New Testament Survey

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The Johannine Christians most likely were excluded from the synagogue because: a. They believed Jesus taught important things. b. They tried to proselytize other Jews. c. They believed that God would send a messiah. d. They rejected everything about Judaism.


The most popular scholarly explanation of the Synoptic Problem is: a. Q b. The Four-Source Hypothesis c. Markan priority d. Redaction criticism


Which of the following does not take place immediately before Jesus' trial and crucifixion in the Gospel of John? a. Jesus washes the disciples' feet. b. A Passover meal with the disciples c. Jesus predicts his betrayal. d. Jesus delivers a final discourse.


In John, Jesus' teachings focus primarily on: a. The coming Kingdom of God b. Miracles c. His identity d. Gentiles


Mark - When there are false messiahs and a desolating sacrilege, all of the elect should get out of town.


Mark's message is that Jesus death was shameful and degrading to him and all who knew him.


Matthias was chosen "by chance" to fill Judas place as one of the twelve apostles.


On the road to Damascus, a light from heaven blinded Saul.


People were amazed at Peter and John because they realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men.


Peter raised Tabitha from the dead.


Peter's shadow healed many people.


Saul (who became Paul) attacked the church and committed early Christians to prison.


Saul witnessed the stoning of Stephen.


In non-Christian Jewish circles, the term "Son of God" referred to: a. Apollonius b. A person especially close to God c. Jesus d. God

b. A person especially close to God

The term "cult" means: a. Gods b. Care c. strange belief d. Magic

b. Care

Which of the following represents an intentional scribal error? a. Skipping words, verses, or pages b. Changing the text to fit doctrine c. Misspelling words d. Repeating words, verses, or pages

b. Changing the text to fit doctrine

Which codex is the most valuable—because it includes all twenty-seven New Testament books, as well as the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepard of Hermas? a. Codex Claromontanus b. Codex Sinaiticus c. Codex Vaticanus d. Codex Alexandrinus

b. Codex Sinaiticus

What genre do the Gospels most closely fit? a. Greco-Roman autobiography b. Greco-Roman biography c. Short story d. Apocalyptic literature

b. Greco-Roman biography

We currently possess about how many manuscripts of New Testament? a. Sixty thousand b. six hundred c. 5,700 d. 100

c. 5,700

The New Testament Gospels belong to which genre? a. Biography b. Science fiction c. History d. Gospel

a. Biography

What was the physical sign of the covenant between ancient Jews and God? a. Circumcision b. A Star of David tattoo c. Not cutting the beard hair d. The wearing of a phylactery around the forehead

a. Circumcision

The New Testament was written in what language? a. Hebrew b. Aramaic c. Greek d. Latin

c. Greek

How is the War Scroll unique among ancient Jewish literature? a. In its strange symbolism b. In its lack of apocalyptic references c. In its graphic and detailed description of the future battle that will end the age d. In its underlying doctrine of violence

c. In its graphic and detailed description of the future battle that will end the age

Paul was the first to preach to non Jews.


An alternative place of worship (to the Temple in Jerusalem) where Jews came together in the community to discuss the sacred traditions of the Torah was called a(n): a. Congregation b. Ashran c. Synagogue d. Church

c. Synagogue

A redactor is: a. An editor b. A historian who studies texts c. cosmic figure d. A type of Gospel


In John's community, the belief in Jesus' divinity probably: a. Developed over time b. Was a heretical belief c. Came immediately after his resurrection d. Came during Jesus' ministry


Which of the following best describes Jesus in the Gospel of John? a. He is preexistent and divine. b. He is an apocalyptic prophet who preaches the coming Kingdom of God. c. He hides his true identity. d. He did not exist.


"Synoptic" means: a. Editor b. Seen together c. Three d. Gospel


In John, Jesus does all of the following to show his divine nature except: a. Affirm his identity b. Teach in parables c. Perform signs d. Give discourses


In John, the signs are intended to: a. Confuse people b. Convince people of Jesus' true identity c. Hide Jesus' identity d. Heal people


Who assembled all the miracle stories dispersed throughout Mark into one large collection? a. John b. Thomas c. Matthew d. Luke


Why do most scholars think that Q was a written document? a. Because the L source refers to Q as a written document b. Because the M source refers to Q as a written document c. Because there are long stretches of verbatim agreement between Matthew and Luke d. Because Matthew and Luke share the same sequencing of miracles


After chapter 12 in the Gospel of John, Jesus decides not to preach publicly because: a. The Jewish leaders tell him not to. b. He gets tired. c. He is under arrest. d. The Jews reject him.


Both Matthew and Luke used _____________ as a literary source. a. Jesus b. John c. Peter d. Mark


In the Gospel of John, Jesus is explicitly called all the following except: a. The Word of God b. The Lamb of God c. Rabbi d. The suffering servant


Matthew and Luke: a. Never change Mark b. Sometimes change Mark to correct historical inaccuracies c. Sometimes change Mark to correct grammar d. Sometimes change Mark to change theological emphases


Scholars refer to the first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John as: a. The beginning b. The signs source c. The baptism d. The Prologue


The argument of "sequence of the narrative" suggests: a. Luke and Mark follow Matthew's sequence of stories. b. Matthew and Mark follow Luke's sequence of stories. c. Matthew and Luke follow Q's sequence of stories. d. Matthew and Luke follow Mark's sequence of stories.


According to Mark, Jesus' tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers.


According to Mark, from the cross, Jesus asked John to take care of his mother.


Acts - The Resurrected Jesus instructed his followers not to leave Galilee.


Ananias and Sapphira inspired the early church because of their selfless giving.


At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit possessed the apostles and they spoke in spiritual tongues, that only a person with the gift of interpretation could explain.


Early Christians gave up temple worship.


Immediately, after his conversion, the disciples welcomed Saul.


In John, Jesus agonizes to the Father in prayer.


In a vision, Peter was told to eat no meat.


Mark - Jesus carried the cross all the way to Golgotha.


Mark - Jesus did not associate with sinners.


Mark - Jesus preached long sermons.


Mark - Jesus wanted everyone to know of his messiahship.


Mark - Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome told the apostles of the Resurrection and gave instructions for them to go Galilee.


Mark - The religious leaders were proud that Jesus cleaned the temple.


The Ethiopian Eunuch was an enemy of the Jews.


True or False: Hellenism promoted a city-state focused world-view or outlook that discouraged learning about other cultures or sharing information.


Mark - Jesus told the healed leper to tell everyone of his power.

False - Jesus repeatedly told people to not tell of their encounter with Him

Jesus baptized John

False - John baptized Jesus

Mark - Jesus blessed a fig tree.

False - Mark 11:12-25

True or False: Jesus taught that Judeans should refuse to pay taxes to the government.

False - Mark 12:17

Mark - From the start, Jesus' family supported his ministry.

False - Mark 3

Mark - That which comes in defiles a person, not that which comes out.

False - Mark 7:14-25

Mark's Virgin birth story is similar to Matthew's story.

False - Mark and John do not have a Virgin birth story. Matthew and Luke have a virgin birth story that vary in many ways.

Mark - Peter walked on water in response to Jesus.

False - While technically true, this does not happen in Mark Chapters 1-11

According to Mark, Jesus' family, friends, disciples failed to recognize the significance of Him, except for the centurion at the cross.


Acts - After his resurrection, Jesus was exalted to the right hand of God.


After his miraculous healing and his sight restored, in the synagogues, Saul began preaching Jesus as the Messiah.


At Antioch, disciples were first called, "Christians".


Barnabas brought Saul to Antioch.


Christians sent relief funds to believers in Judea.


In John, From the cross, Jesus gave instructions to "the disciple whom he loved" to take care of his mother.


In John, Jesus carried the cross by himself to Golgotha.


In John, Jesus was crucified on the day of Preparation for the Passover.


In John, Mary Magdalene ran to Peter and another disciple and they investigated the tomb.


In John, Pilate is afraid of Jesus and struggles to find grounds to execute him.


In John, Pilate tells the chief priests to judge Jesus.


In John, The Resurrected Jesus came to the disciples and breathed on them the Holy Spirit.


In Mark, Jesus was crucified at 9:00 am on the day after Passover.


In the earliest days of the church, everyone communally shared possessions.


Jewish believers were astounded when Gentiles received the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Mark - Jesus agreed with the chief priests that he was the messiah.


Mark - Jesus predicted wars, famines, earthquakes and the destruction of the temple.


Mark - Jesus said that, "this generation" will not pass away until the Son of Man will come in the clouds with great power and glory.


Mark - Jesus shared the Passover meal with the twelve and created the tradition of the Lord's Supper.


Mark - Jesus taught that loving God and loving neighbors were the greatest commandments.


Mark - Jesus taught that when the dead rise, there will be no marriage.


Mark - Jesus was deeply grieved at the prospect of his coming death and prayed to the Father to avoid it.


Mark - On many occasions, Jesus sternly ordered people not to tell anyone about him.


Stephen summarized the Old Testament to say that Jewish leadership were like the ancestors who persecuted the prophets.


The Gospel of Mark consistently portrays Jesus as misunderstood.


The Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as keeping his messianic identity hidden.


The council and high priest had Peter and apostles flogged and jailed.


The early church grew at a rapid rate in Jerusalem.


The leadership assigned those who physically served the followers of Christ and another group who spiritually served.


True or False: According to some Gnostics, the Old Testament God was evil.


True or False: No two existing ancient manuscripts are precisely alike.


True or False: We do not have the original copy of any New Testament book.


Mark - Jesus began his ministry immediately after John was arrested.

True - 1:14 after John was arrested, Jesus began ministry

In John, Jesus gave a long triumphant prayer before he was arrested.

True - Ch 17 is the prayer before his death. It reads like a theologically intense sermon.

Mark - Jesus was strict concerning divorce.

True - He said that Moses only granted a divorce due tot he hardness of their hearts. Mark 10:2-12

In John, Jesus is triumphantly in charge of his own execution.

True - John 19:11

Mark - Jesus did not claim to be good.

True - Mark 10:18

Mark - Wealthy people have a difficult time entering the kingdom of heaven.

True - Mark 10:24-25

Mark - The Gerasene demoniac recognized Jesus' true identity, even though his family and followers were often puzzled.

True - Mark 5

Mark - Two thousand pigs drowned when unclean spirits entered them.

True - Mark 5

Mark - Jesus knew that power left him when the hemorrhagic woman touched his clothes.

True - Mark 5:25-

Mark - Jesus could do no deed of power in Nazareth, except for a few sick people.

True - Mark 6

Mark - Herod beheaded John in order to honor his dancing daughter's request.

True - Mark 6:16-28

Mark - Jesus reluctantly healed the Syrophoenician's daughter.

True - Mark 7:24-30

Mark - Jesus said he would give no sign from heaven.

True - Mark 8:11-12

Mark - Jesus said some in his audience would not die until they saw the kingdom of God come with power.

True - Mark 9:1

Mark - Jesus expressed frustration when he said, "You faithless generation how much longer must I be among you?"

True - Mark 9:19

Jesus' last words on the cross in the Gospel of Mark are: a. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" b. "It is finished." c. "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." d. "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."

a. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

In what year did Athanasius name the current twenty-seven books of the New Testament as authoritative? a. 367 C.E. b. 150 C.E. c. 288 C.E. d. 432 C.E.

a. 367 C.E.

The Gospel of Mark was probably written around: a. 65-70 C.E. b. 35-40 C.E. c. 55-60 C.E. d. 45-50 C.E.

a. 65-70 C.E.

When Jesus is baptized, the Spirit of God descends on him in the shape of: a. A dove b. A sunbeam c. Flames d. Angels

a. A dove

In what language were the New Testament Gospels written? a. Greek b. Aramaic c. Hebrew d. Coptic

a. Greek

The author of the Gospel of Mark probably spoke: a. Greek b. Latin c. Aramaic d. Hebrew

a. Greek

Biographies written by Christians put a significant amount of emphasis on what event in Jesus' life, which was very unusual for ancient biographies? a. His death b. His childhood c. His ministry d. His birth

a. His death

Where was Q finally discovered? a. It is still hypothetical. b. A cave in Qumran c. Near the Dead Sea d. It was discovered to be an oral tradition passed down by the Essenes.

a. It is still hypothetical.

Which of the following groups thought it was blasphemy to call Jesus God a. Jewish-Chrisitian adoptionists b. Marcionites c. Proto-orthodox Chrisitans d. Gnostics

a. Jewish-Chrisitian adoptionists

Which of the following Gospels was written during Jesus' lifetime? a. None of these b. The Gospel of Thomas c. The Gospel of Mark d. The Gospel of Matthew

a. None of these

The story of Jesus and the woman taken in adultery (John 7:59-8:11) is: a. Not an original part of any Gospel b. An original part of the Gospel of Mark that was later inserted into the Gospel of John by the author of John c. A pagan parable d. An original part of the Gospel of John

a. Not an original part of any Gospel

Which of the following is least helpful in establishing the original text of the New Testament? a. Number of manuscripts b. Difficulty of reading c. Age of manuscripts d. Geographical distribution

a. Number of manuscripts

The Marcionites particularly liked which of the following apostles? a. Paul b. Peter c. James d. Mary

a. Paul

Which one of Jesus' disciples comes closest to recognizing Jesus' identity in Mark? a. Peter b. John c. James d. Paul

a. Peter

The term "canon" means: a. Ruler b. Heretical c. Authoritative d. Orthodox

a. Ruler

Greco-Roman religion incorporated which of the following? a. Sacrifice b. Creeds c. Sacred texts d. Ethical commitments

a. Sacrifice

According to Mark, the messiah must: a. Suffer and die b. Preach and baptize c. Take control of Israel d. Become the high priest

a. Suffer and die

The Septuagint is: a. The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible b. A country in the Greco-Roman world c. A Roman emperor d. A god

a. The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible

What feature typically accompanied the stories of religious figures in ancient Greco-Roman biographies? a. The miraculous b. The expression of the human condition c. The sublime d. The mischievous

a. The miraculous

What does the term "heresy" mean? a. To choose b. To reject c. Evil d. To agree with

a. To choose

Ancient biographies were usually written for what main purpose? a. To give instruction on proper behavior b. To provide history lessons c. To record lineages d. To clarify current issues

a. To give instruction on proper behavior

What was the primary aim of ancient philosophy? a. To investigate the best way to live b. To investigate the abstract principles of nature c. To please the gods d. To lead the way to eternal life

a. To investigate the best way to live

According to the Jewish-Christian adoptionists, Jesus was: a. a man b. God c. Moses d. a phantasm

a. a man

In first-century apocalyptic Judaism, the term "Son of Man" referred to: a. God's son b. A cosmic figure c. The high priest d. The king

b. A cosmic figure

In Mark, what is Jesus' response to his impending death? a. He refuses to go through with it. b. He seems to doubt his mission. c. He is cheerful. d. He is indifferent.

b. He seems to doubt his mission.

The Gospel of Mark begins with: a. Jesus' birth b. Jesus' baptism by John c. John the Baptist's birth d. The angel Gabriel appearing to Mary

b. Jesus' baptism by John

According to Mark, Jesus is from: a. Bethlehem b. Nazareth c. Jerusalem d Capernaum

b. Nazareth

Did the authors of the Gospels claim to be eyewitnesses to the events that they narrated? a. Yes b. No c. No one knows d. Some did, some didn't

b. No

The Roman who convicts Jesus is: a. Herod the Great b. Pilate c. Augustus d. Barabbas

b. Pilate

Missionary movements in the Greco-Roman world were advanced mostly by: a. The established religions b. Schools of philosophy c. Jewish sects d. Pagan cults

b. Schools of philosophy

The Jewish response to Antiochus Epiphanes' actions was: a. Disregard for his laws b. The Maccabean revolt c. A silent protest d. Acceptance of his regulations

b. The Maccabean revolt

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus died: a. The day after the Passover meal b. The day before the Passover meal c. The week after Passover d. The week before Passover

b. The day before the Passover meal

The Pentateuch is: a. A household god b. The first five books of the Bible c. The dispersion of Jews d. An early sect of Judaism

b. The first five books of the Bible

How many books are there in the New Testament? a. Twenty-five b. Twenty-seven c. Twenty-eight d. Twenty-six

b. Twenty-seven

The earliest copyists of the New Testament were: a. Monks b. Untrained but literate c. Priests d. Trained scribes

b. Untrained but literate

The emphasis placed on Jesus' death classifies the Gospels as: a. A phylum b. A unique genre c. A subgenre of the genre of ancient Greco-Roman biography d. A subclass of Ming Dynasty literature

c. A subgenre of the genre of ancient Greco-Roman biography

In the story from Mark of the women who find Jesus' tomb empty and are instructed by a young man (or angel) to go tell Peter and the other disciples (Mark 16), the last twelve verses were: a. A pagan parable b. An original part of the Gospel of Mark c. Added to the Gospel of Mark by a scribe d. An original part of the Gospel of Mathew that was later inserted into the Gospel of Mark by the author of Mark

c. Added to the Gospel of Mark by a scribe

Who lived at about the same time as Jesus, was reported to have had a life and death similar to Jesus, and was considered by his disciples to be the Son of God? a. Paul b. Alexander the Great c. Apollonius of Tyana d. Plato

c. Apollonius of Tyana

John, the forerunner of Jesus, proclaims forgiveness of sins and performs: a. Miracles b. Circumcisions c. Baptisms d. Weddings

c. Baptisms

At Jesus' trial in Mark, the Sanhedrin charges him with: a. Not observing Sabbath laws b. Theft c. Blasphemy d. Being empowered by Satan

c. Blasphemy

What framework were ancient biographies often crafted within? a. Hierarchy of authorship b. Relational c. Chronological d. Importance of events

c. Chronological

Which was probably the first book of the New Testament to be written? a. Romans b. Mark c. First Thessalonians d. Matthew

c. First Thessalonians

All of the following figures recognize Jesus in Mark except: a. The reader of the Gospel b. The Gentile soldier at the cross c. John the Baptist d. The demons

c. John the Baptist

Gnostics believed which of the following brought salvation? a. Martyrdom b. Jesus resurrection c. Knowledge d. Jesus' death

c. Knowledge

When Mark and Matthew tell the same story, Mark's story is: a. Closer to the facts b. Shorter c. Longer d. More detailed

c. Longer

Which early Christian group believed in two Gods: the just God of the Old Testament and the merciful God of Jesus? a. Proto-orthodox Christians b. Jewish-Christian adoptionists c. Marcionites d. Gnostics

c. Marcionites

When individuals wished to know the will of a god, they visited a(n): a. Lares b. Daimonia c. Oracle d. Cult

c. Oracle

Stoicism, Platonism, and Epicureanism all involved the exercise of: a. Political power b. the body c. Reason d. Magic

c. Reason

In Mark, when Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Salome discover the empty tomb, they: a. Praise God b. Begin Christian missions c. Say nothing d. Tell Peter

c. Say nothing

Identify one discrepancy in the Gospel accounts of Jesus' Last Supper. a. Mark's account shows Jesus fasting that evening, while John's account details all the various foods and drinks of which everyone partook. b. The account in Luke has Jesus drinking grape juice, while in John's account, he drinks wine c. The account in Mark states that it occurs as the Passover meal, while John's account states that Jesus' Last Supper occurred the night before Passover. d. The account in Mark states that the disciples were several hours late arranging the Last Supper along with the Passover meal, while John's states that they were on time.

c. The account in Mark states that it occurs as the Passover meal, while John's account states that Jesus' Last Supper occurred the night before Passover.

One group of Essenes left Jerusalem because: a. They had a vision to go to the wilderness. b. They believed they were in imminent danger. c. They believed the wrong priestly family was running the Temple. d. They believed they were in imminent danger.

c. They believed the wrong priestly family was running the Temple.

Scholars think Jesus died around: a. 30 B.C.E. b. 50 C.E. c. 70 C.E. d. 30 C.E.

d. 30 C.E.

Why are the Dead Sea Scrolls so valuable? a. Because they were written on platinum b. Because they constitute proof that the other Scriptures are inauthentic c. Because they discredit the idea that Jesus was the messiah d. Because they are nearly a thousand years older than the oldest copies of the Hebrew Scriptures that we previously had

d. Because they are nearly a thousand years older than the oldest copies of the Hebrew Scriptures that we previously had

"Diaspora" means: a. Palestine b. Law c. The spread of Greek culture d. Dispersion

d. Dispersion

The spread of Greek culture and language is known as: a. Daimonia b. Paganism c. the Greco-Roman process d. Hellenization

d. Hellenization

The phrase "Jesus' Passion" refers to: a. Jesus' violent actions in the Temple b. Jesus' birth c. Jesus' love for humanity d. Jesus' suffering

d. Jesus' suffering

Which are considered the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament? a. Peter, Thomas, John, Luke b. Mark, Mary, Thomas, John c. Matthew, Paul, Jude, Thomas d. Mark, Matthew, Luke, John

d. Mark, Matthew, Luke, John

Who is the earliest of the New Testament writers? a. The author of Hebrews b. The author of the Gospel of Matthew c. The author of the Gospel of John d. Paul

d. Paul

Ancient biographies were especially concerned with: a. Showing how the subject's character developed b. Retelling the historical facts c. Displaying the subject's power d. Portraying the personality of the protagonist

d. Portraying the personality of the protagonist

The sect of Judaism that wielded the most political power at the time of Jesus was the: a. Essenes b. Pharisees c. Zealots d. Sadducees

d. Sadducees

Oral cultures tend to: a. Have a high literacy rate b. Maintain verbal accuracy of stories c. Produce accurate historical writings d. Understand stories as changeable

d. Understand stories as changeable

In the Greco-Roman world, stories about a god having the power to heal: a. Were unique to Christianity b. Were unique among Jews and Christians c. Were forbidden d. Were relatively common

d. Were relatively common

Polytheism is the: a. Worship of nature b. Worship of one god c. Worship of the emperor d. Worship of many gods

d. Worship of many gods

The New Testament Gospels belong to which genre? a. written sources b. mystical forms c. prophetic forms d. oral sources

d. oral sources

Of the four New Testament Gospels, Mark was probably written:


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