Neuroanatomy Meninges

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What is located between two layers of dura mater.

Venous sinuses

• Aggregations of arachnoid villi are referred to as ______________

arachnoid granulations

• The _________ is a delicate, impermeable membrane covering the brain and lying between the internally and the dura mater externally.

arachnoid mater

The pia mater is separated from the arachnoid mater by the CSF-filled subarachnoid space and only connected to this outer membrane by the __________ 2. It is impermeable to CSF 1.

arachnoid trabeculae

• In certain areas, the arachnoid projects into the venous sinuses to form _________

arachnoid villi.

• The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three membranes, or meninges:

1. Dura mater ("dura" is Latin for "hard" as in durable). 2 layers: Outer layer is called Periosteum and periosteal 2. Arachnoid mater 3. Pia mater atttached to brain and spinal cord

The dura mater is partitioned into several septa, which support the brain

1. falx cerebri 2. tentorium cerebelli 3. falx cerebelli

The dura mater of the brain is conventionally described as two layers:

1. the periosteal / endosteal (periosteum attached to interf suface of skull mones) layer and 2. the meningeal layer. Which is outer? • These are closely united except along certain lines, where they separate to form venous sinuses. (veins)

• Arachnoid villi serve as sites where the ________ into the bloodstream.

CSF diffuses

The brain itself has ___ pain receptors so it is insensitive to pain. Thus, headaches are due to the stimulation of receptors ______ of the brain.


The dura below the tentorium is innervated by the cervical nerves and the headache is referred to the _______ of the head and neck.


• Their main function of the venous sinuses is to receive blood from the _____ through the ________ and the CSF from the subarachnoid space through the arachnoid villi.

brain cerebral veins

The dura mater carries blood from the ____ toward the ______.

brain toward the heart.

• The dura mater is a dense, strong, fibrous membrane that encloses the spinal cord and the ________

cauda equina.

The falx cerebelli is a small infolding of the dura in the sagittal plane over the floor of the posterior cranial fossa. It partially separates the two ______ hemispheres


infratentorial region contains the __________.


Falx cerebri, divides _______ in two hemissperei name changes to falx cerebelli.

cerebral hemispheres

The supratentorial region contains the ____,


The pia mater extends along each nerve root and becomes continuous with the ________ surrounding each spinal nerve.

connective tissue

When a moving of a patient's head is suddenly halted, the momentum of the brain causes it to travel onward until its movement is resisted by the skull or the strong septa of the _______.

dura mater

The arachnoid mater is an membrane that comes into direct contact with the ______ and is separated from the pia mater by a _________ known as the subarachnoid space

dura mater CSF filled space

The dura mater is a membrane that envelops the arachnoid mater. It surrounds and supports the ________ (also called dural venous sinuses, cerebral sinuses, or cranial sinuses) and ________

dural venous sinuses cerebral sinus/cranial sinus

The meningeal veins lie in the ________ layer of dura.


Meningitis, or inflammation of the meninges, causes severe headache over the _____ head and _____ of the neck.

entire back

pia mater: It extends out over the cranial nerves and fuses with their _______. (connective tissue membrane)


In lateral movements, the lateral surface of one hemisphere hits the side of the skull and the medial surface of the opposite hemisphere hits the side of the __________.

falx cerebri

• The ______ is a sickle-shaped fold of dura mater that lies in the midline between the two cerebral hemispheres.

falx cerebri

dura mater is a dense, strong fibrous membrane covering the brain and is continuous through the _______ with the dura mater of the spinal cord. (wraps around craniel nerve)

foramen magnum

Meninges of the Spinal Cord: It is continuous above through the _________ with the meningeal layer of dura covering the brain. Inferiorly, it ends on the ________ at the level of the lower border of the second sacral vertebra.

foramen magnum filum terminale

The dura above the tentorium is innervated by the trigeminal nerve, and the headache is referred to the ______ and ____.

forehead and face

Falx cerebri Its narrow anterior end is attached to the internal _______ and _____.

frontal crest and the crista galli.

The _________ sinus runs in its lower concave free margin.

inferior sagittal

• The blood in the dural sinuses ultimately drains into the ________ in the neck.

internal jugular veins

falx cerebri

is a sickle-shaped partition lying between the two hemispheres of the brain

The pia mater, a vascular membrane that closely covers the spinal cord, is thickened on either side between the nerve roots to form the __________, which passes laterally to adhere to the arachnoid and dura.

ligamentum denticulatum

In order to stop the hemorrhage, the torn artery or vein must be ______

ligated or plugged.

The falx cerebri is also known as the cerebral falx, named from its sickle-like form. It is a large, crescent-shaped fold of meningeal layer of dura mater that descends vertically in the _______ between the cerebral hemispheres.

longitudinal fissure

Epidural hemorrhage results from injuries to the _________ arteries or veins.


The most common artery to be damaged is the anterior division of the middle _______ artery


The pia mater is a vascular membrane covered by flattened _________

mesothelial cells

Meninges of the Spinal Cord; It is by this means that the spinal cord is suspended in the ______ of the dural sheath.


• A comparatively minor blow to the side of the head resulting in fracture of the skull in the region of the anterior-inferior portion of the _____ bone, may sever the artery.


falx cerebelli

projects downward from the tentorium cerebelli between the two cerebellar hemispheres.

tentorium cerebelli

provides a strong, membranous roof over the cerebellum.

The dura mater is partitioned into several _____, which support the brain.


And the _________ runs along its attachment to the tentorium cerebelli.

straight sinus

Arachnoid mater: It is separated from the dura by a potential space, the subdural space, filled by a film of fluid, it is separated from the pia by the _________, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

subarachnoid space

pia mater: It closely invests the brain, covering the gyri and descending into the deepest ____.


*The ________ sinus runs in its upper fixed margin.* (also known as the superior longitudinal sinus), is an unpaired area along the attached margin of falx cerebri. It allows *blood to drain from the lateral aspects* of anterior cerebral hemispheres to the confluence of sinuses.

superior sagittal

• The arachnoid villa are most numerous along the ______________________

superior sagittal sinus.

The tentorium cerebelli is the second largest dural fold after the falx cerebri. It lies in the axial plane attached perpendicularly to the falx cerebri and divides the cranial cavity into ______ and ______ compartments 1. It contains free and attached margins 2.

supratentorial infratentorial

The________ is the thin, highly vascularised, loose connective tissue portion of pia mater that gives rise to the *choroid plexus*. Thus, it is basically the lamina propria of the ependyma and lies directly adherent to it, without any tissue in between the two

tela choroidea

What is found in the roof of the lateral, third ventricle and 4th ventricle and is suppled by arteries. (And it fuses with the ependyma to form the choroid plexuses in the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles of the brain.)

tela choroidea

The falx cerebri and the falx cerebelli are attached to the upper and lower surfaces of the ______.


The ___________ covers the upper surface of the cerebellum and supports the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres.

tentorium cerebelli

Falx cerebri: Its broad posterior part blends in the midline with the upper surface of the ______

tentorium cerebelli.

The dura mater receives its sensory nerve supply from the ________ and the _______ cervical nerves.

trigeminal (CN V) first three

• The dura mater provides ________ for the cranial nerves as the latter pass through the foramina in the skull.

tubular sheaths

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