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Texas hurricane

1900. Catagory 4. 145mph. 6-12K died

first vacuum cleaner using suction


relationship between Japan and Korea

1910: japan occupied Korean empire and trie dto make them Japen subjets via eradicating spoken/written korean language and distorting koran hx but they drove themout

founders of IBM

1911 by Charles Fllint and Thomas Watson

Great Molasses Flood

1919 in Boston. 24mil lbs of molasses into the street at 35mph killing 21 and injuring 150

first liquid fuel rocket lauched

1926 by Robert H Goddard

invention fo holography


when did people wear leisure suits


who is the antagonist in The Foundainhead

"second-handers who value conformity over independence and integrity"

Admiral Michelle Howard

-commander of US Naval Forces Europe, Naval Forces Africa, and Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Vice Chief of Naval Operations -first African American woman to command a Navy Ship (Rushmore) and first to woman to become a 4 star admiral **36yrs of service

men and breast cancer

10 in 1 million men get it

invente the safety brake leevator


invention of reinforced concerete


first practile mathod for color photography


first practice ice makign machine


inventio fothe ballpoint pen


Koch Brothers

Charles and David -network of conservative donors. donate to libertarian/criminal justicie reform, REpublican

progressively rapid breathing then apnea

Cheyne Stokes

first female mayor of san francisco

Dianne Feinstein

female congresswomen from California

Dianne Feinstein is senator Nancy Pelosi is house from san francicos

marked the beginning of the Information Age

Digital Revolution

Wall Street Reform Act

Dodd-Frank Act. passed in response to the 2008 Global financial crisis.

first black attoney general

Eric Holder

Obama Attoney Generals

Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates

played Salieri in Amadeus movie

F. Murrary Abraham

Lolo Jones

American female who won 3 NCAA titles and 11 All-American honors while at Louisana State U. -competed in both Summer olympics (100 meter hurdles) & brakeswoman for bobslead

difference between Amish and other Christians

Amish share beliefs of most Christians but emphasis is on community

film about Al Gore's campain to educate about global warming

An Inconvient Truth in 2006

sang "Boogy Woogy Bugel Boy"

Andrews Sisters

female excummicated from Massachusettes Bay Colony and went to RI

Ane Hutchinson

largest desert

Antarctica, Arctic, Sahara, Australian

radicalized the Ft Hood shooter

Anw Al-A

Middle East desert

Arabian desert

codename fo Yalta conference

Argonaut conference


Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -community based orgs that advocate for low/moderate income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registraiton, health care, affordable housing...other social issues

Chile and Peru desert

Atacama Desert

line of city walls in Rome

Aurelian Walls

military policy of Australia

Australia has a long standing policy of no foreign military on their land

interpret DSMIV diagnoses

Axis 1-clinical disorders 2-personality disorders/mental retard 3-general 4-psychosocial and environmental 5-global aspect of function

TB vaccine


examples of Behaviorlism psychologists

BF Skinner, Pavlov, John B Wastons

island off the coast of Flordia


religions of African Am

Baptist, Methodist

example of Protestant sects

Baptist, Pentecostal, MEthodist, Lutheran


Barry manalow

1890 battle

Battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota

ship of Darwin

Beagle. 5yr cruise

wrote On Crime and Punishments


nickname of IBM

Big Blue

antagnonist in 1984

Big Brother enjoys a cult of personality

started "The Giving Pledge"

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet

irregular breathing with apnea


held by taliban after walking off his post

Bowe Berghdal

incident at Waco, TX

Branch Davidians

area of the brain responsible for speach production

Broca's Area

loss of ability to produce language but can still comprehend

Broca's aphasia

examples of liberal think tanks

Brookings INstitute

mountains next to Seoul

Bukhan Mt

Prez/VP in teh 2000 election

Bush Hr/Dick Cheney versus Gore/Joe Lieberman

water between Cape Code and MA

Buzzards Bay is west of Cape Cod

show of Walter Cronkite

CBS Eventing News in 60s-70s. and that's the way it is

stimulates the gallbladder to secrete pancreatic enzymes


Susan Wojcicki

CEO of Youtube since 2014 and Google's first marketing manager

differene between CIA and FBI

CIA doesn't have law enforcement powers and is primarily focused on intelligence collection abroad whereas the FBI is domestic

relationship betwee the CIA and president

CIA is the only agency authorized by law to carry out/oversee covert activity at the behest of the president

author of The Lion, The W, nd the W

CS Lewis

WW2 meeting of FDR, Churchill, and Chaing Kai-shek of Rep of China

Cair Declaration of 1943

Dianne Feinstein

Cali senator and mayor fo San Francisco

Ambassador of the US to the Holy See

Calista Gingrich. wife of NEwt

famous film festivals

Cannes Film Festival: France. top prize is Palme d/Or Sundance:

capitain in Moby Dick

Captain Ahab of the Pequod

last name of Romeo and Juliet

Capulet and montegue

Bob Corker

Chair of the senate Foreign Relations Committee

leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee

Chair: LIndseay Graham Ranking member: Dianen Feinstein

explosion in 1986


UNESCO WOrld Heritage Sites of Seoul

Changdeok Palace, Hwaseong Fortress...

president of Venezula

Hugo Chavez

stars in The Big Sleep

Humphrey Bogart as Philip Marloe and Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep

interpretation of boycots

I hate boycotts. I just choose not to buy

caring and cool

I'm better than you because I care

aim of being cool

I'm not like them,

secret societies

Illuminati, Freemasonry

district of Yokohama/Yokosuka/Kamakura/Hakone

Kanagawa Prefecture

geographical region of Tokyo/Kanagawa

Kanto Plain

bill that would have established increased penalities applicabel to alients who unlawfully reenter the US after being remved

Kate's Law. Introduced by 2 senators including Ted Cruz. did't pass

husband of Elenor of Aquitane

Katherine Hepburn

top 5 greatest female actors

Katherine Hepburn Bette Davis Audrey Hepburn Ingrid Bergman Greta Garbo

stars in On Golden Pond

Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda

guitarist of Rolling Stones

Keith Richards

abortion provider convicted of murder

Kermit Gosnell

signs of meningitis

Kernig and Brudzinski

director/star of Dancign with WOlves

Kevin Cosner did both

original Star Trek episode of Khan

Khan Noonien Singh introduced in Space Seed


doing the best for hte most

sea control

dominance of force over a given area that prevents other naval forces from operating successfully

what do cool people seek


neurotransmitter that is low in schizopherenia

dopamine. treat by giving dopamien

pulse on the top of foot

dorsalis pedialsis

measures exposure to radiation




to force someone to do something via blackmail/torture...


Joseon Dynasty

dynasty of Korea

pain related to mensutral flow



ear scope

invention of the cotton gin

eli whitney in 1793


enlarged thyroid

5th amendment

ensures due process

Sierra CLub

envornmental org. progressive. promote sustainable energy, mitigate global warming, oppsign coal. known for political endoresements and generally supports liberal/progressive

studied moral development


gov of Russia


seat of gov in Russia


original resting place of stalin

Lenin's mausoleum in moscow

Room checks mneumonic

MS MAID Monitors Suction Machine Check, Airway equipment, IV equipment, Drugs


faculty or phemoneum of finding valuable or agreeable things not soought for



Laura Ingles on the tv series

Melissa Gilbert

stars of God's Not Dead 2

Melissa Joan Hart, Jesse Metcalfe, Sadie Robertson

founding of Google

Menlo Park in 1998 b y Larry Page and Sergey Brin. (PhD candidates at Stanford_

created Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune

Merv Griffin

directed Transformers

Michael Bay

mayor of NYC

Michael Bloomberg

Al Pacino

Michael Corleone in The GOdfather, Tony Montana in Scarface

if you don't believe in god, what replaces heaven?

fame is as close as youget to immortality

most important thing about fame

fame isn't about liking someone. its about recognize them

second largest city in Iraq


Democratic People's REpublic of Korea

N. Korea


NW Germany

all news that's fit to print

NY Times


NY World

greek god of revenge


Dancing with the Stars lost left arm/leg soldier

Noah Galloway


Racketeer Influenced and Corrpupt Organizations Act of 1970 -federal law that privides criminal penalties for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organiation

female equivalent of Harvard


mayor of Chicago

Rahm Emanuel

Directors of the FBI

Robert Mueller (2001-2013) James Comey (2013-2017), Andrew McCabe (2017), Christopher Wray (2017-)

Cambrian period

first period of the Paleozoic Era. 55.6million yrs in duration. (541-485milion yrs ago._. marked a profound change in life on earth.

governor of Illinois

Rod Blagojevich

politicians from Illinois

Rod Blagovich - House of Reps resigned to be governmor of IL Rahm Emanual - mayor of Chicago and House of REps from Chicago

husband of Hester Pryne

Roger Chilingworth

"I can't get no satisfaction"

Rolling Stones

inkblot test

Rorschalt test

how to interpret an ink blot test

Rorschalt test 1. location of response (part of card or all) 2. content (nature of seen) 3. determinatino (color or shading or shapes incluence

Tea Party Movement

fiscally conservative political movmenet. call for lower taxes, reduce national debt/fed budget deficit through decreased governmetn spending. opposed gov sponsored unviersal healthcare. 2009

location of the aqueous humor

fluid between the cornea and iris

important for pregnant women to consume to avoid fetal defects

folic acid

ventricular gallp


were is California State

San Bernidino

Scarlett Witch in the Cinematic Universe

Scarlett Witch/Wanda Maximoff. by Elizabeth Olson

Martha McSally

Senator from Arizona. female air force combat vet. first american woman to fly in combat followign the 1991 lifting on the prohibion of female cobat pilots. first female commander of a USAF fighter squandron. sued DOD in McSally v Rumsfeld challenging the military policy that required US/UK servicewomen stationed in Saudi Arabia to wear the body covering abaya when traveling off base

Tom Daschle

Senator of South Dakota. Democrat. minotrity/majority leader in early 200s.

Harry Reid

Senator. D-Nevada. 1978-2017. Senate Majority Leader 2007-2015

Egyptian penninsuli


4 most cited psychologists of all time

Skinner, Freud, Piaget, ALbert Bandura

eye chart w/letters


first artifical satellite

Sputnik in 1957

shot at the congressional baseball game

Steve Scalise

republican senator from maine

Susan Collins

CEO of Google

Susan Wojcicki

george in Grey's Anatomy

TR Knight

Jimmy Hoffa


James Stockdale

Vice Admiral -MOH for 7yr POW in Vietnam War. senior naval officer held captive in Hanoi, North Vietnam. led aerial attacks from USS Ticonderoga during the Gulf of Tonkin incident. shot down in 1965. President of Naval War College for 2 yrs

latin for voice


system designed to assist emergency responders in hazardous material incidents.


official end to Japan's postion as an imperial pwore


conservative pure monotheistic movement of Islam


"and that's teh way it is"

Walter Cronkite

most trusted man in America

Walter Cronkite

response to 9/11

War on Terrorism/War in Afghanistan/Operation Enduring Freedom

location of the ending of the Boston Marathon bomber event

Watertown shootout/manhunt ended in finding the boat

comittee that considered the Affordable Care Act

Ways and Means

played Blade in the Blade trilogy

Wesley Snipes

USA fronteir tax protest

Whiskey Rebellion. armed resistance eliminated

who was second (behind Osama BL) on FBI's 10 Most Wanted

Whitey Bulger

difference between Whitey Bulger and Bernie Madoff

Whitey Bulger: MA Irish-American organized crime boss Bernie Madoff: largest ponzi scheme in hx

famous chocolate companies

Whitman's Sampler, Russell Stover

father of psychology

Wilhelm Wundt

stars of Stand By ME

Will Wheaton, River Phionex, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell

foudner of the first experiemntal lab of psychology

Willhem Wundt

only president to hold a PhD


president who was the president of a university

Wilson: Princeston Esienhower: Columbia

protagonist of 1984

Winsoton Smith and Julia

climax of 1984

Winston Smith and Julia are brought to the basement tortue chamber in the Ministeria of Love where the prisoner is subjected to their own worst nightmare or phobia with the object to break down their resistance

largest data breech in history

Yahoo in 2013. - 3 Billion

fluid n teh eye

aqueous and vitreous

go in between


district for which an archbishop is responsible


virteous humor

area behind the eyes to cushion retina

Broca's Area

area of hte frontal lobe responsible for speech production

Patagonian Desert

argentina and chile


arose out of Atlantic Charter of 1941. general agreement on tarifs and trade

role of serotonin


prayers that comprise the Rosary

arranged in sets of 10 Hail Marys called decades. dach decade is preceded by7 one Lord's Prayer and one Glory Be

shinny skin

arterial insufficiency

ankylosis sondylitis

arthritis in the spine. vertebrae fuse together so rigid spine. may lead to a stooped posture

how do the cool view America

as a police state and fundamentally flawed

make amends



atrial gallop

cell's ability to initiate an impulse


when does an economic bubble break

b/c it is often difficult to observe intrinsic values in real-life markets, bubbles are often conclusively identified only in tetrospect once a sudden drop in prices occurs (crash/boomb/urst)

bane of my existence

bane refers to anything that cauases harm, ruin, or death

Seven Sisters

barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mt Holyoke, Smith, Wellesley, Vassar, Radcliffe

French theatre terror attack

bataclan. 89 killed in 2015


believing in something greater than yourself


belonging naturally; essential


belonging to a persiod other than that being portrayed

who actually holds the trust while a trustee is responsible


people who report issues of software

beta testers

ability to walk upright


square cap with three flat projections on top worn by Roman Catholic clergy


in teh name of god


why is AAA a medical emergency

bleed to death

informal rule that purporteldy exists among police not to reprot on a colleagues errors/crimes includeing police brutality

blue wall of silence

runs the US Postal Service

board of 11 with 9 appointed by the president.

importance of eating carbs

body's main source of energy

project that is considered a waste of both time and money, yet is often continued due to extraneous policy or political motivations.


pesonality disorder of an unstable sense of self and relationships

bordreline peroinaltiy disorder

process of enlarging a hole that has already been created


jock itch


attention seeking and gratificatio


cut on a slant

cut on a bias

importance of Shay's Rebellion

problems with teh Articles of Confederation spur Constitutional Convention


process of intercepting an enemy transitiong a location

Cheyne Stokes breathing

progressively rapid breathing then apnea

purpose of ear tubes

promote drainage and equalize pressure

lying on back


throw oneself flat on the ground in submission


what does the FBI need to track fugitives

public assitance

term for criminals in 1930s

public enemy

inexpensive fiction magazines

pulp fiction


pyramid/self actualization

Kussmaul breathing

rapid/deep breathing w. m. acidosis to blow off CO2

repeating undesirable behavior after they were trained to extinguish it


turning to someone or soemthign to help or protection


cleric who functions as an administrative leader in some christian denominations


senior official at an educational institution



red eye

heat death paradox

reductio ad absurdium argument that uses thermodynamics to show the impossibility of an infinitely old universe. ssuming that the universe is eternal, a question arises: How is it that thermodynamic equilibrium has not already been achieved?[3]

heart cell's ability to respond to transmission of action potentials



regard or represent as being of little worth

thyroid hormones

regulate metabolism, growth/development

parathyroid hormone

regulates Ca levels


relay station for sensory information in the brain

cavalier attitude

showign arrogant or offhand disregard toward sthe suffering of others


snail like in ear. transmits soudn waves vibrations


so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring


stanford achievement test


state of things that are believed to come from a supernatural power/deity


statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently-self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion


statistical study of baseball

story of Dancing with Wolves

tells the story of Union Army lieutenant John J. Dunbar (Costner) who travels to the American frontier to find a military post and of his dealings with a group of Lakota Indians.

muscle to bone



tentative or tetable statement about he relationship betwene causes and sonsequences

sign of dehydration in the skin


Murphy's Sign

test to detect an inflammed gallbladder

air inhaled w/each breath

tidal volume

downside to social programs

undermine individual responsibility

indication of S3

ventricular gallup. relates to teh filling of a failing noncompliant ventricle


wave pattern of muscle contractions to move food

schizophrenia symptom where you tend to remain in the same immoble position even if someone repositions you

wavy flexibility

to wait to attack from an ambush


catchphrase of Ocupy Wall Street

we are the 99%

right versus cool thing to do

we used to consider the right thing to do, now we consider the cool thing to do

correlation coefficient of 0


what is needed before wealth can be shared

wealth needs to be created before it is shared


white of eyes


women accepted for volunteer emergency Service. woman's branch of hte US Naval Reserves in WW2

Olympic career of BRuce Jenner

won men's Decathalon at 1976 in Montreal.


working class owns everything and everyone works towards commn goals. no welathy or poor all are equal and the community distributes what it produces based only on need. nothing is obtaied by working more than what is required

classification of Ft Hood

workplace violence

adoption of green energy

if green energy was as good/cheap/effective as supports say, market forces would adapt it

neither vein passes Allen's test

if neither vein are patent, can't use the site for ABG

zeroth law of thermodynamics

if two theromodynamic systems are each in thermal equillibrium with the third one, they are in thermal equilibrium with each other **all heat is of the same kind"

important thing to remember about bmbs

if you can see it, it can see you

House of cards quote about table setting

if you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table

commenting on an issue without the liberal bias

if you talk about an issue without the liberal bias, they won't believe its "cool to be involved" as they do with issues activism by the heart

risk of NSAID/asprin

increase risk of GI bleed

m. acidosis

increased acid retention so increased RR/depth to blow off extra CO2

causes of murmurs

increased blood flow through normal vessles, flow through constricted vessles, flow into dilated vessles

affect of anemia on the heart

increases heart's workload

associated w/ small, remote, and insignificant rural settlements



jocose (ja cose)

Public Enemies of 1930s

john dillinger, baby face nelson, clyde barrow and bonnie parker, pretty boy floyd, machine gun kelly

unit of measurement for enthalpy

joule in the SI scale = Internaltional System of Units BTU/Calorie

three main Roman goddesses

juno, Minerva, venus

composition of nails

keratinized cells

reason for finger clubbing

kidneyus respond to choronic hypoxia by increasing erythgropoietin so increased RBC leading to slugglish blood that p... capillaries of nails

governmetn where corrput leaders use their power to exploit the people/natural resources ofhteir own territory in order to extend their personal welath and political powers


folds of skin outside vagina


most common complaint of antidepressants

lack of sex drive

white crescent on nails


how do blimps fly

large gasbags filled with a lifting gas that is less dense that the surroundign air

worst sin for comedians


Norman Schwarzkopf

led the coalition forces in the 1991 Gulf War

Government Accountability Office

legislative branch that audits/evals/investigates services for Congress. supreme audit insitution of federal gov

casual suit of shirt-like jacket and matching trousers

leisure suit

highly localized brain injuries


problem of progressive education

leveling the playing field may lower standards

vocabulary of a person


Center for American Progress

liberal public policy reserach and advocacy

liberal rebellion

liberal rebellion is a way to be liked/accpeted by people they admire

what do liberals pretend

libertals pretend that their predictable acceptsable choices they make are actual risks. pat themselves on the back for making defcisions cheered on by media/pop culture who already agree with them. it is the energy driving so much acitivty

what happens when government expands

liberty constricts

source of energy for sexual urges



lice eggs

belief of Mormons

life purpose on earth is to gain experience and prove self worth to return to live w/god

successufl entrepreneaur/business person who controls via personal ownershop or dominant position, media consumed by a large number of individuals

media mogol, tycoon, baron, business magnate

area of brain responsible for vitals and protective reflexes


respiratory center of the brain


The Glasnost TApe

memori by Kruschev

misusng ways to disguise sources of illegal funds

money laudnering

fat pad over the symphsis pubis

mons pubis

knee jerk reaction


how do liberals view taxing teh rich

paying their fair share

aka thick smog caused by soot particles and sulphur dioxide

pea soup fog

member of a pacifist movement


a relatively minor fault of sin


greek goddess who gave everyone what they deserved


class of sarin

nerve agent. choli nergic via AcE inhibitor

how does sarin kill

nerve agent. cholinergic via AcE

corpus callosum

nerve fibers between 2 hemispheres of brain to relay information


number of sound waves per second

Senate Judiciary COmitee

oversees DOJ, considers executive nominatives, oversees agencies under DOJ and Dep fo Homeland Security, hodls hearing of Supreme COUrt/court of appeals

first sign of shingles

pain along nerve dermatome


painless ulcers

Rolling Stones songs

paint it black, sympathy for hte devil, i can't get no satisfaction

color of skin if arterial deficiency


area of the brain responsibel for perceivng/interpreting sensory input



partially enclosed costal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it and with a free connection to the open sea

pasta primavara

pasta and fresh veggies

beefy tongue

pernicious anemia

never ending



persude someone to do something by sustaine coaxing or flattery

layers of the meninges

pia, arachnoid, dura

friendship that is affectionate but not sexual


David Petreaus

pled guilty to mishandeling classified documents. personal notes q/a biographer. Had to resign as CIA director in 2012.

executive comittee for hte communsit party


structure in the brain that is latin for "bridge"


what has replaced personal principles

pop culture

quality of appealing to ordinary people



presence of rhythmic invololuntary contractions

Hugo Chavez

president of Venezula form 1999-2013

Rhee Syngman

president of the republic of korea post ww2

Fourth Estate

press/news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicity to frame political issues. not formalyrecognized as a part of a political system, it weilds significant indirect sodcial influence

media's role in people's perceptions

media forms people;s perceptiosn of dominant ideas

director/script of Pulp Fiction

Quentin Tarantino

band on Jimmy Fallon's show

Questlove leads the Roots

Kevin McCarthy

R-Ca. House. House Minority LEader

federal law that has penalties for actions performed by ongoining criminal organization

RICO. Racketeer Ifluenced and Corrupt Organizatons Action

"Sympathy for hte Devil"

ROlling Stones

dancing with the stars acress who had cancer

Valerie Harper. The Mary Tyler Moore Show


massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority


means by which an organism adjusts to their environment. actions

problem of communal ownership

means coercive the desire to change the way you live your life independent of hte result

standard deviation

measure of variability that indicates the average differenece between scores and the mean

heat capacity

measureable physical quantity equal to the ratio fo the heat added to/removed form an object resulting in termperature change


measures exposure to radiation

first female 4 star admiral

Admiral Michelle Howard

greek keeper of hte winds


VP who won Nobel Prize

Al Gore. for peace b/c climate change

famous psychologist experient with a doll and children who hit it

Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiment in 1961 to demonstrate the concept of observational learning

famous for his picture of hte 4 horsemen of the apocalypse

Albrech Durer

largest city in New Mexico


WW1 era king of spain

Alfonzo 13

oscar nominations for Will Smith

Ali (Muhammad Ali)., Persuit of Happiness

stars in Orion's belt

Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka


Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Supreme Court Case that reaffirmed the 2nd amendment right of self-defense

Heller decision of 2008

hosts Finding Your Roots

Henry Gates Jr. same professor arrested at harvard

think tanks

Heritage Foundation American Enterprise Institute Cato Institute Center for American PRogress

1950s UN ambassador

Herny Cabot Lodge Jr. senator from MA

Hispanic versus Latino

Hispanic: Spanish speakign origin Lation: Latin American orgin

leadership of the Roman Catholic Church

Holy See

Eric Cantor

House Majority in 2011-2014

first original online only web tv seeries to receive major Emmy noms

House of Cards

regulates the federal expenditure of money

House/Senate Appropriations Comittees

responsible for appropriation bills

House/Senate Comittees on Appropriations

betrayal of Jesus

Judas for 30 pieces of silver

weight of brain


river through Rome


pro forma

"as a matter of form". is most often used to describe a practice or document that is provided as a courtesy or satisfies minimum requirements, conforms to a norm or doctrine, tends to be performed perfunctorily or is considered a formality.

achievement in our world

"brand new universe where achievement is required to elect esteem. this universe, it seems, din't value the actual success you might get from hard work"

Travis Air Force base

"gateway to teh Pacific/" =handels more cargo/passenger traffic via the airport than any other military air terminal. 3 miles east of Fairfield, CA

Haltlose personality disorder

"haltlos" german for drifting/flounderless/aimless/irresponsible lifestyle *selfish, irresponsible/hedonistic. no remorse or learn form experience. strong present time orientation with no long-term goals. over optimistic, may have charm

in situ

"on site", "in position", or "on the premise" *in the natural/original position or place


"retroactive continuity". literary device in which established facts in a fictional work are adjusted/ignored/contrindicated by a subsequently published work which breks continuity with theformer

Fiscal Yr 2019 DOD Budget

$686B -personnel: $152M -operations/maintence: $283M -military construction: $9M -family housing


(n) a small Japanese-style charcoal brazier covered with a grill, usually used for outdoor cooking


(of words or a speaker). fluent but insincere and shallow

PQRST for pain

(pg86) Precipitating and palliating factors Quality Radiation Severity, symptoms, and site Time or triggering factors


(pronounced "on wee) feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occuptation/excitement


(viv ile). characterized by strength or energy

dates of hte Big Three WW2 meetings

*Atlantic Tehran Conference: 1943 *Moscow conference in 1944 not attended by FDR where churchill and stalin carved euorpe into western and soviet spheres of influence Yalta:1945 Feb Postsdam: 1945

best way to get cholesterol

*body can synthesize all the cholesterol it needs

how many Ten Most Wanted fugitives have been captured

+162 (as of 2019, 521. 488 were located and 162 because of pulic assistance. 10 women on the list)


International System of Units

first recorded economic bubble

Dutch GOlden Age tulip mania in 1630s

lets businesses determine eligibility of their employees to work in USA

E-verify. established in 2996

use of brain waves in psychology

EEG. used to study the relationship betwene psychological activity and brain respnse

studied the development stages of life


mneumonic for when to not use epi

Ears nose hose fingers and toes

presidents of hte Screen Actors GUild

Edie Cnator, James Cagney, Ronald Regan, Charlton Heston, Ed Asner, Patyt Duke, Melissa gilebrt


Edison in 1877

role of Katherine Hepburn in The Lion in WInter

Elenor of Aquitane

invented 100yrs before dad was born

Elisha Otis invented the safety brake elevator

famouse co-founder of Paypal

Elon Musk

founder of SpaceX

Elon Musk

era change while I was in Japan

Emperor Akihito of Heisei Era passed to son Emperor Naruhito of the Reiwa -beautiful harmony

Three Kings Day

Epiphany. celebrated the revelation of God incarnate as JNesus Christ

whom doe the head of the FBI reprot to

FBI is within the DOJ so the director reprots to the Atotney Gen

inventions by SpaceX

Falcon launch vehicle family, Dragon spacecraft family

acronym ISIL

Islamic stae of Iraq and the levant

Freddie Mac

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Kevin Cosner

Field fo Drams, Dances with Wolves, Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, The Bodyguard

famous performing arts

Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Musica and arts and PErforming ARts

outlier viewpoints like bloggers and posters as framers of political issues

Firth Estate

pape cutouts where you take a cut out to different locations and take picutures

Flat Stanley. started by a 1995 schoolteacher in Canada based on a 1964 book

Sally Yates

Following the inauguration of Donald Trump and the departure of Attorney General Loretta Lynch on January 20, 2017, Yates served as Acting Attorney General for 10 days. She was dismissed for insubordination by President Trump on January 30, after she instructed the Justice Department not to make legal arguments defending Executive Order 13769, which temporarily banned the admission of refugees and barred travel from certain Muslim-majority countries. Rather than defend it, Yates stated the order was neither defensible in court nor consistent with the Constitution.[1][2] Large portions of the order were subsequently blocked by federal courts, which ruled that those sections violated the Fifth Amendment, though a revised albeit largely similar order was subsequently upheld by the United States Supreme Court.

college where every president is a Jesuit priest

Fordham University in NYC

press/news media as framers of political issues

Fourth Estate

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Freddie Mac


Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. T

House of Cards quote about being a rock

From this moment on you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you."

example of workplace violence

Ft Hood

films by Barbara strisand

Funny GIrl, A Star is Born, Yentl

exampels of neurotransmitters

GABA, serotonin, dopamine, ACh

derived from the Atlantic Charter

GATT, postwar independence of european colonies

range of benefits for returning WW2 veterans

GI Bill

female representative shot in Arizona

Gabby G in 2011 in Tuscon

yellow flag with snake

Gadsden flag. "Don't Tread on Me". named after a Revolution era general who designed it during 1775.

played Willie Wonka

Gene WIlder

McArthur instructions approved by Truman on Aug 17 1945 for Japan surrender

General Order No. 1

title of Chaing Kai-shek


rules for POW

Geneva Convention

Nathanial Greene

Geo Washington named him the Commander of the continential army in southhern theatre. led guerrila warfare aginast Cornwallis

female author with a male pen name

George Eliot. wrote Silas Marner

wrote 1984

George Orwell

novel with Big Brother

George Orwell's 1984

home of Stalin


Mel Brooks

Get smart,blazing saddle,s young frankenstien, the history fothe world part 1, spaceballs, robin hood: men in tights, the producers

Audrey Hepburn on Broadway


voice of Aflac Duck

Gilbert Gottfried

voice of parrot in Aladdin

Gilbert Gottfried

award show before Oscars

Golden Globes

parent organization of YouTube

Goodble bought Youtube the year after it was founded for $1.65B. YT is now a subsidiary of Google

founded in Menlo Park

Google in 1998

Big 4 Tech companies

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook

supreme audit insitutional of the federal gov

Government Accountability Office

leaders of NY

Governor of NY-Andrew Cuomo mayor of NYC-Michale Bloomberg

Howard Dean

Governor of VT and chair ofhte emocrativ national comittee

mosque in Damascus

Great Mosque of Damascus

executions by Stalin

Great Purge. 19361938

father of genetics

Gregor Mendel in 1865. science of genetics

star of the Moby Dick movie

Gregory Peck was Captain Ahab

films of Corey Feldman

Gremlins, The Goonies, Stand by Me

directed Hellboy

Guilermo del Toro

directed The Shape of Water

Guilermo del Toro

directed Pan's Labyrinth

Guillermo del Toro

destruction of myelin sheath


shows of Bill Mahr

HBO political talk show Real Time with Bill Maher, Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central/ABC

components of Cushing's Triad

HTN, bradycardia, irregular respirations *in someone w/increasign ICP

river that runs through Seoul

Han River

river blown up when Seoul was invaded

Han River BRidge

Chris Mathdws

Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC

detective fiction of organized crime during the Prohibition

Hardboiled fiction

gay man who was assinated

Harvey Milk

famous connected film producer who was dismissed for sexual abuse allegations

Harvey Weinstein

sparked the #MeToo movement

Harvey Weinstein sex abuse allegations

Stockdale paradox

In a business book by James C. Collins called Good to Great, Collins writes about a conversation he had with Stockdale regarding his coping strategy during his period in the Vietnamese POW camp.[20] I never lost faith in the end of the story, I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade.[21] When Collins asked who didn't make it out of Vietnam, Stockdale replied: Oh, that's easy, the optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, 'We're going to be out by Christmas.' And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they'd say, 'We're going to be out by Easter.' And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart.[21] Stockdale then added: This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.[21] Witnessing this philosophy of duality, Collins went on to describe it as the Stockdale Paradox.


In international law and international relations, a protocol is generally a treaty or international agreement that supplements a previous treaty or international agreement. A protocol can amend the previous treaty, or add additional provisions. Parties to the earlier agreement are not required to adopt the protocol. Sometimes this is made clearer by calling it an "optional protocol", especially where many parties to the first agreement do not support the protocol.

role of Steve Scalise

House Maj/Minotiry Whip

protagonism of The Fountainhead

Howard Roark, individualist young architect who deisgns modernist buildigns and refuses to compromise with an architectural establishment unwilling to accept innnovation. he embodies Ayn's belief of the ideal man and his struggles reflects her belief that individualism is superior to collectivism

top 5 greatest male actors

Humphrey Bogart Carey Grant James Stewart Marlon Brando Fred Astaire

geographical stats of Guam

-162K people live there -Micronesia -largest/southernmost of the Mariana Islands. -largest island in Micronesia -located in the ocean 1/2 between the easternmost points of Russia and Australia


-buys shares hoping to sell them at a higher price later -uncastrated bovine animal

background of the Korean War

-liberated from Japan colonial rule in 1945 -divided at the 38th parallel with s. us occupy and n. ussr occcupy -to make the entire penninsula communist, Kim Il-sung prepared for war with help from USSR/ China


-manifestatoin of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magji -moment of sudden and great revelation/realization

natural selection

-species emerge form a common set of ancestors -finches evolved from a common set of ancestors, migrated, and developed different traints to compete in an environment due to differences in food availability -beaks developed to eat nuts/berry/fish... -finches moer likely to survive if ability to eat available food so the best traited ones adapted to the envirment and survived

psychiatrist versus psychoanalyst

-trist: MD & PHD with training in mental and emotional diseases. only ones allowed to perscribe drugs -analyst: MD/PHD w/specialized post-grad training in the Fredudian approach

style of Quentin Tarantino

. His films are characterized by nonlinear storylines, satirical subject matter, an aestheticization of violence, extended scenes of dialogue, ensemble casts consisting of established and lesser-known performers, references to popular culture and a wide variety of other films, soundtracks primarily containing songs and score pieces from the 1960s to the 1980s, and features of neo-noir film.

top recipients of US foreign aid in 2018

1) Israel. 3.1 billion. only fucntional democracy in teh middle east 2. Egypt: food security/good government/fight terrorism. healthy economic relationship 3. Jordan 1B. help to cope w/massive influx of Syrian refuges

top 3 contries who received forign aid from USA in 2018

1. Israel (only functioning democary in Middle East) 2. Egypt 3. Jordan (Syrian refugees)

Heath Ledger

10 Things I hate about you, patriot, monster's ball, brokemoutn mt, the dark knight, the imanginarium of dr parnassus

college shooting in 1970

1070. Ohio National Guard shot unarmed students killing 4/wounding 9. mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia. 28 guardsmen fired 67 rounds in 13sec

when is the Iowa State Fair

11 days in August in Des Moines, Iowa

where is Turks and Cacos

110 north of Haiti

first mention of pasta

1154 Sicilly

how older were airplanes in WW1

11yrs old

distance between Haiti and Jamica

124 miles

scheme of a sonnet

14 lines with a strict rhyme scheme and structure

normal male body fat


fall of Constantinople to the Muslims


yr of hte Gutenberg Bible


publishment of gregor mendel's study on pland hybridatinion


yr of Reformation

1517 w/95 Theses on teh door of the Wittenberg Church

who was present at the diet of Worms

1521. HRE Charles V

most deadly natural disaster in history

1556 Shaanxi erthiquake in China killed 830K

invention of mercator projectino


invention of the barometer

1643 by Torricelli

congress permission to levy an income tax

16th amendment

first piano


first commercial steam engine to pump water out of mines


first mechanized cotton spinning machine


first manned hot air balloon


invention of the steramboat


invention of the power loom


sewing machine invented


inveiton of the hydralic press


invention of plywood


discrovery of mrophine


inven tion of hte steam locomotive


invention of hte first internal combustion engine capable o f duing useful work


exapnded water transportation/trade with workable steamboat

1807 Rober tFUlton

inventio nfohte canning process for food


London Beer Flood

1814 in London. huge vat of bveer ruptured causing other vats in the same building to sucumb in the domino effect so 1,470,000L of beer into the streets. destroyed 2 homes and a pub wall killing 8 including 3 toddlers

first lighter invented


invention fohte friciton match


invention of the lawn mower


yr of the Black hawk War


yrs the Seven Sisters were founded

1837 - 1889

invention of morse code

1837 by samuel morse

first solar cell

1839 method for photovoltaic effect thus fisrt solar cell

yr of the invention of pulp method of paper productin


invetnon of nitrglycermine


first person to make a manned and controlled flight uring a dirigible


yr of the first rechargabel battery


invention of the pasturization process

1864 louis pastueur

invention of stainless steel


first metal detector


invention oof the modern steam turbine


invention of the modern bicycle


first dry cell battery that made portable electronics practicel

1886. zinc-carbon battery

first wind turbine invented for generating electricity


zipper invented


diesel engine invented


invention fothe first xrays

1895 Rontgen

most common plastic in the world


synthesis of polyethylene


invention of nickel-cadium battery


time of the Great Recession

19 months. 2007-2009

Cairo Declaration

19+43: FDR, CHurchill, Chain Kai-Shek of Rep of CHina -developed ideas from the Atlantic Charter to set goals for post-war order

first zeppelin


first sucessful gas turbine


first vaccuum tube


invention of cellophane


yr of hte first instantaneous trans mission of images/tv broadcast


yr Korea was annexed by Japan

1910 to surrender of Japan in WW2

invention of the tank


communist takeover in USSR

1917 October Revoluton by the Polshevicks

Spanish Influenza

1918-1920 H1N1 infected 500million including remote Pacific/Arctic 3-5% of wrld population died

first electronic tv demonstrated to the press


penicillin oberved as an anntibiotic

1928 by Alexaner Fleming

invention of electron microscope


invention of FM radio


why was SAG created

1933 to eliminate exploitation of Hollywood actrs exploited and forced into oppressive multiyr contractions with major movie studios. the

yr Bonnie and Clyde were shot


nuclear fission discovered


inventin of the electric curernt defibrillator


invention of polyester

1941 in BRitian

yr of Bambi


world's first log range ballistic missle

1942 V-2 rocket by Nazi Germany

yr of the Boston Fire

1942. almost 500 died

Zoot Suit Riot

1943 Los Angelous. American serviced ment station in S. Californi agaisnt Mexican-American youths/minorities.

date of Hiroshima a-bomb

1945 Aug 6

Yalta Conference

1945 Feb. US, UK, USSR. FDR,churchill, stalin *aim to shape a post world peace that reprsented not just a collective security order but a plant ot give self-determination to the liberated the postNzi europe

invention of the ejector seat

1946 by soemone who was inspired by the death of his pilot friend

first atomic clock


establishment of the 2 koreas

1948: Rep of Korea & Dep People's REpubic o Korea

yr of a-bomb test by USSR


when did the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List start


defense line in the Korean War

1950 Nakdong River Defense Line by SK and UN

Home by Christmas campaign

1950 UN and ROK strategy for Korean war

yr of Korean War


agreed to invade Korea

1950: Stalin and Mao Zedong both agree to invade Republic of Korea

invention of solar battery to colelct energy from sun and turn it into electric current


first nucelar power to produce electricity for househodls

1951 in Idaho

yr of hte Great Smog of London

1952: 4 days of yell0w-black smoke and couldn't see more than a few feet.4K died, 100K ill

first tape recorder


yr stalin died


patent of the hovercraft


first PC used by one person and controleld by a keyboard

1957 by IBM

first functioning laser


Zodiac Killer

1960-1970s Northern California serial killer. killed 4 men/3 women age 16-29. originated the name "Zodiac" in taunting letters sent to police. identity unknown.

Weather Undergrowund

1960-1970s radical left wing group founded on the Anne Arbur campus of U of Michigan. faction of students for a democratic soceity. aim was to create a revolutionalry party to overthrow US imperialism

Freedom Riders


first electornic cigarette


invention of kevlar


yr Medicare & Medicaid were passed


Operation Sea Dragon

1966-68 disruption of Viet Cong and N. Vietnamese supply/communicatiosn lines

shared the Best Actress Oscar

1969: Katherine Hepburn for The Lion in Winter and Barbara Stresiand for Funny Girl

invention of the pocket calculator

1970 Japan

creation of Amtrak

1970 by Congress

famous picture of the Kent State Shooting

1970. protesting bombing of Cambodia. 20yo Jeffrey Miller lying dead with 14o female friend watching. picture taken by a photojournalist at teh school. now he is head of photography at CBS

invention of email

1971 by Ray Tomlinson

yr DDT was banned


first touchscreen

1973 by Cern

importance of the Rosenhan experiment

1973. experiment to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnoses. to get in, they feigned hallucinateions to enter psych hospitals and acted nromally while inside

Helsinki Accords

1975: 35 states including US/Canada/almost all of Europe signed a declaration in attempt to improve relatins between Commnists and the wets. not binding b/c didn't have treaty status

effort to stop drinking in kids

1980 MADD

first comerically availabel cell phone

1984 by motorola


1984: used as an example of obviously false dogma that one may be required to believe. false slogans *wonders if the state declares 2+2=5 if everyone believes it, does that make it true

yr of hte Challenger explosion


introduction of the world wide web

1990: intruced by Tim Berners-Lee

yr of the Gulf War


Kyoto protocol

1992 commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emission

first financial institution to offer online internet banking services


yr of NAFTA


benefit of the DVD

1995: optical disc storage format that offered a higher storage cpacity than compact discs while having the same dimensions

normal female body fate


introduction of the DREAM Act

2001 by Dick Durbin and Orin Hatch

yrs of Operation Enduring Freedom


Iraq invasion yr


first face transplant

2003 France

yr when the 9/11 Comission Report was released


founding of YouTube

2005 by Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley in 2005

yr of hte first Taco Bell in Mexico


Blackwater incident

2007 . private military company shot Iraqi civilians killed 17/injured 20 while escorting a US embassy convoy. outraged Iraqi and stained I/USA relations.

The Hurt Locker

2008 Best Picture. folows Iraq war Explosive ORdnance Disposal team and the psychological reactions to stress

yr of the Swine Flu


yr Eric Holder was Attoney General


yr Obamacare was signed


yr of Don't Ask, Don't Tell


yr of Occupy Wall Street


yrs Operation Inheret Resolve started


Russia Olympics

2014 Sochi

texting sucide case`

2014. 18yo killed himself w/encourgement from long distance gf 17yo Michelle Carter. case raised complex questions about criminal responsibility. Carter was convicted by a judge of involuntary manslaughter, who stated this was due specifically to a final text in which Carter told Roy to get back in his truck, which was filling with carbon monoxide, when he became scared

Iran Nuclea r Deal

2015. between Iran, the Five permant members of the UN National Security Council plus Germany, and teh EU -Iran agreed to eliminate its stockpile of medium-enriched uranium, cut its stockpile of low enriched uranium by 98%, and reduce by about 2/3 the number of its gas centrifuges for 13yrs. for the next 15yrs, Iran will only enrich uranium up to 3.67%. agreed to not build any new heavy water facilities for 15yrs and uranium enrichment restricted to 1 facility. to monitor/verify compliance, the International Atomic Energy Agency would have regular access to all Iranian nucelar facilities *USA withdreq

lack of sleep = BCA of 0.08

22hrs w/o sleep

when do periods start

2yrs after breast deelopment

jail of Wesley Snipes

3 yrs for failing to file federal income tax

downside to corn ethanol

30% less efficient than gas so more energy is needed

normal sperm count per ejaculation


importance of the division of N/S Korea

38th parallel was the line between democracy and communism

plot of Stand By Me

4 boys in small town Oregon go on a hike to find the dead body of another boy

symphony of silence

4'33. by John Cage

whom does Nancy Pelosi represent

4/5 of the city/countyr of San Francisco

location of the Caymen Islands

440miles west of Haiti

distance between Haiti and FL


when was the Paleozoic era

541-251 million yrs ago

average age of a USA farmer


ensures due process

5th amendment

source of the majority of naval fuel

60% is from fossil fuel - diesel

geographical lcoation of FLint

66 miles NW of Detroit

yrs of Star Trek original and Next Generation

66-69, 87-94

American deaths in Revolution

6800 kille din battle/17K of disease


6ft or 1.8meters

criteria for abnormal psych behavir

7 distress/disability, irrational acting/thought, maladaptive, unpredictable, behavior is unconventional or, observer discomfort vilates moral/ideal standards of societal norms

location of San Antonio

75 miles SW of Austin 190 miles W of Houston 250 miles S of Dallas-Ft Worth

total dead in American Revolution


death of of Whitey Bulger

89yo. found dead in a wheelchair killed by inmates within hrs of his arrival to a new prisoin. third homicide in the prison in a 40 day span

no unusual punishment

8th A

no excessive fines

8th Amendment

90% of life

90% of live is simply showing up

NMCP annual fetal/baby losses

911 miscarriages. 73 catastropic. 44 stillborn. 67 newborn deaths. ER sees 40 miscarriages/yr. 108.3 losses at NMCP/yr

Japan terror attck

94-95. Aum Shr. sarin.


=Italian Dominical friar in Florence. known fo

poem on the Statue of Liberty

A New COlossus by Emma Lazarus

deep six

A nautical expression indicating a water depth of 6 fathoms (36 feet, 10.97 metres) as measured by a sounding line; "deep six" acquired its idiomatic definition because something thrown overboard at or greater than this depth would be difficult, if not impossible, to recover.

payday loan

A payday loan (also called a payday advance, salary loan, payroll loan, small dollar loan, short term, or cash advance loan) is a small, short-term unsecured loan, "regardless of whether repayment of loans is linked to a borrower's payday."[1][2][3] The loans are also sometimes referred to as "cash advances," though that term can also refer to cash provided against a prearranged line of credit such as a credit card. Payday advance loans rely on the consumer having previous payroll and employment records. Legislation regarding payday loans varies widely between different countries, and in federal systems, between different states or provinces.

antipodal point

A point that is on the direct opposite side of a planet.

text of the second amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

channel of Duck Dynasty


parts of Medicare

A-hospital/hospice B-medial insurance C-medicare advantage D-prescription drug plans

causes muscles to contract

ACh at junctions between nerves and muscles causes muscles to contract

types of radiation


sustains basic life fucntions


Meniere's disease

Abnormal condition within the labyrinth of the inner ear that can lead to a progressive loss of hearing. The symptoms are dizziness or vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

awards the Oscars

Academy of Mtion Picture Arts and Science

african american female naval admiral

Admiral Michelle Howard

location of the Taj Mahal

Agra, India

Spanish Islam structure

Alhambra fortress-palce. in Grandada

diseases caused by ACh

Alzheimers, inabiliyt of muscles to contract, botulism, Amazon indian poision darts

official representative of USA to the Roman Catholic CHurch

Ambassador of the US to the Holy See

publishes the DSM

American Psychiatric Association

automous community in southern Spain


governor of NY

Andrew Cuomo

Namib Desert

Angola and Namibia

Namib desert

Angola and Namibia

middle east languages

Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Pashto, Dari

use of chemical weapons in teh middle east

Assad regime used sarin against civilians

magum opus of Ayn Rand

Atlas Schrugged

movies with Gregory Peck

Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, Capt Ahab in Moby Dick, How the West Was Won

star of Breakfast at Tifany's

Audrey HEpburn

star of My Fair Lady movie

Audrey Hepburn

first woman to direct, write/produce/star in a major studio film

Barbara Strisand for Yentl

first woman who won an Oscar for composing

Barbarah Streisand for composing "Evergreen"

all-women's college afilliated w/ Columbia

Barnard College

field of BF Skinner


psychologic field of John B Watson


patent granted for hte telephone

Bell in 1876

1984 lexicom term for abuse of governmetn pwoer espcially mass survialliance and mas ssurveilalnce

Big BRother

breathing pattern when you have damage to the medulla

Biots. irregular w/apnaea

Wesley Snipes

Blade in the Blade trilogy. 3yr jail for failing to file income tax

group led by Lenin


language formation and understanding areas of brain

Broca's and Wernicke's areas

where is Quinnipiac University

CT a the foot of the Sleeping Giant State park

when did most major animal phyla appear in fossil record

Cambrian Explosion 541 million yrs ago. before this, most organisms were simple individual cells

admiral who helped the man played by Tom Hanks who was kidnapped by pirates

Captain Philips was captured by Somali pirates and Admiral Michelle Howard played a key role in the resuce

hail Mary

Catholic prayer asking for the intercession ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary

livelogn achievement award at the Golden Globes

Cecil B De Mille Award

current era

Cenozoic (66million yrs go to present)

father of the computer

Charles Babbage bega buildign the first programmable mechanical computer in 1822

John Podesta

Chief of Staff to Prez Bill Clinton, councelor to Obama, chair fo the Center for American PRogress thick tank

Mexcio/US desert

Chihuahuan Desert

Atacama Desert

Chile and Peru

first HP director

Chris Colombus

directed The Dark Knight

Christopher nolan

created Big Bang Theory

Chuck Lore

played Dirty Harry

Clint Eastwood

Dierty Harry

Clint Eastwood. San Francisco Police Department Inspector Dirty Harry Calahan. draws on real case of Zodiac Killer as Dirty Harry seeks a similiar antagonist

Esienhower as a college president


colleges of Obama

Columbia, Harvard Law

tax writing comittee of the House of REpresentatives

Committee on Ways and Means

limbic system

It supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction.[2] Emotional life is largely housed in the limbic system, and it critically aids the formation of memories.

plot of House of Cards

Congressman Frank Underwood is a Democrate in House from South Carolina and is House Majority Whip. passed over for SofS so comes up with a plan for power *themes of ruthless pragmatism, manipulation, betrayal, power

family on Roseanne


egyptian christians

Coptic Christians

family in The Godfather


led the Brits at the end of REvolution


neighbor on Seinfeld

Cosmo Kramer was Michael Richards

Dodd-Frank Act

D-F Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

banned after Silent Spring


plot of Silent Spring

DDT thinned eggshells.

between N. and S. KOrea


largest recipients of World Bank Loans in 2018

India got $859M China got $370M

Ash Carter

DOD including Sec of Defense from 2015-2017

troubleshoot ET intubation

DOPE. displacement, obstruciton, pneumothorax/colapsed lung esophagus

mneumonics for rememebring s/s of cholinergic toxirome


mneumonic for common symptoms of cholinergic toxidrome

DUMBELS: diaphoresis/diarrhea, urinateion, miosis, bronchospasm/bradycardia/bronchorrhea, emesis, lacrimination, salivation

wrote "The Maltese Falcon"

Dashiell Hammet.

created Sam Spade

Dashielle Hamett in The Maltese Falcon

misdemeanor for giving classified documents/notes with a biogrpaher

David Petreaus

rhythmic bobbing of hte head that coincides w/heart beat

De Mussets sign. sign of aortic regurgitation

basketball palyer who went to North Korea

Dennis Rodman. probalbly saw very little of NK. when asked why he traveled to a place with a horrible human rights record, he said we do the same thing here

oversees FEMA

Dep of Homeland Security

who runs E-Verify

Dep of Homeland Security

largest weekly magazine circulation in Europe

Der Spiegel

areas of military logistics

Design, development, acquisition, storage, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of materiel. Transport of personnel. Acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities. Acquisition or furnishing of services. Medical and health service support.

DREAM Act acronym

Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. grant conditional residency then permant residency when they meet qualifications

used to diagnose mental disorders

Diagnostic and Stastical Manual of Mental Disroders

college in Philidelphia

Drexel University

Blue Devils


ruling party in 1984


reported the U of VA false gang rape story

"A Rape on Campus" in 2014 edition of ROlling Stone. "Jackie" gang raped at a party held by Phi Kappa Psi as part of an initiation rite

last line of Stand by Me

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?"

House of Cards quote about the differeence between money and power

"Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference.

pledge by wealthy to contribute wealth to philantropic causes

"The Giving Pledge" -doesn't actually dictate that the money will be spent in a certain way or to a particular cause/charity and no legal obligation to actually donate *moral commitment, not a legal contract *on the website, each person explains via a letter why they chose to contribute

House of Cards quote about overpowering doubt

"There's no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt than with a flood of naked truth."

defended Redcoats involved in the Boston Massacre

J. Adams

Christian Slater

JD in Heathers,

military burn vicitim on Dancing with the Stars

JR Martinez

artist who collaborated w/Stan Lee

Jack Kirby

spouse of Will Smieth

Jada Pinckett Smith

killed by being dragged behind a truck

James Byrd. black . 1998

directed Titanic

James Cameron

Trump Director of FBI

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Christopher Wray

FBI director dismissed by Trump

James Comney

invented basketball

James Naismith in Spingfield MA

VP candidate who ran with Ross Perot in 1992

James Stockdale

middle ages Bohemian church reformer

Jan Hus

female researcher who worked with chimps

Jane Goodall

preceded Eric Holder

Janet Reno

effect of WW2 on Korea

Japan annexed Korea in 1910 but lost it post WW2 so Korea was freed after 36yrs of Japan colonial rule

Japan versus USA in gun and deaths

Japan suicide rate is x2 USA yet no guns

shot Gabby Giffords

Jared Lee Loughner

Hawkeye in Marvel Universe

Jeremy Renner

stars in The Hurt Locker

Jeremy Renner, Ralph Finnes, Guy Pearce

star of Zero Dark Thirty

Jessica Chastain as a fictional CIAQ intellgience agent

south American cult

Jim Jones at Jonestown at the People 's Temple. cyanide drunk under duress in 1978

key person of Teamsters

Jimmy Hoffa

first woman to host a late night talk show

Joan Rivers

played Johnny Cash in Wak the Line

Joaquin Phionex

introduced the Don't Ask, Don't TEll

Joe Lieberman

CT senator

Joe Lieberman in 1989-2013

outcome of the Boston Massacre trial

John Adams got the sentence reduced to manslaughter b/c persuade dthe jury they feared for their lives

leader of progressive education

John Dewy

shot ronald regan

John Hinckley

reason why Regan was shot

John Hinckley was obsessed with Jodi Foster

first president/CEO of Center for American Progress

John Podesta

stars of Pulp Fiction

John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson, BRuce Willis, TIm Roth, Uma Thurmon

did the Little Albert experimetn

John Watson

psychologist who claimed "give me 12 infants..."

John Watson

second governor of the Massachusettes Bay Governor

John Winthrope

translated the Bible into English

John Wycliffe so they could read the bible in their own language

famous dynasty of Korea


started the Mormons

Joseph Smith

endemic to Mojave Desert

Joshua Trees

how did Putin become president of russia

KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16yrs. resigned in 1991 to enter politics. joined Prez yelstin's Administration. rose through ranks to become acting present when Yelstin resigned

mental health organization that assists in preventing/reducing the harm associated w/the problem of substance use and addicting behavors

Kaiser Foundation (different from teh Kaiser Family Foundation)

desert in southern africa


desert in Turkmenistan

Karakum Desert

female director who directed modern war Oscar films

Katherine Bigelow

sports journalist and political commentary

Keither Olberman

main character of House of Cards

Kevin Spacy as Frank Underwood


Kleptocracy (from Greek κλέπτης kléptēs, "thief", κλέπτω kléptō, "I steal", and -κρατία -kratía from κράτος krátos, "power, rule") is a government with corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) that use their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political powers. Typically, this system involves embezzlement of funds at the expense of the wider population.

Three Kingdom Period

Korea. when Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla coexisted *Silia conquored Baekje in 660AD b/c allied with China Tang Dynasty. Silia defeated G in 668AD and the 3 kingdoms united

relathionship between the Kardashians and Jenners

Kris and Robert Kardashian have Kourtney/Kim/Kloe/Rob. divorced and mom married BRuce Jenner and got half sisters Kendal and Kylie

rapid and deep breathing

Kussmaul breathing. to blow off CO2 acidosis

breathing patterns in acidosis

Kussmaul. rapid/deep to blow off excess CO2

difference between skeleton and luge

L-body up/feet first S-head first, chest to sled

created Seinfeld

Larry David and Seinfeld

interpreation of Marxism

Leninism, Stalinism

politician who was a JAG in Air Force

Lindsey Graham

cities smaller than Seoul

London and Paris

succeeded Eric Holder

Loretta Lynch

female Attoney generals of Obama

Loretta Lynch and Sally Yates

birthplace of hte atomic bomb

Los ALamos

Duck Dynasty

Lousiana family business "Duck Commander" makes products for duck hutners primarily a duck call called Duck Commander. *Robertson men Phil, Si, Jase, Willie,Jep. cnservative Protestant CHristian Views. **grandfather: Willie

term that means oppostiion to industrialization, automation, computersation, enw stecnologies


used in legal defenses of insanity

M'Naghten RUle. (1840s) *b/c M'Naghten was charged with murdering someone he mistook for Prime Minister RObert Peel.

rule to apply insanity as a criminal defense

M'Naghten Rule

UK agency comparable to FBI


covert organization in UK


mneumonic for equiupment check prior to introducing general anestesia

MALES. masks airways laryngoscopes ET tube suction/stylet

nickname "machine gun"

Machine Gun Kelley

floor leaders in House of REpresentatives

Majority Leader, Majority Whip Minority Leader, Minority Whip

Fat Leonard Scandel

Malasyan national known as Fat Leonard provided at least 1/2Millionin cssh plus travel expednses/luxkury items/prostitutes to officers in 7th Fleet to learn about the US ship movements/confidiential contracting info, info about active law enforcement invesigations. criminal charges against 33 people

first woman to get a PhD in psychology

Margaret Washburn in 1984 *animal behavior and motor theory develoment. wrote textbok "The Animal Mind"

Martin Dempsey

Marine Corp General. Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff rom 2011-2015

General John Kelly

Marine Corps general who led the US Southern Command (S. America realm) Trump Administration: Sec of Homeland Security and then WH Chief of Staff

water juxtaposed north to south next to Mass

Masachusetts bay, Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound, Buzzards Bay

first UN commander in Korean War


led the Battle of Incheon

McArthur fothe coalition from the UN

lead vocals for Rolling Stones

Mick Jagger

driest desert in North America

Mojave Desert

known for its Joshua Trees

Mojave Desert

Oscars wins for Katherine Hepburn

Morning Glory, Guess Who is COming to Dinner, The Lion in Winter, ON Golden Pond

liberal/progressive magazine

Mother Jones

progressive magazine

Mother Jonesq

Israelite athletes killed by Palestinians

Muni9ch Olympics in 1972:

test to detected an inflammed gallbladder

Murphy's sign

leaders of Korea post WW2

N. : Kim Il-sung S; Rhee Syngman

accompanies s/s of veritgo

N/V, nystagmus, tinnitis

trade agreement with Canada/USA/MExico

NAFTA in 1004

who is accused for all gun crimes


Pace University


location of Seinfeld

NYC's upper west side

longest river in S. Korea

Nakdong River.

sourthern Africa deserts

Namib desert: angolia and namibia Kalahari: angola, botswana, namibia, s. africa

islands south of Cape Cod

Nantucket is east of Martha's Vinyard

wrote The Scarlett Letter

Nathanial Hawthorne

where can you see the Constituion

Natioanl Archives


National Organization fo r the Reform of Marijuana Laws

provides start/end dates of USA recessions

National bureau of Economic Research.American nonprofit resarch org

second highest decoration for valor

Navy Cross


Navy Sebee diver murdered by Hezbollah terrorists during the hijacking of an airplane

main character in The Matrix


city of Rutgers

New Brunswick, NJ

oldest independent schoolof musical in USA

New England Conservatorof Music in Boston

performing arts/media arts school in NY University

New York University Tisch School of the Arts

declared drug abuse was public enemy number one

Nixon in 1971

yrs dynamite was invented

Nobel in 1867

led coalition forces in the 1991 Gulf War

Norman Schwarzkopf

water north and south of Cape Cod

North: Cape Cod Bay South: Nantucket Bay

degeneration of bone cartiliage in a joint


philosophical system founded by Ayn Rand


history of Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was a left-wing protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, against economic inequality.[7] The Canadian anti-consumerist and pro-environment group/magazine Adbusters initiated the call for a protest. The main issues raised by Occupy Wall Street were social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector. The OWS slogan, "We are the 99%", refers to income and wealth inequality in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. To achieve their goals, protesters acted on consensus-based decisions made in general assemblies which emphasized redress through direct action over the petitioning to authorities.[8][nb 1] The protesters were forced out of Zuccotti Park on November 15, 2011. Protesters turned their focus to occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, foreclosed homes, and college and university campuses.

superstate in 1984


Bowling State University


american flag hanging in the Smithsonian

Old Glory

NRA leadership

Oliver North is president Wayne LaPierre is executive VP Chris Cox is chief lobbyist Dana Loesch-national spokesman

book by Beccaria

On Crimes and Punishment

book by Darwin

On the Orgin of Species in 1851

operations in Afghanistan

Operatino ENduring Freedom 01-14 Operation Freedom Sentinel 2015-present

code name for the Battle of Incheon

Operation Chromite

name for the conflict against ISIS

Operation Inheret REsolve

leadership positions in the Incident Command System

Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance, Administration

codename for the FBI probe into 9/11

PENTTBOM. stands for Pentagon/Twin Towers Bmb INvestigation

releases ACh


led S. Korea post WW2

PResident of the REpublic of Korea Rhee SYngman

home of Inside the Actor's Studio

Pace University in NYC

top award at the Cannes Film Fesival

Palme d'Or

highest prize awarded by the Canes Film Festival

Palme d'or

aka Parmesian cheese


wheel of fortune host

Pat Sajak

desert in argentina/chile

Patagonian Desert

south america deserts

Patagonian Desert, Atacama Desert

real nae of Obamacare

Patient Protection and Affordabel Care Act

VP candidate for Mitt Romney

Paul Ryan

symbolism of the daughter in The Scarlett Letter

Pearl symbolizes her parent's sin adn passion. constant reminder of the sin her mother could not escape and was the scarlet letter in another form, the scarlet lettern endowed in life

birthplace of naval aviation


off season training for the Blue Angels


protracted war

People's war, also called protracted people's war, is a Marxist military strategy first developed by the Chinese communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong (1893-1976). The basic concept behind People's War is to maintain the support of the population and draw the enemy deep into the countryside (stretching their supply lines) where the population will bleed them dry through a mix of mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare. It was used by the Communists against the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II and by the Chinese Soviet Republic in the Chinese Civil War.

ship of Moby Dick


horror story contest

Percy SHelly, Lord Bryan, Mary Shelly

famous for sonnets


directed LOR

Peter Jackson

perosn from Duck Dynasty who got in trouble

Phil Robertson in GQ magazine resulted in anti-gay statements an a suspension by A&E for 9 days

BLM man who was shot by police while reaching for his driver's license

Philandro Castile. 32yo. Minnesota. 2016

modern minimalist composor

Philip Glass and John Cage

famous for the rod through his head that changed his personality

Phineas Gage in 1848. went through frontal lobe

ponzi scheme

Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return with little risk to investors. The Ponzi scheme generates returns for older investors by acquiring new investors. This is similar to a pyramid scheme in that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backer * form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.

simile by house of cards about pwoer

Power is a lot like real estate. It's all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value."


Prez of RUssia 2002-08. then PM of RUssia. then PRez of Russia

House of cards quote about proximity to powre

Proximity to power deludes some into thinking they wield it."

New York World


capital of N. Korea


tv station of home shoppign

QVC: quality, value, convenience

characters in Atlas Shrugged

Railrad exec Dagny Taggart, her lover steel magnate hank Rearden. discover a mysterious figure John Galt is persuading other business leaders to absadnon their companies

stars of The Karate Kid

Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, Elsabeth Shue,

Air base in Germany

Ramstien Air Base

created Philip Marlowe

Raymond Chandler in The Big Sleep

Trump Chief of Staff

Reince Priebus, John Kelly

films by Quentin Tarintino

Reservoir Dogs, PUlp Fiction, Kill Bill, Inglorious bastards, The Hateful 8, Django Unchained, ONce Upon a Time in Hollywood

Rumplestilkens actor in Once Upon a Time

Robert Carlyle

last name of the Duck Dynasty family


female on House of Cards

Robin Wright as wife Claire Underwood (wife of a congressman and runs a Clean Water NGO. second lady, UN Ambassador, First Lady, VP, then 47th president

USSR actor in Rockey

Rockey IV as rival USSR boxer Ivan Drago. Hans Lundgren.

Eternal City


John Goodman

Roseanne, The Big Lebowski, O BRother where art thou, The Emperor's New groove, Monsters Inc

experiment where 8 sane people were sent to an insane hospital, behaved normally, no one IDed as sane, and all d/c to home with dx "schizo in remission" despite not actually having it or showing signs.

Rosenhan experiment 1973. had to take meds as a condition to be let go. average time inpatient was 19 days. after admission, told staff they felt fine and no longer had hallucinations

atrial gallop


releases NE


what does SNS versus PNS release

SNS releases NE, PNS releases AcH


SW coast of FL

swedish car


movies with Audrey Hepburn

Sabrina, Breakfast at Tifany's, Charade, My Fair Lady, Wait UNitl Dark

detective played by Humphrey Bogart

Sam Spade in teh Maltese Falcon and Philip Marlowe in THe Big Sleep

protagonist of The Maltese Falcon

Sam Spade played by Humphrey Bogart

California fault

San Andreas

HQ of Youtube

San Bruno, CA

oldest state capitol in USA

Sante Fe founded in 1610. capital of NM since the Spanish period

28 marble steps at the Holy See in Rome

Scala Sancta

twin who spent time in space

Scott Kelley


Screen Actors Guild - Amercian Federation of Television and Radio Artists

police who was shot by the Boston Marathon bomber

Sean Collier. MIT police 27yo

stars of Seinfeld

Seinfeld george costanza-jason alexander elaine-JLD Cosmo Kramer-Michael Richards

senate comittee who oversees executive department/court appointments

Senate Judiciary Comiettee

senate comittee who oversees the DOJ/considers execdutive nominations

Senate Judiciary Comittee

introduced the Affordable Care Act

Senator Charles Rangel D-NY in 2009

broke with the Obama administration's classification of Ft Hood

Senator Joe Lieberman who said it was preventable terrorism cuased by political correctness in the military/FBI

Kristen Gillibrand

Senator from NY

political jobs of Al Gore

Senator from TN, VP,

Chuck Hagel

Senator of Nebraska/Obama S of Defense. 2 purple hearts for infanty squad leader in Vietnam War. founded Vanguard Cellular and is teh primary serouce of his welth.

Han River

Seoul, S. Korea

life insurance for active duty and reserves

Servicemember's Group Life ISnsurance. SGLI

historically female NE USA colleges

Seven Sisters

chief operating officer of Facebook

Sheryl Sandberg

PM of Japan

Shinzo Abe

Jessica Lynch

Soldier/POW. Private First Class convoy ambushed by Iraqi force. seriously injured. 2003 Special Ops rescue. first successful rescue of American POW since WWII and first of a woman

southern hemisphere constillation

Souther Cross

Elon Musk

Space X, Tesla Inc, Neuralink, The Boring Company, OpenAI, Paypal

Newt Gingrich

Speaker of the House

frequently paired in movies with Katherine Hepburn

Specer Tracy

division of CIA responsible for covert operations

Special Activities Division: divided into two. one does tactical paramilitary operations and others do covert political action

stars of Guess Whose coming to dinner

Spenceer Tracy, Sidney Poitier, Katherine Hepburn, and Katherine Hepburn's niece

mother of virgin mary

St Anne

church in ROme

St Peters

organization that ran Star Trek's Enterprise

Starfleed was the defense/deep exploration service of hte Federation of Planets

directed Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg

FL school shooting

Stoneman Doughlas High School

Senators from Maine

Susan Collins and NAngus King

gov financial bailout plan of 2008

TARP. trouble dasset releif program

infrastructure/tunnel construction company by Elon Musk

THe Borning Company

jaw pain


bull in the zodiac


desert between India and Pakistan

Thar Desert

books by Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead, Atlas Schrugged

memorir by Khruschov

The Glasnost Tape.

Kathryn Beigelow

The Hurt Locker (first female Best Director), Zero Dark Thirty

nickname of Jack Kirby

The King. for his influential effect on comic book art

Ed Asner

The Mary Tyler Moore show, Santa in Elf, voice of Carl in Up, *former president of the Screen Actor's Guild

army quartermaster

The U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps mission is to support the development, production, acquisition, and sustainment of general supply, Mortuary Affairs, subsistences, petroleum and water, material and distribution management during peace and war to provide combat power to the U.S. Army.

plot of Atlas Schrugged

The book depicts a dystopian United States in which private businesses suffer under increasingly burdensome laws and regulations. Railroad executive Dagny Taggart and her lover, steel magnate Hank Rearden, struggle against "looters" who want to exploit their productivity. Dagny and Hank discover that a mysterious figure called John Galt is persuading other business leaders to abandon their companies and disappear as a "strike" of productive individuals against the looters. The novel ends with the strikers planning to build a new capitalist society based on Galt's philosophy of reason and individualism. The theme of Atlas Shrugged, as Rand described it, is "the role of man's mind in existence". The book explores a number of philosophical themes from which Rand would subsequently develop Objectivism.[3][4] In doing so, it expresses the advocacy of reason, individualism, and capitalism, and depicts what Rand saw to be the failures of governmental coercion.


The dramatic story incorporates humor and music to relate the story of an Ashkenazi Jewish girl in Poland who decides to dress and live like a man so that she can receive an education in Talmudic Law after her father dies. This cultural gender asymmetry that Yentl endures has been referenced in the medical community with the coining of the phrase Yentl Syndrome **woman pretends to be a man in order to receive the education she desires

plot of Scarface

The film tells the story of Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) who arrives in 1980s Miami with nothing and rises to become a powerful drug kingpin.

Feres Doctrine

The government is not liable under the FTCA for injuries to service members when those injuries arose out of, or were in the course of, activities incident to service

Titus Adronicus

The play is set during the latter days of the Roman Empire and tells the fictional story of Titus, a general in the Roman army, who is engaged in a cycle of revenge with Tamora, Queen of the Goths. It is Shakespeare's bloodiest and most violent work,

"The Boys are Back in Town"

Think Lizzy. Irish Hard rock band

rulers in 1984

Thought police persecute individualism and independent thining

characteristics of 1984

Thought police, big brother, double think, thought crime, Newspeak, Room 101, telescreen, 2=2=5, memory hole, Orwellian

date of our celebration for the Epiphany

Three Kings Day is Jan 6 and celebrates the manifestation to the Gentiles as represented by the Maji. celebrations the revelation of God as Jesus Chrusit

parent company of CNN

Time Warner

internet merger

Timer warner merged with AOL

bloodiest work by Shakesphere

Titus Andronicus

Atticus Finch in the movie

To Kill a MOckinbird. Gregory Peck

led character in Scarface

Tony Montana

hybrid car

Toyota Prius

monks famous for beermaking

Trapist Monks

ended the War of 112

Treaty of Ghent

treaty to end Revolution

Treaty of Paris in 1783

officially ended the American-led Allied occupation of Jazpan

Treaty of San Francisco between Japan and the Allie dcountries in 1951

phase of WW2 that happened almost 1 month before mom was born and officially came into force 27 days after Dad was born

Treaty of San Francisco officially ended the American-led Allied Occupatin of Japan

blanket name for the military benefit package


most recent president who didn't have a college degree

Truman. went to business college/law school but didn't graduate

Jeff Sessions

Trump Attoney General

Rod Rubinstein

Trump Deputy Attoney General. appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate alledge ties between the Trump campaign and RUssia durin the 2016 election

in trouble for putting the Boston Marathon brother on their cover

Tsarneav was on the cover of ROlling STone

where did the Arab Spring start

Tunesia in 2010

Karakum Desert


law code for military


who won the Battle of Incheon


aka UN Children's Fund


legislative comittee that oversees (w/o administering) forieign aid programs/funding arms sales/training for national allies

US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

holds confirmation hearings for high level positions in the Department of State

US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; HofR Committee on Foreign Affairs

American Legion

US war vet organization. played ia leading role in drafting/passing the GI Bill

what happened in-betwen Hiroshima a-bomb and Nagasaki

USSR declared war on Japan

stars of Kill Bill

Uma Thurmon, Lucy Liu, Vivica A Fox, Bill - David Carraidine

aka Big Dipper

Ursa Major

Peter King

Us REp from New York. serving since 1993

option for logging into Facebook on a public computer

Use your registered mobile phone and send a text message with the message "otp" to 32665 ("FBOOK"), which is the SMS short code for Facebook

end of ww2 when germany surrendered

V-E day. 8 May

award for excellence on the Internet

Webby Award

can't comprehend the meaning of words but can still speak

Wernicek's aphasia

WW2 conferences

Yalta, Tehran, Potsdam

border between North Korea and China

Yalu River aka Amnok River

rebellion led by rebels associated with Taoist societies

Yellow Turban REbellion. peasant revoltion in China agaisnt eastern Han in 184AD lasting 21yrs to suppress

wife of John Lennon

Yoko ONo

end of The New Colossus

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

invented a method for the production fo carbonated water

`1767 by Joseph priestly


a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unplesant


a condition/system in which two or more states/groups/princples/sources of authority coexist.

stastical differnece

a difference is accpepted as "real" when the probability that it might happen due to chance is less than 5%


a feeling of doubts or hesitation with regard to hte morality or propriety of ta course of an action


a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone/something


a man who behaves dishonoruarbly especially towards a woman


a pithy observation which contains a great truth


a political approach that strivs to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their conerns are disregarded by established elite groups


a relatively minor fault or sin

description of Seinfeld

a show about nothing

what is needed to be forgiven for a sin

a sin must be recalled and confessed before it can be repented/forgiven


a strong or habitual liking for somehting or tendency to do something


a written work dealign formally and systematically with a subject

s/s of sickle cell crisis

abd pain

move away from the middle of hte body


soft power

ability to attract and co-opt rather than rather than coerce (hard power). ability to shape the preference so of tothers through appeal and attraction. defining feature: noncoercive. currency of soft power: culture, political values, foreign policies

2 most important factors that led to advances in human development

ability to walk upright, increase in brain size


abnormal behavior, strange speech, decreased ability to understand reality

modify with interactiosn with another culture


fear of heights



act /remark that is calculated to gain an advantage

importance of recognizing bias in experiments

act as a filter through which things are notices as relevent/significant while others are irrevelentmeaningless


act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beiefs of correct


action of leaving a place

move back inside to midleine


opposite in operation from a bureaucracy


ranks of admiral

admiral, vice, rear, rear admiral lower half

act of adding an ingredient to something else


as mentionedbefore


Charles Rangle

african am: purple heart for korean war for leading soldiers out of a deadly chinese encirclement *Representative D from NY from 1971-2017 *chair of the House Ways and Means comittee

who wore the zoot suit

african american in 1940s

eligible for Medicare

age over 65, younger w/disability, ESRD, ALS

capacity of an actor to act in a given environment


to increas ethe power or reputation of something


fear of public places with no escape



agreement under international law enered in by actors in interanational law liek soverign states an dinternational organizatins. *contract of international law. example of wiling parties assuming obligations among themselves and any party that fails to live up to their obligatinos can be held laible under international law

fear of sharp things



air bubbling through moisture n alveoli or collapsed alveoli popping open

tidal volume

air inhaled w/each breath

necessary to win modern wars

air superiority

Yalu River

aka Amnok River: border betwen N. Koraa an dChina

Amnok River

aka Yalu River. borderbetween N. korea and china


algorithm for perform ing encryption/decryption. series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure

tax writing in Congress

all tax bills must originate in the House of Reps. (aka the Ways & Means Comittees) and counterpart is the US Senate Committee on Finance

motto of NY Times

all the news that's fit to print

benefit of early humans learning language

allowed humans to make rapid adjustsments to changes

what can't a trustee do

allowed to do certain tasks but can't gain income. holds property on behalf of the beneficiary

church officer in charge of distributing money to deserving poor




aka bald


questions to ask if someone is offended

am I really offended? why am I angry then? is it b/c I like the person/issue/idea the offender has targeted is it b/c I dont' like the offender...

gather together


absenses of menses


negative intepretation of american progress

american progress is a marker for evil american domination

definition of specific heat

amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of mass by 1 kelvin

type of landing at Incheon


belonging to a period other than that being portrayed


Diane Sawyer

anchor of ABC World News, co-anchor of Good Morning America -part of Nixon's WH staff


ancient Greek school of philsophy founded at Athens by Zeno. taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge, the wise live in harmony with teh divine Reason that governs nature, indivverent ot the vicissitudes of fortuen and to pleasure and pain

abnormal dilation of a blood vessel


Kalahari Desert

angola, botswana, namibia, s. africa

arthritis in the spine

ankylosis spondylitis

Arab Spring

anti-gov protests starting in 2010 Tunesia

deep seated feeling of aversion


personality disroder where you have a long pattern for the disregard/violation for hte rights of others

antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, socioopathy

disregard/violation of the rights of others

antisocial, psychopath, sociopath

generalized anxiety

anxietys most of the time at least 6m without specific danger plus at least 3 other symptoms: muscle tension, fatigue, restlessness, irirtable, poor concentration, sleep problems


any factor that can change an experiement

memory hole

any mechanism for the alteration or disappearence of inconvient or embarassign documents/photographys/trasncripts/records particiculary as part of an attemtp to give the impression that something never happened *concept popularized by 1984 where the Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all ppotential historical documents to rewrite all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda

free radicals

any molecular species capable of interdependent existence that contains an unpaired electron in an atomc orbital


anything that foreshadows a future event, omen, sign


apparent perception of either a living being or inanimate object w/o there being any material stimulus for such a perception. person is awake so it isn't a dream

legislation to approve federal funds

appropriations bill

writing by Stalin

as a youth, he edited the marxist paper Pravda

peace be unto you

as-salamu alaykum

refering to ghost towns/artifacts that have lsot their relevance

ash heap/dustbin of history

adopt one culture into another


nursing process

assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate


assistance and support in times of hardship/distress

Tisch School

associated w/ NY Un iversity

popularly known pattern of stars in the night sky


flapping hand tremors


reaosn for blurry vision


fate of Edward Snowden

asylum in an undisclosed place in -president of Freedom the the Press Foundation in 2016 which aims to protect journalists form hacking and government surveillance

first meeting to define allied goals for post ww2 world

atlantic charter polic y statement of 1941

indication of S4

atria has to contract against ventricular resistance

responsible for 25% of total blood volume

atrial kick

when is atropine given if exposed to a terror attack

atrpine for nerve agents

progressive education

attempt to level the playing field.

a sign of the future/omen



autoimmune inflammation

Guillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

autoimmune. destruction of myeling sheaths with los sof motor function without sensory loss

how does the DSMTRIV classify its chapters


why is safety important for someone with a head injury

b/c impulsive

number of teeth in life

baby teeth 20 adult 32


bad beyond correction or reform


ban that prohibits persons, certain active Church individuals or groups from participating in certain rites or that the rites and services of hte churhc are banished from having validity in certain territories for a limited or extended time

Battle of Hwangsanbeol

battle in Korea betwen the Silla and Baekje in 660AD. Silia won and had strength of 50K. Baekje were anhiliated and only had strength of 5K *movie is "Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield"

Operation Chromite

battle of INcheon

saga of the Flint water crisis

began in 2014 when the drinking water source was changed from Lake Huron/Detroit River to less costly Flint River. due to insufficient water treatment, leach leached from water pipes into the drinking water exposing 100K residents to elevated lead. state of emergency after scientific studies proved in 2016 that lead was in the water. *all lead pipes were expected to be completed in 2019

importance of self-efficaacy

belief that one can adequately perform in a particualr situation. sense of SE influences your perceptions, motivation, and preferences *determines how much effort and how lng you must when faced with difficulty

intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself


founder of Microsoft

bill gates and paul allen

computer file that is not a text file

binary file

work by Freud

biology drives all influences

impotance of eating proteins

body's building blocks of body/tissue


bone to bone

Silas Marner

book by George Eliot (female)


book contianing reprints of a number of works

citizenshop of Elon Musk

born in South Africa, went to college in Canada and later U of Penn's Wharton School, (South Africa, Canadian, and USA)

naval whistle used to send commands

bosun's whistle

toxins that affect ACh

botulism, amazon indian poison darts

documentaries by michael moore

bowling for columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11-bush, Fahrenheit 11/9 Trump Sicko, Slacker Uprising

container for hot coals, typically taking the form of upright standing or hanging metal bowl or box


main set of Star Trek



bring back inside to midline

Jewish circumscision

bris. done on day 8 of brith

a person who buys shares hoping to sell them at a higher price later


security bag that hodls sensitive or classified documents to be destroyed by fire

burn bagq

JR Martinez

burn vicitim on Dancing w/ the strs. 34% burned. starred as Brot Monroe on All My CHildren

purpose of middle ages burning at stake

burngn body was to ensure no bodily resurrection for hallowed ground

"the business of America is..."

business. coolidge


by Ayn Rand

Fannie Mac

by FDR in 1938: mission to buy mortage from private lenders so banks woul dhave more capital to lend

alcohol thermometer

by Fahrenheit in 1709

per se

by or in itself o

mathmical notation for speed of sound


state of being admired

cachet (cash ay)

how do you drive luge

calf muscles to flex the sled's runner or opposite shoulder pressure

indigenous people of Guam

called Guamanians. American citizens at birth. indigenous Guamians are Chamorros

modern president campaign versus governing

campaign as a populist, govern as a globalist

RICO Act punishment for leaders for a crime syndicate

can be tried for crimes the ordered others to do or assised, closing a perceived loophold that allowed a person who instructed someone else to for example, murder, to be exempt from trial b/c they didnt' actually do the murder

Wernicke's apasia

can't comprehend meaning of words but can still speak


capacity of an actor to act in a given environment

body's main energy source


critical pathway

care plans that detail the essential steps in patient care with a vieew to describe the expece4d process of the patient. suggests they reduce the cost of care and length of time a pt stays in the hospital

american goulash


ending of Korean War


importance of cholesterol

cell structure and precursor to hormmones


cell's ability to transmit an impuse

invention of the first man made plastic

celluloid in 1862


ceramic/metal container where you can subject substances to high temperatures. OR situation of severe trial or in which different elements interact leading to the creation of something new

regulates coordination of movment


school voucher

certificate of government fundign for a student for a student at a school chosen by the studnet or the parents.

leaders of Congress comittees

chair and ranking member

intimate classical musical

chamber music. not generally including solos

painless ulcer


response of the respiratory system to acid-base problems

change RR/depth


changes in the performance of brain over time


cheat someone by giving insufficient money as change



Sheryl Sandberg

chief operating officer of Facebook

chief tax writing comittee of hte US House of Reps

chief tax writing comittee of HOR. -jourisdiction: taxation, tariffs, revenue-raising measures, Social Security, unemployment benefits, Medicare, enforcements of child support laws, Tempoary Assistance for Needy Families, foster care, adoption programs

retention issue


Opium wars

china and british empire over British trade of opium and china's soverignty. 1839-1860

gas used in WW1

cholride gas

where can you find genes


nickname of ROme

city of 7 hills, Eternal City

opposite from government

civil sector

political tension/economic antagonist that exists in society b/c competition

class warfare

aqueous humor

clear fluid between the cornea and iris

covered walkway/arcade forming a square


motion aimed at bringing debate to a quick end


rx that cause pupil constriction

cocaine, herorin, opiods

snail like structure in the ear


arrange according to a plan/system. arrange laws or rules into a systematic code


Larry Page

cofounder of Google

Sergey Brin

cofounder of Google

parts of a machine


to style or arrange someone's hari

coif (ku off)

crucial in the field


Great Recession

collapse fo US real-estate market, in relation to the financial crisis of 2007-2008. US subprime mortage cirsis of 2007-2009

goal of SpaceX

colonization of Mars.

Jack Kirby

combic book arthur. Captain America. collaborated w/writer Stan Lee. left in 1970s to join rigal DC


come together to form one mass/whole

4 C's

command, control, communication, coordination

vein that drains the lower limbs/pelvis

common iliac

what happens when government intrudes

community is replaced by entitlement and everyone gets in line, not just the folks that need it the most


company that allows factories to be largely duty free and tariff free. these factoreis take raw materials and assemble/manufacture/process them and export the finished product

John Cage

composor of 4'33

what does enthalpy comprise

comprises a system's internal energy which is teh energy required to create the system plus the amount of work required to make room for it by displacing its environment and establishing its volume and pressure

repeative purposeful activivities/rituals done to decrease/prevfent discomfort with a situation


ability to see color



conformity to conventional accepted standards of behavior or morals

neither the independent nor dependent variable

confounding variable. something other than what the experimenter purposefully introuduces. intrudes

red eye



connective tissue thickness/hardness


connective tissue to protect hte brain/spinal cord

personality trait of being careful or diligent


what does the military consider when they attack a site

consider how much of the area aroudn the site you'll need to secure

difference between an asterism and constillation

constellation is an officially recognized area of the sky. asterism is a visually obvious collection of stars and the lines used to mentally connect them. informal

interventions that save lives in trauma

control bleeding and airway management

priority in trauma

control bleeding and airway managemnet

thyroid gland

controls metabolism

conversion of CO2

conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate or carbonic acid

Kermit Gosnell

convicted for boched abortions

important thing to know about cool and profit

cool and profit are two differnt things. that's something every young kid need to hear. there's nothing wrong with making a profit by creating something people actually need even if

reality of most people who are cool

cool has a shelf life

cool as a trojan horse

cool is the trojan horse of coercision

cool and evil

cool makes evil jut a part of hte romantic resistance and if you regret it, then your the

problem with liberal cool

cool posions everything I know to be enjoyable in life

missing if you are cool

cool supsends critical thinking

outermost layer of eye


statement that follows from a previous statement


degree of relationship between 2 variables

correlation coefficient

argument against mandatory ID's to voite

cost of ID would essentially make it a poll tadx


covers abdominal organs


critize unfairly

bow and arrow that is shot horizontally, not vertically


type of puzzle that consists of short piec eof encrypted text


describes Stalin's effect on people

cult of personality

appreciation and learning of other cultures

culture competence


curry favour with someone actign very obsequiously

purpose of CSF

cushions, deliveres nutrient, removes waste


custom/principle/belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important


cut short. lacking an expected or normal element

first aid for cyandide

cyanide kit. 100% oxygen

condemnation fo memory. person is to be exculuded from official accounts

damnatio memoriae.

ranking system in martial arts


unit of loudness fo sound waves


job of military snipers

decide if someone needs to be taken out for the great good

what is happening in Alzheimers

decrease in ACh


decreased ability to focus on near objects w/age

cause of syncope

decreased cerebral blood flow

blood flow during uterine contractions

decreases blood flow by compressing uterine arteries


degeneration of bone cartilage in a joint


deliberately avoid using/abstain from


demand/specify a requirement typically as part of an agreement

Elipt spitzer

democrat governor of NY 2007-2008 until he resigned b/c prostitution acandle.

official name of north korea

democratic people's republic of korea

modest appearence/reserve modest and shy personality


care impulses to/from neuron

dendrites and axions


denial/lack of belief woward sthe reputedly meaninful aspects of life

problem of dependence on oil

dependenc eon fossil fuels leaves us vulnerable to price volatility which takes resources away from readiness and maintence and impacts opererators. also leaves us limited comtrol over fuel supply when depends on foreign

dependency in society

dependency ins considered an acceptable society independent of achievement

variable in an experiment that is measured to see how it is changed/unchanged

dependent variable

phase of a trial where you say what happened in your own words


risk factors for teen suicide

depression, social isolation, r/x/alcohol/physical abuse, school, dereased peer support,


describe situation/idea/sociaty condition. destructive to the welfare of a free and open socity. denotes an attitude and prutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial oof truth/double think, mianipulation


describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizees cateegories of infomration and tier relationship s among them

skin peeling


business of the Koch Borothers

developed a new cracking method for hte refinement of heavy crude oil into gasoline. the 4 sons litigated against each others over their interests in the business in 1980s-90s

opposite points on the surface of a sphere

diametrically opposed or antipodal point

primary muscle of respiration


a formal pronouncement from authority that expresses a general truth or principle



different fro assumptions/beliefs.

problem of circular arguments

difficult to escape

double vision




Guilermo del Toro

directed Pan's Labrynth, Hellboy, THe Shape of Water

Zero Dark Thirty

directed by Katherine Bigelow. aboue the manhunt for Osama bl

Michael bay

director of Armageddon, Pearl harbor, Transformer

aka lighter than air aircraft


lighter than air aircraft that can nagivate in air under its own peower

dirigible balloon/airship/zeppelin

"do you feel lucky punk"

dirty harry


disc to bend light waves enter tthe eyes

important thing about equipment when resoponding to terror incidents

display of equipment isn't training

how does cyandide kill

disrupts ability to use oxygen

psych disorder where you have a disturbance in memory

dissociative disorders

a peron does unplanned travel/wandering, assumes a new itentity, and forgets original life

dissociative fugue

reversible amnesia for peronality identity

dissociative fugue

aka multiple personality disorder

dissociative identity disorder

funding of the US Post Office

does't get government appropriation s but haas to adhere to complex regulations that mandate ech clas sof mail

parts of small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

changes in racism today verus earlier in hx

during the time when it was okay tobe racist, the victims of racism were truly the victors and loosers lived in a world and freedoms were taken for granted. today the perps are villified the only people hurt by racism these days are teh racists. if you express racism, you are destorying not only your darget. racism is a source of rage and keeps people feelign relevent

when is NE released

durng fight or flight

symptoms of TMJ

ear pain, headache, crepitation with

important to control incidents

early recognition/reporting

trickle down economics

economic predosposition that taxes on businesses and wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment in teh short term and benefit socity at large inteh longer term

Wharton school

economics college of University of Pennsylvania

how do most people see the world

either or. 2 sides. if you add a third, things get weird

chop suey

elbow maccarone. ground beef. sauteed onions, green peppers in thick tomato based sauce

neurotransmitter to elevate mood

elevate NE and GABA

elevation of David versus Goalith

elevation of the David v Goalith myth as the universal symbol dictating that it is always moral for the smaller party to win in a battle over the bigger, even if the smaller/weaker . if america was the tooth, the cool for root for the cavity

news reports from reporters who are attached to combat units involved in armed conflicts

embeded journalism

place of trade


Treaty of Ghent

ended war of 1812

what is involved in everything we do


US gov program fo torture by the CIA/armed forces

enhanced interrogation techniques

3 layers of skin

epidermis, dermis, hypodermis

purpose of the eusachian tube

equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum

first african american attoney general

eric holder


erodes the real value of local currency as the prices of all goods increase. causes people to minimize their holdings and switch to more stable currencies

study concerned with the final events of history/ultimate destiny of humanity


proforma invoice

estimate/quote invoice sent by a seller to a buyer in advance of a shipment/delivery of foods.


ethnic subgenre of the exploitation film that emerged in teh US in 1970s

medical terminollogy for normal breathing pattern


equalizes pressure on both sides fo hte eardrum

eusachian tube

why should people be kept out of initial area of an accident/terror scene

even if good intentioned, they may be at risk from secondar bmb

belief of exceptionalism of people

everyone believes in exceptionalism meaning there is not such thing as exceptionalism

how is evil in film seen

evil in film is seen as a lesson plan for romantic rebellion

narcissistic peronality disorder

exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy, think a lot about achieving power/success, their appearence *often tanke advancgage of others. feel entitled and exploit others

Histrionic personality disorder

excessive attention seeking including seductive behavior and excessive need for approval. flirtatious. crave stimulation, egocentric, self-inducgence, manipulative to own needs


excessive mucous production and cough

cell's ability to resond to an impusle


operation of private companies

exist to create wealth. closely manage expenses/ensure eveyr $ has a return


exothermic chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and coversion of the chemical

low GABA in the body

experience extra neural activity as feelings of anxiety.


express sharp disapproval or cirticism of someone b/c of their behavior/actions

nuchal rigidity

extension of the neck with resistace ot flexion. sign of meningitis


extract metal from an ore by a process of heating/melting


extremely unpleaant or degrading

Snellen chart

eye chart w/letters

skeleton (olympics)

face down/head first

luge (skeleton)

face up/feat first

test for stroke

facial droop (smile), motor (arm drift), repeat a sentence

think tank

factory or policy institute is a research institute/center and organization which performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture.

s/s of schizophrenai

false beliefs, confused thinking, hearing vices/seeing thngs, lack motivation, reduction of social engagement and emotional expression, unclear/cfnfused thinking



Charles Babbage

father of hte computer. began building the first progrtammable mechanical computer in 1822

Wilhelm Wundt

father of psychology. establishe dthe first experimental psychology lab

measurement of water depth


fats and water

fats are insoluble in water

test for blood in stool

fecal occult

Bernie Madoff

federal prison for ponzi scheme. non-exec chairman of the NASDAQ stock market and the largest ponzi scheme in hx/financial fraud in USA. farud was $64.8B

general (federal) government with regional (state gove)



fedral deposit insurance corporation

crimes that are punishable by at least 1 yrs in jail


opinions of virgins

female prefer to view virgs as people who are repressed rather than a smart person avoiding mistakes made by her peers. lifestyle may be healthy * the forgotten art of delayed gratification

how are non-feminist woment treated

feminists mockwomen who depend on others. how is man different from government dependeny

fettuccine Alfredo

fettuccine egg pasta tossed w/parmigian0-reggiano cheese and butter. cheese melts and emulsifies the liquid to form a smooth/rich coating on the pata


filter liquid/gas gradually through a porpous surface

World Bank

financial institution that gives loans to countries for capital projects

look a gift horse in the mouth

find fault with something that has been given as gift. as horses grow/devleop, move teeth growtn and

Sidney Poitier

first black to win best acotr. lillies of hte field, in the heat of hte night, guess whose coming to dinner

importance of the Enterprise to the Navy

first nucelar powered carrier in the world


flapping hand tremors

relationship between plague and fleas

fleas are the vector of hte plaguw


flexible adaptable and informal form or organization defined by a lack of formal structure

Trappist Monks

follow rule sof St Benedict. named after hte La Trappe Abbey in France

election where your vote made you cool

for many, voting for Obama was your entry into the cool club

General Order No. 1

for the surnder of Japna. issued by McArthur. instructed Jpanese forces to surrender to designated Allied commanders, reveal all current military deployments, preserve military equipment for later disarmnment. specified occupation of Japan controlled areas. led to the divsion of Korea at the 38th parallel


form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivision o in a group *aka denominations of religion, ethnic identity, class, region


form of deception in war where one side promises to act in good faith (like waving the flag of truce) with the intention of brakking that promise once the unsuspecting enemy is exposed. breech of hte law of war


formal disaffiliation from or abandomet or renunciation fo a religion by a person

Edward Snowden

former CIA employee who copied/leaked highly classified info about the NSA in 2013. revealed thousands of classified NSA documets ot journalists and international attention when material appeared in The Guardian, Washington Post, Der Spiegel, NY TImes


forms new bone tissue

aka talk therapy

free association

what is significant in talk therapy

free association. resistance ot discuss things is significant or if the pt says it is unimportant/irrevelembt/too unplesant

First amendment

freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly, petition the government for a redress of greviences

what determines pitch


Keystone Pipeline

from Alberta to refineries in IL/TX/OK. -became well known when 4th phase Keystone XL attracted opposition from environmtalists over climate change ann dfossil fuels

"Papa can you hear me"

from Yentl

parts of cerebrum

frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal


full right and power of a governing body over itself without interference from outside sources or bodies

disinfect/purify an area from the fumes of chemicals


state function

function defined for a system relating several state variables or state quantities that depend only on teh equrent equillibrium state of teh syetem

slush fund

fund/account that is not properly acocundedted. like money used for illegal/corrupt purposes especially in the political sphere

temporary leave of absence


main body of an aircraft


opening move in chess where you sacrifice -typically a pawn- for the sake of a competing advantage



gay and lesbian alliance against defamation.


general eval of your self

contains all the accounts for recording transactions relating to a company's assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenue, and expenses

general ledger

Stalin in Power

general secretary of hte communisty party of the soviet union. 1922-1953

Marfan syndrome

genetic associatin w/aortic dissectin, aortic valve incometpence, cardiomegaly

study of trait inheritancfe


inherited genetic structure inherited form parents


manipulating voting districts to secure favorable election outcomes


original intent of unions versus today

give workers the right to collective bargain TODAY: work for special interest groups

why do pregnant woman have a palpable thyroid

gland stimulated by estrogen and increased blood supply

axis V of the DSMIVTR

global assessment of functioning

lawn dwarf


estrogen levels post delivery

go back to prepregnancy levels in 5-6days postpartum

desert in china/mongolia


enlarged thyroid


style of journalism that is writtend without clams of objectivity often making the reporter the first person narrative

gonzo journalism. energic first person participataory writing style in which the author is a protagonist and draws its pwoer from a combo of social critique and self satire. personal experiences/emotions rather than detached style of facts. disregards strictly edited product and has a more personal approach. sarcasm/exaggeration/profanity is comon

buildup of uric acid

gout. buildup in joints

government and risk

government absorbs risk and redistributes income so you can' preserve whatever strikes your fancy

Andrew Cuomo

governor of NY


gradulal and cumultative effect. developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent


greek goddess of giving peopel what they deserve (revenge and retribution against arrogance) and balance of luck. carries a balance scale to make sure everyone gets the same anount of good and luck

father of genetics

gregor mendel. 1800s. pea plants. inherited traits from parents determine

important consideration of pain

grieving takes a lot of energy

biography of saints of venerated persons


largest manmade explosion prior to nuclear weapons

halifax explosion of 1917. 2 ships collided in Halifax habor. 2K died/9K injured

class of LSD


social consciousness

has become a dumping ground for reflexive, attention-seeking acts of meaningless symbolism

problem of social consciousness

has become a gimmick to excuse reprehensible hebaivor.

real charity

has no fanfare


having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way

improtant thing to remember about Rodman's visit to North Korea

he probably saw very little of North Korea

Mike Krzyzewski

head coach at Duke


head, eyes, ears, nose, throat


hearing loss with age


heat resistant and strong synthestic fiber -high tensile strength to weight ration makes it 5x stronger than steel

replaced the main character in The Imanginarium of Dr Parnassus when he died

heath Ledger: Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Colin Farell *traveling theatre troup whose leader makes a bet with teh devil and takes the audience through a magical mirro to explore their imangination and present them with a choice

movement/pressure of blodo



herpes zoster

Japanese heating device designed to hold bruining charcoal


what do first responders need to have

high index of suspician


high pitch honk from upper airway obstruction or larynx/tracheal spasm

Palme D'Or

hightest prize awarded byt eh Cannes Film Festival

ship of Thesus

hip of Theseus is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether a ship—standing for an object in general—that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object.

part of brain that plays a role in teh aqusition of memories


fungal respiratory disease found in soil


reinterpretation of historical record

historical revisionism

fully automatic

hold the trigger and multiple bullets

Potsdam Conference

home of crown prince WIlhelm *USSR, UK, US (stalin, churchill, clement atlee, turuman), *to establish post war order, peace treaty issues, countering effects of hte war *9wks post V-E day

what wans't Darwin able to explain

how populations with a common ancestor developed into 2 different species

excessively proud or self confident


desires of socialists

huge government safety nets, unions, public funded infrastructure with high taxes

field of Maslow


job humans have had for most of history

humans have spent 99% of evolution hx as hunter-gathers living in small groups during the Pleistocene era (2mil to 10K yrs ago)


hymn/psalm, or other song of praise taken from biblical/holy texts other than the psalms



hallmark sympton of PTSD


greek god of sleep


manages body's internal state


part of the brain that maintains homeostasis


spiral of silence

idea that a social group or the society in general might isolate/neglect/exclude members due to the member's opinons. fear of isolation consequently leads to remaining silent insead of voicing opinions


idea that all events -physical, mental, behavioral-are the result or determined by specific causes

thought crime

illegal thought that questioned the ruling party in 1984

purpose of mentors

illuminate ideas you haven't seen for yourself


immigration and customs enforcement

5 factors that give a job prestige

importanc eof hte task being performed, level of authoirty the job gives you, the know-how required in doing the job, dignity of the tasks required, money/compensation from it *rarely includes raising awarness

problem with teaching kids


job of Winston Smith

in 1984, works n teh Ministry of Truth and revises old newspaper articles in order to serve the propaganda interests of hte government

Panama City Beach

in FLordia

Spratley Islands

in South China Sea

in the natural or original place or location

in situ

type of light bulb invented by Edison

incandescent in 1879

city next to seoul


when do you get your first teeth

incisiors at 6m

prayer "Hail Mary"

incorporates 2 greetngs ot Mary in St Luke's GOspel. "Hail, the Lord is with thee" "Blessed art thou amongst women and belessed is the fruit of thy womb"

bad beyond correction or reform


Bernoulli's principle

increase in teh speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decreasae in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy

how epinephrine affects the respiratory system

increasing RR and brionchodilating


incumbent of a parish where tithes are formally passed to a chapter or religous house or layerpson

variable in an experiement that is manipulated

independent variable, confounding

types of variable

indepent and dependent

impact of homocystine

indicates breakdown of amino acids. high levels contribute to atherosclerosis

films shown at the Sundance Film Festival

indies and new


individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals. how well one can execute the courses of action required to deal tith prospective situatinos

belief of psychologist Carl Rogers

individuals have a natural tendency toward psychological growth. processes aided by the postive regard of those around them


inflicting or intended as apunishment

empirical evidence

information received by means of the senses, particulary by observation and documentation of patterns and behaviors via experimentation. evidence that verifies the truth

soft news to combine information and entertainment



inhibitory neurotransmitter

why did Stalin agree to help invade S. Korea

initially declined b/c he didn't want conflict with USA but eventually approved b/c USSR develope the a-bomb and set a conditoin to get Mao Zedong on board

why was the public option removed from Affordable Care Act

initially proposed but was removed when Sen Joe Lieberman threatened a filibuster

Rorschalt test

ink blot test


instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something

job of chromosomes

instructions for protein production. proteins regulate physiological processes and traits


intense or violent pain/struggle especially accompanying brith/death/great change

2 most important strategical objectives of modern surface warfare

interdiction, sea control


internet bloggin serve.

damage to the cerebellum

interrupts flow of smooth mvements so uncoordinated/jerky

forseeing b/c you have experience


Tim Berners-Lee

introduced the World Wide Web in 1990

James Naismith

invented basketball

Ray Tomlinson

invented email in 1971

intervention if many animals are dying in the same place


how are government subsidies /pork projects considered



involving immoral or dishonerable actions and motives. arousing moral distate and contempt OR dirty or squalid


irregular breathing w/apnea

when would you see Biots respirations

irregular breathing w/apnea


irregular curvature of the lens tthat causes the liht to scatter causing a blurred vision

change of a system in which the temperature stays constant

isothermal process

what happens when you put the word "social" before anything"

it becomes important and compasionate.

what is easier to understnd

it is easier to understand caring than to understand business

opening credits of Star Trek

its 5 yr mission, to explore strnage new worlds, seek new life/civilization, and to bodly go where no man has gone before

gathering of boy scouts


units of heat capacity

joules per kelvin OR kg metre squared per kelvin squared

military lawyer

judge advocate

veins that drain the head


aka skin to skin

kangaroo care

component in epidermis


composition of hair

keratonized cells

preparation if if notice Cushing's triad

late sign of increasing ICP and brain herniation is iminent

indication of Cushing's Triad

late sign of increasing ICP and that brain herniation is imminent

position of lying on your side

later recumbant


lawn dwarf or a person regarded as having secret or sinister influence in financial matters

problem with Fint's water

lead contamination in water supply since 2014

Keith Richards

lead guitar for Rolling Stones

Ted Nugent

lead guitatr for a psychoedelic rock group called Amboy Dukes. controversial conservative political views/support NRA. secrete service investigated him for comments about obama (If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."0

Jeremy Renner

lead in The Hurt Locker, Hawkeye in Avengers, 28 Weeks Later

Tom Petty

lead singer of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Mick Jagger

lead vocals for ROlling Stones

set the Korean War in motion

leader of N. Korea Kim Il Sung asked Stalin and Mao Zedong for help

Martin Luther

leader of hte Protestant Reformation in Germany

classical conditioning

learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. a bell). It also refers to the learning process that results from this pairing, through which the neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response (e.g. salivation) that is usually similar to the one elicited by the potent stimulus.

member of hte US Main Corps


Whitey Bulger

led the Winter Hill Gange in Somerville, MA. indicted for 19 murders. *Irish-American organized crime poss

bone to bone


difference between ligament and tendon

ligament: bone to bone tendon: muscle tobone


light emitting diode


like bowling?


limited liability company -limited liability company (LLC) is the US-specific form of a private limited company. It is a business structure that can combine the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation.[1][2] An LLC is not a corporation under state law; it is a legal form of a company that provides limited liability to its owners in many jurisdictions. LLCs are well known for the flexibility that they provide to business owners; depending on the situation, an LLC may elect to use corporate tax rules instead of being treated as a partnership,[3] and, under certain circumstances, LLCs may be organized as not-for-profit.[4] In certain U.S. states (for example, Texas), businesses that provide professional services requiring a state professional license, such as legal or medical services, may not be allowed to form an LLC but may be required to form a similar entity called a professional limited liability company (PLLC).[5]

most common cause of slow bilirubin clearance in newborns

limited stooling

language adopted as a common language between speakers whose native language are different

lingua franca

problem of teachers union

little accountability for their failures

mneumonic antesthesia agents

little boys prefer toys lidocine, bupivicaine, procaine, tetracaine

customary public worship performed by a religious gruop


organ that produces clotting factors


part of body that produces bile


stores vitamins



lluminati[1] (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them.

spending one's time in an aimless, idle way


psychological brain surgery


antisocial personality disorder

long term disregard /violation of the rights of others. low moral sense or conscious. hx fo crime/legal problems/impulsion/aggression

borderline perosnality disorder

long term pattern of unstable relationshps iwth peole, unstable sense of self, unstbable emotions. often dangerous behavior/self harm, feeligns of emptiness, fear of abandoment *commonly w/substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, suicide

Nakdong River

longest river in South Korea


loose secretion snore

Broca's aphasia

loss of ability to produce language but can still comprehend

what happens in menopause

loss of ovarian follicular functino

brain neurotransmitter out of wack in anxiety

low GABA.

treatmetn for anxiety

low GABA. benozdiazepines don't attack directly to GABA recpetors. allow GABA to beind more effective to postynaptic nodules

neurotransmitter that is low in Parkinsons

low dopamine

results f communism

low production, mass poverty, limited advancement

not highly intellectural or cultured


moves fluid in the lymphatic system

lymph system doesn't have a pumping mechanism so it depends on muscle contractions


lysergic acid diethylamide. hallucinogen that suppressesses effect of serotonin = vivid/bizarre senosry


main focus is equality. government owns and operates the means of productions. workers receive what they need to produce/suvive but no incentive to achieve more leaving little motivation

jobs of skin

maintain body temperatuer fluid balance senstion absorb/secrete immunity syntheize vitamin D from sun

actions of hypothalamus

maintains homeostaiasis. shiver if cold, drive to find food, hungry

purpose of the pleura in the lungs

maintains negative pressure


make amends/reparation

benefit of lending money

makes it easier for the lower class to buy homes/items they otherwise couldn't aford

why do celebrities demonize guns

makes them appear compassionate

opinion of raising awarness

makes you a hero

bones in ar

malleus, incus, stapes

gland in breast


nursign informatics

manage/analytical siceinnce to identify, define, manage, and communciate datea, information, knowledge

location of atomic bomb testin

manhattan Project at Los Alamos Natioanl Laboratory

independent variable

manipulated by the experiment to see how it affects the relationship

rx that causes pupil dilation


treatment for nerve agents

mark 1 kit/atropine

problem of stigmas

mark/brand of disgrace. sets a negative attitudes that sets someone apart as unacceptable


marxist paper edited by stalin when he was a kid

Rahm Emanuel

mayor of Chicago, US House of Reps from Chicago, White House Chief of Staff for obama

Michael Bloomberg

mayor of NCY

slide rule

mechanical analog computer for multiplication/division/exponents/roots/logarithms/trigometry

media doesn't want conservatives to buy their products

media doesn't want conservatisves to buy their products. they think the rest of us are stupid narrow minded inditions who don't understand the injustives of life

membrane surroundign the brane



membrante that conducts sound waves to ossicles

zoot suit

men's suit with high waist, wide leg, tight cuff, pegged trousers, long coat with wide lapel and wide padde dshoulders *popular with African American community in 1940s

a political philosophy that holds that certain things, such as economic goods or power, should be vested in individuals on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than factors such as sexuality, race, gender, age, or wealth



metabolic disorder of hte buildup of uric acid in joints


method or principel of interpretation

Flint, MIchaigan

mid 200s-high crime rate made it one of the most dangerous cities in US. state of financial emergency from 2902-2004 and agains in 2011-2015. lead contamination in water supply since 2014

parts of hte brainstem

midbrain, medulla, pons

eusachian tube

middle ear to nasopharynx.

nich on the inside of mosques that indicate the direction to Mecca


proof of Tricare

military ID

Operation Inheret Resolve

military inervetnion against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

all able bodied men in colonial days


how do toddlers learn


mosque towers


to become stuck in mud


involve someone or something in a difficult situation

mired in

hatred of men/boys


opposite of misogony

misandry. hatred of men/boys

death of a fetus under 20wks


hatred of women


any factor essential to business/organization operation

mission critical


mneumonic for common sympotns of cholinergic toxidrome. slaivation, lacrimination, urination, defecation, GI upset, emesis


mneumonic used to determine signs/symptoms of cholinergic drug poisoning

principle tool used for retention


on the menu at hardees

monster thickburger. 1420 calories. 108grams of fat

what does self-esteem influence

mood, thoughts, behaviors

study by Kohlberg

moral development

more regulations

more government oversight

origin of most outrage

most outrage is manifested for emotional release and attention gratification


most populous authonomous community in Spain. Southern Iberian penninsula

ethnicity of the Kardashians

mother is Dutch/English/Irish/Scot father is Armenian-American


move away frm the midline

popular liberal movements today

movements that reject American values in favor of american guilt

investigative journalism to expose corruption



muscle to bone

enlisted turned officer




fiction genre where the fictional/artificial mythoogy is created

mythopoeia. aka JRR TOlken or SC Lewis

difference between pyramid and ponzi schemes

n both Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes, existing investors are compensated by the contributions of new investors. Ponzi scheme participants believe they are earning returns from their investment, while pyramid scheme participants are aware that they are earning money by recruiting new participants.

overextension of government that unsurps personal autonomy

nanny state

what is happening when you hear wheezing

narrow airway spasm, inflammation, mucous


narrow airway spasm, inflammation, mucous

i regret that i have but one life to live for my country

nathan hale


national incident management system

Kristjen Nielsen

national security expert, chief of staff ot John Kelly when he was S of HS and then became Secretary of Homeland Security

the perfect or most extreme example fo its kind/ultimate

ne plus ultra



major minerals

need over 100mg/day *Ca, chloride, magnesium, K, Na, sulfur

mission statement of SAG-AFTRA

negotiatne/enforce colelctive bargaining agreements that establishe quitable levels of compensaiotn, benefits, and working conditions for performers, colect compensation for explotation of recorde dperformances of members, preserve/expand work opportunities for members

problems of low folic acid

neural tube defects/mental retardation

supportive tissue in the nervous system that nourishes and provides nutrients


any substance that modifies the activity of postsynaptic neurons

neuromodulators. -example endorphins

study of brain functioning


chemicals involved in depression


chemicals released tht carry impulses in the nervous systemq


when is the Sundance Film Festival

new work/indies. park City, Utah in January

language in 1984

newspeak. doube thin

part of a pen that comes in contact with paper


Big Blue

nickname of IBM

lice eggs


logarithmic scale

nonlinear scale when there is a large range of quantities. (earthquake strength, sound loudness, light intensity, pH) -based on orders of magnitude rather than a standard linear scale so the value is represented by each equidistinat on the scale is the value at the previous mark multipled by a constant

Kaiser Familly FOundation

nonprofit nonpartisan that foucuses on major health care issues facing the nation asa well as the US role in teh global health policy


normal breathing

importance of hte bell curve

normal distribution

branch of medical science that deals with the classification of diseases


greek for disease


why isn't BMI helpful in bodybuilders

not accurate b/c high proprition of muscles

definition of insanity

not in DSMIV. no accepted legal defintion

owns Yahoo

now Verizon

classic meningitis

nuchal rigidity, fever, N/V, headache, Kernig & Brezniski sign

cost to lives lost in war

numerous lives lost to win mere inches

first fully synthetic fiber

nylon invented in 1935

style of the Washington Monument


error from preset motives or biases when you are conducting an experiment

observer bias


obstacle/prevent the advancement/success

Allen's test

occlude both ulnar and radial artery until hand blanches then release ulnar. If the hand pinks up, ulnar artery is good and you can carry on with ABG/radial stick as planned. ABGS must be put on ice and whisked to the lab.

unilateral edema of a leg

occlusion of a vessel

when are disease suspicious

occurs outside of endemic area, off season, unusual age distribution, sick/dead animals, same locale, rare disease w/multiple. *if so, consider if it is a targeted attack

adiabatic process

occurs without transfer of heat or mass of substances between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings *in this process, energy is transferred to the surroundings only as work


oen that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something

forms new bone tissues


Jan Hus

of Bohemia in late 1300s . burned at stake. spoke out agaisnt eht Pope for his use of military pwoer and said the church shouldn't weild the sword


of a similiar character


official charged w/ representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of maladministration or violation of rights

key flags the American Revolution

official flag, Gadsden flag (don't tred on me), Moultrie Flag (purple w/liberty and crescent moon in upper left corner"

Operation Enduring Freedom

official name for the Global War on Terriorism. aka War in Afghanistan. response to 9/11

old, middle, and modern english

old-beowulf (11th century) middle-language of Chaucer modern-shakesphere to now

Suzanne Somers

on Three's Company

cloud computing

on demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power without direct a ctive managemnet by the user

top spot on the "cool" ladder

on the ladder of cool, social consciusness maintains the top spot


one gigabyte is billion bytes. 10^9

deep tendon reflex

one sensory neuron across a single synapse to a single

Fordham University

only Jesuit university in NYC

types of psychological conditioning

operant, classical Although operant and classical conditioning both involve behaviors controlled by environmental stimuli, they differ in nature. In operant conditioning, stimuli present when a behavior is rewarded or punished come to control that behavior. For example, a child may learn to open a box to get the sweets inside, or learn to avoid touching a hot stove; in operant terms, the box and the stove are "discriminative stimuli". Operant behavior is said to be "voluntary": for example, the child may face a choice between opening the box and petting a puppy. In contrast, classical conditioning involves involuntary behavior based on the pairing of stimuli with biologically significant events. For example, sight of sweets may cause a child to salivate, or the sound of a door slam may signal an angry parent, causing a child to tremble. Salivation and trembling are not operants; they are not reinforced by their consequences, and they are not voluntarily "chosen".

what is optimism

optimism is our instinct to inhale while suffocating. our need to declare what "needs to be" in the face of what is. opitmism is rebellious, dangerous, and vital


order of mamals that includes elephants, rhinos, ippos


organized set of concepts that explain a phenominea

goal of unions

originally founded with a grand purpose but are now self-absorbed with Left wing agenda

Albert Bandura

originated social cogntive theory, self-efficacy, 1961 Bobo doll experiment to demonstrate concept of observational learning

bad tempered


established/accepted/traditional views


Big Brother

orwell's 1984: leader of Oceana, totalitarian state where the ruling party weilds total power for its own state. every citizen is under constant survallience by authorities.

break down bone tissue


ear scope



outermost layer of the eye

Fifth Estate

outlier viewpoints in comtemporary society like bloggers, social media

how do Amazon indian poision darts work

paralyzes lung muschles by occupying ACh receptors so normal activity of the transmitter is prevented

subtypes of schizophrenaia

paranoid=delusions/auditory hallucinations disorganized-thought disordre and flat affect catatonic-immobile/agitated

study of ghosts


suddent attack/outburst


Gilbewrt Gottfried

parrot in Aladdin, Aflac Duck

Yellow Turban Dynasty

peasant revolt in China against the Eastern Han dynasty . 184AD *rebellion association with secreat Taoist socities

cylinder pasta w/ends cut in a bias


why do people self-handicap

people go out of hteir way to maintain self-esteem and sustain their integrity of self-concept. SH doubts ability to perform a deliberately sabotage yoru perfomrance so you have a ready-made escuse for failutre tthat doesn't imply your lack of ability. -fail an entrnce exam by partyng the ngiht before so you don't succeed so you canblame failure on low effort, not

assignment of blame

people look to blame someone else for their problems

what makes people look at issues differently

people view an issue entirely differently once they are directly affected by it **true test**

deception in war where one side makes a promise to act in good faith with the overall intention to break that promise when the enemy is exposed


cause of the Great Smog of London

period of cold December weather, combined with anticyclone and windless conditions colelcted airborne pollutants to cause a thick layer of smog over London. lasted 4 days in 1952 and cleared when the eather changed

wavelike patterns to move food throughout the GI tract


covers abdominal organs



permanent enlargement of alveoli w/destructurion of alveolar cells

negative outcomes of lobotomies

permaniently destroy basic aspect of human nature. indifferent to the opinions of others, flat affect

loan shark

perosn who offers laons at extremely high interest lan rates

keeping software/system constantly in test phase

perpetual beta: keeping software at the beta development stage for an extended time


person employed to carry luggage and other loads. carried supplies

sterotype of capitalist

person is greedy and always seeks for themself


personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, imparied empathy and remorse, bold disihbibited egotistical straits

aeolian processes

pertain to win activity in the study of geology and weather and specifically t the wind's ability to shape the surface of the earht/planets

stars of The Lion in Winter

peter o'toole as Henry II , katherine hepburn as elenor of aquitane , anthony hopkins as richard the lionhearted,

expression of genetic traits


philanthrophy when you don't contribute

philanthropy wlo feeling the pain in your wown wallet is easy to do

examples of hardboiled detectives

philip marlowe, sam spade, lew archer, the continential op


philophical idea that one's own mind is sure to exist

tight foreskin


somatoform disorders

physical symptoms without physical cause

means for exposing one to public scorn or riddiclue


wooden frame to hold head/hands for public riddicule


what does frequency determine


master gland

pitutitary gland

changes in teh performance ofhte brain over time


separe but equal

plessey v ferugson

how does botulism work

poisions b/c prevents the release of ACh in teh respiratory system so suffocates

reasons why biological attacks are done

poliicial religous ethnic economic ethnic

definition of cool

popularity without achievement

person who carries supplies/luggage


combine two words to form a new word

portmanteau exampel: information and entertainment = infotainment

constitution of Japan

post WW2

pulse on the side of the foot

posterior tibalis

Hollywood liveliness

predicated on people believing they influence your life

problem of refueling in the military

predictable refueling patterns leave us exposed to vulnerbailities

hearing loss with aging


decreased ability to focus on near objects w/age


components of the M'Naghten Rule

presumption of sanity and burden of proof, disease of the mind, natural/quality of hte act, knowledge the act was wrong, offense of strict liability

goal of fetal monitoring

prevent injury and recognize acidcemisa

FBI jurisdiction

principal law enforcement agency of USA. under jourisdiction of DOJ/attoney general. leading counter-terrorism/counterintelligence/criminal investigation. FBI has jourisdiction over 20 catagories of federal crimes


principle or belief honored by a person or more often a group

moving from public to private sector

privatization or deregulation


process of exchanging/replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality which involves temperature, oxygen replenishment, and removal of moisture/odors/smoke/heat/dust/airborne bacteria, CO2/gases and unplesant semlls

isenthalpic process

process that proceeds without any change in enthalpy


process to classify disparate entities in to a limited number of mutually exclusive catagories

inclination or predisposition towards something


liver's job

produce bile metabolize fat produce clotting factors store vitamins Convet bilirubin

capital gains

profit result from the sale fo a capital asset liek stock/bond/real estate where the sale price excfeeds the purchase price. *gain is the difference between the higher selling price and lower purchase price

pursed lip breathing

prolongs expiration to help expel trapped air and help alveoli open

public option

prooposal to create a government run health insurance angency that would compete with other private health insurance companies in teh US. not the same as publically funded health care but as an alternative health insurance plan offered by the government


property of a thermodynamic system is equal to the system's internal energy plus the product of its pressure and volume

Equal Rights Amendment

proposed 1921: woudl have prohibited discrimination by federal/state gove on account of sex. 7 yr ratification wasn't met.

business secretely owned by and run as acover for an intelligence organzation


building blocks of body/tissue


short expressive sayings accepted as conventinoal wisdom


belief of John Watson

psychologiacl research shoudl seek the laws that govern observable behavior across species

Gestalt therapy

psychotherapy that emphasizes personal responsibility and fouces on teh persons' experience in the present movement

organized criminal act, usually in which the cirminal act is some form of abusiness/way to earn illegal money regularly and repeatedly


conducting an illegal business


trial of Whitey Bulger

racketeering, money laundering, extortion, weapons chargers, 19 murders

classification of asthma

reactive airway disease

what happens in asthma

reactive airway inflammation and airway obstruction

types of reservists

ready, individual ready, selectd



charter school

receives gov fundign but operates independently that established school system in the area in which is is located *example of public asset privitazation

predatory lending

refers to unethical practices conducted by lending organizations in unfair/fradulent/deceptive ways

pancreas hormones

regulates glucose metabolism

historical revisionism

reinterpretation of historical record

Christian Scientists

reject all medical teratment and rely on prayer to heal


related to festivity/feast

religion as collectivism

religion as caring collectivism as opposed to economic collectiveness


religion founded in 1974 by Claude Vorihon. the Raelian Movement teachies that life on Earht was scientifically created by a species of humanoid extraterrestorisms. those species who created life purposely misinformed early humans that they were angels/cherubims/prophets. purpose is to inform the world about the creator species and if humabs became aware and peaceful enought, they would be welcomed by them, Strives for world peace, sharing, democracy, and nonviolence

mathematical formula for mach number

represents the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound. M=u/c. *M is the Mach number u-local flow velocity with respect to the boundries. c s the speed of sound in a medium

early venice governmetn


official name of south korea

republic of korea

Kensington Palace

residence of the royal family. in the royal borough of kensington/chelsea in Lodn

organs affected in cystic fibrosis

resp, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, reporductive

atrial kick

responsible for 25% of total blood volume


results from retention in lungs which prevents alveolar collapse

part of brain that does arousal/consciousness

reticular formation

location of rods and cones


bringing tow countries back together


loose secretion snore


De Musset's sign

rhythmic nodding/bobbing of hte head in sync with beating of the heart *b/c aortic regurgitation blood fro teh aorta regurgitates into the left ventricle due to an aortic valve defect. the nodding is an indication that the systolic pulse is being felt by the pt

EGOT winners

richard rogers, rita moreno, audrey hepburn, whoopi goldberg, robert lopez, john legend, andrew lloyd webber, tim rice,

set of confusing and meaningless statements


quick clever reply to an insult or criticism


late 1800s who used wealth/business via unethical business practices

robber barrons in 1890s


robelike garmet worn by women in the Musilim world

how the plague spread

rodents, cats, fleas

ability to see dark


who does biological attcks

rogue states cult loan wolf gov

I can't get no satisfaction

rolling stones

Joan Rivers

rose to prominence as a The Tonight Show host then became the first woman to host a late night talk show w/her own show

learning based on repetition memory


housing bubble

rst there is a period where house prices increase dramatically, driven more and more by speculation. In the second phase, house prices fall dramatically. Housing bubbles tend to be among the asset bubbles with the largest effect on the real economy, because they are credit-fueled,[1] because a large number of households participate and not just investors, and because the wealth effect from housing tends to be larger than for other types of financial assets.[2]

operant conditioning

s a learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment. It is also a procedure that is used to bring about such learning.

republic of korea

s. korea

empirical analysis of baseball/baseball statistics that measure in-game activity



salary/fee/profit from employment or office


salivary compnent that converts starch to ..

declare as holy


why did Martin Luther become a monk

scared for his life during a tstorm and said he would become a monk as a vow to St Anne for helping him survive the storm

division of people


who receives lobotomies

schizo, anxiety

giving money to schools

schools today get more money without better results

general set of procedures for gathering and inteerpreting evidence

scientifi method


scientific study of behavior and their mental processes

white of eyes


famous race horses

sea buscuit, war admiral, secetariate

Navy Cross

second highest military decoration. distinguished in action by extraordinary herorism in combat not justifying the Medal of Honor


secret oath-based organization fo English textile workers who destroyed textile machines as a form of protest. protesting against the use of machines in a fradulent and ecditful manner to get around standard labor practices. feared the time spent learning the skills of hteir craft would go to waste as the machines would replace their role in teh industry.


secretes insulin to regulate blood sugar and glucose to storage AND releases somatostatin to ihbibit insulin

3 types of small cars

sedan station wagon hatchback

what happens in ECT

seizures are electrically induced to provide relief form major depressive disorder, mania, catanoia

strive to reach one's potential


belief of Abraham maslow

self-acutalization is the drive towards fulfilling potential

"Who am I?"


collection of beliefs about yourself "Who am I"


general evaluation about yourself


you doubt yourself so you deliberately sabotage your performance


6 characterisitics of mental health

self-perception, personality integration, independentnes, perception and realidty, growth/development to self actualization


semiconductor device use dto amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical powres.


sensory ritual of eyes with rods and cones.

how do antidepressant rx work



set of confused/meaningless statements

when is Pentecost

seventh sunday after Easter. celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirity on the Apostiles while they celebrated the Feast of Weeks

what happens in a lobotomy

sever the nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobe with the diencephalon.

Brudzinski sign

severe neck stiffness causes a pt's hips/kees to flex when neck is flexed


sexual characterisctics, reproductive capabilities, muscular development, sexual traits


shared sense of identity

Digital Revolution

shift from mechanical analogue electronic technologic technology to digital electronics -began 1+950s-1970s

herpes zoster


purpose of cathedrals

shock/awe splendor of god or impressiveness of architectural sarificed b/c feeding the world to the flock of god


short expressive sayings accepted as conventional wisdom


short hym of praise to God often added to the end of canticles, psalms, and hymns

John Hinckley

shot REgan in 1981 because he was obsessed with Jodi Foster. found not guilty b/c insane


showing great care and perservatiion

why are burn bags preferred to shreading

shredded documents can be reconstructed. today scanners/computers can reconstruct shredded documents quickly

length of cloth or an enveloping garmet in which a dead person is wrapped for burial


woman who can tell the future


first black to win best actor

sidney poitier for lilies of hte field

"they call me mr tibbs"

sidney poitier in the heat of the night

Kernig sign

sign of meningitis. lie flat on back, flex the thigh so it is at a right angle to the trunk and completely extend the leg at the knee joint

bona fide

sincere intention to be fair, open, honesy regarding of the interaction. "good faith"

facts about the FBI leader

single 10yr term appointed by prez/approved by senate

olympic event where you go down a hill on your stomach head first


sled events at Olympcis

skeleton, luge, bobsled

winter sliding sports

skeleton, luge, bobsled

problem of high RBC's

sluggish blood

what is the memory hole in 1984

smal chute leading to a large incinerator used for censorshop


small synovial fluid sac at pionts of friction and joints

first cuccessful vacine

smallpox by Jenner in 1798

how to identify mustard gas

smells like sulfur/garlic

smoke screen

smoke released to mask the movement or location of military units like infantry/tanks/aircraft/ships *generated by a grenade or vehicle

process that starts from initial state of small significance and builds upon itself

snowball effect

euphanism for liberal

social consciousness


social gathering at which there is free intercharge of ideas. a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or related topics


soft news. type of media that combines information and entertainment

beta test

software feature is completebut likely contains unknown bugs . focus is to reduce impact ot users and incorparate usability testing.

appearence of saturated fats

solids at room temperature

idea that one's own mind is sure to exist


physical symptoms without physical cause

somatoform disorders

David Cassidy

son in teh Partridge Fmaily

writers of sonnets



sour soup in Eastern Europe/Russia. distinct red soup usually including beets

sphere of influence

spatial region or concept division over which a state or organization has a level of cultural, economic, military, or political exclusivity, accommodating to the interests of powers outside the borders of the state that controls it.

second in teh presidential line of succession

speaker of hte house. after vp

Robert Mueller

special counsel to investigate alleged ties betwen the Trump campiagn and Russia during the 2016 elections

amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one kg of mass by 1 kelvin

specific heat


specific stipulations/limitations/conditions

pathway for neural fibers travelign two and from the brain

spinal cord

Great Schism

split between the eastern orthoxdox church and catholic church in 1054. OR the split in the Roman Catholic church from 1378-1417


statement/proposition whcih is rgarded as being established, accepted self evidently true

cuts off certain legal rights if they are not acted on by a specified eadline

statue of reclaim

how do you deter bad guys

stay 2 stesp ahead

convervatives as "cool"

step off. don't tread on me. it isn't cool to have government intrude in every aspect of your life under the guise of leaderhisp

difference between half sibbling and step sibblings

step sibblings are are not related by blood. half sibbling has one common parent only

view all as alike


mark or brand of disrgrace


prevents mental health care



stimulates the galbladder to secrete enzymes

capital asset

stock, bond, real estate

intervention if you can't feel someone's popliteal pulse

straighten leg

how is the term "stress" known today

stress is now used to describe everything known before as life

4 types of incontinence

stress, surge, overflow, funcitonal

high pitch honk


upper airway obstruction


ending of Atlas Shrugged

strikers plan to build a new capitalist society based on John Galt's philsiphny of reason and individualism


strive to reach one's potential

work by BF Skinner

studie the consequences of behavior and operant conditioning.


studied the developmental stages of life


study fo brain functining

where can you find CSF

subarachnoid space. betwene arachnoid and pia mater

principles of HVAC

subdiscipline of mechanical engineering based on principles of thermodyma,ics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer

companies owned/controlled byt another company

subsidiary. (parent company)

any speed lower than the speed of sound in ar


undermine the power and authority


ideally, what should success indicate

success showuld be based on achievement, not external acolades

absence of wheezing

sudden absence of wheezing may be a sign of worsening


suffering or being subjected to constant or repeated trouble or harassment

gradually spread through or over



sulfur-containing amino acid produced in the breakdown of amino acid. high levels contribute to atherosclerosis


superiotiry in wight, power, imporance, or strenght. superiority or excess in number or quanitity

difference between trickle-down economics and supply-side economics

supply sided favors lowering taxes overall, trickle down more specifically targets taxes on teh upper end fo the economic system

economic plicies

supply-sided economics, reganomics, trickle-down economics

effect of No Child Left Behind

supposed to level the playing field but acutually lowered the bar. worry about teaching to the test

monitoring infectious diseases



sweedish car

gaps between neurons



system designed to assist emergency responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice.


system of government where decisoin-makers are selected on tehbasis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility particulariy with regard to the scientific or technical knowledge

indication of palpable lymph nodes

systemic infection/maligiancy

excite the senses


teasing with the sight/promise of something unobtainable


Comittee on Ways and MEans

tax writing committee of the HOuse of REps

proposd system of governance in which decision-makers are selected on the basis of their expertis ein a given area of responsibility, particulary with regard to scientific or technical knowledge


what makes someone a pacifist

teh number of pacifist s increases with direct proportion to the distance ofrom danger of the proximity to the teacher's lounger

life insurance providing coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period fo time

term life insurance

relay station for sensory information in the brain


god of death in greek mythology


what happens when the CIA is compromised during a mission

the Special Activities Division of the CIA does the tactical/covert paramilitary and covert political acitivity. if they are compromised during a mission, the US government may deny all knowledge. they are the most secretive special ops force


the action/process of selling off subsidiary business interests or investments

uterus in a maternal emergency

the body doesn't consider the uterus a vital organ so oxygen is taken from the baby in an emergency

what do the cool need to survive

the cool hate nothing more than when a genuinly original thinker rejects them. the cool needs recruits to survive

desire to be cool and logic

the desire to be cool overwhelsm the most basic elemenbts of logical thining


the enduranc eof pain or hardship without the display of feeligns and without complaint

problem of relying on government

the more we rely on government, the less we rely on ourselves

impact of award shows

the necessary causes that remind chosen few they are influenial

who are the real daredevils

the ones who risk with their own money

phoney cool on a mantle

the phoney cool assume the mantle of edginess while mockign the dreary lives of the worker bee/business man nonartist clear w/ a job he cna't brag about.

dadance where you look like you are walking in place

the running man

op tempo

the speed and intensity of our actions relative to the speed and intensity of unfolding events in the operational environment.

why should they keep track of who is transported to the hospital at a terror scene

the terrist may be transported to the hospital w/the casualties and still have weapons

exclusion by cool people

the velvet rope of cool excludes before it includes

why shouldn't the young vote

there don't know where money comes from

goal of HVAC

thermal comfort and acceptabel indoor air quality

isochoric process

thermodynamic process during which the volume of hte closed system undergoing such a process remains constant


thermodynamic process in which the pressure stays constant

Quasistatic Process

thermodynamic process that happens slowly enough for the system to remain in internal equilibrium

story by the Israeli woman at teh Tokyo Medical College regarding stopping a terror attack

they recognized someone who was wearing a thick fur trenchcoat in July going into apublic veggie market/garden. not normal and they called it out. killed 300 but more would've died

why should local hospitals be included in antiterrorism responses

they should have info shared for preparedness

key for hackers

they try to obtain security questions and backup email addresses to reset lost passwords. Be unpredictable to avoid

skin if arterial insufficiency

thinn, shinny, hairless, cool, pale

link between thirst and overall hydration

thirst isn't an accurate indicator of water status b/c doesn't occur until 10% of intravascular volume is lost or 1-2% intracellular

why is it important to have a well developed practical plan

those who fail to plan plan to fail

3 important things to know when exposed to radiation

time, dose, shielding

Dana Perino

tiny farm girl who got into the White house

Mormon financial support ot hte church

tithe donations, usually 10% of their income

"circle the wagon" mentality

to become defensive (wagons under attack were traditionally brought into a circular defense position).

how do we fight against social injusticses in places where we buy our oil

to fight agaisnt social injustices in places where we buy our oil, we'd have to invest here and embrace frackng

why did some leaders/kings/generals kill their family when it appeared they were about to loose in battle/surrender

to keep them from being enslaved

why was the 1918 influenza named the spanish flu

to maintain morale, wartime censors minimized early reports but papers were free to report in neutral Spain so gave a false impression Spain was hit extra hard *spain was the only country whose press could report on it

theory of the existence of government

to protect life/liberty/property/persuit of happiness. and spends $

desirable behaviors are rewarded

token economics

deat demonstrating mastery in a field

tour de force

important thing to keep in my purse


key intervention for blast injuries

tournequiets to control bleedig

interpret tracheal shifts

trachea shifts away from the affected lung

sign of a collapsed lung

tracheal shift

economic bubble

trade in an asset at a price/range that strongly exceeds the assets intrincscic value

when are trans fats created

trans fats are created when hydrogen is added to veggie oil to make it more solid


troubled asset relief program. us gov financial bailout plan of 2008

lacking an expected or normal element


anyone who holds property /authority/responsibility for the benefit of antoehr


what does trying to be cool force you to do

trying to be cool as a goal forces you to ignore any lessons ingrained by the people who made you

layers of arteries

tunica (intima, media, adventia)

when did Freud live

turn of hte century

first stage after human fertilization

two gametes join together to form the zygote

stages of fetal development

two gametes join. zygote, embryo, fetus

any race farther than an marathon


serious complications of alcohol intoxication

unconscious, resp depression, coma, death

when does hemoglobin make you anemic

under 10g/dl

whom does the director of the FBI report to

under the DOJ so reports directly to the Attoney General

publications that are produced without official approval agaisnt the wishes of the government/religoin/institution

undergrond press

principle assistant to a member of cabinet


to assume liability for (a sum or risk) as an insurer



unit of measurement ot express the ration of one value of a power or field quantity to another on a logarithmic scale




unreasonable/excessive rates of interest

stem cells

unspecialized cells that are able to renew themselves for long periods of time by cell division

secret achilles heel of hte artifically cool

unsustainable without constant ego gratification


unusual/typically rather shocking


uphold liberty as a core principle. maximize political freedom and authomony, freedom of choice, voluntary association, individual judugement. skeptical fo authority of authority/state pwoer but they diverge on teh scope of their opposition to existing polticical/economical systems.

anatomic position of the gallbladder

upper R quadrant


ureatural meatus dorsal

connection between the kidneys and bladder



urethral meatus opening ventrally


use hand to displace fluid so a floating mass/object can be palpated

evidence based practice

use the best evidence in combo with clinical expertise and pt preferences to support clinical decision-making

how do MRI work

uses magnetic fields and radio to generate pulses of energy in teh brain. as pulse turns to different frequencies, some atoms line up and when the pulse is turned off, the atoms vibrate as they return to their original position. atomic vibration is detected and an image of hte location is made

unreasonable and excessive rates of interest


aka chickenpox


short hair on the body


human powered land vehicle with wheels (example bicycle)


invetnion of hte floating dry drock

venice in 1560


ventricular gallop

mini me in austin powers

verne troyer

room is spinning


s/s of Meniere's disease

vertigo, tinitis, gait/balance

clearic/choir member appointed to sing certain parts of a cathedral service


complex chain of events that reinforce between a feedback loop

vicicous cycle

citizens perform their own police work


classification of submariens

virginai class

doesn't fear sharp things but feels pain/discomfort looking at sharp objects

visual looming syndrome

difference between vitamin and mineral

vitaminals are organic, minerls inorganic


vocabulary of a eprson/language/branch of knowledge. dictionary

Rolling Stones

vocals Mick Jagger, guitar Keith Richards

longest war in USA history

war in Afghanistan

citizens when war touches home

war refugees

fleeing Haiti to USA

when Haiti fled in rickity boats, they didn't flee to closer countries, they went to USA 523miles b/c greedy? and better QOL

when does central cyanosis manifest

when SaO2 below 80%

play controlled by adults

when play is controlled by adults, children lose some of the benefits play offers them, particualry in developing creativity, leadership, and group skills. children who grow up highly sheltered wind up less resilient and less equpped to manage the challenges of adulthood. as a reuslt, therir health often suffers

how are plans effective

when they are practiced

when does capitalism work

when you apply effort

rewards for being extrordinary

when you dont' reward someone for being extraordinary, incentive to be extraordinary decreases

when does intolerance spring into action

whenever assumptions are threatened by facts

"the longer I live, the mroe I'm convince the world is just a big high schoool with the coolk kids always targeting the uncool"

who runs the high school we all live in? the cool peopel consider themselves rebels . they are now in control of defining the conversation. their pwoer is drawn from teh self-apponted "cool" and a world that glady forefits character for the illusion of it

The Partridge Family

widow and her five kids embark on a music career. starred David Cassidy as the oldest son

world's greatest athlete

winner of the decathalon

why is capitalism needed

without capitalist consciusness, there is no socialism . a poor society cna't help the poor

plot of 1984

world population vicitims of pertpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and propagnda

grounded meat produced by sausage


King Alfonzo 13

ww1 era king of spain

who gets color blindness

x linked recessive

earth cave shelter in china


by the name of

yclept ("ee clept")

result of candida

yeast candidai is thrust

common infection if you are immunocompromised

yeast infections

administrative work in the navy


how to let someone down

yoru intense desire to have me is proof there will be more boys just like you who want my company. i thank you for your interest but I'm going to wait for hte next bus to come around. whatever is on that will be better than you

importance of translating the Bible

you can read god's words in your own language


you say what happened in your own words and the lawyer tries to make you look stupid

3 liberal talking points

you took me out context i'm teh real cictim if you aren't black, you don't undesrand

modern airshop


all heat is of the same kind

zeroth law of thermodynamics

time length of each phase of fetal development

zygote is 4 days, 14 days-9 wks is embroyo, 9 weeks-fettus

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