NRSC4032 Exam 3

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(t/f) A behavioral experience that produces a memory is likely to result in more phosphorylated cofilin and more autophosphorylated CaMKII.


(t/f) AMPA receptors are needed only for memory acquisition, but NMDA receptors are required for both acquisition and retrieval.


(t/f) Activation of Channelrhodopsin by blue light will allow sodium to enter the channel.


(t/f) Activation of Channelrhodopsin by green light will allow sodium to enter the channel.


(t/f) Ampakines are neither agonists nor antagonists.


(t/f) An advantage of the inhibitory avoidance task is that only one trial is needed to produce a behavioral change.


(t/f) An important step in the generation of a memory is the release of glutamate onto dendritic spines.


(t/f) C/EBPβ is critical to the first wave of protein synthesis


(t/f) C/EBPβ is critical to the second wave of protein synthesis


(t/f) C/EBPβ is targeted by CaMKII for transcription


(t/f) Damage to a particular brain region, X, impaired performance on a memory test. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that X is a memory storage region.


(t/f) GluN1-GluN2A receptor complexes influx more calcium than GluN1-GluN2B receptor complexes.


(t/f) If damage to a particular brain region impairs test performance, we can assume that regions contained memory neurons.


(t/f) If the experimenter wants to study a drug that might interfere with memory then the floor effect would be a problem to avoid.


(t/f) If the first wave of BDNF protein synthesis is blocked retention at both the 1- and 7-day interval will be impaired.


(t/f) In the object recognition test memory is demonstrated if the animal spends more time exploring the new object.


(t/f) Limited retrograde amnesia produced by a concussion likely affects only memories in the active state.


(t/f) Morris used genetically engineered mice in the first study that investigated the role of NMDA receptors in memory formation.


(t/f) NMDA receptors are important in the induction, but not the expression, of LTP.


(t/f) On a probe test in the Morris water task the hidden platform is removed.


(t/f) Place learning in the Morris water task uses a visible platform.


(t/f) Remembering the plot of a book you read a few months ago is an example of working memory.


(t/f) Studies of LTP provide a foundation for uncovering memory molecules


(t/f) The BDNF-TrkB pathway is critical to two waves of protein synthesis.


(t/f) The CA1KO mouse was able to display LTP in the CA1 regions but not in the dentate gyrus.


(t/f) The CA1KO mouse was able to display LTP in the dentate gyrus region but not in the CA1.


(t/f) The DREADD methodology takes more time to activate of inhibit neurons than optogenetics.


(t/f) The advantage of stereotaxic surgery it that the experimenter can precisely place the electrode or cannular in desired location.


(t/f) The formation of a memory trace begins when a behavioral experience activates a neuronal ensemble that represents the experience.


(t/f) To determine the role of a molecule in memory consolidation the experiment should use at least two retention intervals.


(t/f) Viral vectors are not part of the optogenetics methodology.


(t/f) Working memory cannot be studied in animals because they cannot communicate what problems they are trying to solve.


(t/f) both DREADDs and optogenetic methods depend on viral vector delivery systems


(t/f) reference memory and working memory both require glutamate receptor activation

time-limited retrograde amnesia

A failure to remember an experience that happened just prior to the occurrence of the disrupting event, yet maintaining memories of older experiences.

transcription, translation

According to the text, memory consolidation can depend on multiple waves of ___________ and ___________

retrograde amnesia

Amnesia for events experienced prior to the blow to the head that caused it is an example of __________.

blood-brain barrier, AMPA

Ampakines cross the __________ and bind to a site on the __________ receptor.

GluN2B, GluN2A

As the nervous system develops, __________ subunits tend to be replaced by __________ subunits.


C/EBPβ is targeted by ________ for transcription

prevents, no

Deleting the GluA1 subunit ______ working memory but has _____ effect on reference memory


Every functional NMDA receptor has __________ subunits.

activated, kinase

Fear conditioning increased the presence of phosphorylated CaMKII in dendritic spines. This result means that the conditioning experience __________ this __________.

retrieval failure

Forgetting the location of a book or a coffee cup, only to remember it later, is an example of __________.


GluA1 KO mice: a. display short-lasting LTP b. display long-lasting LTP c. have impaired working memory d. have impaired reference memory e. both b and c


GluN1-GluN2B receptors to GluN1-GluN2A ratio increases during development


If _____ is inhibited BDNF will not be transcribed

c, d

If mTOR is inhibited by rapamycin 5 minutes after avoidance conditioning... a. memory retention would be impaired at all retention intervals longer than 1 hour b. memory retention would be impaired at all retention intervals longer than 1 day c. memory retention would not be impaired at any retention interval d. memory retention would not be impaired if the retention interval is 1 hour or less.


If the GluA1 is deleted reference memory in the radial maze will be....

freezing response, strength

In fear conditioning, the duration of the __________ is an indicator of the __________ of the memory.

response latency

In inhibitory avoidance conditioning, it is assumed that the strength of the memory trace is reflected in the __________.

reference memory

In the radial arm maze methodology, if a rat revisits an arm that was never baited, it is making an __________ error.

working memory

In the radial arm maze methodology, if a rat revisits an arm, it is making a __________ error.


Inhibiting protein synthesis should ______ affect short-term memory.

b, c

Inhibiting the mTORC1 complex... a. interferes with actin polymerization b. interferes with local protein synthesis c. could interfere with consolidation d. would have no effect on memory retention

duration, state, decay rate

List three differences between a short-term memory trace and a long-term memory trace.

freezing response, functional GluA1 subunits

Malinow's experiments showed that memory for the fear experience, as measured by the rat's __________, depends on trafficking AMPA receptors with __________ into the membrane.

retrieval, storage

Memories can be recovered if the amnesia is a ________ failure but not if it is a ________ failure.

reference memory

Memory for the arms of the radial maze that either consistently contained the reward or never contained the reward.


Rapamycin ______ the function of the mTORC1 complex.


The Doogie mouse is genetically engineered to overexpress __________ subunits.


The TOP protein ______ normally interferes with the initiation of local protein synthesis

visible-platform task

The __________ is often used as a control task to evaluate alternative interpretations of the effect of brain manipulation on performance in the place-learning task.

autophosphorylation, CaMKII

The __________ of __________ may be critical for the rapid formation of a memory, but other processes can compensate for this contribution when multiple training trials occur.

training experience

The existence of a memory trace is inferred when the __________ influences behavior.

behavioral experience, weakly connected

The formation of a memory trace begins when a __________ activates a set of __________ neurons.

genomic signaling hypothesis

The idea that a behavioral experience can generate the transcription of new genetic material is called the __________.

local protein synthesis

The mTORC1 complex regulates __________.

actin (polymerization?)

The mTORC2 complex regulates processes that contribute to the regulation of __________.

working memory

The memory system that maintains and manipulates information to solve a particular problem or achieve a particular goal

BDNF, transcription

The role of C/EBPβ in the autoregulatory loop is to target ______ for ____________

retention interval

The time between the training experience that establishes the memory and the test used to retrieve the memory.

consolidation period

The time it takes to stabilize a memory and render it resistant to disruption


To influence NMDA function, Morris... a. used a pharmacological approach. b. infused APV into the brain. c. implanted a cannula into a cerebral ventricle. d. tested rats in the space-learning swim task. e. All of the above

GluN1 subunit, pyramidal cells

Tonegawa deleted the __________ in __________ in the CA1 field of the mouse hippocampus.

shock, auditory stimulus, freezing

What are the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response in fear conditioning?

de novo protein synthesis hypothesis

What hypothesis states that long-term memory depends on behavior initiating the synthesis of new protein?

retention interval

What is the key independent variable manipulated to determine if a molecule is selectively involved in LTM but not STM?

GluN2B, GluN2A

When __________ subunits dominate, it is easier to induce LTP than when __________ subunits dominate.

floor effect

When a treatment is hypothesized to impair the memory processes that produce avoidance behavior, but the performance measure was too low to be further reduced by the drug.


When glutamate and ampakines both bind to the AMPA receptor, the channel stays open __________.

ceiling effect

When investigating a drug or some other manipulation that is hypothesized to strengthen a memory trace, researchers should use lower intensity shock to avoid the __________.

ceiling effect

When the response measure is at its maximum, researchers should be wary of the __________.

four hours or less

When trying to assess the effect of a gene or drug on short-term memory, the retention interval is __________.

a, d

Which of the following are true about are inhibitory avoidance conditioning and fear conditioning? a. both are measures of aversive learning b. crossover latency is the dependent variable in both tasks c. freezing is the dependent variable in both tasks d. only one trial is needed to produce the memory


Which of the following is a feature of the place-learning task? a. The platform remains in the same location in each trial. b. The platform is visible to the rodent. c. The rodent is always released from the same location inside the pool. d. All of the above

b, c

Which of the following is true? a. DREADDS but not optogenetic method depend on viral vector delivery systems b. both DREADDs and optogenetic methods depend on viral vector delivery systems c. viral vector systems delivery genetic material d. when activated by light channelrhodopsins the neuron hyperpolarizes e. all of the above


Which of the following statements about NMDA receptors is true? a. NMDA receptors are activated by calcium. b. NMDA receptor channels allow calcium to enter the cell. c. NMDA receptors composed of the NR1/NR2A subunits remain open longer than those composed of NR1/NR2B subunits. d. Early in development, the ratio of NR1/NR2B to NR1/NR2A containing NMDA receptors favors the NR1/NR2A complex.

a, b, c

Which of the following statements about inhibitory avoidance conditioning is true? a. Longer latencies reflect a stronger memory trace b. The dependent variable is crossover latency c. As shock intensity increases, so does response latency d. None of the above

b, c, e

Which of the following statements about memory and the mind is true? a. An LTP inducing stimulus produces a memory. b. Memories result from behavioral experiences. c. Behavior is the window to the mind. d. Memories are directly observable. e. Studies of synaptic plasticity provide hypotheses about what molecules are involved in memory

b, d

Which of the following statements about memory is FALSE? a. CREB deletion impairs LTM. b. Blocking CREB translation impairs STM. c. CREB overexpression can improve LTM under certain conditions. d. Neurons that overexpress CREB do not compete successfully for selection in the neuronal ensemble

a, c

Which of the following statements about opsins is true? a. Channelrhodopsin can excite neurons by depolarizing them. b. Channelrhodopsin can inhibit neurons by hyperpolarizing them. c. Halorhodopsin can inhibit neurons by hyperpolarizing them. d. Halorhodopsin can excite neurons by depolarizing them.

b, c, d

Which of the following statements about the CA1KO mouse is true? a. GluN1 subunits are absent in the dentate gyrus. b. GluN1 subunits are absent in the CA1 region. c. LTP cannot be induced in CA1 in slices. d. LTP can be induced in the dentate gyrus.

b, c

Which of the following support the hypothesis that CaMKII is important for memory formation? a. inhibiting NMDA receptors prevent acquisition b. genetically deleting CaMKII prevents acquisition c. preventing autophosphorylation of CaMKII interferes with one trial learning. d. fear condition was used to study memory

c, d, e

Which strategies did Malinow's laboratory use to the role of AMPA receptors in memory formation? a. he used the AMPA receptor inhibitor CNQX b. he prevented calcium from entering NMDA receptors c. he used a virus to delivery dummy AMPA receptors to the amygdala d. he used a virus to deliver artificial AMPA receptors to the amygdala e. he used a fear conditioning procedure

Richard Morris

Who was the first researcher to directly investigate the role of NMDA receptors in memory formation?


_________ bind to a site on AMPA receptors and increase the duration of the channel opening when glutamate also binds to the receptor.


__________ allows scientists to control one type of cell without altering other types.

viral vectors

____________ are used to deliver mRNA constructs to specific regions in the brain.

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