Nutrition Chapter 12

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145 degrees F

Beef, pork, veal, lamb, stakes, roasts, and chops: __________ with a 3 minute rest time before serving 437

145 degrees F

Fish 437

genetically modified organism benefits

GM crops can be produced with enhanced nutrients, improved digestibility, and lower levels of carcinogens, thereby improving public health 444


Regulates food standards of food products (except meat, poultry, and eggs) and bottled water; regulates food labeling and enforces pesticide use as established by EPA 427


US department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service; oversees safety of meat, poultry, and processed egg products; also ensures accuracy of meat and poultry labeling 427


Works with public health officials to promote and educate the public about health and safety; is able to track information needed in identifying foodborne illness outbreaks 427

Food additive

_______ are not foods in themselves, but, rather, naturla or synthetic chemicals added to foods to enhance them in smoe way; more than 3000 different food additives are currently used in the US 441


________ a virus infects about 3500 Americans annually; like norovirus, ___________ can be transmitted person to person via contimanted food and water; the term means inflammation of the liver; this cauess jaundice, a common sign of ________ infection; typical symtpoms include a mild fever, abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting that lasts a few weeks; in elderly patients with liver disease, it may lead to liver failure and even death 429


_________ are animal proteins that misfold and become infectious; over many years, ________ destroy normal proteins until the loss of functional nerve tissue progresses to cause neurological disease and eventually death 431


_________ are multicellular worms, such as tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms; they reproduce by releasing their eggs into vegetation or water; when animals consume the contaminated matter, the eggs hatch inside hte host; larvae develop in the host's tissue, where they can survive long after the animal is killed for food; people who eat the food either raw or undercooked consume the larvae, which then mature into adult worms in their small intestine symptoms include nausea, diarrhea


_________ causes an average of 19-21 million infections, well over 50,000 hospitilizations, and up to 800 deaths annually in the US; in fact, norovirus is behind more than half of all cases of foodborne illness in the US 429


__________ are extremely tiny noncellular agents that can survive only by infecting living cells 429


__________ are single celled parasitic organisms 431


__________ help keep fats evenly dispersed within foods 442


__________ keep foods such as marshmallows, chewing gum, and shredded coconut moist and stretchy 442

Clostridium botulinum

__________ thrives in alkalnei environments, such as fish and most vegetables 433


___________ Americans are hospitalized with foodborne illness and 3000 die each year 426


___________ are added to foods to improve their texture 442


___________ are cellular microorganisms and are able to reproduce independently, either by dividing in two or by forming reproductive spores; wheresas our resident GI flora contribute to our health and functioning, pathogenic _________ can cause mild to severe disease; foodborne ________ illness commonly occurs when we ingest pathogenic __________ living in or on undercooked or raw foods or fluids; these bacteria, which often come from human or animal feces, can damage our cells and tissues either directly or by secreting a destructive toxin 429


___________ are plantlike, spore-forming organisms that can grow as either single cells or multicellular colonies; three common types are yeasts, which are globular; molds, which are long and thin; and the familiar mushrooms; very few species of fungi cause serious disease in people with healthy immune systems, adn those that do are not typically foodborne 431

genetically modified organism benefits

___________ crops grow faster and have average yields 22% higher than conventional crops; crops have been engineered for drough tolerance, salt tolerance, and other characteristics that enable them to thrive in challenging climates; as a result, food security for countries struggling to maintain adequate food supplies has increased 444


___________ is the bacterium responsible for the greatest number of illnesses--nearly 2600 in 2014; moreover of all pathogens, including norovirus, __________ causes the greatest number of hospitilizations and deaths

Cross contamination

___________ is the spread of microorganisms from one food to another; this commonly occurs when raw foods, such as chicken and vegetables, are cut using the same knife or cutting board, or stored or carried to the table on the same plate 434


____________ are marine toxins commonly found in large finfish from tropical regions, including grouper, sea bass, and snapper; symptoms of ciguatoxin poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, and blurred vision, but typically resolve within days to several weeks 432


____________ are microorgaisms that simultaneously derive benefit from harm their host; they are responsible for only about 2% of foodborne illnesses; the most common culprits are helminths and protozoa

Clostridium botulinum

____________ is deadly; this botulism toxin blocks nerve transmission to muscle cells, paralyzing the muscles, including those requried for breathing 432

flavor enhancers

_____________ have little or no flavor of their own but accentuate the natural flavor of foods; one of the most common _________ is monosodium glutamate; in some people MSG causes symptoms such as headaches, difficulty breathing, and heart palpitations 442

Foodborne illness

_____________ is a term to encompass any symptom or disorder that arises from ingesting food or water contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, their toxic secretions, or pollutants like mercury and other industrial chemicals 426

Toxoplasma gondii

_____________ is one of the top five pathogens responsible for hospitalizations and deaths due to foodborne illness; people typically become infected by eating undercooked, contaminated meat, or by ingesting minute amounts after handling raw meat and then failing to wash their hands 431

Listeria Monocytogens

______________ causes far fewer illnesses than salmonella-- just 55 in 2014; however, ________ infections tend to be more severe; in 2014, over 90% of infections required hospitilizations and nearly 24% resulted in death; infection is particularly severe in older adults and pregnant women 430


a form of sterilization using high temperature sfor short periods of time 440


a group ofo infectious agents that are much smaller than bacteria, lack independent metabolism, and are incapable of growth or reproduction outside of living cells 429

Generally recognized as safe

a list of substacnes approved for use in food production because they have been determined safe for consumption based on a history of long term use or on the consensus of qualified search experts 442


a microorganism that simultaneously derives benefit and harms from its host


a multicellular microscopic worm 431


a protein that misfolds and becomes infectious and destructive; _____ are not living organisms or viruses 431


a small segment of hte population is sensitive to ___________, preservatives used in many beers and wines and sometimes on grapes and other fresh foods; consuming ____________ can prompt asthma, headaches, or other symptoms in sensitive people 442

Food additive

a substance or mixture of substances intentionally put into food to enhance its appearance, safety, palatability, and quality 441

Recombinant DNA technology

a type of genetic modification in which scientsits combine DNA from different sources to produce a transgenetic organism that expresses a desired trait 443

recombinant DNA technology

advances in biotechnology have moved genetic modification byond selective breeding to include the manipulation of the DNA of living cells of one organism to produce the desired characteristics of a differnt organism; called __________, the process commonly begins when scientists isolate from an animal, a plant, or a microbial cell a particular segment of DNA--one or more genes-- that codes for a protein conferring a desirable trait, such as drought tolerance or increased nutrients 443

Foodborne illness

an illness transmitted by food or water contaminated by a phathogenic microorganism, its toxic secretions, or a toxic chemical 426


any harmful substance; in microbiology, a harmful chemical secretion of a microorganism 429

reduced immunity

at highest risk for hospitalization are people with reduced immunity including: developing fetuses, infants, and young children, as their immune system is immature people with compromised immunity, including pregnant women, the very old, the very ill, and people with AIDS people who are receiving immune system suppressing drugs, such as transplant recipients and cancer patients 426

gene library

cells are cultured to produce many copies of the gene, knwon as a ___________; then scientists readily obtain the gene to modify other organisms that lack the protein of interest 443


cellular microorganisms that lack a true nucleus and reproduce by cell division or by spore formation 429

prevent foodborne illness

clean, separate, chill, and cook


common food ___________ include beet extract, which imparts a red color; beta carotene, which gives a yellow color; and caramel, which adds brown color; the coloring tartazine causes an allergic reaction in some people, and its use must be indicated on the product packaging 442


commonly used to preserve processed meats, ___________ can be converted to nitrosamines during the cooking process; nitrosamines have been found to be carcinogenic in animals, so the FDA has required all foods with _________- to contain additional antioxidants to decrease the formation of nitrosamines 442

Cross contamination

contamination of one food by another via the unintended transfer of microorganisms through physical contact 434

economic instability

critics also charge that GMOs have introduced the potential for only a few companies, including Monsanto, the world's largest agricultural biotechnology corporation to contro lthe majority of world food production 445

genetically modified organism benefits

cultivation of GM crops has had some environmentally responsible outcoems; these include conservation of water largely due to the velopment of drough-tolerant species of corn, reduced use of pesticides, reduced energy use, reduced emissions of greenhouse gases, and increased soil conservation due to higher productivity 444


developing in the late 1700s, _________ involves washing and blanching food, placing it in cans, siphoning out the air, sealing the cans, and then heating them to a very high temperature; canned food has an average shelf life of at least 2 years from the date of purchase 440

threats to other species

ecologists have associated the rise in GM crops to the declien in populations of certain species of birds, insects, and other creatures; one of the most common cited examples is the 80% decline in the population of monarch butterflies since 1996; although climate change and other factors contribute, researchers point out that hte butterfly larvae feed on milkweed, which has greatly declined with the increased use of glyphosate in conjunction with increased planting HT GMO crops 445

160 degrees F

egg dishes 437

genetically modified organism benefits

farmer profits have increased by an average of 50% in both developed and developing countries, on both corporate and family farms; the majority owned by resoure-poor farmers 444

Generally recognized as safe

federal legislation was passed in 1958 to regulate food additives; before a new additive can be used in food, the producer of hte additive must submit data to the FDA demonstrating its safety; the FDA then determines the additive's safety based on these data; their safety has been recognized by qualified experts through scientific studies; these additives are referred to as ________; the _______ list identifies substances that either have been tested and determined by the FDA to be safe and approved for use in the food industry, or are deemed safe as a result of consensus among experts 442

Food poisoning

foodborne illness is commonly referred to as __________ 426

indirect effects on food safety and loss of diveristy

genes have migrated from GM crops to conventional food crops several miles away 444

160 degrees F

ground beef 437

Link to cancer

in 2015, the international agency for research on cancer, an agency of the WHO classified the herbicide glyphosate, commercially known as Roundup, and the herbicide in greatest use in GM crops, as a probable carcinogen 445

Genetic modification

in _________, aka genetic engineering, the genetic material or DNA of an organism is altered to bring about specific changes in its seeds or offspring 443

Modified atmosphere packaging

in this process, the oxygen in a package of food is replaced with an inert gas, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide; this prevents a number of chemical reactions that spoil food, and it slows the growth of bacteria that require oxygen; the process can be used with a variety of foods, including meats, fish, vegetables, and fruits 440

High pressure processing

in this technique, the food to be preserved is subjected to an extremely high pressure, which inactivates most bacteria while retaining the food's quality and freshness 440

Antimicrobial properties

it is possible that consumption of GM foods containing antibiotic resistance genes could harm human body cells or the benefical microbial flora in the GI tract; although the wHO encourages the use of gene transfer techniques that do not involve antibitoic resistance genes, the risks remains 444


killing microorgnaisms with heat is an important step in keeping food safe, but it won't protect you fro mtheir toxins; that's because many toxins are unaffected by head and are capable of causing severe illness even when the microorgnaisms that produced them have been destroyed


lives in the intestines of infected animals and humans and is passed into the environment from their stools; people typically consume ____________ by swallowing contaminated water or by eating contaminated food; a week or more following ingestion,, the person experiences a diarrheal illness, which usually resolves within 2-6 weeks 431

Danger zone

many microorganisms capable of causing human illness thrive at warm temperatures, from 40-140 degrees F; you can think of this range of temperatures as the ______________; these microorgnaisms can be destroyed by thoroughly heating or cooking foods, and their reproduction can be slowed by refrigaration and freezing 433

oxygen content

many microorganisms require oxygen to function; thus, food preservation techniques that remove oxygen, suc has industrial canning and bottling, keep foods safe for consumption 433


many microorgnaisms require a high level of moisture; thus, foods such as boxed dried pasta do not make suitable microbial homes, although cooked pasta left at room temperature would provide hospitable


most microorganisms have a preferred pH range in which they thrive; pathogenic bacteria prefer a pH range from slightly acidic to neutral--about 4.6 to 7.0

clean foods

one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent foodborne illness is to consistently wash your hands before and after handling food 434

Staphylococcus aureus

one of the most common foodborne toxins is produced by the bacterium _________; although the vomiting it typically provikes is severe, it tends to resolve quickly 432

eating out safely

pay attention to the food service workers; if they appear to be ill, or their hands don't look clean, or they're handling both raw and ready-to-eat foods, go elsewhere; another way to protect yourself is by ordering foods to be cooked thoroughly 439


plantlike, spore forming organisms that have a true nucleus and can grow as either single cells or multicellular colonies 431


potatoes that haev turned green contain the toxin _________, which forms, along with the harmless green pigment chlorophyll, when the potatoes are exposed to light; __________ is very toxic in small amounts, and potatoes that appear green beneath the skin should be thrown away; toxicity causes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, headache, and other symptoms and can progress to shock 432

165 degrees F

poultry, whole pieces, and group 437


prevent the absorption of moisture from the air; they are used to prevent table salt from forming clumps 442

2 hours

refrigerate leftovers within _________ of serving; if the ambient temperature is 90 degrees or higher, such as at a picnic, foods should be refrigerated within 1 hour 435

Environmental Protection Agency

regulates use of pesticides nad which crops they can be applied to; estalbishes standards for water quality 427


restaurants are implicated in about _______ of foodborne illness cases; 14% caterers or banquet facilities, and 12% occur in homes 427

paralytic shellfish poisoning

shellfish beds are closed during a red tide to protect the public from a foodborne illness called _____________; red tides are cause dby the excessive production of certai nspecies of toxic algae, whose bloom turns ocean waters purple, pink, or red; muscles, clams, and other shellfish consume the toxic algae; when people consume the affected seafood--which typically looks, smells, and tastes normal-- _________ results; symtpoms arise within an hour nad range from numbness and tingling to paralysis and respiratory failure 432


single celled mobile parasites 431


some fungi produce poisonous chemicals called _________; these toxins are typically found in grains stored in moist environments; in some instances, moist conditions in the field encourage fungi to reproduce and release their toxins on the surface of growing crops; long term consumption of __________ can cause organ damage or cancer 432


some molds like cool temperatures; mold spores are common in the atmosphere, and they randomly land on food in open containers; if the temperature and acidity of the food are hospitable they will grow; if the surface of a small portion of a firm, solid food, such as hard cheese becomes moldy it is generally safe to cut off that section down to about an inch and eat the unspoiled portion; however, if soft cheese, sour cream, tomato sauce, a leftover casserole, or another soft or fluid product becomes moldy, discard it entirely 437

E coli

some strands of ____________, including those involved in the outbreaks mentioned at Chipolte's produce an enterotoxin toxin called Shiga toxin; these types of ________ are referred to as STEC; the most common is ________ O157; symptoms can include bloody diarrhea nad kidney failure; in vulnerable populations, they can be fatal 432

48 million

the CDC estimates that bout __________ Americans experience symptoms of foodborne illness each year; most cases resolve within hours or days as vomiting and diarrhea rid the body of the offending agent and the immune response ends 426

contaminated foods

the CDC reports that contaminated seafood, chicken, and dairy are responsible for the greatest percentage of foodborne illness outbreaks; however, beef, pork, fresh fruits and vegetables, and even nuts and seeds are also commonly involved 427

Environmental Protection Agency

the _______________ also plays a role in food safety by regulating the use of pesticides, water qulity, and other envriomental concerns 427


the consumption of food containing pathogenic microorganisms--those capable of causing disease results in food infections; in contrast, food intoxications result from consuming food in which microorganisms have secreted harmful substances called _____________ naturally occuring plant and marine toxins also contaminate food; finally chemical residues in foods, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and packaging residues can cause illness 429


the process exposes foods to gamma rays from radioactive metals; energy from the rays penetrates food and its packaging, killing or diabling microorganisms in the food; the process does not cause foods to beocme radioactive; FDA requries all __________ foods be labeled with a radura symbol and a caution against _________ the food again 440

Genetic modification

the process of changing an organism by manipulating its genetic material 443

Danger zone

the range of temperature at which many microorganisms capable of causing human disease thrive


the technique called __________ exposes a beverage or other food to high heat enough to destroy microorganisms, but for a short enough period of time that the taste and quality of food are not affected 440

Genetically modified organism

the term ____________ refers to any organism in which the DNA has been altered usign recombinant DNA technology 443


the third rule for keeping food safe from bacteria is to promptly refrigerate or freeze it; remember the danger zone: microorganisms that cause foodborne illness can reproduce in temperatures above 40 degrees F; to keep them from multiplying in your food, keep it cold; refrigeration and freezing do not kill all microorganisms, but cold temperatures diminish their ability to reproduce in quantities large enough to cause illness 435

FSIS and the FDA

the two agencies primarily responsible for preventing foodborne illness are the ___________ of the USDA and the _____________; these agencies require certain food producers to follow a multistep protocol called the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system to identify biological, chemical, and other potential food safety hazards and to control these hazards at each step from cultivation through processing to distribution and sales 426


theoretically, the transfer of genes from organisms with commonly allergenic proteins--such as fractions of wheat or soy--to nonallergenic orgnaisms could occur; the WHO has not, however, found allergenic effects from GM foods on the market 444

generation of superweeds

there is no question that the adoption of HT GMOs and the liberal application of glyphosate has led to the generation of __________; that is, weeds that have evolved a tolerance to herbicides; _________ can grow fater, taller, and tougher than typical weeds, requiring farmers to apply more toxic pesticides 445

loss of bioavailability

unintentional transfer of genes from one crop to anotehr has occured; studies have yielded evidence of transgenes in maize, wheat, and other plants miles away; but even the intentional planting of GM crops promotes teh spread of monocultures, which reduce nutrient and phytochemical variety in our diets, and increase those crops' vulnerability to plant disease and climate events 445

Aseptic packaging

you probably know that ________ best as juice boxes; food and beverages are first heated, then cooled, then placed in sterile containers; the processes uses less energy and materials than traditional canning, and the average shelf life is about 6 months 440

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