NUR107 EXM 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

the similarity between EBP and PI is

they are processes in nursing that require best evidence to provide quality of care.

what do health promotion activities do

they help maintain, educate, prevent and protect health against threats

what is the focus of community based nursing?

to provide direct illness care to individuals and families within the community setting

A focused PICOT question allows you

to search for evidence in the scientific literature

cultural assessment

understanding how a patients values will affect their willingness to receive care.

the best evidence comes from

well designated, systematically conducted research


when an individual or group transitions from one culture to another.

latent errors

why it happened

10. A nurse is taking care of a patient who has decided to stop smoking cigarettes. Which online resource would provide evidence-based information about smoking cessation? 1. The American Lung Association online toolkit for smoking cessation 2. An online blog led by a nurse for people discussing smoking cessation 3. A self-help website maintained by a hospital focusing on general wellness behaviors 4. A CDC website that discusses addictive behavior and risk factors


10. During an EBP committee meeting, a nurse discussed two systematic integrative reviews related to the use of prepackaged bath kits versus the standard use of bath basins. What level of evidence is the nurse presenting? 1. Level I 2. Level II 3. Level IV 4. Level VI


3. During a nursing assessment a patient displayed several behaviors. Which behavior suggests the patient may have a health literacy problem? 1. Patient has difficulty completing a registration form at a medical office 2. Patient asks for written information about a health topic 3. Patient speaks Spanish as primary language 4. Patient states unfamiliarity with a newly ordered medicine


4. A patient has been laid off from his construction job and has many unpaid bills. He is going through a divorce from his marriage of 15 years and has been praying daily to help him through this difficult time. He does not have a primary health care provider because he has never really been sick, and his parents never took him to a physician when he was a child. Which external variables influence the patient's health practices? (Select all that apply.) 1. Difficulty paying his bills 2. Praying daily 3. Age of patient (46 years) 4. Stress from the divorce and the loss of a job 5. Family practice of not routinely seeing a health care provider


5. A nurse is conducting a home visit with a new mom and her three children. While in the home the nurse weighs each family member and reviews their 3-day food diary. She checks the mom's blood pressure and encourages the mom to take the children for a 15- to 30-minute walk every day. The nurse is addressing which level of need, according to Maslow? 1. Physiological 2. Safety and security 3. Love and belonging 4. Self-actualization


6. A nurse is preparing medications for a patient. The nurse checks the name of the medication on the label with the name of the medication on the doctor's order. At the bedside the nurse checks the patient's name against the medication order as well. The nurse is following which critical thinking attitude? 1. Responsibility 2. Humility 3. Accurate 4. Fairness


6. When taking care of patients, a nurse routinely asks whether they take any vitamins or herbal medications, encourages family members to bring in music that the patient likes to help the patient relax, and frequently prays with her patients if that is important to them. The nurse is practicing which model? 1. Holistic 2. Health belief 3. Transtheoretical 4. Health promotion


8. Which explanation provided by the nurse is the most accurate meaning for "providing culturally congruent care"? 1. It fits the patient's valued life patterns and set of meanings. 2. It is the same set of values as those of the health care team member providing daily care. 3. It holds one's own way of life as superior to those of others. 4. It redirects the patient to a more socially expected set of values.


9. Which statement made by a new graduate nurse about the teach-back technique requires intervention and further instruction by the nurse's preceptor? 1. "After teaching a patient how to use an inhaler, I need to use the teach-back technique to test my patient's technique." 2. "The teach-back technique is an ongoing process of asking patients for feedback." 3. "Using teach-back will help me identify explanations and communication strategies that my patients will most commonly understand." 4. "Using pictures, drawings, and models can enhance the effectiveness of the teach-back technique."


10. Which of the following describes a nurse's application of a specific knowledge base during critical thinking? (Select all that apply.) 1. Initiative in reading current evidence from the literature 2. Application of nursing theory 3. Reviewing a policy and procedure manual 4. Considering a colleague's view of a patient's needs 5. Previous time caring for a specific group of patients


10. The public health nurse is working with the county health department on a task force to fully integrate the goals of Healthy People 2020. Most of the immigrant population do not have a primary care provider, nor do they participate in health promotion activities; the unemployment rate in the community is 25%. How does the nurse determine which goals need to be included or updated? (Select all that apply.) 1. Assess the health care resources within the community. 2. Assess the existing health care programs offered by the county health department. 3. Compare existing resources and programs with Healthy People 2020 goals. 4. Initiate new programs to meet Healthy People 2020 goals. 5. Implement educational sessions in the schools to focus on nutritional needs of the children


2. A community health nurse is working in a clinic with a focus on asthma and allergies. What is the primary focus of the community health nurse in this clinic setting? (Select all that apply.) 1. Decrease the incidence of asthma attacks in the community 2. Increase patients' ability to self-manage their asthma 3. Treat acute asthma in the hospital 4. Provide asthma education programs for the teachers in the local schools 5. Provide scheduled immunizations to people who come to the clinic


3. The nurse caring for a refugee community identifies that the children are undervaccinated and the community is unaware of resources. The nurse assesses the community and determines that there is a health clinic within a 5-mile radius. The nurse meets with the community leaders and explains the need for immunizations, the location of the clinic, and the process of accessing health care resources. Which of the following practices is the nurse providing? (Select all that apply.) 1. Raising awareness about community resources for the children 2. Teaching the community about health promotion and illness prevention 3. Promoting autonomy in decision making about health practices 4. Improving the health care of the community's children 5. Participating in professional development activities to maintain nursing competency


1. Using Healthy People 2020 as a guide, which of the following would improve delivery of care to a community? (Select all that apply.) 1. Community assessment 2. Implementation of public health policies 3. Home safety assessment 4. Increased access to care 5. Determining rates of specific illnesses


5. Health care organizations must provide which of the following based on federal civil rights laws? (Select all that apply.) 1. Provide language assistance services at all points of contact free of charge. 2. Provide auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters, note takers, and computer-aided transcription services. 3. Use patients' family members to interpret difficult topics. 4. Ensure that interpreters are competent in medical terminology. 5. Provide language assistance to all patients who speak limited English or are deaf.


chronic care model

focuses on the importance of self management

9. During a home visit, a patient states, "I am really upset about my heart failure. I can't go out to eat anymore with my friends, I have no energy, and I don't even want to talk on the phone. All I do is focus on how this disease has changed my life and how much time I have left to live." How should the nurse respond? (Select all that apply.) 1. "Let's talk about going out to lunch. What is making you hesitant about eating with your friends?" 2. "Tell me about what types of activities you were doing before you knew you had heart failure." 3. "Eventually you will get used to all of the changes. You are doing OK." 4. "My mother has heart failure, and she has adjusted to diet, activity, and medication changes." 5. "How has your heart failure affected your energy level?"


7. A nurse in a community health clinic reviews screening results from students in a local high school during the most recent academic year. The nurse discovers a 10% increase in the number of positive tuberculosis (TB) skin tests when comparing these numbers to the previous year. The nurse contacts the school nurse and the director of the health department. Together they begin to expand their assessment to all students and employees of the school district. The community nurse was acting in which nursing role(s)? (Select all that apply.) 1. Epidemiologist 2. Counselor 3. Collaborator 4. Case manager 5. Caregiver


9. The nurse in a new community-based clinic is requested to complete a community assessment. Order the steps for completing this assessment. 1. Structure or locale 2. Social systems 3. Population


6. Which of the following are outcomes measurements? (Select all that apply.) 1. A nurse teaches a patient how to administer an injection and then observes the patient do a return demonstration. 2. A nurse implements a new pain-management protocol and checks patients' charts to confirm whether interventions are being provided. 3. A nursing unit adopts a set of strategies for reducing pressure injuries, and the UPC members use direct observation of the skin to measure incidence of pressure injuries. 4. A nursing unit implements a new fall-prevention protocol and checks the monthly performance data for incidence of falls on the unit. 5. A nursing unit implements a patient rounding program, and the charge nurse watches the assistive personnel to see whether hourly rounding is being done on patients.


5. One element of clinical decision making is knowing the patient. Which of the following activities affect a nurse's ability to know patients better? (Select all that apply.) 1. Caring for similar groups of patients over time 2. Reading the evidence-based practices appropriate to patients 3. Learning how patients typically respond to their clinical situations 4. Observing patients 5. Engaging with patients experiencing illness


2. A nurse is providing education to a patient with type 2 diabetes. Which characteristics does the nurse include in her teaching to explain why type 2 diabetes is considered a chronic disease? (Select all that apply.) 1. Type 2 diabetes lasts throughout a person's life. 2. Genetic mutations drive the treatment for type 2 diabetes. 3. People with type 2 diabetes have to modify some of their daily activities. 4. Type 2 diabetes occurs in elderly people. 5. People with type 2 diabetes require ongoing medical care.


2. A 35-year-old woman has Medicaid coverage for herself and two young children. She missed an appointment at the local health clinic to get an annual mammogram because she has no transportation. She gets the annual screening because her mother had breast cancer. Which of the following are social determinants of this woman's health? (Select all that apply.) 1. Medicaid insurance 2. Annual screening 3. Mother's history of breast cancer 4. Lack of transportation 5. Woman's age


8. Two nurses are revising a self-management education program to help patients better manage their asthma. What strategies are most important for them to include in the program? 1. Have patients list the medications they are prescribed to take and describe any problems they are having with their medications. 2. Create a common set of patient goals that the patients will work toward as a group. 3. Look for group leaders who are health care providers that are respected by the community. 4. Provide information on how to balance activities during the day. 5. Ask patients to discuss how other people in their family react to them now that they have asthma.


community based nursing

focuses on the needs of an individual in community settings such as home or clinic

vunerable populations

groups of patients more likely to develop health problems due to excess health risks

cultural competence

health care providers must be culturally competent to provide quality of care

7. A patient tells the nurse, "My doctor told me to lose weight, exercise, stop smoking, and eat better. I am not sick at all. Why would he tell me that?" The nurse's best response would be: 1. "Since I was not there to hear the conversation, I am not exactly sure." 2. "All of these things are behaviors that are good for you and your family. Why not just give it a try?" 3. "I believe he is trying to get you to think about ways that you can be healthier. All these things help to prevent future health problems." 4. "Eating a balanced, healthy diet and exercising regularly will help you lose weight. I know stopping smoking is really hard to do."


8. A nursing student is giving a presentation to a group of other nursing students about the needs of patients with mental illnesses in the community. Which statement by the student indicates that the nursing professor needs to provide further teaching? 1. "Many patients with mental illness do not have a permanent home." 2. "Unemployment is a common problem experienced by people with a mental illness." 3. "The majority of patients with mental illnesses live in long-term care settings." 4. "Patients with mental illnesses are often at a higher risk for abuse and assault."


9. Nurses in a community clinic are conducting an EBP project focused on improving the outcomes of children with asthma. The PICO question asked by the nurses is "In school-aged children, does the use of an electronic gaming education module versus educational book improve the usage of inhalers?" In the question, what is the "O"? 1. School-aged children 2. Educational book 3. Use of inhalers 4. Electronic gaming education


community oriented nursing

health promotion, disease prevention, improving quality of life of the population

what skills does a community based nurse need?

health promotion, disease prevention, relationship building, case manager, change agent, patient advocate, collaborator, educator, counselor, epidemiologist

3. Which of the family caregivers listed below will the nurse expect to be most at risk for experiencing poor health outcomes? 1. A 20-year-old daughter caring for a mother who needs help setting up her medications weekly 2. The 68-year-old spouse of a patient who is experiencing worsening dementia 3. A 32-year-old parent of a child who has an ear infection 4. A married couple who is sharing the caregiving responsibilities for a parent who was recently diagnosed with hypertension and coronary artery disease


5. A patient in the intensive care unit experiences a sentinel event related to central-line catheter care that resulted in serious injury. What performance improvement model should the unit use to identify errors that led to the sentinel event? 1. Six Sigma 2. Root cause analysis 3. PDSA 4. Balanced scorecard


6. A community health nurse conducts a community assessment focused on adolescent health behaviors. The nurse determines that a large number of adolescents smoke. Designing a smoking cessation program at the youth community center is an example of which nursing role? 1. Educator 2. Counselor 3. Collaborator 4. Case manager


6. The nurse is caring for a family where there is a strong family history of breast cancer. One of the family members says, "I am afraid of having genetic testing. If it is positive, I know I have cancer." What is the nurse's best response? 1. "It will help diagnose the cancer early if you have it." 2. "If the results are positive, it means you have a higher risk for breast cancer, not that you have cancer." 3. "If it is going to cause you to worry, don't have the screening done." 4. "I am sure you will be fine. You are a healthy woman."


9. As part of a faith community nursing program in her church, a nurse is developing a health promotion program on breast self-examination for the women's group. Which statement made by one of the participants is related to the individual's accurate perception of susceptibility to an illness? 1. "I have a door hanging tag in my bathroom to remind me to do my breast self-examination monthly." 2. "Since my mother had breast cancer, I know that I am at increased risk for developing breast cancer." 3. "Since I am only 25 years of age, the risk of breast cancer for me is very low." 4. "I participate every year in our local walk/run to raise money for breast cancer research."


4. A school nurse is planning a health fair for children in first, second, and third grade to promote healthy behaviors. The most 104appropriate health screening for this age-group would be: (Select all that apply.) 1. Providing information about eating fruits and vegetables 2. Taking the children's blood pressure 3. Recording the children's height and weight on a growth chart 4. Asking the students about their family history of cancer 5. Teaching the students about the risks of secondhand smoke


1. Which of the following is an example of a patient with a health disparity? (Select all that apply.) 1. A patient who has a homosexual sexual preference 2. A patient unable to access primary care services 3. A patient living with a chronic disease 4. A family who relies on public transportation 5. A patient who has had a history of smoking for 10 years


8. Which of the following are symptoms of secondary traumatic stress and burnout that commonly affect nurses? (Select all that apply.) 1. Regular participation in a book club 2. Lack of interest in exercise 3. Difficulty falling asleep 4. Lack of desire to go to work 5. Anxiety while working


10. The nurse assesses the risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in a female patient. Which of these factors are classified as genetic and physiological? (Select all that apply.) 1. Sedentary lifestyle 2. Mother died from CAD at age 48 3. History of hypertension 4. Eats diet high in sodium 5. Elevated cholesterol level


8. A nurse is assigned to care for a woman who is expecting her first child. The nurse organizes herself and plans to gather data about the patient by applying Pender's health promotion model, including the patient's characteristics and experiences and situational influences. She plans to observe patient behavior and consider the patient's psychosocial issues. Such data will offer a clear understanding to help the nurse identify the patient's needs. This is an example of which of the following concepts? (Select all that apply.) 1. Diagnostic reasoning 2. Deductive reasoning 3. Inductive reasoning 4. Assessment 5. Problem solving


1. A nurse enters a patient's room at the beginning of a shift to conduct an assessment of his condition following a blood transfusion. The nurse cared for the patient on the previous day as well. The patient has a number of issues he wishes to share with the nurse, who takes time to explore each issue. The nurse also assesses the patient and finds no signs or symptoms of a reaction to the blood product. The 209nurse observed the patient the prior day and sees a change in his behavior, a reluctance to get out of bed and ambulate. Which of the following actions improve the nurse's ability to make clinical decisions about this patient? (Select all that apply.) 1. Working the same shift each day 2. Spending time during the patient assessment 3. Knowing the early mobility protocol guidelines 4. Caring for the patient on consecutive days. 5. Knowing the pattern of patient behavior about ambulation


3. A nurse working on a medical patient care unit states, "I am having trouble sleeping, and I eat nonstop when I get home. All I can think of when I get to work is how I can't wait for my shift to be over. I wish I felt happy again." What are the best responses from the nurse manager? (Select all that apply.) 1. "I'm sure this is just a phase you are going through. Hang in there. You'll feel better soon." 2. "I know several nurses who feel this way every now and then. Tell me about the patients you have cared for recently. Did you find it difficult to care for them?" 3. "You can take diphenhydramine over the counter to help you sleep at night." 4. "Describe for me what you do with your time when you are not working." 5. "The hospital just started a group where nurses get together to talk about their feelings. Would you like for me to e-mail the schedule to you?"


5. A nurse is providing health promotion information at a health fair for female patients who are diagnosed with cancer. What information should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.) 1. Recommending that they avoid drinking alcohol to prevent alcohol misuse 2. Information from the local health department about smoking-cessation classes 3. The need to avoid physical activity while receiving cancer treatment to lessen fatigue 4. Strategies to talk with family and friends about the cancer diagnosis and the side effects from their treatment 5. How nutritional needs may change based on the diagnosis of cancer and its treatment


8. The nurse is using the QSEN competency of EBP when working with the unit council to initiate a change related to pain management. Which behaviors demonstrate the nurse practicing behaviors associated with EBP? (Select all that apply.) 1. Initiating plan for self-development as a team member 2. Reading original research related to pain management 3. Demonstrating effective use of strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others 4. Valuing EBP as critical to the development of pain management guidelines for the unit 5. Describing to the unit council reliable sources for locating clinical guidelines 6. Applying technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care


health promotion

helps individuals maintain or enhance their present health

health education

helps people develop a greater understanding of their health and how to better manage their health risks

active errors

how it happened

what does healthy people do

identifies health indicators that are high priority health issues in the us

1. A patient discharged a week ago following a stroke is currently participating in rehabilitation sessions provided by nurses, physical therapists, and registered dietitians in an outpatient setting. In what level of prevention is the patient participating? 1. Primary prevention 2. Secondary prevention 3. Tertiary prevention 4. Transtheoretical prevention


2. Based on the Transtheoretical Model of Change, what is the most appropriate response to a patient who states: "Me, stop smoking? I've been smoking since I was 16!" 1. "That's fine. Some people who smoke live a long life." 2. "OK. I want you to decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke by one each day, and I'll see you in 1 month." 3. "What do you think is the greatest reason why stopping smoking would be challenging for you?" 4. "I'd like you to attend a smoking-cessation class this week and use nicotine replacement patches as directed."


3. A nurse is reading a research article discussing a new practice to decrease the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. One section of the article describes who was studied and how the data were collected to answer the research questions and hypotheses. What section of the research article is currently being read? 1. The literature review 2. The data analysis 3. The methods 4. The implications for practice


6. A nurse working in a large occupational health clinic knows that many of the workers at her company are marginalized and at risk for poor health outcomes. Which of the following individuals are most likely to be marginalized? 1. Wives of the employees 2. The head supervisors of the company 3. Workers who have a high school education 4. Workers employed for less than a year at the company


nursing research

identifies new knowledge to improves professional education and practice

1. A health system upgraded its electronic health record across all its practice settings to enhance patient care and communication among health care providers. This is an example of which component of the Chronic Care Model? 1. Health systems 2. Decision support 3. Clinical information systems 4. Community


7. Using the Transtheoretical Model of Change, order the steps that a patient goes through to make a lifestyle change related to physical activity 1. The individual recognizes that he is out of shape when his daughter asks him to walk with her after school. 2. Eight months after beginning walking, the individual participates with his wife in a local 5K race. 3. The individual becomes angry when the physician tells him that he needs to increase his activity to lose 30 lb. 4. The individual walks 2 to 3 miles, 5 nights a week, with his wife. 5. The individual visits the local running store to purchase walking shoes and obtain advice on a walking plan.


4. The REFLECT model can improve learning after providing patient care. Place the steps of this model in the correct order: 1. Think about your thoughts and actions at the time of a situation. 2. Review the knowledge you gained from the experience. 3. Review the facts of the situation. 4. Set a schedule for completing your plan of action. 5. Consider options for handling a similar situation in the future. 6. Recall any feelings you had at the time of the situation. 7. Create a plan for future situations.


7. A nurse has been caring for a patient with a chronic wound that has not been healing. The nurse talks with a nurse specialist in wound care to find alternative approaches from what the health care provider ordered for dressing the wound. The two decide that because of the patient's allergy to tape a nonallergenic dressing will be used. The nurse obtains an order from the health care provider for the new dressing. After two days there is improvement in the wound. This is an example of which critical thinking standards? (Select all that apply.) 1. Clear 2. Broad 3. Relevant 4. Risk taking 5. Creativity


genetic counseling

a strong disease pattern is in the family history

what is community assessment

a systematic collection of data on a population includes a structure, population, and social system


a systemic process that asks and answers questions to provide a scientific basis

incidence rates

identifying and reporting of new infections, determining adolescent pregnancy rates, and reporting accidents

3. A nurse has seen many cancer patients struggle with pain management because they are afraid of becoming addicted to the medicine. Pain control is a priority for cancer care. By helping patients focus on their values and beliefs about pain control, a nurse can best make clinical decisions. This is an example of: 1. Creativity. 2. Fairness. 3. Clinical reasoning. 4. Applying ethical criteria.


4. A nurse implements an EBP change that teaches patients the importance of taking their diabetes medications correctly and regularly on time using videos streamed on the Internet. The nurse measures the patients' behavioral outcome from the practice change using which type of measurement? 1. Measuring the patient's weight 2. Chart auditing teaching sessions 3. Observing patients viewing the videos 4. Checking patients' blood sugars


4. What factor results in vulnerable populations being more likely to develop health problems? 1. The ability to use available resources to find housing 2. Adequate transportation to the grocery store and community clinics 3. Availability of others to help provide care 4. Limited access to health care services


7. A mother is concerned about her child's flulike symptoms. You learn from the health assessment that the mother practices use of "hot" and "cold" foods to treat ailments. Which of the following foods do you expect the mother to use to treat her child? 1. Chicken 2. Yogurt 3. Fresh fruits 4. Eggs


7. The nurses on a medical unit have seen an increase in the number of pressure injuries developing in their patients. The nurses decide to initiate a performance improvement project using the PDSA model. Which of the following is an example of "Plan" from that model? 1. Orienting patients to the unit's practice of hourly rounding on patients 2. Reviewing the incidence of pressure injuries on patients cared for using the protocol 3. Based on findings from patients who developed injuries, implementing an evidence-based skin care protocol on all units 4. Meeting with all disciplines to develop a multidisciplinary approach for reducing pressure injuries


9. A nurse is caring for a patient who has poor pain control. The patient has a history of opioid abuse. During the day the patient made frequent requests for a pain medication. In order to make an effective clinical decision about this patient, the nurse needs to ask questions about the data available on the patient to make a thorough and thoughtful decision. The nurse asks herself, "How does my view about the patient's pain tolerance compare with the patient's, and does that pose a problem?" This is an example of: 1. A question about assumptions. 2. A question about evidence. 3. A question about procedure. 4. A question about perspective.


2. Place the steps of the EBP process in the appropriate order. 1. Critically appraise the evidence you gather. 2. Ask the clinical question in PICOT format. 3. Evaluate the outcomes of the practice decision or change. 4. Search for the most relevant and best evidence. 5. Cultivate a spirit of inquiry. 6. Integrate the evidence. 7. Communicate the outcomes of the EBP change.


what is the research process?

6 steps that allow for problem identification and then the answer

health belief model

Addresses the relationship between a person's beliefs and behaviors

health disparity

Differences in health and healthcare that occur between groups of people

performance improvement

PI. a formal approach for the analysis of health care related practices

PICOT question

Patient population of interest Intervention of interest Comparison of interest Outcome Time

PICOT stands for

Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time

illness behavior

Ways in which people monitor their bodies

clinical judgment

a conclusion about a patient's needs or health problems . it is influence by a nurses knowledge

the hierarchy of evidence offers

a guide to evaluate information to determine if source is relevant, valid, and or appropriate

chronic illness

a patients and families subjective experience to a chronic disease

internal variables influence

a persons health beliefs and practices


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

social determinants of health

biological, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, or social factors that contribute to a person's current state of health

a basic critical thinker

accepts the opinions and values of experts

illness prevention

activities that protect patients from actual or potential threats to health

evidence based practice is

addresses clinical problems by using evidence available for treating or managing the problem.

risk factor

anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems

levels of Evidence Based Practice

ask a clinical picot question, search for evidence, put evidence together, choose the best evidence , evaluate the outcomes, communicate the results of the change.

what terms fall under the term community oriented nursing?

community health nursing and public health nursing

5 elements of a critical thinking model

competence, knowledge, experience, attitudes, and standards

social determinants of health

conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age


considering making a change in the next 6 months

what is a key construct of cultural competence

cultural desire

10. Match the cultural concepts on the left with the correct definitions on the right. 1. Etic world view __________ a. Factor that shapes how people perceive others and how they relate to reality 2. World view __________ b. Insider's perspective in an intercultural encounter 3. Cultural desire __________ c. A policy model that describes factors and power structures that shape and influence life 4. Intersectionality __________ d. An outsider's perspective in an intercultural encounter 5. Emic world view __________ e. The motivation of a health care professional to "want to" engage in cultural competency


emirical data

date gathered through observations and assessments

what provides an opportunity for early intervention to prevent or delay disease onset?

detecting risk factors for chronic illness before a disease beings

Internal Variables

developmental stage, intellectual background, perception of functioning, emotional factors, spiritual factors

cultural encounter

directly interacting with patients of diverse population other than ones own

what do effective programs that help with self managing provide

disease specific information and help patients make decisions about their care.

complex critical thinker

does not rely on expert opinions

secondary prevention

early diagnosis, screenings and tests. prevents the spread of disease

ebp stands for

evidence based practice

multifactorial inheritance

explains why a person genetically develops a chronic illness

External Variables

family practices, socioeconomic factors, cultural background

vulnerable population factors are

individuals living in poverty, older adults, homeless, immigrants, substance abuse, mental illnesses, abusive relationships.


individuals who have one or more personal or environmental characteristics in common

what is associated with the onset of chronic illnesses?

inherited genetics and environmental influences

emic world view

insider perspective

what does teaching healthy lifestyle behaviors provide?

it provides and opportunity for the nurse to help people identify the needed life changes to prevent disease.

chronic disease

lasts longer than 6 months

chronic illness

lasts more than 6 months is irreversible


life changes that a person with a chronic illness must make to live well.

patients with chronic illnesses must

make lifestyle changes and learn to control their illnesses through self management.


making small changes preparing for the next month

secondary traumatic stress and burnout in nursing

mental distress, physical complaints, changed behavior, relationship difficulties, decreased performance, and spiritual strain.


no intent to make changes within the next 6 months

community health nursing

nursing practice in the community. It focuses on individuals, families, or groups in the community. The goal is to preserve, protect, promote, and maintain

teach back process

ongoing process of asking patients open ended questions to gather feedback to confirm clarity of my communication

etic world view

outsider perspective


patient adapts with other cultural values and no longer uses origin values

marginalized people

people that are left out that have are a different race, gender identity, economic status, immigration status, sex etc

an example of vulnerable population

people with mental illness.

5. Many older homes in a neighborhood are undergoing a lot of restoration. Lead paint was used to paint the homes when they were built. The community clinic in the neighborhood is initiating a lead screening program. This activity is based on which social determinant of health?

physical environment

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization

6 stages of transtheoretical model of chanage

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination

health disparities

preventable differences in a populations ability to achieve optimal health

primary prevention

prevents and protects

holistic health model

promotes a patient's optimal level of health by considering the dynamic interactions among the emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, and physical aspects of an individual's wellness

culturally congruent care or transcultural care is

providing care based on cultural beliefs, practices and values

multiple models of health explain

relationships among health beliefs, behaviors and promotion as well as well being.

public health nursing

require understanding the needs of a population

if the PICOT question is not answered the best next step is

research for more information.

tertiary prevention

restoration and rehabilitation. minimizes effects

acute illness

reversible, short duration

cultural awareness

self examination of ones own biases toward other cultures.

racial identity

self identification with one or more social groups


state in which a persons health is impaired

critical thinking

the ability to think in a logical manner

cultural desire

the motivation of a health care provider to "want too"

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