NCAA Football 2020

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A 4/3 A21. Punter A 10 punts ball deep to the B36. B 17 attempts to catch the punt at the B36 but he muffs the ball into the air and it hits off A 88's helmet, still in the air, it is caught by A 21 at the B30 who runs the ball into the end zone where the BJ rules TD. Replay shows that B 17 never had possession of the kick.

. Ruling: A 1/10 B30. Snap 25. Replay should get involved and overturn ruling of TD, since Team B never had possession, it cannot be advanced by Team A. Video: ALA vs Ole Miss. Week 5 (9-28-19) Play 11. (8/3)

A 2/8 @ B-33 with the score tied. A1 scrambles to the B-26 where he is tackled inbounds. Both he and B-55 lose their helmets. The clock shows 0:48 remaining in 4Q. Team A is out of timeouts, and Team B has one timeout remaining.

A 3/1 @ B-26; 40/RFP. A1 did not make the line to gain, but there is no -10" because players from both teams lost their helmets. B55 may remain in the game if Team B uses its last timeout. Regardless, A1 is out for the next play. The play clock is set to 40" because of the Team B helmet off.(3/5)

A 3/10 at the A-35. B37 intercepts A7 pass at the 50 and returns it to the A-13. Prior to the snap B75 thought he was the 12th player on the field and attempted to get to the sideline. He was at the numbers when the ball was snapped, and a flag was thrown for illegal substitution. Upon further review it is determined that B75 was the 11th defensive player on the field.

RULING: Reviewable play regarding whether the player was the 12th man on the field. Reverse to B 1/10 at the A-13, no foul for illegal substitution [12—3-6-a]. (1/8)

A Try @ B-3 with the score B48/A46 in the second possession of the 6 th OT. A1 rolls out, is hit at the B-7, and fumbles the ball forward to the B-2. In the scramble for the ball, B57 bats the ball which glances off the front of the pylon and rolls out bounds.

RULING: SAFETY, 1 POINT FOR TEAM A, SCORE B48-A47, GAME OVER. The bat by B57 was legal because it was toward his goal line. When the ball touched the pylon, it was dead in the end zone with Team B providing the impetus. This is a safety, and the point value for a safety during a try is one point.(3/6)

A 2/9 @ A-36 with the score A14-B17. A1 drops back to the A-30. As he is being sacked in a clear effort to save time, he heaves the ball, and it hits the sideline at the A-28 with 0:50 remaining in 4Q. There are no Team A players in the area. Team A has one timeout.

RULING: A 3/20 @ A-25; -10"/25/RFP. A backward pass thrown illegally to conserve time carries a 5-yard penalty from the spot of the foul. Because there is less than one minute in 4Q, the penalty also includes a ten-second subtraction. Team A can use its final timeout to avoid the runoff and start the game clock on the snap.(3/1)

A 4/4 @ A-26. B81 catches a punt at the B-28 and returns it to the B-45. During the kick, gunner A21 runs out of bounds on his own at the A-40. B10 pursues him, crosses the sideline at the A-45, and blocks the gunner out of bounds at the 50.

B 1/10 @ B-14; 25/SNAP. There is no foul on A21 for running out of bounds- only a foul if he returns. B10 commits a personal foul when he crosses the sideline and engages A10. The spot of that foul is the A-45 where he runs out of bounds. The foul occurred during the kick and will have a PSK enforcement which is half the distance to the goal. The game clock starts on the snap after a legal kick play.(3/4)

A 4/10 @ A-36. B81 catches a punt at the B-28 and returns it to the B-49. During the return, B44 blocked A17 in the back at the B-30; and B41 targeted A2 at the B-40. Replay confirms the targeting foul. Time expired in 3Q.

B 1/10 @ B-20; 25/SNAP; DQ B41; EXTEND 3Q. A will decline the penalty for the liveball targeting foul as enforcing the block in the back penalty is more advantageous. B41 will still be disqualified. The third quarter is extended because a penalty was accepted for a live-ball foul which occurred during the last timed down of the period.(3/3)

A 1/10 at the A-35 early in the first quarter. A2 throws a pass to A80 for a gain of fifteen yards to the 50. During the play, the side judge runs into a Team A assistant coach on the sideline.

RULING: A 1/10 at the A-35. This is a UNS administered to Team A as a dead ball foul [9-2-5-b] and does not count as one of the two disqualifying UNS's. The gain is offset by the penalty yardage. However, the result of the play is a first down. Clock, :25, RFP. (1/1)

Third and five at the A-25. A17 drops back to pass and is in a passing posture at the A-18 when unabated B99 drives his shoulder into the shins of A17 knocking him to the ground before he is able to throw a pass.

RULING: A 1/10 at the A-40/ready/25. Even though A17 was never a passer by definition, the penalty is enforced as though he was. (4/7)

Third and four at the B-44. Back A22 takes a handoff and runs to B-38. After the runner is ruled down A84 hits B55 late from the side near the pile where A22 was brought down.

RULING: A 1/10 at the A-47/ready. Set the chains after enforcement of the penalty yardage. If the late contact is judged as not part of the game action, charge A84 with a UNS. (4/3)

Second and seven at the B-47. A88 catches a pass at the B-42 and runs to the B-25 where he steps OOB. After the pass and while the ball was alive defensive tackle B99 takes his helmet off and taunts QB A17.

RULING: A 1/10 at the B-25/ready/25. Team A will decline the UNS penalty, as unlike a personal foul, they cannot be enforced from the end of the run on a passing play. B99 is still charged with a UNS counter. (4/6)

Third and seven at the B-43. B99 bull rushes his tackle into the backfield and then spins around him and sacks the QB A17 at the A-49. When B99 brings A17 to the ground he grabs and pulls the corner of his opponents' facemask.

RULING: A 1/10 at the B-28/ready. Enforce the personal foul penalty from the previous spot. (4/2)

Second and ten at the B-30. A22 catches a pass at the B-15 and races B44 to the goal line. At the B-4 A22 stiff arms B44 in the facemask and grabs and twists it. A22 continues to the EZ and kicks the pylon with his foot while the ball is extended beyond the goal line extended outside the sideline.

RULING: A 1/10 at the B19/snap. Result of the play was a TD. (4/1)

A 1/10 at the A-30. A22 takes the handoff and runs around the right end and is tackled at the A-45. During the run WR A80 blocks B21 below the waist at the A-40.

RULING: A 1/15 at the A-25, clock RFP [9-1-6-a-1]. (1/6)

A 4/4 at the B-10 with 1:59 remaining in the game. Team A trails 24-14. A11 drops back to pass and is hit forcibly in the knee area by B9 as he releases the pass. The pass is intercepted by B1 and returned to the A-40 where he is tackled. After the play B7 runs along Team A's sideline and taunts the players.

RULING: A 1/G at the B-2 ½. Both fouls are enforced half the distance with one being a live ball foul and the other being a dead ball foul [10-1-6]. UNS counter placed on B7. Clock will start on the snap as selected by Team A. (1/3)

A 4th/4 at the B-24. Team A is in a legal scrimmage kick formation attempting a field goal. B90 is aligned on the defensive LOS with his right shoulder directly across from the snapper's head. When the ball is snapped, B90 charges immediately through the gap between the snapper and right guard without contacting the snapper. A9's field goal attempt is good.

RULING: A 1st/10 at the B-19, snap -OR- A free kick at A-35, f/k rules. Defensive formation foul. B90 must be aligned completely outside the frame of the snapper's body when Team A is in a legal scrimmage kick formation (new 2020 rule 6-3-14). Five-yard penalty from the previous spot. If Team A chooses to keep the 3 points, the penalty cannot be carried over to the kickoff or extra periods (10-2-5-d). (11/3)

A 4th/10 at the B-40. QB A12 completes a pass to A88 at the B-20, who then runs to the B-10 where he fumbles. A90 recovers the ball at the B-6. A12 was roughed by B54 just after the pass was thrown.

RULING: A 1st/Goal at the B-5, ready. The ball is returned to the B-10 due to the "4th down fumble" rule. The roughing-the-passer penalty is enforced from there. (11/4)

Second and seven at the A-43. RB A34 takes a hand off and runs toward the right sideline. He turns upfield and is tackled at the B-48. TE A83 is flagged for holding at the A-45. After the play is over A66 and B55 are chest to chest and overtly shove each other.

RULING: A 2/15 at the A-35/ready. Enforce holding from the spot of the foul. UNS fouls offset and the penalties cancel. Counters, however, do still apply. (4/5)

A 3/10/B-16. A10 throws a forward pass to A80 at the B-9 and the pass falls incomplete. Just prior to releasing the ball, B25 grabbed and pulled A80's jersey at the B-12.

Ruling: A 1/G/B-8 Snap 25. The holding foul occurs during a legal forward pass play in which the ball crosses the neutral zone therefore the penalty includes an automatic first down. (6/1)

A 4th/Goal at the B-8 with 6 seconds left in the 4th Q. Score is A-20, B-24. QB A12 scrambles frantically outside the tackle box looking for a receiver. From the B-10, he throws a forward pass that is caught in the end zone by A70. There are no eligible A players in the area of A70. Time expires in the 4th Quarter on the play.

RULING: A 4th/Goal at the B-13, no clock, extend the period for one untimed down. The forward pass by A12 is legal (not intentional grounding) because A12 is outside the tackle box and therefore can legally ground the ball beyond the NZ. A70 is guilty of both ineligible receiver downfield and illegal touching, both of which carry a penalty of 5 yards from the previous spot with NO loss of down. Team B must accept the penalty and replay the down, or else A wins the game. (11/6)

Team A attempts a "pooch" kick from the A-35. During the kick A40 runs around B30 untouched and steps out-of-bounds at the A-45. A40 re-establishes in-bounds and recovers the kick at the B-47 after B20 touches the ball.

RULING: A FK at the A-30 [6-1-11]. A40 went out-of-bounds on his own. The penalty is enforced at the previous spot because A is in possession of the ball at the end of the down. (1/5)

First possession series of the first extra period. A 4th/10 at the B-25. A8's field goal attempt is partially blocked and lands at the B-10 where A90 touches it. B46 then picks up the ball at the B-12 and starts running, but fumbles it at the B-30. A95 recovers the fumble and returns it into Team B's end zone.

RULING: A try at the B-3, no clock. Touchdown, 6 points for Team A. A90's illegal touching is ignored by rule in extra periods (6-3-2-d). (11/2)

A 4/15 @ A-20. B16 catches a punt at the B-35 and returns it to the 50 where he is tackled by A6. During the return, B9 blocked A15 in the back at the B-38. As he gets up, B16 throws the ball at A6 in frustration.

RULING: B 1/10 @ B-14; 25/SNAP. The IBB occurred during the return and is behind the end of the run; so, it is penalized ten yards from the spot of the foul. The UNS is penalized half the distance to the goal from the succeeding spot. The UNS on B16 will count towards DQ.(3/2)

Third and one at the B-41. A17 takes the short snap in a shotgun formation and runs forward in an attempt to make a first down. At the B-39 A17 is hit hard and fumbles. The loose ball bounds backwards and A34 recovers it at the B-46. Seeing that he will not be able to advance the ball, A34 takes one step and punts the ball down to the B-11 where it rolls OOB.

RULING: B 1/10 at B-11 snap/25. Unlike a pass, there is not a requirement for a scrimmage kick that the ball is not to have been beyond the NZ in order for it to be legal. (4/8)

A 4/5 at the A-30. A19 punts the ball and B5 catches the ball at the B-15 and returns it to the B-25. During the punt B60 holds A55 at the A-40. During the return B2 blocks A3 in the back at the B-20.

RULING: B 1/10 at the 7 ½. Team A will decline the IBB foul and accept the holding foul. The IBB is enforced from the B-20, placing the ball at the B-10 after enforcement. The holding foul is enforced from the end of the kick the B-15, PSK enforcement [10-2-3]. Clock, snap, :25. (1/7)

Kickoff from the A-35. Prior to the kick the team B OC had informed the officials they would fair catch the kick and would like to start their series on the left hash. The kick is high and short and B33 signals for a FC at the B-27, successfully completing the catch at that yard line outside of the right hash mark.

RULING: B 1/10 at the B27/snap/40. Ball on the right hash. No choice for ball position if the FC occurs at or beyond the 25-yard line. (4/4)

A 4th/17 at the A-15. A12's punt is partially blocked. The ball hits at the A-18 and bounces back behind the original LOS. At the A-4, B80 blocks A27 below the waist. B95 falls on the loose ball in the Team A end zone.

RULING: B 1st/10 at the A-19, snap. The PSK spot is the basic spot for penalty enforcement (10-2-3). Although the rule book does not define the PSK spot when the kick ends in Team A's end zone (2-25-11), it seems logical to assume it should be where the kick ends (Team A's goal line). Therefore, since the spot of the foul is behind the basic spot (PSK spot / Team A's goal line), the 15-yard penalty for B80's low block is enforced from the spot of the foul. (11/7)

A free kick at the A-35. Score is A-13, B-14 with :11 seconds in the 4th Q. Team A attempts an onside kick. A80 goes out of bounds on his own at the A-39 to avoid a block, then reestablishes himself inbounds. He then dives for the bouncing ball and controls it while airborne at the A-46 before landing on top of players, but rolls out of bounds at the A-46 without touching the ground inbounds after possessing it (0:09). During the kick, A95 blocked B50 low at the A-42. Game clock?

RULING: B 1st/10 at the A-31, snap. A80 did not complete the recovery inbounds. Team A has committed three fouls... (1) Team A player going out of bounds on a kick down (6-1-11); (2) Free kick out of bounds (the kick was never touched by B); and (3) illegal low block by A95. There is no illegal touching by A80 because the ball went 10 yards. Evaluating all of Team B's choices, the most advantageous spot is to take the result of the play (B's ball at the out of bounds spot A-46) plus tack on the 15-yard penalty for the low block from where the subsequent dead ball belongs to B. The game clock correctly started when A80 legally touched the ball at the A-46 after reestablishing himself inbounds, so the clock is correct at 0:09. (11/5)

A 4th/10 at the A-48. Gunner A85 bats the airborne kick while it is over B's end zone back into the field of play. B7 falls on the ball at the B-6. During the kick, B80 pulls A55 down by the face mask at the B-25.

RULING: B 1st/10 at the B-10, snap. B80's face mask foul has a PSK enforcement. Because of A85's legal bat in the B end zone, the PSK spot is the B-20 rather than the end of the kick at the B-6 (6-3-11; 2-25-11 special case 2; A.R. 6-3-11-IV). (11/1)

A 2/G @ B-3, and Team A has no timeouts remaining. A31 takes the handoff and is tackled at the goal line. Officials rule TD with 0:11 remaining in 2Q. Video evidence clearly shows the ball at the B-1/2 when A31's knee was down.

RULING: REVIEWABLE. REVERSE TO 3/G @ B-1/2; -10" & SET GAME CLOCK TO 0:01/RFP. Because replay made a reversal with less than one minute in the half and the game clock should have continued to run, -10" subtraction is required. Team A is out of timeouts and cannot avoid the runoff.(3/7)

A2/G @ B-7 with the score B17/A13 and 0:05 remaining in 4Q. QB A9 scrambles and completes a pass to A88 in the back of the end zone as time expires. Video evidence clearly shows A88, on his own, step on the end line before receiving the pass.

RULING: REVIEWABLE; NO SCORE- GAME OVER. The penalty for this illegal touching foul is a loss of down at the previous spot. Time expired on the play, but the loss of down prevents extending the quarter.(3/8)

A 2/7 at the A-11. A3 drops back and throws a forward pass that is batted backward at the line by B39. A3 possesses the batted pass at the A-3 and throws the ball backward from the A-3 to the A-2. The referee whistles the play dead and has a flag for an illegal forward pass during the down (two forward passes thrown). While the play was being blown dead the ball rolls into the end zone where it is immediately recovered by B47.

RULING: TD team B, Try at the A-3. This play is reviewable for a pass ruled forward [12-3-2-e]. Replay will reverse the ruling on the field and award B a TD since the ball was recovered in the end zone in the immediate action after the whistle was blown. Clock, :40 play, no game clock. (1/2)

A 2/5 at the A-47 with :07 remaining in the first half. A8 drops back to pass and under heavy pressure scrambles to the 50 where he throws a pass downfield. A2 catches the ball at the B-10 and runs the ball into the end zone as time expires in the half.

RULING: The half is over, and the score is cancelled. The pass by A8 is an illegal forward pass [7-3-2-a]. The penalty is five yards from the spot of the foul and loss of down. The down is not replayed because the statement of the penalty includes a loss of down [3-2-3-a-1], [A.R. 3-2-3-VIII]. (1/4)

A 1/10 B31. A3 drops back to pass to the B39. He tries to throw the ball to A 88 on a quick slant pattern who is 5 yards downfield. B 41 jumps in the air at the B35, and bats the forward pass forward. A 3 catches the ball in the air and still at the B39, attempts to throw the ball again to A 88 who is standing at the B21. Pass falls incomplete.

Ruling. A 2/23 B44 snap 25. Illegal Forward pass. 5 yards LOD. Video: SC vs VAN Week 10 (11- 2-19) Play 105. (8/5)

A Try @ B-3. QB A12 throws a pass to the end zone that is intercepted by B31. Before B31 gets out of the end zone he fumbles the ball and is recovered by A81at the B-4. A81 runs across the goal line.

Ruling. Touchdown for Team A. 2 points. Any Team A player may advance the ball after possession changes on a try. (8-3-1)(2/6)

A 2/12 @ A-28. With the clock running snapper A58 snaps the ball before the ball is made ready for play. QB A12 muffs the snap and B44 recovers the loose ball at the A-25. After the snap and before B44 recovers the loose ball B79 pulls A59 down by the facemask attempting to get to the ball.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ A-38. RFP. 25. (4-1-4). Dead ball foul DOG for Team A. Since B79's foul was a PF FMM, it will be enforced at the succeeding spot with an automatic first down. (9-1-4)(2/3)

A 4/6 @ B-11. A99's field goal attempt from the B-18 is blocked and the ball rolls to the B-8 and then bounces backward to the B-12, where it hits off B77's leg. A89 recovers the ball at the B-15.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ B-15. Snap. 25. (6-3-3)(2/2)

. A 4/2 @ B-42. A21 takes a handoff to the right side of the line and is at the B-41 when he is hit and fumbles the ball. B55 picks up the loose ball and runs to the B-45 where he is hit and fumbles the ball. A10 gains possession of the ball and is tackled at the B-43.

Ruling: A 1/10 @ B-43, ready, 40. The fourth down fumble rule is not applicable due to the change of team possession before A10's recovery. The continuity of downs is broken with B55's possession, therefore Team A is awarded a new series where downed in possession of the ball. The game clock is stopped to award a first down, the play clock begins at 40 seconds once A10 is down. (7/5)

A 4/9 @ A-31. A19's punt is fielded by B88 at the B-24. In an attempt to block the punt B40 jumps over the punt shield. B88 returns the ball up the sideline to the A-10. B88 jumps up and throws the ball at A37 because he thinks he was already OOB before the tackle. At the snap guard A22 held B93 to prevent him from blocking the punt.

Ruling: A 1/10 A-46. Snap. 25. Leaping and OH offset and the down would have been replayed. 1 st UNS on B88. The dead ball UNS is enforced from the succeeding spot and gives Team A an automatic 1st down. (10-1-4, 9-2-1)(2/7)

A 4/10 A32. Punter A 99 punts the ball deep. B 45 in attempt to block the punt leaps directly over A 94 who is in the blocking shield immediately in front of the punter. B 45 flips over and his feet make contact with the punter after the punter's plant leg lands on the ground. The punter falls down from the contact. Ball is fair caught at the B20.

Ruling: A 1/10 A47. Snap 25. Leaping foul by B 45. No foul for Running into the kicker due to the leaping foul. 9-1-16-a-5. Video: GA Southern vs ULM Week 12 (11-16-19) Play 120. (8/6)

A 3/5 B28. Having made no substitutions, team A center is over the ball and the snap imminent. B 21 runs onto field as a sub to replace a teammate. There is some confusion on who is supposed to leave. After 4 seconds B 23 runs to the B sideline. He is between the numbers and the hash mark when the ball is snapped. A 12 throws ball to A 87 and the pass falls incomplete into the EZ.

Ruling: A 1/10 B23. Snap, 25. Live Ball foul. Team A will accept 5 yd penalty enforced from previous spot. The defense is allowed to retain more than 11 players on the field to anticipate the offensive formation, but it may not have more than 11 players when the ball is snapped. The new rule change would stipulate that this infraction will be treated as a live-ball foul. Video: Coastal Carolina vs Troy Week 10 (11-2-19). Play 159. (8/2)

A 4/10 at the A-15 Team A lines up in a scrimmage kick formation and B65 is lined up within one yard of the line of scrimmage and lined up in the gap between the center and the guard. B65 is completely outside the frame of the center. At the snap, B65 drives forward and immediately contacts the snapper before 1 second has elapsed. B35 completes a fair catch at the A-47 yard line.

Ruling: A 1/10 at the A-30, Snap/25. Although B65 initially lined up legally, a defensive player may not initiate contact with the snapper until one second has elapsed after the snap (9-1-14). Guideline: a defensive lineman is not over the snapper if the defensive player's shoulder pad does not overlap with the snapper's shoulder pad. (9/8)

Extra Period: A 4/10 at the B-25. Team A's field goal attempt is unsuccessful and B47 is the first to touch the ball at the B-15. A26 recovers the ball at the B-9.

Ruling: A 1/G at B-9, no clock/25. Team A's possession series continues. (9/4)

A 4/5/B-45. B25 gives a valid fair catch signal then blocks A80 after the ball goes over his head. The ball is then muffed by B45 at the B-1 and recovered by A30 at the B-2.

Ruling: A 1/G/B-2 Snap 25. Team A will decline the foul for an illegal block and take the ball at the B-2. (6/5)

A Free Kick at the A-35. B25 receives the kick at the B-10. During the return, A30 blocks B45 low at the B25. B25 is tackled at the B-19.

Ruling: B 1/10/B-34 Snap 25. The foul is enforced at the end of Team B's run. (6/2)

A 1/15 A 42. A 24 takes hand off and runs to the B49 where he is tackled in bounds. After the play is over, A 6 and B 8, are locked up and B 8 throws A 6 to the ground. A 6 gets up and retaliates by throwing a closed fist punch hitting B 8 in the head.

Ruling: A 2/6 B49 Ready 25. UNS on B 8 and Personal Foul #6, Fouls offset and A 6 is DQ'd for throwing punch. A 6 must leave the field of play since he was "Ejected". B 8 foul did not meet the standard of an ejection foul and there was no "Fight".Video: ALA vs Texas A&M Week 7 (10-12-19) Play 180 (8/7)

A 3/15 @ B-40. A1 drops back for a screen pass. Running back A5 gets free, catches the pass at the B-39 and runs the ball to the B-26 where he is tackled. B99 held running back A5 at the B-42 trying to prevent him from releasing out of the backfield.

Ruling: A 3/5 @ B-30 or 4/1 @ B26. Ready, 25. If you accept the holding foul it is 10 yd previous spot enforcement and no automatic first down. The pass was caught beyond the NZ but the foul occurred behind NZ. (10/1)

A 3/7/ B-37. A1's forward pass is intercepted by B25 at the B-25. B25 runs to the B-45 where he fumbles. A30 recovers the ball while grounded at the B-49. During B25's run, B45 clipped A35 at the B48 and A40 blocked B50 below the waist at the B-29.

Ruling: A 3/7/ B-37, 25, Ready. These penalties offset because and team A has no option of declining offsetting penalties because the team last in possession (team A) did not have clean hands prior to last gaining possession (10-1-4-Exceptions1). The clock starts on the Ready because the result of the play was a 1st down by team A. (6/7)

A 3/9 on A-45. With 0:48 remaining in the 4th quarter Team A trails 17-14 and has no timeouts remaining. A1 scrambles to the A-42 where his left knee touches the ground (0:42), but he continues to run and is eventually tackled at the B-47 (0:36) where officials rule him down. Team A hurries to the line, but the replay official stops the game before they snap the ball (0:28).

Ruling: A 4/12 at A-42, Reset game clock to 0:42 and subtract 10 seconds to 0:32. RFP/25. Because the correct ruling of the knee down would not have stopped the clock, the reversal qualifies for a 10 second run-off (12-3-3-c, 12-3-6-c). (9/5)

A 3/7 @ B-47. 2 nd Quarter. :53 remaining after the play is over. QB A12 throws a pass from the A-45 into an area where there are no eligible receivers that falls incomplete after the ball goes off A78's hands in an attempt to catch the pass. A12 had not been outside the tackle box prior to releasing the pass. Neither team has any TO's remaining.

Ruling: A 4/15 @ A-45. RFP. 25. If Team B's option is 10 second runoff. Clock at :43. If Team B declines 10 second runoff then A 4/15 @ A-45. Snap. 25. Clock at :53. Coordination of all officials to get decision from Team B coach is essential for efficiency. Intentional grounding only. There is no foul for illegal touching since this was an illegal forward pass. (7-3-2-g)(2/5)

A 3/5 @ A-37. Ineligible lineman A65 runs more than three yards beyond the neutral zone. He circles back and returns behind the neutral zone before A7 throws a legal forward pass that is tipped by A80 at the A-37 and eventually caught by A80 at the A-40 where he is tackled.

Ruling: A 4/2 @ A-40. Ready/40. Because the forward pass is first touched in the neutral zone, it is deemed to have not crossed the neutral zone and therefore there is no foul for an ineligible player downfield. Had the pass been first touched at the A-38, there would be a foul for an ineligible player downfield. (5/6)

A 3/10 @ A-30. A11 drops back to pass. About to be tackled at the A-20, he throws the ball forward to an area where there are no eligible receivers. Tackle A77 catches the pass at the A-28 and is tackled at the A-32.

Ruling: A 4/20 @ A-20. Ready/25. This is intentional grounding. Since this is an illegal forward pass, there is no foul for illegal touching. (5/2)

A 3/5 at the B-20. QB A11 fumbles the ball at the B-23. The ball is batted forward by A22 at the B-25 and the ball goes out of bounds at the B-23.

Ruling: A 4/20 at the B-35, RFP/25. The illegal batting penalty is enforced 10 yards from the spot of the foul with a loss of down. (9/2)

A 3/5 /B-15. 4th quarter and the score is A 17 - B 20, with the clock running at 0:20. Neither team has a timeout remaining. A10 rolls out to the right and is at the B-12 when he throws a forward pass toward A80 near the goal line that falls incomplete. When the ball becomes dead, the game clock reads 0:13. Team B accepts the penalty for IFP.

Ruling: A 4/7 at the B-17. Ready 25 :03 on the clock. A11 commits a foul for IFP as he is beyond the line of scrimmage when he throws the pass (7-3-2-a). Because this pass is incomplete, this qualifies for a 10 second subtraction (3-4-4-a-3). (6/8)

A 3/Goal @ B-3. A34 takes the pitch and runs towards the right goal line pylon. A34 dives with the ball in his outside hand and the ball crosses the sideline at the B-1 passing outside the pylon. The ball is beyond the goal line extended when A34's foot touches B55 who is standing in the endzone. A34 comes to the ground out of bounds. The clock was stopped with 2:00 to go in the second quarter.

Ruling: A 4/Goal @ B-1. Running, 40. The goal line only "extends" if A34 touches the pylon or ground in the endzone before landing out of bounds. (10/3)

A 4/10 @ B-40. Score: A21 B28 with 00:05 left in the fourth quarter. QB A1 takes the snap, carries the ball outside of the tackle box, and from a passing posture throws a pass into the endzone where it is caught by A88. Unabated defensive end B99 hit A1 forcibly in the "knee area" as he dove to try to make a tackle as A1 was releasing the pass. Time expires during the down.

Ruling: A TD. Try, 25. A has the option to enforce the RPS half the distance on the try or possible succeeding spot in extra periods. The passer maintains protections inside or out of the tackle box when he is in a passing posture. (10/6)

A 3/G @ B-8. A88 catches a pass in the end zone as time expires in the 4th quarter. The score following the TD (Try pending) is A 27, B 28. B-93 is flagged for roughing the passer (no targeting), during the play.

Ruling: A Try @ B-1 ½, no clock OR A can elect to have the penalty for the personal foul enforced on the first possession of extra periods. All fouls that have an option to carry over to the succeeding kickoff also contain the option to carry over to the succeeding spot in extra periods. (7/2)

A 4/10 @ A-30. A9 punts the ball to the B-25 where it is fielded and returned to the 50 yard line. During the kick, B55 hits A33 from the blindside with forcible contact to the head or neck area at the A-40. B55 had a counter on him from an UNS foul earlier in the game. Replay confirms the targeting foul.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ A 12.5. Snap, 25. B55 is disqualified but not ejected. He may remain in the team area. (10/2)

A Free kick @ A-35. Team A lines up for an onside kick. The kick is driven immediately into the ground and bounces high in the air. B88 is in position to catch the kick at the A-45 when A17 jumps into the air and bats the ball forward to the 50 yard line where B3 recovers. B88 did not give a fair catch signal.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ A-30. Snap, 25. Accept the KCI (15 yd, spot foul) and decline the illegal batting (10 yd previous spot or enforce from DB spot). (10/4)

On a surprise onside kick from A-35, with :55 remaining in the first half, A20 bats the ball at the A-44 to the A-46 where B18 attempts to recover the ball but muffs it out of bounds at the A-42.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ A-32. Snap. 25. Enforce illegal bat from the spot where the ball belongs to Team B. (10-2-4). The clock should not start until it is legally touched by B18. Most advantageous spot for Team B.(2/1)

A FK @ A-35, Score is A 35, B 42 with :53 remaining in the game. The FK is touched by B82 at the A-47 then the ball bounces back to the A-35. B7 picks up the ball and begins to return it to the Team A goal line when the F sounds his whistle. B7 had a clear path to the end zone when the whistle sounded and continued to the end zone after the play was blown dead.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ A-35, snap. Inadvertent whistle. As Team B was in legal possession of the ball at the time the whistle was sounded, they get the option of accepting the results of the play at the time of the inadvertent whistle or replaying the down; Team B will elect to keep the ball. There is no option to award a score. (7/1)

A 2/7 @ B-12. B27 intercepts a pass at the B-3 and his momentum carries him into the end zone. While attempting to run the ball out he is hit and fumbles. The ball is recovered by B91 with the ball at the B-1 and his feet in the end zone.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-1, snap, 25. Momentum rule is no longer in effect because the ball did not remain behind the goal line where it was declared dead in Team B's possession. (7/6)

A 1/10 @ B-29. QB A12 throws a pass that is intercepted by B17 at the B-2 and his momentum carries him into the end zone. While in the end zone B17 fumbles the ball forward out of the end zone. In the scramble for the ball it is recovered by A77 at the B-5 while A77's foot is touching out of bounds. During interception the return B81 blocks A47 in the back at the B-7.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-1. Snap. 25. Momentum rule applies because the ball was fumbled forward out of bounds. Enforce the block in the back from the B-2. (8-5-1-exception, 7-2-4-b-1, 10-2-2-c)(2/8)

A 4/3 @ B-13. A99's FG kick attempt is blocked by B97 at the B-15. After the block by B97 the ball lands at the B-10 then bounces to the B-16 where A66 recovers it while down.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-16, snap. (7/4)

A 4/10 @ B45. A9 punts the ball to B81 who gives a fair catch signal and then muffs the kick at the B-10. While the ball is loose, B81 blocks A35 at the B-5 to prevent him from recovering the kick. B55 recovers the ball in the endzone and advances it to the B-18 where he is tackled

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-20. Snap, 25. A fair catch signal was given so the ball is dead when B55 recovers the kick in the endzone for a touch back. No foul for illegal blocking on B81 since he touched the kick. (10/5)

A 4/5 @ 50. Punter A19's punt is untouched beyond the neutral zone and bounces beyond Team B's goal line and is batted backwards by A33 into the field of play. B40 recovers the loose ball at the B-5 and returns to the B-12 where he is tackled by the facemask.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-27. Snap. 25. Team B may accept the FMM foul, which cancels the illegal touching. FMM is enforced from the end of the run by B40 (B-12). (6-3-2-b, 6-3-11)(2/4)

A 3/15 @ B-25. The score is A 20 B 21. No timeouts left for either team. Team A lines up to kick a field goal with 00:10 left in the 4th quarter. The kick is blocked and never crosses the neutral zone. A2 and B55 simultaneously recover the kick at the B-30 with 00:05 showing on the clock.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-30. Snap, 25. The ball becomes dead when in joint possession. The clock is stopped when a legal kick down ends and awarded to the receiving team. (10/8)

A 4/5 @ A-35. Team A punts the ball and B2 signals for a fair catch at the B-10. B2 muffs the ball into the air but completes the catch at the B-14. B52 blocks below the waist at the B-20 during the kick.

Ruling: B 1/10 @ B-5. Snap/25. Per 6-5-1-b, the ball is returned to the spot where B2 first muffed the kick, the B-10, where post-scrimmage kick enforcement applies. (5/7)

A FK A35. A 99 does a pooch kick in the air. At the B47, B 18 gives a fair catch signal and catches the ball. A 82 jumps in the air to attempt to catch the ball as well and runs into B 18.

Ruling: B 1/10 A38. Snap, 25. Kick Catch Interference. Video: Ark State vs ULL Week 8 (10-17-19) Play 107 (8/1)

A 4/14 A 21. Team A is lined up in a Punt formation. Lineman A 17 is the end man on the Left side of the formation. Inside of A 17 are A 32, A 8, A 21(center) A 43, A 38 and A10 is split out as end on the rights side of formation. Punter A 19, A 97, A 87 and A 33 are lined up in the backfield. The center bends over and grabs the ball. A 17 then shifts over to the right side of the formation between A 38 and A 10. The ball is snapped to Punter A 19 who punts the ball deep. Kick bounces to the B38 where it is picked up by A 10.

Ruling: B 1/10 B43 or A 4/19 A16. Snap 25. Illegal formation: A32, a Numbering exception, cannot be lined up as the end at the snap, since he was not lined up as end when snapper was established. Team B can take the 5 yard penalty for the foul from the end of the kick or from the previous spot. Video: VAN vs Purdue Week 2 (9-7-19) Play 89. (8/8)

A 3/8 at the B-25. A11's pass is intercepted by B22 at the B-2 and his momentum carries him into B's endzone where he fumbles, and the ball goes out of bounds at the B-6. While the ball was loose following the fumble, B53 held A66 at the B-5.

Ruling: B 1/10 at the B-1. 25/snap. Because the ball was fumbled forward out of bounds it is brought back to the spot of the fumble in the endzone. The basic spot for B's foul is the momentum spot. B's hold occurred beyond the basic spot, enforce the penalty half the distance from the B-2. (9/6)

A 4/6 at the B-21. A18's field goal attempt is tipped at the line and is almost at rest when B68 falls on the ball at the B10. Team A was in an illegal formation at the snap.

Ruling: B 1/10 at the B-10, snap/25. Team B touched the ball after it crossed the neutral zone, they will put the ball in play where B68 fell on it (8-4-2-b-2). Team A's penalty, if accepted, would be enforced from the previous spot because field goals are an exception to enforcing it from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B (10-2-4). (9/3)

A 4/10 @ A-25. Score: A28 B21 with 00:15 left in the fourth quarter. Punter A9 takes the snap and under pressure carries the ball outside of the tackle box, gets his feet set and kicks the ball down to the B-40 where B81 catches and returns the kick for a touchdown. Unabated defensive end B99 hit A9 in the plant leg just after the kick knocking him to the ground. Time expires during the down.

Ruling: B TD. Try from the B-3. Try, 25. No RFK since the punter carries the ball outside of the tackle box, he losses protection but there still could be the possibility for an UNR. (10/7)

A 3/G/ B-5. 0:04 remaining in the 4th quarter and the score is: A 20 - B 24. A10 takes the snap and drops back to pass. Finding no open receiver, A 10 runs and dives toward the goal line and hits the pylon with the football. Time expires on the play.

Ruling: End of game. Team A wins 26-24. Team A has the option to forego the Try. Rules 2-12-2, 8-2-1-a, 8-3-2-a. (6/6)

A 3/10 A 47. :09 remain in the 2nd quarter. A 8 throws a screen pass to A 28 who runs to the B34 where he is tackled. Time runs out on the play. Replay shows that there is :01 remaining when A 28 is downed. Team A has no timeouts remaining in the half.

Ruling: Half is over. If the clock expires at the end of a half, and replay determines that there was time remaining on the clock, and the clock would start on the Referee's signal after review, there must be at least 3 seconds remaining when the ball should have been declared dead to restore time to the clock. Video: ALA vs AUB. Week 14. (11-3-19) Play 105. (8/4)

A 2/8 @ A-42, 0:08 remaining in the second quarter. A15 catches the ball at the B-35 where he is immediately tackled. Time expired during the play and neither team has time-outs remaining. Video review clearly shows that A15 was down inbounds at the B-35 with 0:02 remaining on the clock.

Ruling: Half is over. With fewer than three seconds remaining time will not be restored. (7/8)

During the first possession of an overtime period, A10 throws a forward pass towards A80 and Team A is flagged for illegal motion. B25 intercepts the pass and returns it across Team A's goal line. During the return, B45 commits a flagrant personal foul before B25 crosses Team A's goal line.

Ruling: No Score, fouls cancel and A's series is over. B 1/10/B-40, no clock, 25 and B45 is ejected. (6/3)

A 3/12 @ A-3. A8 takes the snap and steps back to the goal line with the intent to throw a quick pass. As he is in the throwing motion he sees the intended receiver is covered and begins to pull the ball back toward his body when it slips from his hand. A8 falls on the ball with his feet in the field of play, but the ball is one yard deep in the end zone.

Ruling: Safety, 2 pts for B. A FK @ A-20, FKC. (7/3)

A 2/10/B-20. A10 throws a forward pass to A80 at B-9 and the pass is intercepted by B25 at the B-4. B25 is hit and fumbles and the ball is recovered by B20 at the B-2 and his momentum carries him into the end zone where he runs around and is tackled by A75.

Ruling: Safety, two points for A. B Free kick at the B20, free kick clock rules. Momentum only applies to the recovery of an opponents fumble. (6/4)

A 3/G @ B-8. B27 intercepts a pass in the end zone and then attempts to return the ball. While still in the end zone he is hit and fumbles the ball into the field of play. The ball is muffed by players from both teams before eventually going out of bounds behind the goal line.

Ruling: Safety, two points for Team A. B FK @ B-20, free kick clock. (7/7)

A 4/10 @ A-30. Team A's punt goes beyond the neutral zone and is first touched by A80 at the B-25 yard line. B30 picks up the ball and runs to the B-40 where he fumbles. A20 picks up the fumble and scores. During B30's run, B70 holds at the B-45 yard line.

Ruling: Team A's score does not count. Enforcement of the holding penalty made possible by the illegal touching would result in B 1/10 @ B-30. It is more advantageous for A to decline the penalty and have the ball placed at the spot of illegal touching, B 1/10 @ B-25. Snap/25. (5/1)

Try at the B-3. Team A's place kick is blocked behind the line of scrimmage, but the ball bounces to the B-1 where B66 recovers and returns it for a 2-point score. During the return, B44 is flagged for holding. Also during the return, A33 blocks an opponent below the waist directly at the front in the 10-2 region.

Ruling: The fouls cancel, the down is not repeated, and the try is over. The score is cancelled. (5/5)

A 2/9 at the B-16. The score is A-43, B-50 and Team A is out of time outs. A8 carries the ball to the B-9 where he is tackled inbounds with 0:12 remaining in the 4th quarter. As team A is rushing to line up for the next play, A79 falls to the ground with an injury and officials immediately stop the clock at 0:09. Replay confirms that officials signaled to stop the clock at 0:09.

Ruling: The game is over because the clock was stopped only for the injury to A79. The situation qualifies for a 10 second subtraction and Team A has no time outs. (9/1)

With one minute left in the game, A trails 24-21. A attempts an onside kick from the A-35. A18 recovers the ball at the A-47. Replay stops the game to review a possible illegal touching by A. On review replay clearly sees there IS illegal touching at the A-43. Replay also notices A26 blocked B44 at the A-42 while the ball was at the A-43.

Ruling: The touching of the kick is reviewable as well as the illegal block by A26. The enforcement spot for the illegal block is the previous spot, so B will decline the penalty and put it in play at the spot of illegal touching. B 1/10 @ A-43. Snap/25. (5/4)

A 4/10 @ A-40. During the kick, A30 runs out of bounds untouched and comes back in at the B35. The punted ball bounces at the B-5 and crosses the goal line in the air. A30 bats the ball in the air over the end zone back into the field of play where it is recovered by A22 at the B-4.

Ruling: This is a foul for a member of the kicking team going out of bounds on their own and returning inbounds during the down. The penalty cannot be enforced from the spot of illegal touching, the B-20. Enforce from the previous spot (A 4/15 @ A-35) or decline the penalty (B 1/10 @ B-20). In both cases, Snap/25. (5/8)

On a try, Team A's kick is blocked. B34 muffs the kick at the B-2. Team A recovers the ball in the end zone.

Ruling: Touchdown Team A (2 points). A FK @ A-35. FK clock rules. (5/3)

A 4/8 at A-32. Team A's punt goes beyond the neutral zone and is first touched by A28 at the B-36 yard line. B43 picks up the ball and runs to the B-48 where he fumbles. A68 picks up the fumble and scores. During B43's run, B25 blocks below the waist at the B-38 yard line.

Ruling: Touchdown Team A six points, Try/25. Try at the 1 ½ or A FK at the 50. Fifteen-yard penalties for personal fouls by the non-scoring team during a down that ends in a touchdown are enforced on the try or the succeeding kick off at the option of the scoring team. (10-2-5-a-1). New rule this year; if time expires in the 4th quarter, all fouls that carry over to the succeeding kick off also contain an option to be carried over to the succeeding spot in extra periods. Accepting the penalty cancels the privilege of B taking the ball at the spot of illegal touching. (9/7)

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