NMIX 2010- Software Quiz
object-oriented programming
- a filing system for code - in contrast to "C", _______________ gave programmers a great way to name things—a means of building up a library
- a programming language designed (under the leadership of james gosling) specifically for multimedia programs to be used over the Internet - allows programmers to create small programs or applications to enhance websites.
standard library
- a set of premade software that you can reuse and reapply - a software for software
- a simplified representation of something more complex - allow you to hide details to help you manage complexity, focus on relevant concepts, and reason about problems at a higher level.
- language that is easier than C for programmers to use, because it provides more abstractions for programmers - useful for machine learning
- the principal language of the UNIX operating system - software made in this is known for being fast
relational database
A database that represents data as a collection of tables in which all data relationships are represented by common values in related tables
What is an algorithm?
A set of directions to solve a problem
What is the standard library?
A set of pre-made software that can be reused and reapplied
An open-source, cross platform JavaScript runtime environment designed to be run outside of browsers Basically it is a JavaScript outside of the browser
How many different programming languages are there?
11 million
How many professional software developers are there in the world?
List of programming languages...
Java, Javascript, C, C++, Python, Fourtran, Swift, Cobol, Lisp
relational databases, structured query language
SQL is a way to interact with ____ and stands for ____
Which of the following is incorrect about the relationship between programming languages and algorithms?
System for downloading
True or False: Java is an object-oriented language, influenced by C++, that runs on a virtual machine
True or false - Java is an object-oriented language, influenced by C++, that runs on a virtual machine
What company created JavaScript?
What has become the de facto programming language for interactivity?
What is the most prevalent database?
Which is not a programming language?
Was originally called Teascript
Which is the following is not true about Javascript?
Which of the following is not an example of a way that code can or has looked that was given in What is Code?
This is the most used in the US
Which of the following is not true about C code?
Which of these is NOT a language used for web development?
Which of these is NOT relational database?
Brendan Eich
Who created JavaScript?
a series of repeatable steps that can be followed to solve a problem
a task that rewards intense focus and can be done with a small group or even in isolation
integrated development environment
an application that includes many necessary tools for software development, like a code editor and a debugger
Structured Query Language (SQL)
an international standard language for processing a database
computers; telescopes
computer science is no more about ________ than astronomy is about __________
easily bored, love novelty, and are obsessed with various forms of productivity enhancement
first huge commercial Web browser
finding ways to break impossible tasks into small steps
hardest work in programming
11 million pros; 7 million hobbyists
how many software developers were there in the world in 2015?
online resources for debugging and sharing code among programmers
software that takes the symbols you typed into a file and transforms them into lower-level instructions
1. needs to wrap up algorithms so they can be reused 2. needs to wrap up new algorithms into functions that can be reused
the 2 jobs of a programming language
microsoft and apple
the two revolutionary companies in the 1980s that started created smaller and more affordable computers
used to communicate with a database
1. needs to wrap up lots of algorithms so they can be reused (standard library of algorithms) 2. has to make it easy for programmers to wrap up new algorithms and routines into functions for reuse (easy to access the new)
what are the two jobs of a programming language?
program used to operate computer
what is software?
- different program languages are optimized to perform different tasks - new programming languages offer new and improved functionality - older programming languages are still needed for many reasons
why are there so many programming languages?