NUAS240T - Chapter 24 - Nursing Management of the Newborn at Risk

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a. Eye patches to prevent retinal damage

A 3-day-old neonate needs phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia. Nursery care of a neonate receiving phototherapy includes which treatment? a. Eye patches to prevent retinal damage b. Tube feedings c. Temperature monitored every 6 hours during phototherapy d. Mask over the mouth


A defect of the umbilical ring that allows evisceration of abdominal contents into an external peritoneal sac.

b. The intestines appear reddened and swollen and have no sac around them.

A newborn is suspected of having gastroschisis at birth. How would the nurse differentiate this problem from other congenital defects? a. The abdominal contents are contained within a thin, transparent sac. b. The intestines appear reddened and swollen and have no sac around them. c. The umbilical cord comes out of middle of the defect. d. The skin over the abdomen is wrinkled and looks like a prune.

b. The infant's mother probably had diabetes.

A nurse is assigned to care for a newborn with hyperbilirubinemia. The newborn is relatively large in size and shows signs of listlessness. What most likely occurred? a. The infant's mother must have had a long labor. b. The infant's mother probably had diabetes. c. The infant may have experienced birth trauma. d. The infant's mother probably used alcohol.

c. Surgery requires placement of a proximal enterostomy.

A nurse is caring for a newborn with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) who is scheduled to undergo surgery for a bowel resection. The infant's parents wish to know the implications of the surgery. What information should the nurse provide to the parents regarding this surgery? a. Surgically treated NEC is a short process. b. Surgery will prevent long-term medical problems. c. Surgery requires placement of a proximal enterostomy. d. Surgery prevents the infant from needing enteral feedings after the repair.

a. Administer IV fluids; gavage feedings

A nurse is caring for a newborn with transient tachypnea. Which is the priority nursing intervention? a. Administer IV fluids; gavage feedings b. Maintain adequate hydration c. Monitor for signs of hypotonia d. Perform gentle suctioning

d. Note any absence of or decrease in deep tendon reflexes

A nurse is caring for an infant born after a prolonged and difficult maternal labor. What nursing intervention should the nurse perform when assessing for trauma and birth injuries in the newborn? a. Examine the newborn's skin for cyanosis b. Be alert for signs of apathy and listlessness c. Assess the baby for any temperature instability d. Note any absence of or decrease in deep tendon reflexes

b. spina bifida

A nursing student is caring for a newborn with a defect in the neural arch where the posterior laminae of the vertebrae have failed to close. The nurse knows that this infant is suffering from which disorder? a. hydrocephalus b. spina bifida c. esophageal atresia d. cleft palate


A synthetic opiate narcotic that is used primarily as maintenance therapy for heroin addiction.

C, D, and F because all of these characteristics are prevalent in an infant exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.

Characteristics of a newborn with fetal alcohol syndrome would include which of the following? (Select all that apply) a. Hypocalcium and hypokalemia b. Malformed ears and cataracts c. Microcephaly and thin upper lip d. Congenital cardiac defects and SGA e. Prominent cheekbones and LGA f. Hyperactive behavior and feeding problems

neonatal asphyxia

Failure to establish adequate, sustained respiration after birth


Immune hydrops is a severe form of ______________ disease of the newborn that occurs when pathologic changes develop in the organs of the fetus secondary to severe anemia.


In bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), high inspired oxygen concentrations cause an __________ process in the lungs that leads to parenchymal damage.

Neonatal sepsis

Presence of bacterial, fungal, or viral microorganisms or their toxins in blood or other tissues in newborns

d. diminished peripheral pulses

The nurse assesses an infant. Which finding may indicate heart failure? a. color of hands and feet b. capillary refill time c. blood glucose level d. diminished peripheral pulses

a. diminished peripheral pulses

The nurse assesses an infant. Which finding may indicate heart failure? a. diminished peripheral pulses b. blood glucose level c. color of hands and feet d. capillary refill time

d. Retinopathy

The nurse assesses preterm infants as they come for routine well-baby checkups. The nurse will carefully assess the infant's vision to assess for which potential complication related to their birth? a. Amblyopia b. Cataracts c. Nystagmus d. Retinopathy

c. Retinopathy

The nurse assesses preterm infants as they come for routine well-baby checkups. The nurse will carefully assess the infant's vision to assess for which potential complication related to their birth? a. Amblyopia b. Nystagmus c. Retinopathy d. Cataracts

a. Limited abduction of the affected hip

The nurse is assessing a newborn and suspects developmental dysplasia of the hip. Which sign is the nurse prioritizing for in this potential diagnosis? a. Limited abduction of the affected hip b. Bilateral adduction of the legs d. Lengthening of the femur e. Symmetry of the gluteal skin folds

c. Necrotizing enterocolitis

The use of breast milk for premature neonates helps prevent which condition? a. Turner's syndrome b. Down syndrome c. Necrotizing enterocolitis d. Hyaline membrane disease

a. Respiratory system

Upon shift handoff the nurse reports meconium staining of the amniotic fluid. Which neonatal system requires close monitoring by the nursery nurse? a. Respiratory system b. Endocrine system c. Cardiovascular system d. Gastrointestinal system

b. Mobiles and rattles

Which types of play are most appropriate for the 3-month-old who is in an orthopedic cast? a. Puzzles and cars b. Mobiles and rattles c. Colorful books and crayons d. Baskets and soft balls

b. Use of alcohol

A 36-week neonate born weighing 1,800 g has microcephaly and microophthalmia. Based on these findings, which risk factor might be expected in the maternal history? a. Positive group B streptococci b. Use of alcohol c. Use of marijuana d. Gestational diabetes

d. Spinach, oranges, and beans

A 6-week gestation client asks the nurse what foods she should eat to help prevent neural tube disorders in her growing baby. The nurse would recommend which foods? a. Milk, yogurt, and cheese b. Bananas, avocados, and coconut c. Pork, beans, and poultry d. Spinach, oranges, and beans

b. "I understand your concern because as many as 50% of babies can develop jaundice."

A client who gave birth 2 hours ago expresses concern about her baby developing jaundice. Which response from the nurse would be best? a. "If you are concerned about your baby developing jaundice, don't breastfeed your baby until you get home." b. "I understand your concern because as many as 50% of babies can develop jaundice." c. "We will monitor the baby now, and your baby will not develop jaundice after the first 24 hours of life." d. "You don't need to worry about your baby developing jaundice because you are both fine."

d. Jaundice within the first 24 hours of life

A client with group AB blood whose husband has group O blood has just given birth. Which complication or test result is a major sign of ABO blood incompatibility that the nurse should look for when assessing this neonate? a. Negative Coombs test b. Bleeding from the nose or ear c. Jaundice after the first 24 hours of life d. Jaundice within the first 24 hours of life


A condition in which total serum bilirubin level is above 5mg/dL and exhibited as jaundice.


A herniation of abdominal contents through an abdominal wall defect.

d. Increased insensible water loss

A neonate undergoing phototherapy treatment must be monitored for which adverse effect? a. Severe decrease in platelet count b. Hyperglycemia c. Increased GI transit time d. Increased insensible water loss

d. "We can probably start feeding him with the bottle about a day after the surgery."

A newborn boy is diagnosed with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. After the nurse provides preoperative teaching, which statement indicates that the parents need additional teaching? a. "We can give him a pacifier to help satisfy his need to suck." b. "He'll need antibiotics for a bit after the surgery to prevent infection." c. "The head of his bed will be elevated to prevent him from aspirating." d. "We can probably start feeding him with the bottle about a day after the surgery."

b. maternal gestational diabetes

A newborn is diagnosed with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). While assessing the newborn, the nurse realizes that which maternal factor would most place the infant at risk for RDS? a. prolonged rupture of membranes b. maternal gestational diabetes c. maternal smoking d. maternal narcotic addiction

c. newborn who is type A, mother who is type O

A newborn is found to have hemolytic disease. Which combination would be found related to the blood types of this newborn and the parents of the newborn? a. newborn who is type O, father who is type A b. newborn who is type A, father who is type O c. newborn who is type A, mother who is type O d. newborn who is type O, mother who is type O

b. application of eye dressings to the infant

A newborn with high serum bilirubin is receiving phototherapy. Which nursing intervention is the most appropriate for this client? a. gentle shaking of the baby b. application of eye dressings to the infant c. placing light 6 inches above the newborn's bassinet d. delay of feeding until bilirubin levels are normal

D. The newborn with this anomaly cannot handle oral secretions since the esophagus ends in a blind pouch. The secretions typically foam out of the mouth, and this becomes a clue that a fistula exists.

A newborn with tracheoesophageal fistula is likely to present with which assessment finding? a. Subnormal temperature b. Absent Moro reflex c. Inability to swallow d. Drooling from mouth

a. Hydrocephalus d. Vision or hearing deficits e. Cerebral palsy

A nurse in a local health care facility is caring for a newborn with periventricular hemorrhage-intraventricular hemorrhage (PVH-IVH), who has recently been discharged from a local NICU. For which likely complications should the nurse assess? (Select all that apply.) a. Hydrocephalus b. Acid-base imbalances c. Pneumonitis d. Vision or hearing deficits e. Cerebral palsy

a. The newborn has visible chest retractions. b. The newborn has visible bilateral nasal flaring.

A nurse is assessing a newly admitted newborn who is 2 hours old. Which assessment findings would concern the nurse? (Select all that apply.) a. The newborn has visible chest retractions. b. The newborn has visible bilateral nasal flaring. c. The newborn responds little to voices. d. The newborn has an apical pulse between 140 and 156. e. The newborn is pink except for the hands and feet, which are blue.

c. hydrocephalus

A nurse is assigned to care for a high-risk newborn with a periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage (PVH-IVH) in the home environment after discharge. For which condition should the nurse monitor the infant? a. formula intolerance b. urinary tract infection c. hydrocephalus d. spina bifida

c. Prevent aspiration by elevating the head of the bed and insert an NG tube to low suction

A nurse is assigned to care for a newborn with esophageal atresia. What preoperative nursing care is the priority for this newborn? a. Document the amount and color of esophageal drainage b. Administer antibiotics and total parenteral nutrition as ordered c. Prevent aspiration by elevating the head of the bed and insert an NG tube to low suction d. Provide NG feeding only

b. "After this surgery is done tomorrow, my baby will be able to eat and drink."

A nurse is caring for a child with complex esophageal atresia who will be undergoing surgery for repair. What comment by the parents indicates further teaching is required? a. "Intravenous fluids are going to be needed so that the baby won't get dehydrated." b. "After this surgery is done tomorrow, my baby will be able to eat and drink." c. "They will be placing a tube in the stomach during surgery." d. "The baby will have tubes in the chest to drain chest fluids."

a. a sudden drop in hemocrit

A nurse is caring for a neonate of 25 weeks' gestation who is at risk for intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). Which assessment finding should be reported immediately? a. a sudden drop in hemocrit b. intake and output for 8 hours c. pink skin with noted blue extremities d. soft, flat anterior fontanels

c. Place the newborn in a prone or lateral position.

A nurse is caring for a newborn client who is diagnosed with myelomeningocele. Which nursing intervention would protect the newborn from injury? a. Place a urine collection bag on newborn for the continuous leakage. b. Delay the parents from holding the newborn. c. Place the newborn in a prone or lateral position. d. Place petroleum jelly gauze on the spinal sac to keep it moist.

c. Meconium aspiration syndrome

A nurse is caring for a newborn whose chest x-ray reveals marked hyperaeration mixed with areas of atelectasis. The infant's arterial blood gas analysis indicates metabolic acidosis. For which dangerous condition should the nurse prepare when providing care to this newborn. a. Choanal atresia b. Diaphragmatic hernia c. Meconium aspiration syndrome d. Pneumonia

c. Position the child on the side.

A nurse is caring for a newborn with a repaired cleft lip. What intervention can the nurse provide to facilitate drainage of mucus and secretions to prevent aspiration? a. Place the child on the abdomen. b. Place the child on the back. c. Position the child on the side. d. Place a wedge under the child's crib.

b. Ensure effective resuscitation measures

A nurse is caring for a newborn with asphyxia. What nursing management is involved when treating a newborn with asphyxia? a. Ensure adequate tissue perfusion b. Ensure effective resuscitation measures c. Administer IV fluids d. Administer surfactant as ordered

b. Shield the newborn's eyes

A nurse is caring for a newborn with jaundice undergoing phototherapy. What intervention is appropriate when caring for the newborn? a. Expose the newborn's skin minimally b. Shield the newborn's eyes c. Discourage feeding the newborn d. Discontinue therapy if stools are loose, green, and frequent

b. Place the newborn under a radiant warmer or in a warmed isolette d. Administer oxygen therapy e. Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics

A nurse is caring for a newborn with meconium aspiration syndrome. Which interventions should the nurse perform when caring for this newborn? (Select all that apply.) a. Perform repeated suctioning and stimulation b. Place the newborn under a radiant warmer or in a warmed isolette c. Handle and rub the newborn well with a dry towel d. Administer oxygen therapy e. Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics

d. "The bladder will covered in a sterile plastic bag to keep it moist."

A nurse is explaining to the parents the preoperative care for their infant born with bladder exstrophy. The parents ask, "What will happen to the bladder while waiting for the surgery?" What is the nurse's best response? a. "Your baby will be cared for in the prone position with a cover over the bladder." b. "Disturbances to the bladder with diaper changes will be kept to a minimum." c. "We will care for the bladder with frequent sterile tub baths to keep it moist." d. "The bladder will covered in a sterile plastic bag to keep it moist."

c. Notify the primary care provider immediately.

A nurse is providing postoperative care to an infant who had a ventriculoatrial shunt placed. Approximately 8 hours after surgery, the nurse notes on assessment shrill crying and projective vomiting. Which response should the nurse prioritize at this time? a. Increase the flow of IV fluids and maintain NPO status. b. Assess surgical site for signs of infection. c. Notify the primary care provider immediately. d. Assess and administer pain medication.

c. The spinal cord, meninges, and nerve roots protrude out the lower back.

A nursing instructor is preparing a discussion which will illustrate the different forms of spina bifida. The instructor determines the session is successful after the students correctly choose which form as being spina bifida with myelomeningocele? a. There is only soft-tissue inflammation without protrusion. b. There is a bony defect that occurs without soft-tissue involvement. c. The spinal cord, meninges, and nerve roots protrude out the lower back. d. There's a cystic sac containing the spinal meninges protruding out the back.

d. hydrocephalus

A nursing student is learning about newborn congenital defects. The defect with symptoms that include a shiny scalp, dilated scalp veins, a bulging anterior fontanelle, and eyes pushed downward with the sclerae visible above the irises is which defect? a. septal defect b. coarctation c. spina bifida d. hydrocephalus

a. Necrotizing enterocolitis

A premature infant in the neonatal intensive care unit exhibits worsening respiratory distress and is noted to have abdominal distention, absent bowel sounds, and frequent diarrhea stools that are positive for hemoccult. What diagnosis would be most likely to correlate with the symptoms? a. Necrotizing enterocolitis b. Garamycin resistant bacteria c. Rotavirus infection d. Respiratory distress syndrome

b. arterial blood gases

A preterm newborn is noted to be cyanotic. Which laboratory test will the nurse prepare the infant for to determine if the cyanosis is due to respiratory or circulatory problems? a. chest X-rays b. arterial blood gases c. angiography d. echocardiogram

c. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)

A preterm newborn is noted to have hypotonia, apnea, bradycardia, a bulging fontanelle, cyanosis, and increased head circumference. These signs indicate the newborn has which complication? a. Respiratory distress syndrome b. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) c. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) d. Cold stress


A preventable neurologic disorder characterized by encephalopathy, motor abnormalities, hearing and vision loss, and death.


A subperiosteal collection of blood secondary to the rupture of blood vessels between the skull and periosteum.

d. Provide oxygen by oxygen hood or ventilator.

An infant is suspected of having persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). What intervention implemented by the nurse would be appropriate for treating this client? a. Encourage the parents to hold the infant for bonding. b. Place the infant in a cool environment to prevent overheating. c. Administer anticonvulsants as prescribed. d. Provide oxygen by oxygen hood or ventilator.

c. a term male newborn, born by a repeat cesarean birth, whose mother has diabetes mellitus

As the nurse examines the birth records, which newborn would the nurse expect to monitor closely for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)? a. a term female newborn, born vaginally, whose mother has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease b. the term female newborn, born by a mid-forcep assist, whose mother has hypothyroidism c. a term male newborn, born by a repeat cesarean birth, whose mother has diabetes mellitus d. the term male newborn, born by cesarean birth, whose mother has respiratory allergies

b. ventricular septal defect

Following birth, the newborn's independent circulatory system is established. If there is an abnormal opening between the chambers in the heart, which cardiac defect may occur? a. transposition of the great vessels b. ventricular septal defect c. patent ductus arteriosus d. coarctation of the aorta

a. ventricular septal defect

Following birth, the newborn's independent circulatory system is established. If there is an abnormal opening between the chambers in the heart, which cardiac defect may occur? a. ventricular septal defect b. patent ductus arteriosus c. coarctation of the aorta d. transposition of the great vessels

a. A Logan bar is an apparatus that may be used to protect the surgical incision following a cleft lip repair.

Following surgery for cleft lip, the infant will have a Logan bar. Which explanation of the Logan bar is most accurate? a. A Logan bar is an apparatus that may be used to protect the surgical incision following a cleft lip repair. b. A Logan bar is an apparatus that is used to reshape the nose during a cleft lip repair. c. A Logan bar is an apparatus placed inside the upper lip to stretch the tissue allowing repair of the cleft lip. d. A Logan bar is an apparatus that may be used to approximate the two borders during a cleft lip repair.


For the newborn with jaundice, regardless of its etiology, _____________ is used to convert unconjugated bilirubin to the less toxic water-soluble form that can be excreted.

d. Chlamydia trachomatis

For which potential neonatal infection does the nurse anticipate using ophthalmic erythromycin? a. Group B streptococcus b. Herpes simplex virus Type 1 c. Human immunodeficiency virus d. Chlamydia trachomatis

b. "As the baby passes through the birth canal some of the excess fluid is expelled from the lungs; if that doesn't happen there's a higher risk of respiratory distress."

Four weeks before the birth of a client's already large child, the primary care provider has told the client that if the baby gets bigger and the baby's lungs are ready, the care provider would like to perform a cesarean birth. The woman asks the nurse what the downside is to having a cesarean rather than a vaginal birth. What is an appropriate response by the nurse? a. "Some women don't have any problem giving birth to large babies. You might want to get a second opinion." b. "As the baby passes through the birth canal some of the excess fluid is expelled from the lungs; if that doesn't happen there's a higher risk of respiratory distress." c. "If the care provider has recommended the procedure, it's likely that the benefits outweigh the risks." d. "The procedure isn't risky for the baby, but your healing takes longer, and you'll have a scar."

a. Imperforate anus

In completing the newborn assessment checklist, the nurse documents a meconium stool. This documentation rules out which condition? a. Imperforate anus b. Epispadias c. Hiatal hernia d. Spina bifida occulta

A. Transient tachypnea is commonly seen in newborns who have been born by cesarean birth. Passage through the birth canal during a vaginal birth compresses the thorax, helping remove the fluid from the fetuses' lungs. This mechanism is lost with a cesarean birth.

In which of the following infants would the nurse would be most alert for the development of transient tachypnea? a. Infant born by cesarean section b. Neonate who received no sedation c. Newborn of a mother with heart disease d. Baby who is small for gestational age

c. on the stomach (prone)

It would be best to place an infant with a myelomeningocele in which position prior to surgery? a. supine with the head elevated b. on the left side with the head dependent c. on the stomach (prone) d. semi-Fowler's in an infant chair

d. absent Moro reflex

The nurse is assessing a newborn who is large for gestational age. The newborn was born breech. The nurse suspects that the newborn may have experienced trauma to the upper brachial plexus based on which assessment finding? a. absent grasp reflex b. facial asymmetry c. hand weakness d. absent Moro reflex

d. "It's a good idea to stop drinking alcohol 3 months before trying to get pregnant."

The nurse is assessing a toddler at a well-child visit and notes the following: small in stature, appears mildly developmentally delayed; short eyelid folds; and the nose is flat. Which advice should the nurse prioritize to the mother in response to her questions about having another baby? a. "It would be good to stop smoking before getting pregnant." b. "It's important to keep insulin levels controlled during pregnancy." c. "It's important to add iron and vitamin B supplements to your diet." d. "It's a good idea to stop drinking alcohol 3 months before trying to get pregnant."

c. Creases covering two-thirds of the anterior foot

The nurse is assessing the plantar creases on the newborns for documentation on the Ballard Scale. Which documentation is interpreted as evidence of a full-term infant? a. No deep creases on the newborn's body b. Middle crease across the palm of the hand c. Creases covering two-thirds of the anterior foot d. Creases extending across the brow

d. Hemolytic disease

The nurse is caring for a 22-hour-old neonate male and notes on assessment at the beginning of the shift: Apgar score of 9, nursing without difficulty, and appeared healthy. As the nurse's shift goes on, subsequent assessment reveals his sclera and skin have begun to take on a yellow hue. The nurse would report this as a possible indication of what condition? a. Heroin withdrawal b. Hypoxia c. Hypoglycemia d. Hemolytic disease

a. Both parents are of a larger stature and size. b. The mother is a poorly controlled diabetic. c. The mother has had previous large for gestational age neonates.

The nurse is caring for a newborn who is large for gestational age. Which characteristics are documented as a contributing factor? (Select all that apply.) a. Both parents are of a larger stature and size. b. The mother is a poorly controlled diabetic. c. The mother has had previous large for gestational age neonates. d. The neonate is a female. e. The father is obese but mother is of normal weight.

d. cries when touched.

The nurse is caring for an infant born to a mother with cocaine use disorder during her pregnancy. The nurse would likely notice that this infant: a. sleeps for long periods of time. b. weighed above average when born. c. has facial deformities. d. cries when touched.

B. since maternal use of cocaine would cause neonatal blood pressure, respirations, and pulse to be higher since cocaine is considered to be a stimulant.

The nurse is caring for term neonate who was exposed to cocaine throughout the pregnancy. What effect would this exposure have on the neonate's vital signs? a. They would be lower than normal. b. They would be higher than normal. c. They would not be affected at all. d. BP would be lower, pulse would higher.

a. Swaddle and decrease stimulation

The nurse is working in the special care nursery caring for a newborn withdrawing from alcohol. Which nursing intervention promotes client comfort? a. Swaddle and decrease stimulation b. Promote parental bonding c. Provide 1 ounce of formula d. Administer benzodiazepines

b. palpating the anterior fontanel

The nurse notes a diminished level of consciousness in an infant with hydrocephalus. What is a priority action at this time? a. obtaining the blood pressure b. palpating the anterior fontanel c. taking the apical pulse d. testing the urine for protein

a. The respiratory system

The nursing instructor is leading a discussion with a group of nursing students who are analyzing the preterm infant's physiologic immaturity and the associated difficulties the newborn and familty must deal with. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which body system that presents with the most critical concerns related to this immaturity? a. The respiratory system b. The musculoskeletal system c. The endocrine system d. The genitourinary system

a. Aspiration

The priority for the nurse caring of a newborn with esophageal atresia is to observe for which finding? a. Aspiration b. Vomiting c. Bleeding d. Constipation

a. cephalhematoma

What is the term for a small collection of blood that forms underneath the skull as a result of birth trauma? a. cephalhematoma b. caput succedaneum c. vernix caseosa d. erythema toxicum

C. Irritability is a prime symptom of drug withdrawal in newborns. As they experience physiologic withdrawal from the addictive substance, irritability with crying and the inability to be consoled are prevalent behaviors.

When assessing the substance-exposed newborn, which finding would the nurse expect? a. Calm facial appearance b. Daily weight gain c. Increasing irritability d. Feeding and sleeping well

b. Jitteriness

When caring for a neonate of a mother with diabetes, which physiologic finding is most indicative of a hypoglycemic episode? a. Hyperalert state b. Jitteriness c. Excessive crying d. Serum glucose level of 60 mg/dL

d. nutrition

When planning preoperative care for a newborn with a cleft lip and palate, the nurse would plan interventions for which major need? a. prevention of oral infection b. prevention of pneumonia c. visual stimulation d. nutrition

b. Morphine

When providing care to the newborn withdrawing from a drug such as cocaine or heroin, which drug is given to ease the symptoms and prevent complications? a. Ibuprofen b. Morphine c. Acetaminophen d. Aspirin

d. during the first 24 hours of life

When providing postpartum teaching to a couple, the nurse correctly identifies what time as when pathologic jaundice may be found in the newborn? a. often with formula-fed babies b. between 2 and 4 days of life c. after 5 days postpartum d. during the first 24 hours of life

D. Nasal flaring is a cardinal sign of air hunger in respiratory distress syndrome. When an infant becomes hypoxic due to poor lung expansion, the nares expand to "search" for more oxygen to relieve the low oxygen concentration.

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a newborn is experiencing respiratory distress syndrome? a. Abdominal distention b. Acrocyanosis c. Depressed fontanels d. Nasal flaring

a. "Wrap the newborn snugly in a blanket and gently rock if the newborn is fussy."

Which instructions would the nurse include in the teaching plan for a mother of a substance-exposed newborn? a. "Wrap the newborn snugly in a blanket and gently rock if the newborn is fussy." b. "Let your newborn sleep on the stomach for naps but not at night." c. "Avoid using a pacifier because it can damage the newborn's teeth in the future." d. "Place your newborn on the side when you feed him."

d. the child of a client who admits to drinking a liter of alcohol daily during the pregnancy

Which newborn would the nurse suspect to be most at risk for intellectual disability due to the mother's actions during pregnancy? a. the newborn of a client who used cocaine occasionally during her pregnancy b. the child of a teenage client who used marijuana through her pregnancy to cope with stress c. the newborn of a client addicted to heroin and in the methadone maintenance program d. the child of a client who admits to drinking a liter of alcohol daily during the pregnancy

b. Serial blood glucose levels

Which nursing action is required when caring for the post-term infant? a. Echocardiogram at the end of pregnancy b. Serial blood glucose levels c. temperature checks every 2 hours d. IV initiation

b. Speak softly to the infant. d. Coordinate nursing care. e. Keep lights low in the nursery.

Which nursing actions limit overstimulation of the preterm infant? (Select all that apply.) a. Frequently open the isolette portholes. b. Speak softly to the infant. c. Tap on the isolette before opening the door. d. Coordinate nursing care. e. Keep lights low in the nursery.

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