NSG 363: Test 2

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B. Industry Industry is engaging in tasks that can be carried through to completion, learning to compete and cooperate with others, and learning rules. Industry is the developmental task characteristic of the school-age child. Identity is the developmental task of adolescence. Integrity and Intimacy are not developmental tasks of childhood.

A 10-year-old child enjoys collecting stamps, playing soccer, and participating in Boy Scout activities. The nurse recognizes that the child is displaying which developmental task? A. Identity B. Industry C. Integrity D. Intimacy

D. Approximately 95% of mature height is achieved when menarche occurs At the time of the beginning of menstruation or the skeletal age of 13 years, most girls have grown to about 95% of their adult height. They may have some additional growth (5%) until the epiphyseal plates are closed. "Pubertal growth spurts last about 1 year" does not address the girl's question.

A 13-year-old girl asks the nurse how much taller she will get. She has been growing about 2 inches per year but grew 4 inches this past year. Menarche recently occurred. The nurse should base her response on which statement? A. Growth cannot be predicted B. Pubertal growth spurts last about 1 year C. Mature height is achieved when menarche occurs D. Approximately 95% of mature height is achieved when menarche occurs

D. Tertiary circular reaction The 17-month-old child is in the 5th stage of the sensorimotor phase, tertiary circular reactions. The child uses active experimentation to achieve previously unattainable goals. Preoperational is the stage of cognitive development usually present from 2-4. Secondary circular reactions last from about 4-8 months.

A nurse is planning care for a 17-month old child. According to Piaget, which stage should the nurse expect the child to be in cognitively? A. Trust B. Preoperational C. Secondary circular reaction D. Tertiary circular reaction

A, C, E Liquid iron supplements may stain the teeth, so administer them with a dropper toward the back of the mouth (side). Ideally, iron supplements should be administered between meals for greater absorption. Avoid administration of liquid iron supplements with whole cow's milk or milk products because they bind free iron and prevent absorption. Educate parents that iron supplements will turn stools black or tarry green. Iron supplements may cause constipation not diarrhea. In older children, follow liquid iron supplement with a citrus fruit or juice drink (no more than 3-4 oz).

A nurse is teaching a parent about administration of iron supplements to a 7-month-old infant. Which should the nurse include in the teaching session? (SATA) A. Administer the iron supplement with a dropper toward the side and to the back of the mouth B. Administer the iron supplement with feedings C. Your infant's stools may look tarry green D. Your infant may have some diarrhea initially E. Follow the iron supplement with 4 ounces of juice

C. Secondary circular reactions This stage is usually from 4-8 months. Ex: shaking is performed to hear the noise of the rattle, not just for shaking.

According to Piaget, the 6-month-old infant should be in which developmental stage? A. Use of reflexes B. Primary circular reactions C. Secondary circular reactions D. Coordination of secondary schema

A. Sensorimotor stage

According to Piaget, at what stage of development do children typically solve problems through trial and error? A. Sensorimotor stage B. Preoperational stage C. Formal operational stage D. Concrete operational stage

D. 21 In general, birth weight triples by the end of the first year of life. For an infant who was 7 pounds at birth, 21 pounds would be the anticipated weight at the first birthday.

An infant who weights 7 pounds at birth would be expected to weight how many pounds at age 1 year? A. 14 B. 16 C. 18 D. 21

C. 8 months Sitting erect without support is a developmental milestone usually achieved by 8 months. At age 4 months, an infant can sit with support. At age 6 months, the infant will maintain a sitting position if propped. By 10 months, the infant can maneuver from a prone to a sitting position.

At what age can most infants sit steadily unsupported? A. 4 months B. 6 months C. 8 months D. 10 months

C. 3 months The child can recognize familiar objects at approximately 3 months. For the first 2 months, infants watch and observe their surroundings. The 4-month-old infant is able to anticipate feeding after seeing the bottle.

At what age does an infant start to recognize familiar faces and objects, such as a feeding bottle? A. 1 month B. 2 months C. 3 months D. 4 months

B. 2 months At age 2 months, the infant has a social, responsive smile. A reflex smile is usually present at age 1 month. The 3-month-old can recognize familiar faces. At age 4 months, the infant can enjoy social interactions.

At which age should the nurse expect an infant to begin smiling in response to pleasurable stimuli? A. 1 month B. 2 months C. 3 months D. 4 months

D. Earlier-than-normal tooth eruption This is earlier than expected. Most infants at age 6 months have two teeth. Six teeth at 6 months is not delayed; it is early tooth eruption. Although unusual, it is not dangerous.

Austin, age 6 months, has 6 teeth. How should the nurse interpret this finding? A. Normal tooth eruption B. Delayed tooth eruption C. Unusual and dangerous D. Earlier than normal tooth eruption

C. 4 years Linear growth or height occurs almost entirely as a result of skeletal growth and is considered a stable measurement of general growth. On average, most children have doubles their birth length at age 4 years. One and 2 years are too young for doubling length.

By what age does birth length usually double? A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 4 years D. 6 years

C. Eat the same food as the rest of the family By age 12 months, most children are eating the same food that is prepared by the rest of the family. Using a spoon is not mastered until 18 months. The parents should be engaged in weaning the child from a bottle/nipple. The child should be weaned from a milk or formula based diet to a balanced diet that includes iron-rich sources of food.

Developmentally, what should most children at age 12 months be able to do? A. Use a spoon adeptly B. Relinquish the bottle voluntarily C. Eat the same food as the rest of the family D. Reject all solid food in preference to the bottle

A. Concrete operations

During the school age years, children best understand concepts that can be seen or illustrated. The nurse knows this type of thinking is termed as: A. Concrete operations B. Preoperational C. School age rhetoric D. Formal operations

D. Radiographs of the hand and wrist The most accurate measure of skeletal age is radiologic examinations of the growth plates. These are the epiphyseal cartilage plates. Radiographs of the hand and wrist provide the most useful screening to determine skeletal age. Age of tooth eruption has considerable variation in children. Assessment of height over time will provide a record of the child's height but not skeletal age. Facial bone development will not reflect the child's skeletal age.

How is a child's skeletal age best determined? A. Assessment of dentition B. Assessment of height over time C. Facial bone development D. Radiographs of the hand and wrist

A, C Discriminate self between individuals. Achieve object permanence.

In order for an infant/child to formulate an attachment with another human being, they must: (SATA) A. Discriminate self between individuals B. Understand moral principles of right vs. wrong C. Achieve object permanence D. Understand principles of time E. Recognize themselves in the mirror

A, B rolling from abdomen and to back and placing the feet in the mouth when supine are developmentally appropriate for a 5-month-old infant. The ability to roll from back to abdomen usually occurs at 6 months. Sitting erect without support is a developmental milestone usually achieved by 8 months. The 10-month infant can usually move from a prone to a sitting position. The 8-month infant adjusts posture to reach an object.

In terms of gross motor development, which should the nurse expect a 5-month-old infant to do? (SATA) A. Roll from abdomen to back B. Put feet in mouth when supine C. Roll from back to abdomen D. Sit erect without support E. Move from prone to sitting position F. Adjust posture to reach an object

C. Toddlers are capable of building a tower of blocks Building with blocks is a good parent-child interaction. The 18-month child is capable of building a tower of 3-4 blocks. The ability to build towers of blocks usually begins at 15 months. With ongoing development, the child is able to build taller towers.

In the clinic waiting room, a nurse observes a parent showing an 18-month-old child how to make a tower out of blocks. What should the nurse recognize in this situation? A. Blocks at this age are primarily used for throwing B. Toddlers are too young to imitate the behaviors of others C. Toddlers are capable of building a tower of blocks D. Toddlers are too young to build a tower of blocks

C. Associative

In which type of play are children engaged in similar or identical activity, without organization, division of labor, or mutual goal? A. Solitary B. Parallel C. Associative D. Cooperative

B. "A toy your child can push or pull would help develop muscles." Toys should be appropriate for the child's age. A toddler would benefit from a toy he or she could push or pull. The child is too young for a board game, action figure, or 25-piece puzzle.

Parents are asking the clinic nurse about an appropriate toy for their toddler. Which response by the nurse is appropriate? A. "Your child would enjoy playing a board game." B. "A toy your child can push or pull would help develop muscles." C. "An action figure toy would be a good choice." D. "A 25-piece puzzle would help your child develop recognition of shapes."

B. It occurs earlier in girls Usually, the pubertal growth spurt begins earlier in girls. It typically occurs between 10 and 14 years for girls and 11 and 16 years for boys. The average earliest age at onset is 1 year earlier for girls. There does not appear to be a relation to growth during infancy.

Parents express concern that their pubertal daughter is taller than the boys in her class. The nurse should respond with which statement regarding how the onset of pubertal growth spurt compares in girls and boys? A. It occurs earlier in boys B. It occurs earlier in girls C. It is about the same in both boys and girls D. In both boys and girls, the pubertal growth spurt depends on growth infancy

A. Intellectual development C. Socialization D. Creativity A common statement is that play is the work of childhood. Intellectual development is enhanced through the manipulation and exploration of objects. Socialization is encouraged by interpersonal activities and learning of social roles. In addition, creativity is developed through the experimentation characteristic of imaginative play. Physical development depends on many factors; play is not one of them. Temperament refers to behavioral tendencies that are observable from the time of birth. The actual behaviors, but not the child's temperament attributes, may be modified by play.

Play serves many purposes. In teaching parents about appropriate activities, the nurse should inform them that play serves which of the following functions? (SATA) A. Intellectual development B. Physical development C. Socialization D. Creativity E. Temperament development

C. 24 pounds

Sam is a 2-month-old who weighed 8 pounds at birth. Based on your knowledge of pediatric growth and development, you know that his weight at 1 year should be at least: A. 16 pounds B. 20 pounds C. 24 pounds D. 32 pounds

A. Animism Animism is the attribution of lifelike qualities to inanimate objects. By scolding the stairs, the toddler is attributing human characteristics to them. Age-appropriate manner.

Steven, 16 months old, falls down a few stairs. He gets up and "scolds" the stairs as if they caused him to fall. This is an example of which of the following? A. Animism B. Ritualism C. Irreversibility D. Delayed cognitive development

B. 4 months It is recommended that a brightly colored toy or rattle be given to the child at age 4 months. Grasping has begun as a deliberate act, and the infant grasps, holds, and begins shaking to hear a noise; 2 months is too young. The infant still has primarily reflex grips; 7-9 months is too old for the first rattle. The child should be given toys that provide for further explanation.

The nurse is discussing development and play activities with the parent of a 2-month-old. Recommendations should include giving a first rattle at about which age? A. 2 months B. 4 months C. 7 months D. 9 months

A. Health practices Health practices should be most important. With the need for diaper changes and assistance with feeding, young children are at increased risk when hand washing and other hygienic measures are not adhered to.

The nurse is guiding parents in selecting a daycare facility for their infant. Which is especially important to consider when making the selection? A. Health practices of facility B. Structured learning environment C. SES of children D. Cultural similarities of children

A. Looks for the toy that parents hide under the blanket Object permanence is the realization that items that leave the visual field still exist.

The nurse is observing parents playing with their 10-month-old child. Which should the nurse recognize as evidence that the child is developing object permanence? A. Looks for the toy that parents hide under the blanket B. Returns the blocks to the same spot on the table C. Recognizes that a ball of clay is the same when flattened out D. Bangs two cubes held in her hands

A, B, E A good pacifier should be easily grasped by the infant. One-piece construction is necessary to avoid having the nipple and guard separate. The material should be sturdy and flexible.

The nurse is teaching parents about appropriate pacifier selection. Which characteristics should the pacifier have? (SATA) A. Easily grasped handle B. One-piece construction C. Ribbon or string to secure to clothing D. Soft, pliable material E. Sturdy, flexible material

B. Brian playing with his truck next to Kristina playing with her truck Playing with trucks next to each other but not together is an example of parallel play. Both children are engaged in similar activities in proximity to each other; however, they are each engaged in their own play. Sharing clay to make things is characteristic of associative play. Friends playing a board game together is cooperative play. A child playing with something by herself or on her mother's lap is solitary play.

The nurse observes some children in the playroom. Which play situation exhibits the characteristics of parallel play? A. Kimberly and Amanda sharing clay to each make things B. Brian playing with his truck next to Kristina playing with her truck C. Adam playing a board game with Kyle, Steven, and Erich D. Danielle playing with a music box on her mother's lap

C. "She may need to begin taking them at age 4 months." Fluoride supplementation is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics beginning at age 4 months if the child is not drinking adequate amounts of fluoridated water. The amount of water that is ingested and the amount of fluoride in the water are evaluated when supplementation is being considered.

The parent of a 2-week-old infant, exclusively breastfed, asks the nurse if fluoride supplements are needed. What is the nurse's best response? A. "She needs to begin taking them now" B. "They are not needed if you drink fluoridated water." C. "She may need to begin taking them at age 4 months." D. "She can have infant cereal mixed with fluoridated water instead of supplements."

A. "All medicines should be locked securely away."

The parents of a 16-month-old toddler asks, "What is the best way to keep our son from getting into our medicines at home?" The nurse's best advice is: A. "All medicines should be locked securely away." B. "The medicines should be placed in high cabinets." C. "The child just needs to be taught not to touch medicines." D. "Medicines should not be kept in the homes of small children."

D. Acceptable to encourage head control and turning over These parents are implementing the guidelines to reduce the risk of SIDS. Infants should sleep on their backs and then be placed on their abdomens when awake to enhance development of milestones such as head control. These position changes encourage gross motor, not fine motor, development.

The parents of a 3-month-old infant report that their infant sleeps supine (face up) but is often prone (face down) while awake. What knowledge should the nurse's response be based? A. Unacceptable because of the risk of SIDS B. Unacceptable because it does not encourage achievement of developmental milestones C. Acceptable to encourage fine motor development D. Acceptable to encourage head control and turning over

A. Never heat a bottle in a microwave oven Bottles cannot be heated safely in microwave ovens even if safe guidelines are followed and regardless of the amount to be heated due to uneven heating and possible burns.

The parents of a 4-month old infant tell the nurse that they are getting a microwave oven and will be able to heat the baby's formula faster. What should the nurse recommend? A. Never heat a bottle in a microwave oven B. Heat only 10 ounces or more C. Always leave bottle top uncovered to allow heat to escape D. Shake bottle vigorously for at least 30 seconds after heating

D. This is normal because of the immaturity of digestive processes at this age.

The parents of a 9-month old infant tell the nurse that they have noticed foods such as pees and corn are not completely digested and can be seen in their infant's stools. The nurse's explanation is based on which statement? A. Child should not be given fibrous foods until digestive tract matures at age 4 years. B. Child should not be given any solid foods until this digestive problem is resolved. C. This is abnormal and required further investigation D. This is normal because of the immaturity of digestive processes at this age.

D. Ability to withstand delayed gratification for longer periods of time If the need for basic trust has been satisfied, then toddlers can give up dependence for control, independence, and autonomy. One of the tasks the toddler is concerned with is the ability to delay gratification.

The psychosocial developmental tasks of toddlerhood include which characteristic? A. Development of a conscience B. Recognition of sex differences C. Ability to get along with age-mates D. Ability to withstand delayed gratification for longer periods of time

D. Epiphyseal cartilage plate The epiphyseal cartilage plate is the area of active growth. Bone injury at this site can significantly affect subsequent growth and development. Trauma or infection can result in deformity. The matrix, connective tissue, and calcified cartilage are not areas of active growth, so trauma in these sites will not result in growth problems for the long bones.

Trauma to which site can result in a growth problem for children's long bones? A. Matrix B. Connective tissue C. Calcified cartilage D. Epiphyseal cartilage plate

A. Abnormal newborn screen B. Family history of a hereditary disease E. Metabolic disorder Factors that are indicative parents should seek genetic counseling for their child include an abnormal newborn screen, family history of hereditary disease, and a metabolic disorder. A history of hypertension or severe colic as an infant is not an indicator of a genetic disease.

What factors indicate parents should seek genetic counseling for their child? (SATA) A. Abnormal newborn screen B. Family history of a hereditary disease C. History of hypertension in the family D. Severe colic as an infant E. Metabolic disorder

B. Realizes that "out of sight" is not out of reach At this age, the child is in the final sensorimotor stage. Children will now search for an object in several potential places, even though they saw only the original hiding place. More developed sense of object permanence. They will search for objects even if they have not seen them hidden.

Which is descriptive of a toddler's cognitive development at age 20 months? A. Searches for an object only if he or she sees it being hidden B. Realizes that "out of sight" is not out of reach C. Puts object into a container but cannot take them out D. Understands the passage of time, such as "just a minute", or "in an hour"

D. Sensorimotor activity

Which of the following function of play is a major component of play at all ages? A. Creativity B. Socialization C. Intellectual development D. Sensorimotor activity

A. Normal development Holding a rattle but not voluntarily grasping it is indicative of normal development. Reflexive grasping occurs during the first 2-3 months and then gradually becomes voluntary. The infant is expected to be able to perform this task by age 3 months. If the child's age is corrected because of being 2 weeks preterm, the child is at the midpoint of the range for this developmental task and the behavior is age appropriate. No evidence of neurologic dysfunction is present.

A 3-month old infant, born at 38 weeks gestation, will hold a rattle if it's put in her hands, but she will not voluntarily grasp it. How should the nurse interpret this action? A. Normal development B. Significant developmental lag C. Slightly delayed development due to prematurity D. Suggestive of a neurologic disorder such as cerebral palsy

A. Infants' temperaments are part of their unique characteristics

A 4-month-old was born at 35 weeks gestation. She seems to be developing normally, but her parents are concerned because she is a "more difficult" baby than their other child, who was term. What should the nurse's explanation include? A. Infants' temperaments are part of their unique characteristics B. Infants become less difficult if they are not kept on scheduled feedings and structured routines. C. The infant's behavior is suggestive of failure to bond completely with her parents D. The infant's difficult temperament is the result of painful experiences in the neonatal period.

B. Palmar grasp

A 6-month old attempts to pick up a toy using his entire hand. This action would be documented as using a: A. Pincer grasp B. Palmer grasp C. Prehension D. Gross motor development

B. Difficult

A mother reports that her 6-year-old child is highly active, irritable, and irregular in habits and that the child adapts slowly to new routines, people or situations. How should the nurse chart this type of temperament? A. Easy B. Difficult C. Slow-to-warm-up D. Fast-to-warm-up

C. Commercial iron-fortified formula For children younger than 1 year, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of breast milk. If breastfeeding has been discontinued, iron-fortified commercial formula should be used. Cow's milk should not be used in children younger than 12 months. Maternal iron stores are almost depleted by this age; the iron-fortified formula will help prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

A mother tells the nurse that she is discontinuing breastfeeding her 5-month-old infant. What should the nurse recommend the infant be given? A. Skim milk B. Whole cow's milk C. Commercial iron-fortified formula D. Commercial formula without iron

D. The tissue is twice the adult size by ages 10-12 years Lymphoid tissue continues growing until it reaches maximal development at ages 10-12 years, which is twice the adult size. A rapid decline in size occurs until it reaches adult size by the end of adolescence. The tissue reaches adult size at 6 years but continues to grow. The tissue is well developed at birth.

A nurse has completed a teaching session for adolescents regarding lymphoid tissue growth. Which statement, by the adolescents, indicates understanding of the teaching? A. The tissue reaches adult size by 1 year B. The tissue quits growing by 6 years of age C. The tissue is poorly developed at birth D. The tissue is twice the adult size by ages 10-12 years

C. birth weight doubles by age 5 months and triples by age 1 year Growth is very rapid during the first year of life. The birth weight approximately doubles by age 5 to 6 months and triples by age 1 year. The anterior fontanel closes at age 12 to 18 months. Binocularity is not established until age 15 months. Maternal iron stores are usually depleted by age 6 months.

A nurse is assessing a 12-month-old infant. Which statement best describes the infant's physical development a nurse should expect to find? A. Anterior fontanel closed by age 6-10 months B. Binocularity is well established by age 8 months C. Birth weight doubles by age 5 months and triples by 1 year D. Maternal iron stores persist during the first 12 months of life

D. Unable to put self in another's place

A nurse is conducting parenting classes for parents of children ranging in ages 2-7 years. The parents understand the term egocentrism when they indicate it means: A. Selfishness B. Self-centeredness C. Preferring to play alone D. Unable to put self in another's place

C. "I should avoid any alcoholic beverages." Teratogens are agents that cause birth defects when present in the prenatal period. Avoidance of alcoholic beverages is recommended to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome. Accutane and Dilantin have been shown to have teratogenic effects and should not be taken during pregnancy. Cytomegalovirus, an infectious agent and a teratogen, can be transmitted through cat feces, and cleaning the litter box during pregnancy should be avoided.

A nurse is counseling an adolescent, in her second month of pregnancy, about the risk of teratogens. The adolescent has understood the teaching if she makes which statement? A. "I will be able to continue taking isotretinoin (Accutane) for my acne." B. "I can continue to clean my cat's litter box." C. "I should avoid any alcoholic beverages." D. "I will ask my physician to adjust my phenytoin (Dilantin) dosage."

B, D, E Rice cereal, because of its low allergenic potential, is the first solid food introduced to an infant at 4-6 months of age. Introduce one food at time, usually at intervals of 4 to 7 days. Introduce egg white in small quantities toward the end of the first year to detect an allergy. Solid food introduction should be started at 4-6 months of age, never introduce foods by mixing them with the formula in a bottle.

A nurse is teaching a parent about introduction of solid foods into an infant's diet. Which should the nurse include in the teaching session? (SATA) A. Solid food introduction can be started at 2 months of age B. Rice cereal is introduced first C. Begin the introduction of solid foods by mixing with formula in the bottle. D. Introduce egg white in small quantities (1 tsp) toward the end of the first year E. Introduce one food at a time, usually at intervals of 4-7 days

D. Sense-pleasure The toddler playing with sand and water is engaging in sense-pleasure play. This is characterized by nonsocial situations in which the child is stimulated by object in the environment. Infants engage in skill play when they persistently demonstrate and exercise newly acquired abilities. Dramatic play is the predominant form of play in the preschool period- children pretend and fantasize. Social-affective play is one of the first types of play in which infants engage. The infant responds to interactions with people.

A nurse observes a toddler playing with sand and water. How should the nurse document this type of play? A. Skill B. Dramatic C. Social-affective D. Sense-pleasure

B. Preschool-age children Preschool children are known for their relatively small appetites and food jag eating behaviors. Also, they have a relatively slow rate of growth and therefore require fewer calories for growth. Food jags generally disappear after this developmental phase. Generally, it is recommended that parents/caregivers avoid battles over food, particularly among toddlers and preschoolers.

A parent calls the clinic to express concerns over her child's eating habits. She says the child eats very little and consumes only a single type of food for weeks on end. The nurse knows this behavior is characteristic of: A. Toddlers B. Preschool-age children C. School-age children D. Adolescents

B. Conventional Conventional stage of moral development is described as obeying the rules, doing one's duty, showing respect for authority, and maintaining the social order. This stage is characteristic of school-age children's behavior. The preconventional stage is characteristic of the toddler and preschool age. At this stage, the child has no concept of the basic moral order that supports being good or bad. The postconventional level is characteristic of an adolescent and occurs at the formal stage of operation. Undifferentiated describes an infant's understanding of moral development.

A school nurse notes that school-age children generally obey the rules at school. The nurse recognizes that the children are displaying which stage of moral development? A. Preconventional B. Conventional C. Postconventional D. Undifferentiated

C. Remain close by the child but without eye contact The parent should be told the best way to deal with temper tantrums is to ignore the behavior, provided that the actions are not dangerous. Parents need to have consistent and developmentally appropriate expectations. Punishment and explanations would not be beneficial. The parent's presence is necessary both for safety and to provide a feeling of control and security to the child when the tantrum is over.

A toddler's parents asks the nurse for suggestion on dealing with temper tantrums. Which is the most appropriate recommendation? A. Punish the child B. Leave the child alone until the tantrum is over C. Remain close by the child but without eye contact D. Explain to child that this is wrong

B. 2 The growth velocity after age 7 years is approximately 5 cm (2 inches) per year. One inch is too small an amount. Three and 4 inches are greater than the average after 7 years.

Parents of an 8-year-old child ask the nurse how many inches their child should grow each year. The nurse bases the answer on the knowledge that after 7 years, school-age children usually grow what number of inches per year? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

D. This is a common and accepted practice, especially in some cultural groups

Parents tell the nurse that their 1-year-old son often sleeps with them. They seem unconcerned about this. The nurse's response should be based on which statement? A. Children should not sleep with their parents B. Separation from parents should be completed by this age C. Daytime attention should be increased D. This is a common and accepted practice, especially in some cultural groups

A. Give her nutritious snacks Most toddlers exhibit a physiologic anorexia in response to the decreased nutritional requirement associated with the slower growth rate. Parents should help the child develop healthy eating habits. The toddler is often unable to sit through a meal. Frequent nutritious snacks are a good way to ensure proper nutrition. Food should not be used as a positive or negative reinforcement for behavior.

Parents tell the nurse that their toddler daughter eats little at mealtime, only sits at the table with the family briefly, and wants snacks "all the time". Which intervention should the nurse recommend? A. Give her nutritious snacks B. Offer rewards for eating at mealtimes C. Avoid snacks she is hungry at mealtimes D. Explain to her in a firm manner what is expected of her

B, A, D, C, E -Reflex palmar grasp -Voluntary palmar grasp -Neat pincer grasp -Puts objects into a container -Builds a tower of 2 blocks, but fails

Place in order the expected sequence of fine motor developmental milestones for na infant beginning with the first milestone achieved and ending with the last milestone achieved. A. Voluntary palmar grasp B. Reflex palmar grasp C. Puts objects into a container D. Neat pincer grasp E. Builds a tower of two blocks, but fails

C, D, B, A, E Cephalocaudal development is head-to-tail. Infants achieve structural control of the head before they have control of their trunks and extremities. They lift their head while prone, obtain complete head control, sit unsupported, crawl, and walk sequentially.

Place in order the sequence of cephalocaudal development that the nurse expects to find in the infant. Begin with the first development expected, sequencing to the final. A. Crawl B. Sit unsupported C. Lift head when prone D. Gain complete head control E. Walk

B. The toddler expresses him or herself with verbs or combination words The first parts of speech used are nouns, sometimes verbs (e.g., "go"), and combination words (e.g., "bye-bye"). Responses are usually structurally incomplete during the toddler period. The preschool child begins to use adjectives and adverbs to qualify nouns followed by adverbs to qualify nouns and verbs. Pronouns are not added until the later preschool years. By the time children enter school, they are able to use simple, structurally complete sentences that average 5-7 words.

What should the nurse consider when discussing language development with parents of toddlers? A. Sentences by toddlers include adverbs and adjectives B. The toddler expresses him or herself with verbs or combination words C. The toddler uses simple sentences D. Pronouns are frequently used by the toddler

B. Autonomy The toddler between 1-2 years of age in Erikson's developmental stage of autonomy vs. shame and doubt. The virtue begin developed is will. The toddler exerts his or her autonomy with statements like "Me do", "No" and "Mine". The toddler requires opportunities to accomplish independent tasks and respond to simple instructions, while supervised.

When assessing a toddler's growth and development, the nurse understands that a child in this age group displays behavior that fosters which developmental task? A. Initiative B. Autonomy C. Trust D. Industry

B. Establishing an identity The adolescent is in Erikson's developmental stage of identity vs. role confusion. If the adolescent successfully masters this phase, she will develop a sense of identity with regard to personal identity, beliefs, and/or values, sexual identity, and goals for a future job or vocation.

When developing a plan of care for an adolescent, the nurse considers the child's psychosocial needs. During adolescence, psychosocial development depends on: A. Becoming industrious B. Establishing an identity C. Achieving intimacy D. Developing initiative

A. Breast bud The first sign of puberty in females is breast budding (average age=10 years), followed by axillary and pubic hair development (average age= 11 years), height spurt (average age= 12 years), and finally menarche (average age= 13-14 years)

When performing a physical assessment of a 10-year-old girl, the nurse keeps in mind that the first sign of sexual maturity is: A. Breast bud development B. Pubic hair C. Axillary hair D. Menarche

B, C Usually by age 30 months, the primary dentition of 20 teeth is completed, and the child has sphincter control in preparation for bowel and bladder control. A doubling of birth weight, opening of the anterior fontanel, and doubling of length are not characteristic of the physical development of a 30-month-old child.

Which are characteristic of physical development of a 30-month-old child? (SATA) A. Birth weight has doubled B. Primary dentition is complete C. Sphincter control is achieved D. Anterior fontanel is open E. Length from birth is doubled F. Left- or right- handedness is established

D. Walks up and down stairs and runs with a wide stance The 24-month-old child can go up and down stairs alone with 2 feet on each step and runs with a wide stance. Skipping and hopping is achieved by 4-year-olds. Jumping with both feet and standing on one foot momentarily are achieved by 30-month-olds. Tricycle riding and broad jumping are achieved at age 3.

Which characteristic best describes the gross motor skills of a 24-month-old child? A. Skips and can hop in place on one foot B. Rides tricycle and broad jumps C. Jumps with both feet and stands on one foot momentarily D. Walks up and down stairs and runs with a wide stance

A, C, E -They often pick up many types of foods, preferring snacks rather than eating just at mealtimes -Toddlers often exhibit "picky" eating behaviors -Foods should not be given to children during playtime

Which food activities would be considered normal adaptations for toddlers? (SATA) A. They often pick up many types of foods, preferring snacks rather than eating just at mealtimes B. Appetite and food choices exhibit a consistent pattern C. Toddlers often exhibit "picky" eating behaviors D. Children tend to eat more when they are growing E. Foods should not be given to children during playtime

A. Give large push-pull toys for kinetic stimulation The 12-month child is able to pull to standing and walk holding on or independently. Appropriate toys for a child this age include large pull toys for kinesthetic stimulation. A cradle gym should not be placed across the crib. Finger paints are appropriate for older children. A 12-month child does not have the stability to use a stick horse.

Which information could be given to the parents of a 12-month-old child regarding appropriate play activities? A. Give large push-pull toys for kinetic stimulation B. Place cradle gym across crib to facilitate fine motor skills C. Provide child with finger paints to enhance fine motor skills D. Provide stick horse to develop gross motor coordination

B. Foods should be introduced one at a time, at intervals of 4-7 days This is to allow the identification of food allergies. Solid foods can be introduced before 8-10 months. The extrusion reflex usually disappears by age 6 months. Mixing solid foods in a bottle has no effect on the transition to solid food. Iron-fortified cereal should be the first solid food introduced into the infant's diet.

Which information should the nurse give a mother regarding the introduction of solid foods during pregnancy? A. Solid foods should not be introduced until 8-10 months, when the extrusion reflex begins to disappear B. Foods should be introduced one at a time, at intervals of 4-7 days C. Solid foods can be mixed in a bottle to make the transition easier for the infant D. Fruits and vegetables should be introduced into the diet first.

D. X-rays Bone age is determined by taking x-rays of the child's hands and wrists for comparison against an atlas of standard x-rays categorized by age. This test is used to predict the remaining height growth prediction given a certain bone age. Typically a child's bone age should match their chronological age. A delayed bone age as compared to chronological age is consistent with an increased height growth prediction. An advanced bone age compared to chronological age is consistent with a decreased height growth prediction.

Which of the following would be most helpful when assessing a child's bone age? A. Birth date B. BMI C. Blood test D. X-rays

B. Increasing level of comprehension During the second year of life, level of comprehension and understanding of speech increases and is far greater than the child's vocabulary. The 18-month-old child has a vocabulary of 10 or more words. The child has a limited vocabulary of single words that are comprehensible.

Which should the nurse expect for a toddler's language development at age 18 months? A. Vocabulary of 25 words B. Increasing level of comprehension C. Use of holophrases D. Approximately one third of speech understandable

B, C, E To prevent accidental poisoning, parents should be taught to promptly discard empty poison containers, to know the number of the nearest poison control center, and to caution the child against eating nonedible items, such as plants. Parents should place all potentially toxic agents, including cosmetics, personal care items, cleaning products, pesticides, and medications, in a locked cabinet, not in the garage. Parents should be taught to never remove labels from containers of toxic substances.

Which should the nurse teach to parents of toddlers about accidental poison prevention? (SATA) A. Keep toxic substances in the garage B. Discard empty poison containers C. Know the number of the nearest poison control center D. Remove colorful labels from containers of toxic substances E. Caution child against eating nonedible items, such as plants

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