Nursing 204 Pharmacology Review

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..., Megakaryocyte growth factor, used in thrombocytopenia after cancer chemotherapy.


..., Mood Stabilizer. This is a salt that is chemically similar to sodium chloride (table salt). It competes with sodium for absorption at receptor sites. Adequate fluid intake is very important. 2,000 - 3,000 mL of water a day. Should avoid caffeine. Serum levels must be checked throughout therapy.

Opioid Agonists and Antagonists

..., Morphine Morphine congeners: codeine and oxycodone (partial agonists), heroin Merperidine-like drugs: merperidine, diphenoxylate, fentanyl citrate, remifentanyl Methadone Agonist-antagoinsts: pentazocaine, buprenorphine Antagonists: naloxone, naltrexone, methylnaltrexone


..., Produces antibodies that provide active immunity, prevents childhood infectious diseases, Childhood series completion the process of inducing immunity by administering an antigen to allow the immune system to prevent infection or illness when it subsequently encounters the same pathogen Hep A and B Influenza IPV (polio) MMR HPV Tdap Meningococcal Varicella Geriatric: pneumococcal, influenza, varicella zoster (shingles), Tdap,

Phenazopyridine HCL (Pyridium)

..., Prototype for Urinary analgesics; relieves burning, pain, frequency, urgency of lower UTI, sidefx: gi disturbances, hemolytic anemia, urine turns reddish orange

Ferrous Sulfate

..., This drug is given for Iron Deficiency Anemia. Do not give with food or milk because they interfere with iron absorption. Giving it with orange juice or vitamin C-rich drinks increases iron absorption.


..., This drug is used for thyroid supplementation in hyperthyroidism. Treatment or suppression of goiters & thyroid cancer. Replaces or supplements thyroid hormones. Increases metabolic rate of body tissues. Promotes gluconeogenesis. Increases utilization and mobilization of glycogen stores. Stimulates protein syntheses. Promotes cell growth & differentiation. Aids in development of brain and CNS.

Magnesium sulfate

..., This med is 1)an anticonvulsant 2)Decreases BP 3) Stops preterm labor contractions, Signs of toxicity of this drug is Lose reflexes, < urinary output (<30 ml hr), Respirations <12 & decreased LOC.


..., a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions


..., a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions


..., a cholinergic drug (trade name Prostigmin) used to treat some ophthalmic conditions and to treat myasthenia gravis


..., a drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation


..., a drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertension or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine


..., a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Prozac)


..., a triptan=sumatriptan;seperate category than other pain meds; to be used only when a clear diagnosis of migraine has been made workds directly on the blood vessels responsible for the migraine;taken at the onset of a migraine, should be administered as soon as symptoms of a migraine attack appear. A 2nd dose of this medication in tablet form may be taken 2 hours after the 1st dose.


..., agents that lower cholesterol in the blood by inhibiting the effect of HMG-CoA reductase, a liver enzyme responsible for producing cholesterol


..., an alkaloid with anticholinergic effects that is used as a sedative and to treat nausea and to dilate the pupils in ophthalmic procedures


..., an antiviral drug (trade name Retrovir) used in the treatment of AIDS


..., antiasthamatic; allergy, cold and cough remedy; mast cell stabilizer


..., beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, shaking (tremors), and other conditions. It is used after a heart attack to improve the chance of survival/nitrate

Bile Acid Sequestrants

..., bind bile acid and the gi tract resulting in decreased absorption of cholesterol


..., fosamax, boneva, actonel, promotes calcium reabsorption, decreases calcium destruction, used to reverse osteoporosis


..., medications that are used in depression and anxiety disorders; they increase the level of serotonin without the side effects of MAOIs; Prozac is an example.


..., omeprazole/proton pump inhibitor/ GERD duodenal ulcers

Pancrelipase (Pancrease)

..., pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy of lipase, protease, and amylase. dissolves in the alkaline duodenum and releases enzymes, which act locally and are not absorbed. Powdered formulation s may be sprinkled on food. Adverse effects: uncommon as enzymes are not absorbed. nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. do not give with allergies to drug or pork products. do not give delayed release with acute pancreatitis. Overdose- treat symptoms of hyperuricemia


"Hydrodiuril"- expected pharmacological action: thiazide diuretics work in the early distal convoluted tubule (DCT) to: 1) block the reabsorption of sodium and chloride, thus preventing the reabsorption of water at this site. 2) Promote diuresis when renal function is not impaired. Therapeutic Uses: Thiazide diuretics are often the medication of first choice for essential hypertension. They may be used for edema of mild to moderate heart failure and liver and kidney disease. Adverse effects & nursing interventions: 1) Dehydration= assess/monitor for signs of dehydration (dry mouth, increased thirst, minimal urine output, weight loss), monitor serum electrolytes and weight, report urine output less than 30 ml/h. stop medication and notify the provider. 2) Hypokalemia=monitor cardiac status and serum K levels, report a decrease in serum K (less than 3.5 mEq/L), teach client to consume foods high in K such as spinach and tomatoes, teach client to recognize signs of hypokalemia (nausea, vomiting, general weakness.) 3) hyperglycemia-monitor for an increase in blood glucose levels. Contraindications: Pregnancy risk Category B so avoid use during pregnancy and lactation. Digoxin toxicity can occur in the presence of hypokalemia so monitor cardiac status and K and Dig levels, and note that a potassium sparing diuretic can be used in conjunction with a thiazide diuretic to reduce the risk of hypokalemia. Antihypertensives have added hypotensive effects so closely monitor BP. Hyponatremia can lead to decrease in lithium carbonate excretion which may lead to toxicity so closely monitor lithium levels and dosage may need to be adjusted. NSAIDs reduce the diuretic effect so watch for reduced urine output and other signs of decreased effectiveness. Nursing administration: Can only be given orally, obtain baseline data to include orthostatic BP, weight, electrolytes, and location and extent of edema. Monitor K levels. Instruct client to take the medication first thing in the morning and if ordered twice a day be sure the second dose is taken by 2pm to prevent nocturia. Encourage consumption of foods high in K and maintain adequate fluid intake (1500 ml/day unless contraindicated), if GI upset occurs clients may take medication with or after meals, and note that alternate day dosing can decrease electrolyte imbalances. Evaluation: Decrease in BP, Decrease in edema, Increase in urine output.


(amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin,) Classification- Anti-infective Side Effects- ataxia, vertigo, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, diarrhea, n&v, hypomagnesemia, apnea, hypersensitivity reactions. Caution in- renal impairment, hearing impairment, neuromuscular diseases, obesity, pregnancy Advise pt to drink plenty of fluids w/these meds.


*Pediatric Immunization given IM at 2,4,6 and 15-18 months. Booster at 4-6 yrs. *Contradictions: acute infection, immunosuppressive therapy,previous CNS damage or convulsions. *adverse reactions: redness, tenderness, induration at site, fever, excessive crying, malaise, myalgia, uticaria, hypotension, neurologic and allergic reactions.


*anti-infectant *ototoxicity, N/V, phlebitis *assess signs of infection, administer as directed around the clock, better absorbed on empty stomach, but may be taken with food to prevent stomach upset, report signs of super infection, eat yogurt daily.


*antidepressant *contradictions:angle-closure glaucoma, recent MI or heart failure. *adverse reactions: lethargy, sedation, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry mouth, arrhythmias, hypotension, constipation, sexual dysfunction. *monitor mental status, assess for suicidal tendencies, may require several weeks for effectiveness, may be given at bedtime due to sedation effect, moisture eye drops, moisture mouth rinses or chew gum, hard tack candy.

Leukotriene Receptor Inhibitors

..., Lower Respiratory (Anti-inflammatories) Action: reduce inflammatory process and decrease bronchoconstriction Use: prophylactic and maintenance for chronic asthma Side effects: dizziness, HA, GI distress, abnormal liver enzymes, nasal congestion, cough, pharyngitis


- Mood stabilizing antiepileptic (AEDs) - Change in appetite; constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; hair loss; headache; indigestion; nausea; stomach cramps or pain; trouble sleeping; vomiting; weakness; weight changes. - Don't give to liver disorder patients - Monitor phenytoin and Phenobarbital levels - Monitor Thrombolytic count, amylase level and liver function test


- Opioid analgesics are used to treat moderate to severe pain - SIDE EFFECTS -Respiratory depression - monitor pt vital signs, stop opioid use if respiratory rate is less than 12/min - Constipation- increase fluids and physical activity, administer laxative - Orthostatic Hypotension- advise client to sit or lay down slowly, avoid sudden changes in position - Urinary Retention- advise clients to void every 4 hrs, monitor I and O - Sedation- advise clients to avoid hazardous activities such as driving - Contraindicated for clients with renal failure because of the accumulation of noremeperidine which can result in seizures and neurotoxicity - Assess the clients pain level, double check the dose, always check the pt respiratory rate if less than 12/min do not give and call the Dr.


- Treatment of heart failure, dysrhythmias - Dysrhythmias, cardiotoxicity leading to bradycardia, GI affects (N/V, abdominal pain) CNS effects (fatigue, vision changes, yellow-green or white halos around objects) - If missed dose do not double up on dose - Monitor Dig levels therapeutic levels (0.5 to 2.0) - Avoid taking OTC medications - Monitor for dig toxicity (anorexia, fatigue, weakness) - Monitor K+ levels for less the 3.5 administer potassium - Treat bradycardia with atropine

Uterine Stimulants-Oxytocics

-Ex. oxytocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon), methylergonovine (Methergine) -Therapeutic use: induce labor (post-term, premature rupture, pre-eclampsia), deliver placenta, control postpartum bleeding, intranasal promotes milk letdown. Methergine is used for postpartum hemorrhage. -Complications-uterine rupture (have mag. sulfate if needed), hypertensive crisis (monitor for sx, headache, n/v, increased BP) -Avoid vasopressors can cause hypertension -Nursing administration *use an infusion pump, gradually increase flow rate, monitor uterine contractions, monitor v.s., monitor for uterine hyperstimulation, monitor fetal heart rate and rhythm


-MAOI -Blocks MAO-A in brain, increase norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, which intensifies response and relieves depression. -Therapeutic use: atypical depression, bulimia nervosa, OCD -S.E. and interventions *CNS stimulant- advise pt. to observe for sx and notify PCP *Ortho. hypotension- monitor BP and HR, hold med. for significant changes, change position slowly. *Hypertensive crisis from intake of tyramine- administer phentolamine (Regitine) IV or nifedipine (Procardia) SL, provide cardiac monitoring and resp. support. -Interactions *avoid OTC decongestants and cold remedies *avoid tyramine rich foods like:aged cheese, pepperoni, salami, bananas, smoked foos, beer, wine *avoid caffiene


-opioid antagonist -treat opioid overdose, reversal of effects such as resp. depression -S.E. and interventions *tachycardia and tachyapnea- monitor heart rate and resp. function, have resuscitative equipment and O2 *abstinence syndrome- cramping, vomiting, HTN *pulmonary edema- rales, use cautiosly in ct with hx of -Contraindications *ct who are opioid dependent -Nursing administration *do not give orally

Amphotericin B (Fungizone)

-used to treat progressive and life threatening fungal infections;noninvasive forms of fungal disease -Anxiety,convulsions ,coma,hallucinations,peripheral neuropathy,tremor,vertigo,cardiac failure/arrest/myopathy,hypertension,local Venous pain,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,epigastric pain,gastroenteritis,azotemia, tubular acidosis, agranulocytosis,thrombocytopenia,acute liver failure,hypokalemia,bone and joint pain, pruritis, erythema,inflammation,pain. -hx of hypersensitivity,c&s before therapy, renal and hepatic function may require decreased dose if impaired, reconstitute iv,protect from light,monitor i&o,d/c if bun greater than 40mg/100ml,serum cr greater than 3mg/100ml,vs,temp,s/s hypokalemia,maintain hydration ,teach patient any discomfort at infusion site immediately


-used to treat tuberculosis (TB) -prevention in people who have had contact with TB (taken usually 6-12 months,PO). SE: Hepatotoxic Peripheral neuritis Optic neuritis

Tetanus booster

..., -Artificial Active Acquired Immuntiy -Booster is to restimulate the T and B memory cells


..., 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L, helps build protein; maintains fluids; helps nerves communicate; helps muscles contract

Folic Acid

..., A B-complex vitamin found in many vegetables, beans, fruits, whole grains, and some fortified breakfast cereals and it helps prevent birth defects


..., Accutane, Multiple abnormalities involving the CNS, cranium, face cardiovascular system, thymus gland Retinoid,vit A derivative, acne.


..., Broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotics . Inhibit protein synthesis Use: mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia, borrelia, chronic bronchitis, acne, cholera, syphilis, H. pylori Tox: GI upset and superinfections, Fanconi's syndrome, photosensitivity, dental enamel dysplasia. Do not take with milk, antacids or iron


..., It is used for intra-abdominal and Gynecological infections. It is administered by orally and IV. It works by interfering with DNA synthesis within the cell. Anti-convulsive (Dilantin and Phenobarbital) medication can reduce this drugs effect. It has to be given at certain times to have this effect,

Oral contraceptives

..., pills that prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation or by changing conditions in the uterus, cholestasis, thrombosis, folate deficiency, hypertension, hepatic adenoma


..., pulmonary anti-inflammatory; corticosteroid


..., wide variety of bacterial infections (e.g., middle ear, urine, respiratory and intestinal infections), Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim


A Meglitinide, results in insulin release from the pancreas. - Used for Diabetes Mellitus. - SE: Hypoglycemia - Monitor clients for signs of hypoglycemia. If abrupt client will experience, tachycardia, palpitations, sweating, and shakiness. If gradual onset client will experience headache, tremors, and weakness. - Instruct client to self-administer a snack of 15g of carbs ( 4oz orange juice, 2 oz grape juice, 8oz milk). - Instruct client to notify provider if the is recurrent low blood sugars. - If severe hypoglycemia occurs, IV glucose may be needed, - Encourage clients to wear a medical alert bracelet. - Instruct client to eat within 30 min of taking a dose of medication.


A glucocorticoid, provide symptomatic relief of inflammation and pain. - SE: Risk for infection, osteoporosis, Adrenal suppression, fluid retention, GI discomfort, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia. - Advise client to notify MD if fever or sore throat occur. - Advise client to take calcium supplements and Vit D. - Monitor for signs of fluid excess. - Advise client to report symptoms of GI bleed. - Monitor glucose levels. - Monitor potassium levels. Advise client to eat potassium rich foods. - If client is on a hypoglycemic the dose may need to be increased. - Risk for GI bleed if taking NSAID's Tell client to avoid them.

Morphine sulfate

Action: (opioid analgesic): act on the mu receptors, and to a lesser degree on kappa receptors. Activation of mu receptors produces analgesia, respiratory depression, euphoria, and sedation, whereas kappa receptor activation produces analgesia, sedation, and decreased GI motility. Therapeutic uses: - Relief of moderate to severe pain (postoperative, myocardial infarction, cancer) - Sedation - Reduction of bowel motility Side effects: Nursing intervention/client teaching: Respiratory depression • Monitor the client's vital signs. • Stop opioids if the client's respiratory rate is less than 12/ min, and then notify the provider. • Have naloxone (Narcan) and resuscitation equipment available. • Avoid the use of opioids with CNS depressant medications (barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and consumption of alcohol). Constipation • Increased fluid intake and physical activity. • Administer a stimulant laxative, such as bisacodyl (Dulcolax), to counteract decreased bowel motility, or a stool softener, such as docusate sodium (Colace), to prevent constipation. Orthostatic hypotension • Advise clients to sit or lie down if symptoms of lightheadedness or dizziness occur. • Avoid sudden changes in position by slowly moving clients from a lying to a sitting or standing position. • Provide assistance with ambulation as needed. Urinary retention • Advise clients to void every 4 hr. • Monitor I&O. • Assess the client's bladder for distention by palpating the lower abdomen area every 4 to 6 hr. Cough suppression • Advise clients to cough at regular intervals to prevent accumulation of secretions in the airway. • Auscultate the client's lungs for crackles, and instruct clients to increase intake of fluid to liquefy secretions. Sedation • Advise clients to avoid hazardous activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery. Biliary colic • Avoid giving morphine to clients who have a history of biliary colic. Use meperidine as an alternative. Emesis • Administer an antiemetic such as promethazine (Phenergan). Opioid overdose triad of coma, respiratory depression, and pinpoint pupils • Monitor the client's vital signs. • Provide mechanical ventilation. • Administer opioid antagonists, such as naloxone (Narcan) or nalmefene (Revex). Contraindications/Precautions: - Morphine is contraindicated after biliary tract surgery. - Morphine is contraindicated for premature infants during and after delivery because of respiratory depressant effects. - Meperidine is contraindicated for clients with renal failure because of the accumulation of normeperidine, which can result in seizures and neurotoxicity. - Use cautiously with: * Clients who have asthma, emphysema, and/or head injuries; infants, and older adult clients (risk of respiratory depression) * Clients who are pregnant (risk of physical dependence of the fetus) * Clients in labor (risk of respiratory depression in the newborn and inhibition of labor by decreasing uterine contractions) * Clients who are extremely obese (greater risk for prolonged side effects because of the accumulation of medication that is metabolized at a slower rate) * Clients with inflammatory bowel disease (risk of megacolon or paralytic ileus) * Clients with an enlarged prostate (risk of acute urinary retention) * Clients with hepatic or renal disease -do not use antihypertensives with morphine as it will increase risk of respiratory distress


Action: In stable angina, nitroglycerin decreases cardiac oxygen demand by dilating veins and decreasing venous return (preload). In variant angina, nitroglycerin relaxes and prevents spasms in coronary arteries, thus increasing oxygen supply. Therapeutic Uses: Acute attacks and prophylaxis of stable angina, variant angina. Side/Adverse Effects: HEADACHES - advise the client of symptoms and instruct the client to use aspirin or acetaminophen to relieve pain. ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION - Advise the client to sit or lie down if experiencing dizziness or faintness. REFLEX TACHYCARDIA - Monitor the client's vital signs. TOLERANCE - All long-acting forms of nitroglycerin should be taken with a medication free period each day. Contraindications/Precautions: Pregnancy Risk Category C. Contraindicated with clients with hypersensitivity to nitrates. Contraindicated in clients with traumatic head injury because medication can increase intracranial pressure. Therapeutic Nursing Interventions: Treatment of angina attack - instruct the client to stop activity. The client should take dose of rapid-acting nitroglycerin immediately. If pain is unrelieved in 5 min. then the client should call 911. Client can take up to two more doses at 5 min intervals.


Action: Uterine stimulants increase the strength, frequency, and length of uterine contractions. Therapeutic uses: ■ Induction of labor (postterm pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia). ■ Enhancement of labor, such as with dysfunctional labor ■ Delivery of placenta (postpartum, miscarriage) ■ Control of postpartum bleeding ■ Fetal stress testing ■ Intranasal: Promotion of milk letdown. Side effects: uterine rupture Nursing intervention/client teaching: • Preassess client risk factors such as multiple deliveries. • Monitor the length, strength, and duration of contractions. • Have magnesium sulfate on standby if needed for relaxation of Myometrium. Contraindications of Oxytocin: - Maternal factors include sepsis, labor induction, a cervix that has not ripened, genital herpes, history of multiple births, and/or uterine surgery). - Fetal factors include immature lungs, cephalopelvic disproportion, fetal malpresentation, prolapsed umbilical cord, fetal distress, and threatened spontaneous abortion. Medication/drug interactions: nursing interventions/client teaching: Vasopressors can lead to hypertension. • Avoid concurrent use of oxytocin and vasopressors. • Monitor maternal blood pressure and report hypertension to the primary care provider. - Prior to administering analgesic or anesthetic pain relief, the nurse should verify that laboris well established by performing a vaginal exam showing cervical dilation to be at least4 cm with the fetus engaged. - Have naloxone (Narcan) available to counteract the effects of respiratory depression in the newborn. - Administer antiemetics as prescribed. - Monitor maternal vital signs, uterine contraction pattern, and continuous FHR monitoring. - Explain to the client that the medication will cause drowsiness. - Instruct the client to request assistance with ambulation.


Active duodenal ulcers and benign gastric ulcers and management of GERD Side effects that could cause significant harm that are specific to that medication and prevention measures: Headaches, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, agranulocytosis and anemia Nursing consideration to include monitoring, teaching and administration if significant for that medication: Assess for abdominal pain and occult blood in the stools. Monitor CBC with Diff Instruct the patient to take medication exactly as directed. Smoking interferes with action of histamine antagonists. Avoid alcohol and increase fluid and fiber intake. Report black/tarry stools to doctor immediately.


Adjunctive management of primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia. Primary prevention of coronary heart disease. rhabdomyolysis angioneurotic edema Avoid drinking more than 1 quart of grapefruit juice per day during therapy. Notify health care provider if unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness occurs, especially if accompanied by fever or malaise. Avoid pregnancy or breast-feeding.


All classifications of oral hypoglycemic agents control blood glucose levels in clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and are used in conjunction with diet and exercise lifestyle changes. Hypoglycemia-monitor clients for signs of hypoglycemia. If abrupt onset, the client will experience SNS symptoms such as tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, and shakiness. If gradual onset, the client will experience PNS symptoms such as headache, tremors, and weakness.-Instruct client to self-administer a snack of 15g of carbohydrate (4 oz orange juice, 2 oz grape juice, 8 oz mild, glucose tablets per manufacturer's suggestion to equal 15g)-Instruct clients to notify the provider if there is a recurrent problem.-If severe hypoglycemia occurs, IV glucose may be needed.-Encourage clients to wear a medical alert bracelet.


Anesthetics, Antianxiety, sedative, hypnotic -Benzodiazepine S/E Respiratory Depression Drowsiness or dizziness may be experienced for 24 hrs after administration Monitor: BP, pulse, respiration continuously during IV administration Oxygen should be given by nasal cannula Resuscitative equipment should be immediately available 2 practitioners should check dose Antidote: Flumazenil (Romazicon)


Anti ulcer, GI protectant Dizziness, drowsiness, constipation Stand up slowly, don't operate machinery/cars before you know how you will respond to drug, increase fiber in diet Assess for occult blood in stool Administer on empty stomach If antacids are taken as well, administer 30 minutes before or after meals

Procainamide (Pronestyl)

Antiarrhythmic Procainamide is used to treat many different ventricular and atrial heart issues to help keep the heart in a normal rhythm. Major Side Effects: Seizures, Asystole (Lack of cardiac activity), Ventricular Arrhythmias. Nursing Care: Monitor ECG, pulse, and blood pressure continuously throughout IV therapy. Monitor CBC during the first three months of therapy. Monitor Liver function during therapy.


Antidiabetic - Management of Type 2 Diabetes S/E: Lactic acidosis Assess renal function before initiating and at least annually during therapy


Antigout medication indomethacin (Indocin), allopurinol (Zyloprim), probenecid Used to Treat: Acute gout attacks Hyperuricemia Prolongs the effects of penicillins and cephalosporins be delaying their elimination Side Effects: GI toxicity (abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting) Renal injury Nursing Interventions/Client Education: Take with food Provide antidiarrheal medications as prescribed If severe symptoms occurs, stop colchicines Encourage intake of 2 to 3 L of fluids/day Avoid use during pregnancy ( Category C, if used orally, Category D, if used intravenously) Use cautiously with the elderly, debilitated clients, and clients with renal, cardiac and GI dysfunction Allopurinol slows metabolism of Coumadin; watch s/s of bleeding Salicylates lessen the effect of probenecid Monitor for improvement of pain caused by gout Decrease number of gout attacks


Antiulcer agent(H2 Agonist) Pepcid is used to coat the stomach and protect it from any duodenal ulcers or benign gastric ulcers. Major Side Effects: Arrhythmias, Anemia, nausea, confusion, and constipation. Nursing Care: Monitor for epigasric and abdominal pain, occult blood in the stool, emesis, and gastric aspirate. Monitor CBC during drug therapy.


Atorvastatin (Lipitor) Simvastatin (Zocor) Lovastatin (Mevacor) Pravastatin sodium (Pravachol) Rosuvastatin (Crestor) Fluvastatin (Lescol, Lescol XL) Decrease manufacture of LDL cholesterol. Decrease manufacture of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) Increase manufacture of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Side Effects: Hepatotoxicity, Myopathy, Peripheral neuropathy Advise clients to limit the amount of grapefruit juice consumed each day


Beta Blocker Used to treat: Atrial and Ventricular arrhythmias; HTN Side Effects: Bradycardia: Monitor pulse, hold under 60 BPM, Use cautiously with clients who have DM. It can mask tachycardia (early sign of blood glucose) Decreased Cardiac Output: Use cautiously with clients with heart failure. Educate and observe for signs of worsening heart failure (SOB, edema, fatigue) Orthostatic HTN: Instruct clients to sit or lie down if experiencing dizziness. Instruct avoid sudden changes in position and get up slowly. Unusual Sweating, Increased thirst Chest Pain, SOB Nursing Considerations: Creatinine clearance should be obtained before dosing First few doses given in the hospital to monitor reactions Do not administer to patient with asthma or AV block Digoxin and diuretics interact with this drug


Bone resoption inhibitor treat/prevent osteoporosis Contra-renal insufficiency, ob lactation SE- headache Adim in a.m. w/8oz plain water alone

Smoking Cessation

Bupropion (Zyban) - decreases nicotine craving and symptoms of withdrawal. 1. To treat dry mouth, encourage clients to chew gum or suck on hard candy and to sip small amounts of water or suck on ice chips 2. Advise clients to avoid caffeine and other CNS stimulants to control insomnia Nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine gum [Nicorette] and nicotine patch [Nicotrol] - these nicotine replacements are pharmaceutical product substitutes for the nicotine in cigarettes or chewing tobacco. 1. Clients should avoid using nicotine products while pregnant or breastfeeding 2. Nicotine gum: Use of chewing gum is not recommended for longer than 6 months Advise clients to chew gum slowly and intermittently over 30mins Advise clients to avoid eating or drinking 15min prior to and while chewing the gum 3. Nicotine patch Clients should apply a nicotine patch to an area of clean, dry skin each day Advise clients to avoid using any nicotine products while patch is on Follow product directions for dosage times Advise clients to stop using patches and to notify provider if local skin reactions occur Remove the patch prior to MRI scan and replace when scan is completed


Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Agonists indomethacin (Indocin), allopurinol (Zyloprim), probenecid Used To Treat: Hypertension Severe cancer pain Investigational use for: migraine headaches, flushing from menopause, and management of withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, tobacco, and opiods Side Effects: Drowsiness abd sedation Dry mouth Round hypertension Nursing Interventions/Client Education: Avoid activities that require mental alertness until symptoms subside Chew gum or hard candy, take small sips of water Don't discontinue treatment without consulting PCP Should be discontinued over 2 to 4 days Observe for signs of hypotension (dizziness, lightheadedness, faintness) Change positions slowly and sit down if feeling dizzy Advise child bearing women to rule out pregnancy prior to beginning treatment Additive CNS depression w/ alcohol, don't use with alcohol Divided doses; take larger dose at bedtime to reduce daytime sleepiness Decrease in BP Maintenance of normotensive state No pain


Control of hyperglycemia in diabetic patients SE: hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis, erythema, pruritus, swelling Assess for s/s of hypoglycemia (anxiety, restlessness, tingling in hands/feet/lips/tongue, chills, cold sweats, confusion, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness) Assess for s/s of hyperglycemia (confusion, drowsiness, flushed dry skin, fruit-like breath odor, rapid deep breathing, polyuria, n/v Lispro can be mixed w/ NPH insulin

Cytotoxic Medications

Cytoxic medications are chemotherapy agents used to kill fast growing cancer cells, as well as healthy cells including skin, hair, intestinal mucosa, and hematopoietic cells. Classifications: Antimetabolites : kills cancer cells by interrupting the specific cell phase of cell production (Methotrexate, Cytarabine, Mercaptopurine) Alkylating agents: Kills cancer cells by altering DNA structure and preventing reproduction (Cyclophosphamide, Carmustine, Cisplan) Antitoumor antibiotics : Kills cancer cells by stopping the synthesis of RNA, DNA or proteins (Doxorubicin, Danctinomycin) Topoisomerase inhibitors: Kills cancer cells by interrupting DNA synthesis Antimitotics: Kills cancer cells by inhibiting mitosis and preventing cell division (Vincristine, Vinblastine, Paclitaxel) Other: kills cells by various mechanisms including interrupting DNA and RN synthesis in leukemia cells ** Remember these meds have chemo side effects. (hair loss, nausea, fatigue.. etc.) Nursing Considerations: Reduce dosage in patients who have renal disease Advise clients to avoid alcohol Monitor CBC and liver enzymes Monitor for jaundice, dark urine or clay colored stools ** I would suggest reading through ATI chapter 42, page 529 and also reviewing notes from our cancer 202 lecture..this is a very extensive class of medications, each has their own side effects and teachings.


Decrease risk of CHF or death Decrease risk of neurological sequelae Increase ventricular function S.E. Intracranial hemorrhage, GI bleeding, anaphylaxis and hypotension Monitor VS including temperature Assess for bleeding Assess neuro status monitor EKG Explain purpose of medication to family. Advise patient to report any hypersensitivity reactions ( redness or rash) Explain importance of bedrest to avoid injury.

Medications for Acute Alcohol Withdrawal

Effects of alcohol withdrawal usually start within 4 to 12 hrs, and peak at 24-48 hrs. BENZODIAZEPINES: chlordiazepoxide (Librium#, diazepam #Valium# (anticonvulsant# and lorazepam # Ativan#. . maintain vitals WNL, obtaining baselines. . Neuro status . Seizure precautions . CNS depression . Can lead to dependency . Decreases effects of oral contraceptives . Assess for tremors, agitation, delirum and hallucinations . Protect patient from injury, increased risk of falls in elderly. ADJUNCT MEDICATIONS; carbamazepine #Tegretol#, clonidine #Catapres#, propranolol #Inderal#. . Tegretol decreases seizures . Inderal & Catapres decrease BP, HR, and diaphoresis . Inderal decreases cravings ANTABUSE #disulfiram#, ReVia #naltrexone), and acamprosate #Campral) are all for maintenance following detoxification.

ACE Inhibitors

Enalapril (Vasotec), Enalarilat (Vasotec IV), captopril (capoten), Fosinopril (Monopril), Lisinopril (Prinivil), Ramipril (Altace) Used to treat: Hypertension, Heart Failure, Myocardial infarction, nephropathy, and patients at risk for a cardiovascular event. Side Effects: Orthostatic hypotension Cough Hyperkalemia Rash and dysgeusia (alt. taste) Angioedema Neutrpenia Take with or without food except catopril taken at least 1 hour before meals


For: anemia r/t chronic renal failure anemia secondary to AZT therapy in clients with HIV, chemotherapy, and elective surgery S/E: HTN secondary to elevated hematocrit increased risk for cardiovascular event (MI, stroke, cardiac arrest) if Hgb above 12g/dl or more than 1g in 2 weeks Interventions: H&H and BP, and if elevated, administer antihypertensives decrease dosage when limits are reached Considerations: obtain baseline BP SubQ or IV bolus - do not agitate or mix with other meds monitor iron levels dosing is usually 3x's weekly (but can be weekly or monthly)


For: treatment and prevention of osteoporosis decreased risk of breast cancer decrease plasma levels of cholesterol S/E: increased risk for PE and DVT hot flashes Interventions: stop medication prior to immobilization, resume when fully mobile discourage long periods of inactivity inform pt. med may exacerbate hot flashes Considerations: medication is a pregnancy risk category contradicted in pts. with history of venous thrombosis consume adequate calcium and vit.D bone density q12-18 months monitor serum calcium (9.0-10.5 mg/dl) monitor liver functions encourage weight-bearing exercises daily (walking)


Hematopoietic Growth Factor Action: This medication stimulates the bone marrow to increase production of neutrophils. Therapeutic Uses: Decreases the risk of infection in clients with neutropenia, such as cancer. Side/Adverse effects: BONE PAIN - Monitor the client for symptoms and notify the primary care provider. Administer acetaminophen. LEUKOCYTOSIS - Monitor CBC two times per week during treatment. Contraindications/Precautions: This medication is contraindicated in clients who are sensitive to E. Coli protein. Use cautiously in clients with cancer of the bone marrow. Therapeutic Nursing interventions: Neupogen should not be agitated and should not be combined with other medications. Monitor CBC two times per week.


Hemostatic agent Uses- Management of acute, life-threatening hemorrhage;Used to control bleeding that occurs when blood clots are broken down too quickly. Side Effects- dizziness, malaise, arrhythmias, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, diuresis, renal failure, myopathy. Nursing considerations- Monitor BP, pulse, and respiratory status. Monitor neuro status, I & O, signs of thrombus complications, platelet count and clotting factors; may increase serum K.

Medications for Diabetes Mellitus

Humalog-short acting NPH (Humulin-N)-intermediate acting Lantus-long Insulin promotes cellular uptake of glucose Insulin moves potassium into cells SIDE EFFECTS Risk for hypoglycemia THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS Draw the short-acting insulin up into the syringe first then the long acting insulin. Teach the client the importance of proper diet and consistant exercise ORAL HYPO GLYCEMICS SULFONYLUREAS-tolbutamide, glipizide Controls blood glucose levels in DMII SIDE EFFECTS Hypoglycemia TEACHING Consistent exercise and diet guidelines MEGLITINIDES - repaglinide Promotes insulin release from the pancreas SIDE EFFECTS Hypoglycemia TEACHING Instuct client to eat within 30 min. of taking a dose Consistent exercise and diet guidelines BIGUANIDES-metformin HCI Reduces the production of glucose within the liver SIDE EFFECTS Gastric effects (Anorexia N/V) Vitamin b deficiency Lactic acidosis (hyperventilation, myalgia, sluggishness)50%mortality


Inotropic, vasopressor Increases cardiac output, increase BP, improve renal blood flow s.e. Arrhythmias, hypotension, headache Monitor BP, HR, pulse, pulse pressure Monitor urine output Palpate peripheral pulses Advise doctor if chest pain, dyspnea, numbness, tingling or burning of extremities occur Advise doctor of any pain or discomfort.


Loop Diuretic-Edema due to HF, Hepatic impairment, Renal disease or HTN Side Effects: Dehydration, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia, hypovolemia, metabolic acidosis Assess fluid status: daily weight, Intake & output Monitor signs of dehydration: dry mouth, increase thirst, minimal urine output & weight loss Monitor Electrolytes-cardiac status & potassium levels. Report to M.D potassium <3.5. Teach consume high potassium foods s/a bananas or potatoes. S/S hypokalemia N/V & generalized weakness. Monitor BP (teach pt to sit or lie down if lightheadness or dizziness occur) Avoid sudden changes of position.

Antilipemic Agents:

Lower lipid levels, used as an adjunct to diet therapy Non drug means should be tried for 6 months before beginning drug therapy (diet, exercise, no smoking) 5 types: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (Statins), bile acid sequestrants, niacin (Vit B3), fibric acid derivatives, cholesterol absorption inhibitors Statins are first line therapy What should the nurse assess before starting drug therapy? Dietary patterns, exercise levels, weight, height, VS, tobacco and alcohol use, family history Contraindications Biliary obstruction, liver dysfunction, active liver disease Labs obtained before therapy Baseline liver function studies LONG -TERM THERAPY PATIENTS MAY NEED SUPPLEMENTAL FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS (A, D, K) AND MAY AFFECT CLOTTING TIME Should be taken with meals to decrease GI upset Other meds should be taken 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after meals to avoid interference with anti-lipid absorption May take several weeks to show effectiveness Nurse should instruct patient to report what 4 things Persistent GI upset, abnormal or unusual bleeding and yellow discoloration of skin Eye exam should be done before and during therapy because increased risk of cataract formation


Management of nausea and vomiting Treatment of psychoses. Side Effects: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) Agranulocytosis Extrapyramidal reactions May cause drowsiness Do not take within 2hrs of antacids or antidiarrheals


Medication Use: Cytotec is an antiulcer agent used to treat duodenal ulcers. Side Effects: abdominal pain, diarrhea, miscarriage. Nursing Considerations: Assess women of childbearing age of pregnancy (can be started on 2nd or 3rd day of menstrual period following a negative pregnancy test) Assess pt.'s routinely for epigastric or abdominal pain and for frank or occult blood in the stool, emesis or gastric aspirate. Be sure to teach women of childbearing age the risk for miscarriage. Do not confuse Cytotec with Cytoxin.


Medication use: this medication is used for correction of hormone deficiency (testosterone deficiency) in male hypogonadism, initiation of male puberty and suppression of tumor growth in some forms of breast cancer. Side Effects: Deepening of voice Edema Women: change in libido, clitorial enlargement, decrease in breast size Men: acne, facial hair, gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, oligospermia, priapism Chronic skin irritation Nursing considerations: Advise patients to report immediately: In Men: Priapism (painful sustained erections) difficulty urinating In Women: Virilism, hypercalcemia (nausea, vomiting and weakness) In male and female: weight gain , swelling of hands or feet, yellowing of skin or unusual bruising or bleeding.

Antacid Therapy

Medicines that neutralize stomach acid and raise the gastric ph Used to relieve indigestion, upset stomach, and heartburn Also used as symptomatic relief for a peptic ulcer Should be avoided if signs of appendicitis and inflamed bowel are present (cramping, pain, and soreness of the lower abdomen, bloating, and nausea/vomiting) Side Effects: mild constipation or diarrhea, mild chalky taste, thirst, stomach cramps, nausea, HA, and whitish or speckled stools (these symptoms should go away but if they persist call MD) Precautions: frequent alcohol use, dehydration/fluid restriction, kidney problems (consult doctor before using) Seek Immediate Medical Attention if: black/tarry stools, slow/shallow breathing, mental changes, stomach/abdominal pain, vomit that looks like coffee grounds Examples: Alka-Seltzer, Tums, Milk of Mag, Mylanta, Pepto

Beta Blockers

Metoprolol (Lopressor), Atenolol (Tenormin), Metoprolol succinate (Toprol XL), Esmolol HCL (Brevibloc), propranolol (Inderal), Nadolo (Corgard), Labetalol (Normodyne) Used to treat: Primary hypertension Angina/heart failure, myocardial infarction, tachydysrhythmias Hyperthyroidism, migraines, stage fright glaucoma, and pheochromocytoma Side effects Bradycardia Decreased CO AV block Orthostatic hypotension Rebound myocardium excitation


Mild to Moderate Hyperkalemia Side effects: constipation, fecal impaction, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, sodium retention Labs: monitor serum potassium daily Monitor: Intake, Output & daily weight. Assess for fluid overload (dyspnea, rales/crackles, JVD, peripheral edema)

Treatment of Cancer Pain

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) o aspirin o ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) o naproxen (Naprosyn) o indomethacin (Indocin) o diclofenc (Voltaren) o ketorolac (Toradol) o meloxicam (Mobic) o celecoxib (Celebrex) Side Effects: Take with food, milk, or full glasses of water o GI discomfort o Damage to GI mucosa o Renal dysfunction o Increased risk for MI and stroke o Salicylism o Reye Syndrome o Aspirin Toxicity Opioid Agonists (Opioid Analgesics) • Morphine sulfate (Morphine) • fentanyl (Sublimaze, Duragesic) • meperidine (Demerol) • methadone (Dolophine) • codeine, oxycodone (OxyContin) Side Effects: o *Respiratory depression o Constipation o Orthostatic hypotension o Urinary Retention o Cough suppression o Sedation o Biliary colic o Emesis o Opioid overdose o Administer opioid antagonists: naloxone (Narcan) or nalmefene (Revex)


Opiod Moderate to severe pain. SE- confusion,sedation,weakness, dizziness,restlessness, apnea. Avoid in pts on maoi within 14 DAYS Assess bp, pulse,resp,prior and during admin

Chemotherapy Agents: Side Effects

Pain-take pain medications as prescribe, meditation, relaxation strategies, rest diarrhea - eat low fiber foods, avoid greasy foods and strong spices constipation - increase fiber in diet, stool softeners and laxatives mouth sores - prescribed mouth rinses, pain medications, avoid infections hair loss - purchase wig and start wearing before hair loss occurs to get used to wearing it nausea and vomiting - take antiemetic medications neutropenia - have WBC levels monitored, avoid crowds and those with infections or illness, MD may prescribe prophylactic antibiotics or neupogen to stimulate WBC production anemia - increase iron and folic acid in diet, eat iron rich foods such as red meats, dark, leafy, vegetables, egg yolks, dried fruit, beans; patient may need blood transfusion or MD may prescribe erythropoietin thrombocytopenia - patient may need transfusion of platelets, use soft bristle toothbrush, use electric razor, blow nose gently


Paroxetine (Paxil ) Sertraline (Zoloft) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac) Fluvoxamine (Luvox) selectively inhibits serotonin reuptake, allowing more serotonin to stay at the junction of the neurons. Adverse effects: nausea, diaphoresis, tremor, fatigue, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, GI bleeding, serotonin syndrome, bruxism, withdrawal syndrome Inform the patient that it may take up 1-3 weeks to feel the therapeutic effects of the medication.


Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, A-fib Side effects that could cause significant harm that are specific to that medication and prevention measures: Bleeding Nursing considerations to include monitoring, teaching and administration if significant for that medication: Assess for signs of bleeding and hemorrhage Lab test: PT, INR. Therapeutic INR ranges 1.3-1.5 times greater than control. Monitor CBC with Diff and urine and stool for blood. Instruct the patient to take medication exactly as directed. Review foods high in vitamin K (limit intake of these foods) avoid anything that may cause patient to bleed (such as shaving with a razor). Report symptoms of unusual bruising or bleeding to doctor immediately

H2 Receptor Antagonists

Suppresses gastric acids; used in gastric and peptic ulcers, GERD, hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Used with conjunction with antibiotics to treat ulcers caused by H.pylori Decreased libido- inform clients of the possible effects CNS effects lethargy, depression, confusion. These effects are seen ore often in and older adult with kidney or liver dysfunction, H2 receptors should be avoided in older adults.


Therapeutic uses: • Phenytoin is effective against all major forms of epilepsy except absence seizures. • Use IV route for status epilepticus. • Phenytoin is an antidysrhythmic. Side effects: Nursing considerations/actions: pg:163 ATI CNS effects (nystagmus, sedation, ataxia, double vision, cognitive impairment) • Monitor for symptoms and notify the provider if symptoms occur. Gingival hyperplasia (softening and overgrowth of gum tissue, tenderness, and bleeding gums) • Advise clients to maintain good oral hygiene (dental flossing, massaging gums). Skin rash • Stop medication if rash develops. Teratogenic (cleft palate, heart defects) • Avoid use in pregnancy. Cardiovascular effects (dysrhythmias, hypotension) • Administer at slow IV rate and in dilute solution to prevent adverse CV effects. Endocrine and other effects (coarsening of facial features, hirsutism, and interference with vitamin D metabolism) • Instruct clients to report changes. • Encourage clients to consume adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. - Phenytoin are contraindicated in clients with sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial blocks, second- and third-degree AV block, or Stokes-Adams syndrome. Medication/food interactions: Nursing interventions/client teaching: pg :165 ATI Phenytoin causes a decrease in the effects of oral contraceptives, warfarin (Coumadin), and glucocorticoids because of the stimulation of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes. • Dose of oral contraceptives may need to be adjusted or an alternative form of birth control used. • Monitor for therapeutic effects of warfarin and glucocorticoids. Dosages may need to be adjusted. Alcohol, diazepam (Valium), cimetidine (Tagamet), and valproic acid increase phenytoin levels. • Advise clients to avoid alcohol use. • Monitor serum levels. Carbamazepine (Tegretol), phenobarbital, and chronic alcohol use decrease phenytoin levels. • Encourage the client to avoid use of alcohol. Additive CNS depressant effects can occur with concurrent use of CNS depressants (barbiturates, alcohol). • Advise clients to avoid concurrent use of alcohol and other CNS depressants. ● Monitor therapeutic plasma levels. Be aware of therapeutic levels for medications prescribed. Notify the provider of results. ● Advise clients taking antiepileptic medications that treatment provides for control of seizures, not cure of disorder. ● Encourage clients to keep a seizure frequency diary to monitor effectiveness of therapy. ● Advise clients to take medications as prescribed and not to stop medications without consulting the provider. Sudden cessation of medication may trigger seizures. ● Advise clients to avoid hazardous activities (driving, operating heavy machinery) until seizures are fully controlled. ● Advise clients who are traveling to carry extra medication to avoid interruption of treatment in locations where their medication is not available. ● Advise clients of childbearing age to avoid pregnancy, because medications may cause birth defects and congenital abnormalities. ● Advise the client that phenytoin doses must be individualized. Dosing usually starts twice a day and can be switched to once a day dosing with an extended-release form when maintenance dose has been established. ● Advise clients that phenytoin has a narrow therapeutic range, and strict adherence to the medication regimen is imperative to prevent toxicity or therapeutic failure.

Growth Factors

Replacement of neutrophils and platelets after chemotherapy hastening of bone marrow function after bone marrow transplant increase in RBC production for clients with chronic renal failure Erythopoietic growth factors HTN secondary to elevations in hct level - monitor hgb levels and blood pressure if elevated administer anti-hypertensives Increased risk for cardiovascular event with increase of hgb above 12g/dl or more than 1g in 2 wks - Decrease dosage. Therapy may be resumed when hgb drops to acceptable level, but dosage should be reduced. Leukopoietic Growth Factors Bone Pain - Monitor for symptoms administer tylenol or opiod analgesic leukocytosis- Monitor CBC two times per week- decrease dose or interupt treatment if WBC is greater than 100,000/mm Granulocyte Growth Factor Diarrhea, weakness, rash, malaise, bone pain- Monitor and Notify Md if symptoms occur - Administer tylenol Leukocytosis, Thrombocytosis - Monitor CBC two times per week during treatment Reduce dose or interrupt treatment for absolute neutrophil count >20,000/mm, WBC > 50,000/mm or platelets >500,000/mm

Potassium Sparing Diuretics

Retains potassium and secretes sodium and water. - Used for heart failure, edema. - SE: Hyperkalemia K+ greater than 5.0 Monitor potassium level, initiate cardiac monitoring for K+ greater than 5.0. Treat hyperkalemia by discontinuing medication, restrict potassium in diet, and insulin injections to drive potassium back into the cell. Impotence, irregularities of menstrual cycle. Advise clients to observe for SE. Client should notify provider if these SE occur. - Contraindicated in pt's who have severe renal failure and anuria, - Monitor potassium regularly - Can only be given orally. - Teach pt's to avoid salt substitutes that contain potassium. - Teach clients to monitor BP and weight. - Warn clients that triamterene may turn urine a bluish color.


Treat herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses Side effects: Phlebitis and inflammation at infusion site Nephrotoxicity Mild discomfort with oral therapy (nausea, headache, diarrhea) Advise to refrain from sexual contact while lesions are present

Calcium gluconate

Treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia Adjunct in the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis Emergency treatment of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia Adjunct in cardiac arrest or calcium channel blocking agent toxicity Side Effects: Cardiac arrest Arrhythmias Bradycardia Constipation *If giving IV push, administer medication over 5 minutes or longer. Push SLOWLY to prevent cardiac arrest and other cardiac issues (arrhythmias, bradycardia, etc.) Monitor blood pressure, pulse, and ECG frequently throughout parenteral therapy. Toxicity and Overdose: Assess patient for nausea, vomiting, anorexia, thirst, severe constipation, paralytic ileus, and bradycardia.


Treatment of Parkinson's disease. Side effects: involuntary muscle movements, dizziness, N/V, anorexia, dry mouth, hepatotoxicity, darkening of urine or sweat Monitor hepatic and renal function tests and CBC with differential. Assess for signs of toxicity

Cardiac Glycosides

Treats heart failure, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Monitor for: Arrhythmias, bradycardia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, digoxin toxicity Monitor apical pulse before administration Monitor renal and hepatic function Monitor potassium because hypokalemia can cause digoxin toxicity Monitor digoxin levels. Therapeutic range is 0.5-2ng/mL Monitor for signs of toxicity: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, bradycardia, other arrhythmias


Use: ADHD, Conduct disorder S/E: CNS stimulation (insomnia, restlessness), Weight loss, Cardiovascular effects (dysrythmias, chest pain, high blood pressure) May increase the risk of sudden death in clients with heart abnormalities. Development of psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia. Withdrawal reaction. Hypersensitivity skin reaction to transdermal methylphenidate (hives, papules) Nursing Considerations: Advise clients to observe for symptoms and notify the provider if they occur. Administer the last dose before 4p.m. Monitor the clients weight and compare to baseline height and weight. Administer medication immediately before or after meals. Promote good nutrition in children. Encourage children to eat at regular meal times and avoid unhealthy foods for snacks. Monitor the clients vital signs and ECG. Advise clients to observe for symptoms and to notify the primary care provider if they occur. Instruct clients to report symptoms immediately and to discontinue the medication if they occur. Advise client to not stop taking medication suddenly. Doing so may lead to depression and severe fatigue. Remove patch and notify the provider. Cntraindications: These medications are contraindicated in clients who have a history of drug abuse, cardiovascular disorders, severe anxiety, and psychosis.


Use: Antidysrhythmic used in conversion of Atrial Fibrillation, recurrent Ventricular Fibrillation, recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia Side Effects: Pulmonary toxicity (s/s dyspnea, cough, chest pain) Bradycardia and AV block may lead to heart failure (s/s dyspnea, cough, chest pain, neck vein dystention, crackles in lungs) Visual disturbances (photophobia, blurred vision, may lead to blindness) Contraindicated in: Pregnancy (risk category D), newborns, infants, AV block and bradycardia. Caution in liver, thyroid, respiratory dysfunction, heart failure, fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Hypotension, bradycardia, AV block Nursing Considerations: monitor cardiac functions (BP, Pulse, EKG) monitor respiratory function (respirations, lung sounds, pulse ox) Advise client to report any visual changes or disturbances may increase plasma digoxin and warfarin levels Grapefruit juice may lead to toxicity


Use: Beta-blocker(non-selective) used in hypertension, prevention of MI, Glaucoma Side effects: Stinging discomfort in eye (drops for glaucoma) Arhythmia, bradycardia. CHF, Pulmonary edema, fatigue Caution in patients with Diabetes (may mask s/s of hypoglycemia) May cause dry eyes Nursing considerations: Monitor BP, HR, ECG and check apical pulse prior to admin Advise client to report any visual changes Monitor blood glucose Monitor I/O and assess for fluid overload Withhold if apical pulse < 50 bpm

Radioactive Iodine

Use: Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Cancer S/E: Radiation sickness, Bone marrow depression, Hypothyroidism. Nursing Considerations: Monitor clients for symptoms of radiation sickness (hematemesis, epistaxis, intense nausea, vomiting). Stop treatment and notify provider. Monitor client for anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Instruct clients to report signs of hypothyroidism to the provider. Contraindication: Because of irradiating effects, use is contraindicated in pregnancy, clients of childbearing age/intent, and during lactation.


Used for: Anitbiotic to treat severe or serious bacterial infection. Side effects: Stop taking if have allergic reaction, little or no urine, decreased hearing or ringing in ears, numbness, skin tingling, muscle twitching, seizures, severe watery diarrhea. Monitor: Nephrotoxic obtain baseline renal studies & regular during therapy Neurotoxic- blood levels monitor. Teaching: Drink 2L fluids a day if not contraindicated, do not take with other OTC drugs incl. vitamins, minerals, & herbals before consulting Dr.


Used for: prevent imflammation, suppress airway mucus production, and promote responsiveness of beta2 receptors in the bronchial tree. Promote bronchodialtion Side effects: Dry mouth precautions: pregnancy risk; contraindicated in clients with peanut allergy, use cautiously with clients who have narrow angle glaucooma and benign prostatic hypertrophy(due to anticholinergic effects). Teaching: Rinse mouth after inhalation to decrease unpleasant taste.; usual adult dosage two puffs-instruct client to wait the length of time directed between puffs. Administer useing and MDI device or nebulizer. When prescribed with an inhaled beta 2-agonist advise client to inhale the beta 2 before inhaling the glucocorticoid wait 5 minutes between medications.


Used to treat-- vitamin b deficiency, megoblastic anemia related to vitamin b12 deficiency SE-- hypokalemia secondary to the increased rbc production efforts of vitamin b12 Nursing consider-- monitor clients potassium levels during start of treatment, observe for findings of potassium deficiency, client may require potassium supplements.


Used to treat--Venous thrombosis, prevention of MI SE--hemorrhage,hepatitis,toxicity/overdose Nursing considerations--monitor VS, monitor INR...want to keep between 2 and 3, monitor liver enzymes, monitor for signs of bleeding , vitamin k for overdose, takes 3-5 days to have therapeutic effect


Used to treat--is a DMARD, rheumatoid arthritis, prevent rejection reactions SE--infection,hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity,seizure Nursing considerations--monitor for signs of infection, monitor liver function, monitor bun and creatinine, I&O


Used to treat: Breast cancer treatment or prevention (by blocking the estrogen receptors) Significant side effects: endometrial bleeding- monitor for abnormal bleeding and have yearly PAPs hypercalcemia- monitor calcium levels nausea and vomiting- assess fluid status, administer fluids and antiemetics as prescribed pulmonary embolus- assess breath sounds and report any chest pain vaginal bleeding or discharge- assess amount and type hot flashes Nursing measures: contraindicated in warfarin patients and patients with a history of blood clots Monitor calcium levels Monitor PT and INR and adjust anticoagulants as needed Antacids may alter absorption so allow 2 hours in between doses Schedule yearly gynecological exams and PAP smears. Monitor fluids Teach about self-breast exams


Used to treat: depression, depressive episodes in bipolar disorder, chronic pain and enuresis Significant side effects: orthostatic hypotension- change position slowly, monitor BP and heart rate. Dry mouth- chew sugarless gum, suck on mints or other hard candies, sip on water sedation- take at bedtime and avoid hazardous activities decreased seizure threshold- watch in patients with seizure disorder cardiac toxicity- monitor for dysrhythmias, confusion, agitation, followed by coma, seizures and possibly death. Obtain a baseline and monitor vitals frequently Nursing measures: Teach to avoid alcohol, benzodiazepenes, opiods, and antihistamines because of increased risk for CNS depression Avoid use of MAOIs, St. John's Wart


Used to treat: edema r/t Congestive Heart failure, Edema r/t Nephrotic syndrome, or ascites r/t cirrhosis of the liver Side Effects: Stomach upset (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cramps), Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, dermatologic rash. Nursing measures: check electrolytes (especially K & NA), monitor urine output and blood pressure, educate patient about signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia (parathesia, fatigue, muscle weakness, flaccid extremities, and bradycardia)

Alpha Adrenergic Antagonists

Used to treat: high blood pressure, enlarged prostate (BPH) ,circulatory conditions such as Raynaud's. Side Effects: headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, weakness, weight gain, and syncope. Nursing measures: check blood pressure & pulse before administration, monitor or orthostatic hypotension (advise patient to rise slowly from a sitting or lying position), take medication at night to reduce side effects, do not abruptly discontinue (dose must be tapered to prevent rebound hypertension).

Nonselective Beta Adrenergic Blockers

What the medication is used to treat: chest pain, htn, cardiac dysrhythmias, MI, heart failure Side effects that could cause significant harm that are specific to that medication and any prevention measures that the nurse must address: bronchoconstriction, inhibition of glycogenolysis that can mask s/s low blood glucose Nursing considerations to include monitoring, teaching and administration if significant for that medication: monitor bp, hr

Nonopioid Analgesics

What the medication is used to treat: inflammation, fever reduction, mild to moderate pain, dysmenorrhea, low level suppression of platelet aggregation Side effects that could cause significant harm that are specific to that medication and any prevention measures that the nurse must address: GI upset, renal dysfunction, salicylism, Reye syndrome Nursing considerations to include monitoring, teaching and administration if significant for that medication: stop 1 week before elective surgery, take with food or milk to reduce gastric discomfort


aka Neuroleptics. Drugs used in the treatment of psychotic disorders that help alleviate hallucinations and delusional thinking Dopeamine antagonists. Major tranquilizers. Side effects: Wormlike tongue movement. Parkinsonian side effects...., CHLORPROMAZINE (Thorazine), TRIFLUOPERZINE (Stelazine), THOIRIDAZINE (mellaril) and PERPHENAZINE (trilafon). These drugs are "Phenothiazines" , CLOZAPINE (clozarl), OLANZAPINE (Zyprexa), RISPERIDONE (Risperdal), QUETIAPINE (Seroguel), ZIPRASIDONE (Geodon) and ARIPIPRAZOLE (Abilify). These drugs are ATYPICAL of this classification, EPS - akathesia (motor restlessness) dystonia (muscle tone impairments, tremors), akinesia (muscular paralysis) , pseudoparkkinson like symptoms, and Tardive dyskenesia (involuntary muscle movements)


bronchodilator. Theophylline causes CNS stimulation,tremors,tachycardia,hypotension, palpitations, GI distress (nausea, vomiting) Monitor ABG's, acid base values and fluid and electrolyte balance. Monitor liver and kidney function. Monitor for signs of toxicity: restlessness, insomnia, irritability, nausea, tremors and vomiting. Teach patient to avoid xanthine containing foods: caffeine, chocolate and colas Advise client not to smoke. Fluids to help loosen secretions Notify phycisian if palpitations, nausea,weakness, dizziness,chest pain or seizures occur.


inhaled, long-acting, long-term control of asthma, beta2-adrenergic agonists Has minimal side effects, tremors caused by activation of beta2 receptors in skeletal muscle, usually resolve with continued medication use, or dosage may need to be reduced Use cautiously in clients with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, hypertension, and angina Use of beta-adrenergic blockers can negate effects of both medications MAOIs and TCAs can increase risk of tachycardia and angina Beta-adrenergic blockers should not be used concurrently Instruct clients to report changes in heart rate or chest pain Instruct clients to follow manufacturer's instructions for use of device Inhale beta2-agonist before inhaling the glucocoticoid if the client is prescribed both Advise clients not to exceed prescribed dosages Ensure the client knows appropriate dosage schedule Serevent is used every 12hr for long-term control and are not to be used to abort an asthma attack Advise clients to observe for signs of an impending asthma attack and to keep a log of frequency and intensity of attacks Instruct clients to notify provider if there is an increase in frequency and intensity of attacks

Proventil (albuterol)

is a bronchodilator used for prevention and long term treatment of asthma attacks. Inhaled agents have minimal side effects. Oral agents can cause tachycardia and angina. Advise clients to observe for signs and symptoms (chest, jaw, or arm pain or palpitations). Instruct clients on how to check pulse and to report an increase greater than 20 to 30 beats/min. Use cautiously in patients with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, hypertension, and angina.


is a glucocorticods that prevents inflammation in patients with chronic asthma. It does not provide immediate effects, but rather promotes decreased frequency and severity of exacerbations and acute attacks. The patient can experience difficulty speaking, and hoarseness. Monitor potassium levels, advise them to avoid NSAIDs, and may affect the use of hypoglycemic agents so make sure they check there BGMs.


is an SSRI used for depression, PTSD, OCD, and ADHD. Side effects: suicidal behavior, CNS stimulation (inability to sleep, agitation, anxiety), weight gain. Watch for serotonin syndrome it may begin 2 to 72hrs after starting treatment, and it can be lethal watch for: mental confusion, difficulty concentration, hallucinations, incoordination, tremors, fever, and diaphoresis. Asses for alcohol use, make sure they are not taking MAOIs or TCAs because that increases the risk of serotonin syndrome. It may take 1-3 weeks to take effect.


isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil),and tranylcypromine (Parnate) ANTIDEPRESSANTS when other therapies have failed. For panic disorders, social anxiety, and social phobias. . Not for patients with elective surgery requiring anesthesia, should be discontinued days before surgery. . DONT PLAY WELL WITH OTHER MEDS. Just a few of the long list are: SSRI's, SSNRI's, tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine (wait 5 weeks aft d/c#, trazodone,and antihistamines. NO ST. JOHN'S WART, SAMe, or GINSENG. . DO NOT CONSUME TYRAMINE . LIMIT CAFFEINE INTAKE . Don't administer in the evening to help with insomnia . May be crushed, or mixed with a liquid. . Wait at least 2 weeks from stopping these meds #longer for certain meds) before starting another med. . Increased risk of hypoglycemia, seizures, dizziness, hypertensive crisis, arrhythmias, diarrhea, and weight gain. ASSESS mental status, anxiety level, suicidal tendancies, monitor I&O, BP, Pulse, daily weights, and urine retention. Headache is the 1st sign of hypertensive crisis, other S&S palaitations, chest or throat tightness, sweating, dizziness, neck stiffness,and n/v. LABS: Hepatic function, serum glucose advise pt to carry ID describing med regimen at all times.


selectively activates beta2-adrenergic receptors resulting in uterine smooth muscle relaxation. SIDE EFFECTS Tachycardia,palpitationschest pains, tremors, anxiety, headache NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Moniter the maternal pujse and blood pressure Moniter the patient for symptoms of fetal distress


parenteral anticoagulant Pharmacological action: prevent bleeding by inactivation of thrombin formation and factor Xa resulting in inhibition of the formation of fibrin. Therapeutic uses: In conditions necessitating prompt anticoagulant activity (evolving stroke, pulmonary embolism, massive deep venous thrombosis), as an adjunct for clients having open heart surgery or renal dialysis, as low-dose therapy for prophylaxis against postoperative venous thrombosis, in conjunction with thrombolytic therapy when treating an acute myocardial infarction, or treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Administration: heparin cannot be absorbed by the intestinal tract so it must be given by subcutaneous injection or IV infusion. It can be given every 12 hours subQ or continuous or intermittent IV infusion. Adverse Effects/Nursing Interventions: 1)Hemorrhage secondary to heparin overdose= monitor VS, observe for signs of bleeding (increased heart rate, decreased BP, bruising, petechiae, hematomas, black tarry stool,) in the case of heparin overdose stop the heparin and administer protamine sulfate and avoid aspirin. Monitor activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and keep this value at 1.5 to 2 times the baseline. 2) HIT (Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia) as evidenced by a low platelet count and increased development of thrombi- mediated by antibody development (white clot syndrome)= monitor client's platelet count periodically throughout treatment especially in the first month, stop heparin if platelet count drops to less than 100,000/mm3. Nonheparin anticoagulants, such as lepirudin(Refludan) or argotroban(Acova), can be used as a substitute if anticoagulation is still needed. 3) Hypersensitivity reactions (chills, fever, urticarial)= administer a small test dose prior to the administration of heparin. 4) Toxicity/Overdose= administer protamine sulfate, which binds with heparin and forms a heparin-protamine complex that has no anticoagulant properties. Protamine sulfate should be administered slowly IV no faster than 20 mg/min or 50 m in 10 minutes. Contraindications: do not use in patients with low platelet count or uncontrolled bleeding, use cautiously with clients with hemophilia, increased capillary permeability, dissecting aneurysm, peptic ulcer disease, severe hypertension, hepatic or renal disease, or threatened abortion (miscarriage.) Heparin should not be used during or following surgeries of the eyes, brain, or spinal cord, lumbar puncture, or regional anesthesia. Administration: obtain baseline VS, CBC, platelet count, and hematocrit levels. Read label carefully since it is dispensed in units and in different concentrations. Check dosages with another nurse before administration. Use an infusion pump for continuous IV administration and monitor the rate of infusion every 30 to 60 minutes. Monitor aPTT every 4 or 6 hours until appropriate dose is determined, then monitor daily. For subQ injection use a 20-22 gauge needle to withdraw medication from the vial the change the needle to a smaller needle (25 or 26, ½ to 5/8 in length), administer deep subQ injections in the abdomen ensuring 2 inches from the umbilicus and do not aspirate and apply pressure for 1-2 minutes after injection and rotate and record injection sites. Monitor for signs of bleeding (bruising, bleeding gums, abdominal pain, nose bleeds, coffee ground emesis, tarry stools,) advise clients do not take NSAIDs, aspirin, or medications containing salicylates, and advise client to use electric razor for saving and a soft toothbrush. Evaluation: Client aPTT of 60-80 seconds and no development or no further development of venous thrombi or emboli.


used to prevent seizures. abrupt withdrawl after long use may precipitate seizures. Maintain a patent airway. protect head. Turn pt on their side. loosen constrictive clothing. ease to floor. May cause gingival hyperplasia. Provide good dental hygiene, including regular toothbrushing and flossing. Toxicity. Therapeutic level: 10.0-20.0 mcg/mL. Toxic level: 30-50 mcg/mL. Monitor blood levels. Monitor for signs of toxicity: dizziness, slurred speech, lethargy. Nursing: May turn urine pink or red. Assess location, duration, frequency, and characteristics of seizures. Monitor CBC, serum calcium, albumin, and hepatic function.


used to treat hypokalemia; potassium less than 3.5 mEq/L For clients receiving diuretics resulting in potassium loss, such as furosemide For clients with potassium loss due to excessive or prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, abuse of laxatives, intestinal drainage, and GI fistulas Side effects:GI distress and local GI ulceration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and esophagitis with oral administration Monitor clients receiving IV potassium for signs of hyperkalemia, such as bradycardia, hypotension, ECG changes. 1) Mix powdered formulations in at least 4 oz of liquid. 2) Advise clients to take potassium chloride with a glass of water or with a meal to reduce the risk of adverse GI effects. 3) Instruct clients not to crush extended-release tablets. 4)Instruct clients to notify the provider if they have difficulty swallowing the pills. IV administration 1)Never administer IV bolus. Rapid IV infusion can result in fatal hyperkalemia. 2)Use an IV infusion pump to control the infusion rate. 3)Dilute potassium and give no more than 40 mEq/L of IV solution to prevent vein irritation. 4)Give no faster than 10 mEq/hr. 5)Cardiac monitoring is indicated for serum potassium levels outside of normal parameters. 6)Assess the IV site for local irritation, phlebitis, and infiltration. Discontinue IV immediately if infiltration occurs. 7)Monitor the client's I&O to ensure an adequate urine output of at least 30 mL/hr.

Treatment for Heart Failure

• Digoxin: o Side Effects: dysrhythmias/cardiotoxicity leading to bradycardia/anorexia/n/v/abdominal pain/fatigue/weakness/vision changes (diplopia/blurred vision) o Prevention measures: monitor/maintain levels btw 3.5-5.0/monitor digoxin levels btw 0.5-2.0 s/s of hyperkalemia/monitor pulse/report changes in CNS/GI o Monitoring: ECG/BP/HR/K/Mg/Ca/reduction in s/s of cardiac failure o Teaching: may cause GI disturbances/HA/visual disturbances/cardiac dysrhythmias/report s/s of bradycardia/avoid antacids/don't d/c medication abruptly • Loop diuretic: o Side Effects: orthostatic hypotension/pancreatitis/agraulocytosis/loss of appetite/bladder spasms o Prevention measures: may need to give K supplements/slow getting up o Monitoring: edema/HTN/electrolytes/liver/kidney damage/hearing loss/ BUN/creatinine/ urinary retention o Teaching: sun-sensitivity/may cause hyperglycemia/constipation/diarrhea/n/v/ vertigo/blurred vision/avoid alcohol • Beta-Blockers: o Side Effects: bradycardia/decreased cardiac output/AV block/orthostatic hypotension o Monitoring: pulse/BP/observe for s/s of worsening heart failure o Teaching: avoid sudden changes of position/rise slowly/monitor glucose if diabetic/monitor pulse

Calcium Channel Blockers

• Treats: o angina/A Fib/HTN • Side Effects: o edema/constipation/dizziness/flu-like symptoms/pulmonary edema/MI • Monitor: o BP/reduction in s/s of angina/liver function • Teaching: o may cause edema/constipation/nausea/HA/s/s hypotension/don't abruptly d/c medication/avoid alcohol

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