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Vit D

Calcium deposits in soft tissues, growth retardation, kidney damage

Six classes of nutrients

Carbohydrates-4 Lipids-9 Proteins-4 Water Vitamins Minerals

What is a physical complication of bulimia nervosa?

Causes tooth decay

Vitamin C

Citrus fruit, broccoli, strawberries, leafy green vegetables, peppers


Coenzyme in DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism


Coenzyme in energy and lipid metabolism

How is dehydration related to heat-related illness?

Dehydration hastens the onset of fatigue.

Large quantities of sugar alcohols can cause:


What is the recommendation for water intake during exercise?

Drinking 6 to 12 oz of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes

A common problem associated with losing weight by drinking only low kcalorie weight loss products is:

Eating habits are not changed

Vit D

Egg yolk, liver, fish oils, tuna, salmon, fortified milk, synthesis from sunlight.


Enhances insulin action

What is true about the iron status of athletes?

Exercise may increase the need for iron.

What factor is most closely associated with an increased risk of developing an eating disorder?

Exposure to media pressure to be thin

What is the principle fuel source when exercising for long periods of time at low intensity?



Flushing, nausea, rash, tingling extremities


GI upset, liver damage

The release of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine is controlled by

Gallbladder secretes it, pancreas creates it

What is the source of ATP in anaerobic metabolism?


Carbohydrate loading, a training technique used by some athletes, can help to increase ___________ stores.



Goiter, cretinism, intellectual disability, growth and developmental abnormalities

What is the main treatment goal for anorexia nervosa?

Help resolve psychological and behavioral problems

Vit K



High blood pressure in sensitive people

Which of the following statements is true regarding the location of body fat?

Increased visceral fat is associated with a higher incidence of heart disease.

Vitamin E

Inhibition of vitamin K activity


Iodized salt, saltwater fish, seafood, dairy products

What is known about carbohydrate loading?

Larger glycogen stores allow exercise to continue for longer periods of time.


Masks B12 deficiency


Meat, diary, cereals, baked goods


Mottled teeth, kidney damage, bone abnormalities


Muscle pain, weakness, Keshan disease


Nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure

What characteristic is associated with anorexia nervosa?

Overwhelming fear of weight gain

Which of the following accessory organs releases its secretions into the GI tract?

Pancreas, Gallbladder


Part of hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to cells; part of myoglobin, which holds oxygen in muscle,; and electron carriers in the electron transport chain; needed for immune function


Part of some amino acids and vitamins, acid-base balance


Pellagra: diarrhea, dermatitis on areas exposed to the sun, dementia.

Vitamin E

People with poor fat absorption, premature infants

Which of the following is true about eating disorders in women?

Pica disorder for pregnant women


Populations in areas with low-iodine soil and iodized salt is not used


Pork, whole and enriched grains, seeds, nuts, legumes


Pregnant women, alcoholics

A person may be suspected of having anorexia nervosa based on which of the following observations?

Preoccupation with food intake

The function of sphincters in the digestive tract is

Prevent from moving backwards

What is true about eating disorders among female athletes?

Prolonged energy restriction and excessive exercise contribute to amenorrhea.

What is a component of an ideal weight management plan?

Regular physical activity to increase energy expenditure

What is overtraining syndrome?

Repeatedly training without sufficient rest to allow for recovery.


Seafood, whole grains, eggs

Compared to normal-weight individuals, obesity is associated with which of the following condition?

Sleep Apnea

Binge Eating Disorder

Stand alone diagnosis- not falling under the umbrella "Not otherwise specified"

Binge-eating disorder

Stand alone disorder (not under the umbrella)

The formation of chyme occurs in which part of the GI tract?


Jane and Sue are both the same weight, height, age, and gender. However, Jane used to weight 50 pounds more. She has lost the 50 pounds through lifestyle change over the last few years. Which of the following statements about Jane's and Sue's basal metabolic rates are true?

Sue has approximately 20% higher basal metabolic rate than Jane.

What is true about a person with a "healthy" weight?

The person has a low risk for disease.

Which of the following best describes the attitude of patients who are most successful losing weight and improving health after bariatric surgery?

They are patients who have failed in many attempts to lose weight and are now seeking surgery as a more drastic tool to aid them with lifestyle change.

What is true about eating disorders?

They occur in people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.


Those consuming a limited diet based on corn; alcoholics

Vitamin A

Vision, health of cornea and other epithelial tissue, cell differentiation, reproduction, immune function

What is negative energy balance?

When less energy is taken in than expended.

Which of the following would be the least reliable source of information about herbal supplements?

a pamphlet published by the health food store

Consuming nutrient dense foods helps to ensure a proper diet. One effective strategy is

a. eating foods that have been minimally processed. b. consuming foods with a high nutrient content compared to the kcalories provided. c. limiting added fats and sugars. --- all of these are effective strategies.

Processed foods and convenience foods tend to ______ compared to freshly prepared foods

a. provide more calories b. contain fewer nutrients c. be higher in fat, sugar, or salt -- all of these statements are true

When needed for a source of energy, fatty acids are broken down into


The most accurate description of energy balance is:

an equality between energy consumption and expenditure with a constant weight.

What causes an atherosclerotic plaque to begin developing?

bood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol

Total energy expenditure is calculated by:

consideration of basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food and amount of physical activity

One possible adverse effect of excessive fiber consumption is:

decreased absorption of calcium and iron.

A diet high in dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of developing

diverticular disease

Which one of the following statement describes indirect calorimetery?

energy use is estimated by assessing oxygen utilization

Amino acids that cannot be made by the adult human body are called

essential or indispensable amino acids

Postmenopausal bone loss is primarily associated with decreased levels of the hormone:


The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is determined by


Sucrose, or table sugar, is composed of

glucose and fructose

How do macronutrient and energy needs of athletes compared with those of the general public?

iets for athletes should contain the same proportion of carbohydrate, fat, and protein

When energy is ingested in excess of needs, the excess

is converted into triglycerides and stored in adipose tissue

Which of the following can result from a deficiency of protein and energy?

kwashiorkor, to overall energy deficiency, called marasmus.

After water soluble nutrients are absorbed, they are carried to the ______ through the _____

liver, portal vein

Which of the following is formed during lipid digestion?


The three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined by the

order and chemical properties of the amino acids

The concentration of glucose in the blood is primarily regulated by

pancreatic hormones

The sphincter that regulates the flow of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine is the __________ sphincter.


The technique whereby calipers are used to measure the amount of subcutaneous fat is known as:

skinfold measurement

Which of the following methods assesses body composition?

skinfold thickness

Which group could benefit from calcium supplements if needs are not met by diet?


Which of the following is a common source of anecdotal evidence?

testimony of individuals

Which of the following functions is performed by proteins in the body?

transport and necessary for most activities in the body

Protein complementation is most important for people who are


Which of the following conditions does NOT represent a state of malnutrition?

weight loss as a result of increasing physical activity

The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for a selected nutrient would meet the needs of approximately what percentage of individuals in a population?


Which of the following is an appropriate pre-competition meal for a marathon runner?

A high-carbohydrate meal

Transferrin is _____.

A plasma protein that transports iron through the blood to the liver, spleen and bone marrow.

Vitamin D

Absorption of calcium and phosphorous, maintenance of bone


Anemia, poor growth, bone abnormalities

Vitamin B12

Animal products

Considering the average person, what is the body's major energy expenditure?

Basal metabolism

What is the recommended fluid intake for exercise lasting more than 60 minutes?

Beverages containing a small amount of carbohydrate and electrolytes.

The absorptive surface of the small intestine is increased by the presence of


What is true about bulimia nervosa?

Bingeing is followed by inappropriate efforts to eliminate the extra kcalories

Vit B12

Broken red blood cells, nerve damage.

Which of the following categories involves frequent episodes of binge eating during which extremely large amounts of high-calorie foods are consumed followed by purging behavior?

Bulimia nervosa

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