cemetery or crematory services; pallbearers; public transportation; clergy honoria; flowers; musicians or singers; nurses; obituary notices; gratuities; and death certificates.


Any significant alteration of a negotiable instrument discharges the liability of the party whose liability is changed by the alteration.

The bereaved should be encouraged to ask questions:


Which of the following is not an institution? Apartment Nursing Home City Morgue Hospital Cancer Hospice



Are behaviors less compulsive than mores of the same society (Keyword - LESS SEVERE)


Are social behavior dictated by the tradition of the people

Hebrew word meaning container; a casket made entirely of wood, containing no metal parts


A face to face meeting with members of the family or those in-charge of planning the funeral whereby the funeral is planned; vital statistics are recorded; and funeral goods and services are sold.

Arrangements Conference

the meeting between the funeral director and the client family during which the funeral arrangements are discussed

Arrangements Conference

An imitation of grass made in mat form and used at the cemetery to cover the earth around the grave.

Artificial Grass

A family sends their dead loved-one to you from the hospital at 1:00 AM. By 10:00 AM they have decided to use another funeral home in town. It WOULD be ethical for you to _____.

Ask if you did something to cause the change

The prelude occurs:

At the beginning of the service

The recession occurs:

At the end of the service

In early America, the traditional location of the preparation of a dead human body for funeralization was originally

At the home

counseling with the family as they select the services and items of merchansdise in completing arrangments for the funeral service of their choice when a death has occured

At-Need Counseling

The person signing cremation authorization, giving permission for the cremation to take place: A. Authorization Agent B. Cremation Representative C. Disposition Designee D. Trustee

Authorizing Agent

What generation was born between 1946-1964 in the post World War II era?

Baby Boomers

Non-declinable service fee

Basic services is the only fee which the consumer cannot decline (unless state or local law require otherwise). Funeral provider should recover expenses for services, facilities, or unallocated overhead in this charge.

"This material is fireproof and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories."

Below are four statements made by salespeople to customers. In each case, a customer made a purchase relying on the statement, the statement proved to be false, and the customer suffered a loss. Which statement would most likely serve as the basis for a successful suit for breach of warranty?

Sanctuary' is to Christianity [house of worship] as ___________ is to Judaism [temple or synagogue].


leader of multiple churches in a particular denomination; in the Roman Catholic faith, the head of a diocese; in the LDS (Mormon) church, Bishop of the ward is leader of a single church


Guilt directed toward others is called ___?



Blank indorsements turn order instruments into bearer instruments.

Loyalty conflicts can be a source of trouble especially in _________________________ families.


_________________________ families consist of a male, a female, children from previous marriages, and any children they might have together.


OSHA describes pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood as: A. Binary Microorganisms B. Bloodborne Pathogens C. Parenteral Microbes D. Pathogenic Flora

Bloodborne Pathogens

The second step in ABC crisis intervention is ___?

Boiling the problem down to its essentials

The name of the Buddhist faith to describe a calendar that is used to determine an accurate time for casketing the body


Compare and contrast Greek and Roman death beliefs.

Both polythestic Neither embalmed Most common form for both was cremation Romans acquired most of their beliefs from the Greeks Greek Gods were mainly named after personality traits and the Roman Gods were named after objects. Romans later on started to bury their dead but it was very rare for either to embalm.

The most commonly used legal definition of death states that death occurs when this organ ceases to function: A. Brain B. Heart C. Lungs D. Kidneys


relating to a social organization


Notification of the Pagoda is specific to:


see Interment and Inhumement/Inhumation


English funeral practices in the middle ages saw a rise in ostentation and what?

Burial Clubs

a legal document, issued by a governmental agency, authorzing transportation and/or disposition of a dead human body

Burial-Transit Permit (Disposition Permit)

That which is described as good and moral in business transactions is called ___?

Business Ethics

Who conducts the initial ADA Readily Achievable Test for barrier removal? A. Business Owner B. EEOC C. Employees D. Municipalities

Business Owner

How does the next of kin have quasi-property rights for their loved ones disposition?

By degree of kindred

You ask for permission to embalm and the family says yes. Then, a friendly neighbor of the family, who just happens to be there minding hers and everyone else's business, inquires as to how much embalming will cost. You respond:

By furnishing the family with a copy of your price list

A dead human body that is intended solely for scientific study and dissection: A. Cadaver B. Corpse C. Skeleton D. Wight


see Visitation/Visiting Hours

Calling Hours

Which of these types of losses usually allows for anticipatory grief?


Which of these types of losses usually allows for anticipatory grief?

Cancer or AIDS

a portable shelter used to cover the grave area during the committal

Canopy (Cememtery Tent)

a religious singer who assists the clergy; assiste the Rabbi in the Jewish faith; assists the Priest in the Eastern Orthodox faith


This officer of an ocean going vessel can authorize mandatory burials at sea: A. Captain B. First Mate C. Ships Chaplain D. Ships Doctor


In the Roman Catholic Church, a 'prince of the Church' is known as:


in the Roman Catholic faith, a dignity conferred upon Bishops making them Princes of the Church


People living in a funeral home, providing security in return for lodging are considered: A. Caretakers B. Employees C. Independent Contractors D. Sextons


Cash advance items may include, but are not limited to: cemetery or crematory services, pallbearers, public transportation, clergy honoraria, flowers, musicians or singers, nurses, obituary notices, gratuities, and death certificates; sometimes called an accommodation or cash disbursement.

Cash Advance

One who actively bears or carries the casket during the funeral service and at the committal service.

Casketbearer (Pallbearer)

One who actively carries the casket is called:

Casketbearer (or pallbearer)

Itemization of funerals has caused the decrease in the cost of _____________________ as a percentage of total funeral bills.


What is a raised platform, with or without a canopy, that a body may be placed on? This was used throughout the Middle Ages.


an area of ground set aside and dedicated for the final disposistion of dead human bodies


see Canopy

Cemetery Tent

Graveside service

Ceremony commemorating the deceased at place of final disposition (also see Committal Service FD Glossary)

a legal copy of the original death certificate

Certified Copy of a Death Certificate

Who started the use of death certificates and the founding of cemeteries outside of urban areas?


The area of the sanctuary where the clergy are seated:


Hebrew phrase meaning "Holy Society," a group of men or women from the synagogue who care for the dead; they may be referred to by laymen as the "washers;" in the past, took care of all funeral arrangements and preparation for Jewish funerals.

Chevrah Kadisha

The grief period following the death of a _______________, will be chronologically longer than any other type.



Children and Grief (stages and ages)

a letter or form from a priest stating the eligibility of the deceased for burial in a Roman Catholic Cemetery; a.k.a. Priest(ly) Lines

Christian Burial Certificate/Christian Burial Permit

A pathological grief reaction which is prolonged, recurs over and over and over and over, and has never (at least, not yet) come to a satisfactory conclusion is ___________________________.


A pathological grief reaction which recurs over and over and over and over is ___________________________.


A collapsible catafalque employed for church and home funerals?

Church Truck

During the middle ages, Christian bodies were commonly placed in what crowded areas?


The character of an individual viewed as a member of society; their behavior in terms of the duties, obligations and functions of a citizen, best characterizes ___?


An all inclusive term for spiritual leaders of various religious denominations:


The person who conducts the funeral service is usually a member of the:


The procession in a non-liturgical church is led by:


Which of these IS considered an Allied Profession to Funeral Directors?

Clergy Florists Lawyers

diagonal couch

"45" 3/3 of the right side of the deceased

anthony van leeuwenhoek

'father of bacteriology'

Structure or room that contains several niches: A. Columbarium B. Ossuary C. Retort D. Lawn Crypt


a structure, room, or space in a mausoleum or other building containing niches or recesses used to hold cremated remains


Which one of the following would not be used as a grave liner?

Combination case

Counseling should be done at least ___ after a loss?

1 week

List three (3) funeral practices that were discontinued during the 16th century Reformation led by Martin Luther.

1) Monastic Orders, burials, purgatorial brotherhoods and leagues ceased. 2) The pageantry of Catholic services was reduced to plainness. Turned all the fancy funerals back into simple services. 3) Lying in state ended for all but those at the highest rank.

External communication includes: 1 - personal letters 2 - congratulatory notes 3 - memos 4 - letters of reference

1, 2 and 4

How we regulate behavior

1. Customs 2. Folkways 3. Mores 4. Laws. 5. Taboo

A funeral home would have how many days to return any payments if a valid cancellation of a Door-to-Door sale was received? A. 5 business days B. 10 business days C. 15 business days D. 20 business days

10 business days

What type of steel is most often used in the manufacture of caskets with round corners and urn corner styles?

16 gauge

The Great Plague of London occurred during which period?


The "Burial in Woolen Act" came into being when?


What percentage of funeral home's yearly income should be spent on advertising?


What would a 48 ounce copper casket have?

48 ounces of copper per sqft. of metal

What is the approximate moisture content of kiln dried lumber used in casket manufacturing?


Which one of these steel burial vaults would weigh the most?

7 gauge

The average life expectancy is?


Probably the best place for grief counseling to occur is ___?

A Home


A check is always payable on demand.

indorse and deliver the instrument

A check is made payable to "Mark Spitz." If Spitz wishes to negotiate the instrument, he mus

payable to the bearer

A check made payable to "Cash" is

In order to be negotiable, the drawee must be named in the instrument; is a type of draft; and is a popular form of negotiable instrument

A check...

Children and Death (Grollman)

A child's understanding of death

Adaptive Funeral rite

A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those directly invovled; one which ahs been altered to suit the trends of the times

Humanistic Funeral Rite

A funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation

Primitive Funeral Rite

A funeral rite which may be construed as being identifiable with preliterate society


A joint family is always:

An assignment of proceeds

A legal instrument which authorizes payment of insurance funds for funeral expenses to a funeral home is:

either indorsement and delivery or delivery alone

A negotiable instrument may be negotiated by

words indicating a promise to pay.

A negotiable promissory note must contain

a conditioned response

A person who expresses anxiety and discomfort while attending a visitation at a funeral home is most likely experiencing:


A promise to pay $1,000 and a golf bag would not be negotiable.


A promissory note and a certificate of deposit has three parties, the maker, the makee, and the payee.

payable thirty days after the death of the maker

A promissory note is not negotiable if it is

Funeral ceremony

A service commemorating the deceased with the body present. (FTC definition. See also Funeral Service.)


A social grouping in which members posses roughly equivalent culturally valued atrributes


A speech about the character of a deceased person at a funeral service is known as:

"Every dead body is deserving of respectful treatment, regardless of who they were," is an example of ___?


Every dead body is deserving of respectful treatment, regardless of who they were, is an example of ___?



Abstract pattens (rules, ideas, beliefs shared by members of society)

A response made by the congregation during a religious ceremony:


an alter attendant


Visiting a gravesite will help a grieving person

Actualizing the loss



Another name for the Mennonite Funeral Rite is:


A speech that is planned in advance but is presented in a direct, conversational manner:

An extemporaneous speech

The "Elysian Fields" is associated with which of the following cultures?

Ancient Greeks

The "Elyssian Fields" is associated with which of the following cultures?

Ancient Greeks

If a child is brought to visitation, they should NOT

Answers: be allowed to roam the funeral home be left alone with the deceased be kept from seeing in the casket, if they want to All of the above fit the statement


Any person,partnership or corporation that performs cremation and sells funeral goods


Any rate of interest above the maximum rate allowable by law is:

in the Roman Catholic faith, the head of an archdicese



Article 3 of the UCC is the statutory law that governs negotiable instruments

Bowlby is most associated with what theory or theories?

Attachment & Phases

The tendency in human being to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for security and safety is the central premise of ___?

Attachment Theory


Attachment Theory Three/Four Phases of Grief

Bowlby is most associated with what theory or theories?

Attachment and Phases

Cultural Relativism & Ethnocentrism

Attitudes that exist toward cultures

Drug and/or alcohol abuse would be an example of ______?


Values are defined as ___?

Beliefs held in high esteem

The act or event of separation or loss that results in the experience of grief, defines what?


Rubrics for the Episcopal Church are found in:

Book of Common Prayer

Inorganic bone fragments left over after the cremation process: A. Burnings B. Cremains C. Crematory Dust D. Cresidue


What is the principal source for statutory law?

Common law which is derived from English Law

The reduction of a dead human body to inorganic bone fragments via intense heat: A. Atomization B. Cremation C. Disintegration D. Immolation


the reduction of a dead human body to inorganic fragments by intense heat in a specifically designed retort


Receptacle used to transport and house the body for the cremation process: A. Cremation Container B. Ossuary C. Urn D. Urn Vault

Cremation Container

Ancient Rome

Cremation first gained widespread acceptance and practice in:

see Crematory


a furnace or retort for cremating dead human bodies; a building that houses a retort

Crematory (Crematorium)

What type of casket interior material consists of a thin crinkled cloth of silk, rayon, cotton or wool?


in the Roman Catholic faith, a man who is a member of religious order without being ordanied or while preparing for ordination


What is the commercial principle that the seller is responsible for the product and discourages selling goods of unreasonable quality?

Caveat Venditor


Ceremony is is synonymous with...

the portion of the church surrounding the altar, usually enclosing the clegy, area behind the altar or communion rail


a building or designated area of a building in which services are conducted


a person chosen to conduct religious services exercises for the military, the chapel of an institution or a fraternal organization


Casket handling fees

Charge, fee or surcharge applied to consumers who purchase their casket elsewhere (from a source other than the price list/funeral provider).


Children and Death (Explaining Death to Children)

Discrimination IS allowed based on what?


the officiant who celebrates the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church


Reflecting the clients feelings back to them is a priority of ___ counseling?


The emotional tone of a relationship as it is expressed in the messages that the partners send and receive defines which of the following terms?


Written document that changes a will, without voiding said will: A. Codicil B. Criminal Act C. Outrageous Act D. Tortuous Act


Which of the following was NOT performed by Barber-Surgeons in 18th century England?

Coffin Construction

Which theory proposes that people have a motivational drive to resolve or reduce the differences between their actions and beliefs, often by adjusting their beliefs?

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Where did American common law come from?

Colonial law which was derived from English Law

that portion of the funeral that in conducted at the place of disposition of dead human bdies

Committal Service

any carrier required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal if the approved fare or charge is paid (airline, train, etc.)

Common Carrier

What is the core to a funeral director's ethics?


Feeling an urge to get rid of all of the deceased s possessions is a sign of ____?

Complicated Mourning

Other factors which are happening simultaneously and adding to grief are called ____?

Concurrent Stressors

The 'deceased altar' is directly related to:


Teleological theory is also known as ___?


Utilitarianism is a logical outgrowth of ___ ?


funeral observances that relect present day (modern) influences in lieu of (or in addition to or as part of) the traditional ceremonies

Contemporary Funeral Rite

A level of moral development in which the expectations of the social group are supported and maintained is ___?


In which Stage of Kohlberg's Moral Development are expectations of social groups supported and maintained?


In which level of Kohlberg's Moral Development is the stage known as "Good Boy-Good Girl?"


What is the term that is described as the believability of a speaker or other source of information?



Cremated Human Remains

Effective date

Date that specific price list was put in to use

a dead human body


Name two signs of death

Decompositions/putrefaction or rigor mortis

Taking innocent comments as personal attacks:

Defensive listening

Being excessively busy at the time immediately after a death most typically leads to ______________ grief responses in survivors.


Lindemann's 3 major stages of grief include all BUT


The FLSA is enforced by the: A. Environmental Protection Agency B. Department of Labor C. NAACP D. AARP

Department of Labor

______________________ impedes all emotional, mental, and physical activities, including grief, which may set an unhealthy pattern for future grief.


________ is an important ethical duty during transport to your funeral home, embalming, and all phases of working with the deceased.


The Magnuson-Moss Warranty act states that funeral directors must disclose certain information about any warranties, unless the funeral home: A. Disclaims all warranties B. Extends Credit to a family C. Sells only caskets D. Writes its own warranties

Disclaims all warranties

leading to an organized departure or inviting to leave


A grieving child who fights with old friends, ignores schoolwork, and wants to quit band, is probably in which stage of grief?


A grieving child who fights with old friends, ignores schoolwork, and wants to quit band, is probably in which stage of grief?


liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in Eastern Orthodox churches

Diving Liturgy

Which of these is considered the "Father of Embalming"?

Dr. Frederick Ruysch

Civil Rights investigations are conducted by the: A. Attorney Generals Office B. Department of the Interior C. EEOC D. FLSA


song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation for the dead


What is EAP?

Employee Assistance Program (form of employee therapy)

The final disposition takes place in a crypt inside of a mausoleum.


The attitude that one's culture is superior to others defines ________________________.


the consecrated elements of Holy Communion


layperson sanctioned to administer holy communion and other assigned tasks

Eucharistic Minister

an oration praising an individual, usually after death


Social Function

Event something in common (funeral is a social function)

The development of phobias is a symptom of ___?

Exaggerated Grief

a religious emblem consisting of two plain bars that intersect at right angles to each other


see Crucifer/Crossbearer


one who carries the crucifix/cross during an ecclesiastical procession


a cross with a figure or image representing the body of Christ (Corpus) on it


a chamber in a mausoleum, generally used to contain the casketed remains of a deased person


Funeral directors who sense that all cultures and subcultures have valid sets of values are viewing their clients through

Cultural Relativity

Abstract patterns, rules, ideas or beliefs shared by members of society which are learned directly or indirectly are ___?


Which of these is considered a behavioral norm, based on tradition?


Of the following, which should take priority over the others? (select the best answer)

Customer service

The manager of one of your branch funeral chapels would be considered which type of White Collar Employee? A. Administrator B. Commissioned Salesman C. Executive Employee D. Professional

Executive Employee

Name two types of contracts

Express Implied

Usually, __________________ family systems have been most common in rural, agricultural areas, because more family members were beneficial to meet the workload.

Extended (Joint)

water blessed by a priest

Holy Water

a nominal compensation or recognition for service performed


If the deceased has no other living relatives, the funeral is arranged by the:


One who supplies the vital statistic information concerning the deceased, especially for a death certificate is always called the _____?


The person who makes the funeral arrangements and provides the vital statistical data about the deceased is usually referred to as:


The two major factors in Durkheim s suicide theory are regulation and ___?


Fidelity to moral principles best define ___?


The final disposition takes place in a grave in a memorial park


conttract for future funeral services which cannot be terminated or canceled prior to the death of the beneficiary

Irrevocable Contract

The religion of Muslims is:


see Mogen David

Jewish Star


Joint Family is synonymous with..

Jules sets up a pre-need for her mother with the local funeral home. The money paid is placed into a trust company. In this scenario, who is the trustor? A. Jules B. Her mother C. The funeral home D. The trust company


On an Orthodox Jewish funeral, the final prayer at the grave said by the mourners is the:


in the Jewish faith, the grave


The Grand Knight is the contact person for:

Knights of Columbus

The choir loft is an architectural location most closely associated with:


Which of these probably demonstrates Cognitive Dissonance in action?

Learning to love the car you bought

in the Jewish faith, the funeral procession


Which theorist gained much of his/her early insight into grief through studying survivors of the "Coconut Grove Fire?"


What is the fabric made from flax?


a subdivision of a cemetery that consists of several grave or interment spaces


a mechanical deviceused to lower a casket into the ground

Lowering Device


M.H. Crane and J.R. Barnes acquired the manufacturing rights from fisk in what year

Product, promotion and advertising are all aspects of ___ management?


The founder of the Christian Science movement is:

Mary Baker Eddy

Burial Societies became commonplace during the

Medieval Period

A "sin-eater" was associated with

Middle Ages

"Random" families may not fully benefit from funerals because they may:

Miss the point

An adjustment process which involves grief or sorrow over a period of time and helps in the reorganization of the life of an individual following a loss or death or someone beloved, defines what?



Must behavior calls for strong reaction from society if violated (keyword - MUST BEHAVIOR)

The entry-way into a house of worship:


The OSHA standard concerned with providing information on and averting parenteral injuries: A. Bloodborne Pathogens Standard B. Formaldehyde Rule C. Hazardous Communications Standard D. Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act

Needlestick Safety and Prenvention Act

When a mourner's social circle doesn't know a death has occurred, or pretend they don't, the dath is said to be socially ________________________________.


When a mourner's social circle doesn't know a death has occurred, or pretend they don't, the death is said to be socially ________________________________.


Failure to exercise ordinary care: A. Negligence B. Felony C. Negligence D. Outrageous Act


Which state has legalized "assisted suicide"?


Retelling of the story of the death should be discouraged ____?


Who does NOT automatically have a right to know about the condition of a body?

News Media

Deontological theory is also known as ___?

Non Consequentialism

one in which the funeral home only agrees that the amount prepaid plus any accruals will be credited to the balance due. However, the price of the funeral will be whatever the current price is for the services and merchandise at the time the death occurs.

Non-Guaranteed Contract

A type of religious worship where the actual form or order of the worship service is left to the discretion of each individual church and/or minister:


Which of the following is considered a source of income for a funeral home?

Non-formula services

Two little old ladies with white hair are in the same room at the nursing home. Both of them appear to be quite dead. Upon checking for identification, you find no toe tag or wrist band. You should:

Notify the attending nurse or supervisor

Industrialization has contributed to

Nuclear Families & Urbanization

An oral will is termed: A. Holographic B. Nuncupative C. Revocative D. Quai-legal


a news item concerning the death of a person which usually contains a biographical sketch


one who conducts a religious service or ceremony


In a Mennonite funeral service, the horse drawn wagon is most closely associated with which of the following major bodies:

Old Order Amish


One who takes possession of an instrument after proper negotiation is a

In grief counseling, people SHOULD be led to believe that grieving is NOT ___?


Act that completely disregards proper conduct and transcends the bounds of common decency: A. Act of Amok B. Criminal Act C. Outrageous Act D. Tortuous Act

Outrageous Act

an arrangement made by cemetery whereby funds are set aside, the income from which is used to maintain the cemetery plot indefinitely

Perpetual Care

The provision of a focal point giving meaning to life and to death defines what purpose of the funeral?


The level of Kohlberg s moral development where the individual considers universal moral principle is ___?

Post Conventional

The best way to avoid money/credit/collection problems for funeral homes is


those funeral arrangements made in advance of need that do not include provisions for funding or prepayment

Preplanned Funeral Arrangements

The crucial component defining a "funeral" as opposed to a memorial service is:

Presence of the body

The kneeler is more properly known as the:

Prie Dieu

a kneeling rail

Prie Dieu (Prayer Rail, Kneeler)

A corporation owned by stockholders from the general public who are not part of a certain profession: A. Partnership B. Private Corporation C. Professional Corporation D. Public Enterprise

Private Corporation

The process of administering the decedents estate: A. Abatement B. Escheat C. Probate D. Replevin


the movement, in an orderly fashion, at the beginnin of a service


in the Church of Christ, Scientist, one authorized to read the lessons and scripture


According to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, containers used to store and transport infectious waste must be labeled this color. A. Black B. Green C. Red D. White


What is a disadvantage of the use of technology in funeral service?

Reduced Human contace

The most liberal branch of Judaism is:


The normative or moral demands placed on the individual that come with membership in the group, defines what?


Which of the following is an example of a misinterpretation of a verbal symbol?

Relative terms

Sacred beliefs, feelings, and conduct implementing the beliefs and feelings are all components of:


The affirmation of the faith of the deceased or the client family defines what purpose of the funeral?



Reorganization and Integration.coordination of mental processes into a normal effective personality or with the individual enviornment.

a qualified indorsement

Riggins indorsed her paycheck with her signature and the words "without recourse." This is

beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the revitation of prayers

Rosary Beads

prayer revited in order at a Rosary or Vigil Service

Rosary Prayers

Doors in the center of the Iconostasis leading directly to the altar: only ordained clergy are to go through these doors; never cross on the solea in front of the Royal Doors.

Royal Doors

"Identifying the options available in solving the problem" is immediately followed by what step of ethical problem solving?

Considering the consequences of each option

Identifying the options available in solving the problem is immediately followed by what step?

Considering the consequences of each option

According to the FLSA, a work week must: A. Be changed every month B. Be indicated by use of a time clock C. Consist of 168 hrs D. Start on Sunday

Consist of 168 hrs.

Which leader officially changed their culture's religion to Christianity?


In the Jewish funeral rite, funeral activities are generally not conducted from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday. This time period is know as:


in the Roman Catholic faith, a sacrament given to those seriously ill or in danger of death to prepare their souls for eternity.

Sacrament of the Sick

In the Roman Catholic faith, a religious pictureof Jesus Christ showing his radiant heart

Sacred Heart

Critical to any funeral firm's achieving its target profit is the careful development of _____.

Sales Objectives

the part of the church about the altar, inside the cancel; (this term may also be used to describe the area of the church where people sit for the services).


Mound burials are specifically connected to which group covered in Unit 1?


in the Roman Catholic faith, a pieve of cloth of a medal having religious significance usually worn around the neck


All of the following are religious symbols [items] used in the Jewish funeral rite, except: Mogen David Menorah Ner Tamid Seudat Pall


the Jewish Sabbath; Christi begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday


in the Jewish faith, a watcher; one who sits with the body until burial


a cloth of garment in which a dead person is wrapped or dressed for burial


Death as a cultural universal will include all of the following except: -Announcement of death -Ceremony for the benefit of the mourners -Care for the deceased - Some type of formal religious observance -An acceptable mode of disposition for the deceased

Some type of formal religious observance

The Animistic view of death by the Romans stressed what as the vital principle which required constant attention?


A mortuary fee paid to insure entrance of the decedent's soul into heaven was called what?

Soul Shot


Stages of Moral Development

The main source for funeral service regulation: A.City council B. Federal Government C. State Legislature D. Vatican.

State Legislature

What is a way funeral director has rights?

State Statues

Who enacts mortuary laws?


Defining the problem reduces ___ for the person in crisis?

Stress and Anxiety (Both B and C)



a hand-sewn white linen shroud in which the deceased memebers of the Jewish faith are dressed


Jewelry, cash and cars would all be considered to be what type of estate property? A. Intangible personal property B. Intangible real property C. Tangible personal property D. Tangible real property

Tangible personal property


The Five Stages of Death and Dying

Cultural Relativism

The attitude that all groups or cultures are equal and important is known as


The creation of systems which governs through departments, subdivision, inflexible hierarchy


The father rules the family; power is passed to the oldest male child


The first transfer of a negotiable instrument to the payee (a holder) by the maker or drawer is called an issue


The party who becomes the first indorser of a note is generally the

What must take place in order to galvanize steel?

The steel must be submerged in molten zinc

Funeral homes may be held liable for their aftercare programs if those programs are held out to be: A. Facilitation B. Free C. Social D. Therapy


Which of these is NOT a major contributing factor in cases of "death in an intense relationship?"



To qualify as an express warranty, the seller must use the word "warranty" or "guarantee."

The officiant tells you that there will be two preludes on the day of the service. This means:

Two musical selections before the service

Complicated Grief

Unresolved, Chronic Grief is also Called:

Package pricing/package funerals

Use of a single dollar amount to indentify the charge for a group or bundle of goods and/or service

Funeral rituals _______________________ grievers' feelings of loss.


Permit that allows a proposed building to be built in a zone that would not normally permit that type of structure to operate: A. Grandfather Clause B. Non-compete Clause C. Non-conforming Use License D. Variance


a Federal agency that administers benefits provided by law for verterans of the armed forces

Verterans Administration

Piping/ fluting/ pipe organ (interior HEAD PANEL design)

Vertical or horizontal, hollow tube like design. sometimes it is arranged in a "sun ray" design

ritual garments worn by clergy


one who has served a prescribed period of time with the armed forves and who is no longer an active member or the armed forces


in the Roman Catholic faith, a set of two candles tha tmay be placed one at the head and one at the foot of the casket during the visitation period

Vigil Lights


Vital statistics of population ((births, deaths, marriages)

Who is credited as the first to use artieral injection for embalming?

William Hunter

seller's puff

Wilson went to the Costal Camera Co. to purchase a digital camera. Not knowing much about digital, she worked with a salesperson she thought could help her. After looking and testing several cameras, she narrowed her choice down to a particular camera and asked the salesperson: "Is this camera complicated to use?" The salesperson replied: "Anyone can work this camera, even my three year old daughter." Relying on this statement, Wilson purchased the camera she had selected. The salesperson's statement is a(n)

Which motivational style is authoritarian?


in the Jewish faith, a memorial service recited four times a year


Non-traditional funeral rite

a funeral rite that deviates from the normal or prescribed


a long pleated arrangement of fine linen was worn by a widow during the middle-ages. this arrangement resembled a beard


a monument erected in memory of the dead but may not serve as a physical resting place


a permanent order for bidding activities that would be detrimental to others


a substance that is the mixture of two or more metals include aluminum, zinc, and nickel


a surface made smooth and glossy usually by friction, brought to a highly developed finished or refined state (polished)

Influence of Mystery cults

about 300 bc from greece and the oriental east the spiritual aspect of an afterlife had a union with the cult god in ecstacy or in another world of torment, gloom and continued unhappiness


according to ancient egyptian death beliefs, the element of the body which remained with the body in the grave and demanded attention from the living was

Social function

an event that allows those who have something in common with each

The process of correctly pronouncing all the necessary parts of a word:


The process of pronouncing all the parts of a word is known as:


more aesthetic luxury

as casket manufacturers became more sophisticated in their merchandise, this was an attitudinal change which was reflected in their product

A job description should be updated ___?

as needed

crane and breed

associated with the introduction and development of early funeral transportation

jean gannal

author of 'history of embalming'

The authority in the Mormon Church is:

bestowed directly from God

Nuclear (small 2 parents & kids)

can be patriarchal/matriarchal or egalitarian, economics based on total family income. usually parents work outside the family home - 2 income family, more liberal in thought/dress, actions (compared to joint) more mobile (move around)

Social stratification

categorization of people by money, prestige and power; a ranking

The emotional associations of a term:


metal caskets

contains ferrous and non ferrous

where is copper found?

copper is found free in nature

john hunter

credited with the discovery of 'hunter's canal'

What is the difference between criminal and civil law?

criminal law is enforced by the state where as civil law occurs between two individual parties

the god of wine

dionysius was recognized as


during the middle ages, a waxed death mask was referred to as an

One possible advantage of a memorial service over a traditional funeral is it ____________________.

encourages creativity in memorialization


in the mythological concepts of the greek afterlife, the greeks prepared the body to go to

A speaker's words and actions:



morally right action produces the greatest good for the largest number of people


padding used in casket found in the pillow, mattress, head panel and panel roll

casket's purpose

protection, practical utility and a suitable memory picture

The study o how people and animals use space:


Humanistic funerals are rites held without



rules that govern society

Deals with the meanings of words:


What is the casket style interior that has the material drawn or gathered in a parallel fashion due to a particular sewing process?



should be encouraged reduces stress removes enkephalin all of the above

modified declining price structure

similar to declining except the lowest priced casket is less expensive

Preparation of the body(Greeks)

similar to modern day times eyes and mouth closed(by relatives and friends) body washed with warm water(hopes of revival) by female family members

Infant caskets increase in what length increments?

six inches

master of ceremonies

the 'designator' in ancient rome was also referred to as the

ancient greeks

the 'elysian fields' death belief is associated with which of the following cultures


the canopic jars which housed the organs of deceased egyptians were named after the four sons of


the change from rural to urban in character

ireland and scotland

the country which practiced 'communion of the dead' was


the creation of a system which governs through departments and

nefesh and basar

the jewish people believed the individual was made up of two elements which were


the offspring or children of a specific set of parents

norther europeans

the people who cremated their dead with all of their wordly possessions were


the primary focus in client-centered theraphy is the:


the science of social groups; the processes that tend to maintain or changethese forms of organizations and the relations between groups and individuals


the state or quality of being mobile; the ability to move from place to place


the tendency of offspring to move away from the area in which they were

a flint stone knife

the term 'tabona' refers to

birth to 3 years

there is no comprehension of understanding death

A container of cremains is called a(n)


A contract, which is enforceable by the courts, is ___?


When is a valid contract formed?

when both parties reach an agreement


when talking to a child about death, attitude is more important than:


wood of any broad leaved tree as distinguished from a conifer (cone bearer)


• The legal effect of the pre-funded contract once death has occurred • The rights and duties of the next of kin • The legal effect of a pre-planned contract • 3rd Party Contracts - contracts entered into by two parties for the benefit of another —The effect of third party beneficiary contracts

"Problem-solving", "Active Emotional", and "Avoidant" are all styles of ___?


What is a malleable, ductile, metallic element having a characteristic reddish brown color and is frequently used in casket construction?


What is wrought copper?

Copper that has been melted and rolled into sheets

restrictive indorsement

"For deposit only, Robert Marin" is a

unit pricing

"pay one price" the price of the casket covered the whole funeral


"rudely fashioned" baked clay might include painted floral designs chests of cypress wood stone eventually became most popular material body placed in coffin prior to final disposition

How much money/business assets should an applicant of a new business have when applying for a loan?

$1 for every $2

bill dies without a will and is survived by his wife and daughter. Bill left an estate of $80,000. Under the Uniform Probate Code, how much of the estate would go to the daughter?


According to 2015 statistics, what is the median hourly rate for funeral directors?


George is going on Medicaid. He has a revocable guaranteed trust that contains $3,000 for a casket, $5,000 for services and $2,000 for a mausoleum crypt. How much of this pre-need trust would be considered an asset by Medicaid? A. None, revocable guaranteed trusts are not considered assets. B. $2,000 C. $3,000 D.$4,000


Sensitivity to the loss experienced by a client family prompts the funeral director to avoid which of the following phrases:

'Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.'

A client family asks to witness the transfer of their loved one. The funeral director responds by telling the family:

'This is what usually happens on a transfer' (explain)

dr. frederick ruysch

'father of embalming'

dr thomas holmes

'father of embalming' in the US

marcello malpighi

'father of histology'


'the goddess of corpses and funerals' is recognized as

Cultural Universals

(AC/DC M) 1. Announcement of death 2. Care for the deceased 3. Disposition 4. Ceremony or ritual 5. Memorializaton


(Equal) male and female both have equal rights, duties, and governing power



gross casket profit

(margin) profit of each casket to funeral director

full couch perfection cut

(most common) ogee moves with the lid or cap

half couch perfection cut

(must common) ogee moves with the lid or cap

A public officer whose chief duty is to investigate questionable deaths


An elected or appointed public official whose chief responsibility is to investigate questionable deaths:


Which of these people could be allowed in the preparation room during embalming?


a public officer whose chief duty is to investigate questionable deaths. (Also see: Medical Examiner)


The deceased has no affiliation with a doctor at the time of the death. The release to the funeral home will come from:

Coroner or medical examiner

see Funeral Procession

Cortege (archaic term)

a portable stretcher commonly employed in an ambulance or transfer vehicle for the moving of the sick, injured, or deceased



Counseling Definition (Advice)


Counseling Definition (Therapeutic)

Humanistic funeral rite

- a funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious

Extended (joint) family

- a household or family unit consisting of father and mother, all

Outer burial container

- any container which is designed for placement in the grave around the casket, including, but not limited to containers commonly known as burial vaults, grave boxes, and grave liners.


- male and female have equal rights, duties and governing power.


- pertaining to demography; the science of vital statistics or of births,

Cultural relativism

- the emotional attitude that all cultures are equal and pertinent.

Enculturation (socialization)

- the method by which the social values are internalized


-Characteristics of the Helping Funeral Director -Understanding the Helping Process -Developing Interpersonal Skills for the Successful Funeral Service Practice -Barriers to Effective Communication


-Funeral Service and Stress -Warmth and Caring -Teens and Grief -Respect

(Lindemann) Uniqueness of Grief

-How the loss is perceived - Age of the bereaved - Age of the deceased - Preparedness - The bereaved's inner strength (coping abilities) and outer resources - The bereaved's relationship with the deceased


-Tasks of Mourning -Complicated (unresolved) grief -Grief and the Family System -Goals of Grief Counseling -Normal Grief Reactions -Funeral Directors Own Grief - Exaggerated Grief - Grief Therapy -Determinants of Grief/Mediators of Mourning

Rogerian/Non-directive counseling

-enhance a person's/client's capacity for social functioning -establish rapport - assist person to gain new perspective - appraise the clients problems - perceive the client's situation in several ways and communicate these to the client -encourage realistic appraisal by the client - encourage conversational flow by avioding questions that can be answered yes or no - accept the clients attitudes and feelings - judge the clients ability to verbalize - do not assume the client's first statement to be either true or complete - allow the client to summarize the interview -respect confidential nature of the subkect -write comprehensive notes upon conclusion

Goals of grief counseling (Worden)

-to increase the reality of the loss -to help the counselee (individual seking assistance or guidance) deal with both expressed and latent affects - affect is synonymous with emotion - help counselee overcome various impediments, to readjust after the loss - to help counselee find a way to remember the deceased while feeling comfortable reinvesting in life (encourage a healthy emotional withdrawl from the deceased) - do not minimize the client's problems - do not dictate or direct

What are the different types of funeral

1. Adaptive 2. Humanistic 3. Primitive 4. Traditional 5. Non traditional

(Lindemann) 6 Common symptoms associated with grief syndrome

1.Somatic or bodily distress of some type 2. Preoccupation with image of the deceased 3. Guilt relating to the deceased and the circumstances of the death 4. Hostile reactions 5. The inability to function as one had before the loss 6. Developed traits of the deceased in their own behavior

The average funeral home handles ______ calls per year and has _______ full-time employees and _______ part-time employees.

113, 3, 4

casket display

12 is the minimum and 30 is the maximum, 40-60 square feet allotted per casket. 90-100 foot candles of illumination measured at approximate pillow height on a displayed casket is optimum

Civil Rights violation investigations will determine whether there is cause or no cause for action within what time frame A. 30 days B. 90 days C. 120 days D. 180 days

120 days

Which of these is a typical outside height for a standard adult metal casket?

20 in.

The ideal time limit for a speech is:

20 minutes

According to the FTC, to be considered a Door to Door sale, the total sales amount must be over: A. 25$ B. 150$ C. 250$ D. 500$


By the year 2025, the expected number of deaths in the United States will be what?


three quarter couch

3/4 of the upper portion of the deceased

What are the dimensions of a standard burial vault?

30 x 86 in inside

Most children must be at least this old to understand that death is final, but still may not accept it as universal ___?

5 Years

What is the inside length of a standard adult metal casket?

6 1/2 ft.

A 6 foot casket labeled XXX would measure 6 feet 9 inches in length. What would it measure in width?

6 feet 6 inches

Potential customers must see an advertisement ___ times in a relatively short period of time before learning the message?



A bearer instrument is negotiated by delivery alone


A buyer injured by a defective product may sue under one of three theories of liability as the basis for a lawsuit


A certificate of deposit is actually a loan by a depositor to a bank.

(Types of Contracts:) *IRREVOCABLE CONTRACT*

A contract for future funeral services which cannot be terminated or canceled prior to the death of the beneficiary

(Types of Contracts:) *REVOCABLE CONTRACT*

A contract which may be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to the death of the beneficiary with a refund of the monies paid on the contract as prescribed by state law

Direct cremation

A disposition of human remains by cremation, without formal viewing, visitation, or ceremony with the body present.


A draft involves two parties, the drawer and the payee.

the draft is negotiable if it satisfies all the requirements of negotiability under Article 3 of the UCC.

A draft made out in the United States calls for payment in German marks.

Non Traditional Funeral Rite

A funeral rite that deviates from the normal or prescribed circumstances of established customs

Traditional Funeral Rite

A funeral rite that follows a prescribed ritual or ceremony which may be dictated either by religious beliefs or social custom

Adaptive Funeral Rite

A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs & wants of those directly involved. One that has been altered to suit the trends of times


A heating process which incinerates human remains

Modified Extended Family

A household or family unit created by related nuclear families & or friends

any transfer of an instrument to a holder

A negotiation is defined as:


A note or a check payable in a foreign currency that is the legal currency of that foreign country is fully negotiable.


A practitioner working with a family finds that the persons involved are exhibiting reactions that are prolonged, excessive in duration, and have never come to a satisfactory conclusion. The practitioner realizes that this family is exhibiting which of the following types of complicated grief reactions?

General price list

A printed or typewritten list of goods and services offered for sale by a funeral provider with retail prices

Casket price list

A printed or typewritten list of the casket and alternative containers normally offered for sale by the funeral provider which do not require special ordering


A process involving all activities associated with final disposition

an express warranty

A statement of fact made by the seller to induce the buyer to purchase goods is


A warranty can be given only at the time a product is purchased.

is valid

A warranty given by the seller after the sale...


A warranty must be written.

Wheelchair accessibility would be mandated by ___?


Two brothers are making arrangements for the disposition of their father. One brother wants to bury their father, the other wants their father to be cremated. To which type of court would the brothers go to resolve this situation? A. Court of Decision B. Court of Equity C. Court of Opulence D. Court of Opinion

Court of Equity

If a written warranty is given by a manufacturer, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a purpose cannot be eliminated

According to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, which of the following statements is true?

(Types of Funding Available for Pre-funded Arrangements:) *TRUST ACCOUNTS*

Account established by one individual to be held for the benefit of another; creates a fiduciary responsibility (as a method of payment of funeral expenses). Money paid to a funeral home for future services is placed in an account with the funeral home as trustee for the benefit of another • Individual Trust Accounts • Master Trust Accounts

The ABC method of Crisis Intervention (Howard Stone)

Achieving Boiling Coping

cards of recognition sent to friends for kindnessshown to a deceased's family

Acknowledgment Cards

Which of these are the 3-stages of helping as included in the text/notes?

Action Insight Exploration

Cognitive dissonance theory says that people ______ first, and then ________?

Action and rational

A family calls the funeral home to remove the body of their mother from the hospital to take to the funeral home for burial. What type of custody will the funeral home have upon retrieving the body from the hospital? A. Actual B. Constructive C. Holographic D. Transitory


Visiting a gravesite will help a grieving person ___?

Actualize the loss

A funeral rite adjusted to current trends or the needs of a specific family would be known as a/an _____________________ funeral rite.


By definition, a funeral rite that can be changed to meet the needs of the client family:


a funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those directly involved; one which has been altered to suit the trends of the times

Adaptive Funeral Rite

Under his uncles will, Bob was to receive his uncles car. Bobs uncle had never completely paid off the car, so Bob could not receive it under the will. This is an example of: A. Abatement B. Ademption C. Escheat D. Excommunication


Branch of law that deals with legislatures creating laws to enact their powers and duties: A. Administrative Law B. Business Law C. Civil Law D. Criminal Law

Administrative Law

All of the following are set in consultation with the officiant, except: Time of service Date of death Location of service Placement of flowers in church Preludes, interludes, postludes

Date of death

So as to avoid undue hardships on employers, the ADA states that accommodations that would allow disabled employees to perform their job should be: A. De minimus B. Expensive C. Quid pro quo D. Punitive

De minimus

a subordinate officer in a Christian church


Power of Attorney ends at the time of the principles: A. Death B. Marriage C. Maturity D. Birthday


The cessation of all physical life characterized by the absence of metabolism and a total lack of irritability defines:


a legal document containing vital statistics, disposition, and final medical information pertaining to the deceased

Death Certificate

a classified notice publicizing the death of a person and giving those details of the funeral service that the survivors wish to have published

Death Notice

A classified advertisement advising the public of the death; names of survivors and service details for a particular deceased is generally known as the:

Death notice

Offering to allow a loved-one to help dress the deceased is an especially good idea in which case?

Death of a child

Death Beliefs(Greeks)

Death was a bad and evil part of life Life after death existed vaguely Early death belief was "living a bodily existence under the earth" By 700 BC, peak of Greek culture belief changed to a "shadowy afterlife peopled by disembodied souls" A.Rohde a student of Greek mortuary customs believes this led to the use of cremation

In most jurisdictions, which one of the following would have paramount liability for paying funeral expenses A. Children B. Decedents Estate C. Personal Representative D. Spouse

Decedents Estate

In cases of sudden death, which stage tends to be longer, prolonging the entire grief process?


Viewing of the deceased helps most directly with which stage?


The five stages of Death and Dying (Kubler-Ross)

Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

flase teeth


a federal agency that administers benefits provided by law for veterans of the armed forces

Department of Verterans Affairs/ VA (Previously know as VETERANS ADMINISTRATION)

A grieving person who is more upset by their own hopelessness than the loss itself is probably suffering from ______?


What is the most productive term to use for death when speaking to survivors?


in the Roman Catholic faith, a geographical grouping of Parishes under the jurisdiction of a Bishop


Families which are not meeting each others' needs are more likely to:

Direct Disposition, Suicide, Anger at Funeral Director

Counseling during which a professional plays an active role in a client's or patient's decision making by offering advice, guidance, and/or recommendations defines what style of counseling?


Life-changing decisions should be _______ during the counseling period.


You are making arrangements with a client family. The mother of the deceased begins to yell at you claiming your prices are so high you can put two of your kids through college with what she will pay you. Her reaction could be described as:

Displacement of feelings

see Burial-Transit Permit

Disposition Permit

At a funeral, your limousine breaks down. You ask the pastor if he would drive the family to the cemetery in his own car, making sure to describe the route to the cemetery and instructing him to follow the coach. Along the way, the pastor runs into an abutment, injuring his passengers. Could the funeral home be held liable for the pastors accident? A. No, pastor was a livery driver and was represented as such B. No, pastor was a volunteer driver C. Yes, pastor was a livery driver, but was represented as an employee D. Yes, pastor was an agent driver

Do not have to accept pre-need up to receiving funeral home to guarantee the price or not.

Bill had set up a guaranteed pre-need insurance account for a complete traditional funeral service and casket at a funeral home in California many years ago. He now wishes to transfer the pre-need to your funeral home. Which of the following statements best describes the action your funeral home can take? A. Do not have to accept pre-need, insurance policies are not transferable B. Do not have to accept pre-need up to receiving funeral home to guarantee the price or not C. Must accept pre-need, all pre-need accounts are guaranteed, regardless of funeral home. D. Must accept pre-need, insurance policies are always transferable

Do not have to accept pre-need, up to receiving funeral home to guarantee the price or not.

What is a heavy durable cotton fabric with a short, thick, velvety nap on one side?


Next of Kin

During a disaster, D-MORT personnel are not only faced with the trauma of recovering remains, but also have an obligation to aid which of the following?

Name five ways of disposition

Earth Burial cremation burial at sea entombment donation to medical science

In the religion of Islam it is important for the deceased to be buried facing:


pertaining to the church or clergy


This type of pricing is a no-frills low price type of pricing.

Economy pricing

What is a life-sized, waxen recreation of the deceased that was often used because the body of the deceased should be present for the funeral, but could not be preserved for that length of time?


Types of Suicide (Durkheim)

Egotistic, Alturistic, Anomic, Fatalistic

in the Jewish faith, a memorial service; literally "god full of compassion;" usually the last prayer of the funeral service; sometimes referred to as the Malei

El Malei Rachamin

Which of the following is a typical 'at-need' moment?

Embalming the deceased

The power of the government to take private land for public use: A. Eminent Domain B. Ominiscient Remand C. Quid pro quo D. Stare decisis

Eminent Domain


Emotional attitude that one's own race, nation, group, or culture is superior to all others

Cultural Relativism

Emotional attitudes that all cultures all equal

Which of the following types of listening would involve listening in which the goal is to help the speaker solve a problem?

Empathetic listening

Staff hierarchy / chain of command should be addressed in a(n)?

Employment Manual

Vacation, sick days, and FMLA, should be addressed in a(n) ___?

Employment manual

Crying should be


Crying should be ____ ?


One possible advantage of a memorial service over a traditional funeral is it ____________________.

Encourages creativity in memorialization


Enculturation is synonymous with...


Enforced by those governing, a rule of action prescribed by an authority to enforce its will (Keywords - ENFORCED BY GOVERNING, RULE OF ACTION)

In what country did modern funeral undertaking as an occupation first appear?


the placing of remains in a crypt in a mausoleum


One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business firm


The study of the symptoms and mode of transmission of pathogens: A. Epidemiology B. Epistemology C. Etiology D. Etymology


The Church of England is known in the United States and Scotland by the name:


a commemorativeinscription on a tomb or cemetery marker


to accompany, as a leader of the procession or guardian of the group; military personnel assigned to accompany a body following an active duty death



Establishment of goals and Formulation of alternatives is associated with which methods of the ABC method of Crisis Intervention

Charging extra fees for major restorative or embalming procedures approved by the family would be ___?


The standards set out in codes of ethics usually ___ those of laws?


A woman appointed by a will to represent and administer the estate: A. Administrator B. Administratrix C. Executor D. Executrix


Removal of a dead human body or remains from its place of repose after final disposition has been completed: A. Cremation B. Exhumation C. Interment D. Inurnment


Tying arrangements

Exists when a seller requires the purchase of unwanted items/services in order to obtain the desired item/service.

Which of these are the 3-stages of helping as included in the text/notes?

Exploration, Insight, Action

Unfair practices

Fail to furnish price information

What are the two ways cemeteries can discriminate?

Faith Eligibility

True of False By definition, a non-liturgical church will have a center aisle.


True or False 'Seudat' is to Judaism as 'cortege' is to Christianity


True or False Funeral arrangements made in advance of need always involve the handing over of money which is set aside for the purposes of fulfilling the funeral contract.


True or False If the funeral director finds it difficult to deal with a particular clergyperson, the funeral director should counsel the family to seek a different clergyperson or consider joining another faith.


True or False In a situation where you are handling an unattended death and the distance from the medical examiner's office constitutes an excessive burden on the funeral home staff, the funeral director may contact any doctor to sign the death certificate.


True or False Rubrics are an essential part of the death certificate.


True or False Sacred objects are important only to the extent that they have personal meaning to the funeral director.


True or False The Jewish funeral rite offers no clear directives concerning the embalming of the deceased.


True or False The informant is always the next of kin.


True or False The wishes of the family will always dictate the rubrics to be followed in any house of worship.


True or False The wishes of the deceased will always take precedence over the wishes of the funeral planner.


True or False: a funeral home always has constructive possession


True or false? Lot owners in a cemetery have constitutional rights upon purchase of a lot to have a cemetery to stay in existence forever


True r False The altar is the focal point in a non-liturgical service.


The least common type of suicide in which peoples lives are viewed as unbearable or hopeless is ___ suicide?


Extended/ Joint Family

Father and mother all their children except married daughters their son's wives and children except married daughters

Under common law, who has paramount liability to pay for children's funeral expenses? A. Fathers B. Grandparents C. Mothers D. The State


Any material formed from iron is


in the Roman Catholic faith, the ending portion of the Funeral Mass

Final Commendation

Conclusive performance of services with respect to the dead human body A. End Status B. Final Disposition C. Terminating Act D. Ultimate Placement

Final Disposition

Receivables, inventory, and cost analysis are all aspects of ___ management?


Accepting the reality of the loss (overcoming denial) is which task of mourning?


Tasks of Mourning (Worden)

First Stage: accept the reality of loss Second Stage: experience the pain of loss/grief and to express the emotions associated with it -facilitate grief by provideing the experience of pain with grief Third Stage: to ajust to an enviornment in which the deceased is missing Fourth Stage: to withdraw emotional energy and re-invest in another relationship


Focussing is associated with which method of the ABC method of Crisis Intervention

Which of these behavioral standards is enforced mainly by the risk of scolding or ridicule?


One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider in the locale where death occurs and preparation for transfer to another funeral provider as selected by the family (consumer). Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.

Forwarding Remains

relating to social organization


The terms "cathexis" and "hypercathexis" were first applied to grief by _____________.


The primary objective of Funeral Service Management is___?

Fulfilling the needs of client-families and the community

the term applied to the completing of the service and financial details of the fuenral at the time of need

Funeral Arrangements

The arrangements conference discussion should be led by

Funeral Director

Funeral Director's Own Grief (Worden)

Funeral Director should be aware of their own losses Funeral Directors need to be aware o their own feared losses Funeral Directors need to be aware of their anxiety and personal death awareness Funeral Directors need to explore their own history of loses

the name of the funeral service in the Roman Catholic Church

Funeral Liturgy (Funeral Mass)

the procession of vehicales from the place of the fuenral to the place of disposition

Funeral Procession

An all-inclusive term used by people to encompass all funeral and/or memorial services is

Funeral Rites

the rites held at the time of disposition of human remains, with the body present

Funeral Service


Funeral arrangements made in advance of need that do not include provisions for funding or prepayment


Funeral arrangements made in advance of need that include provisions for funding or prepayment

Barriers to effective communication (Wofelt)

Funeral director dominance bombarding with questions innapropriate self disclosure offering platitudes of false reassurance emotional distancing funeral directors however should not be emotional

Third party merchandise

Funeral goods consumers purchase from a source other than the funeral director

Telephone price disclosure

Funeral provider must give consumers who call accurate information from the price lists and answer questions about offerings and prices with readily available information.

Funeral rites with the body present are called


Which of the following is a wise goal for a funeral home

Gain customer loyalty

Which of these would be considered a nuisance per se in a residential neighborhood: A. Cemetery B. Doctors Office C. Garbage Dump D. Movie Theater

Garbage Dump

What is the single molded piece of rubber in a casket located along the top body molding flange of the casket shell used to protect the deceased from water and soil?


the first two and last two verses of a Buddhist hymn sung at the funeral service


If planning funeral services, what generation would thoroughly research the cost of services prior to the purchase?

Gen X

The Equal Pay Act clause of the Fair Labor Standards Act states that employers cannot discriminate in pay on the basis of A. Achievement B. Age C. Gender D. Seniority


a printed list of goods and services offered for sale by funeral provider with retail prices. GPL is considered the keystone of the Funeral Rule

General Price List (GPL)

The landmark case of Pettigrew vs Pettigrew legally defined the: A. Definition of a dead body B. Definition of disintegration C. General Rule of Priority D. No-property Theory

General Rule of Priority


Generally, the trend in modern court cases is that anyone who is injured by a defective product may sue.

The act of bending the knee as an indication of the reverence or as an act of humility:


the act of bending the knee as an indication of reverence or as an act of humility


Dionysius(Dionysos) (Greek)

God of wine, intoxication, and creative exstacy Separation of the soul from the body Journey to union with the cult god

Each one of the world s major religions contains a principle similar or identical to ___?

Golden Rule

Each one of the world's major religions contains a principle similar or identical to ___?

Golden Rule


Good communication within and between men; or good (free) communication within or between men that is always therapeutic.

This is one advantage to extending credit.

Goodwill is built up and maintained more easily.

gift or small sum of money tendered for a service provided

Gratuity (Tip)

an excavation in the earth as a place for interment


webbing or similar material used for lowering the casket into the grave

Grave Straps

a funeral service, religious or otherwise, conducted at the grave

Graveside Service

What is the difference between a graveyard and cemetery?

Graveyards denote the burial area for specific individuals like masonic or Catholic's, where as a cemetery can house anyone

The Cult of Dionysus (Dionysius) was a part of which culture's death beliefs?


The river Styx was a part of which culture's death beliefs?


Which culture believed in Hades as an afterlife under the earth?


The first civilization to enact funeral laws: A. Aztecs B. Egyptians C. Greeks D. Hebrews


An emotion or set of emotions due to loss, best defines what?


Support groups (bereaved to bereaved) technically do what?

Grief Counseling


Grief Syndrome Griefwork Uniqueness of Grief

A "Contract" is established in ______.

Grief Therapy

Most theories say mourning is finished when ___ is/are finished?

Grief Work

Grill Lovers or Premier

Grill Lovers, a Manufacturing Co. that makes gas grills for outdoor cooking, sold several of its grills to Premier Home Company located in a large city. Ferris, who purchased a gas grill from Premier, was seriously injured while grilling steaks outside for a family outing. The injury resulted from a manufacturing defect in the gas line which caused an explosion as he was cooking over the grill. In a product liability suit based on strict liability, Ferris may bring a law suit against:

the product was unreasonably dangerous when it left the manufacturer's or other seller's control and that he suffered an injury

Grill Lovers, a Manufacturing Co. that makes gas grills for outdoor cooking, sold several of its grills to Premier Home Company located in a large city. Ferris, who purchased a gas grill from Premier, was seriously injured while grilling steaks outside for a family outing. The injury resulted from a manufacturing defect in the gas line which caused an explosion as he was cooking over the grill. In order to be successful in his lawsuit, which is based on strict liability, Ferris must present proof that


Group forming single community with some interests in common

A sociologist differs from a psychologist in that a sociologist studies...


one where the funeral home guarantees that the services and merchandise will be provided at the time of need for an amount not exceeding the original amount of the contract plus any accruals, regardless of the cost of providing the services and merchandise at the time of the funeral.

Guaranteed Contract

"I could have done more" indicates that the survivor feels _____?


Blame directed toward oneself is called ___?


Siblings who share one and only one parent are ________ siblings.


Which of these is NOT a factor indicating an "at-risk bereaved?"


In the Jewish funeral rite, the ceremony of laying down is called the:



Head undertaker Secular vs. religious function ancestor of the modern funeral director provided embalming, mourners, and funeral paraphernalia organized the funeral procession

According to Curran, faith is a trait of a _______________ family.


According to the slides, what is the leading cause of death currently?

Heart Disease

'Eulogy' is to Christianity as _____________ is to Judaism.


in the Jewish faith, a eulogy or true evaluation of the deceased's life that is a part of the funeral service


Two sisters come in to make arrangements for their mother. One sister wants to cremate their mother, though she cannot afford to pay for the cremation. The other sister wishes to bury their mother, and she is willing to pay for the entire service. Which one of the following best describes what the funeral director should do? A. Bury the body, because that's what the sister who's paying wants. B. Cremate the body, because its easier C. Hold the body until the sisters come to an agreement D. Tell the sisters to take their mother to another funeral home.

Hold the body until the sisters come to an agreement.

friends of the family or members of an organization or group who act as an escort or honor guard for the deceased. They do not carry the casket

Honorary Pallbearers

One who serves a ceremonial capacity at a funeral and passively walks in front of the casket is called:

Honorary casketbearer

The canopic jars which housed the organs of deceased Egyptians were named after the four sons of


A man dies in a hotel while on vacation with his wife and minor children. The local funeral home was called by the local police department for removal. The wife refuses to make funeral arrangements. Who had the Duty of Burial? A. Chief of Police B. Children C. Hotel Owner D. Wife

Hotel Owner

A person who owns or controls the property where a death has occurred: A. Agent B. House Holder C. Next of Kin D. Paramount Arranger

House Holder

What is the process of motivating people in organizations to develop teamwork, which effectively fulfills their needs and achieves organizational objectives?

Human relations

A funeral rite devoid of any religious connotation


Funeral rites which are devoid of religious connotations are


a funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation

Humanistic Funeral

Preneed counseling and arranging is one way funeral directors can see that the public

I & II (gets more culturally appropriate funeral and becomes better educated about options)

Which of the following are examples of marketing but not advertising?

I & IV only

In most cases, designated reserved seating will be for which of the following? I. family members II. honorary casket bearers and other groups III. funeral directors and staff IV. family friends V. funeral escort

I and II only

Preneed counseling and arranging is one way funeral directors can see that the public

I gets more culturally appropriate funeral II becomes better educated about options

Which of these should be encouraged regarding a Miscarriage:

I, III, IV (careful discussion with siblings, naming the baby, holding a memorial service)

What should sales objectives include:

I, III, and IV I. Be profit orientated II. Plan to purchase discounted merchandise III. Take into consideration the normal cost of living IV. Provide a legitimate profit increase each year?

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person cannot be self-actualized unless they have which of the following needs met?

I. Esteem II. Love III. Shelter

Rogers is famous for counseling known by what terms?

I. Person-centered II. Client Centered IV. Non-Directive

A humanistic funeral would likely be characterized by

I. more music II. more eulogies III. a lack of religious rituals

the first three letters in the Greek word for Jesus


A grieving child seeming to move backwards in development is probably in the midst of

II & III (Yearning and Regression)

A grieving child seeming to move backwards in development is probably in the midst of

II Yearning III Regression

Lofland's "construction materials" include

II, III, & IV (Stance, Space and Population)

In order for a fear to fit the definition of a phobia it must be ______ and _____:

II, III, IV (Severe, Debilitating, and Illogical)

Lofland's "construction materials" include

II. Stance III. Space IV. Population

A humanistic funeral would likely be characterized by

II. more eulogies III. a lack of religious rituals IV. more music

an abbreviaiton for the Latin term meaning "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"


in the Eastern Orthodox faith, a holy picture; usually mosaic or painted on wood


in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the partition that extends across the front of the church separating the sanctuary from the solea


Parkes classified the adoption of traits or symptoms shared with the deceased as ______?

Identification Phenomena

the buyer may sue for damages.

If a breach of warranty occurs,

in the Islamic faith, the leader of the local congregation


A family calls the funeral home to make a removal form their home. What type of contract are the family and funeral home entering into? A. Expressed B. Implied C. Post-need D. Pre-need


Type of warranty that indicates merchantability of merchandise for sale:


Type of speech given "off the top of one's head" without preparation:


Raises the children alone

In a nuclear family, when the spouse dies, the surviving spouse:

to the buyer that there are no implied warranties upon which the buyer may depend

In a sale of goods, the use of the term "as is" indicates


In legal terminology, a dead human body is considered:


In regard to a promissory note, the person obligated to pay is the

Thanks to the Baby Boom, deaths per capita will very likely ________________________________ until at least 2029.

Increase Steadily

one who supplies the vital statistical information concerning the deceased


Which type of listening involves listening to understand another person of idea?

Informational listening

Funeral service managers are obligated to provide client-families with the knowledge and options to make ___?

Informed choices

see interment


Tort caused when a defendants actions were purposefully meant to cause a plaintiff severe emotional distress: A. Incidental Infliction of Embarrassment B. Intentional Infliction of Mental Distress C. Negligent Infliction of damages D. Necessary Infliction of Psychological Pain

Intentional Infliction of Mental Distress

to bury in the ground

Inter (inhume)

What are three things that laws are concerned with?

Interest of society, with conduct, and with acts

the act of placing the dead human body in the ground

Interment (Burial, Inhumement/ Inhumation)

What do we call business communications that are sent to receivers within the company?

Internal communication

How are ethics expressed?

Internally, they are sometimes outwardly expressed through laws

State or condition of having died without a valid will: A. Insolvent B. Intestate C. Solvent D. Testate


the act of placing cremains in an urn. (CANA definition) act of placing cremated remains in a niche or grave


Which of the following types of pre-need vehicles is NOT considered an asset by Medicaid/SSI: A. Guaranteed B. Irrevocable C. Non-Guaranteed D. Revocable


the religion of Muslims that began at the time of Mohammed; Muslims believe that Islam stands for purity, peace, submission to God's (allah's) will and obedience to his laws



It is legal for a person to turn a blank indorsement into a special endorsement.

Listing of individual goods and services provided with corresponding prices for each is called A. Dilineation B. Itemization C. Replevin D. Singularization


The tolling of the temple bell is part of which funeral rite:

Japanese Buddhist

Which culture originated the practice of placing a bag of dirt in the burial container?


The funeral prayer in the Islam faith is called:


in the Islamic faith, the funeral or funeral prayer


an issue

Johnson makes out a promissory note payable to Edwards. This first transfer of the note to Edwards is called

Clause in a funeral contract that holds all people signing the contract equally liable for fulfillment of that contract: A. all Encompassing Liability B. Amalgamated or Single Liability C. Joint and Several Liability D. Unified Liability

Joint and Several Liability

According to ancient Egyptian death beliefs, the element of the body which remained with the body in the grave and demanded attention from the living was the


In the Jewish faith, a prayer recited for the deceased by the direct mourners (parents, siblings, spouse, and children) for the first time at the conclusion of interment service. It is subsequently recited by children for parents at every service for eleven months. All other categories of mourners have the obligation to say the Kaddish for 30 days.


Which of these is NOT a productive step for grieving people?

Keeping up a strong appearance

In the Jewish funeral rite, the 'kevurah' is an action that is completed in the:


in the Jewish faith, the burial


one's relatives; referring to blood relationship (legally the surviving spouse is not kin).


The appropriate term for the worship facility for the Jehovah's Witnesses

Kingdom Hall

The house of worship for a Jehovah's Witness member is called:

Kingdom Hall

a hold book of the Islamic faith, revealed to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel

Koran (Quaran)

Hebrew word meaning rending or tearing; a sumbol of grief; a tear in teh upper corner of the garment or tear on a symbolic ribbon which is worn by the survivors


Which of the following is not considered a closure method for a gasketed casket?

Latch closure

What is the minimum code for ethics?


When starting a new small business, it is a good idea to build a team of advisors. One of the advisors on your team should be a _________.


A family has their relative cremated. They do not make any further arrangements for the disposition of the cremated remains. The funeral director should: A. Lay the cremated remains to rest after state time limit expires B. scatter the cremated remains C. Ship the cremated remains to the last known address of the next of kin. D. Throw the cremated remains away in the garbage.

Lay the cremated remains to rest after state time limit expires.

All of the following are purposes/uses of the death certificate, except: -Legal permanent record of death -Source of certified copies to settle -estate/insurance/legal affairs -Shows cause of death for medical or actuarial research -Legal record of final disposition -Permanent statistical record of the deceased

Legal record of final disposition

Billy receives a painting and some jewelry from his mothers estate. Billy would be which type of heir? A. Devisee B. Beneficiary C. Legatee D. Public Enterprise


If a child pauses often during their telling about death or grief experiences, adults should ___________

Let them talk at their own pace

The Roman "Head Undertaker" was referred to as the


A Roman head undertaker was know by what term?


A prescribed order or form of worship specific to a particular denomination which will have Holy Communion as its central element:


The house of worship has a center aisle and the focal point is a cross over the altar:


a prescribed order or form of worship to a particular denomination which will have the Eucharist or Hold Communion as its central element

Liturgical (Eucharist-Centered) Worship

Your funeral home hires a trade service to provide and drive a hearse for one of your funerals. This trade service drive would be considered what type of driver? A. Agent B. draftee C. Livery D. Volunteer


What is the language of ethics?

Logic, never emotion

Inability to help the grieving of others

Looking at one's own experiences of grief helps the counselor to be aware of personal:

Which kind of loss most often makes professional help necessary for the survivor(s)?

Loss of a child

casket handles

Lug(ear)-part of the casket handle that is attached to the casket body. Arm-part of the casket handle that attaches to the bar to the lug. Bar-is attached to the arm or arm (what the pallbearers hold. Tip(end)-the decorative part of the handles that cover the exposed end of the bars

A family consisting of a mother, a father, and their biological children is considered to be a _______.


Traditionally, in the Buddhist fiath, a bedside prayer which may now be performed by the bonze just before funeral arrangments are made


sales puffing

Marla went to Office Works to purchase a thumb drive to use in gathering research material for an article that her college advisor asked her to write for the school newspaper. She asked for suggestions as to a good brand of thumb drive to purchase. The store manager who waited on her said that the USRDV brand was the "best buy out of all the brands the store carried." This statement was

binding, because an oral warranty given after a sales contract is valid without consideration if Taylor can prove that it was given

Martin Taylor purchased an electric shaver for cash from the Arco Department Store for $125.95. The following manufacturer's statement was printed on a tag attached to the razor: "Warranted for ninety days from date of purchase against original factory imperfections in materials and workmanship." Taylor took the razor for a slight adjustment two weeks after he bought it. He expressed some concern about the short warranty period of ninety days offered by the manufacturer. The store manager replied, "Don't worry, I will give you an additional store warranty of one year against all defects and, if necessary, will replace the razor with a new one." This statement by the store manager would be

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures was written by:

Mary Baker Eddy

In the Islam faith, the place of worship is called:


Psychological disorders prior to a death experience most typically lead to ________________________ grief responses.


What occurs when persons experience symptoms and behaviors which cause them difficulty, but they do not see or recognize the fact that these are related to the loss?


What type of communication refers to the wholesale distribution of identical copies of the same message to persons or receivers unknown to the sender and unknown to each other in any sense of interaction?


the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist int he Roman Catholic Faith


a documentation indicating the offering of a Mass for a specific intention

Mass Card (Spiritual Bouquet)

Cards on which an individual requests the priest to say mass for the soul of the deceased?

Mass Cards

The transmission of messages to large, usually widespread audiences via broadcast means:

Mass Communication

Form that indicates pertinent information about a chemical: A. Material Safety Data Sheet B. Matriculation Surface Deification Standard C. Matrix Surity Defense Stipulation D. Morbidity Sliding Determination Scale

Material Safety Data Sheet

In what type of family does the mother, or eldest female, make most of the decisions?



Matriarchal (Ma)

What generation is loyal to their employer, have superior interpersonal skills, and values timeliness and productivity?


a building containing crypts or caults for entombment


A forensically trained physician who can both pronounce and certify the death of an individual:

Medical Examiner

a forensically trained physician whose duty is to investigate questionable or unattended deaths (has replaced the coroner in some states)

Medical Examiner

By definition, a human body is NOT present at which kind of service.


a pamphlet made available at the fuenral service giving details about the deceased and the funeral arrangments

Memorial Foler (Service Folder)

a scheduled assembly of famiyl and friends following a death

Memorial Gathering

a cemetery, or section of a cememtery, with only flush-to-the-ground markers

Memorial Park

funeral rites with the body not present

Memorial Service

Funeral rites WITHOUT the presence of the body itself are referred to as

Memorial Services

What type of speech is learned and delivered by rote without a written text:

Memorized speech

The niftar is a bar minen. The Chevra kadisha will be composed of:


in the Jewish faith, a candelabrum with central stem bearing seven cabdles; it is the oldest symbol in Judaism


Mental suffering resulting from grief, severe disappointment, indignation, wounded pride, etc: A. Existential Trauma B. Mental Anguish C. Psychopathology D. Somatic Distress

Mental Anguish

Evaluation of the meaning of ethical statements is part of what?


Which of these would NOT be considered an Allied Profession to Funeral Directors?


Military personnel assigned to accompany a body following an active duty death

Military Escort

Type of zone that is used for both housing and businesses: A. Commercial B. Industrial Zone C. Mixed-Use Zone D. Residential Zone

Mixed-Use Zone

A pair of nuclear families which have "teamed up" to cut expenses and childcare duties would be classified as _____________________.

Modified Extended

in the Jewish fiath, a hexagram formed by the combination of two triangles. May be called the Jewish Star. It symbolizes a new hope for the Jewish people.

Mogen David (Star of David)

a prophet of the Islamic religion born 571 C.E.; considered by Muslims to be God's messenger, but not worshipped or considered to be divine.

Mohammed (Muhammad)

an express warranty

Monchessa went to a fabric store to purchase fabric to make herself a suit. The sales person showed her several bolts of fabric. She picked out the fabric she wished to buy but was told there wasn't enough to make a suit but that she would order a bolt from the manufacturer. The salesperson assured Monchessa that the fabric she ordered "would match exactly the fabric she had selected." The salesperson's statement is

an honorary titiled conferred upon a priest



Moral Development of Women

Violation of which behavioral standard brings the most severe repurcussions?


The term "coffin" is derived from the Greek word meaning

More than one above chest sarcophagus basket

Simplicity is the key in which tradition:


The Book of Mormon was written by:


The green apron is placed on the deceased in the:

Mormon rite

the local church building; contains no icons, statues, sumbols, pews, chairs, or musical instruments

Mosque (Masjid)


Most product liability lawsuits are based on the theory of negligence.

the name given to a memeber of the Islamic faith

Muslim (Moslem)


Must behavior that dictates the individual must abstain from certain acts (Keyword ABSTAIN)

A viewing in a liturgical protestant church would most likely take place in:


the entry way into the funeral home or church

Narthex (Lobby, Vestibule, Foyer)

A cemetery created and maintained under an Act of Congress for burial of veterans of military service and their family members.

National Cemetery

the seating or auditorium section of a church


All of the following may use a pall, EXCEPT: Episcopal Jewish Nazarene Roman Catholic Lutheran


A term which refers to families moving to new areas and taking some of their culture along is _____________________.


"For Immediate Release" is a key component of ___?

News releases

The person who makes the funeral arrangements and provides the vital statistical data about the deceased:

Next of kin

a recess or space in a columbariumused for the permanent placing of cremated remains


The Buddhist idea of heavenly peace or Pure Land


Your funeral home has employed a funeral director for 20 years. They are becoming unable to hear very well. Is the funeral home required to provide the embalmer with cochlear implants, so they can continue to serve families? A. No, cochlear implants would primarily benefit the embalmer in everyday life B. No, the ADA does not require employers to provide accommodations ever C. Yes, its required by Workmans's compensation aspect of ADA D. Yes, cochlear implants would be considered de minimus

No, cochlear implants would primarily benefit the embalmer in everyday life.

A funeral director is paid hourly, has wide discretion in their job, and has a Bachelors Degree. Would this funeral director be exempt from the FLSA overtime standards? A. No, they are paid by the hour B. No, funeral directors are never considered Professionals C. Yes, they would be independent contractors D. Yes, they have a high level of education.

No, they are paid by the hour

To get more honest, helpful answers from interviewees, provide a ___ environment?

Non Threatening


Non-Directive?Client Centered/Person Centered/ Rogerian Counseling Counseling Definition (Communication)

A form or order of worship which has the scriptures as its central element; the actual form or order of the worship service is left to the discretion of each individual church and/or minister.

Non-Liturgical (Scripture-Centered) Worship

Free item

None of the 16 items required to be on the GPL can be listed as free or no charge. Items not required can be listed as free

Angry, hostile reactions are a sign of

Normal Grief

Hallucinations are signs of ___?

Normal Grief

The development of moral standards of conduct is ___?

Normative Ethics

The formulation of moral standards is involved in what?

Normative Ethics

A small business is

Not dominant in its field of operations

A family consisting of a mother, a father, and their biological children is considered to be a _______.

Nuclear Family

Landowner's use of property which interferes with the public or another landowner's use of his property A. Anti-Zoning B. Crime C. Negligence D. Nuisance


Most people experience their loved-one's funeral during Canine's stage of _____________.


Regulations governing embalming preparation rooms are enforced mainly by ___?


Name four agencies that federally regulate the funeral industry?


non ferrous caskets measures in..

OUNCE PER SQUARE FOOT. the higher the ounce per square foot the THICKER the metal. (ex. 48. oz. per square foot = 3 pounds, 32 oz per square foot = 2 pounds

funeral rites or burial ceremonies


This federal act was enacted to enforce workplace safety and training: A. Americans with Disabilities Act B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission C. Fair Labor Standards Act D. Occupational Safety and Health Act

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Masked Grief

Occurs when the person experiences symptoms and behaviors which cause them difficulty, but do not see or recognize the fact that these are related to the cause

One who leads the funeral service and is generally considered a member of the clergy is called:


The person who conducts the funeral service is known as the:



Once a restrictive indorsement is used, the instrument is not negotiable.

During the Medieval Period, what type of burial garments did the Christian church recommend?

One Specific Color

(Types of Contracts:) *NON-GUARANTEED CONTRACT*

One in which the funeral home only agrees that the amount prepaid plus any accruals will be credited to the balance due. However, the price of the funeral will be whatever the current price is for the services and merchandise at the time the death occurs

Forwarding of remains

One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider in the locale where death occurs and preparation for transfer to another funeral provider as selected by the family (consumer). Funeral Rule required package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.

forwarding the remains

One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL; this involves services of the funeral provider in the locale where death occurs and preparation for transfer to another funeral provider:

(Types of Contracts:) *GUARANTEED CONTRACT*

One where the funeral home guarantees that the services and merchandise will be provided at the time of need for an amount not exceeding the original amount of the contract plus any accruals, regardless of the cost of providing the services and merchandise at the time of the funeral

Written laws enacted by cities and townships: A. Court opinions B. Ordinances C. Proclamations D. Statutes


The one in Egypt know as God of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead was


Other functionaries(romans)

POLLINCTORE embalmer slave or employee of the libitinaries" embamed the wealthy PRAECO "crier Announced death Called people to attend the funeral DESIGNATOR Master of ceremonies directed the funeral procession

The Buddhist place of worship


a symbolic cloth covering placed over the casket


one who actively bears or carries the casket during the funeral service and at the committal service


Generally speaking, it is important that funeral contracts be entered into with person that is/has: A. Duty of Burial B. Householder C. Oldest D. Paramount Right of Disposition

Paramount Right of Disposition

vigil service associated with Eastern Orthodox funerals



Part of the purchase price you pay for goods includes the cost of the warranty

in the Roman Catholic faith, a candle placed near the casket during the Funeral Mass that signifies the everlasting light of Christ

Paschal Candle

one having spiritual care over a number of people



Patriarchal (Pa) power is passed to the oldest male child

John dies without a will. After administration of his estate, each of his 4 surviving children receive $1,000, while the 2 children of his dead son Bob receive $500 each. The distribution to Johns children is an example of what type of intestate succession? A. Abatement B. Attachment C. Per Capita D. Per Stirpes

Per Capita

Contrasted with depression, healthy signs of uncomplicated grief may include:

Periodic crying - heightened when remembering loss and Vivid dreams of varying types (II and IV)

Rogers is famous for counseling known by what terms?

Person-Centered, Client-Centered, Non-Directive

Which of the following is an example of a misinterpretation of a non-verbal symbol?

Personal space

What is the act of attempting to influence the behavior and thinking of another person or group of people called?


The purpose of the funeral that provides a focal point for giving meaning to life and the death


What needs must be met before any other levels can be satisfied?


In the Jewish funeral rite, the monument inscription is called:

Poh nikbar

Ability of state legislatures that allows them to create laws for the protection of the public: A. Common Law B. Eminent Domain C. Police Power D. Stare Decisis

Police Power

What were Roman embalmers called?


Which of the following is a common cause of nervousness?

Poor preparation

the head of the Roman Catholic Church and the Bishop of Rome


In which level of Kohlberg's moral development do universal moral principles supersede the authority of a group?

Post Conventional

In which level of Kohlberg's moral development do universal moral principles supersede the authority of a group?


Services provided by the funeral service organization that occur after final disposition


OSHA requires funeral homes to post which one of the following in areas where employee notices are normally posted: A. Form 101 B. Form 200 C. Poster 1974 D. Poster 2203

Poster 1974

a card with the name of the decedent and a prayer or verse, which may or may not include the dates of birth and death

Prayer Card

A level of Kohlberg s moral development in which moral reasoning is based on reward and punishment from those in authority is ___?

Pre Conventional

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Pre-Moral Stage Pre-Conventional Stage Conventional Stage Post-Conventional Stage

The best way to avoid money/credit/collection problems for funeral homes is


those funeral arrangements made in advance of need that include provisions for funding or prepayment

Pre-funded Funeral Arrangements

Three (four) phases of Grief (Bowlby)

Pre-stage Searching Disorganization and Dispair Integration (mourning)

Disappointment is a major factor in the grieving of which type of death?


Dissappointment is a major factor in the grieving of which type of death?


Burial Practices(Greek)

Preparation of the body funeral procession coffins earth burial cremation tombs celebration of death sacrifices suttee

What is the process by which the consumer is informed about the products about to be purchased?


Alternative price lists

Price lists which may be prepared for use in certain limited situations such as children/infants, for government agencies to provide for indigent persons, for agreements with religious groups, burial or memorial societies for members of their group.

a title conferred by ordination


Outer burial container price list

Printed or typewritten list of outer burial containers normally offered for sale by the funeral provider which do not require special ordering:

those who transport only in particular instances and only for those they chose to contract with (funeral home vehicles and livery)

Private Carrier

A cemetery owned and used by the Catholic Church for the burial of its parishioners would be considered a: A. National Cemetery B. Private Cemetery C. Public Cemetery D. State Cemetery

Private Cemetery


Product liability refers to the liability manufacturers or other sellers have only to immediate purchasers for physical injury caused by defective products they place on the market.

breach of warranty, negligence, and strict liability

Product liability suits may be based on

Which of these people should NOT be in the preparation room during embalming?

Prospective Funeral Science Student

Which of the following is an ancient Scandinavian belief regarding cremation?

Protection from the dead

Upon arrival at the place of transfer, you discover that the deceased is severely decomposed. Before handling the deceased the funeral home staff should use which of the following items first:

Protective gear

Which professional can always definitely prescribe medication?


Viewing the deceased supports this purpose of funeral service


The Americans with Disabilities Act describes businesses providing goods and services to the public as: A. Independent Venues B. Professional Businesses C. Public Accommodations D. Service Industries

Public Accommodations

One person speaking with limited verbal feedback:

Public communication

The focal point of a non-liturgical house of worship:


Awarded damages meant to punish a defendant: A. Negligence Awards B. Outrage Payments C. Punitive Damages D. Tortious Fees

Punitive Damages

The ADA describes employees who have the required qualifications for the job and are able to perform the essential tasks of the job with minimal accommodations as: A. Able Professionals B. Handicap Workers C. Qualified Individuals D. Skilled Laborers

Qualified Individuals

Pre-need trusts that allow for the trust to pay the income tax on the interest: A. Open Trust B. Qualified Trust C. Solvent Trust D. Taxation Trust

Qualified Trust

Jim dies and has no family. His estate would have primary liability to pay for his funeral based on the concept of which type of contract? A. Express B. Implied C. Quasi D. Testamentary


Legal theory of the status of a dead body that states that a body is not property, but does come with rights and responsibilities attached to it: A. Ecclesiastical Theory B. No-property Theory C. Property Theory D. Quasi-property Theory

Quasi-property Theory

fitness for a particular purpose

Quinby ordered a snowplow, specifying that it must be suitable for heavy-duty use on country roads. Quinby found the snowplow not at all suitable for this use. The seller of the plow may be held liable for breach of warranty of

Traditions and beliefs(greeks)

RIVER STYX-what the dead had to cross to get to the afterlife OBOL-COIN- coin that was put in the mouth of the deceased at death and paid to CHaROn CHARON-the ferry man that took the souls to the afterlife CERBERUS-3 headed dog that the deceased had to feed the honey cake to in order to get to the afterlife HONEY CAKE-was buried with the deceased to feed to CERBERUS in the afterlife

a teacher or ordained leader in the Jewish faith


Which of the following terms is dealing with the speed at which you speak?


Which is not a purpose of the arrangements conference? -Obtain vital statistics -Build rapport -Plan the funeral -Receive friends and visitors -Sell service and merchandise

Receive friends and visitors

one of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider after initial services have been provided by another firm at the locale of death. Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.

Receiving Remains

A structure so designed for the temporary storage of bodies, which are not to be immediately interred.

Receiving Vault

makes the third party who takes possession of the instrument a holder.

Receiving an instrument by negotiation

Which of the following is a typical 'at-need' moment? -Pre-planning the funeral -Pre-funding the funeral -Advertising in the church bulletin -Receiving friends at the visitation -Monument inscription

Receiving friends at the visitation

In order to re-create a natural appearance of the deceased by way of hair color, style and cosmetic appearance, the funeral director should request a:

Recent photograph

the movement, in an orderly fashion, at the end of a service


Which of the following is a typical 'post-need (aftercare)' moment? -Pre-planning the funeral -Referral to a grief therapist -Advertising in the church bulletin -Viewing the deceased for the first time -Closing the casket

Referral to a grief therapist

a book signed by those attending a visitation/service

Register Book (Memorial Book)

Killing is wrong unless it is necessary to save a life, is an example of


The death occurs at a vacation rental condominium in a foreign country. The type of transfer from the place of death will be


Which of the following was an embalming material used in the Middle Ages?


Chamber specifically designed for the cremation of a dead human body: A. Exhort B. Incinerator C. Processor D. Retort


the burning chamber in a crematory


A contract which may be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to the death of the beneficiary with a refund of the monies paid on the contract as prescribed by state law.

Revocable Contract

A pre-arranged funeral contract in which the contract may be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to death with a refund of the monies paid as prescribed by state law?

Revocable Pre-Need

John sets up a pre-need contract that can be cancelled at any time, but may require future payments for services contracted for. What type of pre-need did John set up?

Revocable non-guaranteed

Legal tenant that states that all people are entitled to a dignified final disposition: A. Duty of Burial B. Duty of Disposition C. Right of Canon Precedence D. Right of Decent Burial

Right of Decent Burial

The Right of Disposition that gives person with Paramount Right of Disposition the power to bar others from attending the services:The Right of Disposition

Right to Control the Funeral

Funeral ________________________ are composed of ____________________, also known as ceremonies.

Rites & Rituals

Memorial service

Rites with out the body


Rites with the body present (sociology event family sociological unit)

The inscriptions 'I H S' and 'I N R I' are most closely associated with:

Roman Catholic

The order of procession is: CRUCIFER - CLERGY - F.D. - CASKET - F.D. - FAMILY, this is:

Roman Catholic

Whose death views were shaped by "mystery cults?"


Beads and a crucifix used by Catholics as an aid in the recitation of prayers?

Rosary Beads

On a house removal the deceased's bowels and bladder have released. Which piece of equipment do you need to introduce immediately?

Rubber/plastic sheeting

In Liturgical churches, stated directions in a prayer book or liturgical manual regarding the order of service as approved by the denomination.


In any given community, the salary for a funeral director is said to usually be similar to the salary for a ___?

School teacher

Defining the ethical issues of the problem is what step for ethical problem solving?


Processing the pain of grief is which task of mourning?


the largest subdivision of a cemetery


Children's sense of __________________________ is more impacted by death than that of adults.


Lindemann characterized excessive generosity as a form of __________?

Self Punitive Behavior

Lindemann characterized excessive generosity as a form of __________?

Self-Punitive Behavior

What is the term that is defined as "dealing with the meaning of words?":


Which of the following initiates the communication process?


In the Buddhist faith, a service performed as a part of casketing the body

Service of Encasketing

What are three ways professionalism can be achieved by a funeral director?

Service to community, welfare of profession, and honesty & integrity

Funeral Services

Services which may be used to care for and prepare deceased human remains for disposition and arrange, supervise or conduct the ceremony or final disposition:

Which of these is not among the responsibilities of the manager?

Set Sales Quota

one who is in charge of the cemetery; the caretaker of a church


in the Jewish fiath, a watcher; one who sits with the body until burial


A thirty day mourning period observed in the Jewish funeral rite:


meaning 30 in the Jewish faith; the 30-day mourning period


Traditionally, who conducts the 'shmira?'


a symbolic sign of the Cross; made with the right hand

Sign of the Cross

Which of these have been increasing in modern times, and will likely continue to?

Single Parent Homes & Cremation

in the Roman Catholic faith, a woman who is a member of a religious order, especially one bound by vows of poverty, chasity, and obedience

Sister (Nun)

Exigent circumstances

Situation requiring immediate action or urgency:

Social mobility refers to people's ability to change what?

Social Classes

a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which provides benefits for retirement, survivors/insurance, disability, health insurance, and death

Social Security Administration

Which one of the following is NOT a protected class covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights act? A. skin color B. Social Status c. National Origin D. Religion

Social Status


Social behavior as dictated by tradition of the people

AIDS deaths are an example of which of Lazare's complicating issues?

Socially Unspeakable Death

AIDS deaths are an example of which of Lazare's complicating issues?

Socially unspeakable death

Disposal of the body; affirming the dignity of the deceased in the community; and allowing for the community expressing of concern for the bereaved family are all aspects of what purpose of the funeral?


in the Eastern Orthodox church, the open area (sometimes raised) before the altar


What type of casket is constructed of solid wood pieces and has no wood by-products included in its construction?

Solid wood construction

After the administration of an estate, there is $5,000 left to distribute to the heirs. This estate would be described as being: A. Insolvent B. Intestate C. Solvent D. Testate


Death as a cultural universal will include all of the following except: -Announcement of death -Ceremony for the benefit of the mourners -Care for the deceased -Some type of formal religious observance -An acceptable mode of disposition for the deceased

Some type of formal religious observance

A man dies, leaving behind his ex-wife, an adult son from a previous marriage, a brother and both parents, Under the General Rule of Priority, who has the Paramount of Disposition? A. Brother B. Ex-wife C. Son D Parents


The OSHA Hazard communications Standard states the employers are required to keep documentation on which one of the following A. Exposures to OPIM b. Formaldehyde levels C. Orders of new chemicals D. Spills of hazardous chemicals

Spills of hazardous chemicals

Jon is going on safari in Africa. He sets up a power of attorney that gives his daughter the power to handle all of his affairs, but only in the event that he does not return from the trip within a month. What type of power of attorney did Jon set up? A. Durable General B. Durable Limited C. Springing General D. Springing Limited

Springing General

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross is most associated with what theory or theories?

Stages of Dying

What are the specific procedures to be followed to ensure that all essential details are addressed in the manner that the reasonably prudent funeral director would follow under the same or similar circumstances?

Standards of care

Legal doctrine that is the basis for case law: A. Habeas corpus B. Quid pro quo C. Stare decisis D. Supremacy of the law

Stare Decisis

What type of casket is constructed with the sides vertical or at right angle to the casket bottom?

State Casket


Statement of Death by Funeral Director.*


Statements by salespersons expressing their opinions about the products they sell constitute express warranties

Mandatory disclosures

Statements required by the FTC rule which cannot be modified or edited and must appear in a clear and conspicuous manner.

What type of handle is described as a non-moveable handle that can be full length, individual or single?

Stationary Bar

All of the following would be considered proper with respect to sue of a visual aid except:

Statistics demonstrated by the visual aid should be rounded off

What is the principal sources for mortuary law?

Statutory Law

An inexpensive metal casket is most likely to be made of


Stainless steel is an alloy of what metals?

Steel, chromium & sometimes nickel

Upon arrival at the place of transfer, you discover that the deceased is taller and heavier than you expected. Which of the following pieces of equipment will help to handle the height and weight?


"How could they (the deceased) do this to me?" is a question often asked by survivors of which kind of loss?


How Could they do this to me?


How could they do this to me, is a question often asked by survivors of which kind of loss?


Reality testing guilt is an especially important listed approach to helping survivors of which kind of loss?



Suing under the negligence theory of product liability is often an unsatisfactory remedy for the injured plaintiff to pursue because proving specific acts of negligence on the part of the defendant is difficult.

Which of Freud's constructs represents the conscience, the ideal we strive for?


one who outlives anotherperson or lives through an event


If the deceased has other living relatives, they are collectively known as:


What is a moveable casket handle with a hinged arm?


Which of the following terms deals with the arrangement of words in a sentence:


Ritual actions and overt conduct are essential parts of:

System of beliefs

The term sociologists use for a "must NOT" behavior is


The client family has stayed beyond the designated calling hours. The helpful funeral director may indicate the calling hours have come to a close by:

Tactfully informing the family that announced calling hours have ended.

In the Jewish faith, the ceremony of washing the deceased before the burial; serves as a ritual purification or cleansing of the body and should be performed by the Chevra Kaddisha.


The prayer shawl and skull cap worn by Jewish men are known as the:

Tallis and kippa

a prayer shawl worn by mean during the Morning Prayer service in the Jewish faith


blank indorsement

Tandom endorsed a check "Jane Tandom." This is a

A wax candle lit in the vestibule of the Orthodox Church is a:


in the Jewish fiath, prayers said before teh funeral by a group of friends and the shomer. These prayers come from the book of Psalms


Most of the first calls come to the funeral home by way of:


One way to help a grieving child feel "in control" is to let them____________

Tell about the death

The house of worship for a reform Jewish person would be:


ceremonial instructions of the Mormon Church, given only within a Temple to worth members of the sect

Temple Ordincances

Bill sets up an instrument that, upon his death, will transfer all of his assets to a banking service that manages the estate for his son, Bill has just set up a/an: A. Inter Vivos Trust B. Living Will C. Springing Will D. Testamentary Trust

Testamentary Trust


The ABC Method of Crisis Intervention

In early America, the person or persons in charge of the funeral was

The Family


The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act requires manufacturers to provide written warranties.

What renders a 300 series stainless steel casket non-magnetic?

The Presence of nickel

Services of funeral director and staff

The basic services, not to be included in prices of other categories in Section 453.2(b)(4), that are furnished by a funeral provider in arranging any funeral, such as conducting the arrangements conference, planning the funeral, obtaining necessary permits, and placing obituary notices.

The legal definition of a dead body: A. A dead body that has been entirely disintegrated B. A dead human body that is buried and completely disintegrated C. The human body that is dead and partially disintegrated D. The body of a human being deprived of life but not yet entirely disintegrated.

The body of a human being deprived of life but not yet entirely disintegrated

account balance

The difference between the total debits and the total credits in an account is the:

Which of the following defines the term feedback?

The discernible response of the receiver

financial management

The efficient utilization and adequate regulation of assets, revenue, expenditures, and capital rights is known as:


The event of a loss is:

express warranty as to quality

The following statement was printed on a tag attached to an electric clock: "Warranted for one year from date of purchase against original factory imperfections in materials and workmanship." This warranty statement on the tag represents an


The funeral rite satisfies all of the following needs of the survivors EXCEPT:

Following World War 2

The greatest INCREASE in embalming


The implied warranty of merchantability applies only to merchants who sell to other merchants.

In a sale of goods by a non-merchant

The implied warranty of merchantability does not apply in which of these situations?

What does gauge mean?

The measurement of the thickness of ferrous metals

Triggering event

The occurrence of situation that requires certain action i.e., the triggering event for giving out the GPL is face-to-face meeting.

Year/Accounting year

The particular calendar year or other one year period used by funeral provider in keeping financial records for tax or accounting purposes


The person is socially, religiously or politically isolated. A loner who believes there is no meaning and where there is little or no group identification


The person who issues a check to another is called the

Legally, final disposition must always be made in a manner that is acceptable to: A. Ancestors B. Church doctrine C. Entire family D. The public

The public

When a person purchase a cemetery plot, they are purchasing: A. Stock in the cemetery B. the plot as real property C. The right to use the plot D. The right to decorate the plot as they wish.

The right to use the plot


The signature "David Hopper" on the back of a check is a blank indorsement.


The task of incorporating a loss into ones life

(Bowlby- Attachemnt Theory) Post-Loss Greif

The tendency in human beings to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for security and safety - The greater potential for loss, the more intense the reaction

A fish bone in a bowl of vegetable soup

The test of merchantability in the case of foods is generally what a reasonable person can expect to find in the food. Which of the following would most likely show a breach of this warranty?


The urge to recover the lost object.


The words order and bearer are words of negotiability

Professional help given to a grieving person in an office setting would describe grief ___?


The statement most typical of resolution is

There is a future for me

contracts entered into by two parties for the benefit of another

Third Party Beneficiary Contracts

A man calls the funeral home to get information about pre-needs He sets up an appointment on Monday, at his house, to set up a pre-need. After setting up the pre-need contract, the man would have until midnight of which day to cancel the contract, according to the FTC Cooling Off Rule? A. He cant, this is not a Door-to-Door Sale B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. Saturday


All of the following are set in consultation with the officiant, except: Time of death Date of service Location of service Placement of flowers in church Preludes, interludes, postludes

Time of death

"as is"

To avoid implied warranties in the sale of goods to a consumer, the seller should make it absolutely clear (as for example a written statement) that the goods are sold

An increase in dreaming near the anniversary of the death is _______.

To be expected


Today check processing is done electronically. Consequently a check written on any one day and passed on to the bank can now be deducted from your account that same day.

a general term designating those places suitable for the receptionof a dead human body



Too much freedom, person can't adjust to social change (death of significant other); person sees his/herself as chaotic and intolerable position which society itslef is imposing by not assisting

In Judaism, the 'law' is revealed in the first five books of the Bible. This is known as the:


Unintentional violation of a persons rights: A. Misdemeanor B. Outrageous act C. Tort D. Feaux pa


wings of teh main part of the church which may serve as small chapels for baptism, weddings, and even for small funeral services


the automobile generally used for transporting the uncasketed dead human body from the place of death to the mortuary

Transfer Vehicle (First Call Car)

the moving of the dead human body from the place of death to the funeral home or other designated place

Transfer of Remains (Removal, First Call)

When a conversation turns to prices for funeral goods and services, you have experienced a _________________

Triggering event

You ask for permission to embalm and the family says yes. Their clergyman is present and asks about casket prices. As you answer his question, other family members ask about alternatives to earth burial. These inquiries about prices are examples of:

Triggering event

in the Eastern Orthodox faith, three short services or blessings that are part of the funeral rite


True of False A 'bat minen' is a niftar who is female.


True or False 'Bimah' is to Judaism as 'sanctuary' is to Christianity.


True or False 'Liturgy' is the work of the people; that is, those gathered to worship.


True or False A cantor may assist the rabbi.


True or False A client family may obtain funeral merchandise (goods) from a third party seller:


True or False A family member should identify the deceased before cremation takes place.


True or False A graveside service may fulfill both the service and committal aspects of the funeral.


True or False A social security number has eight digits in it.


True or False Although the Orthodox is the strictest branch of Judaism, the Conservative branch can be said to be stricter than the Reform branch.


True or False An acclamation is a response to a prayer or invocation.


True or False Attention to detail; smoothness of procedure; dignity and decorum are some of the objectives of funeral service that help to create a meaningful experience for the client family.


True or False Compassion, integrity and professionalism are invaluable traits for a good funeral director:


True or False Following the burial, a ritual washing is prescribed for those who have participated in an Orthodox Jewish burial.


True or False On an Orthodox Jewish funeral, the procession may stop at the synagogue so that that deceased has one last contact with that place.


True or False One purpose of an 'inspection' is to allow the client family time to critique the dressing and casketing provided by the funeral director.


True or False One reason for making pre-need arrangements is that intelligent and informed decisions can be made with less emotion.


True or False The congregation is seated in the nave while the clergy are seated in the chancel


True or False The funeral home must have permission to embalm.


True or False The kever will ultimately contain the aron containing the niftar in the tachrichim.


True or False The shape of a liturgical church is 't' or cross-shaped.


True or False The transept aisle separates the nave and the sanctuary.


True or False? One who purchases a cemetery lot does not own that land


Account established by one individual to be held for the benefit of another; creates a fiduciary responsibility. (As a method of payment of funeral expenses). Money paid to a funeral home for future services is placed in an account with the funeral home as trustee for the benefit of another.

Trust Account

In motivational theory, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are ___?

Two separate factors

Information counseling, situational counseling, and psychotherapy are ___ of counseling ?



Types and Styles of Counseling Psychotherapy Counseling Definition (Helping)

The supreme law of the United States: A. Common Law B. State constitutions C. Supreme Court D. U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution

conformity to the description of the purchased goods

Under Article 2 of the UCC goods sold by merchants may be covered by a warranty. An example of an express warranty would be a warranty of


Under the theory of strict liability the injured party suing simply needs to show that the product was unreasonably dangerous at the time it left the manufacturer's or other seller's control and that an injury resulted.

What are the 4 steps of buying a funeral home?

Valuation, Preliminary Due Diligence, Letter of Intent, Proceed to Close

Type of agreement allowing employers to pay 1/2 regular rate of pay for overtime: A. Administrative Work Contract B. Half-time Work Week C. Quasi-work Contract D. Variable Work Week

Variable Work Week

exterior (use SOFT CLOTH on SKIN and HAIR)

Velour=(SOFT) like velvet, plush or high pile (CLOTH)= broad cloth,liberty cloth,oxford cloth on (SKIN)=moleskin, doeskin,felt and (HAIR)=mohair,like moleskin, angora goat

The most expensive type of interior lining fabric made of either silk, cotton and possibly rayon and has a nap is ____?


time set aside for friends and relatives to pay respect to the deceased prior to the funeral service

Visitation (Calling Hours, Visiting Hours)

the collection, tabulation, and interpretation of data concerning birth, marriage, divorce, sickeness, and death

Vital Statistics

John's speech instructor told John he would have to speak a little louder. John needs to work on which of the following areas of public speaking?


Which of the following terms is synonymous with loudness?


historically a watch kept over the deceasedl an all-night vigil


In the Roman Catholic faith, a prayer or scripture service usually held at the funeral home the evening before the Funeral Mass?

Wake Service

in teh Roman Catholic faith, a prauer or scripture service usually held at the funeral home the evening before the Funeral Mass

Waker Service (Vigil Service/Rosary Service)


When facing the alter in a Roman Catholic Church - the lectern on the left is for the:


When the transfer of a negotiable instrument is made either by assignment or by negotiation, the third party becomes a holder

When should the expression of feelings not be encouraged?

When they appear to prevent resolution

1, 3

When two or more persons enter into a contract with one or more persons, the contract may be: 1-Joint, 2- Collective, 3-Several, 4-Conditional

customs and practices enforced by the courts

When two or more persons enter into a contract with one or more persons, the contract may be: 1-Joint, 2- Collective, 3-Several, 4-Conditional

What is "Durable Power of Attorney over Hospitalization or Memorialization?

Where the power of attorney continues after the death of an individual who is in the care of their power of attorney


Which of the following acts of mourning is to experience the pain of loss?

Abnormal grief response and past losses

Which of the following are important variables that can obstruct the grieving process?

Express warranty, Implied warranty of merchantability, and Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose

Which of the following warranties can be disclaimed by a seller?


Which one of the following has occurred if a funeral service practitioner intentionally misrepresents a benefit of a pre-need funeral arrangement?

There must be a ritual washing of the body

While making arrangements for a deceased who was practicing Orthodox Judaism, the practitioner realizes the family has no knowledge of rights and customs. The family should be informed that:

listen and respond with empathy

While making arrangements for a murder victim's funeral, a family member says, "If I could get my hands on the guy that did this, I would kill him." The practitioner should:

If the first call comes from a police officer in the ordinary discharge of his/her duties, then the funeral director must determine:

Who is the next of kin or responsible party

Mediators of Mourning/ Determinants of Grief (Worden)

Who the person was Nature of the attachment Historical antecedents Personality Variables Social Variables Concurrent Stresses Circumstantial factors (uncertianty, mulitple losses, closed caskets) MOde of death

An English physician who discovered the circulation of blood:

William Harvey

Scottish anatomist credited as the first to use arterial injection for embalming

William Hunter

What type of casket construction material is made by gluing a thin layer of expensive wood to a less expensive wood?

Wood Veneer

Whose theory includes a phase or stage called "To withdraw emotional energy and reninvest it in another relationship?"


Whose theory includes a phase or stage called "To withdraw emotional energy and renivest it in another relationship?"


in the Jewish faith, the skullcap worn by the men at temple servicecs and funeral services


At a graveside service, you line the pallbearers up to move the casket. Without instruction, the pallbearers move the casket to the grave. When putting the casket down, one of the pall bearers falls into the grave, injuring themselves, Can the funeral home be held liable for the injury? A. Yes, funeral homes always control width of graves B. Yes, no instruction was given to pallbearers. C. No, funeral homes are not liable for cemetery injuries D. No, pallbearers are volunteers

Yes, no instruction was give to pallbearers.

You bury the wrong body in a family grave. The family, being very upset, threatens to sue the funeral home. Does the family have grounds for a lawsuit? A. Yes, you committed the tort of loss of body B. Yes, you committed the tort of mutilation of a body C. No, you did not commit the tort of not safeguarding the body D. No, you did not misidentify the grave

Yes, you committed the tort of loss of body

A memorial service that is offered for the deceased four times per year in the Jewish funeral rite is called:


Municipal ordinances dictating types of building usage within particular geographic areas of the municipality: A. Building Codes B. Easement Ordinances C. Usage Laws D. Zoning Regulations

Zoning Regulations

middle ages

a 'sin eater' was associated with the

bi unit pricing

a Price for the casket (unit) and a price for the service of funeral director

Memorial services are funeral rites without

a body present


a case or receptacle for dead human remains which is anthropoidal (human form) in shape

copper deposit

a casket made from a core of copper metal to which copper ions are deposited by an electrolytic process. this process forms a seamless unit

Memorial service

a ceremony commemorating the deceased without the body present

sales frequency chart

a chart on which all sales are listed showing the number of sales in any sales bracket

Which of the following would NOT be consistent with a Christian Science service?

a church funeral

ogee design, emphasis on preservation of dead, changes in various designs

a consideration with the introduction of the metallic curial casket


a culturally entrenched pattern of behavior made up of 1. sacred beliefs 2. emotional feelings accompanying those beliefs 3. overt conduct implementing the beliefs and feelings


a culturally entrenched pattern of behavior made up of: 1) sacred beliefs,


a culture believed to have thrown their dead to hordes of wild dogs

What does corpse refer to in laws?

a dead human body


a decided case or court decision that determines the decision in a following case because of the case similarities

cathedral (interior HEAD PANEL design)

a design which has a layered effect

Immediate burial

a disposition of human remains by burial, without formal viewing, visitation, or ceremony with the body present, except for a graveside service.


a division of the total into four intervals, each one representing one fourth of the total


a division, or smaller identifiable unit of culture, connected to that culture

When does a funeral director have rights?

a funeral director has not rights until he comes into contract with the appropriate family member

Traditional funeral rite

a funeral rite that follows a prescribed ritual or ceremony that

zeigler case

a gasket sealed container which can be used as an insert into a casket or a separate shipping container


a great sense of loss; the person can no longer deny the impending death; preparing for their death; "silent"


a group of persons forming a single community with some interests in

Single parent family

a household or family unit consisting of one adult, either male or

Blended family

a household or family unit created by one male and one female from their previous marriages as well as children from the present marriage

Modified extended family

a household or family unit created by related nuclear

Nuclear family

a household, or family unit consisting of one man and one woman


a law enacted by a federal or state legislative body

Disenfranchised grievers

a loss that society bleieves does not deserve mourning. The loss is not openly acknowledged, socially sanctioned or publicaly shared

The Pope reads his speech word-for-word from a prepared text. This is an example of:

a manuscript speech

A group of potential customers having purchasing power and unsatisfied needs, defines ___?

a market

stainless steel

a metal alloy of steel, chromium and sometimes nickel which is used in casket construction, noted for its ability to resist rust. all grades of stainless steel must have at least 11% chromium to qualify as stainless steel

air seal

a method of sealing burial vaults that utilizes the air pressure created by placing the dome of the vault onto the base of the vault

double seal

a method of sealing burial vaults that utilizes the principle of air seal in conjunction with an epoxy material at the junction of the dome and the base of the vault


a must behavior not necessarily a basic or important pattern of a people (related to


a philosophy that does not practice or focus on a god or gods


a philosophy which contends that one must seek life's meaning or fulfillment in the future rather than in the past or present


a pholosyphy of care where a home-like atmosphere is provided for the termianally ill allowing for the family to be close at the time of death

inset (interior HEAD PANEL design)

a picture is used in the head panel


a picture or written statement that can damage a persons reputation

indirect learning

a process by which a person learns the norms of his culture by observation of others in his society.


a process involving all activities associated with final disposition


a return of a portion of a payment


a rigid container which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is usually constructed of wood, metal, fiberglass, plastic, or like material, and ornamented and lined with fabric. (FTC definition)


a rigid container which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is usually construed of wood, metal, plastic or like material and ornamented and lined with fabric.

Philosophy is best defined as ___?

a set of values, ideas, and opinions of an individual or group

Philosophy is best defined as __

a set of values, ideas, and opinions of an individual or group?

independent bone burial

a social development in the middle ages whereby the bodies of the noble were separated and the bones were brought back to their home in a chest describes


a social grouping in which members possess roughly equivalent culturally valued


a sprayed finish that has an appearance of small indentations in the metal (as if struck by a ball peen hammer) the indentations are in the paint and appear as the paint dries usually found on inexpensive caskets

Pre-Conventional Stage

a stage of moral development in which moral reasoning is based on reward and punishment form those in authority

Conventional Stage

a stage of moral development in which the expectations of the social group (family, community, and nations) are supported and maintained

Post-Conventional Stage

a stage of moral development in which the individual considers universal moral principles, which supersede the authority of the group

Pre-Moral Stage

a stage of moral development in which the individual is characterized as not understanding the rules or feeling a sense of obligation to them. Looking to experience only that which is good or pleasant or to aviod that which is painful

Anticipatory Grief

a syndrome characterized by the presence of grief in anticipation of death or loss; the actual death comes as a confirmation of knowledge of a life-limiting condition

Anomic Grief

a term used to describe the experience of greif, especially in young bereaved parents, where mourning customs are unclear due to an inappropriate death and the asence of prior bereavement experience; typical in a society that has attempted to minimise the impact of death through medical control of disease and social control of those who deal with the dying and the dead


a therapeutic experience for reasonably healthy persons. Do not confuse this with psychotheraphy, which is treatment for emotionally dustrubed persons, who seek, or are referred for assistance with pathological problems. A counselor's clients are encouraged to seek assistance before they develop serious neurotic, psychotic, or characterological disorders.


a value in an ordered set of values which represents the midpoint, whereby there are an equal number of values above and below the midpoint value


a waxed death mask of nobility was referred to as an


according to ancient egyptian history which of the following numbers approximates the number of years required to complete the journey known as the 'circle of necessity'

the indirect method pf approach for casket selection requires

adequate pre counseling

declining price structure advantages, disadvantages

advantages-- cvi improves, encourages better buys, disadvantages-- low end mark up may be too aggressive in some markets

fixed multiple (straight line) advantages, disadvantages

advantages-- easy to use, provides quality, disadvantages-- no improvement in cvi

direct approach advantages, disadvantages

advantages-- funeral director supports family, answers questions, meets the family needs, disadvantages-- non verbal communication may be misinterpreted, family needs may be misconstrued

modified declining price structure advantages, disadvantages

advantages-- like declining and provides for families who require lower priced caskets, disadvantages-- low margin on low end, attractive option for families who CAN but WONT spend

indirect approach advantages, disadvantages

advantages-- privacy, no undue influence by funeral director, no non verbal communication occur, funeral director does not misinterpret, family has time to analyze information, disadvantages-- some families want the funeral director there, funeral director not there to answer questions, written information may be ignored or misinterpreted

graduated recovery advantages, disadvantages

advantages--lower cost funeral at low end disadvantages-- cvi decreases, negative pressure to casket assortment, value at low end


advice, especially that given as a result of consultation

Funeral service management views the role of its practitioners as more ___ than do other managerial groups?


Following should be considered when explaining death to children

age of child realtionship of child to the deceased manner of death

A burial vault which is closed by placing the dome over the based is known as a(n)

air seal

The term "evaluation period" or "orientation period" should be used ____?

all of the above Verbally In an employee handbook In an employment agreement

The trisagion is celebrated: -the night before the funerals service at the funeral home -the morning of the funeral service at the funeral home -at the cemetery -all of these

all of these

Which of these may affect office electronics needs?

all of these Death certificate Client service records Arrangement forms

bail bar handles

also known as short bar chest

The communion table is to non-liturgical as the ___________ is to liturgical.


Which of the following best describes a disconfirming response with more than one meaning?


A disconfirming response with more than one meaning, leaving the other party unsure of the responder's position is a(n):

ambiguous response

A disconfirming response with more than one meaning, leaving the other party unsure of the responder's position:

ambiguous response

Funeral rite

an all-inclusive term used to encompass all funerals and/or memorial

When handling a valid complaint, it is most important to give the customer ____ as soon as possible

an apology


an attempt to postpone death; e.g. attempting to bargain with God or the doctors for more time

neolithic period

an era where the years 30,000 B.C. to 6,000 B.C. associated

Linda was attending an Optimist Club meeting and after her arrival was asked to give a speech concerning her vocation at the meeting. This is an example of:

an impromptu speech

Statement of funeral goods and services selected

an itemized written statement provided for retention to each person who arranges a funeral or other disposition. It must include the goods and services selected and prices paid for each, itemization of cash advance items and total cost.

balanced line

an out of date term used to describe having the correct number of caskets in each pricing quartile. the number of caskets displayed in each quartile is determine by the individual funeral home's pricing system

Alternative container

an unfinished wood box or other non-metal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is made of fiberboard, pressed-wood, composition materials (with or without an outside covering) or like materials.

alternative container

an unfurnished wood box or other non metal receptacle or enclosure without ornamental or fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is made of fiberboard, pressed wood, composition materials or like materials

Ritual (ceremony)

any action performed during a rite (behavior or action)

Ceremony (ritual)

any acton performed during a rite which may or may not have symbolic meaning to the participants or observer of the acftion

extension handle

any bar that extends the length of the side of the casket, it may move up or down

External communication is:

any communication that goes beyond the doors of your business

Immediate disposition

any disposition of human remains, which is completely devoid


any event performed in a solemn and prescribed manner

tailored(interior design)

any material which presents a smooth tightly stretch appearance. usually no design


any of the basic divisions or groups of humankind distinguished by customs,

A fraternal organization may conduct their service: -the night before the funeral service -after the committal -after the funeral service, but before the committal -any of these

any of these

Funeral provider

any person, partnership, or corporation that sells or offers to sell funeral goods and funeral services to the public.

combination unit

any product consisting of a unit or a series of units which are designed or intended to be used together as both a casket and a permanent burial receptacle

Funeral services

any services which may be used to: 1) care for and prepare decease human bodies for burial, cremation or other final disposition; and 2) arrange, supervise, or conduct the funeral ceremony or the final disposition of deceased human bodies.

Ritual (ceremony

any single action or series of actions performed during a rite which contains symbolic meanins to the participants and observers of the rite.

pre-literate society

any society which exists in a stage of develpment prior to the invention of the written word in their culture


any time someone helps someone else with a problem


anything to which socially created meaning is giving

The bereaved should be encouraged to ask questions:


Blended family

appears as a nuclear family, *upon death of spouse decision made by surviving spouse may cause problems


are credited with the introduction of cremation

The process correctly pronouncing all the necessary parts of a word:


A person dies in your town. A Chicago funeral director calls you to embalm the person and prepare them for transport. It would be UNethical for you to _____.

attempt to convince the family to buy a casket from you

A receiver focusing on the speaker's voice, screening out all other stimuli is an example of:


The process of focusing on certain stimuli from the environment:



baked enamel, sprayed lacquer, natural finish, stippled

brushed metal

bare metal is scratched with an abrasive material and then finished until a smooth high gloss is obtained

funeral procession(romans)

based on social status funeral processions for the less fortunate were Praeco called out the mourners family usually carried the body accompanied by neighbors and friends possibly a small band of musicians occurred at night(because of superstitions and less foot traffic than daytime-ppl closed doors and windows as the procession passed)

Social stratification

based on status and finances

early Christianity(romans)

became dominant religion by 300 ad theological beliefs about God and man customs modeled after burial of Christ

overt conduct

behavioral patterns which are observable by others


behaviors which are construed as somewhat less compulsive than mores of the same society


behaviors which are construed as somewhat less compulsive than mores of the same society


being mobile move from one place to another readily, move from class to class


being unknown


beliefs that are held in high esteem

A ritual blessing offered at the conclusion of an Episcopal Funeral Service is:



blame directed towards another person

final disposition(romans)

blessed the burial site purified the mourners buried the body CONCLAMATIO MORTIS "calling out the dead" use of professional mourners

What is the alloy of copper, tin and sometimes zinc?


What is the type of casket finish in which the bare metal is scratched with an abrasive material and finished until a smooth high gloss is obtained?


medieval period

burial societies were becoming common place during the


burial trends during the middle ages were greatly influenced by the

town undertakers

by virtue of technical skill and knowledge, which of the following individuals, in particular, was qualified to fulfill the role as coroner in early america

7 softwoods (call Cathy for her perfect red sauce)

call = cedar, Cathy = cypress, for = fir, her=hemlock, perfect = pine, red=redwood, sauce=spruce/sitka

funeral customs

came first/before the treatment of disease, the formulation of gov, and the formulation of definite religious beliefs

Which one of the following is NOT a source of law for funeral service? A. Canon law B. Case law C. Common law D. Statutes

canon law

the top most part of the casket


What is the focal part of the interior of a casket which fills the inside of the crown?

cap panel

funeral merchandise

casket, outer burial containers, clothing urns, register books, memorial cards (prayer cards/folder) acknowledgement cards religious and fraternal items

A raised platform (with or without a canopy) used for a body to lie in state is known as a what?


Social stratification

categorized people by money, prestige, or power ranking of social status position in groups lower middle upper

Rites of passage

ceremonies centering around transition in life from one status to

Rites of Passage

ceremonies centering around transitions one status to another (baptism, marriage, funeral)

A "ribbon cutting" at the opening of a supermarket could best be described as a


interior materials ( certain serious students very rarely miss tests)

certain= crepe, serious= silk, students=satin, very=velvet, rarely=rayon, miss=metallic, tests=taffeta (crepe and satin may be used on the exterior of infant caskets)


change from rural to urban * leads to the decrease of the importance of the individual in society. Funeral director has to develop effective public relations program to sell service

The medium a sender selects to send the message is known as the:


When deciding what to share with a child about death, which is true?

children are concerned with what it means to THEM

What is the name for a case or receptacle for human remains which is anthropoidal in shape?


Appealing forcibly to the mind or reason:


Within funeral service, the competitor should be seen as a(n) ___?


Other practicing funeral professionals should be regarded as


semi tailored(interior design)

combines tailored with another design

Indirect Learning

comes from our cultural environment (attitudes, manner of dress, ways of thinking)

Direct Learning

comes from parents and formal education (colors, schools, family members)

A human survival skill needed to maintain contact with the world is:


The process of human beings responding to verbal/nonverbal behavior:


To be clear and brief:


In decision making, what term is defined as: "when all group members are in agreement":


A joint/extended family is usually


Express Contracts

consist of agreements in which the terms are stated by the parties; these terms may be verbal or written but the contract as a whole must reflect the intentions of the parties

was a body of mortuary laws

constantine's sumpturary laws

ferrous (Fe)

contains iron and is often referred to as steel ferrous caskets measure in terms of gauge. the lower the gauge the thicker the casket

Implied Contracts

contracts that are inferred from the facts or circumstances of the case or conduct of the parties; not formally or explicitly stated in words; the law makes no distinction between word or conduct contracts

wrought copper (wrought bronze)

copper or bronze metal rolled into sheets

Which one is a component part of the casket hardware?


kapok(upholstery )

cotton lie in appearance, ceiba tree

Doctrine of Stare Decisis

court decisions (high or low) that are binding; Ex: Thurgood Marshalls decent

The believability of a speaker or other sources of information:


august hofman

credited with discovering formaldehyde

christian eisenbrandt

credited with receiving one, if not the first patnet, in regards to life preserving coffins

dr. thomas holmes

criticized the use of common preservatives such as arsenic in regards to embalming

A cross with the image of the body of Christ superimposed is a:



cultural heritage or identity of a group based on factors such as language or country of origin

A pattern of living or dying which can be identified in all societies is referred to as a:

cultural universal

Because funeral rites are present in every known society, the rite would be considered a

cultural universal

Social behaviors as dictated by the tradition of the people are


middle ages

dark ages aka


dealing with agriculture

Code of Ethics

declaration or public statement of professional standards of right and wrong actions

the principal division between hardwoods and softwoods is determined by

definition, no definite degree of hardness divides hardwoods and softwoods they are divided by definition

What is the statistical study of human populations with respect to their size and density, distribution, composition, and income?


The objective, emotion-free meanings of a term are known as:


crushed (interior design)

design made on a table which contains metal corrugations. the material is placed over the raised metal and the corresponding metal rods are then placed on top of the material. the design is then steamed into the material

tufted (quilted/honey comb) (interior design)

design using two pieces of material with filling in between. the stitching in the material will form a design. the gauze like backing material is called domet. "tufts have puffs

The primary purpose of job analysis is to ___?

determine job description

In a Lutheran burial, the choice of clothing is:

determined by the family


developing interpersonal skills for successful funeral service practive

Normative Ethics

development of moral standards of conduct

ancient jewish funeral

did not practice cremation; in the beginning they didnt use caskets or outer enclosures; embalming not practiced

mark up

difference between merchandise cost and selling price

Each of the following could be described as a funeral rite except

direct disposition

In the funeral service, which is the most likely to be a discriminating factor in hiring personnel?


What NOT to say to children

discourage questions tell them make believe or fairy tales tell them something that you do not believe yourselves tell your children what they will need to unlearn later use euphamisms "mother has gone on a long journey"; God took Daddy away because he wants and loves the good in heaven; Grandma died because she was sick; Daddy is now in heaven

In the Lutheran Church, cremation is:


dr. william harvey

discovered the circulation of blood

non ferrous

does not contain iron (Fe) (ex. copper and bronze) non ferrous caskets are measured in terms ounce per square foot.

What is the material that consists of a heavy durable cotton fabric with a short velvety nap of 1/8 inch or less that has a sued-like appearance?


traveling salesmen to promote their products, training in the proper use of embalming chemicals, training sessions to update the embalmer in the latest chemical developments

during the 19th century, various chemical manufacturers were influential in the development of mortuary education and the rising prevalence of embalming. among the services which those companies offered the undertaker included

anatomist; surgeon

during the middle ages, who began experimenting with embalming

functional pricing

each function (merchandise, service, livery, facilities) has a price


early belief soul the'"vital principle" separated from the body at death remained at the grave demanded attention from the living received offering of food and drink or "haunt the survivors

bier, bearers, horse drawn carts

early methods of transporting the body include this

land of the dead

early scandinavians referred to valhalla as

demonstration group or educational group

educates the selecting party regarding construction, difference in caskets, features that affect the price, where the price are to be found, the general layout of the selection room and how the funeral director will proceed

investigator of mass corruption in regards to english practices

edwin chadwick is associated with this


edwin chadwick publishes his report in this year


egyptian burial receptacles which were large, massive, and rectangular in shape, describe the ____ casket

removal of brain through ear or nose, drying in open sunlight, evisceration through the abdominal incision

egyptian embalming method

professional mourners, body placed on a sled which was drawn by an oxen, religious reps

egyptian funeral procession

What type of casket has ends in the shape of a half circle?


The ability to project oneself into another person's point of view, so as to experience the other's thoughts and feelings:


Characteristics of the helping funeral director (Wolfelt)

empathy respect warmth and caring genuiness

What is a range of derivative wood products, which are manufactured by binding together wood strands, particles, fibers, or veneers with adhesives to form composite materials?

engineered wood

phases in the helping relationship are

entering into the helping relationship building a helping relationship exporation and assistance in helping the family understand their alternatives consolidation and planning implementation and action conclusion of the funeral process post-funeral service follow up

Physical location and personal history surrounding the communication:


Words that have more than one dictionary meaning are referred to as:

equivocal terms

a term which refers to a lug on a casket


More pleasant sounding words used in the place of more direct, less pleasant terms are:


Listening in which the goal is to judge the quality or accuracy of a speaker's remark is:

evaluative listening


event performed in solemn prescribe manner


evergreen trees (Christmas trees) and shrubs including not only those of the pine family but of the yew family as well (cone bearing and berry or drupaceous fruit bearing)

Characteristics of stress and burnout

exhaustion and loss of energy irritability and impatience cynicism and detachment physical complaints and depression disorientation and confusion omnipotence and feeling indispensable minimizing and denial of feelings


existential (relating to, or dealing with existense) statements about the physical and social world

Any communication which goes beyond the doors of your business is called:

external communication

care of the dead(romans)

family present at death body washed, anointed and dressed in white toga with insignia of rank placed on a funeral coach feet to the door laid in state 3 to 7 days use of flowers, incense, and pine boughs

dr. thomas holmes

father of modern embalming in the US

Incorrect assumptions that lead us to believe the message is too simple to understand:

faulty assumptions

Incorrect thoughts that lead us to believe that we have heard the message before are:

faulty assumptions

(Worden) Mainifestations of normal grief

feelings/emotions, physical sensations/somatic distrubances, cognitions and behaviors


fidelity to moral principles

influence of constantine(romans)

first christian emperor(314-379ad) government required "proper burial" for all roman citizens functionaries handled the details:dig the grave, carry the bier and organize the procession sumptuary laws were enacted church became involved in all aspects of funeral behavior

dr william hunter

first to successfully adopt arterial injection as a means of preservation

What type of casket shell design is narrower and shorter at the bottom than at the opening of the top?

flaring square


for durability steel may be eletrco plated with a deposit of cadmium


for durability steel may be eletrco plated with a deposit of magnese

The speech memorized or delivered word for word from a manuscript:


indirect approach

funeral director explains and then leaves the family on their own

direct approach

funeral director stays with the family in the selection room

Celebration of Death(greeks)

funeral feast ended fasting offered sacrifices at the grave maintained relationship with the dead

Memorial Service

funeral rites with the body not present

shirred (interior design)

gathered design made on a sewing machine which has 4-5 needles with adjusted tension"shirred is shredded/shredded wheat"

Business Ethics

good and moral business transactions


goods that are bought and sold

Sumptuary laws(greeks)

governmental control of funeral spending originated in ancient Greece Solon decreed use of only 3 burial robes

an obol, cerberus, charon

green burial practices and customs

Complicated Grief

grief extending overa long period of time without resolution

A sociologist differs from a psychologist in that a sociologist studies



had a more philosophical concept body and soul made from atoms both disintegrated upon death no sense of an afterlife st. paul wrote "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die"

What is the term applied to the handles, ornamental fixtures and their fittings that are attached to the casket shell?



having a sense of honesty and fair dealing

brocade (exterior)

heavy, decorative: RAISED DESIGN

tapestry (exterior)

heavy, woven: PICTURE

Why are human relations important in the workplace?

helps firms reach goals & objectives

Motivational and Hygiene maintenance are factors in whose theory?


Words that are pronounced like another word but have different meaning and are usually spelled differently are:


once a year

how often did the inundation {overflowing} of the nile river occur

Motivating people in organizations to develop teamwork, which effectively fulfills their needs and achieves organizational objectives defines ___?

human relations

Any act or failure to act, based in whole or in part on a person's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental handicap, and/or reprisal, that adversely affects privileges, benefits, working conditions, results in disparate treatment, or had a disparate impact on employees or applicants defines ___?

illegal discrimination

foot candle

illumination produced by a source of one candle at a distance of one foot

direct disposal

immediate disposition of the body with no form or funeral rite at the time of disposition

Nuclear (small 2 parents & kids) cont.

impact of death on nuclear family is greater bc of small size income is affected causing economical problems, when parent dies the surviving spouse raises the child alone & maintains household, *when child dies it impacts the family more b/c nuclear family are more child oriented

What is the "spirit of the law"

implied meanings of the law

A speech "given off the top of one's head" without preparation:



in ancient egypt, the priest was also referred to as the


in ancient egyptian beliefs of the cult of osiris, who was osiris wicked brother


in ancient rome, the early death belief said that the body and soul were composed of atoms which simply disintegrated at death. who is responsible for influencing this belief

outside the walls of rome

in ancient rome, where did burial and/or entombment take place

the master of ceremonies

in discussing ancient roman culture, 'the designator' was also referred to as

municipal officers

in discussing early american funerals, inviters to funerals and town undertakers were referred to as

municipal officers

in discussing early american undertaking, inviters to funerals were considered to be

all cemeteries be municipalized and religious rites be simplified and standardized

in discussing edwin chadwick's report, what did he recommend


in discussing the undertaking specialists of ancient egypt, which one of the following was referred to as the priest


in egyptian history, the walled suburb of a major city where embalming was performed was referred to as

If the center aisle is not wide enough in a liturgical church, where do the casketbearers walk in the procession?

in front of the casket


individual crafting of products is replaced by manufacture of goods


individual involved in embalming the egyptian dead whose functions were embalming and wrapping of the remains was the

joseph clark, johnson dodge, auguste renourd

influential ppl in the development of embalming schools

Sarah is listening to Cathy and trying very hard to understand her ideas on the subject. This is an example of:

informational listening

Delayed Grief

inhibited, suppressed, or postponed responce to a loss

Phases of acquirring new interpersonal skills

initial learning uncomforatble use consciously skilled naturall skilled


initial stage of numbing which is of variable duration (this stage was added later thus the confusion on the title of the theory)

what are the 3 types of materials used in casket manufacturing?

interior (lining), exterior, upholstery (padding)

The type of communication in which the two parties involved consider one another as individuals is:

interpersonal communication

Bob debated with himself as to what the correct answer to the question was, but finally chose the correct one. This is an example of:

intrapersonal communication

The type of communication which refers to those aspects of communication behavior that occur within the individual is:

intrapersonal communication

declining price structure

inverse relationship between mark up and price of casket, higher priced caskets are given a lower mark up


involved in the egyptian embalming process, the person who marked the length of incision with a charcoal pencil was the


involved in the egyption embalming process; this individual was in charge of the funeral procession of an influential egyptian

hot galvanizing

involves passing the metal through a bath of molten zinc and then coating of zinc is applied


is a metal alloy consisting of 90% copper and 10% aluminum or zinc

Joint/extended (large)

is always patriarchal, agriculturally based/ farm/rural, religious -conservative, women subservient, restricted mobility (do not move around), impact of death does not threatened big enough that others fill the roles of the deceased

cold galvanizing

is carried out at ordinary temperatures and insures a more uniform deposit of zinc is placed on the metal


is the application of zinc by imbedding the metal in zinc powder and raising the temperature

Why is a business plan important?

it promotes growth

in discussing metallic burial caskets, the ogee design served what purpose

it reduced the excess space that characterized most metallic burial caskets; it reduced the excess weight that characterized most metallic burial caskets

during the day of death before sundown

jewish burials were scheduled


jewish funeral customs were noted for their

The study of body movement, gestures and posture is known as:


At the conclusion of a Greek Orthodox funeral, the congregation will pass by the casket and:

kiss the Icon

All of the following are important with regard to a speaker's awareness of the audience when choosing the speech material except:

knowing the personal background of the introductory speaker

crane and breed

known for featuring a horse drawn hearse at the chicago world's fair in 1893 that resembled a church-like design and which weighed 2400 pounds

What to cemeteries provide?

land space for graves, mausoleums and tombs for burial of the dead, they can be public or private

for the wealthy(romans)

large band of musicians professional mourners buffoons, jesters and wax masks of deceased family members(a family member that resembled deceased danced around to symbolize joining of ancestors) body of deceased family members, slaves and friends


latin for "torch light procession" most processions were held at night torches lit the path to the grave used symbolically for the wealthy (usually buried during the day)

A behavior pattern which is enforced by special authority is a



laws enacted by city councils

Statutory Law

laws made by stated assembly or legislature to protect the general welfare, health, public morals and the common good

Which of these probably demonstrates Cognitive Dissonance Theory in action?

learning to love the car you bought

The Funeral Procession(Greeks)

left one hour before dawn deceased carried on bier by relatives, friends, or hired "corpse bearers" female mourners fraternity members hired dirge singers any man could join the dismal march;no women unless she had passed her sixtieth year, or was connected with the deceased by blood and was over sixteen years of age

The latin phrase caveat venditor means ___?

let the seller beware

If a child pauses often during their telling about death or grief experiences, adults should ___________

let them talk at their own pace


libitina and libitinerius are funeral functionaries identified with which of the following early cultures

priest casket

lid or cap may be removed

Cultural universal

like abstract patterns of and for living and dying, which are

eternity bed

like full couch perfection cut but no inner foot panel, blanket instead


lining used inside the casket, material that is used on the inside of the casket


literally mean flesh eating. the most expensive casket available

A 'T' or cross-shaped house of worship is:



living or happening in the same period

Fixed capital is

long term capital invested in a business

An approach to conflict resolution in which neither party achieves its goals is:



loss of individual identity, * philosophical purpose of the funeral is that it provides a focal point for giving meaning to life and death

imitation wood (laminates)

made by uniting superimposed layers of different materials

civil war, element of disinfection, longer viewing period

major influences in the development of chemical embalming

All of the following are considered appropriate opening techniques for a speech except:

making an apology

What is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling which is performed to accomplish established objectives?


A form of mouth closure where the ligature is placed around the bone in the lower jaw is ___?

mandibular suture

A speech that is delivered word for word from a prepared text is called a(n):

manuscript speech


many historians credit the greeks as the first to use

fixed multiple (straight line)

mark up is multiplied by a constant factor. same markup applies to all caskets

graduated recovery

mark up varies, higher priced caskets given higher mark up

A hierarchy of needs is the centerpiece of whose motivational theory?


embossed(interior design)

material with a raised design

Secondary objectives of funeral service management include funding all of these EXCEPT ___?

maximizing merchandise sells

5 to 9 years

may understand that death is final but many not accept it as something that happens to everyone; they often personify death and may fail to mourn adequately (the boogeyman, death angel, skeleton)

The measurement of a burial vault is always _____?

measured from the inside

What is a pamphlet made available giving details about the deceased and the funeral arrangements? (select the best answer)

memorial folder

Excessive written or verbal communication would be considered:

message overload

price quotation

method bu which prices are explained to the consumer

price determination

method used by management to establish the selling price for service and merchandise

A pair of nuclear families which have "teamed up" to cut expenses and childcare duties would be classified as _____________________.

modified extended


molten metal is poured into a mold forming a seamless unit, (ex cast bronze)

Judaism holds to a doctrine of one God. Therefore Judaism is said to be:


Deontological Theory

morality of an action is determined by its motives in accordance with rules

Teleological Theory

morality of an action is determined solely by its consequences; consequentialism

How many spaces does a cemetery plot refer too?

more than one

Must behaviors, the basic patterns of ideas and acts of a people are


What are three things ethics are concerned with?

motives, interest of society, and the interest of the individual

Social Mobility

moving around in those categories upward or downward movement within the social classes


must behavior that dictates the individual must abstain from certain acts


must-behavior; the basic and important patterns of ideas and acts of a people as

The congregation is seated in the area of the house of worship called the:


city of the dead

necropolis was

A worker is drilling a hole in the street just outside the classroom making it nearly impossible for the students to hear the instructor. This is an example of:


Worship that is scripture-centered is called:


A type of response in which no words are spoken is:


importance on preservation of the deceased

not a consideration in the development of coffins and burial cases

Goals are defined as steps which lead to achieving ___?


Name five signs of life:

observation of circulation observation of color observation of respiration sensibility to stimuli Body Heat


of or characteristic of the present or recent time. not ancient


of or characteristic of the present or recent times; not ancient, often used to

Neo localism

offspring move away from the area they where born


often with "bas-relief"carving and painted scences STELAE-shaft(resemble the military graves of today) KIONES-column TRAPEZAE-square cut NAIDIA-temple like

Almost 14 million of these people live alone.

older adults


oldest method and currently required by ftc

Within a patriarchal joint/extended family, who would assume control at the death of the father (age 62)?

oldest son

Single Parent Family

one adult and their children

How many spaces does a cemetery lot refer too?

one and one only

Blended Family

one man and one female and their children from previous relationship and children from the present relationship

Nuclear Family

one man one women & their kids

Receiving remains

one of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider after initial services have been provided by another firm at the locale of death. Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.


one of the countries which made mask making very popular in replacing the body during the long periods the body was lying in state was

john L. dillon

one of the first coffin shop/warehouses was started in new york by which of the following

passive participant

one who participates in an event simply by listening and observing rather than by overt actions

Preparing the deceased for viewing is an example of what type of funeral service management?

operational procedure

influences of roman practices(romans)

ostentatious nature of roman funerals afflicted early Christian practices christian funerals became more simple the roman undertaker provided an occupational model for modern funeral service he arranged, managed and directed funerals and provided mortuary paraphernalia developed as a "seculat functionary" laid the foundation for mortuary law

What should be measured to determine if a casket will fit into a burial vault?

outside dimensions of the casket and inside dimensions of the burial vault

leonardo da vinci

painter of the 'last supper'

A candle placed near the foot of the casket during the Roman Catholic Funeral Mass:

paschal candle

j. anthony gaussardia

patented process of embalming involving the injection of an arsenic alcohol mixture

A family that is governed by the father is


consumer value index (cvi)

percentage derived by dividing the wholesale amount of the merchandise by the retail price of the merchandise (cvi=think casket)

What is the casket called that is designed to display the deceased from head to foot?

perfection full couch casket

What is the casket style in which the rim and crown are formed as one unit with a transverse cut in the cap, forming a two piece lid?

perfection half couch

Which of the following is a characteristic of embalming in the Middle Ages?

performed for anatomical research

What is the Catholic belief that those whose souls are not perfectly cleansed undergo a process of cleansing before they can enter heaven?

pergatorial doctrine

To end a sentence in which the last word is abbreviated you should use a:


Exaggerated Grief

persons are usually conscious of the relationship of the reaction to the death, but the reaction to the currect experience is excessive and disabling


philosophy that focus' on the belief of god(s)

The highness or lowness of the voice is known as:


What is the type of wood used in casket manufacturing composed of thin sheets of wood glued together so that the grains are at right angles to one another, always using an odd number of sheets?


this wood is composed of thin sheets of wood glued together so that grains are at right angles to each other


What is constructive possession?

possession of a dead body where a party has right to possession but another party might actually have physical possession

burial customs(romans)

practiced both cremation and burial initially used cremation replaced by earth burial sanitary concerns prohibited burial with the walls of rome interment in tombs(wealthy) and burial pits(commune sepulchrum for poor and alien) outside the city Columbaria(building that contains niches or niches with in a building) for cremated remains burial societies organized ensured burial of the poor later required by the government burial also became a way to show wealth and prestige

the price increments between caskets prices, when arranged in order of their increasing value


Giving the appearance of listening:


The art or science of establishing and promoting a favorable relationship with the public:

public relations


rapport is associated with which method of the ABC method of Crisis Intervention

The speed at which one speaks:



reason or desire that acts as a catalyst to spur one to a specific action

robert frederick and c.a. trump

received one of the first patents for a corpse cooler/cooling board during the 19th century

style 'E' state casket

receptacle was used for ex-president grant


receptacles that were patented in the early 19th century but which gained no popular appeal were referred to as

Which of the following is NOT a reason for funeral homes to advertise?

reduce expenditures

the sun and back

regarding the journey known as the circle of necessity, according to the egyptians, where did the journey lead

Allied Industry

related industry; as in related professions

funeral functionaries(romans)

related to LIBITINA goddess of the dead and funerals deaths registered at her temple

Factors that may complicate grief

relational factors (ambivalence, narcissism, dependency) Circumstantial factors Historical factors Personality factors Social factors

Merchandise value ration (MVR)

relationship between the wholesale cost of the merchandise and the total cost of both service and merchandise to the consumer (MVR=think funeral)

Words that gain their meaning through comparison:

relative terms

Sacred beliefs reflected in the daily conduct of an individual are part of


What are some factors affecting the funeral industry?

religion, technology, consumer education, the mobility of people

Loyalty conflicts can be a source of trouble especially in _________________________ families.

remarried (blended)


replaced earth burial by 700 BC Burning the body to "set the soul free"

hermetically sealed

resistant to air and other outside elements, air and water tight. completely sealed by fusion or soldering

gross casket profit (margin)

retail - wholesale cost =margin

earth burial (greeks)

reverence for the dead required burial for everyone decreed by law of Athens

A specific act or function dealing with death is called a


Primitive funeral rite

rites of funeralization usually assoicated with pre-literature societies


rites with the body present

Funeral ________________________ are composed of ____________________, also known as ceremonies.

rites, rituals

A baptism could best be described as a


casting earth upon the ramains by the family of the deceased, purification of the family and friends by washing of the hands, dedication of the burial grounds

roman committal service

Doors in the center of the Iconostasis leading directly to the altar are called:

royal doors


rules, ideas and beliefs that are shared by members of society for the living and dying which are learned directly or indirectly


sacrificed or group-inflicted cremation of the widow sign of "love and devotion" related to inheritance of property

A person is theoretically operating at full potential when at what level?


The relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds of himself or herself:


Which of the following terms best describes the process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be known by others:


The degree of regard a person holds for himself:


A prediction or expectation of an event that makes the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise:

self-fulfilling prophecy

Encodes and delivers the message:


Älienatio mentis(Greek)

separation of the soul from the body(a feeling like being intoxicated or tipsy) Union with Dionysius

Funeral service management is more _____ oriented than ______ oriented?

service, product


set of moral principles or values governing individuals or groups; conforming to accepted professional standards in conduct, moral duty or obligation


set of values, ideas and opinions of an individual or group


sets of rules or principals that govern the actions or conduct in society and that which is right or wrong

what TO say to children

share your own religious conventions speak in concrete terms rather than philosophical ones grant the children permission to cry and express their feelings acknowledge when you do not know the answer attempt to communicate on their level answer all questions truthfully and honestly


sheets of metal are pressed by a hydraulic pump in designed forms the component parts are welded together

The crown and ogee are features of what part of the casket?


characteristics of an effective funeral director

should not moralize the situation to the family should be skilled, knowledgeable and understanding of their field should be good communicatiors who demonstrate respect for those they are attempting to help should be authentic, real and sincere should NOT be judgemental in their responces should inspire feelings of trust, credibility, and confidence inappropriate self-disclosure


social behavior as dictated by the tradition of the people.

The group aspect of a funeral rite makes the event

social function

The science that deals with the organization of social groups and how they change or stay the same is called


The open area before the altar in an Orthodox Church:



sometimes slaughtered slaves and horses for use in the afterlife

Patriarchal - Father dies

special problems, family looks to funeral director for leadership and professional guidance, may have problems making decisions easily and looks for male image, internal conflict in family looking for male heir, confusion about financial matters


specified methods of procedure

Not listening because he/she is only interested in what he/she has to say:


Who enforce mortuary laws?

state regulatory boards

The Brown and Sharp Gauge is a standard measurement _____________?

states the higher the number of ounces per square foot the thicker the metal

The four aspects of attachment according to Bowlby are:

strength of attachemnt, security of attachment, reliance, and involvement


study and evaluation of ethical statements; structure and reason used at arriving to normative theories

A division of a culture that has traits in common with that culture but has unique traits of it own is a



sudden infant death syndrome, crib death ** most common emotion shown by parents is guilt


suicide that involves the consideration of others. -It's their duty to space others from a painful experiece, over-involved in a group (matyrdom)

The arrangement of words in a sentence defines:


A social prohibition which dictates the individual must abstain from certain acts dealing with death is a


What is the casket interior design where the material is tightly drawn?


What is the difference between teleological and deontologicall obligations?

teleological are concerned with the ending outcome where as deontological follows the rules in black and white

Nuisance per se law

term given when an action or things is a nuisance all the time, or enhenges on civil rights or societal morals of a person and or can be harmful to persons or property

life insurance that has no cash value whenever the policy expires

term life insurance

What is the arm of the casket?

that part of the casket handle that attaches the bar to the lug

the calling out of the dead

the 'conclamatio mortis' is identified with what


the 'crier' in ancient rome was also referred to as the

ancient egyptians

the 'cult of osiris' identified with which early civilization

dr. thomas holmes

the 'father of modern embalming' in the US

london, england

the 'guild of all souls' was established in


the 'head undertaker' in ancient rome was referred to as


the 'kiss of peace' represented a major break in tradition between the christians and the


the Egyptians felt that which of the following was the seat intellect and emotion

What is our current law based on?

the English system of common law and equity

Quasi-Property Theory

the accepted theory of the legal status of a dead body which precedes on the assumption that a dead body is itself not an object of tangible property but is considered almost or near property

direct learning

the acquisition of the culture by a person through deliberate instruction by other members of that society


the ba, yakhu, the name, the heart, the shadow, and the ka, are elements of the body that were associated with which of the following cultures

Mortuary law

the branch of law which involves the rules of conduct and action in matters arising and out of concern with the disposal of the dead


the burial in woolen act took place in what year


the caskets sold in the 2nd and 3rd quartile


the civilization of people whose faith necessitated burial of the deceased by sundown on the day of death was the

cremation (ritual

the combustion of a dead human body to its essential inorganic elements by rapid oxidation

ancient greeks

the cult of dionysius is associated with which culture


the cultures associated with the practice of immersing the body of the dead in earthen jars filled with honey or wax


the decay of wood brought about by wood destroying fungi involves the formation of microscopic thread like structures

their best attire

the deceased hebrews dressed in


the defense mechanizm by which a person is unable or refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to the self


the deity who is known as 'god of the underworld'

Normative Ethics

the development of moral standards of conduct


the earliest assumed state of man was depictive of which era


the egyptian 'god of the dead' was


the egyptian coffin which gained popularity because of the influence of osiris was called the

the apothecary

the egyptian undertaking specialist whose job included making medicines and anointing the body of the deceased was referred to as


the emotional attitude that one's own race, nation, group, or culture is


the evisceration of body organs and their placement in four canopic jars was associated with the embalming practices of which ancient civilization

Relief Grief

the feeling of relief that some negative aspect has come to an end at the death of a loved one


the finish created when base metal is coated by another metal via an electrolytic process often found on casket hardware, in casket hardware. in casket construction is identified by the word "deposit"


the first christian ruler of rome was


the first people to dress their dead in white clothing were the


the fisk metallic coffin was patented in this year

torch bearer

the focal point of a roman funeral procession was the

Greif and the Family System (Worden)

the fuctional position or role the deceased played in the family an emotionally well-integrated family will be better able to help each other how families facilitate or hinder emotional expression- families that value openness of expression vs. suppression

Funeral goods

the goods which are sold or offered for sale directly to the public for use in connection with funeral services.

What is relativism in ethics?

the gray area one finds to base an argument

middle ages

the great plague of London took place during the


the great plague of london took place in


the greek historian known as the 'father of history'

apothecary servant

the individual involved in embalming the egyptian dead whose function was to anoint the body with the necessary oils, spices, and ointments was the

james a gray

the individual to receive the first american patent on a metallic coffin {1836} was

be dissolved

the injection of cedar oil into the abdomen of the body was utilized in the medium priced method of egyptian embalming, causing the organs in the cavity to

Acute Grief

the intense physical and emotional expression of grief occurring as the awareness increases of a loss of someone or something significant


the jewish religious sect which a very strict viewpoint of their religious policies and procedures were the

Disorganization and Despair

the loss of normal functioning

light hearted practices

the medieval irish wakes were known for their


the method of price quotation by which each unit of service and/or merchandise is priced separately.

The use of an "effigy" became popularized during

the middle ages


the most common form of disposition for the early Scandinavians was


the most desirable mode of disposition for the egyptians was

bandaging and anointing

the most expensive method of egyptian embalming consisted of five steps, the last of which was


the most noted impact the egyptian coffins had on another civilization was with the

Oak is ____?

the most popular type of hardwood and is from deciduous trees


the mother rules the family; a woman holding a position analogous to that


the name of the jewish grave that was covered with a stone slab is


the name of the place of greek afterlife was

sales frequency

the number of times sales in a given price bracket occurs over a fixed period of time

inventory turnover

the number of times the average inventory has been sold or used up (turned over) during a period calculation:365/cost of goods sold for a period/average inventory


the number that appears most frequently in a listing of numbers


the one in egypt known as god of the underworld and judge of the dead was


the ones who created mummies that were referred to as Xaxos were the


the people who dressed their dead in togas were the


the percentage of egyptians prepared by the inexpensive method of embalming was


the period of time when the egyptians were embalming bodies was


the person feels constrained an oppressed by too many rules and regulations. It may also be considered as resulting from a hopeless situation. The person believes they lack control and hope


the person who discovered formaldehyde in 1869


the person who had gannals book published in the US


the person who was responsible for bringing the European embalming techniques to the US was

What is actual custody?

the physical possession of a dead human body

ancient egyptians

the placing of various organs in canopic jars and embalming by class distinction was specifically associated with which early civilization


the process of the emergence of personal charateristics and behavioral phenomena through endogenous growth processes.


the purchase,display and sales of goods

welcome heir to new estate

the purpose of the funeral feast during the middle ages

Who decodes the message:

the receiver


the roman 'head undertaker' was referred to as the


the science or study of group behavior


the study of death derived from the name thanatos - God of Death


the sum of a group of numbers divided by the number of unit


the sun worshipers believed people were developed from __ elements

a coffin

the term sacrophagus refers to


the term used by the jewish people to represent the flesh was

Common law

the unwritten law derived from English law that is based upon the laws of nature, human experience and reason

Social mobility

the upward or downward movement of a person or family within the social classes of their society

middle ages

the use of an 'effigy' became popularized during the

vigil for the dead

the wake during the middle ages was also referred to as the

discovery of blood circulation

the year 1628 is associated with which great event in the history of embalming

600 A.D to 1850 A.D.

the years associated with the medieval period

A complete sentence describing the central idea of a speech, usually found in the first paragraph (topic sentence):


What is absolutism in ethics?

there is no gray area for an argument, everything is black or white

A complete sentence that describes the central idea of a speech and is usually found in the first paragraph is a:

thesis statement

What is the relationship between job descriptions and job analysis?

they are useful when hiring and terminating employees

masselin (upholstery )

thin pressed paper in sheet form

wool batting (upholstery )

thin pressed sheets of wool

wood wool or excelsior (upholstery )

thin wood shavings


things to which socially created meaning is given


this individual involved in the egyptian embalming process was the most prominent


those who committed suicide after the stock market crash in 1929

demonstration group or educational ration group or educational group (purpose)

to answer family questions

Which of the following is not a general purpose for making a speech?

to distract


to give an agent to be cared for or sold

In a liturgical church, as you face the sanctuary, the epistle side is located:

to the right

Stelae and Kiones are also known as


The quality of one's voice:


What is a synonym for the ogee of the casket shell?

top frame

The nave is separated from the sanctuary by the:

transept aisles

combination case

transfer container consisting of a particle board box with a cardboard try and cover to satisfy air shipping regulations

north american indians

tree burial was associated with who

Which of the following is NOT a casket shell end and corner design?


What is the casket interior where padding material is placed between a lining material and a backing material forming small raised puffs?


What is the type of textile weave in which threads are crossed over one another to give an appearance of diagonal lines.

twill weave

Adult casket widths increase in increments of _?_ inches?



two unrelated adults of the opposite sex sharing the same living quarters.

3 to 5 years

unable to understand the finality of death; to them death is like sleep or taking a long journey

9 and above

understand death as both final and inevitable (adolescent years are usually the ost difficult in terms of coping mechanisms as their concern is for the present

elysian fields(Greek)

union of the soul with Dionysius glorious afterlife reserved only for the wealthy or great warriors

Which of the following describe the joint/extended family unit?

urban based


usually had their funeral processions during the night

another term for extend over


Roman view of Death

varied with time period generally a belief in some form of afterlife continuing relationship between the living and the dead

reverse hinge

view deceased's left side


washing and anointing the body some cavity embalming for the wealthy and important persons performed by the pollinctores


what approximate percentage of the egyptian populace were prepared by the expensive method of embalming

retail price of the casket

what family (consumer) pays the funeral director

wholesale price of the casket

what funeral director pays the manufacture

cemeteries were overcrowded

what was the effect on the cemeteries in regards to the great plague of london

In an obituary, the child of a step-child of the deceased should be called _____________________________.

whatever the family feels comfortable with

Actual possession

when a body is physically in the custody of someone who has the right of disposal


when a body is placed in an above ground mausoleum

Case law

when law is formed when a particular issue is resolved by a court establishing a principal or precedent which will determine future decisions by that court or lower courts

When should the expression of feelings not be encouraged?

when they appear to prevent resolution

the sun

which of the following did the Egyptians believe to be the center of the universe

north american indians

which people are known to have skinned their dead as part of the body preparation procedure

consumer value index (cvi)

wholesale/retail price = CVI

Merchandise value ration (MVR)

wholesale/service and merchandise = (MVR) (wholesale)$200 / (service and merchandise)$4000 = 5%(mvr)

A deceased Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church is laid out:

with his head to the altar and feet to the nave


with the introduction of coffins and early funeral goods, which of the following were primarily pursuing the undertaking profession

More _______ are entering the field and being hired.


What is the "letter of the law"

written law

if a consumer does not want to accept or look at the general price list

you do not have to do nothing else

(Arrangement Conference for Pre-funded or Pre-planned Funerals:) *LOCATION & DISCUSSION OF MERCHANDISE / REGULATIONS*

• Home • Funeral home • Other • Presentation and discussion of service and merchandise choices • Explain state and federal regulations regarding pre-funded or pre-planned funerals


• Identify the types of alterations that will not affect the guaranteed contract price • Identify the types of alterations that may void the contract • Unavailability of services and/or merchandise

(Types of Funding Available for Pre-funded Arrangements:) *OTHERS*

• Insurance • Savings / Passbook Accounts


• Make personal wishes known to the next of kin • Intelligent and informed decisions can be made with less emotion • Survivors are relieved of the financial burden in the case of pre-funded contracts

(Arrangement Conference for Pre-funded or Pre-planned Funerals:) *COMPLIANCE WITH FTC FUNERAL RULES*

• Presentation of price lists • Permission to embalm • Mandatory disclosures

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