NUR443 Quiz Questions

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Nursing interventions during end of life care include all of the following except?

Removing excess blankets to keep patients cool.

Within the chain of infection, anything in which the infectious agent normally lives and multiplies is known as the?


A community health nurse enters a disaster scene and begins to assist with START triage. When a nurse encounters an injured patient, what should the nurse assess first?


A public health nurse should consider the possibility of a biochemical terrorist attack in all of the following scenarios except?

Several patients presenting with shrapnel injuries and burns

Sexual Orientation is not easily measured and presents challenges. What are the three types of sexual assessment that could be assessed, but are difficult to measure?

Sexual desire, behavior and self-identity

Which disease is considered eradicated?


The relationships and networks between community members that can be used to address community health concerns or engage additional community members is known as?

Social Capital

Hazardous waste sites designated by the EPA as a risk to human health that receive federal funding for site remediation are known as

Superfund sites

When teaching a patient infected with HIV regarding transmission of virus to others, which statement made by the patient would indicate a need for further teaching?

"I will need to isolate any tissues i use so as not to infect my family"

To assess an older adult and his relationships, it may be helpful to ask?

"Who do you live with" or "have you always lived alone?"

Types of delays that contribute to increased maternal mortality in Liberia include?

A. Delay in making decision to seek care B. Delay in reaching a health care facility C. Delay in receiving care at the health facility

Direct causes of maternal mortality in Liberia include?

A. Hemorrhage D. Obstructed labor

A nurse reads that a patient has a DNR/DNI written in their chart, informing staff of their wishes not to be resuscitated and not to be intubated. Which document establishes the DNR/DNI order for the patient?

Living Will

In the article, History of the Joint Commissions Pain Standards; Lessons for Todays Prescription Opioid Epidemic by Baker (2017), all of the following are recommended based on lessons learned except?

Concerns for stigmatization or under treatment of chronic pain patients are overstated and do not need to be acknowledged.

Strategies for staying safe while caring for gang members include all the following except?

Confronting patients to confirm gang involvement

An employee spills a chemical all over his torso, saturating his clothes and making contact with a large area of the skin. The employee is alert and talking, with no airway or breathing issue. Which would be the priority action for the occupational health nurse?

Consult the Safety Data Sheet for the chemical.

People are entitled to what they have earned through individual efforts, including health care. Individual rights are respected, however there is little obligation to others or shared responsibility. This perspective is termed?

Market Justice.

A community health nurse working in an elderly high-rise knows that which patients are most likely to be impacted by Medicare's prescription drug "donut hole"?

Medicare patients who have met their Part D coverage limit, but have no yet met their out of pocket threshold.

Female veterans who are homeless represent a specific sub-population of people who are homeless. When studied, over half of this group reported a history of what?

Military sexual trauma

In the movie, Contagion, Mitch Emhoff, played by Matt Damon, does not get sick with the illness that killed his wife and stepson. One possible explanation of this would be:

Natural Immunity

A patient returns to have his purified protein derivative (PPD)/Tuberculin skin test (TST) examined on his forearm. There is a 4mm raised red area where the test was placed. The PPD is interpreted as?


Which act requires that employers furnish a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees?

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Universally recognized factors that contribute to violence include the following except?

Education system

All of the following are true regarding the Hill Burton Act except:

Established health care for the elderly and disabled and welfare for women and children.

Safety strategies for the community health nurse working in the community include all the following except?

If someone in the home is violent, call for others in the home to help you.

Morbidity relates to:

Illness in a population

When a disaster occurs involving chemical weapons or warfare, where is the appropriate location for triage?

In the "hot zone" or exposed area.

In epidemiology, the number of new events cases in a specific population during a specific period of time is known as


Which population is most vulnerable to the health effects of exposure to environmental hazards?

Infants and Children

TB treatment is based on the patients health history, age, and potential resistance, however, optimal treatment for latent TB includes?

Isoniazid for 9 months

The community health nurse has finished conducting an educational session on lead exposure with parents after their child's lead level has come back elevated. Which statement by the parents indicates a need for further education?

It is safe to plant a garden as long as it is along side the house.

Directed conversation with a select member of a community about a health problem is the community assessment method known as?

Key informant interview

Palliative Care centers on providing comfort and easing pain. Other characteristics of Palliative Care include...

Symptom Management Can still be seeking curative treatment Means "to cloak" or protect

To keep young drivers with cell phones from texting, Virginia police officers used the following injury prevention social marketing strategy?

TL3 - Text Later, Live Longer slogan

What level of prevention is Camp Beyond the Scars, a summer camp for children with burns?


An employee at a construction company was injured when a piece of equipment fell on his foot. The occupational health nurse is following up with him to make sure his assignment to light duty is going well and he is progressing with physical therapy. They discuss the plan to return to full duty when cleared by PT and the occupational health doctor. Which level of prevention is this type of nursing?

Tertiary prevention.

In the TED talk by Gary Slutklin on treating violence like a contagious disease, the speaker applies the strategies of containing a disease including 1. interrupting transmission 2. preventing further spread and 3. changing group norms, to violence in communities.


In the example given in class, text or data-mining used computer science to examine a large database of reports with many words to identify key words and extract knowledge about local overdoses from those words.


Multiple causation is the concept that no one host, agent or disease can cause disease alone.


The Q is LGBTQ represents anyone who does not associate with heteronormativity.


The occupational health nurse is responsible for educating the employee regarding benefits under the Workers Compensation Act.


Under most insurance plans, including medicare, in order to qualify for visiting nurse patients must have a skilled need and be homebound.


When considering a population that is homeless, behaviors such as feigning medical symptoms, volunteering for paid research studies and adjusting medications to make them last, fall under which concept that Dr. Martin described?

Underground resourcefulness

The occupational health nurse at an innovative computer company has had several employees complain of lower back pain after their old desks and chairs were replaced with standing desks. Which should the nurse do next?

Visit the employee at a workstation and to assess their positioning

Which of the following sources about a community's health would give the community health nurse detailed information about births, deaths, and marriages and aid in providing indicators of population growth or reduction?

Vital Statistics

Which of the following symptoms is common in clients with TB?

Weight Loss

Once data has been collected and a community's strengths and weaknesses have been identified, the next step in the process involves?

Writing a community diagnosis. ADPIE

Which group of words or phrases demonstrate the best use of health literacy practices when spoken or written by the nurse with the patient or family?

You have the flu, heart doctor, bad

A community health nurse has finished a teaching session to school nurses on gang youth. Which statement by a school nurse indicates a need for further education?

Youth gang members are at a lower risk for violence than their non-gang peers.

The U.S Department of Education expands the definition of a homeless child to include?

a child abandoned in a hospital

A patient with a C3, F3, S5 assessment score in OASIS will require which level of care?

A very high level of care and utilization

Research studies that follow a healthy population to tract disease and illness that they develop are known as?


500 people attended a large catered event. 350 ate apple pie for dessert. Later that night, 75 people developed nausea, vomiting and diarrhea from the apple pie. What was the attack rate of the food poisoning?

21% 75/350

A small business employs 20 people who share an office. On Monday, Beth, the supervisor, goes home sick with a fever and chills, but not before coughing and sneezing on the other 19 employees. The following day 6 employees stay home with fever, chills, coughing and sneezing. To the nearest whole percentage point, calculate the attack rate for this virus. Do not include Beth in the calculation.

32% 6/19 = 32

Which responsibilities for disaster preparedness in the US are functions of the American Red Cross as opposed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?

A. Provide crisis counseling C. Handle inquiries from families E. Identify and train personnel

The movie, Unnatural Causes, we watched earlier in the semester addressed several examples of health disparities. Which answers below could most broadly impact the circumstances and health disparities seen in the movie?

A. Social Capital D. Environmental Justice

A visiting nurse visits an older client who has an adult child as a caretaker. Which observations should the nurse be concerned about?

A. The older clients hair has become matted and has bobbi pins caught in it B. There are several cats in the house and cat feces in the living room and kitchen D. There are no towels in the house.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the individual mandate for health insurance. The implications of this include...

A. There will be no tax penalty for not having insurance coverage. B. Healthy people may be less likely to purchase individual insurance from health exchanges which would raise the cost of health insurance. C. The congressional budget office estimates the uninsured rate will increase.

A school nurse starts a new job working in the community with adults. She plans on adapting to this new population and recognizes that adult learners have different needs and characteristics, including...

A. They have years of experience that serve as learning resources. B. Adults want to be capable of self-direction C. Adults must know why they need to learn.

The community health nurse is preparing to teach "personal and family preparedness for disasters" to parents of school-age children. Identify the most appropriate items needed in the event of a disaster that should be included in the teaching

A. flashlight B. supple of batteries C. Battery-operated radio d. Eyeglasses

Violent shaking of an infant that causes injury at the junction of the brain stem and spinal cord that can result in death is known as?

Abusive Head Trauma

The three points that comprise the epidemiological triangle include?

Agent, host, environment

Which of the following environmental stressors directly assaults human health?

Air pollution

Health conditions frequently impacting people who are homeless include?

Trauma Upper Respiratory Infections Mental Health Disorders

An individual or group with a greater probability of acquiring a disease is termed?

At Risk

A criticism of the Health Belief Model is that it fails to acknowledge health care barriers outside of an individuals control.


HIV, a retrovirus, is the organism that causes the syndrome known as AIDS. The virus causes a decrease in the patients CD4 count. At what CD4 level does the patient develop AIDS?

Below 200

In the Providence Opioid overdose data presented, there were more males than females that overdosed on opioids?


Of the unlimited suggestions on how to improve healthcare in our communities, perhaps the most helpful idea is which of the following?

Change the built environment to support healthy behaviors and lifestyles.

All of the following contribute to obesity among people who are homeless and lower income communities except?

Decreased availability to fast food

As a patients health declines, a patient may appoint a health care proxy, another person to make health decisions for them in the event that they are no longer able. This is also known as?

Durable power of attorney for health care

During the incubation stage of infection, the disease is not communicable until symptoms are present.


In the last two years, which drug has been most involved with accidental overdose deaths in RI?


Which of the following would most accurately be identified as a "community of concern" by public health?

Firefighters in Boston, MA

The nurse empowers community members to become influential members in their environment. Through dialog and discussion, he helps members to be critical and reflective about health issues impacting their community and how community members can play an active part in creating change. The raising of consciousness and problem-solving approach is most consistent with which Health education theorist?


A home care nurse completes an OASIS assessment on a new patient. This will include an assessment in which OASIS domains?

Functional Clinical Service Utilization

At a disaster site, the nurse uses SMART triage system. What color triage tag would be provided to an ambulatory individual with a superficial cut on the left elbow and bruise on the right hand?


Another disease that has fueled the resurgence of TB around the world has been...


Non-partisan organizations that are established by professional associations, businesses, and labor organizations, with the purpose of collecting donations to support political candidates and their interest are known as:

Political Action Committee (PACs)

A nurse working at a community health clinic gives nutritional education to a patient with an elevated BMI. The patient reports that they are not sure they are read to make diet changes, but appreciate the information and will think about it. According to the Transtheoretical Model, the nurse sets expectations and interventions knowing that the patient is in which stage?

Pre-action, contemplative stage

A school health nurse calculates a proportion rate in which the numerator includes only those students at the school diagnosed with asthma and the denominator includes the total number of students in the school. The proportion is known as the:

Prevalence Rate

You teach a community disaster preparedness class on how to find shelter during and after a disaster situation. This class is an example of what level of prevention?


What type of health project evaluation is more qualitative in nature?

Process/Formative Evaluation

You are working as a nurse in an emergency room. Why is it necessary to monitor a patient following naloxone administration?

The patient is at risk for overdosing again as the Naloxone is relatively short acting in comparison to long-acting opioids.

Which of the following is the purpose of the staging area in a disaster plan?

To act as an onsite command station for disaster responders and report to and get assignments

The triple aim of the Affordable Care Act is best described as:

better health, better quality of care, greater value for dollars spent

Epidemiology is the study of

distribution and determinants of disease in a population

The primary purpose of hospice is to do which of the following?

improve the quality of life for the terminally ill patient.

Which of the following is/are unique to public health nursing?

population-based nursing practice

Evaluation of a community project includes which of the following elements?

process and product

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