Nutrition Exam #1 Kbeis

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which of the following are internal factors that influence satiety

-macronutrients -brain chemicals -hormones

rank the relative proportions of the food groups of the mediterranean diet pyramid from smallest (top) to largest (bottom)

meats cheese fish plant

what is the standard seving sie for the dairy group

-1 cup yogurt -1 cup milk -1.5 ounces natural cheese

in the grains group of MyPlate, "1 ounce" is equivalent to

-1/2 cupcooked pasta -1 slice of bread -1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal

According to MyPlate, 1 cup of cooked rice is equivalent to

-2 servings from the grains group

which of the following are functions of the RDA

-A significant deviation (about 70%) below the required RDA for an extended period of time indicates risk deficiency -RDA serves as a standard to compare intake of specific nutrients

Match Phytochemical's and their food sources

-Phytosterols :soybeans -Indoles : broccoli, cabbage, kail -Flavonoids :citrus fruits, onions, apples, grapes, choc -Polyphenols: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries

Allision is planning to follow....

-added sugars -calories

which ethnic group is more likely to develop per tension

-african americans -hispanics

which of the following artificial sweeteners are currently available in the food supply in the eUnited States?

-all except cyclamate

which of the following conditions may be present in a person with metabolic syndrome?

-all except persistent hip pain

which TWO of the following are forms of starch that are digestible by humans?

-amylopectin -amylose

What is the RDA for carbohydrates for adults

40% of total kcal

a serving from the MyPlate vegetable group provides_______grams of carbs


a serving from the MyPlate vegetable group provides_____grams of carbs


which of the following are fat-soluble vitamins

A, D, E

nutrient intake recommendation set when research is not sufficient to determine RDA


which of the following are wear soluble vitamins

C, b-6, B-12



which of the Dietary Reference Intakes is most pertinent ro weight management


Released by the USDA in 2011.....______... healthy meal


examples of electrolyte

Na, K, Cl

Patients with metabolic syndrome may need to increase which type of fat?

Omega-3 fat

nutrient intake recommendation set to meet the reds of nearly al individuals of a given age and gender


general goals for nutrient intakes and diet composition set by the United States Department of Agriculture and the US department of Health and Human Services are collectively called

The dietary guidelines for americans

If morgan wants.......

Try different vegetables

highest amount of daily nutrient intakes unlikely to cause adverse health effects


which of the following fall under the umbrella of Dietary Reference Intakes set by the food and nutrition board?


___ is a waxy lipid


leading causes of death in the united states

choose all except influenza

Rank the following foods from lowest (top) to highest (bottom) nutrient density for calcium

cottage cheese mozzarella skim orange

soluble fiber____ the absorption of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich bile acids into the blood


which two health authorities work together to publish the DRA

department of health and human services -United Staes department of Ag

General goals for nutrient intakes and diet composition set by the United States Department of Agriculture and the US department of health and human services are collectively called

dietary guidelines for americans

The adequate intake is based on the

dietary intakes of people that appear to be maintaining nutrition health

what promotes satiety w/out contributing many calories to the diet

eating meals with ow energy density

how can students protect against vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may occur in the vegetarian diet?

eating ready-to-go breakfast cereal

Karen would like to lose 10 pounds....


Most of the fructose consumed in the diet is converted to ______ in the liver


if no carbs are consumed, the liver's supple of_____ will be depleted within 18 hours


which of the following may occur as a result of excessive straining during defecation?

hemorrhoids and diverticula

adhering to MyPlate's consumer health message to "compare......prevent


fibers that are not readily dissolved in water and not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria are called

insoluble fiber

nutrient claims on food packaging

must follow legal definitions

what element do proteins have that carbohydrates lack?


what is a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria called?

nonfermentable fiber

The many roles of ____ in the body in clue yielding calories to fulfill.....


The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing among children who are

obese and sedentary

the principle type of oil recommended by the mediterranean diet pyramid is ____ oil


in insulin resistence, the pancreas produces

plenty of insulin, but the cells cannot use it safely

over nutrition may result from

prolonged consumption of mega doses of vitamins and mineral

if you choose mostly nutrient -dense foods instead of empty calories, you are practicing dietary_____


which of the following alternative sweeteners was once believed to cause bladder cancer but since has been proven safe


place in order steps of digestion (top to bottom)

salivary enzymes viscous nonfermentable

which type of fiber is fermented by the bacteria in the large intestine?

soluble fiber

the artificial sweetener ____ is considered useful in baking because it resists destruction by heat


secondary lactose maldigestion

temporarily decreased production of lactase

what is the maximum chronic daily intake level of nutrient the is unlikely to cause adverse health effects in almost all people in the specific life stage

tolerable upper intake level

____ are essential nutrients that do not yield energy, but participate in many chemical reactions that release energy from macronutrients


the dairy group is included in MyPlate to supple rich sources of Calcium. Which of the following food choices fall int this category?

yogurt low-fat milk -soymilk

which of the following are considered good places to find nutrition information?

-Consult with a nutrition expert associated with or trained by a nationally recognized university or medical center -dietary guidelines for americans

MyPlates super tracker can be used to

-compare your intake of calcium to the RDA

which of the following may be used in the creation of a hypothesis

-dietary patterns -historical events -disease patterns

which of the following are suggestion to help consumers make healthful and logical nutrition decisions?

-examine the scientific credentials of the individual of company making a claim -avoid practitioners shoe prescribe unnecessary megadose of nutrients -apply healthy nutrition practices to confirm or disprove claims -read product labels carefully

which dietary factors are linked to leading causes of death in North America

-excess calories -saturated fates -trans fats

how to the relative proportion os the food groups on MyPlate promote decreased risk for cardiovascular disease?

-filling half you plate -consuming -making

which of the following elements of a food label are required by law?

-food manufacturer -health claims -list of ingredients in descending order by weight

which of the following are benefits of high-energydensity foods

-help people with poor appetites -help people gain weight

the MyPlate icon reminds consumers

-how to build a healthy meal -to emphasize plant foods

chronic disease such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are at least partially attributed to

-overconsumption of sodium_overconsumption of calories

which three of the following contain the highest percentage of calories from carbohydrates

-table sugar -dried fruit -jam

During the clinical assessment of the health professional would

-take blood pressure -search for physical evidence -examine the skin, eyes, and tongue

biochemical assessment of nutritional status involved the measurement of

-the activity of specific blood enzymes -nutrient by-products in the blood, urine, and feces -concentrations of nutrients in the body

which types of fat should be kept to a minimum to help prevent disease of the cardiovascular system?

-trans fat

the dietary guidelines recommend that americans reduce their intake of

-trans fat -saturated fat -sodium

The dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans reduce their intake of

-trans fat -sodium -saturate fat

what are two negative outcomes that have been associated with an excessive intake of sugared soft drinks?

-type 2 diabetes -weight gain

what are some ways that increase the dances of exceeding the tolerable upper intake level?

-use many fortified foods -excessive intakes of limited variety of foods -megadoeses of individual vitamins or minerals

which MyPlate food groups provide many high-fiber foods

-vegetables -fruits -grains

a serving from the dairy group MtPlate provides____ grams of carbs


what is the citron for fasting blood glucose above which an individual is diagnosed as diabetic

126 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood

a serving from the grains of MtPlate provides____ grams of carbs


A serving from the MyPlate fruit group provides___ grams of carbs


What is the adequate intake level for fiber in adult women

25 grams

a medium banana


what percentage of North American show signs of lactose maldigestion


what is adequate intake level fof dietary fiber for men?

38 grams

binge drinking for a male

5 or more drinks in a row

At a cookoout, Marty


what percentage of the body is compose of water


The RDAs are meant to cover the nutrient needs of

97-98% of the healthy population

basic premise of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes which of the following statements?

All nutrient needs should be met through CONSUMPTION of foods to provide an array of nutrients and non-nutrients that may benefit health

what is the most appropriate definition for Acceptable Daily Intake?

Amount of a sweetener an individual can safely consume daily over a lifetime

what is the abbreviation for the umbrella term that describes all the food and nutrition boards nutrient recommendations


estimation of calorie needs based on gender , age, height, weight, and physical activity level


which federal agency monitors food and beverage labeling in the US

Food and Drug Aministration

___is the credential tha flags a health professional as the most accurate and reliable source of up to date nutrition advice


Empty Calories

_supply energy, but little to no nutrients -are calories from added sugars -are calories from solid fats

what does the term starch mean

a carb made up of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest

Researchers from Cornell university......

a researcher from the university of Illinois who specializes in soybean research but did not collaborate on the study

the main function of vitamins in the body

aid chemical reactions that release energy

the five subgroups that vegetables are organized include

all except blue and purple

Leigh is a registered dietitian....___assesment


what determines the type of standards sets for nutrients

equality of available evidence

what is used to determine the caloric needs of the average person for a specific weight, age, and gender

estimated energy requirement

when choosing a dieter supplement, avoid those for the recommended dose would

exceed the UL for any nutrients

the most common cause of malnutrition is developed countries is

excess intake of calories

when you do not consume adequate carbohydrates, what other dietary components can be used to supply energy?

fat and protein

a diet excessive in___ may decrease the absorption or essential minerals such as iron and zinc


nathan was planning to buy strawberries.....

food price

over the past decade, americans have increased their consumption on

frozen vegetables, pasta, and breakfast cereals

what is the difference between a functional fiber and a dietary fiber?

function fiber has been added to foods for its beneficial health effete; dietary fiber is naturally present in foods

The form of carbohydrate circulating in the blood is used for immediate energy is called____ . This can be stored in the liver or muscle for alter use in the form of _____.

glucose, glycogen

why is glycogen an ideal storage of carbohydrate in the body

it has a branched structure tat can be broken dan quickly

arrange following foods according to their energy densities, from lowest energy density (at the top) to the highest energy density (at bottom)

lettuce beans bagels butter

glycogen, the storage form of glucose is stored in the ______ and______

live, muslce

the inability to recognize whole grain products at the time of purchase is on reason for

low fiber intake

_____is a disaccharide important in the formation of alcoholic beverages


why do nutrition recommendations change?

scientists change their recommendations in light of new research findings

carbohydrates come in two forms

simple and complex

where is the lactase enzyme produced?

small intestine

#1 cause of preventable death


when biochemical measurements show that nutritional statuses poor, but there are no outward symptoms of a nutritional deficiency, this is termed ______ deficiency


what is a hemorrhoid?

swelling of a large vein in the anal region

what would be the benefit of having sugar alcohols instead of sugars in a food product?

the have fewer calories

prior to publishing he results of an experiment,

the results and analysis are peer-reviewed by other subject matter experts

choosing a number of different foods within any given food group rather that eaten the same thing day after day describes a component of a healthful diet known as_____


which of the following help to regulate bodily processes?

water, proteins, some lipids

energy density of a food is determined by comparing the calorie (kcal) content with the ____ of food


which type of fat should be minimized to decrease risk of cardiovascular disease

-Saturated fat -trans fat

which of the following are examples of polysaccharides?

-amylopectin -amylose -cellulose

Some standard -size objects can be used as convenient ways to estimate portion sizes. Match the following objects to a comparable portion of food

-baseball:cup -deck of cards: 3oz of meat, fish, poultry -tennis ball: 1/2 cup -golf ball:2 tablespoons

which product would fulfill the FDA definition for low-fat nutrient claim?

-bread that contains 0 grams of fat per serving -cereal that contains less than 1.5 grams of fat per serving

Sugar alcohols are used in

-breathe mints -gum -candy

which of the following actions help in the digestion of carbs

-chewing -cooking

daily values for____ represent the maximum level, not a goal one should strive to reach

-cholesterol -fat

Switching from whole to skim or 1% milk will reduce intake of

-cholesterol -saturated fat -calories

which of the following diet choices will help you comply with the dietary guidelines key recommendation to avoid too much fat, usage, and sodium

-choose foods and bevereages low in added sugars -use the nutrition label to keep saturate fats, trans fats, and sodium low -make most of your fa sources from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils

nutrient deficiencies are difficult to diagnose because of

-clinical evidence of nutrient deficiencies may be delayed -people with nutrient deficiencies may not have visible symptoms

Which of the following are considered to be sins of alcohol poisoning

-cold, clammy, pale skin -strong odor of alcohol -slow respirations of 8 or fewer breathes per minute -semi-consciousness

the Dietary guidelines urge americans to

-consume 3 or more ounces per day of whole grains -limit intake of added sugars

the 2010 edition of the Dietary Guidelines advises Americans to

-consume more fruits and vegetables -consume less sodium -balance calories with physical activity

a healthful diet plan consists of which of the following

-consuming variety of foods -consuming foods in moderation -Balancing calorie intake with physical activity -selecting foods from each food group

list the events prior to the publishing of experimental results in scientific journals

-critical review by other subject matter experts -subject matter experts ensure objective research findings are published

healthy people 2020

-decrease sodium intake -reduce iron deficient in women -increase consumption of whole grains

which three of the following contain the highest percentage of calories from carbs?

-dried fruit -table sugar -jam

clinical symptoms of nutrition defiiency

-enable -subclinical

nutritionally similar to table sugar, honey contains

-glucose -fructose

in Canada...

-health canada -Agriculture and Agrifoods

in which of the following "cause of death" does diet play a role?

-heart disease -diabetes -hypertension -kidney disease

which type of research provides the most convincing evidence about relationships between nutrients and health

-human experiments

the combination of a very high fiber intake (>60 grams per day) and low fluid intake can lead to

-intestinal blockages -constipation

When cells are deprived of glucose, ..... ketones in the blood lead to

-ion imbalance -dehydration -coma

which of the following are features of MyPlate?

-it directs consumers to many useful online tools for meal planning -it shows the proportions of food groups to be eaten at a meal -foods are categorized into 5 groups

Why is the daily % value of protein omitted?

-it would be necessary -Protein is not a public...

which of the following foods contain the greatest % of simple carbs


Which of the following foods are useful for managing blood glucose levels

-kidney beans -apples -oatmeal

Shade is lactose intolerant

-lactase-treated milk -calcium-fortified soy milk -dark green leafy vegetables

chemical reactions help release the energy trapped in

-lipids -carbohydrates -proteins

Following the consumer health messages linked to MyPlate such as "Make half your plate fruits and vegetables" and "drink water instead of sugary drink" would

-lower risk of chronic disease -improve the nutrient density of the diet -help with weight management

The estimated energy requirements are formulated to

-match the energy use of an average person -avoid long-term weight gain -be more specific than RDA or AI

patients who experience react hypoglycemia may benefit from eating

-meals with mix of macronutrients -meals on a regular schedule

which of the following are drawbacks of using the assessment of body composition to determine nutrition status?

-more expensive assessment is requirement for confirmation -does not offer in-depth examination

which of the following are key recommendations of the DRA to fat intake

-most fats should come from plant oils -consume less that 300 milligrams of cholesterol per dat_reduce the intake of calories from solid fats

Digestion of carbohydrates by human enzymes takes place in which sections of the gastrointestinal tract?

-mouth -small intestine

nutrient claims on food labels

-must follow legal definitions -can be quantified -are very specific

which is important to know about the various for groups and good nutrition

-no one food group provides all essential nutrients in adequate amounts -each food group makes an important, distinctive contrition to nutritional intake

which of the following nutritional states lead to poor health?

-overnutrition -undernutrition

why is the mediterranean diet pyramid highly recommended as a diet planing tool?

-people in that area of the world have the highest adult life expectancy -people in that area of the world have the lowest rates of chronic diseases

compared to the 2005 Dietary guidelines for americans, the dietary guidelines for americans, 210___ on weight management

-place greater emphasis

which of the following are appropriate uses of Dietary Reference Intakes

-planning diet for weight loss -assessing the nutrient intakes of a population -planninga diet to meet nutrient needs

which of the following are sources of starch in the diet

-potatoes -pasta -whole wheat bread

sugar alcohols are advantageous in foot because they

-provide fewer calories -do not promote dental carries -are more slowly metablozd than sugar

benefits of minimizing alcohol intake

-reduced risk of accidents, -reduced risk of livers disease

lipids are involved in which major functions of nutrients?

-regulating body processes -providing energy -promoting growth and development and maintaining body tissues

the calorie contribution recommended for fats by the mediterranean diet pyramid includes

-saturated fat less that 7-8% -saturate fat no more that a few times a week -total fat from less tat 25-35% of total energy

which of the following occur after the completion of an experiment?

-scientists summarize findings -scientists seek to publish the results in scientific journals -scientists figure out if the findings support or disprove hypothesis

viscous fiber helps regulate blood glucose by

-slowing absorption of glucose from the small intestine

Examples of nutrient Dense foods

-strawberries -fat-free milk -whole-grain cereal

empty calories

-supply energy but little to no nutrients -

which of the following ties of dietary fibers are viscous?

all except cellulose

which are try about cellulose?

all except easily digestible

glycemic index is influenced by which of the following

all except fluid intake

which of the following dietary components help to moderate swings in blood glucose

all except refined grains

which of the following are easy ways to increase you dietary fiber intakes to meet the Ais?

all except white rice

which of the following influence glycemic index?

all excepts fluid content

name the lon, straight chain type of starch that makes up about 20% of digestible starch


Amylase is

an enzyme

weight, skin fold thickness and body circumference are measures of

anthropometric data

which artifificail sweetener in known by its trade names "nutrasweet" and "Equal?"


which of the following is a sugar alcohol?


which of the nutrients does not promote growth, development and maintaining of body tissues?


Variety means

choosing foods from various food groups -choosing different foods within a given food group

primary lactose maldigestion

chronically decreased production of lactose with no apparent cause

which MyPlate food group has the highest starch content?


what are structurally simple, inorganic substances which exists as groups of one or more of the same atoms?


estimated energy requirements are _____RDAs orAIs

more specific than

the RDA of 130 grams per day of carbohydrates is set to

provide adequate glucose for the rain and nervous system

which of the following sources of protein is also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber?

red kidney beans

which of the following are benefits of including some insoluble fiber in the diet>

reduces transit time of feces -reduces constipation

lactose intolerance

chronically decreased

which are examples of polysaccharides

-amylose -cellulose -amyopectin

namely the highly branched type of starch that comprises about 80% of digestible starch i the diet


Vegetables, beans, breads, pasta, and rice are common food sources of


A____ is a term used in discussing aspects such as heredity, lifestyle and nutritional choices that contribute to development of diseases

risk factors

Whole milk contains enough calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis but this claim connote be made on the package because of the high ______ fat content


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