NPSP (Exam Category: Nonprofit Cloud Solution Design (Weighting = 24% of the exam)

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Limits and Considerations of Dynamic Lightning Pages

A component can have up to 10 filters. Visibility filters aren't supported for individual tabs inside the Tabs component. Some person account fields, including Email and Mobile, can't be used in filters.


A flow is the part of Lightning Flow that collects data and performs actions in your Salesforce org or an external system. Lightning Flow provides two types of flows: screen flows and autolaunched flows.

With Customizable Rollups, we also offer the ability to roll up Account soft credits.

An Account soft credit is a credit for a donation that the Account didn't actually make, but may have somehow influenced. For example, a Donor Advised Fund uses a bank to manage their money. When a donation comes from the Donor Advised Fund, the check is actually generated by the bank, so the bank gets the hard credit for the donation. Using Account soft credits, you can ensure that the Donor Advised Fund gets a soft credit for their donation, and you can roll up those soft credits to the Account.

Control the Order In Which Your Code Executes

Apex triggers do not come with a way to control the order of operation but TDTM fills that gap.

Work with Object Settings in the Enhanced Profile User Interface In the enhanced profile user interface, the Object Settings page shows tab settings, record types and page layout settings, object permissions, and field permissions for all objects and tabs in your org.

App Permissions in the Enhanced Profile User Interface App permissions control what users can do within a specific app. For example, the "Import Leads" permission allows users to import leads in a sales app, while "Manage Cases" allows users to manage cases in a call center app. System Permissions in the Enhanced Profile User Interface System permissions control a user's ability to perform tasks that apply to all apps—such as "Modify All Data"—or tasks that don't apply to any apps—such as "API Only User."

On record pages, component visibility filters rely on the data captured in fields associated with the page's object.

App and Home pages aren't associated with an object, so the filters you can use are limited to other contexts, such as User, User Permission, or Client. But that doesn't mean that they're less powerful. For instance, with a filter using the Client context you can set a component to display exclusively in one experience or the other, such as when an app page is viewed on a phone or a desktop.

Here are are a few useful AppExchange apps for System Administrators:

Apsona Demand Tools FieldTrip GridBuddy The Permissioner

To automatically create Campaign Members through an Opportunity, you need to ensure that your org is set up to do so. There are three settings in NPSP Settings that control this feature:

Automatic Campaign Member Management Campaign Member Responded Status Campaign Member Non Responded Status

Opportunity Stage Type :Closed/Won Opportunity Primary Contact Campaign Member Status Value : blank

Campaign Member Action : Contact's Campaign Member Status updated with Campaign's first Responded value.

Opportunity Stage Type : Any Opportunity Primary Contact Campaign Member Status Value : omit

Campaign Member Action : Contact's current Campaign Member Status is left unchanged. If the Contact is not already a Member of the Campaign, no Campaign Member record is created.

Opportunity Stage Type : Any Opportunity Primary Contact Campaign Member Status Value :Any text value

Campaign Member Action : If the Campaign Member Status does not already exist, Salesforce creates it. Contact's Member Status is updated to this value. Note: You can edit the Campaign Member Status to a Responded value by going to the Campaign record, clicking the Advanced Setup button (in Salesforce Classic only), and editing the status to check Responded. The Campaign Member records will update to match.

Opportunity Stage Type : Open Opportunity Primary Contact Campaign Member Status Value : blank

Campaign Member Action : Contact's Campaign Member Status updated with Campaign's first non-Responded value.

Every Pardot account comes with four user roles: Administrator, Marketing User, Sales Manager, and Sales User.

Connect Pardot to Social Pardot is great on its own, but it's even better when integrated with other products. You can extend Pardot's reach to other third-party applications you already use.

Dynamic Lightning Pages

Control when a component appears on a Lightning page by adding filter conditions and logic to its properties in the Lightning App Builder. For example, you can construct a filter that causes a rich text component on an opportunity page to display when the opportunity's amount is greater than or equal to $1 million.

Single Result Operation Rollups

Copy data from a field on a single record to the target field. These rollups are used for searching through a group of records to find the first or last date, or finding the smallest or largest number (currency, number, etc) and copying data from that record. Out-of-box in NPSP, you get single result operations such as Largest Gift Amount, First Gift Date, and Last Gift Date. But, with Customizable Rollups, you can select any field from the single Opportunity (or Payment) result and copy it to the target object. A great example that wasn't possible before is that you can configure a rollup to automatically copy the record ID of that found single record, and add it to a custom lookup field on the target object (for example, a Contact or Account record). That way you can easily click through to see the record itself (and find any information you need)! With that lookup, you can also create cross-object formula fields to pull any data you need from that Opportunity or Payment to the Contact or Account.

If a permission isn't enabled in a profile but is enabled in a permission set, users with that profile and permission set have the permission. For example, if "Manage Password Policies" isn't enabled in Jane Smith's profile but is enabled in one of her permission sets, she can manage password policies.

Create Permission Sets You can clone a permission set or create a new one. A cloned permission set starts with the same licenses and enabled permissions as the original one. A new permission set starts with no licenses selected and no permissions enabled. Assign Permission Sets to a Single User Assign permission sets or remove permission set assignments for a single user from the user detail page. Standard Permission Sets A standard permission set consists of a group of common permissions for a particular feature associated with a permission set license. Using a standard permission set saves you time and facilitates administration because you don't need to create the custom permission set. Session-based Permission Sets Create session-based permission sets that allow access only during specified sessions. For example, create a session-based permission set that grants access to an application only during an authenticated session.

How Is the Health Check Score Calculated? The Health Check score is calculated by a proprietary formula that measures how well your security settings meet either the Salesforce Baseline Standard or your selected custom baseline. Settings that meet or exceed compliance raise your score, and settings at risk lower your score.

Create a Custom Baseline for Health Check You can import up to five custom baselines to compare your org's security settings with your own standards, instead of using Salesforce recommended standards. For example, if you're a financial industry business, you can create a custom security baseline using FINRA standards.

View NPSP Errors A variety of information is provided for notification and debugging purposes when working with errors. The error log contains these fields:

DateTime - The date and time that the error occurred. Error Type - The type of exception (error) that occurred. Full Message - The error message provided by the system. Object Type - Type of object on which the error occurred, if known. Record URL - A link to the record that caused the error, if available. Stack Trace - Stack trace for the thrown error, if available at runtime.

Encrypted fields are editable regardless of whether the user has the "View Encrypted Data" permission. Use validation rules, field-level security settings, or page layout settings to prevent users from editing encrypted fields.

Encrypted field data is not always masked in the debug log. Encrypted field data is masked if the Apex request originates from an Apex Web service, a trigger, a workflow, an inline Visualforce page (a page embedded in a page layout), or a Visualforce email template. In other cases, encrypted field data isn't masked in the debug log, like for example when running Apex from the Developer Console.

NPSP Data Import can't perform Custom Unique Id matching on Accounts and Contacts with an encrypted field.

Encryption of fields in the NPSP Data Import object is not supported. Be aware that if you encrypt fields on the Account or Contact object, and import data with NPSP Data Import, only the Account or Contact fields are encrypted—not copies of that data stored in the NPSP Data Import object. While you can encrypt address fields on the Account and Contact object, you can't encrypt fields on the Address object. The MergeContacts list button on Contact list views doesn't work if you encrypt Contact Name.

You can still validate the values of encrypted fields using validation rules or Apex. Both work regardless of whether the user has the "View Encrypted Data" permission.

Existing custom fields cannot be converted into encrypted fields nor can encrypted fields be converted into another data type. To encrypt the values of an existing (unencrypted) field, export the data, create an encrypted custom field to store that data, and import that data into the new encrypted field. Mask Type is not an input mask that ensures the data matches the Mask Type. Use validation rules to ensure that the data entered matches the mask type selected. Use encrypted custom fields only when government regulations require it because they involve more processing and have search-related limitations.

Pardot comes with a large number of ready-to-use default fields, but you may need to capture other types of information

For example, you may have some fields in Sales Cloud that you want to also have in Pardot, and then sync the data between the two systems. To do this, you'd activate your Salesforce connector, and then create a custom field in Pardot for each Sales Cloud field you want to relate to each other. Custom fields are available across all your Pardot forms, automation and segmentation rules, and dynamic lists.

Define the default access level for an object's records with organization-wide sharing settings.

For most objects, organization-wide sharing settings can be set to Private, Public Read Only, or Public Read/Write. In environments where the organization-wide sharing setting for an object is Private or Public Read Only, an admin can grant users additional access to records by setting up a role hierarchy or defining sharing rules.

You'll use the Admin tab frequently as a Pardot administrator.

Here you'll control your field settings, create and sync custom objects, set up your email authentication protocols, import users and maintain your account security.

Why can't some users create Volunteer records?

If Volunteers for Salesforce was installed without specifying Install for All Users, then only the profile of the person who installed V4S has access. If you haven't added data to V4S yet, uninstall and reinstall the package. Be sure to choose Install for All Users this time. If you have volunteer data in V4S that you need to preserve, manually enable the following for each custom profile that needs access (you can't modify these values on standard Salesforce profiles).

The Opportunity's Stage and the value in the Opportunity's Primary Contact Campaign Member Status field determine the behavior of the Campaign Member record.

If the Contact is not already a Member of the Campaign, Salesforce creates a new Campaign Member record. Otherwise, Salesforce updates the existing Campaign Member record for the Contact.

Why do I see an Authorization Required error when I look at my Sites pages or Personal Sites pages?

If there is an issue when a page loads, Salesforce displays its standard error page with error information. Because Sites pages are running without a logged in user, Salesforce won't display the standard error page and shows the Authorization Required error instead. We recommend testing your Sites pages while logged into your Salesforce instance so that you see the appropriate underlying error.

Create Your Own Custom Code

If you're developing your own custom Apex code or integrating an external system with Salesforce, you should familiarize yourself with the TDTM architecture. Salesforce and many expert developers recommend that you have only ONE trigger for each object (one for Contacts, one for Accounts, and so on). When you learn how to extend TDTM functionality into your code, you don't need to create new triggers—you just use the trigger that already exists in TDTM to pass environment data to your custom Apex classes. By using the existing TDTM infrastructure instead of creating your own, you get the most reliable and efficient behavior as a result.

Triggers come standard with NPSP, and TDTM is the framework for managing them.

In practice, TDTM has several uses. TDTM lets you: Disable specific pieces of code Build your own custom code that works in conjunction with NPSP Control the order in which the code executes

Shield Platform Encryption is compatible with NPSP, with some known limitations. The types of limitations are:

Installation—Install NPSP before you enable Shield Platform Encryption on the Opportunity Name field. If encryption is enabled on Opportunity Name, the NPSP installer will fail. You can remove encryption on Opportunity Name, and then run the installer successfully. Fields—You can't encrypt certain fields due to the way they are used in NPSP, particularly with SOQL queries and formulas. Functionality—Some fields that you can encrypt may cause some unexpected behavior if you enable encryption.

Lead nurturing: Sending targeted messages at specific intervals based on a prospect's actions and whether or not they've met certain qualifying criteria.

Lead qualification: You probably have thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of people interacting with your organization. Your sales teams can't contact each of them, so as marketers it's your job to help send them the best prospects. This process of finding the gold needles in the haystack of prospects is called lead qualification. You decide the threshold for when a prospect is ready to be assigned to a salesperson for them to follow up.

Lightning Process Builder

Many of the tasks you assign, the emails you send, and other record updates are vital parts of your standard processes. Instead of doing this repetitive work manually, you can configure processes to do it automatically. Process Builder helps you automate your business processes and gives you a graphical representation as you build it.

Do I have to use Volunteer Job Shifts?

No. Volunteers for Salesforce works with or without Shifts. You can just track volunteer activity at the Job level if you don't want to use Shifts.

Optionally, enter a Campaign Member Responded Status. The value entered is used as the default for ALL Campaign Members that are automatically added or updated through Automatic Campaign Member Management. If you leave this field blank, Salesforce uses the first status marked as "Responded" in your list of Campaign Member Statuses. If you enter a value that doesn't already exist in your list of Statuses, it will be added to the list.

Optionally, enter a Campaign Member Non Responded Status. The value entered is used as the default for ALL Campaign Members that are automatically added or updated through Automatic Campaign Member Management. If you leave this field blank, Salesforce uses the first status that is NOT marked as "Responded" in your list of Campaign Member Statuses. If you enter a value that doesn't already exist in your list of Statuses, it will be added to the list. If you require different statuses for different Campaigns, we recommend that you leave this field blank and carefully curate the Campaign Member Statuses for each of your Campaigns. To manage Campaign Members Statuses, navigate to your Campaign and click the Campaign Members Statuses related list.

Pardot uses two metrics for lead qualification: score and grade.

Prospect score: A prospect's score is a numerical value indicating how interested they are in your product or service, based on specific actions the prospect takes. Prospect grade: A prospect's grade is represented by a letter (A, B, C, D, etc.) indicating how well a prospect fits the profile of your ideal prospect.

Classic Encryption for Custom Fields

Restrict other Salesforce users from seeing custom text fields you want to keep private. Only users with the permission "View Encrypted Data" can see data in encrypted custom text fields.

I want to add some fields to the signup form using field sets. Can I make them required?

Salesforce only allows you to mark custom fields created in your org as required in field sets. Standard fields, such as Primary Address, and custom fields in the V4S package can't be marked as required.

Two-factor authentication is an essential user authentication method—so essential that Salesforce provides two types of two-factor authentication.

Service-based—Also known as device activation, service-based two-factor authentication is automatically enabled for all orgs. Policy-based—Admins enable policy-based two-factor authentication. It is an admin's best tool to protect org user accounts.

If users lose or forget the device they usually use for two-factor authentication, you can generate a temporary verification code for them. You set when the code expires, from 1 to 24 hours after you generate it. Your user can use the code multiple times until it expires. A user can have only one temporary code at a time. If a user needs a new code while the old code is still valid, you can expire the old code, then generate a new one. Users can expire their own valid codes in their personal settings.

Set policies that require a second level of authentication for every login, for logins through the API (for developers and client applications), or for access to specific features. Users provide the second factor by downloading and installing a mobile authenticator app, such as the Salesforce Authenticator app or the Google Authenticator app, on their mobile device. They can also use a U2F security key as the second factor. After users connect an authenticator app or register a security key with their Salesforce account, they can use these authentication methods whenever your org's policies require two-factor authentication.

Why don't the Volunteer Sign Up and Job Listing pages work?

Setting up Salesforce Sites and adjusting all permissions for the pages correctly can be tricky. You should carefully review the Website section of the Volunteers for Salesforce Setup and Configuration Guide and ensure you followed the steps exactly as written. Here's a list of common issues we've seen people run into: When the package was installed, security wasn't granted to all users. The Site was created, but wasn't activated. You filled in the Default Web Address field when editing your Site, but didn't account for it in the URL. Your Site wasn't set up to work in an iFrame. The permissions for your site weren't correctly set (in the Site's Guest User Profile). The Sharing Settings for the Campaign are set to Private. The Volunteer objects are marked as In Development instead of Deployed. This can happen if you're upgrading from a very old version and forgot to deploy the package.

What is Shield Platform Encryption?

Shield Platform Encryption is an add-on feature for Salesforce that allows you to encrypt your data at rest, rather than just during transmission over a network. It allows you to protect data in some standard fields, certain types of custom fields, files and attachments that are stored on the platform, and search indexes.


Standard encryption is included with your Salesforce licenses. Shield Platform Encryption requires an additional fee. The encryption type for standard encryption is 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard, while Shield is 256-bit. Standard encryption provides an encrypted text field type, while Shield Platform Encryption can be applied to many different types of fields, files, attachments, and search indexes.

Error Handling Configuration Options The following options are available for configuration:

Store Errors Error Notifications Error Notification Recipients Respect Duplicate Rule Settings—If you have Duplicate Rules with the Action on Create or Action On Edit fields set to "Allow," this checkbox forces NPSP to respect those settings. Keep in mind that if you have custom code with the AllowSave property set to a value, that value takes precedence over this setting.

Aggregate Rollups

Summarize data from multiple records and roll it up to a target field. Aggregate Rollups are used for summing, averaging, or counting. For example, NPSP comes with aggregate rollups for Total Gifts (summing), Average Gift Amount (averaging), and Total Number of Gifts (counting).

Pardot navigation is divided into four main sections: Marketing, Prospects, Reports, and Admin.

The Marketing tab is where you'll spend the majority of your time. Here you can use automation tools to segment your prospects, and build email templates, forms, and landing pages From here you also send emails, monitor your social platforms, and create marketing content.

Run the NPSP Health Check

The NPSP Health Check tool looks through your org for any data inconsistencies or errors and reports back with the type of error and a description of what went wrong.

The Reports tab gives you access to all the reports Pardot offers, including campaigns, conversion rates, any apps you've connected, the prospect lifecycle funnel, and your marketing assets' performance. Use this tab to monitor the progress and health of your marketing efforts.

The Prospects tab is where you access records for the prospects in your account. Your Prospect List contains every prospect in your account. You can also group prospects into accounts under Prospect Accounts. Under One-to-One Emails, you can send an individual email to a single prospect. Finally, you can monitor your website's page views and individual visits under Visitors.

Pardot A static list consists of prospects that you build once and edit manually to make changes. A dynamic list is rule-based and automatically updates when a prospect's data changes.

The benefit of a dynamic list is that it's created based on criteria and updates as prospects meet or fail to meet the criteria. a dynamic list is are most helpful when you are creating a list based on prospect data that changes often.


The changes above have implications for your entire organization. The suggested settings mean that all users in your org can access all Accounts, Contacts, and Campaigns. Most nonprofits want that level of transparency, but some may be concerned about keeping donor information private to only certain members of the team. So proceed with caution and make sure that changing these settings won't interfere with your org's intentions. And keep in mind that there are ways of hiding information while keeping these objects public, such as hiding specific fields by profile.

Why is a new Contact created in V4S when an existing Contact signs up for the Job or Shift from the website?

The most likely cause of duplicate Contacts from web signups is Sharing Settings. If sharing is set to a restrictive setting (such as Private), the app can't see the existing Contact, so it creates a new one. To resolve this issue: From Setup, enter Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, then click Sharing Settings. Ensure that the Default Internal Sharing is set as follows: Account: Public Read/Write Contact: Controlled by Parent or Public Read/Write Campaign: Public Read/Write or Public Full Access Click Save.

How do I make sure that Shifts show the correct time zone to the user viewing the Shift on my website?

There are multiple factors that affect time zones in V4S, so it's important to understand how they work: When you save a Shift's Start Date and Time, Salesforce assumes the time zone specified in your Salesforce user account, and saves the Date and Time internally in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If a Salesforce user views the Shift in Salesforce, the Shift Start Date and Time is displayed in the time zone specified in that user's Salesforce account (even if it's a different time zone than yours). When a person views the Shift on your website, either from the Job Calendar or Job Listing page, the Start Date and Time are based on the following (in order): The Job's Volunteer Website Time Zone (if set) The Campaign's Volunteer Website Time Zone (if set) The Site Guest User Profile's Time Zone (if set) GMT So, if the Jobs/Shifts for a particular Campaign are in multiple time zones because they are in different locations, set the Volunteer Website Time Zone on the Job to ensure that the Start Date and Time appear in the correct time zone for the user viewing the Shift.

We can create Customizable Rollups that roll up all Contact level soft credits to the Household Account.

These soft credits are valuable if you want to be able to see the total giving for an entire Household. For example, you may have major donors that give on an annual basis, but the money is coming from a donor advised fund or family foundation (not their personal checkbook) managed by a financial institution. Thus, all donations come directly from that financial institution. This results in hard credits and the majority of the rollups pointing to the financial institution (for accounting reasons), which makes it hard to fully realize the amount of money the Contact or Household has given when you view their records in NPSP.

Salesforce Optimizer

To run Salesforce Optimizer you need to have Customize Application, Modify All Data, and Manage Users user permissions. Run Optimizer in sandbox or production environments to receive recommendations to improve features, clean up customizations, reduce complexity, and drive feature adoption.

Why don't I see all the Volunteer Wizard fields?

To see all the Volunteer Wizard fields, you must have access to them. Make sure your profile has access to the V4S application, its pages, and its objects and fields.

In the Lightning App Builder, components that have at least one filter assigned are indicated with an icon (Component visibility icon).

Two objects aren't supported for component visibility filters: ProcessInstanceStep and ProcessInstanceWorkItem.

You can't convert a static list to a dynamic list.

Use a static list when you have no reason to remove prospects, such as a list of all prospects who complete your Contact Us form. You can create this type of list with an automation rule. Prospects who complete the form match the rule once and are added to the list. You can add prospects to and remove them from a static list but not with a dynamic list. Instead, a dynamic list refreshes constantly, adding prospects who match the criteria and removing prospects who don't.

How should I manage Jobs and Shifts that occur on a regular basis?

V4S supports Job Recurrence Schedules (JRS) and Volunteer Recurrence Schedules (VRS). With a JRS, you can set up Job Shifts that repeat into the future at a schedule you specify. With a VRS, you can easily schedule a volunteer for a specific repeating Job or Shift. You can also use the Volunteers Wizard to copy Jobs and Shifts from one volunteer event to the next. This is useful if you have an annual event with similar or the same Jobs every time.

Enable Custom Permissions in Profiles Custom permissions give you a way to provide access to custom processes or apps. After you've created a custom permission and associated it with a process or app, you can enable the permission in profiles.

View and Edit Session Settings in Profiles You can control session settings on a user profile basis. If you don't configure the profile session settings, the org's session settings apply to users of the profile. When set, the profile settings override the org-wide settings. View and Edit Password Policies in Profiles To ensure that the appropriate level of password security is used for your organization, specify password requirements with Password Policies settings for users assigned to a profile. Profile Password Policies settings override the organization-wide Password Policies for that profile's users. If you do not set Password Policies on a profile, the organization-wide Password Policies apply. New profile Password Policies take effect for existing profile users when they reset their passwords. Password Policy Fields in Profiles Specify password requirements with Password Policies settings. Understand how each field impacts a profile's password requirements.

Lead (or demand) generation:The act of creating interest in your products or services through marketing efforts.

Visitor: An anonymous person who visits your website and is now tracked in Pardot. Conversion: Once a visitor gives you their contact information by submitting a landing page or form in Pardot, they are converted to a prospect. Prospect: An anonymous visitor that has converted and is now identified. If you're familiar with Sales Cloud or other CRM software, this is also called a lead.

How do I track Jobs that aren't tied to a specific event or Campaign?

Volunteers for Salesforce requires that Jobs are created as children of a Campaign. This allows the application to provide rollup summary information about Volunteers and their Hours. For Jobs that aren't tied to a specific event, simply create a placeholder Volunteer Campaign. For example, you might create a Campaign called Office Volunteer Jobs and use it to track all of the ongoing office Jobs that your volunteers help with.

Why don't Shifts appear as full on my website even though the requested number of volunteers have signed up?

Web pages continue to display a signup link as long as the Shift's Volunteers Still Needed field is greater than zero. Only volunteers with a Volunteer Hours Status of Confirmed or Completed count against this number. By default, people who sign up on your website using a signup link have a Volunteer Hours Status of Web Sign Up (this ensures they get emails), but that means these signups don't count against the Volunteers Still Needed amount. To get the Shift to display as full, do one of the following: Manually change Volunteer Hours with the Status Web Sign Up to Confirmed Reduce the Number of Volunteers Still Needed If you want web signups to automatically be set to Confirmed, you can write a workflow rule to update the Volunteer Hours Status.

Why is the Volunteers for Salesforce app failing to install with the error "Apex Classes(org id) vol_ctrl_volunteersbulkenterhours.CodeCoverageTests() System.AssertException: Assertion Failed"?

When installing, our test code does the following: Creates an Account Creates a Contact Creates a Campaign Adds the Contact to the Campaign Tests the specific volunteer objects (Jobs, Shifts, Hours) If you don't have Create and Edit permissions on all of these objects, the installation fails. Make sure that a System Administrator installs V4S, since they have appropriate permissions. Additionally, if you have any required fields or validation rules on any of these objects, they may prevent the app from creating the objects listed above, and therefore, tests may not run successfully.

If you enable encryption in the following scenarios, certain NPSP functions won't work as expected: When you use an encrypted field as a matching field in the Data Import Wizard, NPSP Data Import fails (for example, Email or Phone). If you use an Opportunity source field that is encrypted in a User Defined Rollup, the rollup will fail.

While using NPSP Legacy Rollups, if you encrypt Membership Start Date, you can't save Opportunities with data in this field and the nightly Contact and Account rollups fail. Encryption on Membership Start Date does work with Customizable Rollups, however. If you encrypt the Role Name field on the Partial Soft Credit object, the nightly Soft Credit rollups fail. The Individual Account model is not supported with encryption enabled on the Account Name field. We recommend that you migrate to the Household Account model if you want to encrypt Account Name.

In NPSP, soft credits (including any partial soft credits) and soft credit rollups are tracked on Contacts.

With Customizable Rollups, all of the Contact Soft Credit Rollup fields still exist, but the rollups that populate them are now defined in Customizable Rollups. Users can edit the existing ones or create new ones.

Work in the Enhanced Profile User Interface Page In the enhanced profile user interface, the profile overview page provides an entry point for all settings and permissions for a profile.

Work in the Original Profile Interface To view a profile on the original profile page, from Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles, then select the profile you want. Standard Profiles Every org includes standard profiles that you can assign to users. In standard profiles, you can edit some settings. Manage Profile Lists Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application. When you create users, you assign a profile to each one. To view the profiles in your organization, from Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.

Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application. When you create users, you assign a profile to each one.

Work with Assigned Apps in the Enhanced Profile User Interface In the enhanced profile user interface, the Assigned Apps page shows which apps are visible to users with the selected profile. The default app appears when users log in for the first time. Every profile must have at least one visible app, except for profiles associated with Customer Portal users because apps are not available to them.

Does Volunteers for Salesforce include rollup summary fields?

Yes. Volunteers for Salesforce adds the following rollup summary fields: Object # of Rollup Summary Fields Campaign 5 Contact 3 Volunteer Jobs 5 By default, Salesforce limits you to 10 rollup summary fields per object. You can request that Salesforce increase your limit per object by entering a Case with Salesforce Support. If you have six or more Campaign rollup summary fields, Volunteers for Salesforce will fail to install. You must have Salesforce increase your rollup summary field limit before installing.

Can I add new fields to the Volunteer Signup form?

Yes. We provide versions of our signup pages that use Salesforce field sets. This allows you to customize which Contact fields appear on the forms. For more information on customizing the signup form.

Web-to-Lead forms are your friend. They are a simple form that can be embedded right on your website and they don't require any custom field mapping.

You can also use FormAssembly for your more complex forms, which handles duplicates and multiple object touches a bit better.

Update Campaign Member Status Through an Opportunity

You can automatically update Campaign Member Status, right from the Opportunity object as well. Locate an existing Opportunity donation with a Primary Contact. Set the Primary Contact Campaign Member Status.

Map Recurring Donation Fields to Custom Opportunity Fields

You can use Recurring Donations Custom Field Mapping to copy custom fields from Recurring Donation records to child Opportunity records whenever you create a new recurring donation. You may want to do this so that details from the Recurring Donation record appear in child Opportunity records as well for easy reference or billing. Mapping requires that you have two fields (one on the Recurring Donation and one on the Opportunity) of a matching type in order to create a mapping between them.

What kind of Salesforce user license do I need to use Volunteers for Salesforce?

You can use V4S with any Salesforce user license that has at least Read access to Campaigns.

Encrypted fields are encrypted with 128-bit master keys and use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. You can archive, delete, and import your master encryption key. To enable master encryption key management, contact Salesforce.

You can use encrypted fields in email templates but the value is always masked regardless of whether you have the "View Encrypted Data" permission. If you have created encrypted custom fields, make sure that your organization has "Require secure connections (HTTPS)" enabled. If you have the "View Encrypted Data" permission and you grant login access to another user, the user can see encrypted fields in plain text. Only users with the "View Encrypted Data" permission can clone the value of an encrypted field when cloning that record. Only the <apex:outputField> component supports presenting encrypted fields in Visualforce pages.

Disable Specific Pieces of Code

You might need to disable code when you: Import large sets of data (many thousands of records at once) Integrate with external systems Troubleshoot code errors

Use Marketing Cloud if:

Your company or group primarily sells to individual consumers. You send emails that require details from a transaction. For example, a shipping confirmation would include the tracking number. You have very complex data or use cases. Your company or group generates revenue through a large volume of one-on-one interactions.

Use Pardot if:

Your company or group primarily sells to other businesses. You use, or plan to use, Sales Cloud or another CRM. You need to send emails to prospects on behalf of sales reps. You need to qualify leads to pass to sales reps.

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