New Testament Exam 2

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two phrases that frequently modify "the kingdom"

"of God" and "of heaven" are synonymus

two main reasons why Jesus spoke in parables

1. to obscure the truth judgmentally from outsiders who have not responded in faith to his plain speech --the people who followed but did not believe would be evaded 2. with interpretation to clarify the truth rewardingly for insiders, who have responded in faith to his plain speech --only people who would know what it meant

place in Acts where Luke switches from Saul to Paul

Acts 13:9 during first missionary journey

significance of "we" sections of Acts

Acts refers to the "first account" Luke is only one that traveled with Paul that could have written "we" sections


Aramaic for wealth your heart will follow your wealth God's righteousness contrasts with your righteousness, the righteousness of God that Jesus' persecuted disciples are to seek does not consist in their own good works but in God's doing the right thing by them, that is, caring for them now and rewarding them at the end


Jesus is the revelatory Word of God


Jesus' uniquely divine sonship Aramaic for "father" or dadda/daddy taught disciples to address God as abba bc of their relation to God through him


Jewish believers and their Gentile followers who held circumcision as a prerequisite to entering the church


Mary's hymn of praise for her pregnancy Latin for "magnifies" similar to the song of Hannah, Samuels mother

Nunc Dimittis

Simeon's praise of God Latin for "now dismiss"

"the treasury"

a hall in the temple where such gifts are deposited in thirteen receptacles shaped like trumpets

Mark-Q documentary hypothesis

a second document that is thought to be an early collection of Jesus' sayings that inspired both Mathew and luke gospels

two meanings carried by the term kingdom

a sphere of rule the activity of ruling

"the Hallel"

antiphonal singing of the Hallel a hymn of Psalms 113-118 that brings the Passover liturgy to a close Praise the Lord. Praise, O servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

ethical monotheism

belief in one God of love and righteousness who acts redemptively and judgmentally in history according to his covenantal relations with human beings

seven "i am" sayings of the fourth Gospel

bread of life light of the world gate good shepherd resurrection and the life way and the truth and the life true vineyard

meaning of command to take one's cross

exposing oneself to abuse by open discipleship

various wasy the designation of "the Way" can be understood

first name used for Christianity Lord prepared by John the Baptist in accordance with Isaiah 40:3 cross righteousness Jesus as salvation

Sitz Im Leben

german for situation in life this was what made up most of the gospels in reference to the situation of the early church, rather than the truth about Jesus

"fishers of human beings"

getting people to repent, healing the sick, and casting demons out of the possessed said to Andrew and Simon


greek for oracles refers to the gospel


greek for proclamation or preaching the gospel of Mark is an expanded kerygma in written form


greek for unwritten These sayings were written down somewhere, but not in the canonical Gospels.

significance of the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' side

he offered to give the living water of the Holy Spirit and water flows from Jesus' side after his death he breathes the HS on the disciples as soon as he sees them after resurrection blood of Passover sacrafice

reason for Jerusalem Council

ideal community stays intact Gentiles could/couldn't become part of church was the dilemma defined conditions of Gentile/Christian salvation to avoid setting up barriers to social interchange with Jewish believers, they should follow certain rules (picky about meats and no incest) Joy and encouragement are spread all around

meaning of the sign of Jonah

implies the resurrection because of the limit of three days and three nights

lex talionis

law of retaliation "an eye for an eye..."


not by way of denying the teaching of OT but by escalating it to a level toward it was already tending

Significance of Gospel of Thomas

not written by apostle Thomas collection of Jesus' sayings reflects the largely corrupted tradition of Jesus and found in 1945

purpose of Beatitudes

promises compensation at the last judgement

apologetic emphasis of Mark's Gospel

purpose of counteracting the shame of the manner in which Jesus died designed to convert non-Christians despite the shame of the cross

principle from the Mosaic law regarding sufficient testimony

requires at least two witnesses he summons the twelve and sends them out in pairs


sent to act with the sender's own authority

reason why Matt 11.25-27 is called the "Johannine thunderbolt"

statements in John Gospel concerning the relation of Jesus to God demands more from disciples humbly, meekly, getting on the other side of the "yoke" and pulling with his disciples Jesus gets on the disciples side and relates to them

Women who appear in Jesus' genealogy

tamar rahab ruth bathsheba mary


the Holy Spirit as: comforter counselor prosecutor


the city council which licenses teachers in Athens

meaning of the "mystery" of the kingdom

the open secret that before God fully imposes his rule on earth when Jesus comes back, believers enjoy its future blessings in advance--inaugurated eschatology

"The seven last words" of Jesus

the sayings that Jesus spoke from the cross "father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" Luke 23:24 "i tell you truly, today you wil be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43, spoken to the repentant criminal crucified with Jesus "woman, look--your son!...Look---your mother!" John 19:26-27, spoken to Jesus' mother Mary and to the beloved disciple "i am thirsty" John 19:28 "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34 "they are finished" John 19:30 "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" Luke 23:46

Via Dolorosa

the way of sorrow

the Ascension

when Jesus ascends into the clouds

symbolic meaning of the sending of the seventy-two

worldwide evangelistic mission of the church Ancient Jews counted the number of nations in the world as seventy-two

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