NUR 255 Ch 65: Management of Patients with Oncologic or Degenerative Neurologic Disorders PrepU

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The nurse is providing discharge teaching for a client who was admitted to hospital after having complex partial seizures secondary to a glioma. The client has been prescribed levetiracetam to manage the seizures. What should the nurse include in the discharge teaching for this medication?

"Driving a car should be avoided until the you know how this medication effects you."

The nurse is seeing a client who has just been diagnosed with a grade I meningioma. The nurse is correct when stating what information about the client's diagnosis?

"Grade 1 is the most common type of this tumor."

A client asks the nurse to explain the development of Parkinson disease (PD). Which response will the nurse provide the client?

"It is caused by low levels of dopamine that are not available to counteract the effects of acetylcholine."

A client with a malignant glioma is scheduled for surgery. The client demonstrates a need for additional teaching about the surgery when they state which of the following?

"The surgeon will be able to remove all of the tumor."

The nurse is providing health education to a client recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. During the appointment, the client states, "I'm really worried that I will have a seizure while I am at work or with my kids. Should I be concerned about this?" How should the nurse respond?

"There is a risk for seizures in people who have this diagnosis. What have you already discussed with your primary health care provider regarding management of seizures?"

A client who has just been diagnosed with mixed muscular dystrophy asks the nurse about the usual course of this disease. How should the nurse respond?

"You may experience progressive deterioration in all voluntary muscles."

A client with cerebral metastasis suddenly experiences a seizure for which phenytoin 10 mg/kg intravenously is ordered as an initial loading dose. The client weighs 132 pounds. How many milligrams of phenytoin should the client receive? Enter the number ONLY.


Which disease includes loss of motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the lower brain stem?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

The nurse teaches the client diagnosed with Huntington disease that it is transmitted as which type of genetic disorder?

Autosomal dominant

The nurse is caring for a client who was diagnosed with a glioma 5 months ago. Today, the client was brought to the emergency department by their caregiver because they collapsed at home. The nurse suspects late signs of rising intracranial pressure (ICP) when which blood pressure and pulse readings are noted?

BP = 175/45 mm Hg; HR = 42 bpm

The nurse responds to the call light of a client who has had a cervical discectomy earlier in the day. The client states that they are having severe pain that had a sudden onset. What is the nurse's most appropriate action?

Call the surgeon to report the client's pain.

A client comes to the clinic for evaluation because of reports of dizziness and difficulty walking. Further assessment reveals a staggering gait, marked muscle incoordination, and nystagmus. A brain tumor is suspected. Based on the client's assessment findings, the nurse would suspect that the tumor is located in which area of the brain?


In which location are most brain angiomas located?


Which of the following diagnostic studies provides visualization of cerebral blood vessels?

Cerebral angiography

Which of the following outcomes would be most appropriate to include in the plan of care for a client diagnosed with a muscular dystrophy?

Client participates in activities of daily living using adaptive devices.

The nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of self-care deficit, bathing related to motor impairment and decreased cognitive function for a client with cerebral metastasis. Which outcome would the nurse most likely identify on this client's plan of care?

Client participates in daily hygiene activities with assistive devices.

The nurse reviews the client's drug regimen for treatment of a brain tumor. They explain to the client why one of the following drugs would not be prescribed, even though it might have therapeutic benefits. Which drug would not be prescribed for this client?


The nurse is caring for a client hospitalized after a motor vehicle accident. The client has a comorbidity of Parkinson's disease. Why should the nurse closely monitor the condition and the drug regimen of a client with Parkinson's disease?

Drugs administered may cause a wide variety of adverse effects.

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor of which cranial nerve?


The nurse is caring for a client with mid-to-late stage of an inoperable brain tumor. What teaching is important for the nurse to do with this client?

Explaining hospice care and services

What is the most common type of brain neoplasm?


Nursing students are reviewing the various types of brain tumors. The students demonstrate understanding of the material when they identify which of the following as the most common type?


Excessive levels of which neurotransmitter has been implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?


A 37-year-old client has just been diagnosed with a grade I meningioma. As part of client education, the nurse tells the client that:

Growth is slow and symptoms are caused by compression rather than tissue invasion.

A client is diagnosed with a brain angioma. When teaching the client about the risks associated with this type of brain tumor, the nurse would educate about signs and symptoms associated with which condition?

Hemorrhagic stroke

Which disease is a chronic, progressive, hereditary disease of the nervous system that results in progressive, involuntary dancelike movements and dementia?

Huntington disease

A nurse is providing care to a client who has been diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer. When developing the client's plan of care, which outcome would the nurse most likely identify?

Improved quality of life

A client with a brain tumor is reporting headaches that are worse in the morning. What does the nurse know could be the reason for the morning headaches?

Increased intracranial pressure

While assessing the client at the beginning of the shift, the nurse inspects a surgical dressing covering the operative site after the clients' cervical discectomy. The nurse notes that the drainage is 75% saturated with serosanguineous discharge. What is the nurse's most appropriate action?

Inform the surgeon of the possibility of a dural leak.

What is the only known risk factor for brain tumors?

Ionizing radiation

The nurse is caring for a client with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) after surgical resection of a brain tumor. The nurse recognizes the client is demonstrating late signs of ICP when which sign is observed?

Irregular respirations

A client with a brain tumor experiences projectile vomiting. The nurse integrates understanding of this occurrence as resulting from which of the following?

Irritation of the medullary vagal centers

A client was undergoing conservative treatment for a herniated nucleus pulposus, at L5 - S1, which was diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging. Because of increasing neurologic symptoms, the client undergoes lumbar laminectomy. The nurse should take which step during the immediate postoperative period?

Logroll the client from side to side.

Bone density testing will be completed for the client with post-polio syndrome. The nurse teaches the client bone density testing is used to identify what potential complication?

Low bone mass and osteoporosis

A client with spinal cord compression from a tumor must undergo diagnostic testing. Which of the following is the most likely procedure for this client?

Magnetic resonance imaging

Which diagnostic is most commonly used for spinal cord compression?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

A new ancillary staff member is assisting the nurse with a client diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The client needs assistance with eating but doesn't require thickened liquids to aid swallowing. Which instruction should the nurse give the ancillary staff member about eating assistance?

Make sure the client is sitting with the head of bed elevated to 90 degrees.

The nurse explains to the client with projectile vomiting and severe headache that a medication is being prescribed to reduced edema surrounding the brain and lessen these symptoms. What medication is the nurse preparing to administer?


Which of the following is a brain tumor arising from the supporting structures?


A nurse helps a client recently diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma understand that:

Most tumors produce too much of one or more hormones.

A client is diagnosed with an aggressive, primary malignant brain tumor. The nurse is aware that the glioma:

Originated within the brain tissue.

A client seeks care for lower back pain of 2 weeks' duration. Which assessment finding suggests a herniated intervertebral disk?

Pain radiating down the posterior thigh

Which of the following is a late symptom of spinal cord compression?


Which disease is associated with decreased levels of dopamine due to destruction of pigmented neuronal cells?

Parkinson disease

A 55-year-old client presents at the walk-in clinic reporting feeling like a mask is on their face. While doing the initial assessment, the nurse notes the demonstration of a pill-rolling movement in the right hand and a stooped posture. Physical examination shows bradykinesia and a shuffling gait. What would the nurse suspect is the causative factor for these symptoms?

Parkinson's disease

A client newly diagnosed with Huntington diease asks for information concerning management of symptoms. Which action would the nurse first take to address this request?

Perform a focused assessment on the client's needs and capabilities.

The nurse educator is teaching nursing students about various types of brain tumors. The instructor recognizes that teaching has been effective when students correctly identify a client whose lab work indicates excessively high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone would most likely be diagnosed with which type of tumor?

Pituitary adenoma

After assessing a client who is in postoperative recovery from surgery to resect a brain tumor, the nurse notes the client is at risk for aspiration. Which nursing intervention should be included in the client's postoperative care plan?

Position client side lying with head of bed elevated to 30 degrees

A client with a cerebellar brain tumor is admitted to an acute care facility. The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for injury. Which "related-to" phrase should the nurse add to complete the nursing diagnosis statement?

Related to impaired balance

A client has undergone surgery for a spinal cord tumor that was located in the cervical area. The nurse would be especially alert for which of the following?

Respiratory dysfunction

A client has a herniated disk in the region of the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. Which nursing assessment finding most supports this diagnosis?

Severe lower back pain

The nurse is assessing a client with a confirmed spinal cord tumor. The client states, "I've been too embarrassed to tell anyone but, I have been awakened at night because I've wet the bed." It would be a priority for the nurse to further assess the client for which complication?

Spinal cord compression

A client is diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor and has had a course of radiation and chemotherapy. Two months after the completion of the radiation, the client reports severe pain in the back. What is pain an indicator of in a client with a spinal cord tumor?

Spinal metastasis

A nurse is providing care to a client recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. When planning this client's care, the nurse anticipates which therapy as providing the best outcome for the client?


A client has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, a glioblastoma multiforme. The nurse met with the family after the diagnosis to help them understand that:

Surgery can improve survival time but the results are not guaranteed.

The nurse is providing discharge instructions for a client who was admitted to the oncology unit due to dehydration and anorexia after chemotherapy treatment. What information should the nurse provide to the client to promote improve the client's nutritional intake at home?

Take prescribed pain medication prior to commencing a meal

The nurse is providing education to a client who is being discharged with an outpatient treatment plan that includes taking a chemotherapeutic agent. What instructions should the nurse include? Select all that apply.

The client should ensure no one else handles the medication. The client should seek emergency care if they develop a fever. Hair loss should be expected when taking the medication.

Which client should the nurse assess for degenerative neurologic symptoms?

The client with Huntington disease.

The nurse educator is providing information to a group of nurses regarding different types of brain tumors. The nurse is correct in explaining that total surgical resection of a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is not possible for which reason?

The presence of finger-like tentacles produced by the tumor.

The nurse is seeing the parent of a client who states, "I'm so relieved because my child's health care provider told me their brain tumor is benign." The nurse knows what is true about benign brain tumors?

They can affect vital functioning.

The nurse is assessing a client who has been diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma, but has not yet started treatment. The client reports having increased heart rate, hand tremors, difficulty sleeping, weight loss and hyperthermia. The nurse anticipates the client will require blood work to assess for overproduction of which hormone?

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

The nurse is seeing a client who is suspected of having a glioblastoma multiforme tumor. The nurse anticipates the client will require which diagnostic test to confirm the client has this form of brain tumor?

Tissue biopsy

A nurse is caring for a client who underwent a lumbar laminectomy 2 days ago. Which finding requires immediate intervention?

Urine retention or incontinence

A client with suspected Parkinson disease is initially being assessed by the nurse. When is the best time to assess for the presence of a tremor?

When the client is resting

The nurse educator is providing orientation to a new group of staff nurses on an oncology unit. Part of the orientation is to help nurses understand the differences between various types of brain tumors.

Within the brain tissue

A nurse is working on a surgical floor. The nurse must logroll a client following a:


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