Nouns Practice
love, hate, fear, desire, thoughts
Abstract Noun
a gaggle of geese, a flock of sheep, a swarm of bees, a herd of deer
Collective Noun
phone, eyes, bed, tree, elephant, flowers
Common Noun
swimming pool, haircut, boyfriend, mother-in-law
Compound Noun
human, giraffe, finger, iPod, book, clothes
Concrete Noun
windows, swings, socks, dogs, horses, children
Plural Noun
Red River, Colorado, Springfield Middle School, Mt. Everest, Washington D.C.
Proper Noun
window, swing, sock, dog, horse, child
Singular Noun
noun names an IDEA, a FEELING, a QUALITY, or a CHARACTERISTIC (love, happiness, fear)
abstract noun
a noun that represents a group of people, animals or things (family, flock, team)
collective noun
a GENERAL name of a person place or thing (teacher, city, singer)
common noun
one noun made up of two words joined together
compound noun
A thing that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted
concrete noun
nouns that can be counted - they are singular or plural (cat/cats, pizza/pizzas, idea/ideas)
countable noun
a noun that names TWO or MORE persons, places, or things (girls, houses, mice)
plural noun
a SPECIFIC person, place, thing, or idea (Mrs. Campbell, Winchester, Beyonce)
proper noun
a noun that names ONE person, place, thing, or idea (girl, house, mouse)
singular noun
nouns that cannot be divided into separate elements (fur, food, music)
uncountable noun