Newborn 1

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A woman reports that her last normal menstrual period began on August 5, 2010. Using Nägele's rule, her expected date of delivery would be _____, 2011.

MAy 12, 2011

Define/describe teratogenic, and the teratogenic effect that measles could potentially have on a pregnancy.

Miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight,congenital defects

Calculate EDC using Nagele's Rule:

Start with the last day of your menstrual cycle, go back 3 months and add 7 days from your last menstrual period(LMP).

The nurse is describing the process of fetal circulation to a client during a prenatal visit. The nurse would tell the client that fetal circulation consists of which components? 2_______ arteries and 1 _____ ______

Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein Rationale Blood pumped by the fetus' heart leaves the fetus through two umbilical arteries. After the blood is oxygenated, it is then returned by one umbilical vein.

a "definitive" diagnosis of pregnancy is by using a _____ ______

Ultrasound confirmation( transabdominal or transvaginal ultrasound) by visualizing the gestational sac, fetal heartbeat, and fetal structures.

The nurse is educating high school students about puberty. What will the nurse indicate regulates the production of sperm and secretion hormones? a. Testes b. Vas deferens c. Ejaculatory ducts d. Prostate gland Answer: a. Testes

a. Testes

A client who is at 20 weeks' gestation visits the prenatal clinic for the first time. Assessment reveals temperature of 98.8°F (37.1°C), pulse of 80 beats per minute, blood pressure of 128/80 mm Hg, weight of 142 lb (64.4 kg) (prepregnancy weight was 132 lb [59.9 kg]), fetal heart rate (FHR) of 140 beats per minute, urine that is negative for protein, and fasting blood glucose level of 92 mg/dL (5.2 mmol/L). Which would the nurse do after making these assessments? a) Report the findings because the client needs immediate intervention. b) Document the results because they are expected at 20 weeks' gestation. c) Record the findings in the medical record because they are not within the norm but are not critical. d) Prepare the client for an emergency admission because these findings may represent jeopardy to the client and fetus.

b) Document the results because they are expected at 20 weeks' gestation.

A nurse caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation. The client asks the nurse what the baby looks like now. Which of the following answers by the nurse provides an accurate response? a) Languo has disappeared b) The fetus resembles a born human c) The arm and leg buds are noticeable d) Subcutaneous fat gives the body a wrinkled appearance

b) The fetus resembles a born human

A shunt that allows oxygenated blood in the umbilical vein to bypass the liver and is essential for normal fetal circulation

ductus venosus

The nurse is preparing to teach a prenatal class about fetal circulation. Which statements should be included in the teaching plan? Select all that apply. all 3 are correct. 1."The ductus arteriosus allows blood to bypass the fetal lungs." 2."One vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus." 3."Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste products away from the ______ to the placenta."


The physiology of the right atrium related to the fetal circulation: There is _______pressure in the _______ atrium compared to the left atrium in the fetal circulation. Thereby, most of the oxygenated blood is shunted from the right atrium to the left atrium through an opening called the foramen ovale.

greater, right

The nursing instructor asks the student to describe fetal circulation, specifically the ductus venosus. Which statement by the student indicates an understanding of the ductus venosus? "It connects the umbilical vein to the _______ _______ _______."

inferior vena cava

physiology of the Bartholin glands provide _______ for the vaginal introitus during sexual arousal and are normally not visible.


Ductus venosus: diverts some blood away from the liver as it returns from the _______


temporary organ for fetal respiration, nutrition, and excretion. It also functions as an endocrine gland.


List hormonal changes that occur when fertilization of the egg does not occur. - Decrease in _____ - Decrease in e______ - Increase in FSH and ____

progesterone, estrogen, FSH and LH

Define/describe the anatomy and physiology of the epididymis. - A structure on the posterior border of the ______, where coiled storage ducts provide for_______ and transport of the spermatozoa.

testis, maturation

List the vessel that carries blood to the fetus in maternal/fetal circulation?


The correct pathway of blood circulation from the mother to the fetus: Oxygen and nutrients from blood are transferred across the placenta to the fetus. Mother's blood flows through the _______ ______ to the liver and splits into 3 branches. The blood then reaches the Inferior vena cava.

umbilical cord

Anatomy of the Bartholin glands - Two small mucous glands situated on each side of the _____ ______ that secrete small amounts of mucus during coitus (intercourse).

vaginal orifice

The nursing instructor asks the student to describe fetal circulation, specifically the ductus venosus. Which statement by the student indicates an understanding of the ductus venosus?

"It connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava."

A client at 24 weeks' gestation with hyperpigmentation asks the nurse, "What do you recommend I do about my skin changes?" How should the nurse respond?

"This is an expected skin change during pregnancy."

Normal and abnormal urinary findings that may occur during pregnancy: - Asymptomatic ________ -P________ -G_________

-Asymptomatic bacteriuria (is the presence of bacteria in the properly collected urine of a patient that has no signs or symptoms of a urinary tract infection) -Proteinuria -Glucose in urine (related to gestational diabetes)

recommended weight gain during pregnancy for a woman of average weight and height :


The nurse is caring for a patient who reports vaginal dryness during intercourse. Decreased secretions from which gland could explain this discomfort?


A nurse is teaching a group of women who are pregnant about measures to relieve backache during pregnancy. Which of the following measures should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.) A. Avoid any lifting. B. Perform Kegel exercises twice a day. C. Perform the pelvic rock exercise every day. D. Use proper body mechanics. E. Avoid constrictive clothing.

C. Perform the pelvic rock exercise every day. D. Use proper body mechanics.

the purplish or bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva caused by increased vascular congestion.

Chadwick's sign

A nurse inspects a pregnant woman's cervix and notes that it has softened. What is the correct term the nurse should use to document this finding?

Goodell's sign

softening of the cervix and the vagina caused by increased vascular congestion. Chadwick's sign is the purplish or bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva caused by increased vascular congestion.

Goodell's sign

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